Vivek Katju Ex-Secretary, MEA |
The government has done well to convey the nation's horror at the Tehrik-e-Taliban attack on the Army school in Peshawar. It would also be in conformity with the traditions of the Indian army, despite the continuing hostility of the Pakistan army, for our Army Chief to pick up the phone and convey to his Pakistani counterpart the Indian army's revulsion at the killing of the children. This move may be unprecedented but will not be out of place.
After the shock comes the time for introspection. If the Pakistan army and the political class do not undertake a full analysis in the wake of this tragedy of the causes which has brought Pakistan to this terrible pass, nothing will move them to do so. The brave words that have emerged from the Pakistan leadership all through the day of the attack dwell on the state's determination to complete the objec tives of the army's Zarb-e-Azb operation in North Waziristan. That operation seeks to eliminate the TTP. This is not enough.
In the instance of the Zarb-e-Azb operation, the Pakistan Army has adhered to its longstanding doctrine of distinguishing between terrorist groups that are engaged in hostilities with it and those who are willing to act as its proxies whether in Afghanistan or India. All through the past two decades India and some other countries have conveyed to Pakistan that it cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hound. The Pakistan army cannot encourage, instigate and support the Lashkar-e-Toiba's violent actions against India and take on the TTP at the same time. This policy has been ruinous for Pakistan but the army, like the Bourbons, learns nothing and forgets nothing. It can only be hoped that this terrible incident will move the army, the political class and civil society to act in concert to combat and eliminate all forms of terrorism in Pakistan.
The TTP attack on the army school came a day after the hostage crisis in Sydney. Both show that all states are increasingly vulnerable to different forms of terrorism. This holds lessons for India too. This is also a time for the Government to assertively promote the conclusion and adoption of the Comprehensive Convention against International Terrorism.
Reminder of Beslan School Siege
PESHAWAR Taliban attackers' brazen as sault on a school in Peshawar brought back the chilling memories of a similar bloodbath in Russia in 2004 when Che chen rebels stormed a school. The assault brought back memories of the Beslan school hostage crisis in which more than 330 people, the majority of them children, were killed.
Pak Hockey Team's Welcome Cancelled
LAHORE A grand welcome planned for Pakis tan's hockey team which won a silver medal in Champions Trophy was on Tuesday called off . The Pakistan Hockey Federation said the ceremony has been cancelled following the attack. The ceremony was planned to welcome the players who took Pakistan to the final of the just-concluded tournament in India after a gap of 16 years.
পাকিস্তানি সেনারা আমাদের ময়মনসিংহের বাড়িতে ঢুকেছিল একাত্তরের এক মধ্যরাতে. বাবাকে বেঁধেছিল নারকেল গাছের সঙ্গে, আধমরা করেছিল মেরে. লুট করেছিল আমাদের বাড়িঘর, টাকা পয়সা সোনা রুপো যা ছিল নিয়ে গিয়েছিল. আমরা শহর ছাড়তে বাধ্য হয়েছিলাম. দীর্ঘ ন' মাস ছিলাম গৃহহীন. গ্রাম গঞ্জে অচেনা মানুষের বাড়িতে আশ্রয় নিয়েছি. গরুর গাড়িতে চড়ে রাতের অন্ধকারে এক গ্রাম থেকে আরেক গ্রামে গিয়েছি. কত কত দিন খেতে পাইনি, ঘুমোবার জন্য বিছানা পাইনি. অপেক্ষা করতাম কবে যুদ্ধ শেষ হবে.
যুদ্ধ শেষ হয়েছিল একদিন. আমরা ফিরেছিলাম আমাদের বাড়িতে, আমাদের শহরে, একটি নতুন দেশে. সে কী উত্তেজনা আমাদের তখন! সেই দেশটি কিন্তু পাকিস্তানি সেনাদের দোসর দ্বারা নষ্ট হতে খুব বেশিদিন সময় নেয়নি. ওরাই তো মিলে মিশে তিরিশ লক্ষ মানুষকে হত্যা করেছিল আর দু'লক্ষ মেয়েকে ধর্ষণ করেছিল.
দেশটি এমনই নষ্ট হয়েছে যে, পাকিস্তান পন্থীরাই এখন রাজত্ব করছে , তাবড় তাবড় সরকারও ওদের খুশি করে চলে. ওদের খুশি করতেই আমাকে (এক ডাক্তারকে,এক লেখককে, এক খাঁটি মানুষকে,যে মানুষ মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনা লালন করে; গণতন্ত্রে, সমাজতন্ত্রে, ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতায় বিশ্বাস করে, যে মানুষ মানুষের মঙ্গল ছাড়া কোনো অমঙ্গল করেনি কখনো) দেশ থেকে বের করে দিয়েছে. দেশটিকে এমনই নষ্ট করেছে পাকিস্তানপন্থীরা আর মেরুদন্ডহীন শাসকেরা যে, পাকিস্তানের বর্বর সেনারাও আজ চমকে উঠবে দেশটিকে দেখে. তারাও বোধ হয় এই দেশটিকে এতটা নষ্ট করার দু:স্বপ্ন দেখেনি. তারাও বোধ হয় দেশটিকে এতটা টুপি হিজাবের দেশ বানাতে চায়নি.
দেশটির জন্মের সময় উত্সব করেছিলাম, ৪৩ বছর আগে, ১৬ ডিসেম্বর তারিখে. দেশটির মৃত্যুতে বিষম দু:খ করেছি. দেশটি আমার কাছে আজ মৃত. এ কথা সত্য আমার কোনো দেশ নেই. তবে এখনো কিছু মানুষ আছে দেশে, যারা ভালোবেসে দেশটিকে বদলাতে চায়, বাসযোগ্য করতে চায়, সেই মানুষগুলোই আমার দেশ, আমার প্রিয় স্বদেশ.
How is Ghar Vapasi Different from Forcible Conversions?
Ram Puniyani
Propaganda around conversions has been one of the major political tools during last few decades. It was Niyogi Commission report which investigated the conversions in Adivasi areas in 1950s, then the Meenaxipuram conversions of Dalits into Islam, the and then the gruesome murder of Pastor Graham Stewart Stains on the charges that he was doing the conversion; are few amongst the big spectrum related to the phenomenon of conversions. As such the regular propaganda by communal forces that Muslim Kings converted people into Islam by sword has been made the part of 'social common sense' by now. On regular basis around Christmas time one saw the anti Christian violence in Adivasi areas a decade ago, and in that context rather than focusing on the violence against religious minorities, the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee called for a National debate on Conversions.
In the recent conversions to Hinduism in Agra (10 December 2014) nearly 350 pavement dwellers-rag pickers and other destitute sections were promised that if they participate in the religious function they will be given the ration card and BPL cards. This was done by the Bajrang Dal activist and the Hindu Janjagriti Samiti both outfits affiliated to RSS. The only difference is that this process has been called as Ghar Vapasi and not conversion. On one hand this is being projected as a great valorous achievement by the RSS leaders like Yogi Adiytnath, on the other it is being labeled as a master stroke by RSS by other RSS ideologues. According to one ideologue of RSS, they had been calling for a ban on conversions, which was being opposed by the secular elements and religious minorities. This conversion nay Ghar Vapasi will bring to fore the debate to bring in the strict law against any conversion.If, as reported, the conversion of 350 odd Muslims in Ved Nagar in Agra to Hinduism is the work of RSS, it is clear that the RSS has grown strategic, according to RSS ideologue.
As per this ideologue this move of RSS is a smart one too. It seems to have triggered a debate on conversions which it has been asking for decades but was evaded by its critics. While communal elements are crying hoarse that Meenaxipuram has been the act of conversions through petro dollars and the Christian missionaries are doing conversion though foreign money, the truth of the matter is somewhat different. Meenaxipuram conversion was triggered by humiliation of the dalit youth by the upper caste. While the propaganda that Christian missionaries are doing forcible conversions is on the peak the fact is that no evidence of the application of force has been generally reported. It is also true that while some sects of Christian do claim that they are converting; the majority sects affirm that when the conversion is sought by someone in the society and only under that voluntary request the conversion if at all takes place. Interestingly as many people have started believing that the missionaries are converting the population of Christians has been shown a marginal decline during last few decades as per census figures (1971-2.60, 1982-2.44. 1991-2.34, 2001 -2.30 and probably 2.20 in 2011) The Wadhwa Commission, which was appointed by the then home minister L.K.Advani in the after math of the burning of Pastor Stains points out that Pastor was not involved in the work of conversions and that in Keonjhar in Manoharpur of Orissa, the percentage of Christians has shown fair stability, or an statistical insignificant rise in the percentage of Christian population during the time Pastor Stains was working there.
How have conversion taken place in India? We can examine this in two stages. In medieval period as far as conversion to Islam is concerned it took place mainly due to the caste oppression, as pointed out by Swami Vivekananda "Why amongst the poor of India so many are Mohammadens? It is nonsense to say that they were converted by the sword. It was to gain liberty from Zamindars and Priests....." (Collected Works- Vol. 8- Page 330). Surely a small section did convert to Islam due to anticipation for reward by Muslim kings, a smaller section due to fear and a substantial chunk due to the social interaction as seen in the Muslims of Malabar coast and the Muslims of Mewat. Major conversion to Islam during medieval time was due to the influence of Sufi saints, at whose Dargaha the untouchables could also visit. Since even today one fourth of the population holds to the norms of untouchablity, it is not surprising that some dominated castes do keep deciding to leave the fold of Hinduism, as was proclaimed by Dr. Ambedkar, who left Hinduism with proclamation that 'I was born a Hindu; that was not in my hands, but I will not die a Hindu."
The conversions to Christianity did not begin with the coming of British as propagated by some. Christianity is centuries old, entering India with the coming of St Thomas in the first century. Some doubt this version and hold that Christianity came here in fifth century. The Christian missionaries have been working here in the neglected Adivasi areas providing the health and educational services, the appeal of which prompted many an Adivasis-Dalits to embrace this religion. It is only from last six decades that communal forces have been showing their discomfort of Missionaries working in the Adivasi-village areas violence has been more in those areas. Not to forget here is the point that many a Christian institutions are located in cities, where all sections of society vie to send their children. One can also concede that a few of these missions may be aiming for conversions through their prayer and healing services. The question of allurement and fraud, if at all, may be a small component of the phenomenon of conversion to Christianity. Most of the attacks and accusations which took place against Christian missionaries were when they were holding prayer meetings. The money they receive comes through proper FCRA channel, and many a NGOs including the organizations like RSS also receive foreign funds to be sure.
Now the assertion is that what RSS affiliates do is a Ghar vapasi! They claim so many things which are a pure political concoction. The voluntary conversions have very much been a part of caste ridden Indian society. It is another matter that even the Christian and Muslim communities could not remain free from this caste virus, but the hope of the dominated castes to get social justice has played a major role in changing one's faith. The RSS claim that the ancestors of all these converts are Hindus has no relevance in the debate. How is ancestry important in one's faith and the citizenship today? Do we have to trace our ancestry to decide today's faith? Where will this lead us? The theory of evolution apart the latest DNA studies show that human's beginning is from South Africa. The coming of Aryans to India from Arctic zone (Lokmanya Tilak ) to that Aryans were original inhabitants of India is a perpetual debate, with more heat than light in it.
What was the religion of Nomads-Pagans? Some social scientists call it Indigenous culture, rather than religion for the phenomenon which was and is practiced by indigenous (Adivasi) people all over the World. Society is always changing. As caste system has been the central part of religion in India many of the dominated castes regularly kept leaving Hinduism to opt for other religions, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. People felt that they are not getting equality and so kept leaving the Hindu fold and embracing other religions. After Lord Buddha's teachings a large chunk of people became Buddhists in the sub continent. It is another matter that later in the Brahminical reaction, Buddhism was wiped out from here. Many felt that the missions are doing service to their community so they changed their faith.
The problem, which RSS projects is due to its being hung up to the values and system of past; pastoral, agricultural-feudal societies. The changes in social system accompany the changes in systems of production and education in particular; are totally missing in its world view. India came into being through the freedom struggle led by Mahatma Gandhi, who could unite the people of all religions as he treated all religions on equal ground. For him, there is no distinction between foreign and Native religions. Three types of Nationalisms competed with each their during freedom movement. On one hand was the concept of Indian Nationalism and the accompanying concept of 'India as a nation in the making', this is what was followed by most of the people. The other was Muslim Nationalism, which located its beginning from the time of Muhammad bin Kasim's victory in Sindh in eight century. And the third one was Hindu nationalism, 'we are a Hindu nation from times immemorial', held by the Hindu Mahasabha and RSS. Both these latter nationalisms derived their legitimacy from identity of religion had miniscule social support.
Unfortunately Gandhi is quoted extensively by Right wing forces to oppose conversions; but his quotes which are taken support are fragments of what he said. His major quote on conversion is from collected works, Volume XLVI p. 27-28. In an interview dated 22ndMarch 1931, given to The Hindu, Gandhi apparently stated that "if in self governing India, missionaries kept 'proselytizing' by means of medical aid, education etc., I would certainly ask them to withdraw. Every nation's religion is as good as any other. Certainly India's religions are adequate for her people. We need no converting spirituality." This is the first part of the quote and the lines that follow give the totally opposite idea, the ideas, which Gandhi held. Gandhi goes on to write, "This is what the reporter has put in my mouth… All that I can say is that it is a travesty of what I have always said and held." He goes on to explain, "I am, then, not against conversion. But I am against the modern methods of it. Conversions nowadays have become a matter of business, like any other… Every nation considers its own faith to be as good as that of any other. Certainly the great faiths held by the people of India are adequate for her people. India stands in no need of conversions from one faith to another." And then he goes on to list the faiths of India, "Apart from Christianity and Judaism, Hinduism and its offshoots, Islam and Zoroastrianism are living faiths."
As Gandhi opposed the divisive agenda of communal forces, which were using identity of religions for political purpose, Gandhi in contrast was harping on 'morality' of religions to unite the people. So while he was leading the anti colonial struggle the communalists were spitting fire against the 'other community' and 'Shuddhi' (Arya Samaj) and Tanjim (Tablighi Jammat) was part of their political agenda in the early part of twentieth century. The Hindu religion is not a prophet based religion, so the concept of conversion is not there. In most prophet based religions the call for spreading the divine word is there. So earlier Arya Samaj coined the word Shuddhi, which was for forcible conversion into Hinduism. RSS improvised on that and has coined the word Ghar Vapasi as a clever move to hide its 'forcible conversion drive'. Its claim that it is undertaking Ghar vapasi to bring the religious minorities in the mainstream is again a hoax as minorities had been equal participants in the movement for India's freedom, a struggle from which RSS remained aloof, barring one exception. To claim that adivasis are Hindus, is again does not hold water as Adivasis are animists, believing in nature worship, and in the spirit of their ancestors and spirit of Nature. All over the World indigenous people hold similar belief and have similar practice. This is unlike Hinduism where Gita, Ram and Acharya are the core part of it belief today.
The central point is that RSS does not recognize Indian nationalism and holds to Hindu nationalism so the whole maneuver for this 'forcible conversion' is being passed off as 'Ghar Vapasi' while dubbing other conversions as forcible. Rather than recognizing the qualitative change in the formation of India as the nation state, it is stuck to the pastoral-feudal-preindustrial society with the values of caste and gender hierarchy. The 'Ghar vapsi' is being planned at larger scales. And an intimidating and fraudulent atmosphere is being created to execute the forcible conversions. This is a frightening message to religious minorities. This is a clever manipulation of political power to violate the norms of Indian constitution.
Then how do we distinguish between a forcible conversion and adoption of a new religion. In the present scheme of things if one leaves Hindu fold to embrace Buddhism-Jainism-Sikhism, it is OK, as they are 'Indian religions. For communalists problem seems to be only with Islam and Christianity! The basic shrewdness is to call religions as national or foreign. As such religions are basically universal not bound by national boundaries.
Constituent Assembly had discussed this thread bare and so the right to practice and propagate one's religion is very much there. In the debate the word used is 'converting' others. Where is the place for people volunteering and adopting another religion, like Ambedkar and so many others? In a way it is a way to undermine the conscience of people that somebody is converting them. Where is the place for choice of one's religion in a democratic society believing in 'freedom of religion and conscience'?
With RSS plans for a bigger conversion nay Ghar vapasi in Aligarh this Christmas (2014) the attempt to polarize the society are being taken to a higher pitch. The heroes of RSS parivar like Yogi Adityanath are saying that those being subjected to ghar vapasi will be given the Gotra and caste from which they converted! So come what may the caste structure and rigidities remain and thrive. That's what the agenda of nationalism in the name of Hinduism is!
Do we need laws to ban conversions? We have laws to punish those who indulge in force, fraud and allurement. What we need is to distinguish between voluntary conversion and forced one's. Ghar Vapasi is a shrewd name for forcible conversions. So what we need is the political and moral will to promote freedom of religion and punish the guilty, using illegal means to achieve the change of faith. The so called 'Freedom of Religion' bills are there not to provide freedom of conscience but to curb the same by legal means.
सरकार के मंत्री ने महिला को बताया डायन !
''ओटाराम भोपाजी ने कहा कि तू डाकण है और तुझे तो मारना पडे़गा''
Photos of Shanti devi
सूबे की मुख्यमंत्री मंदिरों और पुजारियों तथा भोपो में बड़ी आस्था रखती है,अपने हर राजनीतिक अभियान को वे चारभुजा मंदिर से शुरु करती है तथा त्रिपुरा सुन्दरी के मंदिर में अनुष्ठान करवाती है,देवी देवताओं व पुजारियों व भोपों की पूरी जमात उनके ईर्द गिर्द मण्डराती रहती है,उनके प्रिय रत्नों में पिण्डवाड़ा क्षेत्र के विधायक और राज्य के गोपालन मंत्री ओटा राम भोपाजी भी है,जिनको भाव आता है और वे भाव खेलकर लोगों के बारे में भविष्यवाणियां करते है,ओटाराम राज्य की एक परम्परागत पशुपालक जाति रायका (रेबारी देवासी) से ताल्लुक रखते है जिनकी सिरोही जिले में बहुतायत है। यह ऊंट पालन करने वाला समुदाय है तथा मुख्यतः दक्षिणी पश्चिमी राजस्थान में पाया जाता है। ओटाराम देवासी जो कि भोपाजी के रूप में पूरे इलाके में प्रसिद्ध है,दूसरी बार विधायक बने है और राजस्थान की मुख्यमंत्री वसुन्धरा राजे के नजदीकी लोगो में शुमार होते है। वे उस भोपा संस्कृति से आते है जो अंधविश्वास और महिला अत्याचार के लिये कुख्यात है और इन धर्म स्थलों पर कथित तौर पर औरतों पर'ऊपरी हवा' 'जिन्नात''भूत''प्रेत'तथा'डायन'बताकर उनसे निजात दिलाने के नाम पर अत्याचार किया जाता है,उनका यौन शोषण होता है,उनके बाल पकड़ कर घसीटा जाता है,गर्म लौहे से दागा जाता है,चिमटों से पीटा जाता है,लातें मारी जाती है और कभी कभी तो मार ही डाला जाता है। इस भोपा कल्चर के चलते राज्य में गरीब,विधवा और कमजोर पारिवारिक पृष्ठभूमि की एकल महिलाओं पर तरह तरह के जुल्म ढ़ाये जाते है। इन भोपों का कोई इलाज नहीं है क्योंकि क्षेत्र के थानेदार से लेकर विधायक,सांसद,मंत्री तथा मुख्यमंत्री तक इन भोपों के दरबार में हाजिरी लगाते है।
इन भोपों का आम समाज में बड़ा असर है,उपर से अगर कोई भोपा राजनीतिक रूप से प्रभावी है या स्वयं ही राजनीति में है तब तो पूरा क्षेत्र व उसमें बसने वाले लोग ऐसे भोपों के चंगुल में बुरी तरह फंसे रहते है। इसका एक ताजा उदाहरण राज्य के गोपालन मंत्री ओटा राम भोपाजी (देवासी) के गृहक्षेत्र के स्वरूपगंज थाने में देखने को मिला है,जहां70वर्षीय विधवा शांति देवी प्रजापत को'डायन'घोषित करके उसके साथ दिल दहला देने वाले अमानवीय अत्याचार किये गये है।
पीडि़त महिला शांति देवी प्रजापत द्वारा स्वरूपगंज थाने में दर्ज करवाई गई प्राथमिकी संख्या219/14के मुताबिक7सिसम्बर2014की षाम5.30बजे परागाराम देवासी,भैराराम देवासी,सांकला राम देवासी तथा राजाराम देवासी उसे धोखे से अपने घर ले गये और वहां ले जाकर कहा कि -''ओटाराम भोपाजी ने कहा कि तू डाकण है और तुझे तो मारना पडे़गा''वे शांति देवी पर आरोप लगा रहे थे कि तू डायन है और सारे गांव को खा रही है। जब शांति देवी ने इस बात से मना किया तो उन लोगों ने उसके मुंह पर लातें मारी,जिससे उसके मुंह से खून निकल आया,एक आरोपी राजाराम देवासी ने उसका गला दबाया,जिससे उसकी सांस घुटने लगी,फिर उन लोगों ने लौहे का चिमटा गर्म करके शांति देवी की गर्दन,पीठ और कमर के विभिन्न हिस्सों पर चिपकाया,जिससे वह जगह जगह से जल गई।
पीडि़ता शांति देवी अपनी आंखो में आंसू भरकर बताती है कि -''मै बहुत रोयी,चिल्लाई,उनके हाथ जोड़े,मदद के लिये पुकारा,पर कोई मेरी मदद करने वाला नहीं था,वे मुझे कह रहे थे , तुम तो डाकण हो,ओटाराम जी ने हमे बताया है.तुम्हें आज खत्म कर देंगे,तू हमारी बहू,भैंस,गाय,ऊंट सबको खा रही है,तेरी वजह से ही गांव में इतनी बीमारियां फैल रही है और लोग तथा पशु बीमार हो रहे है,हम तुझे आज मार डालेंगे ।''
शांति देवी को उन क्षणों में लगा कि आज उसकी मौत सुनिश्चित है,उसने एक आखिरी कोशिश करने की ठानी और किसी तरह बाहर की तरफ भागी,वह दरवाजे से बाहर गली में आ गई चिल्लाते हुये, जहां पर रास्ते से गुजर रहे भॅवरसिंह,अमरू खां तथा रसूल खां ने उसे देखा,देवासी परिवार के लोग अब भी उसके पीछे थे,वे वापस उसे घर के अन्दर ले जाकर मार डालना चाहते थे,मगर इन तीन राहगीर लोगों ने उसे सहारा दिया और वह जिन्दा बच गई,फिर किसी तरह गिरती पड़ती वह अपने घर पहुंची और अपने बेटे बालाराम को पूरी बात बताई,बाला राम उसे लेकर स्वरूपगंज थाने में गया,रिपोर्ट दी,मेडीकल भी करवाया,मगर घायल शांति देवी का सरकारी अस्पताल में कोई इलाज नहीं किया गया,उसकी चार पसलियां टूट गई थी और शरीर जगह -जगह से गर्म लौहे से दागे जाने के कारण जल गया था। शांति देवी को एक निजी चिकित्सालय में भर्ती रहना पड़ा। वह बहुत पीड़ा में थी,पुलिस कोई मदद नहीं कर रही थी,क्योंकि उसने रिपोर्ट में मंत्री ओटा राम भोपाजी का नाम लिखाया था। इतने संगीन अपराध को पुलिस ने महज भादस की धारा323,341,तथा334में दर्ज करके इतिश्री कर ली।,पुलिस ने अब तक आरोपियों के विरूद्ध कोई कार्यवाही नहीं की है।
शांति देवी के मुताबिक आरोपी यह कहते हुये अब भी खुले आम घूम रहे है कि -''मंत्रीजी ओटाराम हमारा कुछ नहीं होने देंगे,हम इस'डाकण'को तो सबक सिखायेंगे।''इस जुल्मों - सितम से डरी सहमी शांति देवी क्षेत्र में कार्यरत मानव अधिकार कार्यकर्ता रिचा औदिच्य के पास पहुंची तथा वहां से उनके साथ राज्य महिला आयोग जयपुर आई,आयोग की अध्यक्षा श्रीमति लाड़कुमारी जैन ने उन्हे सात्वंना दी तथा कार्यवाही के लिये आश्वस्त किया है। पीडि़त वृद्धा शांति देवी को महिला हिंसा के विरूद्ध उमड़ते100करोड़ अभियान (वन बिलीयन राइजिग)की ग्लोबल फाउण्डर ईव इंसलर ने भी हौंसला दिया है,उन्होंने शांति देवी की पूरी कहानी सुनी तथा कहा कि कुछ साल पहले उन्हें भी'डायन'घोषित कर दिया गया था,तब उन्होंने सार्वजनिक रूप से कहा था कि -''हाँ,मैं डायन हूँ,मेरे अन्दर तुमसे ज्यादा शक्तियां है और तुम्हें मुझसे डरना चाहिये।''लेकिन शांति देवी तो'डायन'शब्द से ही डरी हुई है क्योंकि जब से ओटाराम क्षेत्र के विधायक बने है,तब से उसे रायका समुदाय के लोगों के द्वारा''डायन'होने के संदेह मे तरह - तरह की प्रताडना दी जा रही है और अब ओटाराम भोपा के मंत्री बन जाने के बाद तो उसे'डायन'घोषित करके भयंकर मानसिक एवं शारीरिक प्रताड़ना देने का सिलसिला शुरू हो गया है। पुलिस,प्रशासन कुछ भी कार्यवाही नहीं कर रहा है,क्योंकि मामला मुख्यमंत्री वसुन्धरा राजे के नजदीकी मंत्री ओटाराम से जुड़ा हुआ है। राज्य में महिलाओं पर अत्याचार के मामले बढ़ रहे है,हाल ही में राजसमंद जिले के थुरावड़ गाँव में केसी बाई को निर्वस्त्र कर,काला मुंह कर गधे पर बिठाकर घुमाया गया है। वहीं भीलवाड़ा जिले के चौहानो की कमेरी की80वर्षीय वृद्धा हीरी बाई को डायन बताकर गधे पर बिठाकर,मुंह काला कर,निर्वस्त्र कर घुमाया गया है तथा अब गाँव से निकाल दिया गया है,वह दर दर की ठोकरें खा रही है,राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट ने सरकार को जोरदार फटकार लगाते हुये30दिन के भीतर डायन विरोधी कानून बानने के लिये कहा है। राज्य में चारों तरफ औरतों को'डाकण'बताकर उनके साथ अन्याय,अत्याचार करने की जघन्य एवं बर्बरतम घटनायें बढती जा रही है,वहीं राज्य की महिला मुख्यमंत्री तथा उनके मंत्री सरकार का एक साल पूरे होने के जश्न में मशगूल है। हालात इतने बदतर है कि शांति देवी को भी उम्मीद कम ही है कि उसकी बात सुनी जायेगी,क्यूंकि ओटाराम भोपा के मंत्री रहते पुलिस की क्या हिम्मत है कि जालिमों की खबर लें,उन्हें गिरफ्तार करें और जेल भिजवायें। ऐसे में राजस्थान में तो औरतों का ईश्वर भी रक्षक नहीं लगता है।
-भॅवर मेघवंशी
(लेखक राजस्थान में मानव अधिकार के मुद्दों पर कार्यरत है। )
Regards -
Bhanwar Meghwanshi
"Ambedkar Bhavan"
Village- Sirdiyas, Via-Mod Ka Nimbahera,
District- Bhilwara (Raj.) 311026
Mob.- 94603- 25948
২০০৩ থেকে ২০১২ সালের ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত গত এক দশকে বাংলাদেশ থেকে এক হাজার ৩১৬ কোটি ৪০ লাখ ডলার বা প্রায় এক লাখ পাঁচ হাজার কোটি টাকা বিদেশে পাচার করা হয়েছে। এই টাকার অঙ্ক বাংলাদেশের চলতি অর্থবছরের বাজেটের প্রায় ৪০ শতাংশ। অর্থাৎ গড়ে বাংলাদেশ থেকে প্রতিবছর ১৩২ কোটি ডলার বা ১০ হাজার ৫০০ কোটি টাকার মতো পাচার হচ্ছে। এর মধ্যে ২০১২ সালে বাংলাদেশ থেকে পাচার করা হয়েছে ১৭৮ কোটি ডলার বা ১৪ হাজার ২৪০ কোটি টাকা। ২০১২ সালে পাচার হওয়া অর্থের পরিমাণ আগের দুই বছরে (২০১০ ও ২০১১) পাচার হওয়া অর্থের সমষ্টিরও বেশি। ২০১২ সালে যে অর্থ পাচার হয়েছে, তা ওই বছরের জিডিপির প্রায় ১ শতাংশ এবং পদ্মা সেতু নির্মাণ প্রকল্প ব্যয়ের অর্ধেকেরও বেশি।
দেখা গেছে, রাজনৈতিক অস্থিতিশীলতা বেশি থাকলে দেশ থেকে অর্থপাচারও বাড়ে। ২০০৬ সালে দেশ থেকে সবচেয়ে বেশি অর্থপাচার হয়, যার পরিমাণ ২৬৬ কোটি ৭০ লাখ ডলার। ওয়ান-ইলেভেনের সময় ২০০৭ সালে বাংলাদেশ থেকে পাচার করা হয়েছে ২৪৩ কোটি ৬০ লাখ ডলার। আর ২০০৮ সালে তা কমে দাঁড়ায় ১২২ কোটি ৯০ লাখ ডলারে। আর ২০০৯ সালে নতুন সরকার দায়িত্ব নেওয়ার পর অর্থপাচারের পরিমাণ আরো কমে দাঁড়ায় ১০৬ কোটি ৩০ লাখ ডলারে।
যুক্তরাষ্ট্রভিত্তিক অর্থপাচারবিরোধী আন্তর্জাতিক সংস্থা গ্লোবাল ফিন্যানশিয়াল ইন্টিগ্রিটি (জিএফআই) গতকাল ১৬ ডিসেম্বর, মঙ্গলবার বিশ্বজুড়ে অর্থপাচারের তথ্যসংবলিত নতুন প্রতিবেদন প্রকাশ করেছে। তাতে বাংলাদেশ থেকে বিদেশে অর্থপাচারের এসব তথ্য উঠে এসেছে। তবে সংস্থাটির প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়েছে, প্রাপ্ত তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে পাচার হওয়া অর্থের অঙ্ক নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে। প্রকৃতপক্ষে পাচার হওয়া অর্থের পরিমাণ আরো বেশি।
বাংলাদেশ থেকে পাচার হওয়া অর্থের বেশির ভাগই পাচার হচ্ছে আমদানি-রপ্তানির সময় পণ্যের মূল্য বেশি বা কম দেখিয়ে। অর্থাৎ কম দামে বিদেশ থেকে পণ্য কিনে বেশি দাম দেখিয়ে (ওভার ইনভয়েসিং) অর্থ পাচার করা এবং বেশি মূল্যে রপ্তানি করে কম মূল্য দেখিয়ে (আন্ডার ইনভয়েসিং) বাড়তি টাকা বিদেশেই রেখে দেওয়ার মাধ্যমে অর্থপাচার হচ্ছে। গত দশকের প্রথম দিকে বেশির ভাগ অর্থই পাচার হয়েছে আমদানি-রপ্তানির সময়। তবে সাম্প্রতিক বছরগুলোতে নগদ অর্থপাচারের পরিমাণ বেড়ে গেছে। ২০১২ সালে পাচার হওয়া ১৭৮ কোটি ডলারের মধ্যে নগদ আছে ১০২ কোটি ৬০ লাখ ডলার। আর ৭৫ কোটি ৫০ লাখ ডলার পাচার হয়েছে আমদানি-রপ্তানি পণ্যের মূল্যে কারসাজির মাধ্যমে।
জিএফআইর প্রতিবেদন অনুযায়ী, বিশ্বের ১৪৭টি দেশের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে বেশি অর্থপাচারকারী দেশগুলোর তালিকায় বাংলাদেশের অবস্থান ৫১তম আর দক্ষিণ এশিয়ায় দ্বিতীয়। এ অঞ্চলে শীর্ষ অর্থপাচারকারী বিবেচনায় ভারতের পরেই বাংলাদেশের নাম এসেছে। গতবারের প্রতিবেদনে বিশ্বে বাংলাদেশের অবস্থান ছিল ৪৭তম। গতবারের চেয়ে এবার চার ধাপ উন্নতি হলেও অর্থপাচার আগের চার বছরের তুলনায় বেড়েছে। মূলত অন্যান্য দেশ থেকে অর্থপাচার আরো বেশি হারে বাড়ার কারণে বাংলাদেশ চার ধাপ এগোতে পেরেছে। প্রতিবেদন মতে, বিশ্বে সবচেয়ে বেশি অর্থ পাচার হয় চীন থেকে, আর সবচেয়ে কম পাচারকারী দেশ সেনেগাল। শীর্ষ পাচারকারী দেশগুলোর তালিকায় ভারতের অবস্থান চীন, রাশিয়া ও মেক্সিকোর পরেই।
২০০৬ সাল থেকে জিএফআই নিয়মিতভাবে অর্থপাচার বিষয়ে বার্ষিক প্রতিবেদন প্রকাশ করে। এবারের প্রতিবেদনটি তৈরি করেছেন সংস্থাটির প্রধান অর্থনীতিবিদ ডেভ কার ও জুনিয়র অর্থনীতিবিদ জোসেফ স্পেনজার্স। তাঁদের মধ্যে ডেভ কার জর্জ ওয়াশিংটন ইউনিভার্সিটি থেকে অর্থনীতিবিদ্যায় পড়াশোনা করে আন্তর্জাতিক মুদ্রা তহবিলের (আইএমএফ) সিনিয়র অর্থনীতিবিদ হিসেবে ৩২ বছর দায়িত্ব পালন করেছেন।
জিএফআইয়ের প্রতিবেদন বিশ্লেষণ করে দেখা যায়, আগের বছরগুলোতে আমদানি-রপ্তানি পণ্যের মূল্যে কারসাজির মাধ্যমে বাংলাদেশ থেকে বেশি অর্থপাচার হতো। কিন্তু কয়েক বছর ধরে নগদ অর্থপাচারের পরিমাণ অনেক বেড়ে গেছে। তবে আইনি ঝামেলা বা তথ্য-প্রমাণ যাতে না থাকে, সে জন্য নগদে পাচার করা অর্থ ব্যাংকের মাধ্যমে লেনদেন করা হয় না।
প্রতিবেদনটি বিশ্লেষণ করে দেখা যায়, রাজনৈতিক অস্থিরতার আশঙ্কা যত বেশি থাকে, দেশ থেকে অর্থপাচারও তত বাড়ে। আর রাজনৈতিক স্থিতিশীলতার আভাস থাকে- এমন বছরগুলোতে অর্থপাচার কমে যায়। গত জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনের আগে রাজনৈতিক অস্থিতিশীলতার আশঙ্কায় ২০১২ সালে অর্থপাচার বিপুল হারে বেড়ে যায়। ওই বছর বাংলাদেশ থেকে ১৭৮ কোটি ডলার পাচার হয়েছে। অথচ ২০১১ সালে পাচার হওয়া অর্থের পরিমাণ ছিল ৫৯ কোটি ৩০ লাখ ডলার। ২০১০ সালে এর পরিমাণ ছিল ৬৭ কোটি ২০ লাখ ডলার।
একইভাবে রাজনৈতিক অস্থিরতার আশঙ্কায় ২০০৫ সাল থেকে বিপুল পরিমাণ অর্থ পাচার হতে থাকে। ওই বছর ১০৫ কোটি ৪০ লাখ ডলার পাচার হয়। তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকার ইস্যুতে ২০০৬ সাল থেকেই দেশের রাজনীতি অস্থির হয়ে ওঠে। এর পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে ওই বছর বাংলাদেশ থেকে সবচেয়ে বেশি অর্থ পাচার হয়, যার পরিমাণ ২৬৬ কোটি ৭০ লাখ ডলার। ২০০৭ সালে সৃষ্ট ওয়ান-ইলেভেনের সময়ও অর্থ পাচার হয়েছে বেশি। ওই বছর বাংলাদেশ থেকে পাচার হয়েছে ২৪৩ কোটি ৬০ লাখ ডলার। তবে ২০০৮ সালে তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকার নির্বাচনের দিকে এগোতে থাকায় রাজনৈতিক স্থিতিশীলতার আলামত মেলে। ফলে আগের দুই বছরের তুলনায় ওই বছর অর্থপাচার কমে দাঁড়ায় ১২২ কোটি ৯০ লাখ ডলারে। আর ২০০৯ সালে নতুন সরকার দায়িত্ব নেওয়ার পর অর্থপাচারের পরিমাণ আরো কমে দাঁড়ায় ১০৬ কোটি ৩০ লাখ ডলারে। এর আগে ২০০৩ সালে ৮৩ কোটি ডলার ও ২০০৪ সালে ৮৪ কোটি ডলার দেশ থেকে পাচার হয়েছে।
জিএফআইয়ের প্রতিবেদন অনুযায়ী, আমদানি-রপ্তানি মূল্যে কারসাজি করে (ওভার ইনভয়েসিং ও আন্ডার ইনভয়েসিং) ২০০৩ থেকে ২০১২ সাল পর্যন্ত মোট ৮০৫ কোটি ৮০ লাখ ডলার বা ৬৪ হাজার ৪৬৪ কোটি টাকার মতো পাচার হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ প্রতিবছর আমদানি-রপ্তানি মূল্যের আড়ালে গড়ে প্রায় সাড়ে ছয় হাজার কোটি টাকা পাচার হয় বাংলাদেশ থেকে।
ওভার ইনভয়েসিং ও আন্ডার ইনভয়েসিংয়ের মাধ্যমে ২০১২ সালে পাচার হয়েছে ৭৫ কোটি ৫০ লাখ ডলার। ২০১১ সালে বাংলাদেশ থেকে এভাবে অর্থপাচারের কোনো তথ্য পায়নি জিএফআই। তবে ২০১০ সালে এভাবে ২৭ কোটি ডলার, ২০০৯ সালে ৩৬ কোটি ৬০ লাখ ডলার, ২০০৮ সালে ৯১ কোটি ১০ লাখ ডলার, ২০০৭ সালে ১৬৭ কোটি ৯০ লাখ ডলার, ২০০৬ সালে ২০২ কোটি ৩০ লাখ ডলার, ২০০৫ সালে ৪১ কোটি ডলার, ২০০৪ সালে ৮১ কোটি ৪০ লাখ ডলার এবং ২০০৩ সালে ৮৩ কোটি ডলার পাচার হয়েছে বাংলাদেশ থেকে।
জিএফআইয়ের প্রতিবেদন মতে, ২০০৩-১২ পর্যন্ত সময়ে আমদানিকারকরা ওভার ইনভয়েসিংয়ের মাধ্যমে ১২১ কোটি ৪০ লাখ ডলার ও আন্ডার ইনভয়েসিংয়ের মাধ্যমে ৫৭৭ কোটি ৪০ লাখ ডলার পাচার করেছে। আর রপ্তানিকারকরা ওভার ইনভয়েসিংয়ের মাধ্যমে ১৪৬ কোটি ২০ লাখ ডলার ও আন্ডার ইনভয়েসিংয়ের মাধ্যমে ৬৮৪ কোটি ৪০ লাখ ডলার পাচার করেছে।
সংস্থাটির প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়েছে, ২০০৩-১২ সময়ে বাংলাদেশ থেকে ৫১০ কোটি ৩০ লাখ ডলার বা ৪০ হাজার ৮২৪ কোটি টাকা নগদ অর্থ পাচার হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ গড়ে প্রতিবছর চার হাজার ৮২ কোটি টাকা নগদ পাচার হচ্ছে। বছরওয়ারি নগদ পাচার হওয়া অর্থের মধ্যে ২০১২ সালে ১০২ কোটি ৬০ লাখ ডলার, ২০১১ সালে ৫৯ কোটি ৩০ লাখ ডলার, ২০১০ সালে ৪০ কোটি ২০ লাখ ডলার, ২০০৯ সালে ৬৯ কোটি ৭০ লাখ ডলার, ২০০৮ সালে ৩১ কোটি ৭০ লাখ ডলার, ২০০৭ সালে ৭৫ কোটি ৬০ লাখ ডলার, ২০০৬ সালে ৬৪ কোটি ৩০ লাখ ডলার, ২০০৫ সালে ৬৪ কোটি ৪০ লাখ ডলার ও ২০০৪ সালে আড়াই কোটি ডলার নগদ অর্থ পাচার হয়েছে।
Yesterday I mentioned in a programme about the shocking incident of killing of innocent school children and other civilians in a terrorist attack in Peshawar.
Every child is like a bud that blossoms into a beautiful flower. The heinous killing of so many children is an irreparable loss to the world family, as children are the future of Nations.
I have no words to express my deep sorrow and anguish.
I strongly condemn the terrible act of terrorism.
Shame! Shame! Shame!
Hiding The Truth About Caste
How Sangh Parivar ideologues distort the history of untouchability in India
Caste hierarchy is a major obstacle to social justice. Adding to the plethora of theories regarding its origin, the RSS has recently brought out three books — Hindu Charmakar Jati, Hindu Khatik Jati and Hindu Valmiki Jati — where it is argued that atrocities by Islamic rulers in medieval times led to the emergence of untouchability and the lower castes.
Sangh leaders claim that these castes did not exist prior to the "foreign invasion". According to Bhaiyyaji Joshi, No. 2 in the RSS hierarchy, Hindu scriptures never referred to the Shudras as untouchables. "To violate the Hindu swabhiman (dignity) of the Chanwarvanshiya Kshatriyas, the foreign, Arab, Muslim invaders, the beef-eaters, forced them to do abominable work such as killing cows, skinning them and throwing their carcasses in deserted places. The foreign invaders thus created a caste of charma-karma (dealing with skin) by giving such work as punishment to proud Hindu prisoners," writes Joshi.
On the contrary, the origin of the caste system predates the "Muslim invasion" by many centuries. The Aryans considered themselves superior and called the non-Aryans krshna varnya (dark skinned) andanasa (those with no nose). Since the non-Aryans worshipped the phallus, they were considered non-human or amanushya.
Both the Rig Veda and Manusmriti prohibited the lower castes from coming close to the upper castes. They had to live outside the village. Society was divided into four varnasduring the Rig Vedic times and this developed into a rigid caste system by the time ofManusmriti.
Untouchability had been introduced by the 1st century AD and Manusmriti, written a century or two later, codified the social practices of the time. The text clearly reveals the despicable practices that the upper castes had imposed upon the lower castes. The advent of Muslim invaders happened much later — around 11th century AD.
Over time, the caste system became hereditary and determined the rules for social intercourse and marital relations. The Shudras were excluded from caste society, and the upper castes were barred from dining or marrying with them. Notions of 'purity' and 'pollution' were enforced strictly to maintain caste boundaries. The Shudras became untouchables. It is this rigid social division that Manu's Manav Dharmashastra (Human Law Code) codified.
MS Golwalkar, a pioneering ideologue of the RSS, defended the caste system in a different way. "If a developed society realises that the existing differences are due to the scientific social structure and that they indicate the different limbs of the social body, the diversity would not be construed as a blemish," he wrote in an article for theOrganiser in 1952.
Deen Dayal Upadhyay, another major Sangh Parivar ideologue, wrote in his 1965 bookIntegral Humanism: "In our concept of four castes (varnas), they are thought of as different limbs of virat purush (the primeval man)… These limbs are not only complementary to one another, but even further, there is individuality, unity. There is a complete identity of interests, identity, belonging… If this idea is not kept alive, the castes, instead of being complementary, can produce conflict. But then, that is a distortion."
BR Ambedkar saw the struggles against the caste system as a 'revolution' and the reinforcement of the system as a 'counter-revolution'. He divided the 'pre-Muslim' period into three stages: Brahminism (the Vedic period); Buddhism, connected with the rise of the first Magadh-Maurya State and representing the revolutionary denial of caste inequalities; and 'Hinduism', or the counter-revolution that consolidated Brahminical dominance and the caste hierarchy.
Shudras were treated as untouchables much before the invasion of Muslim kings. The rigidity and cruelty of the caste system and untouchability intensified during the post-Vedic and Gupta period. Later, new social movements such as Bhakti partly reduced the intensity of caste oppression and untouchability. The doctoring of this history by the Sangh ideologues is motivated by their political agenda and tries to hide the truth.
(The views expressed are the author's own)
The lessons from Peshawar tragedy!
Emerging market linked to dollar economy is killing the nation that we are,and more dangerous it is that we are also engaged in the politics of revenge.Conversion campaign is the latest evidence.
Just stop the Hindu Imperialism lest we become a Pakistan!
Palash Biswas
I have always been talking of the economics of religion and explaining Manusmirti based exclusion,excommunication and the racial apartheid as a singular phenomenon of economics.Manusmriti is in itself economics of the ruling hegemony which has taken over the economy as well as governance .Lest we fail to understand this we have to face greater terror strikes than the Peshawar tragedy.Please stop to make India a Pakistan in an attempt to make in America!
Mind you,the benchmark equity index S&P BSE Sensex tumbled more than 500 points on Tuesday after the rupee slumped to a 13-month low against the dollar, and joined the sell-off in world equities, as crude oil prices slipped below $60 a barrel for the first time.The BSE Sensex extended its losses for a fourth session on Tuesday, dropping as much as 583 points to an intraday low of 26,736. It ended down 538 points to close below the key 27,000 level for the first since October 28. After falling more than 1% in opening trade on Wednesday, both the benchmark Sensex and Nifty erased most of their losses at close after state-run Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) started buying shares.
Dollar hegemony is breaking down and the inflated sensex economy of the enslaved emerging free market with devastated production system may not bear the burns!RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan already sounded the timely warning against Modi making is and we should understand sensex is not all about Indian economy.
Ironically,the dollar hegemony linked Hindu Imperialism in itself is going to prove itself the greatest terror strike ever against Indian industry and business not to say anything about rural India under the regime of so called business friendly government of India.It is not going to stop at the point of kiling Indian Retail business ,mind you.
Mind you Independent wrote:
In Financing Failure, Vern McKinley approaches the topic by examining the policy decisions behind the bailouts and by showing their connection to previous government interventions. He brings under scrutiny the policy decisions made by the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC during the crisis of the 2000s and links them to policies that go back as far as the 1930s. This history of bailouts reveals that the genesis of financial crisis is government policy, be it the mismanagement of monetary policy during the 1930s or the political push to expand homeownership that helped cause the 2000s crisis.
The nation's federal financial regulators and the politicians claim to have saved the American economy. In truth they have done everything within their power to expand their own influence—often far out of view from the public and media. Instead of openly explaining their actions, the bailout agencies have attempted to prevent the public from reviewing their decision-making, often at tremendous cost to taxpayers. McKinley's painstakingly researched and clear-headed analysis of bailouts and government intervention shows that the American public has accepted too many official pronouncements at face value, and that reining in the federal regulators is a necessary step toward truly promoting the safety and soundness of the financial system.
Replicating United State of America and governed by US controlled financial institutions ie UN,UNESCO,World Bank,WTO,GATT,IMF,FED Bank we have killed the Indian economy,agrarian landscape,greentop and environment,civic and human rights,job and livelihood,business and industry(not only retail busness,mind you),citizenship,democracy and sovereignty and thus ,created a ruling class of Billianers and Millionaires who do not represent India or Indian people at any stage.
Hindu Imperialism has taken over just because of the economic as well as political crisis right from United States as Pakistan bought the terror network to be recognised as the best enemy of secular democratic India.
Pakistan is paid back and paid back is Pakistani army by continuous terror strikes and the politics of revenge has taken over the suffering,toiling innocent masses as well as the army there.The Pakistani army is bleeding in the dharmakshetre Mahabharate.
Just read the BBC report:
The BBC's Mishal Husain was one of the first broadcasters to go inside the school
Continue reading the main story
The Pakistani city of Peshawar is burying its dead after a Taliban attack at a school killed at least 132 children and nine staff.
New images from the school show the brutality of the attack, with pools of blood on the ground and walls covered in pockmarks from hundreds of bullets.
Mass funerals and prayer vigils for the victims are currently under way.
Gunmen had walked from class to class shooting students in the Pakistani Taliban's deadliest attack to date.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif declared three days of mourning over the massacre, which has sparked national outrage.
He also announced an end to the moratorium on the death penalty for terrorism cases, which correspondents say is a move aimed at countering a view held by many Pakistanis that many terror suspects end up evading justice.
World leaders have also voiced disgust at the attack, which even the Afghan Taliban have criticised.
This is not the patriot missile to abort the terror as the government of reacting t ensure the safety of US President Barack Obama.The Home Ministry, Wednesday, issued an alert following inputs on a possible terror attack in two hotels in the national capital and on the New Delhi-Agra highway.
As per reports, 2008 Mumbai attacks mastermind and Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed is believed to behind the sinister plan.
The MHA alert reportedly came after US' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) tipped off Indian security agencies of possible terror strike ahead of US President Barack Obama's visit to New Delhi in January, where he will be the chief guest at the Republic Day celebrations.
We should understand the danger that our childern have to face in future who a day after the banned terrorist outfit Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) attacked the Army Public School in Peshawar and killed at least 141 people in cold blood, including 132 students, in several schools in India paid their tribute to the victims on Wednesday.
The first lesson from Peshawar tragedy is nothing else but the timely warning against the imminent impending danger of India becoming Pakistan thanks to dollar hegemony linked to Hindu imperialism!
Emerging market linked to dollar economy is killing the nation that we are,and more dangerous it is that we are also engaged in the politics of revenge.Conversion campaign is the latest evidence.
Just revisit the global financial crisis in 2008,which was in fact the crisis of US weapon and Oil economy.It is noteworthy that in America,as well as all oer the geography of so called emerging market,during the 2008 financial crisis no issue has aroused more passion than financial institution bailouts. The standard rationale for the bailouts has been one of necessity and fear: federal regulatory agencies must have more authority in order to respond to the crisis, or else the public will face terrible consequences. But does this rationale hold up to close inspection?
Dr,Manmohan Singh,the original God of the free market economy in India,did exactly the bailout work in his twin tenure.Dr. Manmohan`s regime was thus inflicted with scams and corruption all round.Ironically policy paralysis killed his regime and United States of America and it`s global order bought Hindu Imperialism branded shafron hegemony to accomplish the unfulfilled task to bail out US Economy.Modi`s government managed to charge and question the God of reforms Manmohan as well as the semigod,Chidambaram in different affairs of scam.
Nevertheless,RSS remote controlled BJP government is engaged in the bailout mission as US economy has not recovered as yet and the dollar hegemony is endangered as US lost the control of oil economy for which US forces have been trapped in middle east oil fields for almost two decades and US is unable to bailout its armed citizens from the war fields.
Everyone is way ahead to condemn the senseless inhuman killing of humanity in Peshawar, Pakistan but no one is taking the pain to explain the phenomenon of the religious extremism as the politics of terror which made the entire geopolitics an infinite warzone inflicted with continuous holocaust and we are predestined to suffer form the resultant Karma as Gita,to become the only holy script in India,explains very well.
It is high time that we should recognise the ultimate fact that this war and terror scenario has been exported from United States of America.
Pakistan is inflicted most because of the army there.The Pakistani Army worked as an umbrella for US supported network since Russian intervention in Afganistan which produced both Taliban and Al Kaeda.
We know very well about the role of Pakistani army since Bangladesh war and it has not to be explained how Pak army killed democracy and human rights all these years.It is rather a bad and very bad example that th armed forces in India replicate the pakistani tradition in the segregated geography of India just to promote the free flow of foreign capital.
We must earn a lesson from Peshawar otherwise the fight against terror would not be possible at all as we ourselves are trapped in terror network.The religious nationalism ie the Hindu Imperialism is going to make Indian nation devoid of law and democracy and no one,not even the industry and business as well as the masses would be spared by the ultimate result,the politics of revenge.Playing with history and geography is always very very dangerous for a nation.
A benchmark index for Indian stock markets registered its steepest fall in over five months on global cues, as also worries over a host of factors such as a weakening rupee, fall in international crude prices and lack of positive domestic trigger.
The sensitive index (Sensex) of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) fell 538.12 points, or 1.97 percent, to 26,781.44 points, to log its steepest fall since July 8. The Indian rupee also fell to a 13-month low of 63.53 to a dollar on sharp rate hike by Russia and concerns over global economy.
Among the 2,957 stocks that traded on the Mumbai bourse Tuesday, as many as 2,327 ended in the red, while 547 managed to buck the trend. The prices of the remaining 89 stocks were unchanged.
Banking stocks were the worst hit, with the industry-specific index shedding as much as 9.87 percent on a single day, followed by the index for technology and oil stocks that dipped by 6.86 percent and 6.11 percent, respectively.
The benchmark index had opened in the negative, tracking the SGX Nifty and most Asian stocks.
Internationally, the european markets slipped as the factory data from China, France and Germany missed the estimates along with the sliding oil prices.
The US index futures were also trading lower. The US Federal Reserve's two-day meeting, slated to start later Tuesday, will be in focus.
The 30-scrip Sensitive Index (Sensex) of the BSE, which opened at 27,181.18 points, closed trading at 26,781.44 points, down 538.12 points or 1.97 percent from the previous day's close at 27,319.56 points.
The Sensex touched a high of 27,199.37 points and a low of 26,736.23 points in the intra-day trade.
"The market continued to remain under pressure during the day, because weak global cues and weak technicals," said Alex Mathews, head research, Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services.
"The global markets were down on the Russian central bank's move to raise its key interest rate from 10.5 percent to 17 percent to arrest the fall in the rouble along with Chinese manufacturing PMI data falling to its lowest level since May."