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दरअसल हमारी लड़ाई है इस हिमपात के लिए बदलते हुए मौसम और फिजां के खिलाफ पलाश विश्वास


दरअसल हमारी लड़ाई है  इस हिमपात के लिए बदलते हुए मौसम और फिजां के खिलाफ

पलाश विश्वास

मुझे बेहद खुशी हो रही है कि इतने अरसे बाद यानी 1979 में मूसलाधार वर्षा और भूसक्लन से धंस रहे चीलचक्कर पार कर पहाड़ से मैदान के धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे अवतरित होने के बाद पहलीबार पहाड़ से 1700 किमी दूर हिमपात का अहसास हो रहा है।

इस बीच सियासी मौसम भी उलटफेर है।

ओबामा आने से पहले जीेएसटी लागू किया जाना है,खुदरा कारोबारियों को बाजार बाहर किया जाना है।भारतीय उद्योग और वाणिज्य को अमेरिकी हित में बाट लगाया जाना है।कोयला आबंटन कानून.कंपनी कानून, और बीमा कानून भी बदला जाना है।पर्यावरण,भूमि अधिग्रहण, खाद्यसुरक्षा,खनन ,वनाधिकार कानून भी श्रम कानूनों की तरह बैमतलब बनाने का एजंडा है।

इस लिए देश आपरेशन के टेबिल पर है और दवा धर्मांतरण विवाद संगे गीता महोत्सव है।

अमेरिकी हितों के मद्देनजर सारे कायदे कानून बदल दिये जायें इसलिए पूरे देश और हो सकें तो पूरी दुनिया को ग्लोबल हिंदू साम्राज्यवाद के लिए आग में झोंक देना है और यही है गीता महोत्सव।

यही है हिंदू राष्ट्र का रसायन और भौतिकी।

रिजर्व बैंक के गवर्नर रघुराम राजन शेयर बाजार को अर्थव्यवस्था मानने से इंकार कर चुके हैं जो हम पिछले तेइस साल से लगातार कह लिख रहे हैं।

लेकिन इस देश के हिंदू साम्राज्यवाद की कारपोरेट सरकार के लिए राजकाज का मतलब शेयर बाजार है और ,शेयर बाजार के बाहर आम जनता का कोई वजूद है ही नहीं।

अगले हफ्ते निवेशकों की निगाह मुख्य रूप से कंपनियों की ओर से जमा किए जाने वाले अग्रिम कर की तीसरी खेप और संसद के चालू शीतकालीन अधिवेशन पर टिकी रहेगी। इसके अलावा विदेशी संस्थागत निवेश के आंकड़ों, वैश्विक बाजारों के रूझान, डॉलर के मुकाबले रूपए की चाल और तेल मूल्य पर भी निवेशकों की नजर बनी रहेगी। कंपनियां 15 दिसंबर तक अग्रिम कर की तीसरी खेप जमा करेंगी।

अग्रिम कर के आंकड़े से तीसरी तिमाही में कंपनियों की आय का अनुमान लगाया जा सकेगा। अग्रिम कर चार खेप में लिए जाते हैं : 15 फीसदी 15 जून तक, 40 फीसदी 15 सितंबर तक, 75 फीसदी 15 दिसंबर तक और 100 फीसदी 15 मार्च तक।

'मेक इन इंडिया' का आइडिया आरबीआई गवर्नर रघुराम राजन को ज्यादा जम नहीं रहा है।

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के 'मेक इन इंडिया' का आइडिया आरबीआई गवर्नर रघुराम राजन को ज्यादा जम नहीं रहा है। शुक्रवार को पीएम मोदी के इस महत्वाकांक्षी अभियान पर राजन ने सरकार को सतर्क रहने की सलाह दी। उन्होंने कहा कि मैन्युफैक्चरिंग पर ही फोकस नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। राजन ने फिक्की में आयोजित भरत राम स्मृति व्याख्यान में कहा, 'मैं प्रोत्साहन दिए जाने के लिए किसी एक क्षेत्र, मसलन मैन्युफैक्चरिंग को चुने जाने के प्रति केवल इसलिए आगाह कर रहा हूं क्योंकि यह प्रयोग चीन में सफल रहा है, लेकिन भारत अलग है। एक अलग दौर में विकसित हो रहा है और हमें इस बारे में संशयवादी होना चाहिए कि क्या सफल होगा।'

उन्होंने कहा, 'जब हम मैन्युफैक्चरिंग पर केंद्रित 'मेक इन इंडिया' के बारे में बात करते हैं, तो एक खतरा सामने होता है कि यह निर्यात केंद्रित वृद्धि मार्ग के अनुकरण की कोशिश है, जिसका अनुसरण चीन ने किया। मुझे नहीं लगता है कि इस तरह किसी एक क्षेत्र पर इतना विशिष्ट ध्यान देने की जरूरत है।'

घरेलू बचत जरूरी-

आगामी आम बजट से पहले आज आरबीआई गवर्नर रघुराम राजन ने घरेलू बचत को प्रोत्साहन दिए जाने की वकालत की ताकि देश में निवेश को बल मिल सके। राजन ने कहा, 'लोगों के लिए बचत पर आयकर का फायदा सामान्यत: नाम मात्र का होता है, क्यों कि इस लाभ का वास्तविक मूल्य खत्म हो चुका होता है। घरेलू बचत के लिए बजट में प्रोत्साहन से यह सुनिश्चित हो सकेगा कि देश में निवेश की अवश्यकता मुख्यत: घरेलू वित्तीय बचतों के जरिए पूरी हो जाए।' राजन ने कहा कि घरेलू मांग का वित्तपोषण जिम्मेदारी से होना चाहिए और जहां तक संभव हो यह घरेलू बचत के जरिए की जाए।

- बैंकों को अपनी दक्षता सुधारनी होगी

उन्होंने कहा 'हमारी बैंकिंग प्रणाली पर कुछ दबाव हैं। हमारे बैंकों को परियोजना आकलन और पुनगर्ठन में अतीत की गलतियों से सीखना होगा क्योंकि वे हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था की बहुत बड़ी जरूरत पूरी करते हैं।' आरबीआई प्रमुख राजन ने यह भी कहा कि बैंकों को अपनी दक्षता सुधारनी होगी क्योंकि आगे उनकी प्रतिस्पर्धा हाल में लाइसेंस प्राप्त सभी तरह की सेवाएं प्रदान करने वाले बैंकों के साथ साथ भुगतान एवं लघु रिण बैंकों से भी होगी जिन्हें जल्दी ही लाइसेंस प्रदान किया जाना है।

इसी के मध्य,रिजर्व बैंक पर ब्याज दरों में कटौती के लिए बढ़ते दबाव के बीच आर.बी.आई. गवर्नर रघुराम राजन ने वित्त मंत्री अरुण जेटली से मुलाकात की और विभिन्न आर्थिक मुद्दों पर विचार विमर्श किया।   

जेतली के साथ बैठक के बाद राजन ने संवाददाताओं से कहा, ''हमने विभिन्न आर्थिक मुद्दों पर विचार विमर्श किया।''यह बैठक इस दृष्टि से महत्वपूर्ण है कि रिजर्व बैंक से ब्याज दरों में कटौती की मांग बढ़ रही है। जेटली ने भी वृद्धि को प्रोत्साहन के लिए पूंजी की लागत कम करने पर जोर दिया है।

नवंबर में खुदरा मुद्रास्फीति घटकर 4.38 प्रतिशत पर आ गई है। इसी के साथ अक्तूबर मेंं औद्योगिक उत्पादन में 4.2 प्रतिशत की तेज गिरावट आई है। इन सब तथ्यों के मद्देनजर रिजर्व बैंक पर वृद्धि को प्रोत्साहन के लिए ब्याज दरों में कटौती का दबाव बढ़ रहा है।

नैनीताल में मौसम का पहला हिमपात

हमारे सहकर्मी चित्रकार और कवि सुमित गुहा इस वक्त नैनीताल में हैं और हमारे पुराने डेरे बंगाल होटल और उसके रेस्तरां के मालिक दादा सदानंद गुहा मजुमदार और उनके परिजनों के साथ नैनीताल में मौसम के पहले हिमपात का मजा ले रहे हैं।

उनकी बेटी तितली और पत्नी तूलि भी खूब मजे में हैं।तितली तो खूब उड़ भी रही होंगी।

सुमित के पास शायद मेरा फोन नंबर नहीं है।

उसने गदगद होकर हमारे सहमक्रमी डा.मांधाता सिंह को एसएमएस करके लिखा है कि पलाश दा को बता देना कि नैनीताल में भारी बर्फबारी हो रही है और मौसम सुहाना है।

आज फेसबुक पर नैनीताल के मशहूर फोटोकार अनूप साहने, जो हमारे राजीव दाज्यू के खास दोस्त हैं,बर्फबारी की वह तस्वीर भी पोस्ट की है और हम उसे बिना उनकी इजाजत के साझा कर रहे हैं और हम समझते हैं कि हमारा यह हक है।

आज का रोजनामचा इसी हिमपात से।

हमने सुंदरलाल बहुगुणा जी का वह वक्तव्य आपके साथ साझा किया है,जिसमें उन्होंने गोमुख में ग्लेशियर को रेगिस्तान में बदलनते देखकर अन्न छोड़ देने की बात कही है।

अब आप समझ सकते हैं कि इस हिमपात का क्या मायने हैं।मेरा घरेलू शहर नैनीतालकी आजीविका पर्यटनहै और मध्यदिसंबर से पहले ही नैनीताल में हिमपात हमारे अपनो के लिए बहुत अच्छा मौसम है।

इसबार मैंने नैनीताल में मौसम चक्र बदलने के कारण शिखरों पर रहने वाले लोगों को भी मधुमेह का शिकार होते देखा है।

दरअसल हमारी लड़ाई इस हिमपात के लिए बदलते हुए मौसम और फिजां के खिलाफ है और यह अलग बात है कि पहाड़ में लोग न अपनों को सुनते हैं और न अपनों को पढ़ने की तकलीफ उठाते हैं।

जुड़वां आम के पेड़ों की वह छांव

बसंतीपुर में हमारे साझा घर जो पूर्वी बंगाल की लोक विरासत के मुताबिक कुनबे के बाहान्द बतौर अब भी जिंदा है .यानी बिना दरोदीवार के पूरे कुनबे का एक ही घर।यानी कि कौन किसका बेटा बेटी है बेमतलब,कौन किस बाहांद से है,वही उसका परिचय। हांलांकि यह परिचयअब हमारे काम का नहीं है।

हमारे बच्चे पारिवारिक रीति रिवाज के मुताबिक नौकरी करने की मानसिकता वाले नहीं है।पूरे परिवार में मैंने अकेले नौकरी की है और कैसे यह करिश्मा हो गया,यह हमारे लिए अबूझ पहेली है।

अब हमारे परिवार के लिए शिक्षित बहुए मिलना मुश्किल हो रहा है और पिता की साख और पारिवारिक पहचान काम नहीं आ रही है क्योंकि मुक्तबाजार में साख का मतलब बड़ी नौकरियां और बेइंतहा बेहिसाब पैसा,जो अपने ही लोगों से सूद वसूलकर हमने कमाया नहीं है।

हालांकि घर अब पक्का है और बाकी गांव के बीच झोपड़ियों का झुरमुट नहीं है।

हिसाब से तो हमारे गांव के पुरखों ने पूरे गांव को जातिविहीन बाहांद में बदलने की नींव डाली थी  और पूरे गांव के लोग अलग अलग जडों जातियों से से जुड़े लोग अब भी साझा परिवार है,यानी वही बाहांद ही है।लेकिन गांव अब आहिस्ते आहिस्ते चारों तरफ से घैरता चला आरहा सीमेंट के जंगल के आगोश में समाहित होने चला है तो लोग हमसे सीधे रिश्ता जोड़ने से हिचकिचा तो रहे ही हैं और हमारी आर्थिक हैसियत के मुताबिक नकदी प्रवाह की मुक्तबाजारी अर्थव्यवस्था में यह उनका अपराध भी नहीं है।

बहरहाल बाहर की दुनिया की नजर में हमारी हैसियत चाहे कुछ हो,अब भी बसंतीपुर वाले एक दूसरे के रक्तहीन नाते रिश्तेदार हैं।लेकिन जो झोपड़ियां पक्की इमारतों में तब्दील हो गयी हैं तो घरों के बीच दीवारे भी कुछ उग आयी हैं।साझा सबकुछ नहीं है और बंटवारा भी बहुत हो गया है।हमारी तरह टोबा टेक सिंह बने हर कोई यह संभव भी नहीं है।

इसी परिदृश्य में हमारे बाहांद के बीचोंबीच जो जुड़वा आम के दो पेड़ हमारी पहचान बतौर थे,वे शहीद हो गये हैं और खास बात यह है कि शहीदेआजम भगत सिंह की मां के पांव हमने इन्ही पेड़ों की छांव में छुए थे।

वह शायद अपवाद है क्योंकि चरणस्पर्श मेरा स्वभाव नहीं रहा है कभी भी।लेकिन उस पेड़ के नीचे चेहरों का एक जंगल अब भी सजा है,इतिहास में दर्ज उन चेहरों के जंगल में सफर अब मेरा अकेला है।

शहीदेआजम की बात इसलिए चली कि वे नास्तिक थे और फिर भी सिख धर्म से वे धर्मांतरित न थे।जैसे मैं जन्मजात हिंदू हूं लेकिन नास्तिरक मैं भी हूं और बाबासाहेब की तरह हिंदुत्व छोड़कर दूसरा मुक्तिमार्ग मैंने फिलहाल खोजा नहीं है।

तसलिमा नसरीन भी नास्तिक है और धर्म से मुसलमान है जबकि फतवा उसके खिलाफ इस्लाम से खारिज हो जाने का है।

हमारे हिसाब से तसलिमा का धर्मांतरण भी नहीं हुआ है और डंके की चोट पर वह कहती है,लिखती है कि धर्म मानवाधिकार, नागरिकअधिकार और समानता और न्याय के खिलाफ है।

यूरोप में नवजागरण के मूर्धन्य अंग्रेजी कवि पी बी शेली भी घनघोर मध्यकाल के खिलाफ विद्रोह के पहले दौर के महानायक थे और नास्तिक थे।

मालूम हो कि यह नवजागरण सौ साल के धर्मयुद्ध का परिणाम रहा तो यूरोप में किसान आंदोलनों का इतिहास धार्मिक सत्ता के खिलाफ ही तो है।

पूरी दुनिया की फिजां बदलने वाला फिलीस्तीन संकट भी निरंतर जारी धर्मयुद्ध का मध्यपूर्व का कुरुक्षेत्र है।

भारत में दरअसल गीता महोत्सव आत्मघाती जनसंहारी धर्मयुद्ध है।

इसलिए शहीदेआजम और पीबी शेली को नयेसिरे से पढ़ान अनिवार्यहै।

The Necessity of Atheism

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The Necessity of Atheism is a treatise on atheism by the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, printed in 1811 by C. and W. Phillips in Worthing while Shelley was a student at University College, Oxford. A copy of the first version was sent as a short tract signed enigmatically[how?] to all heads of Oxford colleges at theUniversity. At that time the content was so shocking to the authorities that he wasrusticated for refusing to deny authorship, together with his friend and fellow student, Thomas Jefferson Hogg. A revised and expanded version was printed in 1813.[1]


The tract starts with the following rationale of the author's goals:

"As a love of truth is the only motive which actuates the Author of this little tract, he earnestly entreats that those of his readers who may discover any deficiency in his reasoning, or may be in possession of proofs which his mind could never obtain, would offer them, together with their objections to the Public, as briefly, as methodically, as plainly as he has taken the liberty of doing."

— Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Necessity of Atheism

Shelley made a number of claims in Necessity, including that one's beliefs are involuntary, and, therefore, that atheists do not choose to be so and should not be persecuted. Towards the end of the pamphlet he writes: "the mind cannot believe in the existence of a God."[2] Shelley signed the pamphlet, Thro' deficiency of proof, AN ATHEIST,[2] which gives an idea of the empiricist nature of Shelley's beliefs. According to Berman, Shelley also believed himself to have "refuted all the possible types of arguments for God's existence,"[3] but Shelley himself encouraged readers to offer proofs if they possess them.

Opinion is divided upon the characterisation of Shelley's beliefs, as presented inNecessity. Shelley scholar Carlos Baker states that "the title of his college pamphlet should have been The Necessity of Agnosticism rather than The Necessity of Atheism,"[4] while historian David Berman argues that Shelley was an atheist, both because he characterised himself as such, and because "he denies the existence of God in both published works and private letters"[3] during the same period. At the very beginning of his essay, Shelley qualifies his definition of atheism:

"There Is No God. This negation must be understood solely to affect a creative Deity. The hypothesis of a pervading Spirit co-eternal with the universe remains unshaken."

— Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Necessity of Atheism

Taken together with his quotation of the Dutch pantheist Benedict Spinoza later in the essay, this suggests that at the very least Shelley considered some form of pantheism to remain within the realm of intellectual respectability[clarification needed]. The essay does not, however, provide any further indication of whether Shelley himself shared such views.


मैं नास्तिक क्यों हूं

इसी सिलसिले में भगत सिंह का आलेख पढ़ें तो मौजूदा धर्मराज्य का खेल शायद समझ में आयें।

मैं नास्तिक क्यों हूं,यह लेख भगत सिंह ने जेल में रहते हुए लिखा था और यह 27 सितम्बर 1931 को लाहौर के अखबार "द पीपल "में प्रकाशित हुआ । इस लेख में भगतसिंह ने ईश्वर कि उपस्थिति पर अनेक तर्कपूर्ण सवाल खड़े किये हैं और इस संसार के निर्माण , मनुष्य के जन्म , मनुष्य के मन में ईश्वर की कल्पना के साथ साथ संसार में मनुष्य की दीनता , उसके शोषण , दुनिया में व्याप्त अराजकता और और वर्गभेद की स्थितियों का भी विश्लेषण किया है । यहभगत सिंह के लेखन के सबसे चर्चित हिस्सों में रहा है।

स्वतन्त्रता सेनानी बाबा रणधीर सिंह 1930-31के बीच लाहौर के सेन्ट्रल जेल में कैद थे। वे एक धार्मिक व्यक्ति थे जिन्हें यह जान कर बहुत कष्ट हुआ कि भगतसिंह का ईश्वर पर विश्वास नहीं है। वे किसी तरह भगत सिंह की कालकोठरी में पहुँचने में सफल हुए और उन्हें ईश्वर के अस्तित्व पर यकीन दिलाने की कोशिश की। असफल होने पर बाबा ने नाराज होकर कहा, "प्रसिद्धि से तुम्हारा दिमाग खराब हो गया है और तुम अहंकारी बन गए हो जो कि एक काले पर्दे के तरह तुम्हारे और ईश्वर के बीच खड़ी है। इस टिप्पणी के जवाब में ही भगतसिंह ने यह लेख लिखा।

शहीदे आजम ने लिखा हैः

मेरा नास्तिकतावाद कोई अभी हाल की उत्पत्ति नहीं है। मैंने तो ईश्वर पर विश्वास करना तब छोड़ दिया था, जब मैं एक अप्रसिद्ध नौजवान था। कम से कम एक कालेज का विद्यार्थी तो ऐसे किसी अनुचित अहंकार को नहीं पाल-पोस सकता, जो उसे नास्तिकता की ओर ले जाये। यद्यपि मैं कुछ अध्यापकों का चहेता था तथा कुछ अन्य को मैं अच्छा नहीं लगता था। पर मैं कभी भी बहुत मेहनती अथवा पढ़ाकू विद्यार्थी नहीं रहा। अहंकार जैसी भावना में फँसने का कोई मौका ही न मिल सका। मैं तो एक बहुत लज्जालु स्वभाव का लड़का था, जिसकी भविष्य के बारे में कुछ निराशावादी प्रकृति थी। मेरे बाबा, जिनके प्रभाव में मैं बड़ा हुआ, एक रूढ़िवादी आर्य समाजी हैं। एक आर्य समाजी और कुछ भी हो, नास्तिक नहीं होता। अपनी प्राथमिक शिक्षा पूरी करने के बाद मैंने डी0 ए0 वी0 स्कूल, लाहौर में प्रवेश लिया और पूरे एक साल उसके छात्रावास में रहा। वहाँ सुबह और शाम की प्रार्थना के अतिरिक्त में घण्टों गायत्री मंत्र जपा करता था। उन दिनों मैं पूरा भक्त था। बाद में मैंने अपने पिता के साथ रहना शुरू किया। जहाँ तक धार्मिक रूढ़िवादिता का प्रश्न है, वह एक उदारवादी व्यक्ति हैं। उन्हीं की शिक्षा से मुझे स्वतन्त्रता के ध्येय के लिये अपने जीवन को समर्पित करने की प्रेरणा मिली। किन्तु वे नास्तिक नहीं हैं। उनका ईश्वर में दृढ़ विश्वास है। वे मुझे प्रतिदिन पूजा-प्रार्थना के लिये प्रोत्साहित करते रहते थे। इस प्रकार से मेरा पालन-पोषण हुआ। असहयोग आन्दोलन के दिनों में राष्ट्रीय कालेज में प्रवेश लिया। यहाँ आकर ही मैंने सारी धार्मिक समस्याओं – यहाँ तक कि ईश्वर के अस्तित्व के बारे में उदारतापूर्वक सोचना, विचारना तथा उसकी आलोचना करना शुरू किया। पर अभी भी मैं पक्का आस्तिक था। उस समय तक मैं अपने लम्बे बाल रखता था। यद्यपि मुझे कभी-भी सिक्ख या अन्य धर्मों की पौराणिकता और सिद्धान्तों में विश्वास न हो सका था। किन्तु मेरी ईश्वर के अस्तित्व में दृढ़ निष्ठा थी। बाद में मैं क्रान्तिकारी पार्टी से जुड़ा। वहाँ जिस पहले नेता से मेरा सम्पर्क हुआ वे तो पक्का विश्वास न होते हुए भी ईश्वर के अस्तित्व को नकारने का साहस ही नहीं कर सकते थे। ईश्वर के बारे में मेरे हठ पूर्वक पूछते रहने पर वे कहते, ''जब इच्छा हो, तब पूजा कर लिया करो।''यह नास्तिकता है, जिसमें साहस का अभाव है। दूसरे नेता, जिनके मैं सम्पर्क में आया, पक्के श्रद्धालु आदरणीय कामरेड शचीन्द्र नाथ सान्याल आजकल काकोरी षडयन्त्र केस के सिलसिले में आजीवन कारवास भोग रहे हैं। उनकी पुस्तक 'बन्दी जीवन'ईश्वर की महिमा का ज़ोर-शोर से गान है। उन्होंने उसमें ईश्वर के ऊपर प्रशंसा के पुष्प रहस्यात्मक वेदान्त के कारण बरसाये हैं। 28 जनवरी, 1925 को पूरे भारत में जो 'दि रिवोल्यूशनरी' (क्रान्तिकारी) पर्चा बाँटा गया था, वह उन्हीं के बौद्धिक श्रम का परिणाम है। उसमें सर्वशक्तिमान और उसकी लीला एवं कार्यों की प्रशंसा की गयी है। मेरा ईश्वर के प्रति अविश्वास का भाव क्रान्तिकारी दल में भी प्रस्फुटित नहीं हुआ था। काकोरी के सभी चार शहीदों ने अपने अन्तिम दिन भजन-प्रार्थना में गुजारे थे। राम प्रसाद 'बिस्मिल'एक रूढ़िवादी आर्य समाजी थे। समाजवाद तथा साम्यवाद में अपने वृहद अध्ययन के बावजूद राजेन लाहड़ी उपनिषद एवं गीता के श्लोकों के उच्चारण की अपनी अभिलाषा को दबा न सके। मैंने उन सब मे सिर्फ एक ही व्यक्ति को देखा, जो कभी प्रार्थना नहीं करता था और कहता था, ''दर्शन शास्त्र मनुष्य की दुर्बलता अथवा ज्ञान के सीमित होने के कारण उत्पन्न होता है। वह भी आजीवन निर्वासन की सजा भोग रहा है। परन्तु उसने भी ईश्वर के अस्तित्व को नकारने की कभी हिम्मत नहीं की।

इस समय तक मैं केवल एक रोमान्टिक आदर्शवादी क्रान्तिकारी था। अब तक हम दूसरों का अनुसरण करते थे। अब अपने कन्धों पर ज़िम्मेदारी उठाने का समय आया था। यह मेरे क्रान्तिकारी जीवन का एक निर्णायक बिन्दु था। 'अध्ययन'की पुकार मेरे मन के गलियारों में गूँज रही थी – विरोधियों द्वारा रखे गये तर्कों का सामना करने योग्य बनने के लिये अध्ययन करो। अपने मत के पक्ष में तर्क देने के लिये सक्षम होने के वास्ते पढ़ो। मैंने पढ़ना शुरू कर दिया। इससे मेरे पुराने विचार व विश्वास अद्भुत रूप से परिष्कृत हुए। रोमांस की जगह गम्भीर विचारों ने ली ली। न और अधिक रहस्यवाद, न ही अन्धविश्वास। यथार्थवाद हमारा आधार बना। मुझे विश्वक्रान्ति के अनेक आदर्शों के बारे में पढ़ने का खूब मौका मिला। मैंने अराजकतावादी नेता बाकुनिन को पढ़ा, कुछ साम्यवाद के पिता माक्र्स को, किन्तु अधिक लेनिन, त्रात्स्की, व अन्य लोगों को पढ़ा, जो अपने देश में सफलतापूर्वक क्रान्ति लाये थे। ये सभी नास्तिक थे। बाद में मुझे निरलम्ब स्वामी की पुस्तक 'सहज ज्ञान'मिली। इसमें रहस्यवादी नास्तिकता थी। 1926 के अन्त तक मुझे इस बात का विश्वास हो गया कि एक सर्वशक्तिमान परम आत्मा की बात, जिसने ब्रह्माण्ड का सृजन, दिग्दर्शन और संचालन किया, एक कोरी बकवास है। मैंने अपने इस अविश्वास को प्रदर्शित किया। मैंने इस विषय पर अपने दोस्तों से बहस की। मैं एक घोषित नास्तिक हो चुका था।

पूरा आलेख यहां पढ़ेंः


कश्मीर में फिजां बदलने की उम्मीद

कश्मीर में चुनाव नतीजे चाहे कुछ हो,वहां लोकतांत्रिक प्रक्रिया की वापसी का स्वागत किया ही जाना चाहिए।

इधर जिस अकेले शख्स के कारण पत्रकारिता से नत्थी हो जाने के हादसे ने हमारी जिंदगी को बदल दिया और वह अब हिंदी का सबसे बड़ा स्टार पत्रकार है,वह उर्मिलेश हमारे अखबार जनसत्ता के लिए लगातार कश्मीर से चुनाव कवरेज कर रहा है।

वे अब भी मेरे दोस्त बने हुए हैं और कब तक बने रहेंगे,कहना मुश्किल है।

उर्मिलेश हमसे बूढ़ा हो गया है।

मित्रों में अकेले मदन कश्यप ही अब भी जवान बने हुए हैं और अब भी दंतेवाड़ा पर कविता लिख रहे हैं।16 मई के बाद कविता में उनकी हिस्सेदारी के इंतजार में हूं।

कश्मीर में पहलीबार बेहतर मतदान प्रतिशत है जो फिजां बदलने की उम्मीद भी है भले ही इसका श्रेयमोदी लूट लेने के फिराक में हैं।

बाकी देश की तरह फिर कश्मीर पर कश्मीरी पंडियों का व्रचस्व बहाल करना नेपाल में हिंदू राष्ट्र के संघी खेल से कहीं ज्यादा खतरनाक साबित हो सकता है,इसे मोदी महराज जितनी जल्दी समझें उतना ही बेहतर है।

इधर मुफ्ती मोहम्मद के साथ उनकी प्राम पिंगें सर्वविदित है।

ये मुफ्ती साहेब जब भरत के गृहमंत्री बनें तभी से कश्मीर के हालात लगातार बिगड़ते चले गये।

उनकी बेटी के अपहरण से लेकर आतंकवादियों की रिहाई का किस्सा कश्मीर मसला उलझते जाने की दास्तां है।

रघुकुल रीति अगर जारी रहे

मुप्ती के साथ हिंदुत्व का रसायन खश्मीर के हाजमे के लिए कितना मापिक होगा देखना अभी बाकी है।लेकिन तय है कि कश्मीर में मानवाधिकार नागरिक अधिकार हनन का सिलसिला और आफसा की निरंतरता जब तक तोड़ने का राजनीतिक साहस नई दिल्ली न करें और सैन्य हुकूमत के जरिये अंध राष्ट्रवाद का धर्मोन्माद के जरिये जनता के बदले सिर्फ भूगोल को भारत में बांधे रखने की रघुकुल रीति अगर जारी रहे,तो बदलती हुई फिजां में भी कब दहकने लगे चिनार और कब डल लेक में आगजनी हो जाये और कश्मीर की घाटी मौत की घाटी में तब्दील हो जाये,कहना मुश्किल ही है।

उर्मिलेश ने बेबाक लेखन के जरिये कश्मीर के धारा 370 से लेकर बुनियादी मुद्दों को स्पर्श करते हुए घाटी से ताजा हालात कीखबरे देते रहे हैं,जो पठनीय हैं।

गौरतलब है कि सुपरिचित पत्रकार और लेखक उर्मिलेश की नई पुस्तक "कश्मीर : विरासत और सियासत" भी कश्मीर को समझने के लिए अनिवार्य पाठ है।

बशर्ते कि वे मेरी मित्रता मान लें तो मुझे कश्मीर पर उनकी ताजा पत्रकारिता के लिए गर्व ही होना चाहिए।वे पत्रकारिता को आजीविका बनाना नहीं चाहते थे और मैं मास्टर बनना चाहता था।

उनने मुझे पत्रकारिता में धकेल दिया और खुद भी बच नहीं सके पत्रकारिता से,मजा यह है।

बहरहाल,विधानसभा चुनावों के चौथे चरण में रविवार को जम्मू कश्मीर और झारखंड में जनता ने उत्साह से मतदान में भाग लिया। झारखंड में 61.65 फीसद तो जम्मू कश्मीर में 49 फीसद मतदान हुआ। हिंसा की छिटपुट घटनाओं को छोड़कर दोनों जगह मतदान शांतिपूर्वक हुआ।

जम्मू कश्मीर में अलगाववादियों के बहिष्कार और सर्द मौसम की परवाह नहीं करते हुए मतदाता विधानसभा चुनाव के चौथे चरण के मतदान में रविवार को बड़ी संख्या में घरों से बाहर निकले जिसका नतीजा यह रहा कि 18 सीटों पर 49 फीसद मतदान दर्ज किया गया। श्रीनगर, अनंतनाग, शोपियां (कश्मीर घाटी) और साम्बा (जम्मू क्षेत्र) में मतदान हुआ और इन स्थानों पर 2008 के विधानसभा की तुलना में मतदान चार फीसद अधिक रहा। हालांकि इस चुनाव के पहले तीन चरणों के मुकाबले यह कम रहा। पहले दो चरणों में औसत मतदान 71 फीसद और तीसरे चरण में 59 फीसद मतदान दर्ज किया गया।

इन सभी चार जिलों में मतदान कमोबेश शांतिपूर्ण रहा। कई स्थानों पर प्रतिद्वंद्वी राजनीतिक दलों के समर्थकों के बीच झड़प की कई घटनाएं हुर्इं। घाटी में दो भाजपा उम्मीदवारों जावेद अहमद कादरी (शोपियां) और हिना भट्ट (अमीरकाडल) की ओर से कथित मनमानी की बात भी सामने आई है।

केसरिया होने लगे असुर जनगण भी

कश्मीर के अलावा झारखंड में भी वोट पड़े हैं।दोनों राज्य केसरिया टार्गेट हैं।

झारखंड से तो हमने खैर पत्रकारिता की शुरुआत ही की है।

उस बंगाल में जहां पिछले तेइस साल से हमारा डेरा डंडा है, राष्ट्रपति शसन लगने जैसी अराजकता फैल रही है और केंद्र विरोधी जिहाद में अकेली ममता बनर्जी की साख लगातार शून्यदिशा में हैं।

शारदा कांड में दागियों के बचाव के लिए जो जमीन आसमान एक करने लगी हैं ममतादीदी और गिरफ्तार मंत्री के बचाव में सड़क पर उतरने लगी हैं,उससे धार्मिक ध्रूवीकरण का खेल बंगाल में कश्मीर और झारखंड से ज्यादा तेज हैं।

वामपंथी अभी जाग ही रहे हैं।तो मूलनिवासी समिति अभी बड़ी राजनीतिक शक्ति बन नहीं पायी है।संघ परिवार के लिए खुल्ला मैदान है।कांग्रेस तो उसमें समाहित हो जाने को है।

वैसे यह पहेली बूझना मुश्किल है कि कब किस बिंदू पर कांग्रेस संघ परिवार से अलग रही है।

भोपाल गैस त्रासदी,गुजरात नरसंहार,परमाणु संधि,विदेश और आर्थिक नीतियां,राजकाज,रंगभेद,जाति वर्चस्व,अमेरिकापरस्ती,सिखों का नरसंहार,गुजरात नरसंहार,बाबरी विध्वंस ..मील के पत्थरों की पड़ताल कर लें।

रंगभेदी नस्ली राजकाज में कांग्रेस और संघ परिवार बराबर के साझेदार हैं।

झारखंड और बंगाल के असुर अनार्य जनगण अब केसरिया होने लगे हैं।

इस खबर पर गौर करेंः

पश्चिम बंगाल के परिवहन मंत्री मदन मित्रा की गिरफ्तारी के विरोध में तृणमूल कांग्रेस के कार्यकर्ताओं ने सोमवार को संसद परिसर में विरोध प्रदर्शन किया। प्र दर्शन करने वाले सांसदों ने सहारा प्रमुख सुब्रत रॉय के साथ पीएम मोदी की फोटो ले रखी है। गौरतलब है कि मदन मित्रा को सीबीआई ने सारधा घोटाले में शुक्रवार को गिरफ्तार कर लिया था। जिसके बाद टीएमसी कार्यकर्ताओं ने कोलकाता में जिस कोर्ट में मित्रा को पेश किया गया था, उसके बाहर प्रदर्शन किया। साथ ही बंगाल की सीएम ममता बनर्जी ने विरोध रैली की और पीएम मोदी को चुनौती देते हुए कहा था कि हिम्मत है तो मुझे गिरफ्तार करके दिखाए।

संसद परिसर में टीएमसी सासदों ने काले शॉल ओढ़कर प्रदर्शन करते हुए सरकार पर सीबीआई का गलत इस्तेमाल का आरोप लगाया। सांसदों ने "पीएम, अमित शाह बंगाल गुस्से में है" जैसे नारे वाली तख्तियां पकड़ी हुई थी और नारे लगा रहे थे। कुछ सांसदों ने सहारा ग्रुप प्रमुख के साथ पीएम मोदी की फोटो पकड़ी हुई थी। टीएमसी ने आरोप लगाया कि सहारा प्रमुख की ट्रांजेक्शन की डायरी में भाजपा अध्यक्ष अमित शाह का नाम सामने आया लेकिन भाजपा ने इन आरोपों से इनकार कर दिया। प्रदर्शन करे रहे सां सदों ने कहा कि वे संसद के दोनों सदनों में इस मुद्दे को उठाएंगे।

तृणमूल सांसद कल्याण बनर्जी ने बताया कि सीबीआई का राजनीति उपयोग किया जा रहा है। इसलिये उससे स्वतंत्र और निष्पक्ष जांच की उम्मीद नहीं की जा सकती। वहीं भाजपा के सांसद एस एस अहलूवालिया ने तृणमूल सांसद के विरोध प्रदर्शन पर अपनी प्रतिक्रिया में कहा कि सीबीआई के हाथ और बड़े मंत्रियों पर नहीं पहुंचे इसलिये यह नाटक किया जा रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि सारधा घोटाले में 50 लाख छोटे निवेशकों का पैसा डूब गया है और इससे लोगों का ध्यान हटाने के लिये तृणमूल के सांसद इस प्रकार के विरोध प्रदर्शन कर रहे है।

मित्रा की गिरफ्तारी की शाम को बंगाल सीएम बनर्जी ने कहा था कि भाजपा ने सीबीआई का इस्तेमाल करते हुए "राजनीतिक साजिश" के तहत मदन मित्रा को गिरफ्तार क रवाया है। - See more at: http://www.patrika.com/news/tmc-mps-protest-outside-parliament-against-bengal-ministers-arrest/1059830#sthash.14DgXQqe.dpuf

जीतेन मांझी मुसहर के राज्य में पहला संत समागम

ghar wapsi: Adityanath

देश में आजादी के पूर्व और उसके बाद भी लोभ, लालच और दबाव से व्यापक स्तर पर हिंदुओं का धर्मांतरण हुआ है, लेकिन अगर कोई हिंदू किसी कारणवश मुसलिम या ईसाई हो गया था और 'घर वापसी'करना चाहता है तो वे उसका स्वागत करेंगे: आदित्यनाथ (एक्सप्रेस फोटो: प्रशांत रवि)

मुसहर मुख्यमंत्री जीतन मांझी के राज्यबिहारके वैशाली में हाजीपुर। भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) के सांसद योगी आदित्यनाथ ने रविवार को कहा कि जिन हिंदुओं को जबरदस्ती अन्य धर्मो में शामिल कर लिया गया है, अगर वे अपने फिर से हिंदू धर्म में वापस आना चाहते हैं तो इसमें सरकार को सहयोग करना चाहिए और ऐसे लोगों का स्वागत होना चाहिए। 21वीं सदी के युवा सांसद ने सर्द मौसम में ठिठुरते संतों में गर्मी भरने का प्रयास भी किया। बिहार के वैशाली जिले के वैशाली गढ़ में धर्म जागरण मंच द्वारा आयोजित 'संत समागम' में सांसद आदित्यनाथ ने संतों को एकजुट होने का आह्वान करते हुए कहा कि वर्ष 1992 में संत एकजुट हुए थे तो उनकी शक्ति विश्व ने देखी थी …

फिर कारसेवा की तैयारी है

समझ लीजिये कि फिर कारसेवा की तैयारी है

फिर बाबरी विध्वंस की तैयारी है

फिर तैयारी है विरासतों को केसरिया बनाकर ध्वस्त कर देने की

फिर तैयारी है कारसेवा की

कि फिर तैयारी है गुजरात नरसंहार दोहराने की

फिर तैयारी है देश दुनिया को दंगों की आग में शिक कबाब बनाने की

फिलहाल सबसे बड़ा,सबसे पहला लक्ष्य

तेजोमयमहल ताजमहल है

फिर लालकिले की बारी है

लाल किले से गीता महोत्सव अश्वमेध राजसूय का शुभारंभ है,जो मनुस्मृति शासन का खुल्ला ऐलान है

हिदू साम्राज्यवाद के शिकंजे में है देश यह

समूचा एशिया भी

कोई चित्रांगदा कहीं नहीं है कि किसी

अर्जुन को कोई पराजित कर दें युद्ध में

नरसंहार संस्कृति अब धर्मयुद्ध है

वैदिकी हिसा हिंसा न भवति

जैसे धर्मांतरण का देश व्यापी सिलसिला है,जैसे नागरिकता संशोधन कानून के शरणार्थियों को बांग्लादेशी ब्रांड कर देना है ,फिर असुरक्षित मुसलमानों को हिंदुत्व के झंडे में पांच पांच लाख देकर और ईसाइयों को दो दो लाख देकर ले आना है,वैसे ही फिर धर्मांतरित कर दिये जायेंगे घर वापसी के नाम पर बौद्ध सिख जैनी भी।

जबरन धर्मांतरण का विरोध का माहौल संघपरिवार का मनुस्मृति स्थाई बंदोबस्त है ,हमने अंग्रेजी में विस्तार से लिखा है।हिदी में भी।

हस्तक्षेप देखें और हो सकें तो फिजां और मौसम की सेहत के लिए हस्तक्षेप को जारी रखने में मदद भी करें।

अब किसी अंबेडकर को हिंदुत्व के शिकंडजे से बौद्ध धर्म या कोई दूसरा धर्म अपनाने का रास्ता बंद कर देना है ताकि जिस जाति में जो जन्मा ह ,भागवत गीता का कर्मफल भोगे बिना वह मरे नहीं और मरे तो मरे उसी जाति में जिस जाति में वह जनमा हो।

सवर्ण सत्ता की पूरी राजनीति सहमत है जैसे वह जल जंगल जमीन नागरिकता मानवाधिकार नागरिक अधिकार आजीविका प्रयावरण से बेदखली के हर पहल में साथसाथ राकसालिड है।

संतन की महिमा अपरंपार और राजनीतिक मकसद से धर्म कर्म को राजनीति में तब्दील करने और आम जनता को धर्मोन्मादी बनाकर राजकाज चलाने में भी महिमा उनकी अपरंपार।

सत्ता समीकरण बदलने में भारतीय संत समाज का अभूतपूर्व योगदान है उनके अनंत यौवन की तरह।

अब इस खबर पर गौर करें,जबकि संसद में ओबामा के पैरों की आहटें तेज होती जा रही है और सुधार कानूनों को पास कराने की बेहद हड़बड़ी में है देशभक्त और बिजनेस फ्रेंडली हिंदुत्व की हिंदू साम्राज्यवादी सरकार।

इससे पहले यह समझना भी जरुरी है कि किन्हीं साध्वी की भाषा पर धर्मनिरपेक्ष विपक्ष का अस्थाई ऐतराज एकमुश्त 1382 कानूनों की हत्या हो जाने की भाजपा को दी मोहलत  तक सीमाबद्ध था।

उनने इस्तीफा नहीं दिया है और डंके की टोर पर बाहैसियत भारत सरकार की मंत्री और संघ परिवार के स्टार कैंपनर वे विधर्मियों को खुल्ले मैदान में ललकार रही हैं कि अब शांति नहीं चाहिए।

नहीं चाहिए अमन चैन।

पहले इस खबर पर गौर करें।

इसी बीच केंद्र में भाजपा की सरकार बनने के बाद बिहार में पहली बार इस संत समागम का आयोजन किया गया है। तीन दिन के इस कार्यक्रम में केंद्रीय मंत्री व पाटलीपुत्र से सांसद रामकृपाल यादव, वैशाली से लोजपा सांसद रामा किशोर सिंह व बिहार भाजपा अध्यक्ष गोपाल नारायण सिंह भी पहुंचे। आयोजन स्थल पर 'संत समागम'का स्वागत करने संबंधी लोजपा प्रमुख रामविलास पासवान के भी पोस्टर लगाए गए थे।भाजपा सांसद योगी आदित्यनाथ ने रविवार को कहा कि लोभ, लालच और किसी कारणवश कोई हिंदू अगर मुसलिम या ईसाई हो गया और वह 'घर वापसी'करना चाहता है तो इसमें कोई बुराई नहीं है और उन्हें मूल धर्म में आने की छूट मिलनी चाहिए।

हाल में आगरा में कई मुसलिम परिवारों के धर्मांतरण करने से छिड़ी बहस के बीच वैशाली जिले में राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ से जुड़े संगठन 'धर्म जागरण मंच'की ओर से आयोजित तीन दिवसीय संत समागम में हिस्सा लेने पहुंचे आदित्यनाथ ने पत्रकारों से कहा कि देश में आजादी के पूर्व और उसके बाद भी लोभ, लालच और दबाव से व्यापक स्तर पर हिंदुओं का धर्मांतरण हुआ है, लेकिन अगर कोई हिंदू किसी कारणवश मुसलिम या ईसाई हो गया था और 'घर वापसी'करना चाहता है तो वे उसका स्वागत करेंगे। उन्होंने आरोप लगाया कि इस घर वापसी का विरोध छद्म धर्मनिरपेक्षता वाले कर रहे हैं जो उनकी हिंदू विरोधी सोच का प्रतीक है। उन्होंने 'हिंदू एकता'का आह्वान करते हुए कहा कि 1992 में एक बार हिंदू एकजुट हुए थे और नतीजे में बाबरी मस्जिद ध्वस्त हो गई थी।

उत्तर प्रदेश के गोरखपुर संसदीय क्षेत्र से भाजपा सांसद आदित्यनाथ ने यहां देशभर के 2200 मठों और मंदिरों के महंतों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि उन्हें अगर विरोध करना है तो देश के अंदर बड़े पैमाने पर हो रहे धर्मांतरण का विरोध करना चाहिए। उन्होंने कहा कि केंद्र सरकार धर्मांतरण पर कड़ा कानून बनाने की पक्षधर है और इस पर कड़ा कानून बनना चाहिए। हम इस पर संसद में होने वाली चर्चा में भाग लेंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि विपक्षी दल हिंदुओं के धर्मांतरण पर खामोश रहते हैं पर जब कोई और हिंदू धर्म में धर्मांतरित होता है तो वे इसका विरोध शुरू कर देते हैं।

घंटे भर के अपने संबोधन में आदित्यनाथ ने 'माला के साथ भाला'का आह्वान करते हुए कहा कि अगर पंद्रह लाख की संख्या वाला संत समाज देश के छह लाख 23 हजार गांवों का भ्रमण करना शुरू कर दें तो मुट्ठी भर मिशनरी और मौलवी एक भी हिंदू को धर्मांतरित नहीं कर पाएंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि पश्चिमी देशों ने कृष्ण के इस दर्शन को अपना लिया है कि दुष्टों को दंडित करना चाहिए भले ही वे आपके परिजन या रिश्तेदार ही क्यों न हों। पर हिंदू अब बहुत 'मुलायम'हो गए हैं और उन्होंने ईसा मसीह के इस दर्शन को अपना लिया है कि अगर कोई एक गाल पर चांटा मारे तो दूसरा गाल भी आगे कर दो। पर अब द्रोणाचार्य बनने का समय है जो शास्त्र व शस्त्र दोनों में निष्णात थे।

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Percy Bysshe Shelley

Percy Bysshe ShelleyBorn: 4-Aug-1792

Birthplace: Field Place, Sussex, England

Died: 8-Jul-1822

Location of death: The ship Ariel, Viareggio, Italy

Cause of death: Accident - Drowning

Remains: Cremated, Campo Cestio, Rome, Italy

Gender: Male

Religion: Atheist

Race or Ethnicity: White

Sexual orientation: Straight

Occupation: Poet

Nationality: England

Executive summary: Prometheus Unbound

English poet, born on the 4th of August 1792 at Field Place, near Horsham, Sussex. He was the eldest child of Timothy Shelley, M.P. for Shoreham, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Pilfold, of Effingham, Surrey. His father was the son and heir of Sir Bysshe Shelley, Bart. (died in 1815), whose baronetcy (1806) was a reward from the Whig party for political services. Sir Bysshe's father Timothy had emigrated to America, and he himself had been born in Newark, New Jersey; but he came back to England, and did well for himself by marrying successively two heiresses, the first, the mother of Timothy, being Mary Catherine, daughter of the Rev. Theobald Michell of Horsham. He was a handsome man of enterprising and remarkable character, accumulated a vast fortune, built Castle Goring, and lived in sullen and penurious retirement in his closing years. None of his talent seems to have descended to his son Timothy, who, except for being of a rather oddly self-assertive character, was undistinguishable from the ordinary run of commonplace country squires. The mother of the poet is described as beautiful, and a woman of good abilities, but not with any literary turn; she was an agreeable letter-writer. The branch of the Shelley family to which the poet Percy Bysshe belonged traces its pedigree to Henry Shelley of Worminghurst, Sussex, who died in 1623. These Worminghurst or Castle Goring Shelleys are of the same stock as the Michelgrove Shelleys, who trace up to Sir William Shelley, judge of the common pleas underHenry VII, then to a member of parliament in 1415, and to the reign of Edward I, or even to the epoch of the Norman Conquest. The Worminghurst branch was a family of credit, but not of special distinction, until its fortunes culminated under the above-named Sir Bysshe.

In the character of Percy Bysshe Shelley three qualities became early manifest, and may be regarded as innate: impressionableness or extreme susceptibility to external and internal impulses of feeling; a lively imagination or erratic fancy, blurring a sound estimate of solid facts; and a resolute repudiation of outer authority or the despotism of custom. These qualities were highly developed in his earliest manhood, were active in his boyhood, and no doubt made some show even on the borderland between childhood and infancy. At the age of six he was sent to a day school at Warnham, kept by the Rev. Mr. Edwards; at ten to Sion House School, Brentford, of which the principal was Dr. Greenlaw, while the pupils were mostly sons of local tradesmen; at twelve (or immediately before that age, on the 29th of July 1804) to Eton. The headmaster of Eton, up to nearly the close of Shelley's sojourn in the school, was Dr. Goodall, a mild disciplinarian; it is therefore a mistake to suppose that Percy (unless during his very brief stay in the lower school) was frequently flagellated by the formidable Dr. Keate, who only became headmaster after Goodall. Shelley was a shy, sensitive, mopish sort of boy from one point of view -- from another a very unruly one, having his own notions of justice, independence and mental freedom; by nature gentle, kindly and retiring -- under provocation dangerously violent. He resisted the odious fagging system, exerted himself little in the routine of school-learning, and was known both as "Mad Shelley" and as "Shelley the Atheist." Some writers try to show that an Eton boy would be termed atheist without exhibiting any propensity to atheism, but solely on the ground of his being mutinous. However, as Shelley was a declared atheist a good while before attaining his majority, a shrewd suspicion arises that, if Etonians dubbed him atheist, they had some relevant reason for doing so.

Shelley entered University College, Oxford, in April 1810, returned from there to Eton, and finally quitted the school at midsummer, and commenced residence in Oxford in October. Here he met a young Durham man, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, who had preceded him in the university by a couple of months; the two youths at once struck up a warm and intimate friendship. Shelley had at this time a love for chemical experiment, as well as for poetry. philosophy, and classical study, and was in all his tastes and bearing an enthusiast. Hogg was not in the least an enthusiast, rather a cynic, but he also was a steady and well-read classical student. In religious matters both were skeptics, or indeed decided anti-Christians; whether Hogg, as the senior and more informed disputant, pioneered Shelley into strict atheism, or whether Shelley, as the more impassioned and unflinching speculator, outran the easy-going jeering Hogg, is a moot point; we incline to the latter opinion. Certain it is that each egged on the other by perpetual disquisition on abstruse subjects, conducted partly for the sake of truth and partly for that of mental exercitation, without on either side any disposition to bow to authority or stop short of extreme conclusions. The upshot of this habit was that Shelley and Hogg, at the close of some five months of happy and uneventful academic life, were expelled from the university. Shelley -- for he alone figures as the writer of the "little syllabus", although there can be no doubt that Hogg was his confidant and coadjutor throughout -- published anonymously a pamphlet or flysheet entitled The Necessity of Atheism, which he sent around to bishops and all sorts of people as an invitation or challenge to discussion. It amounted to saying that neither reason nor testimony is adequate to establish the existence of a deity, and that nothing short of a personal individual self-revelation of the deity would be sufficient. The college authorities heard of the pamphlet, identified Shelley as its author, and summoned him before them -- "our master, and two or three of the fellows." The pamphlet was produced, and Shelley was required to say whether he had written it or not. The youth declined to answer the question, and was expelled by a written sentence, ready drawn up. Hogg was next summoned, with a result practically the same. The precise details of this transaction have been much controverted; the best evidence is that which appears on the college records, showing that both Hogg and Shelley (Hogg is there named first) were expelled for "contumaciously refusing to answer questions", and for "repeatedly declining to disavow" the authorship. Thus they were dismissed as being mutineers against academic authority, in a case pregnant with the suspicion -- not the proof -- of atheism; but how the authorities could know beforehand that the two undergraduates would be contumacious and stiff against disavowal, so as to give warrant for written sentences ready drawn up, is nowhere explained. Possibly the sentences were worded without ground assigned, and would only have been produced in terrorem had the young men proved more malleable. The date of this incident was the 25th of March 1811.

Shelley and Hogg came up to London, where Shelley was soon left alone, as his friend went to York to study conveyancing. Percy and his incensed father did not at once come to terms, and for a while he had no resource beyond pocket-money saved up by his sisters (four in number altogether) and sent round to him, sometimes by the hand of a singularly pretty school-fellow, Miss Harriet Westbrook, daughter of a retired and moderately rich hotel-keeper. Shelley, in early youth, had a somewhat "priggish" turn for moralizing and argumentation, and a decided mania for proselytizing; his schoolgirl sisters, and their little Methodist friend Miss Westbrook, aged between fifteen and sixteen, must all be enlightened and converted to anti-Christianity. He therefore cultivated the society of Harriet, calling at the house of her father, and being encouraged in his assiduity by her much older sister Eliza. Harriet not unnaturally fell in love with him; and he, though not it would seem at any time ardently in love with her, dallied along the flowery pathway which leads to sentiment and a definite courtship. This was not his first love affair; for he had but a very few months before been courting his cousin Miss Harriet Grove, who, alarmed at his heterodoxies, finally broke off with him -- to his no small grief and perturbation at the time. It is averred, and seemingly with truth, that Shelley never indulged in any sensual or dissipated amour; and, as he advances in life, it becomes apparent that, though capable of the passion of love, and unusually prone to regard with much effusion of sentiment women who interested his mind and heart, the mere attraction of a pretty face or an alluring figure left him unenthralled. After a while Percy was reconciled to his father, revisited his family in Sussex, and then stayed with a cousin in Wales. Hence he was recalled to London by Miss Harriet Westbrook, who wrote complaining of her father's resolve to send her back to her school, in which she was now regarded with repulsion as having become too apt a pupil of the atheist Shelley. He replied counselling resistance. "She wrote to say" (these are the words of Shelley in a letter to Hogg, dating towards the end of July 1811) "that resistance was useless, but that she would fly with me, and threw herself upon my protection." Shelley, therefore, returned to London, where he found Harriet agitated and wavering; finally they agreed to elope, travelled in haste to Edinburgh, and there, on the 28th of August, were married with the rites of the Scottish Church. Shelley, it should be understood, had by this time openly broken, not only with the dogmas and conventions of Christian religion, but with many of the institutions of Christian polity, and in particular with such as enforce and regulate marriage; he held -- with William Godwin and some other theorists -- that marriage ought to be simply a voluntary relation between a man and a woman, to be assumed at joint option and terminated at the later option of either party. If, therefore, he had acted upon his personal conviction of the right, be would never have wedded Harriet, whether by, Scotch, English or any other law; but he waived his own theory in favor of the consideration that in such an experiment the woman's stake, and the disadvantages accruing to her, are out of all comparison with the man's. His conduct, therefore, was so far entirely honorable; and, if it derogated from a principle of his own (a principle which, however contrary to the morality of other people, was and always remained matter of genuine conviction on his individual part), this was only in deference to a higher and more imperious standard of right.

Harriet Shelley was not only beautiful; she was amiable, accommodating, adequately well educated and well bred. She liked reading, and her reading was not strictly frivolous. But she could not (as Shelley said at a later date) "feel poetry and understand philosophy." Her attractions were all on the surface; there was (to use a common phrase) "nothing particular in her." For nearly three years Shelley and Harriet led a shifting sort of life upon an income of £400 a year, one-half of which was allowed (after his first severe indignation at themésalliance was past) by Timothy Shelley, and the other half by Mr. Westbrook. The couple left Edinburgh for York and the society of Hogg; broke with him upon a charge made by Harriet, and evidently fully believed by Shelley at the time, that, during a temporary absence of his upon business in Sussex, Hogg had tried to seduce her (this quarrel was entirely made up at the end of about a year); moved off to Keswick in Cumberland, where they received kind attentions from Robert Southey, and some hospitality from the duke of Norfolk, who, as chief magnate in the Shoreham region of Sussex, was at pains to reconcile the father and his too unfilial heir; sailed from there to Dublin, where Shelley was eager, and in some degree prominent, in the good cause of Catholic emancipation, conjoined with repeal of the union; crossed to Wales, and lived at Nant-Gwillt, near Rhayader, then at Lynmouth in Devonshire, then at Tanyrallt in Carnarvonshire. All this was between September 1811 and February 1813. At Lynmouth an Irish servant of Shelley's was sentenced to six months' imprisonment for distributing and posting up printed papers, bearing no printer's name, of an inflammatory or seditious tendency -- being a Declaration of Rights composed by the youthful reformer, and some verses of his named The Devil's Walk. At Tanyrallt Shelley was (according to his own and Harriet's account, confirmed by the evidence of Miss Westbrook, the elder sister, who continued an inmate in most of their homes) attacked on the night of 26th February by an assassin who fired three pistol shots. It was either a human assassin or (as Shelley once said) "the devil." The motive of the attack was undefined; the fact of its occurrence was generally disbelieved, both at the time and by subsequent inquirers. Shelley was full of wild unpractical notions; he dosed himself occasionally with laudanum as a palliative to spasmodic pains; he was given to strange assertions and romancing narratives (several of which might properly be specified here but for want of space), and was not incapable of conscious fibbing. His mind no doubt oscillated at times along the line which divides sanity from insane delusion. It is now, however, at last proved that he did not invent such a monstrous story to serve a purpose. The Century Magazine for October 1905 contained an article entitled "A Strange Adventure of Shelley's", by Margaret L. Croft, which shows that a shepherd close to Tanyrallt, named Robin Pant Evan, being irritated by some well-meant acts of Shelley in terminating the lives of dying or diseased sheep, did really combine with two other shepherds to scare the poet, and Evan was the person who played the part of "assassin." He himself avowed as much to members of a family, Greaves, who were living at Tanyrallt between 1847 and 1865. This was the break-up of the residence of the Shelleys at Tanyrallt; they revisited Ireland, and then settled for a while in London. Here, in June 1813, Harriet gave birth to her daughter Ianthe Eliza. Here also Shelley brought out his first poem of any importance, Queen Mab; it was privately printed, as its exceedingly aggressive tone in matters of religion and morals would not allow of publication. In July the Shelleys took a house at Bracknell near Windsor Forest, where they had congenial neighbors, Mrs. Boinville and her family.

The speculative sage whom Shelley especially reverenced was William Godwin, the author of Political Justice and of the romance Caleb Williams; in 1796 he had married Mary Wollstonecraft, author of The Rights of Woman, who died shortly after giving birth, on the 30th of August 1797, to a daughter Mary. With Godwin Shelley had opened a volunteered correspondence late in 1811, and he had known him personally since the winter which closed 1812. Godwin was then a bookseller, living with his second wife, who had been a Mrs. Clairmont; there were four other inmates of the household, two of whom call for some mention here -- Fanny Wollstonecraft, the daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft and Mr. Imlay, and Claire (Clara Mary Jane), the daughter of Mrs. Clairmont. Fanny committed suicide in October 1816, being, according to some accounts which remain unverified, hopelessly in love with Shelley; Claire was closely associated with all his subsequent career. It was towards May 1814 that Shelley first saw Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin as a grown-up girl (she was well on towards seventeen); he instantly fell in love with her, and she with him. Just before this, on the 24th of March, Shelley had remarried Harriet in London, apparently with a view to strengthening his position in his relations with his father as to the family property; but, on becoming enamoured of Mary, he seems to have rapidly made up his mind that Harriet should not stand in the way. She was at Bath while he was in London. They had, however, met again in London and come to some sort of understanding before the final crisis arrived -- Harriet remonstrating and indignant, but incapable of effective resistance -- Shelley sick of her companionship, and bent upon gratifying his own wishes, which as we have already seen were not at odds with his avowed principles of conduct. For some months past there had been bickerings and misunderstandings between him and Harriet, aggravated by the now detested presence of Miss Westbrook in the house; more than this cannot be said, and it seems dubious whether more will be hereafter known. Shelley, and not he alone, alleged grave misdoing on Harriet's part -- perhaps mistakenly. The upshot came on the 28th of July, when Shelley aided Mary to elope from her father's house, Claire Clairmont deciding to accompany them. They crossed to Calais, and proceeded across France into Switzerland. Godwin and his wife were greatly incensed. Though he and Mary Wollstonecraft had entertained and avowed bold opinions regarding the marriage-bond, similar to Shelley's own, and had in their time acted upon these opinions, it is not clearly made out that Mary Godwin had ever been encouraged by paternal influence to think or do the like. Shelley and Mary chose to act upon their own likings and responsibility -- he disregarding any claim which Harriet had upon him, and Mary setting at nought her father's authority. Both were prepared to ignore the law of the land and the rules of society.

The three young people returned to London in September. In the following January 1815 Sir Bysshe Shelley died, and Percy, who had lately been in great money-straits, became the immediate heir to the entailed property inherited by his father Sir Timothy. This entailed property seems to have been worth nearly £6000 per annum. There was another very much larger property which Percy might shortly before have secured to himself, contingently upon his father's death, if he would have consented to put it upon the same footing of entail; but this he resolutely refused to do, on the professed ground of his being opposed upon principle to the system of entail; therefore, on his grandfather's death the larger property passed wholly away from any interest which Percy might have had in it, in use or in expectancy. He now came to an understanding with his father as to the remaining entailed property; and, giving up certain future advantages, he received henceforth a regular income of £1000 a year. Out of this he assigned £200 a year to Harriet, who had given birth in November to a son, Charles Bysshe (he died in 1826). Shelley, and Mary as well, were on moderately good terms with Harriet, seeing her from time to time. His peculiar views as to the relations of the sexes appear markedly again in his having (so it is alleged) invited Harriet to return to his and Mary's house as a domicile; a curious arrangement which of course did not take effect. He had, undoubtedly, while previously abroad with Mary, invited Harriet to stay in their immediate neighborhood. Shelley and Mary (who was naturally always called Mrs. Shelley) now settled at Bishopgate, near Windsor Forest; here he produced his first excellent poem, Alastor, or the Spirit of Solitude, which was published soon afterwards with a few others. Thomas Love Peacock was one of his principal associates at Bishopgate.

In May 1816 the pair left England for Switzerland, together with Miss Clairmont, and their own infant son William. They went straight to Sécheron, near Geneva; Byron, whose separation from his wife had just then taken place, arrived there immediately afterwards. A great deal of controversy has arisen as to the motives and incidents of this foreign sojourn. The clear fact is that Miss Clairmont, who had a fine voice and some inclination for the stage, had seen Byron, as connected with the management of Drury Lane Theatre, early in the year, and an amorous intrigue had begun between them in London. It seems quite reasonable to suppose that she had explained the facts to Shelley or to Mary, or to both, and had induced them to convoy her to the society of Byron abroad; were this finally established as the fact, it would show no inconsistency of conduct, or breach of his own code of sexual morals, on Shelley's part. On the other hand, documentary evidence exists showing that Mary was totally ignorant of the amour shortly before they went abroad. Whether or not they knew of it while they and Claire were in daily intercourse with Byron, and housed close by him on the shore of the Lake of Geneva, may be left unargued. The three returned to London in September 1816, Byron remaining abroad; and in January 1817 Miss Clairmont gave birth to his daughter named Allegra.

The return of the Shelleys was closely followed by two suicides -- first that of Fanny Wollstonecraft (already referred to), and second that of Harriet Shelley, who on the 9th of November drowned herself in the Serpentine. The body was not found until the 10th of December. The latest stages of the lovely and ill-starred Harriet's career have never been very explicitly recorded. It seems that she formed a connection with some gentleman from whom circumstances or desertion separated her, that her habits became intemperate, and that she was treated with contumelious harshness by her sister during an illness of their father. She had always had a propensity (often laughed at in earlier and happier days) to the idea of suicide, and she now carried it out in act -- possibly without anything which could be regarded as an extremely cogent predisposing motive, although the total weight of her distresses, accumulating within the past two years and a half, was beyond question heavy to bear. Shelley, then at Bath, hurried up to London when he beard of Harriet's death, giving manifest signs of the shock which so terrible a catastrophe had produced on him. Some self-reproach must no doubt have mingled with his affliction and dismay; yet he does not appear to have considered himself gravely in the wrong at any stage in the transaction, and it is established that in the train of quite recent events which immediately led up to Harriet's suicide he had borne no part.

This was the time when Shelley began to see a great deal of Leigh Hunt, the poet and essayist, editor of theExaminer; they were close friends, and Hunt did something to uphold the reputation of Shelley as a poet -- which, we may here say once for all, scarcely obtained any public acceptance or solidity during his brief lifetime. The death of Harriet having removed the only obstacle to a marriage with Mary Godwin, the wedding ensued on the 30th of December 1816, and the married couple settled down at Great Marlow in Buckinghamshire. Their tranquillity was shortly disturbed by a Chancery suit set in motion by Mr. Westbrook, who asked for the custody of his two grandchildren, on the ground that Shelley had deserted his wife and intended to bring up his offspring in his own atheistic and anti-social opinions. Lord Chancellor Eldon delivered judgment on the 27th of March 1817. He held that Shelley, having avowed condemnable principles of conduct, and having fashioned his own conduct to correspond, and being likely to inculcate the same principles upon his children, was unfit to have the charge of them. He appointed as their curator Dr. Hume, an orthodox army-physician, who was Shelley's own nominee. The poet had to pay for the maintenance of the children a sum which stood eventually at £120 per annum; if it was at first (as generally stated) £200, that was no more than what he had previously allowed to Harriet. This is the last incident of marked importance in the perturbed career of Shelley; the rest relates to the history of his mind, the poems which he produced and published, and his changes of locality in travelling. The first ensuing poem was The Revolt of Islam, referred to near the close of this article.

In March 1818, after an illness which he regarded (rightly or wrongly) as a dangerous pulmonary attack, Shelley, with his wife, their two infants William and Clara, and Miss Clairmont and her baby Allegra, went off to Italy, where the short remainder of his life was passed. Allegra was soon sent on to Venice to her father, who, ever since parting from Miss Clairmont in Switzerland, showed a callous and unfeeling determination to see and know no more about her. In 1818 the Shelleys -- always nearly with Miss Clairmont in their company -- were in Milan, Livorno, the Bagni di Lucca, Venice and its neighborhood, Rome, and Naples; in 1819 in Rome, the vicinity of Livorno, and Florence (both their infants were now dead, but a third was born late in 1819, Percy Florence Shelly, who in 1844 inherited the baronetcy); in 1820 in Pisa the Bagni di Pisa (or di San Giuliano), and Livorno; in 1821 in Pisa and with Byron in Ravenna; in 1822 in Pisa and on the Bay of Spezia, between Lerici and San Terenzio. The incidents of this period are but few, and of no great importance apart from their bearing upon the poet's writings. In Livorno he knew Mr. and Mrs. Gisborne, the latter a once intimate friend of Godwin; she taught Shelley Spanish, and he was eager to promote a project for a steamer to be built by her son by a former marriage, the engineer Henry Reveley; it would have been the first steamer to navigate the Gulf of Lyons. In Pisa he formed a sentimental intimacy with the Contessina Emilia Viviani, a girl who was pining in a convent pending her father's choice of a husband for her; this impassioned but vague and fanciful attachment -- which soon came to an end, as Emila's character developed less favorably in the eyes of her Platonic adorer -- produced the transcendental love poem of Epipsychidion in 1821. In Ravenna the scheme of the quarterly magazine the Liberal was concerted by Byron and Shelley, the latter being principally interested in it with a view to benefiting Leigh Hunt by such an association with Byron. In Pisa Byron and Shelley were very constantly together, having in their company at one time or another Shelley's cousin and schoolfellow Captain Thomas Medwin (1788-1869), Lieutenant Edward Elliker Williams (1793-1822) and his wife, to both of whom the poet was very warmly attached, and Captain Edward John Trelawny, the adventurous and romantic-natured seaman, who has left important and interesting reminiscences of this period. Byron admired very highly the generous, unworldly and enthusiastic character of Shelley, and set some value on his writings; Shelley half-worshipped Byron as a poet, and was anxious, but in some conjunctures by no means able, to respect him as a man. In Pisa he knew also Prince Alexander Mavrocordato, one of the pioneers of Grecian insurrection and freedom; the glorious cause fired Shelley, and he wrote the drama of Hellas (1821).

The last residence of Shelley was the Casa Magni, a bare and exposed dwelling on the Gulf of Spezia. He and his wife, with the Williamses, went there at the end of April 1822 to spend the summer, which proved an arid and scorching one. Shelley and Williams, both of them insatiably fond of boating, had a small schooner named the "Don Juan" (or more properly the "Ariel"), built at Genoa after a design which Williams had procured from a naval friend, but the reverse of safe. They received her on the 12th of May, found her rapid and alert, and on the 1st of July started in her to Livorno, to meet Leigh Hunt, whose arrival in Italy had just been notified. After doing his best to set things going comfortably between Byron and Hunt, Shelley returned on board with Williams on the 8th of July. It was a day of dark, ominous and stifling heat. Trelawny took leave of his two friends, and about half-past six in the evening found himself startled from a doze by a frightful turmoil of storm. The "Don Juan" had by this time made Via Reggio; she was not to be seen, though other vessels which had sailed about the same time were still discernible. Shelley, Williams, and their only companion, a sailor-boy, perished in the squall. The exact nature of the catastrophe was from the first regarded as somewhat disputable. The condition of the "Don Juan" when recovered did not favor any assumption that she had capsized in a heavy sea -- rather that she had been run down by some other vessel, a felucca or fishing-smack. In the absence of any counter-evidence this would be supposed to have occurred by accident; but a rumor, not strictly verified and certainly not refuted, exists that an aged Italian seaman on his deathbed confessed that he had been one of the crew of the fatal felucca, and that the collision was intentional, as the men had plotted to steal a sum of money supposed to be on the "Don Juan", in charge of Lord Byron. In fact there was a moderate sum there, but Byron had neither embarked nor intended to embark. This may perhaps be the true account of the tragedy; at any rate Trelawny, the best possible authority on the subject, accepted it as true. He it was who laboriously tracked out the shore-washed corpses of Williams and Shelley, and who undertook the burning of them, after the ancient Greek fashion, on the shore near Via Reggio, on the 15th and 16th of August. The great poet's ashes were then collected, and buried in the new Protestant cemetery in Rome. He was, at the date of his untimely death, within a month of completing the thirtieth year of his age -- a surprising example of rich poetic achievement for so young a man.

The character of Shelley can be considered according to two different standards of estimation. We can estimate the original motive forces in his character; or we can form an opinion of his actions, and from there put a certain construction upon his personal qualities. We will first try the latter method. It cannot be denied by his admirers and eulogists, and is abundantly clear to his censors, that his actions were in some considerable degree abnormal, dangerous to the settled basis of society, and marked by headstrong and undutiful presumption. But it is remarkable that, even among the censors of his conduct, many persons are nonetheless impressed by the beauty of his character; and this leads us back to our first point -- the original motive forces in that. Here we find enthusiasm, fervor, courage (moral and physical), an unbounded readiness to act upon what he considered right principle, however inconvenient or disastrous the consequences to himself, sweetness and indulgence towards others, extreme generosity (he appears to have given Godwin, though sometimes bitterly opposed to him, between £4000 and £5000), and the principle of love for humankind in abundance and superabundance. He respected the truth, such as be conceived it to be, in spiritual or speculative matters, and respected no construction of the truth which came to him recommended by human authority. No man had more hatred or contempt of custom and prescription; no one had a more authentic or vivid sense of universal charity. The same radiant enthusiasm which appeared in his poetry as idealism stamped his speculation with the conception of perfectibility and his character with loving emotion.

In person Shelley was attractive, winning and almost beautiful, but not to be called handsome. His height was nearly 5 feet 11; he was slim, agile, and strong, with something of a stoop; his complexion brilliant, his hair abundant and wavy, dark brown but early beginning to grizzle; the eyes, deep blue in tint, have been termed "stag-eyes" -- large, fixed and beaming. His voice was wanting in richness and suavity -- high-pitched, and tending to the screechy; his general aspect, though extremely variable according as his mood of mind and his expression shifted, was on the whole uncommonly juvenile. The only portrait of Shelley, from which some idea of his looks used to be formed, is that painted byan amateur, Miss Curran, in 1819; Mrs. Shelley, later, pronounced it to be "in many things very like." This is now in the National Portrait Gallery, together with a quasi-duplicate of it painted by Clint, chiefly from Miss Curran's likeness, and partly from a watercolor (now lost) by Lieutenant Williams. In 1905 (Century Magazine) another portrait was brought forward: a pencil sketch taken in the last month of the poet's life by an American artist, William E. West, followed by an oil painting founded on that sketch. The two works differ very considerably, and neither of them resembles Miss Curran's portrait, yet we incline to believe that the sketch was really taken from Shelley.

If we except Goethe, we must consider Shelley to be the supreme poet of that new era of poetry commencing after the French Revolution. Victor Hugo comes nearest to him in poetic stature, and might for certain reasons be even preferred to him; Lord Byron and William Wordsworth also have their numerous champions -- not to speak of Tennyson or Browning. The grounds, however, on which Shelley may be set highest of all are mainly three. He excels all his competitors in ideality, he excels them in music, and he excels them in importance. By importance we here mean the direct import of the work performed, its controlling power over the reader's thought and feeling, the contagious fire of its white-hot intellectual passion, and the long reverberation of its appeal. Shelley is emphatically the poet of the future. In his own day an alien in the world of mind and invention, and in our day but partially a denizen of it, he appears destined to become, in the long vista of years, an informing presence in the innermost shrine of human thought. Shelley appeared at the time when the sublime frenzies of the French revolutionary movement had exhausted the elasticity of men's thought -- at least in England -- and had left them flaccid and stolid; but that movement prepared another in which revolution was to assume the milder guise of reform, conquering and to conquer. Shelley was its prophet. As an iconoclast and an idealist he took the only position in which a poet could advantageously work as a reformer. To outrage his contemporaries was the condition of leading his successors to triumph and of personally triumphing in their victories. Shelley had the temper of an innovator and a martyr; and in an intellect wondrously poetical he united speculative keenness and humanitarian zeal in a degree for which we might vainly seek his precursor. We have already named ideality as one of his leading excellences. This Shelleian quality combines, as its constituents, sublimity, beauty and the abstract passion for good. It should be acknowledged that, while this great quality forms the chief and most admirable factor in Shelley's poetry, the defects which go along with it mar his work too often -- producing at times vagueness, unreality and a pomp of glittering indistinctness, in which excess of sentiment welters amid excess of words. This blemish affects the long poems much more than the pure lyrics; in the latter the rapture, the music and the emotion are in exquisite balance, and the work has often as much of delicate simplicity as of fragile and flower-like perfection.

Some of Shelley's principal writings have already been mentioned above; we must now give a brief account of others. Of his early work prior to Queen Mab -- such romances as Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne, such verse as the Poems by Victor and Cazire, and the Fragments of Margaret Nicholson -- we can only here say that they are intrinsically worthless. Alastor was succeeded (1817) by The Revolt of Islam, a poem of no common length in the Spenserian stanzas preaching bloodless revolution; it was written in a sort of friendly competition with John Keats (who produced Endymion) and is amazingly fine in parts, but as a whole somewhat long-drawn and exhausting. This transcendental epic (for such it may be termed) was at first named Laon and Cythna, or the Revolution of the Golden City, and the lovers of the story were then brother and sister as well as lovers -- an experiment upon British endurance which the publishers would not connive at. The year 1818 produced Rosalind and Helen, a comparatively weak poem, begun in England and finished in Italy, and Julian and Maddalo, a very strong one, written in the neighborhood of Venice -- demonstrating in Shelley a singular power of seeing ordinary things with directness, and at once figuring them as reality and transfiguring them into poetry. In each of these two poems Shelley gives a quasi-portraiture of himself. The next year, 1819, was his culmination, producing as it did the grand tragedy of The Cenci and the sublime ideal drama Prometheus Unbound, composed partly on the ruins of the Baths of Caracalla in Rome. This last we have no hesitation in calling his masterpiece. It embodies, in forms of surpassing imagination and beauty, Shelley's deepest and most daring conceptions. Prometheus, the human mind and will, has invested with the powers proper to himself Jupiter, the god of heaven, who thereupon chains and torments Prometheus and oppresses mankind; in other words, the anthropomorphic god of religion is a creation of the human mind, and both the mind of man and man himself are enslaved as long as this god exercises his delegated but now absolute power. Prometheus, who is from of old wedded to Asia, or Nature, protests against and anathematizes the usurper enthroned by himself. At last the anathema (although Prometheus has revoked it by an act of self-conquest) takes effect: Eternity, Demogorgon, dismisses Jupiter to unending nothingness. Prometheus is at once unbound, the human mind is free; he is reunited to his spouse Nature, and the world of man passes from thraldom and its degradation into limitless progression, or (as the phrase goes) perfectibility, moral and material. This we regard as in brief the argument of Prometheus Unbound. It is closely analogous to the argument of the juvenile poem Queen Mab, but so raised in form and creative touch that, whereas to write Queen Mab was only to be an ambitious and ebullient tiro, to invent Prometheus Unbound was to be the poet of the future. The Witch of Atlas (1820) is the most perfect work among all Shelley's longer poems, though it is neither the deepest nor the most interesting. It may be rated as a pure exercise of roving imagination -- guided, however, by an intense sense of beauty, and by its author's exceeding fineness of nature. The poem has often been decried as practically unmeaning; we do not subscribe to this opinion. The "witch" of this subtle and magical invention seems to represent that faculty which we term "the fancy"; using this assumption as a clue, we find plenty of meaning in the poem, but necessarily it is fanciful or volatile meaning. The elegy on Keats, Adonais, followed in 1821; the Triumph of Life, a mystical and most impressive allegory, constructed upon lines marked out by Dante and by Petrarch, was occupying the poet up to the time of his death. The stately fragment which remains is probably a minor portion of the projected whole. The translations -- chiefly from Homer, Euripides, Calderón and Goethe -- date from 1819 to 1822, and testify to the poetic endowment of Shelley not less absolutely than his own original compositions; there are also prose translations from Plato.

Shelley, it will be seen, was not only a prolific but also a versatile poet. Works so various in faculty and in form as The Revolt of Islam, Julian and Maddalo, The Cenci, Prometheus Unbound, Epipysychidion, and the grotesque effusions of which Peter Bell the Third is the prime example, added to the consummate array of lyrics, have seldom to be credited to a single writer -- one, moreover, who died before he was thirty years of age. In prose Shelley could be as admirable as in poetry. His letters to Thomas Love Peacock and others, and his uncompleted Defence of Poetry, are the chief monuments of his mastery in prose; and certainly no more beautiful prose -- having much of the spirit and the aroma of poetry, yet without being distorted out of its proper essence -- is to be found in the English language.

Father: Timothy Shelley (Member of Parliament, b. 1753, d. 1844)

Mother: Elizabeth Pilfold

Wife: Harriet Westbrook (m. 18-Aug-1811, d. 9-Nov-1816 suicide)

Daughter: Ianthe Eliza (b. 1813, d. 1876)

Son: Charles Shelley (b. 30-Nov-1814, d. 1826)

Wife: Mary Shelley (m. 30-Dec-1816, until his death)

Daughter: Elizabeth Ianthe Shelley (b. 14-Jan-1816, d. 7-Jun-1818)

Son: William Shelley (b. 14-Jan-1816, d. 7-Jun-1818, with Mary)

Daughter: Clara Everina Shelley (b. 2-Sep-1817, d. 24-Sep-1817, with Mary)

Son: Percy Florence Shelley (Baronet, b. 12-Nov-1818, d. 6-Dec-1889, with Mary)

   High School: Eton College

   University: Oxford University (expelled)

   Expelled from School

   Lost Child Custody

   Suicide Attempt


   Risk Factors: Vegetarian


National Seminar on “Electoral Reforms in India – Prospects & Challenges


National Seminar on "Electoral Reforms in India – Prospects & Challenges

                                                                                                                                           December 15, 2014·     

Date : March 15, 2015
Seminar details:
The subject-matter of electoral reforms is a priority area for the Government, the Election Commission and the Law Commission of India. Hence, it is imperative that Universities and Institutions of Higher Education generate and disseminate knowledge and perspectives among various stakeholders regarding electoral reforms in India. With
this objective, NATIONAL COUNCIL  FOR POLITICAL AND SOCIAL UNITY proposes to hold a National Seminar on 'Electoral Reforms in India- Prospects & Challenges' on MARCH 15, 2015. Devoted to a theme that has continued to engage the attention of the intelligentsia for
decades; this Seminar will discuss various issues related to electoral reforms in India in a profound and substantive manner. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR POLITICAL  AND SOCIAL  invites academic and policy papers on the thematic areas highlighted in the concept note as annexed herewith. National Seminar on 'Electoral Reforms in India : Prospects and Challenges'

 Guidelines for abstract submission:
• Abstract submission via email to : raa786@gmail.com
• The last date for submission of abstract: January 15, 2015.
Title of the paper, Name of the author, University/Institution/Organization, Email Address, Mobile Number etc. to be stated clearly on the cover page of the abstract.
• The abstracts should not exceed 300 words.
• Microsoft Word Document Format.
• The Editorial Committee of the Seminar will review the abstracts.
• Notifications of acceptance status will be sent by January 25, 2015. Guidelines for paper submission:
Full paper submission via email to:  by February 15, 2015.
Abstract: All submissions shall be accompanied by an abstract of about 300 words outlining the central argument(s) of the paper.
Cover Page: Authors shall mention their names, contact details and affiliations on the cover page of the manuscript.
English: British spellings and punctuation conventions.
Font Size and Style: Times New Roman, 12 point, for the main text and 10 point for footnotes.
Headings: The headings should be used as per the following style:
• First heading: 12pt, bold, centre
• Second heading: 12pt, bold, left-aligned
• Third heading: 12pt, italics, centre
Length: Articles should generally be between 8,000 and 10,000 words (including footnotes.)
Line Spacing: The line spacing of main text of paper should be 1.5.
References: Footnotes should be used and not endnotes.
Footnoting Style for Books and Articles:
Books: Name of the author, Title of the book (in italics), Edition (if any), Name of the Publisher, Place of publication, Year, Page no.
Articles: Name of the author, Title (in double quotes), Name of the journal, Volume,
Year, Page No. otherwise the mode of citation provided in the journal itself).
Review Process: All papers will be reviewed by the Editorial Board.
Substance: Papers should contain an original contribution to scholarship by making a cohesive argument supported with appropriate authorities.
Quotations/Quotation Mark: Quotations over 50 words should be indented. Double quotation marks should be used; single quotation marks should be used only for quotes within a quotation.
Seminar Registration Fee:
Participants/ Presenters Registration by February15,2015
Registration after February 15, 2015
Ph.D Scholars/Students Rs.500/- Rs.750/-
Academicians Rs.1,000/- Rs.1,500/-
Experts/Professionals Rs.1,000/- Rs.1,500/-
Demand Draft to be made in favour of the 'Iqra Educational Society', payable at VIJAYAWADA.

Registration for the Seminar:
There are separate registration forms for authors and participants. Complete registration form along with the Demand Draft should reach the  on or before February 15, 2014.
Email : raa786@gmail.com for any further clarification regarding the Seminar.
A.P.Abdul Rahman
National Convenor, National Council
A4,Lotus Legend Apartment, Kummaripalam Centre,
Twitter: @abutaharahman

Untruthful Statements regardind HRD circular

news from the cpi(m)
December 16, 2014

Press Statement

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement:

The Polit Bureau demands accountability of the HRD Minister Smriti Irani and strongly condemns the Modi Government's untruthful statements regarding the  circular issued by her Ministry on December 9 addressed not only to the Navodaya schools but also the Kendriya Vidyalaya schools.

Contrary to what she has stated that "only a voluntary online essay competition which did not require students to go to school" the circular issued by her Ministry not only asked schools to "ensure active participation of students" for activities ranging from declamation contests, to child cabinets, to documentary screenings, but also to provide the Ministry with compliance reports.

In fact the response from the KVS that it was not possible as schools would be closed has further exposed the actions of the Minister.

Thus the Minister has willfully tried to conceal the facts. This is an addition to the wholly unconstitutional effort to push a divisive agenda on a day which is a holiday celebrated by the Christian community as a holy day.

The Prime Minister should inform the nation through Parliament what action he intends to take against the Minister.

Forced Religious Conversions: Babri Masjid Action Committee's Provocation Misplaced and Suicidal

Forced Religious Conversions: Babri Masjid Action Committee's Provocation Misplaced and Suicidal
By New Age Islam Edit Desk
15 Dec 2014
All India Babri Masjid Action Committee (BMAC) which remained out of action for years has come alive with a new avatar. A violent one. Last year, its co-founder Zafaryab Jilani had appealed to Muslims to observe 6th December peacefully. However, recently, the BMAC has widened its agenda and included other Muslim issues like religious conversions into its fold.
Members of a Hindu organisation performed a ceremony for the conversion of Muslim families in Agra earlier this week
After 60 utterly destitute Muslim families of rag-pickers were converted in Ved Nagar slums of Agra, Muslim and secular organizations had condemned the incident of forced conversions by Hindutva forces and the district administration is trying to take legal action against a leader of the Bajrang Dal who has gone underground. Converted Muslims later asserted that they did not convert but had been fooled. They also offered the succeedingFriday prayers. This was the logical conclusion of an incident and Muslims should have taken the legal route for the remedy of their concerns and problems.
However, the hitherto dead BMAC swung into action. First it held a protest rally in Agra and then in Moradabad. In Moradabad meeting organized by BMAC, its President Salim Ahmad delivered a fiery speech that violated the norms and were unbecoming of any true Muslim organization. Mr. Salim Ahmad was carried away by emotions and issued threats to both the PM (Narendra Modi) and the CM (Akhilesh Yadav) that if the conversions were not stopped, they will be harmed. According to news reports, he threatened to raise an army of Muslims and attack both the UP Vidhan Sabha and the Parliament and teach the MPs and MLAs a lesson. He also claimed that he can acquire all kinds of arms and ammunition and so the Muslims should not be forced to unite. If it happens, he warned, no one will be spared.
According to a report in Mail Today (14 December 2014) which was reproduced by Urdu dailies, Sahafat and Roznama Khabrein, BMAC President Salim Ahmad threatened to raise an army of Muslims and attack both the UP Vidhan Sabha and the Parliament and teach the MPs and MLAs a lesson. He also claimed that he can acquire all kinds of arms and ammunition and so the Muslims should not be forced to unite. If it happens, he warned, no one will be spared.
Apart from its legal consequences, as the district administration is contemplating action against the cleric, the threats have raised doubts about the real motives of the BMAC as it has passed onto irresponsible hands. BMAC was formed in 1986 with a view to fight the legal battle to restore the Babri Mosque and not to raise an army of Muslims to attack the state assemblies and the Parliament and kill the chief minister and the Prime Minister on the issue of forced conversions.
The aggressive and anti-Constitutional statements of the BMAC President, many Muslims fear, will give the Hindutva forces a greater leverage to mobilize support of even secular minded Hindus and will only sharpen the divide between the two communities.
It is also a matter of concern that the co-founder of BMAC, Mr. Zafaryab Jilani has not condemned the statements. His silence in this matter will be construed as his support to the stance taken by the cleric. The BMAC had been established for the cause of Babri Masjid alone but other leaders like Mushtaq Ahmad or Salim Ahmad seem to have taken the organization hostage and are using it to get political mileage and a say in the political process at the cost of peace and harmony. These leaders are pushing the community into another communal cauldron.
Of late Zafaryab Jilani has tried to present himself as a national Muslim leader. He has recently placed a proposal before the receiver of Ramjanambhoomi to allow Muslims to offer prayers at Babri Mosque and if that is not done, Muslims should at least be allowed to place a prayer mat and rosary at the site of the mosque to show that the mosque still exists.
Tha Allahabad High Court in its judgment gave one third of the dispute site to Muslims to build a mosque and the judgment has been challenged at the Supreme Court. Since the matter is subjudice, the proposal of the BMAC only points to political activism on part of the BMAC or Zafaryab Jilani.
Conspiracy theorists claim with their usual certainty that Zafaryab Jilani and his BMAC has been instigated by RSS-affiliated organisations themselves to help further their divisive agenda of polarisation to help BJP win the UP state Assembly elections. There is also speculation that BMAC is merely trying to replace the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) as the sole spokesman of the Muslim community.
Babri Masjid Action Committee president Salim Ahmed delivers an alleged hate speech in Moradabad on Friday
 BMAC has been inactive for a long time, since it helped the Sangh Pariwar in the demolition of the Babri Masjid on 6 December 1992, to be precise, and in its new avatar, it is indulging in anti national activities issuing threats to constitutional heads of the country on the one hand and to the common masses on the other driving a wedge between the communities and prove suicidal to the Muslim community. The sooner BMAC mends its ways the better in the interests of the community and the country.


Posted by: Abu Taha <abutaharahman@yahoo.com>

Open letter on Flipkart Hyderabad Attempted Rape #Vaw #BoycottFlipkart


Open letter on Flipkart Hyderabad Attempted Rape #Vaw #BoycottFlipkart

Posted by :kamayani On : December 16, 2014



A lot of people have been asking me why I wasted 10 weeks in discussions with the Flipkart authorities. Here is my response:

As much as protest is my right as a citizen, the essence of a civil society is also debate and discussions. I genuinely believe that matters can be resolved sitting across the table. Maybe a mistake in hindsight but at that time it seemed like a logical step. I realized much later that the whole process of civil discussion has been made a mockery of.

They have made amends to their call center process where a sexual harassment case will be resolved in 24 hrs instead of 48 unlike in my case but that is still a reactionary measure. It is not preventive. Till the authorities take responsibility of their fleet (which currently they seem to have no control over) things will remain as is. I still cannot get over how, with all the financial and corporate power they have, Flipkart completely absolved themselves of the incident, while l stare at my guilt every day in the face of my girl. This happened inside my home. INSIDE MY HOME. Do you know what that feels like? With an individual whose safety is my moral responsibility.

Where is Flipkart's moral responsibility? They have hidden behind the logic that "vicarious liability" does not require them to accept responsibility under the law.

I would be happy getting into a discussion again on the issue but on a public platform and not in closed door meetings. Richa Dubey, Tannishtha Dutta, Deepali Sen and Shikha Suman have tried very hard for the authorities to come out in the open on a public platform to discuss the matter but we are not sure if they are scared or are thinking this too shall pass. Which I promise it will not without a reform.

Neil Diamond once sang, "Money talks – but it don't sing and dance and it don't walk."

Mili Srivastava


Read here—-http://www.kractivist.org/flipkart-delivery-boy-molests-maid-company-offers-vocational-training-vaw-wtfnews/


ALSO– http://www.kractivist.org/flipkart-was-selling-a-date-rape-drug-wtfnews/

Angela Davis: ‘There is an unbroken line of police violence in the US that takes us all the way back to the days of slavery’


Angela Davis: 'There is an unbroken line of police violence in the US that takes us all the way back to the days of slavery'

The activist, feminist and revolutionary explains how the 'prison industrial complex' profits from black people, that Barack Obama can't be blamed for the lack of progress on race, and why Beyoncé is not a terrorist

Angela Davis, 1974.<br /><br />  Angela Davis, 1974. Photograph: Everett Collection/Rex 

"There is an unbroken line of police violence in the United States that takes us all the way back to the days of slavery, the aftermath of slavery, the development of the Ku Klux Klan," says Angela Davis. "There is so much history of this racist violence that simply to bring one person to justice is not going to disturb the whole racist edifice."

I had asked the professor, activist, feminist and revolutionary, the woman whom Richard Nixon called a terrorist and whom Ronald Reagan tried to fire as a professor, if she was angered by the failure of a grand jury to indict a white police officer for shooting dead an unarmed black man, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri earlier this year. "The problem with always pursuing the individual perpetrator in all of the many cases that involve police violence," the 70-year-old replies, "is that one reinvents the wheel each time and it cannot possibly begin to reduce racist police violence. Which is not to say that individual perpetrators should not be held accountable – they should."

We're talking at the Friends Meeting House in London before a memorial service to her friend and colleague Stuart Hall, the black British cultural studies theorist and sociologist, who died in February. It was Hall, she tells me, as much as her mentor, the German Jewish philosopher Herbert Marcuse, who made her think about the structural issues in any given political struggle.

Not that Davis is insensitive to the outrage over specific cases of police violence against black men, be it the riots in Ferguson, the worldwide protests over the death of Eric Garner in police custody, or Trayvon Martin. Davis focuses on the latter to make an incendiary point about the racism endemic in Obama's America. In 2012, she reminds me, Martin, a black high school student, was fatally shot at a gated estate in Florida by George Zimmerman, a white neighbourhood watch coordinator. Zimmerman, who was later acquitted of Martin's killing, reminds her of "those who were part of the slave patrols during the slave era".

'People like to point to Obama and hold him responsible for the madness'… Angela Davis.'People like to point to Obama and hold him responsible for the madness'… Angela Davis. Photograph: Richard Saker for the Guardian

Surely the lives of African-Americans in 2014 are better than during the days of slavery? Yet Davis isn't the only black American intellectual to be less than sanguine. Professor Cornel West recently said that the US still has in effect a "Jim Crow criminal justice system" that "does not deliver justice for black and brown people". Davis agrees. "You have this huge population of people who come up against the same restrictions that the Jim Crow south created," she says. The segregation laws that existed until 1965 in the American south, where she grew up, might have gone but, as Davis points out, racist oppression remains.

One key feature of that racist oppression, Davis says, is what she and other leftist intellectuals call the "prison industrial complex", the tawdry if tacit alliance between capitalism and a structurally racist state.

"The massive over-incarceration of people of colour in general in the US leads to lack of access to democratic practices and liberties. Because prisoners are not able to vote, former prisoners in so many states are not able to vote, people are barred from jobs if they have a history of prison."

But, lest Britons get complacent, Davis tells me, "the proportion of black people in prison in Britain is larger than the proportion of black people in prison in the United States".

In Davis's philosophy, this should come as no surprise; for her, the prison industrial complex is not just a racist American money-making machine, but a means to criminalise, demonise and profit from the world's most powerless people. "I think it is important to realise that this is not just a US phenomenon, it's a global phenomenon. The increasing shift of capital from human services, from housing, jobs, education, to profitable arenas has meant there are huge numbers of people everywhere in the world who are not able to sustain themselves. They are made surplus, and as a result they are often forced to engage in practices that are deemed criminal. And so prisons pop up all over the world, often with the assistance of private corporations who profit from these surplus populations."

If structural racism and state violence against African-Americans, aided and abetted by global capitalism, are as rampant as Davis says, isn't she disappointed in the failure of the US's first African-American president to speak out when a case comes up that seems to dramatise what she is indicting? Davis smiles and recalls a conversation she had with Hall two months before his death. "We talked about the fact that people like to point to Obama as an individual and hold him responsible for the madness that has happened. Of course there are things that Obama as an individual might have done better – he might have insisted more on the closing of Guantánamo – but people who invested their hopes in him were approaching the issue of political futures in the wrong way to begin with. This was something Stuart Hall always insisted on – it's always a collective process to change the world."

Davis gives her first news conference after being released on bail, 1972.Davis gives her first news conference after being released on bail, 1972. Photograph: Bettmann/Corbis

Isn't she letting Obama off the hook? "Perhaps we should always blame ourselves," she says. "Why have we not created the kind of movement that would put more pressure on Obama and force the Obama administration to deal with these issues? We might have arrived at a much better healthcare plan if those of us who believe healthcare is a human right were out on the streets, as opposed to the Tea Party."

This is classic Davis – offering bracing analysis that, instead of blaming someone else, puts responsibility for changing the world in our hands. For all that Davis was the late 60s/early 70s radical who stuck it to the man, for all that her indomitable spirit and iconic hairdo made her a poster girl for African-Americans, feminists and anyone with a radical consciousness, this is perhaps Davis's key significance now – a woman who comes at the hottest political issues from unexpected and inspiring angles. For instance, the day before we meet, at a keynote lecture titled Policing the Crisis Today at a conference honouring Hall at Goldsmith's, she spoke about racist violence, but focused on the case of Marissa Alexander, jailed for 20 years for firing a warning shot over the head of her estranged, unharmed husband, who attacked and threatened to kill her. "Let us ask ourselves what is so threatening abut a black woman in the southern United States who attempts to defend herself against so-called domestic violence," said Davis, as she finished her speech to rapturous applause.

Why, I ask Davis, the day after, did you focus on Alexander's case? "We rarely hear about the women," she replies. "Just because the majority of the prison population is male doesn't mean we need to start with their experience."

Davis has long campaigned against prisons, regarding them as brutalising racist institutions from which, latterly, big bucks are to be made. After her speech, when she is asked why the white cops who shoot black men shouldn't face jail, Davis stands her ground arguing that the institution of prison "only reproduces the problem it putatively solves". Not that she has any answers about what the alternative to this prison industrial complex might be. "I don't think there's a predetermined answer, but I want us to think."

Davis's wanted poster from 1970.Davis's wanted poster from 1970. Photograph: Bettmann/Corbis

Someone else asks Davis if Beyoncé is a terrorist. The audience giggles, but the question is serious. During a panel discussion on liberating the black female body earlier this year, feminist activist bell hooks described Beyoncé as a terrorist and anti-feminist who was "colluding in the construction of herself as a slave". In an emollient reply, Davis said that she liked the fact that Beyoncé had sampled Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's speech on feminism on her album.

The following day, I ask Davis more about it. "Whatever problems I have with Beyoncé, I think it is so misleading and irresponsible to use that word in connection with her. It has been used to criminalise struggles for liberation. But we don't use the word terror and terrorism to describe US history and the racism of the pre-civil rights era."

Certainly the terror, if that's the word, that was perpetrated on African-Americans when Davis was a girl in pre-civil rights Birmingham, Alabama, is burned into her consciousness. She was born in 1944 in a city that was to become notorious during the civil rights struggles for setting dogs and turning hoses on African-Americans seeking the vote – and much much worse. "I grew up at a time when, as a response to an interracial discussion group I was involved in, the church where we were having the discussions was burned. I grew up at a time where black people would move in to the white neighbourhood right across the street from where we lived, and bombs would be set in those houses. I've never heard the word terrorism used in that context, but on the other hand it is used to evoke this sense of danger coming from the outside without ever recognising the extent to which the history of the United States has been a history of terror against indigenous people, a history of terror against people of African descent."

Davis looks at me and laughs: "So, to call Beyoncé a terrorist just does not work!"

The word terrorist has a deeper personal resonance. That is what president Nixon called Davis when, 44 years ago, she was one of the FBI's top 10 most wanted, a fugitive from so-called justice. She was finally arrested and faced charges of conspiracy to kidnap and murder, charges for which she could have been executed. At her trial in 1972, she was acquitted, while other co-defendants, former Black Panthers whom she insists are political prisoners, were less fortunate: "My former co-defendant Ruchell Magee has been in prison for 51 years now." There are many other such political prisoners from that Black Panther era still languishing unjustly in jail, she says. George Jackson, whom she once called her "lifetime" husband (even though the pair never married), is not among them: he was shot dead in 1971 during an attempted prison breakout, three days before he was due to stand trial for the murder of a white prison guard. Davis has not married since.

I ask her about another Black Panther, Albert Woodfox, jailed for armed robbery and later convicted with two other men for the murder of a prison guard at Louisiana State Penitentiary (also known as Angola prison); last month, Woodfox had his conviction overturned after enduring 42 years in solitary confinement. "Of course I'm so happy, having been involved in the campaign to free the Angola Three for many many years, but why has it taken so long?"

Demonstrators protest against the death of Michael Brown, St Louis, November 2014.Demonstrators protest against the death of Michael Brown, St Louis, November 2014.Photograph: Jewel Samad

If the Black Panthers were active in 2014, Davis believes "they'd be on the receiving end of the war on terror". She cites Assata Shakur, the activist and Black Panther supporter who was convicted as an accomplice to the murder 40 years ago of a New Jersey state trooper, and was put on the FBI's most-wanted list earlier this year. "I think that the move to designate Assata a terrorist and to post a $2m reward for her capture, which means that any of the mercenaries from the new privatised security firms might try to travel to Cuba [where Shakur has been living for 35 years], capture her and bring her back for the $2m reward, that is not so much an attack on Assata – which it is – but it sends out a message to vast numbers of young people who identify with her. Her autobiography is very popular and it seems to me that that is the message to young people today: 'Watch out! If you get involved in progressive struggles, radical movements, this is how you will be treated – you will be treated as a terrorist.'"

Still, Davis thinks young people now are made of sterner stuff than to be browbeaten by a terrorising state. "I'm very, very hopeful. I hear people repeatedly referring to the apathy of young people but there are probably more people who are actively involved in radical political projects in the US today than there were in the 1960s."

She takes particular succour from the Occupy movement, at whose encampments she spoke repeatedly in 2011. "They didn't know necessarily where they were going but they did know they were standing up to capitalism." For a veteran communist (Davis stood twice as vice-presidential candidate for the Communist party USA in the 1980s), that anti-capitalism is especially heartening. "I think the influence of Occupy will continue even though the encampment could only exist for a very defined period of time. One can see the influence of Occupy in the Ferguson demonstrations now, in the sense that they recognise that it's not only about demanding that this one individual cop be convicted but it's also about recognising the connection between racist violence and the profit machine. That's what we're fighting against."


Smriti Irani’s claim challenged: Govt. circulars reveal orders for December 25 celebration


Smriti Irani's claim challenged: Govt. circulars reveal orders for December 25 celebration

by FP Staff  Dec 16,

The controversy over the HRD ministry 'cancelling' Christmas in government-run CBSE schools refuses to die down. While the ministry is denying that it asked schools to remain open on Christmas, The Times of India has come to out in defence of its original report.

Yesterday Times of India had published an article saying that the HRD ministry had issued a directive to CBSE run-schools to celebrate 'good governance day' on Christmas to mark the birth anniversaries of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Hindu Mahasabha leader Madan Mohan Malviya.

The report had indicated that the government has asked schools to remain open on Christmas day and directed them to hold an essay competition (an online one) and other on-ground activities like quizzes, documentary screening etc. Responding to the report, HRD minister Smriti Irani took to Twitter and slammed TOI alleging that the reporter had not checked and verified the facts. She announced that no school has been asked to remain open on Christmas. She added that the essay competition was an online one and not compulsory and asked the paper to retract the article.

However, TOI has decided to stand by its original report and pointed out that the original circular was issued by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti by Commissioner GS Bothyal. He had asked schools to conduct the following activities: Declamation contests on topics related to good governance, quiz competitions, screening of documentaries and films on best practices in good governance and organisation of various activities through child cabinets in the schools.


The circular states: "You (principals of Navodaya Vidyalayas and assistant commissioners of Navodaya Vidyalaya headquarters) are requested to ensure that Good Governance Day is celebrated in all JNVs under your region. A consolidated report specifying activities carried out in all JNVs is to be submitted by email along with photographs/video recordings to this office on 25th December, 2014.

"Action taken in this regard is to be communicated to this office by return mail."

Yesterday, the HRD ministry had issued a press statement to point out the inaccuracies in the report. The ministry's press release can be seen here. In the press release, it was mentioned that the essay competition is purely voluntary and required online submission and no schools are required to remain open for this. Even CBSE officials will not have to come to work on 25 December, the statement said.

Representational Image. PTI

As regard to the Navodaya Vidyalayas, the ministry's press release had said that these are residential schools which will observe the public holiday. There will be no classes but  since students live on campus, they can participate in the essay competition. It goes on to add that there will "No other activities" on Christmas other than the essay competition.

TOI has defended itself saying that based on the activities listed in the circular, the paper had concluded that the 'Navodaya school kids would not have their customary December 25 Christmas holiday'.

Based on the circular, it would be fair to conclude like TOI did, that Navodaya students will have to come in and participate in the activities mentioned in the list. After all a "Declamation contest" means a public speech and it's hard to imagine that being conducted online. Also, the circular calls for principals to ensure active participation.

As the Indian Express — which has also accessed the circular — notes, "Though the circular sent to bodies such as the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) and Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) does not state December 25 will be a working day, the activities mentioned are such that they require students to be physically present in school."

The earlier TOI report had also indicated that other CBSE schools, even private ones would be asked to participate. TOI points out that the government circular noted that "CBSE will also be organizing competitions under CBSE expression series on Good Governance on 24th & 25thDecember", which would be "open to all students affiliated to CBSE and any recognized state boards across the country".

The latest report by The Hindu indicates that even the IIMs and IITs were asked to observe Good Governance Day

"The Union Human Resource Development Ministry wrote to the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) last Thursday asking it to "instruct" all the institutions under its watch to observe Good Governance Day and send a compliance report.

A circular titled 'Use of Technology and Innovations in Promoting Good Governance – Good Governance Day 25 posted on the AICTE website on the same day (December 11) but the link appears to have been removed after the row over the Government trying to eclipse the significance of Christmas with another event."


Press release – T.S.R. Subramanian Committee’ is interested in “Management of Environment” and not in Protection


Press release – T.S.R. Subramanian Committee' is interested in "Management of Environment" and not in Protection

'T.S.R. Subramanian Committee' is interested in "Management of Environment" and not in "Protection of Environment".

Rohit Prajapati and Krishnakant

rohit.prajapati@gmail.com, tokrishnakant@gmail.com


The BJP's Election 2014 Manifesto categorically assured the industrialists that policies to promote industrial growth will take precedence over those that ensure environmental protection. This is consistent with the "Gujarat Model of Development," which led Gujarat State to become number one in pollution. To make operational this commitment to industrialists, on 29 August 2014 the Modi Government appointed the T.S.R. Subramanian committee to review six environmental laws. Officially known as the "High-Level Committee constituted for review of Environment and Forests Laws," the committee was tasked with submitting an exhaustive appraisal of six environmental laws to the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) within two months, with subsequent a one month extension. The specific laws were: [1] The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, [2] The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980; [3] The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972; [4] The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; [5] The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981; [6] The Indian Forest Act, 1927.

In spite of the impossibly short time frame, surprisingly the committee submitted a report with detailed recommendations to develop a totally new structure of NEMA (National Environment Management Authority) and SEMA (State Environment Management Authority) to replace the Central Pollution Control Board & State Pollution Control Boards. The Committee also proposed a new umbrella law 'The Environmental Laws (Management) Act, 2014' (ELMA). The name "NEMA", "SEMA" & "ELMA" clearly indicates that the committee is interested in"Management of Environment" and not in "Protection of Environment". This committee dealt not only with the six laws under review but also suggested some fundamental changes in two other laws, [1] The Forest Right Act, 2006 and [2] The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. It appears that the committee particularly scrutinized environment-related laws which have been effectively used by the people to protect the environment.

The committee was expected to read, discuss and review 1. the laws and various notification, amendments and circular issued under these laws, 2. land mark judgements of courts on Environment Laws of the Indian Courts and courts of advance countries, 3. status of environment of the country, and public consultation with various concerned state authorities, mainly the industrial associations across the country and with the people and people's organisations. Yet, during one instance of a public consultation in Bangalore, the committee chose to walk out of the consultation rather than engage in a discussion when people's organisations raised fundamental questions regarding terms of reference of the committee and various other issues. Actually there was no serious consultation across the country organised by the committee to deliberately avoid the real feedback on the concerned issues by people's movements and affected people.

It is also surprising for us that a former Cabinet Secretary – Government of India, Former Secretary to Government of India, a former Judge of the Delhi High Court, a senior Advocate of Supreme Court of India, a Joint Secretary of MoEF&CC of Government of India and Member Secretary of Gujarat Pollution Control Board felt confident and competent to do the task within three months without a proper consultation across the country and to propose new laws and new structures to "implement" the law.

We leave it to academicians, researchers and sensible people to make their own assessment about the assigned task of the committee keeping in mind the competency of the committee members and time period given to them to review the six environment laws.

The committee at many places describes its "concern" about the status of environment, but in practise made explicit suggestions to give free hand to the polluting industries and eliminate their legal accountability to the land, environment and the people.

The committee in its preamble states:

"1.2. […] Over the past decades, national and regional economic space has become more energy-intensive, also impacting on the environment. […]  Livelihood issues still dominate the social and political manifestoes. […] There is now an urgent necessity for integration of environment, economic and social issues in the development paradigm."

1.3 […] In the race for development, which ideally ought to improve the quality of life of the citizen, the relationship with environment is often lost sight of. […] it is implicitly imperative for each generation to leave the environment to the next generation in a better state than they found it. […]  Already Delhi is rated as one of the most polluted cities in the world; and many other Indian cities appear in the same list. We need to take heed of the very recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) call from Copenhagen that the earth is flirting with danger – the alarm flag has been hoisted. […] A knee-jerk attitude in governance, flabby decision-making processes, ad hoc and piecemeal environmental governance practices have become the order of the day. The legal framework has not delivered."

1.4 The lasting impression has remained that the Acts and the appurtenant legal instruments have really served only the purpose of a venal administration, at the Centre and the States, to meet rent-seeking propensity at all levels. This impression has been further strengthened by waves of large scale 'clearances', coupled with major delays in approvals in individual cases. It should also be added that our businessmen and entrepreneurs are not all imbued in the principles of rectitude – most are not reluctant, indeed actively seek short-cuts, and are happy to collaboratively pay a 'price' to get their projects going; in many instances, arbitrariness means that those who don't fall in line have to stay out.


1.5 The Committee finds uneven application of the principle of separation of powers as established by the Constitution of India, in the administration of environmental laws. […] Judicial pronouncements frequently have supplanted legislative powers, and are occupying the main executive space. […] However, the perceived role of ad-hoc committees in decision-making and implementation appears to have reduced the MoEF&CC to a passive spectator, with little initiative except waiting for the Court to say what next. […] The Executive, as pointed out has not covered itself with glory – indeed it has invited the attention of the judicial branch through lack of basic care. […] Who pays for pollution? Who suffers? Who enforces? Who monitors? Who punishes? The legislations are weak, monitoring is weaker, and enforcement is weakest."

1.7 The principal aim of Environmental Laws should be to ensure enhancement of environmental quality parameters and maintenance of ecological balance.

1.8 The Committee takes note of the fact that the dynamic equilibrium between environment conservation and development for inter-generation equity is the need of hour."

The above remark gives the impression that the committee is truly committed to protecting the environment and is fully aware of the need to address loopholes in the present laws, implementing authorities and mechanisms. The substance of their suggestions and recommendations, however, demonstrate that the committee has not attempted to plug loopholes but instead creates more loopholes or give complete freedom to industries by making them unaccountable to laws, nature and people.

In para 1.3, 1.4 & 1.5 the words "flabby decision-making processes", "waves of large scale 'clearances', coupled with major delays in approvals in individual cases", "Judicial pronouncements frequently have supplanted legislative powers, and are occupying the main executive space" imply that these were the real worries of the committee. And that is why the committee mainly focused on delay in environment clearance approval, decision making process and judicial pronouncement against the concerned authorities and industrial projects while giving the recommendations to get rid off these "major hurdles" of the industries across the country.

The committee in its executive summary states:

At Page 10

"1. […] While India has a strong environmental policy and legislative framework, much of the problem relates to weak implementation of the various acts and the rules thereunder. Conservation advocates, project proponents and judiciary – none is satisfied with current environmental governance and the policy tools currently deployed in the management of the sector.

"2. […] While the pace of diversion of forest land has decreased in recent years, the target of 33% of land area as forest cover is a long way off; the more disturbing aspect is that the quality of forest cover has seen a secular decline. New forestation policies to attract investment of growing forests in private land, and providing a statutory safeguard – a classification of 'treelands' as distinct from 'forest' has been recommended."

At Page 11

"3. The Committee also has recommended identification of 'no go' areas, which are in forest areas or inviolate zones – primarily with the criteria of over 70% canopy cover and 'Protected Areas' which should not be disturbed except in exceptional circumstances, and that too only with the prior approval of the Union Cabinet.

"5. […] Newly proposed full time expert body National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) at the Centre, and State Environmental Management Authority (SEMA) would be the premier institutions to evaluate project clearance, using technology and expertise, in a time bound manner, providing for single window clearance (the existing Central Pollution Control Board and corresponding State agencies would be subsumed respectively in NEMA and SEMA when they come into existence). A 'fast track' procedure for 'linear' projects which provide benefit to community at large, as well as power/ mining projects, as also projects of national importance has been recommended."

At Page 12

"6. Environmental Management policies and programmes, and environmental mapping of the country, will facilitate pre-identification of locations for industries.


"8.  A new model 'umbrella' law, ELMA, to give a statutory cover to the above has been recommended, incorporating inter-alia the concept of utmost good faith, as also the proposed national institutions and agencies."

In the executive summary the committee's other similar main concerns are expressed in clear words in para 3, 5, & 8 'Protected Areas' which should not be disturbed except in exceptional circumstances, and that too only with the prior approval of the Union Cabinet; A 'fast track' procedure for 'linear' projects, the concept of utmost good faith." In the name of "utmost good faith" the committee wants to give more 'freehand' to the industries rather than making them more accountable to laws and environment. The word 'linear project' is so widely define by the state that they can include many more projects in that list as when they wish. As a solution to implement these ideas the committee suggests new authorities call National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) at the Centre, State Environmental Management Authority (SEMA) at the state level and a new law the ELMA.

In chapter 3 of the introduction, the Isha Upanishad is quoted: "Everything in the universe belongs to the Supreme God. Therefore, take only what you need, that is set aside for you. Do not take anything else for you do not know to whom it belongs." We do not know what the committee means by "take only what you need, that is set aside for you." Who will decide "set aside for you" in this capitalist world?

While the committee quotes the miserable state of the environment throughout the report, the committee's recommendations are more concerned with delaying development projects due to environmental protection laws.  Removing these "delays" remains their main focus in their analysis of the problems and all major suggestion made by them in terms of new authorities and the new law the ELMA. These contradictory concerns are laid out in chapter 3.

At Page16

"3.3.3 […] The land under 'forest' has increased from 40.48 million ha. in 1951 to 77.18 million ha. till date; the position on tree cover, with significant qualitative decline during this period, is disheartening."

At Page 17

"3.3.3 […] Rampant ravaging of forest cover due to mining and industrial operations over the years, coupled with weak enforcement of compensatory afforestation programmes have led to judicial intervention in the administration of forest and environment laws. […] The procedure for approval for diversion of forest land has been seen as tardy and time-consuming, delaying the development projects. […] The rampant ravaging of forest in ecologically fragile areas has catalysed public protests from the 80s & 90s, inviting the attention of the judicial forums which have backed the cause of conservation of forestry. The major lacunae in country's forest governance have been pointed out by judiciary, without adequate policy response from the executive.

3.3.4 The judiciary has been in the forefront of the policy formulation in the field of forest and environment over the recent decades, inter-alia declaring environment and ecology as national assets; the principle of 'sustainable development' has now been rendered as a part of Article 21 of Constitution of India."

At page 19

"3.3.6 […] The policy recognises that environmental protection is an integral part of the development process, requiring a precautionary approach through economic efficiency on the basis of the concept of polluter pays, equity, legal liability and integration of environmental consideration in sectoral policy."

At page 21

"3.5 […] Our country is one of the fastest growing economies of the world; the growth momentum is still to get accelerated, to raise standards of living of crores currently in misery and poverty. The engines of growth have depleted the natural resource base and impacted our environment. This is the challenge for sustainable development.

3.6 […] The courts have become the first resort to resolve environmental conflicts, rather than the final forum for protection of rights because of perceived inability of the regulatory agencies. Judicial initiatives guiding the policy framework and implementation module started with Supreme Court directive in for closure of limestone quarries and have continued with landmark stewardship in providing air ambient quality in Delhi, the Matheran case, Aravali mining, Dehradun Mining, Shriram Gas Leak, Ganga Pollution Case, Bicchri Pollution Case, Taj Trapezium case, Deepak Kumar Vs. State of Haryana, Lafarge case, forest conservation matters, Godhavarman case, wildlife policy among others. […] Informal regulations including the activities of community action, social media, civil societies, NGOs and others have helped revive the call for renaissance in environmental governance regime, which is currently hindered by population pressure, weak institutions, rights of local residents, and above all weakness in the executive machinery."

At Page 22

"3.7 The judicial pronouncements in India have drawn heavily upon the principles of sustainable development, doctrine of proportionality, margin of appreciation and the eternal principle of polluter must pay."

The real intension, perspective and understanding of the committee are reflected in the chapter 4: Approach & Methodology.

In Chapter 4 of Approach & Methodology the committee states:

At Page 23

"4.1 In undertaking its work, the Committee applied the following principles, as applicable in each situation:


b. Transparency, to the extent feasible in all aspects of management of the environment, particularly in the context of providing approvals and clearances.


d. Ease the process of approvals, without compromising the sanctity of the environment."

At Page 26

"4.5 […] The Committee noted that the cause of environment preservation is not adequately met by the present monitoring methods.

4.6 […] Accordingly, the Committee has not just suggested new legislation, it has also given pointers for amendment of existing rules, regulations, procedures and executive directions; it has also called for review of aspects of current policy, for the consideration of the MoEF&CC.

4.7 […] There has also been demand for a 'single window' to deal with the clearances under different Acts. This has been prescribed/ elaborated in Chapter 7."

In para 4 (b) & 4.7 the word like "Transparency in the context of providing approvals and clearances and 'single window' remain their main concerns and they are not worried at all about the transparency in project clearance process for the project affected people. Thus their consistent concerns for the 'speedy project clearance' with 'single window' system remain intact.

In chapter 5, the committee's attitude to forest issues becomes clear.

At Page 28

"5.3 In this context a strategy is proposed which should focus on the following milestones:


• Streamline the process for forestry clearance."

At Page 32 & 35

"[…] Recommendation: Plantation of approved species on private lands could be considered for compensatory afforestation with facility for 'treeland' trading.

5.8 Streamline process for according clearance for diversion of forest land – The Committee noted that existing procedures for the diversion of forest land clearances take considerable time. […] Under the existing guidelines a time line of 210 days has been prescribed for processing applications at the State government level. […] The Committee has been led to believe that at times it takes over three years to obtain a clearance under the FC Act, 1980.

5.10 The Committee gives below some suggestions to help speed up the clearance process, in a tabular format, in broad terms, in so far as the forest clearance is concerned.

Recommendation: Revise procedure for clearance under FC Act as above, which is intended to reduce the time taken, without compromising the quality of examination. For linear projects, it is recommended that FR Act needs amendment to consider removal of the condition of Gram Sabha approval."

At Page 37 & 38

"5.11 […] The suggested revised procedures would speed up project implementation, concurrently tending to add to forest cover, simultaneously ensuring smooth CA implementation.


5.12 The concept is that the project proponent will pay a higher amount for afforestation; he will also finance afforestation of at least twice the amount of forest land that he has utilised. However, the actual mechanism of ensuring reliable and quality CA should be through a separate mechanism; leaving the project proponent to focus on his project."

Protecting and nurturing the forest is not the main concern, but streamlining the process for forestry clearance is. And that is why the committee recommended that "FR Act needs amendment to consider removal of the condition of Gram Sabha approval."

The committee promotes project proponents to simply 'pay and use the forest land,' which, if history is to be a lesson for the future, spells disaster for the nation's forests. Under the committee's vision outline in 5.12, project proponents have no responsibility towards ensuring afforesation as long as they put forth cash, "leaving the project proponent to focus on his project."

In chapter 6 on Wildlife the committee states:

At Page 44

"6.14 Respect for cultural traditions: India has a varied and glorious cultural tradition; while there are many national festivals, there are also localised festivals which are of great local importance in different States. Nature and animal worship has been part of the national culture. Thus, for example Nag Panchami in many States is celebrated and snakes worshipped during 5 days in Shravan month, as a thousands years-old tradition. It is to be noted that the snakes are never harmed – indeed are worshipped during this period. A dispensation in the various Schedules should be permitted to take into account such local practices, and reflect them in their approved schedules, through gazette notification.

Recommendation: The Schedules should provide appropriate provision for taking into account the needs of local festivals, subject to no harm or injury to animals."

One of main concerns of the committee to talk about this is to allow the project like 'Shabri Kumbh' in the Dang Distinct of Gujarat where government is facing the problem because of intervention application in the Supreme Court.

In the chapter 7 on Environment Governance the committee speaks out its real commitment for the corporate houses. The primary goal: "making doing business easier in this country."

At Page 45

"7.1 […] Forest land diversion and clearance from pollution point of view, constituting the approval processes for project clearances are largely non-transparent, involving multiple approvals with overlapping processes, based on insufficient application of technology and reliable information, significantly dependent on data provided by the project proponent, to name a few weaknesses. The present system is procedure-oriented, with insufficient focus on the need to safeguard environmental considerations. From the analysis of the data seen by the Committee, the average time taken for clearances works out to significantly longer than specified in most cases, whereas most projects sooner or later obtain approval; one analysis indeed indicated that the percentage of approved projects works out to 99.1% – clearly the focus is not on substance."

At Page 47

"7.3 The Committee noted that the current administrative structure suffers from infirmities, inconsistencies and inefficiencies as listed below:


7.  Non-accountable institutions.


7.4 The current environment clearance procedures for a project envisage a four-stage scrutiny for 39-types of scheduled economic activities."

At Page 49

"7.7 […]

• There is need for a single window clearance mechanism; this is not a new suggestion. Admittedly, an operational mechanism for this would require some effort in the beginning but it would certainly pay dividends. The Committee has made a recommendation in this.

It is proposed to revamp the clearance examination/ approval process, to define a new arrangement, using science and technology to the extent feasible, reducing the discretion currently allowed at various levels, to lead to a more rational process of environmental clearance which is more focussed on the reconstruction of degraded environment and holistic conservation of environmental entities.

Recommendation: Proposal to revamp the project clearance/ approval process. 

7.8 It is proposed to create agencies, viz. National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) at national level and State Environment Management Authority (SEMA) for each State as the pivotal authorities to process applications for composite environmental clearance (one window), for category A cases through NEMA and for category B projects through SEMA."

At Page 50 & 51

"7.9.1 NEMA, will have a full time Board, with a maximum strength of 15. The Chairperson would have administrative experience and be at least of the rank of Additional Secretary in the GoI.


7.9.3 The functions and responsibility of NEMA will include consideration for approval of all the projects under its mandate.


v. Specifying standards for recognition of laboratories in pollution level monitoring.


ix. NEMA may give advice and direction to SEMA as required in respect of monitoring of projects, including advisories on technology, as well as administrative matters.


7.10.1 SEMA shall consist of a full-time Chairman and maximum 15 members; five of whom shall be ex-officio, to be nominated by the State Government; the remaining to be full-time professionals, with expertise and experience in various aspects of environmental management. The Chairman shall have administrative experience at least of 25 years.

7.10.2 The Chairman and Members, other than ex-officio Members of SEMA shall be appointed by MoEF&CC, GoI based on recommendations of the State Government concerned."

At Page 52

"7.10.2 The Chairman and Members, other than ex-officio Members of SEMA shall be appointed by MoEF&CC, GoI based on recommendations of the State Government concerned.




e)  to evolve economical and reliable methods of treatment of sewage and trade effluents, having regard to the peculiar conditions of soils, climate and water resources of different regions and more especially the prevailing flow characteristics of water in streams and wells which render it impossible to attain even the minimum degree of dilution;

f)  to evolve methods of utilisation of sewage and suitable trade effluents in agriculture;

g)  to lay down effluent standards to be complied with by persons while causing discharge of sewage or silage or both and to lay down, modify or annul effluent standards for the sewage and trade effluents;"

At Page 53

"7.11 For each Union Territory, an Environment Management Authority (UTEMA) may be created, with appropriate modifications from the SEMA model suggested above.


7.12.2 The Union Government shall have the powers to give directions to NEMA and SEMA in the matters of project clearances. All such directions shall be binding on NEMA and SEMA. 

7.12.3 NEMA shall have powers to give directions to SEMA in all the matters except project clearances which shall be binding on SEMA


7.12.5 In case of dichotomy in the directions between NEMA to SEMA and State Government to SEMA the matter shall be referred to GoI for a final decision

7.12.6 The assets and liabilities of CPCB shall stands vested in NEMA. The assets and liabilities of SPCB shall stand vested in respective SEMA."

At Page 54, 55, 56 & 57

"7.14 Project Approval process– The proposed revised application process for environmental clearance is shown in diagrammatic form below:


In aid of environmental reconstruction programme for conservation and speedy approval of the projects in a transparent accountable system, the following procedure is recommended:


iii. There should be sector-specific model TOR for EIA study. The model TOR should have a component for incorporating relevant information-sharing with the local area/ people where the project is proposed to be located. The project proponents upon submission of application should begin EIA study.

iv. NEMA/ SEMA should carry out a preliminary scrutiny of the application and within 10 days should prescribe a location specific requirement in the terms of reference of a project, failing which the project proponent will develop the EIA/ EMP on model TOR.


vi. The method of public consultation prescribed in the existing notification should continue with the modification that only environmental, rehabilitation and resettlement issues are captured in the public hearing. A mechanism should be put in place to ensure that only genuine local participation is permitted.

vii. The extant provision of dispensing with public hearing should be continued only in respect of situations when it is reported that local conditions are not conducive to the conduct of hearing, or in the matters of projects of strategic importance and national importance.


ix. There is no necessity for public hearing in locations where settlements are located away from the project sites.


xi. The appraisal sub-group of NEMA/ SEMA should prescribe the specific monitorable conditions, for compliance.


xiii. NEMA should submit its final recommendations to either for grant (with conditions) or reject (with reasons) within two months to the MoEF&CC; on which a final decision normally would be taken within 15 days by MoEF&CC – in case of rejection, with reasons thereof. Similarly, SEMA to decide the matters within two months.


xv. A tight time schedule should be prepared for each step in the process, with strict monitoring to ensure timely decisions. The Chairperson of NEMA/ SEMA, as the case may be, would be accountable for adherence to the timelines.

xvi. The entire clearance process should be through a web-based ICT tool to enable the project proponent to file and track their application as well as obtain the decision online.

The Committee considers that the recommended project approval process will bring in a simplified, streamlined, unified and transparent regime which will accord the utmost priority to the matters  of environmental conservation and simultaneously will speed up the process of project approval with the help of heightened application of technology, making doing business easier in the country.

Recommendation: The proposed revised project approval process envisages 'single window' unified, streamlined, purposeful, time-bound procedures."

In para 7.1, the committee makes it clear that their main concern is delay in approval process and transparency for the industries and for that they argues that in present system that whereas most projects sooner or later obtain approval; one analysis indeed indicated that the percentage of approved projects works out to 99.1% – clearly the focus is not on substance and that is why short-cut, fast-track "transparent mechanism" is a need of the day for the industries.

The committee states that the current administrative structure suffers from infirmities, inconsistencies, inefficiencies, and non-accountable institutions, and consequently suggests a more industry-friendly administrative structure which will benefit industries with a single window clearance system.

The committee proposes a national level authority called NEMA, which will have a full-time Board, with a maximum strength of 15 with the Chairperson of the rank of Additional Secretary in the Government of India. It was expected that the chairperson of the committee should be a technical expert but the committee's main concern is speedy, single window, fast track environment clearance with the administrative structure which is accountable to industries' need and greed.

The committee proposes other authorities at the state-level, called SEMA, that shall consist of a full-time Chairman and maximum 15 members; five of whom shall be ex-officio, to be nominated by the State Government; the remaining to be full-time professionals, with expertise and experience in various aspects of environmental management having the Chairman with administrative experience at least of 25 years. So now it is very clear that the state-level chairman will also be a non-technical person. At the national and state levels, the committee proposes an administrative structure that provides a speedy, single window, fast track environment clearance that is accountable to industry's need and greed.

It is shocking to note that the Chairman and Members, other than ex-officio Members of SEMA shall be appointed by MoEF&CC, based on recommendations of the State Government concerned. That means there will be oversight of states; bureaucratic cronyism may thrive unchecked.

The committee recommended that the Union Government shall have the powers to give directions to NEMA and SEMA in the matters of project clearances and all such directions shall be binding on NEMA and SEMA. In this way, the Union Government is the final authority; NEMA & SEMA are merely formal structure to facilitate the speedy environment clearance deemed fit by the Union Government.

The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) of the projects are to be evaluated within 10 days, a timeframe so short that it will lead to haste in review rather than proper scrutiny. Shockingly, the project proponent – rather than an external and objective agency – will develop the EIA/EMP on model Terms Of Reference (TOR). Most past EIAs submitted by project proponents across the country reflect industry's myth that 'all is well,' although it is well accepted by the committee and most external accounts that environment degradation is rampant.

The committee sought to restrict participation of people in Environmental Public Hearing. And that is why committee suggested that a mechanism should be put in place to ensure that only "genuine local participation" is permitted. The committee sought to restrict even this "genuine local participation" by limiting local interventions to issues like environmental, rehabilitation and resettlement. This suggestion clearly indicates the committee wants to strictly restrict the people's participation in general and the participation of NGOs, and People's Organisations, whose assistance is required to the people because scrutiny of EIA need specially trained expertise. Thus ensuring that the polluters are given a lose rope and the affected communities are tied down & deprived of expert assistance.

The vision outlined is a commitment to industries clearly reflected in their suggestion that NEMA should submit its final recommendations to either grant (with conditions) or reject (with reasons) within two months to the MoEF&CC; on which a final decision normally would be taken within 15 days by MoEF&CC – in case of rejection, with reasons thereof. Similarly, SEMA to decide the matters within two months and the Chairperson of NEMA/ SEMA, as the case may be, would be accountable for adherence to the timelines. It is understandable why committee has failed to come up with such timelines and accountabilities of the concern authorities for people's complain because the committee's main concerned is industries and not people and environment.

The committee wants to make 'doing business easier in the country'and that is why it recommends a revised project approval process with a 'single window' unified, streamlined, purposeful, time-bound procedures. In suggesting time-bound procedures, the committee's main concern is "paper work" rather than genuine scrutiny of the projects' impact on environment.

In the chapter 7 on Environment Governance the committee further state:

At Page 57

7.15 Certain types of projects would require special treatment as listed below:-

i. […] Diversion of forest land for linear projects, except in 'inviolate' area should be appraised through a special cell in NEMA/ SEMA. A separate fast-track mechanism should be laid down by NEMA/ SEMA for approval of linear projects. […] the Committee recommends that the provisions of FR Act which make it mandatory to seek the approval of gramsabha should be amended to dispense with this condition in general to ensure that the benefit of such linear projects are available to the recipient population including the ones having habitat in forest areas as well.


Recommendation: Special treatment for linear projects, power/ mining sector and strategic border projects."

At Page 58

"7.16 […] While all technical aspects of an application/ proposal for clearance would be examined on merits by the NEMA, it was felt that the final approval or rejection powers should be retained by the MoEF&CC. […] The NEMA may not always be privy to such considerations; besides the GoI may not also like to share sensitive information in some instances with subordinate formations. Taking these factors into account, the Committee felt that the authority for final decision should be with the MoEF&CC, with the proviso that specific reasons need to be assigned when the Ministry disagrees with the findings/ recommendations of the NEMA in a particular instance."

At Page 59 & 60



ii) The voluntary self-disclosure on compliance should be put on public domain for scrutiny. This should be a mandatory provision.


7.19 Administrative mechanism for project approval process


ii. The Committee notes that OMs have been issued redefining the scope of EIA Notification, 2006 cutting across various provisions of the appraisal process and attendant conditions."

As if the previous suggested structure were not enough, the committee further suggested that a separate fast-track mechanism should be laid down by NEMA/ SEMA for approval of linear projects. And that is why in the name of special treatment for "linear projects", power/ mining sector and strategic border projects that the provisions of the Forest Right Act, 2006 which make it mandatory to seek the approval of Gram Sabha should be amended. The committee not just reviewed the six environmental laws at issue but also suggested amendments in other laws also. The artificial justification of "national importance" is used by the committee for a fast-track clearance mechanism. For this committee and the government, "National Importance" equates 'GDP' generating, regardless of the externalities for the environment or the people's health.

The committee wants to bring the concept of voluntary self-disclosure on compliance to avoid the routine monitoring for the compliance of the environment laws and terms and condition given in the environment clearance. What a great freehand to industries to build up making doing business easier environment in the country.

In Chapter 8 on Legal Frame Work it states:

At Page 62 & 63

"8.1 […] the Committee has adopted a method hitherto applicable in the field of insurance law. Under this discipline, the proponent and his supporting experts are required by law not only to tell the whole truth but also not to suppress any material facts.


Thus, the concept of 'utmost good faith' got legal recognition under the English Common law during the 18th Century – eventually to be made part of statutes. If the statements made by the insured turn out to be incorrect or if material facts were suppressed or concealed, the insurance company could avoid its liability. The law in India is the same.

8.2  Proposal for new law – Drawing inspiration from this concept under the insurance law and to meet the desirability of a 'single window', the committee being alive to the legal position that the lacunae noted could not be addressed through executive orders, has decided to recommend the following course of action:


(ii)  The new law – Environmental Laws (Management) Act (ELMA) would oblige an applicant to disclose everything about his proposed project, especially its possible potential to pollute and the proposed solution thereto– in short all that would be relevant to making a decision on granting or refusing the clearance applied for.


iv)  Introducing the concept of 'utmost good faith', ….


(vi)  NEMA shall have control and superintendence over SEMA.

Amending different statutes and harmonizing them will be cumbersome and time consuming. But the problem at hand brooks no delay.


Recommendation: (i) To create a new 'umbrella' law – Environmental laws (Management) Act (ELMA) – to enable creation of the institutions NEMA and SEMA.

(ii) To induct the concept of 'utmost good faith', holding the project proponent responsible for his statements at the cost of possible adverse consequences; thus also contributing to reduction in 'inspector raj'."

At Page 64 & 65



The individual environmental Acts have continued parts to play on areas other than matters dealt with under the new Act. With the coming in force of the new Act the corresponding provisions under the different laws will yield to ELMA. Doubts and difficulties if any will be resolved through notifications by GOI.


8.6 Noise Pollution – […] Hence it is suggested that a comprehensive provision may be added to the Environmental Protection Act.


8.7 Appeals –


Recommendation: Procedure for appeals – creation of an Appellate Tribunal.

8.8 National Green Tribunals: ELMA proposes that the decisions of the Appellate Boards will be subject to judicial review by the NGT.

Recommendation: Judicial Review role for NGT."

On 'The Environmental Laws (Management) Act, 2014 (ELMA) the committee recommend that:

At Page 68, 69, 70 & 71

"3. Act to have overriding effect: The provisions of this Act shall prevail over anything to the contrary contained in any judgment or order of any court or tribunal and other enactments including the environmental laws dealt with under this Act.


4.  Constitution of Environmental Authorities: The Government shall constitute


a. Chair: Person with administrative experience and of the rank of an Additional Secretary to the government or above or persons with unblemished record of service under any government of not less than twenty five years in the field of pollution control or environmental management.

b. Secretary: A serving officer not below the rank of a joint Secretary to the Government appointed for a term as may be prescribed.

(2)  State Environmental Authority (SEMA):

(i) […] In addition there shall be five ex-officio members of the rank of secretaries to the State Government to be nominated by the State Government. The chairperson shall have administrative experience of at least twenty five years


5. Powers and responsibilities of NEMA and SEMA:


(5) NEMA may at any time issue clarifications or directions in writing to SEMA either as response or 'suo-moto' for maintaining uniformity of standards or for any other reason to be recorded in writing and clarifications and directions shall be binding on SEMA.


(11) NEMA shall normally make its recommendations, with reasons, for grant or refusal on applications for clearances within six months of the receipt of the application complete in all respects. However, NEMA may grant to itself more time not exceeding one month.

(12) SEMA shall normally dispose of applications for environmental clearances within six months from the date of receipt of applications on the prescribed format with all the required papers. However, SEMA may grant to itself more time not exceeding one month.


6.1 Power of the Government: The recommendations of NEMA on an application for environmental clearance shall be forward to the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change who will record a final decision as expeditiously as may be possible.

6.2 The MoEF&CC shall have the powers to issue directions in all matters to NEMA and SEMA in all matters."

At Page 74 & 75

"13. Appeals


(2)  The appellate Board shall not entertain appeal against the final decision after the expiry of thirty days from the date of the receipt order of final decision of the government. The Board may, however, in its discretion and for reasons to be recorded, extend the period of filing appeal by fifteen days.


(6)  The Appellate Board shall dispose of the appeal normally within three months of its lodging. However, the Board may for reasons to be recorded reject the appeal summarily after providing one opportunity of hearing to the appellant and may impose costs against person found to be abusing the process.


15.  Bar of Jurisdiction: Subject to the powers of the National Green Tribunal (constituted under Act 19 o 2010) reserved under the succeeding provision the decisions of the Government, NEMA or SEMA under this Act or matters related there to shall not be questioned before nor enquired in to by any court or tribunal either suo moto or at any ones behest on any ground what so ever. 

16. Jurisdiction of NGT: Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law the National Green Tribunal may entertain applications by parties aggrieved by the decisions in appeals under S.12- 14 above for review on grounds permissible and subject to limitations applicable to judicial review of administrative actions by the High Courts and the Supreme Court of India."

At Page 77, 78 & 79

"23. Repeal and Savings:

(1)  In Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Chapters II, III, IV and VI and in Air (Pollution and Control) Act, 1981, Chapters II, III and V shall be repealed.


9.2 Creation of a new All India Service – Indian Environment Service –


Recommendation: An Indian Environment Service may be created, as an All India Service, based on qualifications and other details prescribed by MoEF&CC/ DoPT/ UPSC."

At Page 81

"9.5 Issue of new Notification to replace the EIA Notification, 2006- over the past 8 years more than 150 circulars, Office Memoranda and amendments have been issued by the MoEF&CC to provide clarity on the various aspects of the assessment process, making it difficult to take an accurate comprehensive view on the current position. These notifications may now be summarised in a new notification, rationalising and updating all these, to provide one single updated comprehensive set of directions."

At Page 84

"9.9 The Central database- NEMA should develop a central database through capturing, collating, classifying the inventories for geo-referenced master database. The reliance on geo-referenced database captured through satellite imagery for topography, hydrological features, vegetation, settlement patterns, and related other elements having a scientifically driven exercise will aid in effective environmental management including project clearances in a transparent, accountable matter, relying upon scientific principles, and sharply reducing delay."

At Page 86, 87 & 88

"9.11 Environmental reconstruction cost – […] This amount should be borne by the development projects beyond a specific size as a part of project life cycle and to be realised as a cess or a tax or a levy.


Recommendation: Identification & recovery of environmental reconstruction cost relating to each potentially polluting unit should be in-built in the appraisal process.


9.13 Generation of awareness of ecology and environment among the general public– The Indian tradition worships nature, and our scriptures are replete with references to the need to respect the environment. The theme of forest or green cover is repeatedly seen in the Vedas and Upanishads.

9.14 Environmental Remediation of polluted sites – […] The enabling provisions should be inserted in EP Act empowering Government to generate funds through levy/ cess and take over such polluted sites to carry out cleaning exercises directly/ through State Government or local body in PPP mode or in association with industry associations. The environmental reconstruction cost for new projects must incorporate a component for remediation.


Recommendation: MoEF&CC should prepare regional plan for carrying out remediation of polluted sites in consultation with the State Governments and enabling provisions should be incorporated in EP Act for financing the remediation task."

At Page 90

"9.15 Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) –


vi. Rag-pickers and the informal contractual system operational in urban areas should be integrated in solid waste handling system.

Recommendation: Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management has not been given requisite attention hitherto. New systems and procedures for handling MSW need to be in place early, for effective management of MSW and with accountability. Cities should set a target of reaching 20% of current levels in 3 years time to work out a mitigation plan."

At Page 92 & 93

"9.17 Application of science and technology –


viii. Restoration and remediation of critically polluted areas and environmentally degraded sites should rely upon modern technology-aided process to continuously ensure reduction in emission and discharge level in air, water and land as well as monitoring of the improvement made in the state of environment.


The potential consequences of mindless use of science and technology could possibly be illustrated by referring to the potential for medium/ long-term adverse affects through unprepared introduction of Genetically Modified (GM) food crops. While other Ministries naturally would aggressively push for early field trials and induction, the role of the MoEF&CC may have to be one of being a Devil's Advocate to advise due caution.[…] This is not to argue that use of science or technology should be limited; more to highlight the fact that appropriate caution needs to be taken."

At Page 94

"9.19.1Mining operations –


iv. A special cell in NEMA would, with appropriate expertise deal with mining cases of all minerals, to facilitate early environment clearance with appropriate remediation.

9.19.2 Regular reliable power supply is of critical importance to national development, power projects need speedy appraisal, and clearance where warranted. These need to be examined on a fast-track basis, without compromising environmental considerations.


9.21 Incentives for compliant units – Currently there is no incentive for industrial units which fulfil the norms or achieve results better than the stipulated norms. […] Further, many Boards have initiated various schemes to promote compliance, but these are not linked to financial incentives – there is no effective mechanism in place that motivates industry to strive for continual improvement."

The committee, in the name of the concept of 'utmost good faith' got legal recognition under the English Common law during the 18th Century – eventually to be made part of statutes want to trust the industries and also want to give them free hand to do their business as usual.

The committee suggested a new law called 'The Environmental laws (Management) Act, 2014 (ELMA) which reaches the heart, not just provides the need but also the greed of the industrialist.

The committee recommended a procedure for appeals by creation of an Appellate Tribunal and sought to limit the judicial power of the National Green Tribunals (NGT) to scrutinise the entire project. Instead, under ELMA, NGT will have a more restricted judicial review role. Again, the committee recommendations are beyond the terms of reference to review only six environmental laws, and in doing so, they attempted to curtail the power of important exclusive judicial mechanism for the issues of environment, such as the NGT.

To undo the existing avenues for recourse through legal intervention achieved by the environmental movement, ELMA shall prevail over anything to the contrary contained in any judgment or order of any court or tribunal and other enactments including the environmental laws dealt with under this Act. With a single recommendation, the committee sought to take away all major rights available to the people in protecting the environment.

The committee in this chapter talks about environmental Remediation of polluted sites by public-private partnerships (PPP). This is a clear dilution of, and ethically contrary to, the "Polluter Pays" principle which Supreme Court of India has maintained until now.

The committee give lip service on the issue Municipal Solid Waste. Instead of recommending the regularisation of the Rag-pickers the committee clearly suggest that Rag-pickers and the informal contractual system operational in urban areas should be integrated in solid waste handling system.

The committee would have noted some basic facts revealed in the 'Report of the Task Force on Waste to Energy' dated 12 May 2014 by the Planning Commission of India. This report states "As per CPCB report 2012 – 13 municipal areas in the country generate 1,33,760 metric tonnes per day of MSW, of which only 91,152 TPD waste is collected and 25,884 TPD treated."

The report further states, "Further, if the current 62 million tonnes annual generation of MSW continues to be dumped without treatment; it will need 3,40,000 cubic meter of landfill space everyday (1240 hectare per year). Considering the projected waste generation of 165 million tonnes by 2031, the requirement of land for setting up landfill for 20 years (considering 10 meter high waste pile) could be as high as 66 thousand hectares of precious land, which our country cannot afford to waste."

This waste generation figure covers only 31.15% population of India. Considering the waste generation figures of all of India, these figures will be even more daunting. The Planning Commission of India's report further states "A study, of the status of implementation of the MSW Rules 2000 by the mandated deadline by the States, was carried out in class 1 cities of the country. It revealed that in 128 cities except for street sweeping and transportation, compliance was less than 50% and in respect of disposal compliance was a dismal 1.4 %." What about the government's major role in policy making for the reduction of waste and implementation of 'The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules 2000'? The track record in the implementation of these rules in the "Model State" Gujarat is worst.

The committee has completely ignored the deterioration of rivers/rivulets and other water bodies around the industrial, urbanised and semi-urbanised areas.

The committee also feigns concern about Genetically Modified (GM) crops, but clarifies its real stand by stating that this is not to argue that use of science or technology should be limited; more to highlight the fact that appropriate caution needs to be taken. The committee by stating this clearly giving indication that GM crops are not a major issue for them.

The committee shows partiality for mining project by arguing in the name of "national importance" by suggesting special cell for its speedy environment clearance. These mining projects are known for large-scale displacement, soil, air, and water contamination.

The committee surprisingly suggests 'financial incentives' to the industries for its compliance.

At the end in Chapter 10 on summary of recommendation the committee clearly states:

At Page 96, 97, 98, 99, 200 & 201

"5. Revise procedure for clearance under FC Act as above, which is intended to reduce the time taken, without compromising the quality of examination. For linear projects, it is recommended that FR Act needs amendment to consider removal of the condition of Gram Sabha approval (Para 5.10).

6. […] An appropriate mechanism to be created to ensure receipt of the CA funds, and their proper utilisation, delinking the project proponent from the CA process, after he obtains other approvals, and discharges his CA financial obligations. (Para 5.11)


9. Regarding the issue of tackling damage to agriculture and farmland by amendments in Schedule 3, the MoEF&CC may issue circulars to all States apprising them of the legal position, suggesting that they may  take appropriate action based on legal provisions.(Para 6.3)


21. Proposal to revamp this project clearance/ approval process. (Para 7.7)


22. Create National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) at Central Level and State Environment Management Authority (SEMA) at the State level as full time processing / clearance / monitoring agencies.(Para 7.8)


25. The proposed revised project approval process envisages 'single-window' unified, streamlined, purposeful, time-bound procedures. (Para 7.14)


29. (i) To create a new 'umbrella' law – Environmental laws (Management) Act (ELMA) – to enable creation of the institutions NEMA and SEMA. (Para 8.2)

(ii)  To induct the concept of 'utmost goodfaith', holding the project proponent responsible for his statements at the cost of possible adverse consequences; thus also contributing to reduction in 'inspector raj'. (Para 8.2)


33. Procedure for appeals – creation of an appellate tribunal. (Para 8.7)

34. Judicial Review role for NGT. (Para 8.8)


39. MoEF&CC may consolidate all existing EIA Notifications/ circulars/ instructions into one comprehensive set of instructions. Amendments or additions may normally be done only once a year. (Para 9.5)


48. MoEF should prepare regional plan for carrying out remediation of polluted sites in consultation with the State Governments and enabling provisions should be incorporated in EP Act for financing the remediation task.(Para 9.14)


52. The MoEF&CC may finalise the CRZ demarcation, and bring it into public domain to pre-empt ambiguity. (Para 9.18)


55. MoEF&CC may consider reworking standard-setting and revising a system of financial penalties and rewards to proceed to a market-related incentive system, which encourages 'green projects'. (Para 9.21)"

The committee had completely ignored and decided not to incorporate into their report how to address several critically polluted areas. The process of indexing critically polluted areas was initiated in 1989 and sustained by consistent efforts by the pollution-affected people, people's organisations and NGOs regarding the increasing pollution levels in the industrial areas of India had forced the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) to act. At that time 24 industrial areas including Vapi, Ankleshwar, Ludhiana etc. were declared 'critically polluted'.

Thereafter, in several meetings of CPCB and SPCBs serious debates on the pollution status of these areas were undertaken. Even after formulation of 'action plans' for the said industrial areas no substantial or qualitative change was observed in these industrial areas. For this reason, in 2009 the CPCB and IIT-Delhi, in consistence with the demands of the people's organisation's working on environmental issues decided to use a new method of 'indexing the pollution levels' of these areas, which is now known as the 'Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index' (CEPI). The CEPI includes air, water, land pollution and health risks to the people living in the area. However, our demand has been to include the health of the workers, productivity of land and quality of food / agriculture produce in the index since the presence of high levels of chemicals and heavy metals in food produce has severe health implications. This is affecting not only people living around the industrial area but anyone consuming it – hence not restricting the impact to the particular industrial area.

As per the agreed upon measures, industrial areas with a CEPI of 70 and above are considered 'critically polluted' areas while those with a CEPI between 60-70 are considered 'severely polluted' areas. In our opinion, those industrial areas with CEPI between 40-60 also ought to be labelled as 'polluted areas'.

In December 2009 the CEPI of 88 polluted industrial estates was measured; it was then that the CPCB and the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) of Government of India were forced to declare 43 of those as 'critically polluted areas' and another 32 industrial areas as 'severely polluted' areas. Following this study the MoEF on 13 January 2010 was forced to issue a moratorium (prohibition on opening new industries and/or increasing the production capacity of the existing industries) on the 43 critically polluted areas. At that time, many people's movement and environment groups had asked for a moratorium on all the 75 (43+32) polluting areas, but  the powerful industrial lobby and state governments working in tandem prevailed.The murky politics and economics of 'GDP growth' prevailed over the cause of 'life and livelihood' of ordinary people and 'environment & conservation.

In 2009, the Ankleswar's industrial area of Gujarat, with 88.50 CEPI, topped the list of 'critically polluted areas' of India.

In 2011 and 2013, Vapi industrial area of Gujarat topped this list.

Thus Gujarat continues to top in 2009 in 'critically polluted areas' in India and maintains its position in 2011 & 2013.

The recommendations of the committee are going to deteriorate the environmental condition further of these industrial clusters and there is chance that more such industrial cluster will join this list.

In the Chapter 10 summary of recommendations, the committee again reiterates its support of categorically  amending the Forest Right Act, 2006 to remove the pre-conditions of Gram Sabha approval for so-called linear projects; revamping the project clearance/ approval process to follow a single window, time-bound environment clearance system that caters to the needs of industrialists over the environment; creating a new 'umbrella' law – The Environmental laws (Management) Act, 2014 (ELMA) – to enable creation of the totally new institutions NEMA and SEMA in place of CPCB & SPCBs, and instituting the  concept of 'utmost good faith' as the guiding principal in environment protection under the guise of getting rid of the 'inspector raj'; and restricting the role of NGT to just Judicial Review, the modifying the EIA notification, etc. for the industries to built up making doing business easier environment in the country.

The 'high-speed' committee has given what corporate houses were asking consistently before the election from the new government and what was promised broadly in BJP Manifesto. Now it is crystal clear that for 'Modi Government' the word 'Environment' means only "Environment For Investment".


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Govt wants all users of matrimonial sites to be authenticated with #Aadhaar #UID #WTFnews


Govt wants all users of matrimonial sites to be authenticated with #Aadhaar #UID #WTFnews

16 Dec 2014 by 
The Women and Child Development ministry has suggested that Aadhaar, India's unique identity project, should be used to authenticate profiles on matrimonial sites, so that the government knows who in India wants to get married, and can help them find partners. It will also help ensure that people with criminal cases against them don't get married, though they're welcome in Parliament. Statistics will show in the future that people with Aadhaar cards are less likely to commit crimes. In case you didn't get it – I'm kidding.

The actual story: the Economic Times reports, citing sources, that the Ministry wants the implementation of Aadhaar on Matrimonial sites because "there are hundreds of people who register online on matrimony sites every month and there are increasing instances of women being cheated while looking for grooms. There are men who have multiple accounts in different websites." Strange wording in the report: incorporation of Aadhaar has been suggested, but "by early next year all matrimonial sites will have to comply".

A few points on the basis of that report:

– Firstly, having multiple accounts in different sites is not an indication of deceit, especially given the sex ratio in many states in India. What's a guy from Haryana, with 853 women to 1000 men, to do?

– Lest we forget, a senior BJP MP had chaired the Standing Committee damning Aadhaar. That the BJP Manifesto didn't say anything about Aadhaar should have been indicative of its current disposition towards tracking.

– Not to give the government any ideas, but if the Ministry believes that "background checks" are needed for using matrimonial sites, which, the report hints that the ministry believes are similar to online taxi services that don't do thorough background checks, how soon before they decide ALL Internet usage needs to be authenticated using Aadhaar? I mean, there are other crimes being committed on the Internet: that's one way of solving all of the governments Internet related problems, right? People with Aadhaar cards commit less crimes, it will soon be proven, because every little thing you do, online or offline will be scrutinised by government. While we're at it, how about CCTVs inside people's homes, with facial recognition linked to Aadhaar?

– Is this a money making scheme? Will businesses have to pay for API usage every time there's Aadhaar authentication of users? That's another layer of red tape to go through, and doesn't really make doing business in India easier. Companies are probably better off setting up sites outside India, if their users will have to though yet another government mandated process for user authentication.

Read the Economic Times story here.

Dec 16 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)
Height: 5' 7". Sex: Male. Card: Aadhaar
Vasudha Venugopal
New Delhi:

Govt suggests using Aadhaar card to authenticate profiles on matrimonial websites
The Aadhaar card could soon be your passport to a married life with the government asking all matrimonial websites to verify the authenticity of the profiles they put up.

The move by Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi comes in the wake of the recent rape incident in Delhi involving a driver with prior history who managed to get employed with an online taxi service without any background check.

The minister has suggested using Aadhaar card details to authenticate profiles and by early next year all matrimonial sites will have to comply . She has also asked them to crack down on fake profiles. Ministry sources told ET that Maneka Gandhi pointed out that a mobile number was the only requirement currently needed to put up one's profile. "This is clearly not enough. There are hundreds of people who register online on matrimony sites every month and there are increasing instances of women being cheated while looking for grooms. There are men who have multiple accounts in different websites.Making an Aadhaar card compulsory will ensure the pictures of the grooms are on the profiles. This will limit the number of stalkers, serial daters and married men posing as single," a senior official at the ministry said.

According to an ET report last year, there were 35-40 million online registered profiles on matrimonial sites. And 2.2 million online profiles were being uploaded every month. Of these, around 10% managed to find spouses online.

Security officials ET spoke to said the ministry's fears are not misplaced. A Delhi police official said there have been many complaints of men faking their identity on matrimonial websites.

Peace March By Acid Attack Fighters In Remembrance Of NIRBHAYA/DAMINI

Next: उस रसगुल्ले की देहगंध अब इस कायनात में कहीं नहीं।कहीं भी नहीं। मधुमेह की शिकार है हमारी यह दुनिया। पेशावर में तालिबान ने सौ बच्चों को मौत के घाट उतार दिये और गौरतलब यह है कि इस्लाम के नाम पर मारे गये वे तमाम बच्चे मुसलमान ही थे। मलाला का नोबेल जीतने का जश्न पाकिस्तान ने ऐसे मनाया।धर्मोन्मादी आतंकवाद अपनों पर ही सबसे पहले वार करता ह,यह समझ लेना चाहिए।पाकिस्तान की इस त्रासदी पर धर्मांध नजरिये से सोचने का बजाय हम थोड़ा सावधान भी होजायें और अपने बच्चों की खैर मनायें तो बेहतर है कि राजनीति का तालिबानीकरण कितना खतरनाक हो सकता है ,उसका सबूत पाकिस्तान है और हमें इस भस्मासुर से जरुर अपने देश और अपनी जनता को बचाने की हर जुगत लगानी चाहिए। पलाश विश्वास
Peace March By Acid Attack Fighters In Remembrance Of NIRBHAYA/DAMINI

Dear Friend, 

Acid Attack survivors are on hunger strike at Jantar Mantar in Demand of justice and laws to Stop Acid Attacks. Today, on Dec 16, this will be their Day 5 of Anshan. 


Despite the fact that this day two years ago fails to change every day after, our hope in that SHAME fails to deter. She was not 'fearless one'. She must have feared the horrors of the night of December 16, 2012, in that bus. 

But, we have been riding a different bus, so far. We have created stories of a few cases we choose to empathize with, comfortably neglecting facts like 40 rapes are reported every day in New Delhi alone. And it is not the rape capital of India; with this rate of violence against women (and personal rage in general) India seems to be running the race to be the global rape capital. Girls from West Bengal to Rajasthan and Kerala to Kashmir are living with horrors every day, more in public, but often in private spaces. Burn wards of our government hospitals are filled with survivors of domestic abuse. Many don't even see a hospital and some die, leaving us with stories to play upon. 

This protest is a call to carry that hope forward which we as young people of this haphazard society felt on the roads on New Delhi that December. We really felt that we would carry the shame drawn from that 'bus ride' and be inspired as a collective to reflect and act with urgency. Yes the BUS RIDE. Because it is not the girl that we should talk about, but about the crime, that we are all a part of.

It was only after this Day that the judiciary of this country recognized acid attacks as a specific crime and put it under sections 326A and 326B of the Indian Penal Code. The change in laws has not made much of a difference. The accused of December 16, 2012, Bus Ride are still being tried. 

Ignorance towards our inefficiencies and flaws while enjoying the agonizing stories of crime and brutality is not the way forward. Educating our boys and waiting for a generation to evolve as 'Non-rapists' is also not the way to go about.

Many have been saying the nation is on the way of improvement. There is a mood for being better. When it comes to cleaning, social evils of a society stand first. May be, we must remind the development oriented nation that there are more important issues to be addressed. 

Safer spaces provide freedom and confidence. More freedom and opportunities for girls and women only means a multiplied and efficient workforce. 

We must honestly work towards this before banning taxi services and internet sites. 

To remind the nation of this day two years in past, and to bring attention to the gory crime of disfiguring a person, acid attack survivors, campaigners, volunteers and friends will take out a peace march today. 

Do try to participate in the march and enrich the discussion/slogans and our HOPE with your presence.

If you can not come to Jantar Mantar, please join our Anshan online:www.paltan.in/AnshanOnline


उस रसगुल्ले की देहगंध अब इस कायनात में कहीं नहीं।कहीं भी नहीं। मधुमेह की शिकार है हमारी यह दुनिया। पेशावर में तालिबान ने सौ बच्चों को मौत के घाट उतार दिये और गौरतलब यह है कि इस्लाम के नाम पर मारे गये वे तमाम बच्चे मुसलमान ही थे। मलाला का नोबेल जीतने का जश्न पाकिस्तान ने ऐसे मनाया।धर्मोन्मादी आतंकवाद अपनों पर ही सबसे पहले वार करता ह,यह समझ लेना चाहिए।पाकिस्तान की इस त्रासदी पर धर्मांध नजरिये से सोचने का बजाय हम थोड़ा सावधान भी होजायें और अपने बच्चों की खैर मनायें तो बेहतर है कि राजनीति का तालिबानीकरण कितना खतरनाक हो सकता है ,उसका सबूत पाकिस्तान है और हमें इस भस्मासुर से जरुर अपने देश और अपनी जनता को बचाने की हर जुगत लगानी चाहिए। पलाश विश्वास


उस रसगुल्ले की देहगंध अब इस कायनात में कहीं नहीं।कहीं भी नहीं।

मधुमेह की शिकार है हमारी यह दुनिया।

पेशावर में तालिबान ने सौ बच्चों को मौत के घाट उतार दिये और गौरतलब यह है कि इस्लाम के नाम पर मारे गये वे तमाम बच्चे मुसलमान ही थे। मलाला का नोबेल जीतने का जश्न पाकिस्तान ने ऐसे मनाया।धर्मोन्मादी आतंकवाद अपनों पर ही सबसे पहले वार करता ह,यह समझ लेना चाहिए।पाकिस्तान की इस त्रासदी पर धर्मांध नजरिये से सोचने का बजाय हम थोड़ा सावधान भी होजायें और अपने बच्चों की खैर मनायें तो बेहतर है कि राजनीति का तालिबानीकरण कितना खतरनाक हो सकता है ,उसका सबूत पाकिस्तान है और हमें इस भस्मासुर से जरुर अपने देश और अपनी जनता को बचाने की हर जुगत लगानी चाहिए।

पलाश विश्वास

पेशावर में तालिबान ने सौ बच्चों को मौत के घाट उतार दिये और गौरतलब यह है कि इस्लाम के नाम पर मारे गये वे तमाम बच्चे मुसलमान ही थे।

मलाला के नोबेल जीतने का जश्न पाकिस्तान ने ऐसे मनाया।

भारत में नोबेल विजेता कैलाश सत्यार्थी के कुशल क्षेम के लिए अब मैं चिंतित हूं क्योंकि हम भी तालिबान के शिकंजे में कम नहीं है और गीता महोत्सव शुरु कर चुका है तालिबान राजकाज।

धर्मोन्मादी आतंकवाद अपनों पर ही सबसे पहले वार करता ह,यह समझ लेना चाहिए।

पाकिस्तान की इस त्रासदी पर धर्मांध नजरिये से सोचने का बजाय हम थोड़ा सावधान भी हो जायें और अपने बच्चों की खैर मनायें तो बेहतर है कि राजनीति का तालिबानीकरण कितना खतरनाक हो सकता है ,उसका सबूत पाकिस्तान है।

और हमें इस भस्मासुर से जरुर अपने देश और अपनी जनता को बचाने की हर जुगत लगानी चाहिए।

पाकिस्तान के आर्य हिंदुओं और सिखों को अब पांच साल पहले आने पर भी हिंदुत्व की सरकार नागरिकता और नौकरी दोनों दे रही है और कश्मीर समस्या उसके लिए कश्मीरी पंडितों की समस्या है,बाकी कश्मीर और बाकी देश की नहीं।

तो पूर्वी बंगाल के अनार्यहिंदू विभाजन पीड़ित शरणार्थी जो सन सैतालीस में भारत में बसने के बावजूूद अस्पृश्यऔर बेनागगरिक हैं,वोटबैंक समीकरण के अलावा रंगभेदी भेदभाव के अलावा संघ परिवार की कोई मिठाई नहीं है उनके लिए।

रंगभेदी नस्ली मनुस्मृति नवउदार मुक्तबाजारी  राजकाज के इतिहास भूगोल का यह दर्पण है।चाहें तो अपना चेहरा देख लें।

शोर नहीं सोर यानी कोलाहल नहीं,चेतना का अंतस्थल,अंतःप्रवाह

आज के रोजमनामचे में सबसे पहले हमारे गुरुजी ताराचंद्र त्रिपाठीका यह वक्तव्य,मेरी रचना 'आधी रात के सोर'के 'सोर'को कतिपय पाठक शोर (कोलाहल) समझ रहे हैं.वस्तुत: यह शब्द कुमाऊनी भाषा का है और stream of conscousness या हिन्दी के 'चेतना प्रवाह'का समानार्थक है. सोते समय दिमाग में एक के बाद एक अनेक यादों और विचारों का उभर आना ही 'सोर'है।

इस भूल के अपराधी हम हैं क्योंकि हम खुद इसका मायने समझ नहीं सकें।

कृपया आधी रात का शोर शीर्षक प्रकाशित कविता को आधी रात का सोर पढ़ें।

ब्रह्मराक्षसे के दिखाये रोशनदान की रोशनी में इसी सोर के तहत फिर पढ़ेंः

पेशावर में तालिबान ने सौ बच्चों को मौत के घाट उतार दिये और गौरतलब यह है कि इस्लाम के नाम पर मारे गये वे तमाम बच्चे मुसलमान ही थे।

मलाला के नोबेल जीतने का जश्न पाकिस्तान ने ऐसे मनाया।

भारत में नोबेल विजेता कैलाश सत्यार्थी के कुशल क्षेम के लिए अब मैं चिंतित हूं क्योंकि हम भी तालिबान के शिकंजे में कम नहीं है और गीता महोत्सव शुरु कर चुका है तालिबान राजकाज।

धर्मोन्मादी आतंकवाद अपनों पर ही सबसे पहले वार करता ह,यह समझ लेना चाहिए।

पाकिस्तान की इस त्रासदी पर धर्मांध नजरिये से सोचने का बजाय हम थोड़ा सावधान भी हो जायें और अपने बच्चों की खैर मनायें तो बेहतर है कि राजनीति का तालिबानीकरण कितना खतरनाक हो सकता है ,उसका सबूत पाकिस्तान है।

और हमें इस भस्मासुर से जरुर अपने देश और अपनी जनता को बचाने की हर जुगत लगानी चाहिए।

पाकिस्तान के आर्य हिंदुओं और सिखों को अब पांच साल पहले आने पर भी हिंदुत्व की सरकार नागरिकता और नौकरी दोनों दे रही है और कश्मीर समस्या उसके लिए कश्मीरी पंडितों की समस्या है,बाकी कश्मीर और बाकी देश की नहीं।

तो पूर्वी बंगाल के अनार्यहिंदू विभाजन पीड़ित शरणार्थी जो सन सैतालीस में भारत में बसने के बावजूूद अस्पृश्यऔर बेनागगरिक हैं,वोटबैंक समीकरण के अलावा रंगभेदी भेदभाव के अलावा संघ परिवार की कोई मिठाई नहीं है उनके लिए।

रंगभेदी नस्ली मनुस्मृति नवउदार मुक्तबाजारी  राजकाज के इतिहास भूगोल का यह दर्पण है।चाहें तो अपना चेहरा देख लें।

मौलिक हलवाई दुर्गापद अधिकारी बसंतीपुर वाले

बात का सिरा फिर वहीं बसंतीपुर में उलझ गया है।

अपने वीरेनदा के निर्देशानुसार यह गप्प उसी बसंतीपुर से शुरु करता हूं।

हमारे बचपन में वहां दुर्गापद अधिकारी मानक एक मौलिक हलावाई हुआ करते थे जो जाति से लेकिन कायस्थ थे।

जात पांत के बारे में बसंतीपुर की दुनिया और हिमालय छोड़कर कोलकाता आने से पहले हमें कुछ खास मालूम न था।कोलकाता में ही हमें अपनी सामाजिक हैसियत और कुल औकात के बारे में समझा दिया गया।पहाड़ में किसा ने समझाया नहीं।

जाति परिचय उजागर होने,जगजाहिर होने के बावजूद,बाहैसियत कुत्ता बन जाने  के बावजूद मैं अब भी उत्तराखंड के कोने कोने में उनका अपना बच्चा हूं जहां जाति भाषा पहचान अस्मिता बेमतलब है।

अगर उत्तराखंड मेरे वजूद में न होता तो यह सब लिखना मेरे लिए असंभव ही होता।

ताराचंद्र त्रिपाठी से मुलाकात नहीं होती तो मैं बड़ा कोई चाकर कामयाब हो सकता है,हो जाता और देश दुनिया के सरोकारों से बेखबर बेहद कामयाब भी हो जाता,लेकिन त्रिपाठी जी से स्ट्रीम आफ कांशसनेस के संक्रमण की वजह से मैं अब भौंकताै हुआ कुत्ता हूं और मुझे बिना काटे इस भौकने की विरासत पर गर्व है।

थोड़ी सी जगह दें उत्तराखंड में

मुझे बंगाली बंगाल में कोई नहीं मानता और मैं बतौर बंगाली मरना भी नहीं चाहता।

मुझे लोग उत्तराखंडी मानकर अपनी माटी में थोड़ी सी जगह दे दें मरने के लिए तो मेरा जीवन मरण सार्थक हो जाये।

लेकिन दुर्गापद अधिकारी की जाति इसलिए मालूम है कि वे बसंतीपुर में अव्वल तो अकेले कायस्थ थे और शरणार्थी जनपद दिनेशपुर में कायस्थ जनसंख्या लगभग शून्य है।अब तो उस परिवारे के बच्चों के जैसे इने गिने ब्राह्मण परिवारों के बच्चों की शादी भी दूसरी जातियों में हो रही है और इसतरह उनकी वैवाहिक समस्या सुलझ गयी।

दुर्गापद अधिकारी के एकमात्र पुत्र विधू अधिकारी ,जो हमारे बड़े भाई हैं और अब बसंतीपुर में कार्तिक काका जात्रा कलाकार की तरह सबसे बुजुर्ग भी हैं,उनकी विवाह  की भारी समस्या हो गयी क्योंकि कायस्थ परिवार में ही उनका विवाह हो ,ऐसा दुर्गापद जी की जिद थी।और कायस्थ परिवार शरणार्थी उपनिवेश में कहीं थे नहीं कि कन्या मिल जाये।बाकायदा विधूदा कुंआरा बनकर रह जाने से बाल बल बच गये क्योंकि हमारी भाभी जान की शुभदृष्टि के अधिकारी बनने को वे कामयाब हो गये।

मुश्किल यह है कि कायस्थ ब्राह्मण शरणार्थी होकर भी बंगाल में बस गये और बाहरी राज्यों में निनानब्वे फीसद दलितों का ही बसेरा है।

वहां इक्के दुक्के कायस्थ ब्राह्मणों के लिए विशुद्ध जाति की रक्षा कर पाना आर्थिक संगति के मुताबिक कभी संभव ही नहीं रहा है।

पुलिनबाबू की मूर्ति तोड़ो का जश्न

वे बाहैसियत शरणार्थी दलित ही रहे हैं और उनके नेता पुलिनबाबू,जो संजोग से मेरे पिता हैं और अंबेडकर जोगेंद्र नाथ मंडल के कट्टर अनुयायी भी और मार्क्सवादी भी और अपढ़ भी,  बार बार यही कहते रहे कि बेनगरिक सारे शरणार्थी दलित ही हैं और उनकी कोई जाति नहीं है और उनमे रोटी बेटी के रिश्ते में भेदभाव होना नहीं चाहिए।

यह संघ परिवार की विशुद्धता आधारित हिंदुत्व का महान दर्शन के खिलाफ है।

शायद इसीलिए अब केसरिया हुए दिनेशपुर वाले रोज रोज पुलिन बाबू की मूर्ति नये सिरे सेगढ़कर रोज रोज तोड़कर उनकी शरणार्थी जिंदगी का जश्न मना रहे हैं।

हकीकत फिर भी यही है कि बंगाल के बाहर बसे ब्राह्मण और कायस्थ और सवर्ण शरणार्थी भी चाहे अनचाहे अनार्य भूगोल में शामिल हैं।बंगाल में उनके एकाधिकारवादी वर्चस्व के विपरीत।

बाकी देश के मुक्त बाजार में ब्राह्मणत्व और सवर्ण अस्मिता का सच भी लेकिन यही है।सबकुछ लुट पिट तहबाह हो जाने के बाद सवर्ण अस्मिता के मध्य लोग हिंदुत्व का गीता महोत्सव मना रहे हैं और तमाम मूर्तियां तोड़कर नाथूराम गोडसे की मूर्तियां लगा रहे हैं और विधर्मियों का शुद्धिकरण करके उन्हें हिंदू बना रहे हैं।

यही है तालिबान का हिंदू साम्राज्यवादी राजकाज, जिससे लेकिन भारत का भविष्य फिर वही पाकिस्तान है और पेशावर हमारे यहां भी कभी भी संभव है।

कृपया अपने बच्चों की हिफाजत के ख्याल से हमाराे लिक्खे पर गौर जरुर करें बाकी जो आपर हमें गरियाते रहते हैं,आपका वह आशीर्वचन हमारे सिर माथे हैं हम मनुस्मृति व्यवस्था में दलित अस्पृश्य हैं और गालियों के अलावा हमारा कोई सामाजिक सम्मान नहीं है।बाकी सारा कुछ बोनस है अगर दाना पानी मिलता रहे और जान की खैरियत रहे।

तो विधूदा की दुल्हन बंगाल से लायी गयी।

भइया हमारे साढ़े चार फुट कद के और भाभी छह फुटिया।उस भाभी से बचपन से हमारे बेहद मीठे संबंध हैं। लेकिन ऐसी अजब गजब जोड़ी हमने कोई दूसरी कहीं देखी नहीं हैं।

उन दुर्गापद अधिकारी का पहचान उनके बनाये रसगुल्लों से होती थी जिसकी दक्षता वे पूर्वी बंगाल से बसंतीपुर तक ढो कर लाये थे।

उन्होंने ही दिनेशपुर में एक दूसरे कायस्थ परिवार को आयातित किया जो संजोग से हलवाई थे। कर्तिक मयरा।

जिनकी दुकान दिनेशपुर की खास पहचान बनी रही जबतक न कि अपनी बेटी अर्पणा के विवाह के बाद वे दुकान जमीन बेचकर बंगाल नहीं चले गये।अर्पणा मेरी सहपाठिन रही है।

हम लोग उसे रसगुल्ला कहकर ही बुलाया करते थे।

कारीगर हमारे विधू दा भी खूब हैं लेकिन वे स्वभाव से कलाकार हैं।

बसंतीपुर जात्रा पार्टी के वे प्रोमटर रहे हैं और उनके बच्चे अब संगीतकार हैं।लेकिन मिठाइयां विधूदा भी खूब बना लेते हैं।

व्यवसाय दुर्गापद अधिकारी का स्वभाव नहीं था।वे मिठाइयां कलाकार के तेवर में बनाते थे और कारोबार में उनकी कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं थी।

मिठाइयां बनाने के बाद तमाम लोग उनकी कला और रसगुल्लों की मिठास की तारीफ करें ,उनकी सारी कोशिश यही होती थी।

इसलिए दिनेशपुर में पहली मिट्ठाई की दुकान खोलने के बावजूद उनकी दुकानदारी चली नहीं और दिनेशपुर की मिठाइयों की पहचान हमारी सहपाठिन अर्पणा के पिता की दुकान ही रही है।

अर्पणा खुद बेहद सुंदर थी लेकिन उससे भी सुंदर थीं उनकी मां जो रात दिन अपने पति के साथ रसगुल्ला बनाया करती थीं।

अर्पणा उनकी इकलौती संतान थीं और उसके बंगाल चले जाने की वजह से उनकी दुकान भी बंद हो गयी।

कार्तिर मयरा वहीं दिवंगत हो गये,ऐसा हमें इस बार दिनेशपुर जाकर पता चला है।

अपने विधू दा तो साक्षात भोलेनाथ हैं।ऐसा सज्जन आदमी हमने कभी कहीं देखा नहीं है।

गांव के सारे पर्व त्योहार या फिर किसी के यहां किसी भी आयोजन में निःशुल्क सेवा के लिए सबसे पहले वे तैयार थोड़ा बहुत जलपान की व्यवस्था हालांकि उनके लिए करनी होती है और वे किसी से कभी मेहमाताना मांगते हों,ऐसा मुझे कभी मालूम नहीं पड़ा।

इस परिवार की ज्यादा दिलच्सपी अपनी खेती बाड़ी में रही हैं।

मिठाइयां वे बैठे ठाले बनाते रहे हैं जैसे इस देस की हम मां बहन तीज त्योहार पर अपना मिठाइयां शौक पूरी करने के लिए विशुद्ध हलवाई बन जाती हैं वैसे ही उनका हलवाई होने का किस्सा है।फिर गांव में ही ठेला लगाकर बेचते है और दुकान उनने कभी लगायी ही नहीं।

रसगुल्ले की उत्पत्ति गांव बसंतीपुर में ही हुई

अगर मुझसे कोई पूछे कि रसगुल्ले की उत्पत्ति कहां से हुई तो मैं बेहिचक कोलकाता और बंगाल के सारे दावे खारिज करके,देवघर के रसगुल्लों को खारिज करके बाबुलंद आवाज में कह सकता हूं कि रसगुल्ले की उत्पत्ति गांव बसंतीपुर में ही हुई।

बसंतीपुर से बने उस रसगुल्ले की देहगंध से महमहाते रहे हैं हमारे बचपन,कैशोर्य और यौवन।तब हम कितनी ही रसगुल्ले खा लेते थे।

आज हम मधुमेह के शिकार हैं।

पूरा देश मधुमेह का शिकार है।पहाड़ में भी लोग मधुमेह से पीड़ित हैं।

जैसे मैदानों में रसगुल्ले नहीं हैं वैसे ही लालाबाजार अल्मोड़े में कब तक बने रहेंगे बाल मिचाई,इसकी हमारी कोई धारणा नहीं है।नैनीताल में तो बमुश्किल मिलती है।

अब उस रसगुल्ले की देहगंध इस कायनात में कहीं नहीं है।कहीं भी नहीं है।

सबसे मजे की बात है कि बंगाली शरणार्थी जो तराई में बसे और उनका जो अपना शहर उन लोगों ने बनाया,बसंतीपुर का या बाकी किसी शरणार्थी गांव का कुछ भी नहीं बचा है।

वहां हमें कोई पहचानने वाला नहीं है

दिनेशपुर हाईस्कूल में मेरे सीनियर अरविंद मिष्टिवाल महज नाम के मिष्टिवाला हैं क्योंकि उनकी मिष्टि की दुकान चली नहीं और बंगालियों की कोई मिठाई की दुकान दिनेशपुर में है या नहीं,मुझे मालूम नहीं है।

कार्तिक मयरा ने बेहद निजी कारण से जो अपनी दुकान जमीन बेच दी तो एक एक करके सारे बंगालियों ने बेशकीमत दुकान और जमीन मुंहमांगे दाम पर बेच देने में कोई हिचकिचाहट दिखायी नहीं है।

अब दिनेशपुर बहुत बड़का शहर हो गया है जहां हमारी जवानी में हमारे साथ झुंड के झुंड लोग होते थे,जहां हमारी एक आवाज पर दसियों हजार लोग इकट्ठा हो जाते ते,वहां हमें कोई पहचानने वाला नहीं है।

स्थानीय सारे लोग दिनेशपुर से बेदखल हैं।

हमारे बैठने की कोई जगह है ही नहीं क्योंकि बंगाली हो यागगैर बंगाली स्थानीय सारे लोग दिनेशपुर से बेदखल हैं।

मित्रों यह किस्सा एक अधूरी प्रेमकथा जैसी कुछ नहीं है,स्कूल की क्यारी पर खड़े कनेर के फूल की खुशबू की चर्चा के अलावा अर्पणा से हमारा कोई संवाद नहीं रहा है।हम नहीं जानते कि वह जीवित है कि दिवंगत हो गयी है और इस जनम में उससे मिलने की कोई संभावना नहीं है।

इसलिए उसे इस किस्से की नायिका समझने की भूल न करें।उससे मेरी कोई मुलाकात सन सत्तर के बाद हुई भी नही।तब हम लोग बारह तेरह चौदह साल की दहलीज पर थे।

दरअसल यह किस्सा हिमालय का है,सारा देश का किस्सा है यह,प्रेम कथा नहीं,भोगा हुआ यथार्थ

दरअसल यह किस्सा पूरे हिमालय का है,जहां पाहाड़ी प्रकृति और पर्यावरण से बेदखल हो रहे हैं।यह किस्सा तमाम नदियों के किनारे ,समुद्रतट पर रहने वाले,जंगलों में रहने वाले और भारत देश के हर जनपद के वाशिंदों की व्यथाकथा है जहां रसगुल्ले की कोई देहगंध इस कायनात में कहीं नहीं है।

सारे रंग रुप रस गंध बेदखल हैं।

रस्सगुल्ले की गुमशुदगी दरअसल मुक्तबाजार अर्थव्यवस्था का भोगा हुआ यथार्थ है।

मसलन बागेश्वर में साठ साल के बाद बर्फ गिरी है तो उत्तराखंड में अरसे बाद सर्वत्र भारी हिमपात की खबरें और तस्वीरें हैं।उन्हें नत्थी कर दूं तो बातें अधूरी रह जायेगी।

कल ही लिखा है हमने कि हम तो इसी हिमपात के लिए लड़ रहे हैं बदलते हुए फिजां और मौसम के लिए।उसका विस्तार है यह रसगुल्ला आख्यान।जो गीता महोत्सव समय में धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे विधवा विलाप जैसा ही है कुछ।

और आज इकोनामिक टाइमस् की लीड खबर हैः

Norms on large factories and land acquisition depressing manufacturing sentiment

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's showpiece Make in India project can potentially get unmade by lack of administrative clarity on two crucial environmental policy areas -green regulations on setting up large factories and norms of green clearance for land acquisition.

Industry complaints on both these are building up even as potential investors in Indian manufacturing wait for the environment ministry to clarify matters. Industrialists who spoke to ET for this story did so on the condition they not be identified.

The policy hurdle in case of setting up large factories is a UPA-2 legacy -the Jayanti Natarajan-run environment ministry had issued a rule prohibiting construction of factories larger than 20,000 square metres unless a green clar ance was obtained.

The Modi government had moved on this matter and on September 11, two weeks be fore the prime minister launched the Make In India initiative, the environment ministry had said it will deal with this UPA-2 rule.

But nearly three months after the high-voltage launch, the ministry is yet to notify the change in the rule. In government, there's usually a 60-day window from the day a ministry proposes a clarification to an existing rule and the finalisation of the draft. For the large factoriesgreen clearance rule, the 60-day period ended on November 12.

The environment ministry told ET that the draft is being finalised and will soon be put up to the minister, Prakash Javadekar. However, industry, including MNCs, are complaining.

The ministry also confirmed to ET it has received industry views on this matter.


जाहिर है कि इस हिमपात के मौसम का पर्यटन को उद्योग बनाकर भारत की सरकार कोई कल्याण नहीं करने जा रहा है।

पर्यटन को उद्योग बनाकर दरअसल इस कारोबार को एकाधिकारवादी कारपोरेट वर्चस्व के हवाले किये जाने का कार्यक्रम है।

पहाड़ों में पर्यटन उद्योग में अब कितने पहाड़ी बचे हुए हैं,हमें नहीं मालूम।

केदार जलप्रलय के बाद भी लोग अभी लिहाफ तानकर शूतूरमुर्ग बने हुए हैं और हर मुद्दे के जवाब में नमो नमो जाप रहे हैं,तो बाकी जो कुछ भी बचा है उसके लिए शायद अगले जलप्रलय का इंतजार भी न करना पड़ें।

हम नैनीताल और पहाड़ के दूसरे हिस्सों में जिन अति प्रिय मित्रों के यहां ठहरा करते हैं,वे ठौर ठिकाने कितने बचे रहेंगे,अबनी बची खुची जिंदगी की सबसे बड़ी फिक्र यही है।

जहूर आलम और रंगकर्म

जहूर आलम हमारे ऐसे मित्र हैं जो फिल्म उद्योग की चकाचौंध में बह जाने को तैयार नहीं है और नैनीताल में युगमंच के लिए दिया बत्ती करने वाला वही बचा हुआ है।

इतना बड़ा कलाकार और सुबह से देर रात तक कपड़े की दुकान में बैठा हुआ पहाड़ का सारा रंग कर्म साधता है।रंग कर्म चूंकि बेहद प्रासंगिक माध्यम है क्योंकि इसके बिना शायद किसी और माध्यम में हम आगे बात चला सकें।

अपने मुद्दों में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं

नेटजाल में इस महाद्वीप के आधे लोग शामिल हो रहे हैं लेकिन अपने ही मुद्दों में उनकी कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं हैं।वे जिन्हें हम जानते हैं,उनकी दीवाल पर हम अपनी चिंताएं टांग देते हैं,तो वे परेशां हो जाते हैं।

जिन्हें पढ़ने लिखने का शौक है नहीं .वे जाहिर है कि नेट पर भी पढ़ने लिखने के लिए घुसे नहीं हैं।धर्मोन्माद भड़काने के सिवाय इस नेट पर हाजिर ज्यादातर लोग कुछ भी नहीं कर रहे हैं,ऐसा कहते हुए मुझे अफसोस है।

पहाड़ से सबसे ज्यादा दुश्मनी पहाड़ियों की ठैरी

खासतौर पर पहाड़ के लोगों को तो पहाड़ से सबसे ज्यादा दुश्मनी ठैरी।इस पहाड़ को मैदान बना देने की हर संभव जुगत वे लोग लगा रहे हैं और इसका सबसे आसान तरीका है,पहाड़ का केसरियाकरण ,जो खूब हो रहा है।

अबकी दफा जो हिमपात हुआ है और जवानी कैशोर्य के दिनों में कालेज आते जाते वक्त,मालरोड और ठंडी सड़क पर हिमपात में दुनियाजहां की समस्याओं से जूझते रहने की वाली टोलियों और एकांत कमरे में कड़कती सर्दियों में प्रिय उंगलियों की दस्तक के लिए इंतजार के वे सारे पल याद आ गये।

स्नो व्यू,लरियाकांटा,टिफिन टाप और चीना पीक पर बर्फ की बेशुमार दौलत को याद करके दिल कैसा कैसा होने लगा है।लेकिन यह भी कहना मुश्किल है कि अबकी दफा जो हिमपात हुआ ,वह फिर कब होगा।

हस्तक्षेप के लिए

मुद्दों को स्पर्श करने के लिए 16 मई के बाद कविता और प्रतिरोध के सिनेमा जैसे आयोजन हो रहे है।हम उनकी मदद करने की हैसियत में नहीं रहे हैं।

हस्तक्षेप को और ज्यादा प्रासंगिक,और ज्यादा मुखर बनाने के लिए अमलेंदु की मदद करने में लगे हैं।जो खुद बेरोजगारहै।उसकी पत्नी की भी कोई नौकरी नहीं है।हमें पिक्र है कि यह आयोजन कब तक कैसे चल पायेगा।सर्वर मंहगा होता जा रहा है।

हम चाहते हैं कि हमारे रिटायर होने से पहले सभी भारतीय भाषाओं में हम संवाद शुरु कर सकें।डोनेट करने का बड़ा सा बोर्ड टांगने के बावजूद हिंदी वालों की नींद में कोई खलल पड़ नहीं रही है।

आनंदस्वरुप वर्मा और पंकज बिष्ट के बाद

हम फिक्रमंद हैं कि आनंदस्वरुप वर्मा और पंकज बिष्ट के बाद हमारे वैकल्पिक मीडिया आंदोलन का क्या आखिरकार होना है।

टीवी की तरह टीआरपी दर्शन जैसे सोशल मीडिया को खाने चबाने लगा है,उससे लगता नहीं है कि बहुत देर तक हमारा पढ़ना लिखना बोलना संभव होता रहेगा।

रंगकर्म का असली मूल्य

अब रंगकर्म का असली मूल्य हमारे सामने आ रहा है।हमारे गिरदा बड़े कवि थे।अंदर बाहर पारदर्शी थे।

गिरदा को जिनने नैनीताल फ्लैट्स पर कार्यकर्म एंकर करते नहीं देखा,वे सही मायने में असली गिरदा के दर्शन से वंचित है।

गिरदा रंगकर्मी थे।असली रंगकर्मी और पहाड़ में अलख शायद वे इसलिए जला सकें।

आधुनिक भारतीय साहित्य में सामाजिक यथार्थ को प्रतिरोध का गुरिल्ला युद्ध बनाकर साहित्य लिखने वाले हाल में दिवंगत हमारे अति प्रिय नवारुण भट्टाचार्य भी भारतीय गण नाट्यसंघ के वारिस थे और रंगकर्म ही दरअसल उनका माध्यम था,जिसे उनने गद्य पद्य में स्थानांतरित किया।

गिरदा चिरकुट में लिखने वाले ठैरे

गिरदा चिरकुट में लिखने वाले ठैरे,राजीवदाज्यू ने कहा जब हमने भाभी को कापीराइट दिलाने के जुगाड़ के बारे में बात चलायी।

राजीव दा ने साफ साप कहा कि गिरदा मुखर बहुत थे लेकिन लिखा और लिखकर समेटा उनने बेहद कम है।उनका लिखा भी सारा का सारा उनके रंगकर्म में शामिल है।

भुलाये गये शिवराम,जहूर को पहचानते नहीं

हमारे लिए तो गद्दर के साथ ये दो नाम ही हैं,जो सीधे रंगकर्म से जुड़े हुए हैं और जनसरोकार ही जिनका वजूद रहा है।

हमारे मित्र शिवराम भी कुछ वैसे ही थे।लेकिन राजस्थान के कोटा से उनकी निरंतर क्रियता का उताना नोटिस लिया नहीं गया है।

ठीक उसीतरह जैसे सर से पांव तक भले मानुष जहूर बाबू के भाव हमें ठीक से मालूम भी नहीं है।

बटरोही उवाच

बटरोही ने गिरदा की किताबें कोर्स में लगाने के बाबत चिढ़कर कहा कि कौन लगायेगा।

समझ लीजिये पहाड़ के विश्वविद्यालयों में क्या हो रहा है।गिरदा की विधवा हीरा भाभी को अपने दिवंगत पति पर गर्व जरुर होगा पर पूरा पहाड़मिलकर भी उनके आंसू नहीं पोंछ सकते।

नैनीताल डीएसबी कालेज और हल्दवानी एमबी कालेज,रुद्रपुर महाविद्यालय,काशीपुर महाविद्यालय,अल्मोड़ा कालेज,गढ़वाल विश्वविद्यालय परिसर और उत्तराखंड के तमाम शिक्षा संस्थान कभी पर्यावरण चेतना और पर्यावरण आंदोलन के केंद्र होते थे,जिसकी पूंजी अब भी हमारी कुल जिंदगी है।

डिजिटल देश में हमारा वर्तमान और भविष्य दोनों उपभोक्ता है और हमारा जीवन ,पहाड़ और मैदान सिर्फ बाजार है।मुक्त बाजार।

अब इकोनामिक टाइम्स में आज यह भी छपा हैः

Govt suggests using Aadhaar card to authenticate profiles on matrimonial websites

The Aadhaar card could soon be your passport to a married life with the government asking all matrimonial websites to verify the authenticity of the profiles they put up.

The move by Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi comes in the wake of the recent rape incident in Delhi involving a driver with prior history who managed to get employed with an online taxi service without any background check.

The minister has suggested using Aadhaar card details to authenticate profiles and by early next year all matrimonial sites will have to comply . She has also asked them to crack down on fake profiles. Ministry sources told ET that Maneka Gandhi pointed out that a mobile number was the only requirement currently needed to put up one's profile. "This is clearly not enough. There are hundreds of people who register online on matrimony sites every month and there are increasing instances of women being cheated while looking for grooms. There are men who have multiple accounts in different websites.Making an Aadhaar card compulsory will ensure the pictures of the grooms are on the profiles. This will limit the number of stalkers, serial daters and married men posing as single," a senior official at the ministry said.

सुहाग रात से पहले आधार बनवाएं

मायने यह कि हमें रोबोट बना दिया जा रहा है जिसकी हर गतिविधि रिमोट कंट्रोल से इसतरह नियंत्रित होनी है कि सुहाग रात मनाने के लिए भी अब आधार कार्ड अनिवार्य होने जा रहा है।

गैस कनेक्शन,वेतन,स्कूल और अस्पताल में एडमिशन के बाद गैरकानूनी अवैध नागरिकता हनन का यह कारपोरेट उपक्रम अब हमारी पहचान के अलावा हमारी जिंदगी का भी अनिवार्य हिस्सा बना दिया जा रहे हैं।

डीएसबी रीडिंग ऱूम का सन्नाटा पूरे हिमालयऔर पूरे भारत में हैं,जहां हमारे गुरुजी का स्ट्रीम आफ कांशसनेस कहीं नहीं है,सोर कहीं नहीं है।शोर है।

पहाड़ को मैदान बनाने वाले लोगों को बखूब मालूम है कि मैदान दरअसल मैदान हैं ही नहीं।मैदान अब सीमेंट के जंगल हैं।

जैसे सारे के सारे पहाड़ नंगे हो गये वैसे ही सारे के सारे मैदान और अभयारण्य अब श्मशान है और श्मसान हैं सारे के सारे जनपद हिमालय में और हिमालयकी गोद में बसे बाकी भारतवर्ष में।

रंगकर्म कि विरासत खत्म हो रही है।

सफदर हाशमी का जन्मदिन हम खूब मनाते हैं।

गिरदा की यादें भी अभी दफन हुई नहीं हैं।

गद्दर हमारे दिल में,दिमाग में हैं और हमारे पुराने साथी दिवंगत शिवराम हैं ,लेकिन हम रंगकर्म की विरासत बचा नहीं पा रहे हैं।

नांदीकार नाट्यउत्सव में मणिपुर

आज ही कोलकाता में नांदीकार का राष्ट्रीय नाट्यउत्सव शुरु हुआ है अकादमी में।रुद्रप्रसाद सेनगुप्त जाहिर है कि अब भी जिंदा हैं।

इसबार भी मणिपुर से रतन थियाम की विरासत चली आयी है।

मणिपुर के बंगाल से स्थानांतरित वैष्णव आंदोलन,मातृसत्ता,शास्त्रीय नृत्य लाई हरोबा और मार्शल आर्ट के साथ मणिपुर का रंगकर्म विशेष सैन्यबल सशस्त्र कानून के प्रतिरोध में मणिपुरी जनजीवन की अभिव्यक्ति की निरंतरता है।

ग्लोबीकरण से हुए चौतरफा सर्वनाश पर केंद्रित

इसबार रतन थियाम का बेटा थओवई थियाम निर्देशक बतौर कोलकाता नाट्य उत्सव में पेश कर रहे हैं मणिपुर कोरस रिपोर्टरी थियेटर का नाटक वाकथाई।जिसकी कथा ग्लोबीकरण से हुए चौतरफा सर्वनाश पर केंद्रित है।

एक प्रकृति निर्भर जनसमुदाय के वजूद खो देने की व्यथा कथा है यह।मुक्त बाजार में वह जनसमुदायअपना सबकुछ खो देता है।अपनी पहचान,आत्म सम्मान, आजीविका, विरासत,संस्कृति लोक,अपनी भाषा तक।यह पूरे हिमालय की कथा है।

यह उत्तर आधुनिक उत्तराखंड की कथा जितनी है उतनी ही हिमाचल से लेकर सिक्कम की कथा भी है।

धारा 370 की वजह से कश्मीर में निरंतर नागरिक और मानवाधिकार हनन के बावजूद कश्मीरियत अभी जिंदा है।जिंदा है डल झील और जिंदा है चिनार के वन भी।

कश्मीर के केसरियाकरणसे कितना कश्मीर बच पायेगा ,अब यही देखना बाकी है जैसे बंगाल में दीदी के सौजन्य से जो केसरियाकरण हो रहा है,उससे कितना बंगाल और कितने बंगाली बचेंगे,हमें शक है।

जैसे अलग झारखंड और अलग छत्तीसगढ़ बन जावने से इंच दर इंच जमीन और जंगल से बेदखल हैं आदिवासी,पहाड़ियों के हाल उससे बेहतर हैं या नहीं,हमें महसूस करना होगा।

पहाड़ों में हिमपात की तस्वीरों का यह बेरंग दूसरा पहलू है।

जिसकी नजीर यह कि इतने बुजुर्ग और मशहूर रंगकर्मी जहूर आलम अपेन ही शहर नैनीताल में युगमंच के साथियों के साथ मारे मारे रिहर्सल की जगह खोजते रहते हैं।

पहाड़ों में,अपने उत्तारखंड में जैसे कि सुंदरलाल बहुगुणा का कहना है कि चीड़ के अलावा कुछ भी नहीं बचा है।

नैनीझील की शवयात्रा

जो मित्र बर्फबारी में नैनीजील को कैमरे में कैद करके साझा कर रहे हैं,उनका आभार।लेकिन शायद ही उन्हें अहसास हो कि नैनी झील का दम घुट रहा है और नैनीझील की शवयात्रा निकालने में हमने कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ी है।

विशिष्ट लेखक उज्ज्वल भट्टाचार्य ने सही लिखा हैःपेशावर की घटना दिखाती है कि समाज का तालिबानीकरण कितना भयंकर ख़तरा है।

जाहिर है कि हम लोग वही कर रहे हैं और वही दोहरा रहे हैं जिससे भारत का भविष्य पाकिस्तान बन जायें।इस्लामी राष्ट्र पाकिस्तान के मुकाबले हिंदू राष्ट्र भारत।इंसानियत नाम का लफ्जअपना वजूद खोने लगा है कि इंसान इतना बेहया,बेशर्म है।

विशिष्ट लेखक उज्ज्वल भट्टाचार्य ने आगे लिखा हैःसबसे पहले यह कहने का वक़्त है : ये हमारे बच्चे थे. जिस किसी के दिल में मां-बाप का प्यार है, वह खोने के इस दर्द को महसूस कर रहा है।

विद्याभूषण रावत का मंतव्य भी गौरतलब हैः

In one of the deadliest and bloodiest attacks Taliban terrorists have killed hundreds of students after storming the school run by the army in Peshawar. Such horrendous attack shows that these rascals have no humanity in them and can go any extent. The world is passing through a difficult phase with religious competitiveness and attempt to change the faith of others. Taliban want to Islamise the world. Their agenda is clear and they would do it at the cost of killing children, men and women. It is a serious time to think. It is time for condemning all kind of religious fanaticism and religious terrorism which has kept us hostages. Our lives have become hostage to such notorious gangs of thugs who operate in the name of religion. Those who are rejoicing in India must understand that religious fanaticism can ultimately bring a fascist regime. The answer for this is secular state where faith become just a personal matter. We moan for these innocent children and their untimely deaths. We must call a bluff to these operating in the names of God and killing the innocents. No ifs and buts. Speak up as silence will be a crime at the moment.

अपने अभिषेकवा यानी अभिषेक श्रीवास्तव के इस पोस्ट की बेचैनी भी समझ लीजियेः

Mr. Kailash Satyarthi - Nobel Prize Winner Peace 2014 must instantly do and say something on the slaughter of more than 100 children in Peshawar by Talibans. At least he must call the PM Mr. Narendra Modi and advise him to issue an official statement condemning the incident. Apart, we expect him to go to Pakistan with a delegation, meet government representatives and console the nation in mourning. If possible he must convey a strong message to the perpetrators of Peshawar.

अभिषेकवा ने लिखा है

काहे न भोजपुरी में लिखल,समझत नइखे

पेशावर में सौ से ज्‍यादा बच्‍चों के तालिबानियों द्वारा किए गए कत्‍ल पर दुनिया के ताज़ा शांतिदूत बने नोबेल पुरस्‍कार विजेता श्री कैलाश सत्‍यार्थी को तत्‍काल इस संबंध में कुछ कहना और करना चाहिए। कुछ नहीं तो कम से कम प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को फोन कर के बोलें कि वे एक आधिकारिक बयान जारी कर के इस घटना की निंदा करें। इसके बाद हम उम्‍मीद करते हैं कि श्री सत्‍यार्थी एक प्रतिनिधिमंडल लेकर पाकिस्‍तान जाएंगे, वहां के हुक्‍मरानों से मिलेंगे और वहां के राष्‍ट्रीय शोक में सांत्‍वना का हाथ बढ़ाएंगे। संभव हो तो वे अपनी ओर से पेशावर के अपराधियों को एक कड़ा संदेश भी भिजवायें।

हमारे युवा कवि नित्यानंद गायेन की ताजा  कविता पोस्ट भी गौर तलब हैः

पाकिस्तान के पेशावर में आर्मी स्कूल पर हमला, . अब ताज़ा समाचारों के अनुसार अबतक 104 से ज्यादा बच्चे मारे गये हैं .......इतने ही घायल हैं ...... मन खराब हो गया .

मैं भी पर्वत होना चाहती हूँ


जारी है तुषारापात निरंतर

फिर भी हौसला न हुआ पस्त पर्वत का

मैं भी पर्वत होना चाहती हूँ |

हिम, बिजली और आंधियों से

लड़ते रहना है मुझे |

इसी सिलसिले में एचएल दुसाध जी के इस मंतव्य पर भी गौर कीजियेगाः

जाति –मुक्त लोगों को एक बार फिर 16 दिसंबर को दुष्कर्म की शिकार हुई अपनी नायिका की याद में कैंडल मार्च निकाल कर क्रन्तिकारी बनने का मौका मिल गया .आज के कई अखबार कैंडल मार्चियों की तस्वीरों से भरे पड़े हैं.इस मामले में जेएनयू के छात्र सबसे आगे दिखे .इन्ही लोगों ने कुछ दिन पहले कैब में दुष्कर्म का शिकार बनी एक युवती को इंसाफ दिलाने के लिए कैंडल से दिल्ली को रोशन कर दिया था.लेकिन यही कैंडल वीर भागाणा की निर्भायाओं की ट्रेजडी पर ख़ामोशी अख्तियार किये रहे. दरअसल कथित निर्भया को दुष्कर्म का शिकार बनाकर देश के प्रभु वर्ग के हित को आघात पहुचाया गया था.यही आघात कुछ दिन पूर्व प्रभुवर्ग ने एनालिस्ट युवती के मामले में महसूस किया था.जब –जब उन्हें ऐसी घटनाओं के जरिये स्व-वर्गीय हित पर चोट पहुचती वे ऐसे ही मार्च निकलते हैं.किन्तु जिन घटनाओं से उनके वर्गीय हित का कोई सरोकार नहीं होता,उनकी संवेदना सुप्त पड़ी रहती है.यही कारण है मूलनिवासी समाजों के बच्चियों के साथ जब ऐसी त्रासदी होती है वे खामोश रहते हैं.अगर उनकी संवेदना सभी के प्रति समान रूप से होती तो भगाणा पीड़ितों को भी इंसाफ मिलता,जो न मिल सका

तीस घंट की बर्फबारी के बाद सुबोध चंदोला की यह तस्वीर हैः

महात्मा गांधी के हत्यारे नाथूराम गोडसे की तारीफ पर भले ही संसद में बवाल हो गया हो, लेकिन गोडसे से जुड़ा संगठन राजधानी में उसकी प्रतिमा लगाकर उसे सम्मानित करने की तैयारी में है।

पाकिस्तान से आए हिन्दू और सिख शरणार्थियों को निजी कंपनियों में नौकरी करने की सुविधा दी जा सकती है।

पर्यावरण बचाओ आंदोलन के 47 नारे

  • गांव छोड़ब नाहीं, जंगल छोड़ब नाहीं, मायेर माटी छोड़ब नाहीं, लड़ाई छोड़ब नाहीं

  • नदी का पानी और भूजल बोतल में बेचना बंद करो

  • धूप में बल्‍ब जलाना बंद करो

  • खेतों और खलिहानों को पार्क बनाना बंद करो

  • तालाबों और कुओं पर मकान बनाना बंद करो

  • जंगलों में कारखाने  लगाना बंद करो

  • नदियों में कचरा डालना बंद करो

  • पहाड़ों को रहने दो, पेड़ों को रहने दो, बच्‍चों में बचपना रहने दो

  • अमीरों की अमीरी से, कंपनियों की मुनाफाखोरी से पर्यावरण को खतरा है

  • फुकुशिमा और चेरनोबिल हादसे से सबक सीखना होगा, परमाणु बिजलीघरों पर रोक लगानी होगी

  • भोपाल हादसे के पीडि़तों को न्‍याय दो, एंडरसन को भारत लाओ

  • पर्यावरण विरोधी नदी जोड़ परियोजना पर रोक ल्गाओ, नदियों को तोड़ना-मरोड़ना बंद करो

  • जानलेवा एसबेस्‍टस कारखानों पर रोक लगाओ, भोगियों को मुआवज़ा दो

  • कचरे से बिजली बनाने वाले जिंदल के कारखाने को बंद करो

  • नदियों को मुक्‍त बहने दो, नदियों की हत्‍या करना बंद करो

  • रिहायशी इलाकों में कारखाने लगाना बंद करो

  • निजी वाहनों पर रोक लगाओ, हवा में ज़हर घोलना बंद करो

  • पेप्‍सी-कोका कोला पर रोक लगाओ, संसद में रोक है तो देश में भी रोक लगाओ

  • खेतों में शहर बसाना, कारखाना लगाना बंद करो

  • प्रदूषित पर्यावरण और कारखाने से होने वाले रोगों पर श्‍वेत पत्र जारी करो

  • नदियों पर बांध और तटबंध बनाना बंद करो

  • जल निकासी के रास्‍तों को अवरोधमुक्‍त करो

  • विशेष आर्थिक क्षेत्र (सेज़) कानून को रद्द करो, पर्यावरण के खिलाफ आतंकवाद बंद करो

  • नदियों-पहाड़ों को बेचना बंद करो

  • बैंकों और संयुक्‍त राष्‍ट्र की मंशा का परदाफाश करो

  • पर्यावरण को प्‍लास्टिक कचरे से मुक्‍त करो, कचरा जलाना बंद करो

  • देसी-विदेशी कंपनियों के पर्यावरण के खिलाफ अपराध पर रोक लगाओ

  • समुद्र में खतरनाक और रेडियोधर्मी कचरा डालना बंद करो, ज़हरीले कचरे का व्‍यापार बंद करो

  • देसी-विदेशी खनन कंपनियों द्वारा खनिज के अवैध खनन पर रोक लगाओ

  • मानव केंद्रित ज़हरीले विकास का त्‍याग करो, सभी जीव-जंतुओं के अधिकारों को  मान्‍यता दो

  • विकसित देशों और कंपनियों होश में आओ, वायुमंडल को ज़हरीला बनाना बंद करो

  • खेतों में रासायनिक खाद और रासायनिक कीटनाशक डालना बंद करो, खाद्य श्रृंखला को विषमुक्‍त करो

  • कंपनियां प्रकृति विरोधी हैं, मानव विरोधी हैं, कंपनियों पर पाबंदी लगाओ

  • पर्यावरण बचाओ आंदोलन के शहीदों को सलाम, शहादत की परंपरा को सलाम

  • कंपनियों के अपराधों पर श्‍वेत पत्र जारी करो

  • कंपनियों से चंदा और विज्ञापन लेना बंद करो

  • सौर ऊर्जा और अन्‍य प्रदूषणमुक्‍त बिजली के स्रोतों को स्‍वीकार करो

  • पर्यावरण विरोधी धार्मिकता का त्‍याग करो

  • सियासी दलों, कंपनियों और एनजीओ का गठजोड़ पर्यावरण विरोधी है, इस अनैतिक गठजोड़ के खिलाफ एकजुट हो

  • मीडिया के पर्यावरण विरोधी रवैये का परदाफाश करो

  • कंपनियों से यारी, पर्यावरण से गद्दारी नहीं चलेगी

  • पौधों और अनाजों के जैव-संशोधन पर रोक लगाओ

  • आणविक ऊर्जा कानून 1962 रद्द करो

  • 1894 से लेकर अब तक हुए भूमि अधिग्रहण पर श्‍वेत पत्र जारी करो

  • सीआईआई/फिक्‍की/एसोचैम जैसे अघोषित सियासी दलों का पर्यावरण विरोधी और मुनाफाखोर रवैया मुर्दाबाद

  • केलकर कमेटी की सिफारिशों को अस्‍वीकार करो, लोकहित में ली गई ज़मीनों को निजी कंपनियों को देने के प्रस्‍ताव पर रोक लगाओ

  • शहरों को कारमुक्‍त करो

Toxics Watch Alliance द्वारा जनहित में जारी

যারা শিশুদের হত্যা করে, তারা কি কোরআন-এর আহ্বান সম্পর্কে জ্ঞাত? যদি জ্ঞাত না হন,তারা কি মুসলমান আদৌ? আল্লাহ, ক্ষমা করুন হত্যাকারীদের।

Previous: उस रसगुल्ले की देहगंध अब इस कायनात में कहीं नहीं।कहीं भी नहीं। मधुमेह की शिकार है हमारी यह दुनिया। पेशावर में तालिबान ने सौ बच्चों को मौत के घाट उतार दिये और गौरतलब यह है कि इस्लाम के नाम पर मारे गये वे तमाम बच्चे मुसलमान ही थे। मलाला का नोबेल जीतने का जश्न पाकिस्तान ने ऐसे मनाया।धर्मोन्मादी आतंकवाद अपनों पर ही सबसे पहले वार करता ह,यह समझ लेना चाहिए।पाकिस्तान की इस त्रासदी पर धर्मांध नजरिये से सोचने का बजाय हम थोड़ा सावधान भी होजायें और अपने बच्चों की खैर मनायें तो बेहतर है कि राजनीति का तालिबानीकरण कितना खतरनाक हो सकता है ,उसका सबूत पाकिस्तान है और हमें इस भस्मासुर से जरुर अपने देश और अपनी जनता को बचाने की हर जुगत लगानी चाहिए। पलाश विश्वास
Hinol Bhatatcharya is a well  known Bengali poet of our time.He has quoted from Holy Quran to condemn Peshar terror striske killing innocence and exposed the religious politics in vogue.
Palash Biswas

১) আল্লাহ অত্যাচারীদের পছন্দ করেন না। ৩ (১৪০)
২) কেবল তাদের বিরুদ্ধে ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হবে যারা মানুষের উপর অত্যাচার করে এবং পৃথিবীতে অহেতুক বিদ্রোহ-আচরণ করে বেড়ায়। ৪২ (৪২)
৩) বস্তুত আল্লাহ ধ্বংসাত্মক কাজে লিপ্তদের ভালবাসেন না। ৫(৬৪)
৪) ধর্মের জন্য কোনো জোর জবরদস্তি নেই। ২(২৫৬)
৫) নিজের ধর্মমত জোর করে অন্যের ওপর চাপানো বান্ছনীয় নয়, করলে ধর্মের প্রতিই অত্যাচার করা হয়। ২২(৪০)
৬) তোমরা কেউ কারো রক্তপাত করবে না। ২(৮৪)

এই বাক্যগুলি পবিত্র কোরআন-এর আহ্বান থেকে নেওয়া। প্রথম সংখ্যাটি সুরা এবং দ্বিতীয়টি আয়াত।

যারা শিশুদের হত্যা করে, তারা কি কোরআন-এর আহ্বান সম্পর্কে জ্ঞাত?
যদি জ্ঞাত না হন,তারা কি মুসলমান আদৌ?

আল্লাহ, ক্ষমা করুন হত্যাকারীদের।

हम हैं जिन्हें प्रकृति ने इतना दिया है कि जिसमें हजार जापान पल जायँ. पर क्या करें इस देश में नीचे से ऊपर तक इतने अजामिल और उनको बचाने वाले भगवान पैदा हो गये हैं. पूरे देश का भट्टा बैठ गया है.

 हम हैं जिन्हें प्रकृति ने इतना दिया है कि जिसमें हजार जापान पल जायँ. पर क्या करें इस देश में नीचे से ऊपर तक इतने अजामिल और उनको बचाने वाले भगवान पैदा हो गये हैं. पूरे देश का भट्टा बैठ गया है.

ताराचंद्र त्रिपाठी

जापान में, १८६८ में राजसत्ता की बहाली के साथ संसदीय व्यवस्था लागू हुई. राजा मुत्सोहितो या मेइजी तब सोलह साल का किशोर था.लेकिन उसके सलाहकार और सत्ता के वास्तविक केन्द्र वे लोग थे, जो अपने देश को तत्कालीन ब्रिटेन की तरह एक शक्तिशाली और उससे भी समृद्ध राष्ट्र बनाने के लिए कृत्संकल्प थे. यह उनका ही योगदान है कि १८६८ तक टिहरी राज्य की सी निरंकुश और नितान्त पिछ्ड़ी हालत वाले जापान ने अगले ३६ वर्ष में इतनी समृद्धि और शक्ति प्राप्त कर ली कि उसने रूस को भी पराजित कर दिया.
द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध में पूरी तरह विनष्ट हो चुके इस देश ने अगले ५० साल में अपनी राष्ट्रनिष्ठा और कर्मठता और लगन के बल पर अपने लोगों के जीवन को इतना समृद्ध, स्वस्थ और लोकधर्मी बना दिया है कि दुनिया का कोई भी देश उनके सामने नही टिकता. वह भी तब जापान के नाम से अभिहित होने वाले इस द्वीपसमूह के ६८५२ द्वीपों में अधिकतर में ज्वालामुखियों का डेरा है. केवल होकाइडो, होन्शू, क्यूसू, शिकोकू, और ओकिनावा ही मानव सन्निवेशों के उपयुक्त हैं प्रकृति ने इसे न अधिक खनिज दिये हैं और न तेल. धान और समुद्री जीवों के अलावा कोई विशेष भोज्य सामग्री. दिये हैं तो केवल भूकम्प, जो हर साल औसतन १५०० बार इसे कम या अधिक झकझोरते रहते हैं फिर भी जापान ही दुनिया का एक मात्र देश है जिसने केवल चालीस साल में ही अपने नागरिको की औसत आयु को दूना करने का कीर्तिमान स्थापित किया है. केवल अपने नेताओं और नागरिकों के श्रम, संकल्प,सहयोग और सत्यनिष्ठा के बल पर यह प्राकृतिक रूप से दरिद्र देश दुनिया का सिरमौर बना हुआ है.
दूसरी ओर हम हैं जिन्हें प्रकृति ने इतना दिया है कि जिसमें हजार जापान पल जायँ. पर क्या करें इस देश में नीचे से ऊपर तक इतने अजामिल और उनको बचाने वाले भगवान पैदा हो गये हैं. पूरे देश का भट्टा बैठ गया है.
जापान का भ्रष्ट प्रधान मंत्री तनाका जेल में अन्तिम श्वास लेता है. और हमारे देश में अपराध सिद्ध हो जाने पर भी, लालू और चौटालू शान से न केवल छुट्टा घूमते हैं अपितु ्राजनीति के पुरोधा बने हुए हैं

बन्धु! जापान को मिले नायक तो उस देश का एक-एक नागरिक का जीवन खुशहाल हो गया और हमें मिले चाटुकार परस्त, अपने से बाहर न देख सकने वाले, खलनायक, और जोकर, इसीलिए ८० प्रतिशत नागरिक जैसे तैसे अपने जीवन के दिन काट रहे हैं.

Politics of revenge is the basic capital of terror and it kills humanity.


Politics of revenge is the basic capital of terror and it kills humanity.
eminent Bengali blogger Sushant  kar writes.
Palash Biswas
প্রতিশোধের রাজনীতি বেশিদূর এগোয় না, সে গেল দেড় দশকের পাকিস্তান সহ গোটা মধ্যপ্রাচ্যের উপলব্ধি হওয়া উচিত। এরা সন্ত্রাস যত ছড়িয়েছে যুদ্ধবাজ আমেরিকার যুদ্ধবাণিজ্য ছড়িয়েছে তত। আমেরিকা যে এখানে একটা অনুঘটক সেইদিকে নজর ফেরাতে চাইলেই অবশ্য অনেকেই এর মধ্যে সন্ত্রাসবাদের সমর্থন খুঁজে পাবেন। এই হামলাকে শুধু মুর্খেরাই সমর্থন করতে পারে। কিন্তু শুধু নিন্দে করলেই থেমে যাবে সন্ত্রাসবাদ এই ভাবনাও খুব কাজের ভাবনা হবে না। বলা হয়ে থাকে, এরা দুনিয়ার সমস্ত 'কাফের'দের শত্রু----তবে মরে কেন মুসলমান? বলা হয়ে থাকে পাকিস্তান সেনা এদের মদত দিয়ে থাকে, তবে হামলা কেন হলো সেনা স্কুলে? পাক সেনা যদি সন্ত্রাসকে মদতই দিয়ে থাকে মার্কিনিরা কেন তাদের মিত্র করে রাখে? এমন অনেক বেয়াড়া প্রশ্ন আছে যার উত্তর সন্ধান করা জরুরি। এই প্রশ্নওতো অনেকে করেন না, ২৬/১১র পরে ভারতে আওয়াজ উঠেছিল পাকিস্তানে হামলা করবার জন্যে । তখনকার মার্কিন পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী কেন মুম্বাই এসে সেই কাজ করতে মানা করে ছিলেন? বস্তুত সন্ত্রাসবাদ নিয়ে কোনো দেশেই কোনোদিন খোলামেলা আলোচনার কোনো পরিবেশই থাকে না। থাকলে সন্ত্রাসবাদ থাকতই না।

खलंगा युद्ध और गोरखा राज....?


खलंगा युद्ध और गोरखा राज....?
कुछ मित्र आज बैठकर टांग-खिंचाई रहे थे...अरे यार नेपाल -1 का कैसा रिपोर्टर है जो नेपाली/गोरखाली नहीं जानता. मैंने आखिर कहा आप क्या जानते हो. तो जोशी बोले - नालापानी में इतना बड़ा झलसा होता है हर साल...उसके बारे में बताओ. तुझे कुछ पता तो होता नहीं है, यार मेरी पत्रकारिता को चुनौती थी यह मजबूरी भी थी अब झेलो इस लेख को-
जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि नेपाल नरेश पृथीनारायण द्वारा सन 1765 में अपने सेनापति अमर सिंह थापा के सानिध्य में कुमाऊ के कई हिस्सों को जीत लिया गया था तत्पश्चात उनके पुत्र 1771 में राज संभालने के पांच बर्ष पश्चात् स्वर्ग सिधार गए थे उनके पुत्र राणा रण बहादुर तब बाल्यावस्था में थे और उनकी पत्नी राज लक्ष्मी व उनके भाई बलबहादुर सिंह ने सारा साम्राज्य संभाला.
इसी दौरान रमा और धरणी (गढ़वाल नरेश के दूत) नेपाल यात्रा पर गए और वहां के राजपुरोहित की पुत्री को विवाह ले आये. जिससे श्रीनगर दरवार में कोहराम मच गया और राजा के फैसले ने शांत गढ़ राज्य में गोरखा आक्रमण को न्यौता दे डाला.
ज्यादा विस्तृत हो जाएगा लेकिन सन्दर्भ बस यह लिखना पड रहा है ..हस्ती दल चौतरिया और सेनापति अमर सिंह थापा के नेतृत्व में नेपाली सेना कुमाऊ अल्मोड़ा रौंदती हुई रामगंगा पार आ पहुंची लेकिन राजा की मृत्यु का समाचार सुनकर वापस लौट गई तब राणा रण बहादुर मात्र 19 बर्ष के थे. 
लेकिन पुन: 1792 में नेपाली सेना (30-35) हजार सैनिक) तराई भावर को रौंदते हुए गढ़वाल के लंगूर इलाके में प्रवेश कर गए तब तक श्रीनगर दरवार के मुंह लगे मंत्रियों की कूटिनीति के शिकार हुए महाबगढ़ के गढ़पति भंधौ असवाल को भी ठीक लोधी रिखोला भड की मौत की तरह ये धोखे से मरवा चुके थे 
गढ़वाल नरेश इस आक्रमण के लिए तैयार नहीं थे क्योंकि तब तक यह राज छिन-भिन्न की स्थिति में था. आखिर 25 हजार सालाना नजराने के बाद हस्ती दल चौतरिया और सेनापति अमर सिंह थापा वापस लौटे लेकिन जाते जाते लंगूर परगना हरदेव जोशी (कुमाऊ) को हस्तगत कर गए जो तराई भावर के सिग्गडी में जा बेस थे. अगले बर्ष नजराना न पहुँचने से खफा फिर 1794 में आक्रमण हुआ लेकिन उसे गढ़वाल राजा ने नाकाम कर दिया पुन: 1797 में दो तरफ़ा आक्रमण किया गया एक ग्वालदम के रास्ते तो दूसरा भावर के रास्ते लेकिन अस्वालों के अधीन भैंरो गढ़ी पर नेपाली सेना विजयी न पा सकी जबकि दूसरी तरफ ग्वालदम से हुए आक्रमण में नेपाली सेना श्रीनगर तक चढ़ आई थी लेकिन बहुमूल्य उपहारों के साथ राजा प्रधुमन शाह ने उन्हें डेढ़ लाख की धनराशी और 12 लोग गुलामों के रूप में देकर विदा किया और तीन माह से भैरों गढ़ी पर ढेर डाले नेपाली सेना को आखिर बिना विजयी के वापस लौटना पड़ा.
सन 1802 में आये बिनाश्कारी भूकंप ने गढ़वाल के एक तिहाई हिस्से को बुरी तरह तहस नहस कर दिया था ..मौका मिलते ही हस्ती दल चौतरिया व सेनापति अमर सिंह थापा ने चौतरफा आक्रमण कर दिया .. 
हरिद्वार लांघती एक टुकड़ी देहरादून के लिए दूसरी ग्वालदम जोशीमठ से श्रीनगर के लिए तीसरी तराई लांघते हुए भैंरों गढ़ी होते हुए और चौथी कांडी-कच्याली होते हुए ऋषिकेश के लिए निकल पड़ी इस युद्ध में गोरखा सेना को सबसे ज्यादा जान हानि भैरों गढ़ी में ही हुयी जिसके गढ़पति भजन सिंह असवाल को आखिर लम्बी लड़ाई के बाद अपनी शहादत देनी पड़ी.
कथा लम्बी है इसलिए पूरा विवरण ठीक नहीं है . आखिर जनवरी 1804 में राजा प्रद्युमन शाह को मौत के घाट उतारने के बाद गोरखा राज एक क्षत्र पूरे गढ़वाल पर हो गया जिसमें हिमाचल नाहन भी शामिल था.
अब आते हैं इनके राज-काज के तरीके पर. औरतों बच्चों को बेचने के लिए हरिद्वार का घाट सबसे मुफीद जगह थी. जो ज्यादा जोर अजमाइश करते उन्हें बेरहमी से क़त्ल किया जाता रहा .आखिर ब्रिटिश फ़ौज ने 29 मई 1814 में खलंगा किले पर घेराबंदी करने की योजना बनाई.ब्रिटिश फ़ौज के मेजर जनरल गिलेस्पी के नेतृत्व में 3,513 जवानों ने मोर्चा संभाला लेकिन उन्हें विफलता हासिल हुई जबकि उस समय सेनापति अमर सिंह थापा श्रीनगर उनका पुत्र रणजोर सिंह नाहन का राज-काज देख रहे थे .और खलंगा (नालापानी किला) उनके पोते बलबहादुर सिंह थापा को हस्तगत था, गोरखा सेना ने न सिर्फ अंग्रेजी सेना को भारी नुक्सान पहुंचाया बल्कि स्थानीय जनता में भी खूब मारकाट मचाई. उनके गुप्तचरों का मत था कि स्थानीय लोगों ने ही अंग्रेजो को यहाँ बुलाया है.कहते हैं कि मेजर कैली व मेजर लुडलो ने जब किले में फतह की तो उन्होंने लिखा-"the hole area was a slaughter house strewed with the bodies of dead and wonded, and the dissevered limbs of those who has been torn to pieces by the bursting of the shells."
बेहद भयावह इस काल में गोरखा राज्य ने जो जुल्म किये उनका कई जगह इतिहासकारों और स्थानीय चारणों ने खूब वर्णन किया. असफलता हासिल हिते देख आखिर मेजर जनरल गिलेस्पी द्वारा दिल्ली से और फ़ौज के लिए रिक्वेस्ट की गई. आखिर चार डिविजन जनरल ओछटरलनी द्वारा देहरादून के लिए मार्च की गई जिनमें मिस्टर फेजर थर्ड डिविजन (14 अक्तूबर 1814), लेफ्ट. कर्नल मओवि 53रेजिमेंट के साथ सहारनपुर होते हुए , लेफ्ट. कर्नल यंग तिमली होते हुए और मेजर कैली व लुडलो मोहन्ड होते हुए देहरादून पहुंचे. 1 नवम्बर को पुन: किले परधावा बोला गया लेकिन सेना उसे भेद न पाई. साल के घनघोर जंगलों से आच्छादित इस किले तक पहुँचने के गोपनीय रास्ते यहाँ के ग्रामीणों तक को पता नहीं थे जिसके कारण ऐसी दिक्कतें आई. तीन महीने की घेराबन्धी के बाद आखिर 4 दिसम्बर को बलबहादुर थापा तब किले से रुक्सत हुए जब वहां राशन और पानी नहीं रहा. कुछ औरतों और बच्चों के साथ निकले बलबहादुर यमुना पारकर जौन्ठ गढ़ पहुंचे..अब तक गढ़वाली एकत्र हो गए थे और उन्होंने उन्हें यहाँ से खदेड़ा जबकि दूसरी और कर्नल एक हजार सैनिकों के साथ इनका पीछा करता रहा. बलबहादुर और उनके सिपाही महिलाओं सहित जब जौनसार स्थित बैराठगढ़ पहुंचे तो उन्हें जौंसारियों द्वारा घेराबन्धी कर मार डाला गया. और इस तरह इस दुखद गोरखा राज का अंत हुआ.

তবু আগুণ বেণীমাধব, আগুণ জ্বলে কই....

Remebering Nirbhaya
তবু আগুণ বেণীমাধব, আগুণ জ্বলে কই....
ভাসিন বাবুই

তবু আগুণ বেণীমাধব, আগুণ জ্বলে কই....
সময় দ্রুত পেরিয়ে যায়। ঘটনা-দূর্ঘটনা জীর্ণ আমাদের বেঁচে থাকা গুলোও আবারো পানসে ছন্দে ফিরে আসে। আস্তে আস্তে ভুলেই যাই প্রায়, আমি'রা সব্বাই সেদিন পথে নেমেছিলাম। কেউ কেউ সশরীরে, কেউবা অন্য অনেক অচেনা অজানার জনসমুদ্র-এর সাথে ভার্চুয়াল দুনিয়ার মিছিলে সামিল হয়ে। একটা শেষ দেখে নেওয়ার নাছোড় তাগিদ ছিল, আমাদের সব্বার। হঠাৎ করে পাহাড় ভাঙলে এমনটাই হয়। তারপর আস্তে আস্তে অভ্যেস হয়ে যায়। 'আচ্ছে দিন!' চড়া দামে বিক্কিরি হয়। আবার বিছানায় ফেরার আগের মুহূর্তেই ফিনিক্সের মত আবার রাস্তায় কলরব। ধর্ষণ-যৌন হিংসাকে স্বাভাবিক অভ্যেস হতে দিচ্ছিনা। তাই আবারো রাস্তায়। দিল্লীর নির্ভয়া'কে মনে রেখে। পিতৃতন্ত্রের গর্ভগৃহ ভাঙতে রাজপথ কলরব মুখর হবে। দিল্লীতে দামিনী ওরফে নির্ভয়া'র ধর্ষণের দু'বছর ঘুরে আরও একটা ১৬ই ডিসেম্বর...
নির্ভয়া'র কিছু বলার ছিল। না বলা কথাগুলো আসুন, আজ আমরা বলি, সাহস করে।
হাতে হাত, কাঁধে কাঁধ রেখে...
শেষ দেখেই থামতে চাই...বা বলা ভাল, আরো এগোতে চাই.


Dec 17 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)
Our Political Bureau

BLOODY HELL At least 130 people, most of them children, were killed on Tuesday after Taliban gunmen broke into a school in Peshawar. More than eight hours after militants entered the school compound, the military flushed them out
Taliban insurgents killed at least 130 people, most of them children, after storming an army-run school on Tuesday in one of Pakistan's bloodiest ever attacks. Witnesses described how a huge blast shook the Army Public School in the northwestern city of Peshawar and six gunmen in government paramilitary uniforms went from classroom to classroom shooting children, some as young as 12.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the second deadliest terror attack in the country's recent history, calling it revenge for a major military offensive in the region.

A teenage survivor described how he played dead to escape the militants as they rampaged through the school, hunting for people to kill.

Shahrukh Khan, 16, said he and his classmates ducked below their desks when four gunmen burst into their room.

"I saw a pair of big black boots coming towards me, this guy was probably hunting for students hiding beneath the bench beneath the benches," Khan told AFP from the trauma ward of the city's Lady Reading Hospital Khan decided to play dead after being shot in both legs, stuffing his tie into his mouth to stifle his screams.

"The man with big boots kept on looking for students and pumping bullets into their bodies. I lay as still as I could and closed my eyes, waiting to get shot again," he said.

"My body was shivering. I saw death so close and I will never forget the black boots approaching me -I felt as though it was death that was approaching me."

The Lady Reading Hospital was thronged with distraught parents weeping uncontrollably as children's bodies arrived, their school uniforms drenched in blood.

Irshadah Bibi, 40, whose 12-yearold son was among the dead, beat her face in grief, throwing herself against an ambulance. "O God, why did you snatch away my son? What is the sin of my child and all these children?" she wept.

Police officials said the attack ended around 6.30 pm (1330 GMT), some eight hours after it began, with all six militants dead.

Chief army spokesman General Asim Bajwa said on Twitter the operation was "closing up", but that explosive devices planted by the militants were hampering clearance efforts.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif described the attack as a "national tragedy unleashed by savages".


Dec 17 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)
The Strange (Legal) Case of Mr Biswas


Section 125 of IPC

TEXT: Waging war against any Asiatic Power in alliance with the Government of India -Whoever wages war against the Government of any Asiatic Power in alliance or at peace with the Government of India or attempts to wage such war, or abets the waging of such war, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, to which fine may be added, or with fine.

IN PRACTICE: Most lawyers have never dealt with this section of IPC because it is one of the most rarely used sections of the IPC. Interestingly, it was used a fortnight ago (before Mehdi's arrest) against Arif Majeed, a Mumbai-based youth who was arrested by NIA when he returned from ISIS-controlled territories in Iraq and Sudan, on Nov 29.

Sec 125 does not specify what kind of act ­ overt or covert or incitement ­ amounts to waging war. The investigators will have to prove which particular action or actions by Biswas amounts to waging war, or abets a war. Resembles 124A, the Sedition Act, in this aspect.


If Mehdi's posts were only an ex pression of opinion, it cannot at tract this serious office. Having `kafir' as a thought is not a criminal offence. But if his tweets were instructing someone to pick up arms kept in a particular location and deliver them elsewhere, for instance, this Section can be applied.Just sympathy or moral support cannot be criminalized.

--R NITIN, Bengaluru-based criminal lawyer It is a serious section because it invites life imprisonment.

18 and 39 of the UAPA, 1967

BACKGROUND: The Central Act was originally meant to deal with organized crime; not an anti-terror legislation. The `terrorism' provision was added through amendments in 2004 and 2008, after TADA and POTA were repealed.

Under the Definitions (2, m) the Act defines terrorist organisations thus: "means an organization listed in the Schedule or an organization operating under the same name as an organization so listed." In the Schedule, organisations such as SIMI, IM, CPI (Maoist) are listed and the list is constantly revised by the Union Home Ministry. By this definition, ISIS is not notified by the Government of India in its list of terrorist organisations in India. The National Investigation Agency's website also does not mention ISIS as a banned organization.

TEXT of Sec 18, UAPA

Punishment for conspiracy, etc: Whoever conspires or attempts to commit or advocates, abets, advices or incites or knowingly facilitates the commission of a terrorist act or any act preparatory to the commission of a terrorist act, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than five years but which may extend to imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.


A conspiracy cannot be hatched by a single person. 120B of IPC, dealing with criminal conspiracy, defines conspiracy as an act which two or more persons agree to do.By all accounts so far, Mehdi Masroor Biswas managed a twitter account; he did that alone and was not recruited by anyone or group to do so.By this logic, invoking Sec 18 in the case can be questioned.

TEXT of Sec 39, UAPA

Offence relating to support given to a terrorist organization.


In Mehdi's case, only if in his tweets (or elsewhere), he has actually invited support from people for ISIS's terror activities, can Sec. 39 be raised against him.Criminal lawyer R Nitin said: "This section could apply to Mehdi's case because it does not say he should have done it (invite, arrange, manage support etc) at the behest of the organization. So, even if he did it independently, he could be liable."

The punishment under this provision is 10 years, but he can be released with a fine. This dilutes the seriousness of the legislation, say experts

TEXT of 66F of IT Act

Punishment for cyber terrorism (2) Whoever commits or conspires to commit cyber terrorism shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to imprisonment for life.


Smarika Kumar, who specialises in media law with the Alternative Lawyers' Forum, said: "There is no scope of application of Sec 66F of the IT Act unless he had fraudulently accessedhacked into someone else's social media accounts or government databases." Lawyer R Nitin, however, said that 66F could apply to Mehdi's case. He pointed out sub-section 2, under which anyone committing cyber terrorism is punishable with imprisonment.

They Will Never Come Home - YOU WILL NOT BE ALONE...

Dec 17 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)
They Will Never Come Home - YOU WILL NOT BE ALONE...

TAKING NO CHANCES Centre tells all states to sensitize schools and other premier academic institutions to take all security precautions, including hiring trained private security guards and install CCTVs

First person - `I saw death so close': student recalls Pak school carnage

Dec 17 2014 : The Economic Times (Kolkata)
First person - `I saw death so close': student recalls Pak school carnage

A teenage survivor of Tuesday's Taliban attack on a Pakistan school described how he played dead after being shot in both legs by insurgents hunting down students to kill.

Militants rampaged through an armyrun school in the northwestern city of Peshawar and killed at least 130 people, most of them children, in one of the bloodiest ever attacks in Pakistan.

Speaking from his bed in the trauma ward of the city's Lady Reading Hospital, Shahrukh Khan, 16, said he and his classmates were in a careers guidance session in the school auditorium when four gunmen wearing paramilitary uniforms burst in.

"Someone screamed at us to get down and hide below the desks," he said, adding that the gunmen shouted "Allahu akbar" (God is greatest) before opening fire.

"Then one of them shouted: `There are so many children beneath the benches, go and get them'," Khan told AFP .

"I saw a pair of big black boots coming towards me, this guy was probably hunting for students hiding beneath the benches."

Khan said he felt searing pain as he was shot in both his legs just below the knee.

He decided to play dead, adding: "I folded my tie and pushed it into my mouth so that I wouldn't scream.

"The man with big boots kept on looking for students and pumping bullets into their bodies. I lay as still as I could and closed my eyes, waiting to get shot again.

"My body was shivering. I saw death so close and I will never forget the black boots approaching me -I felt as though it was death that was approaching me."

The Army Public School is attended by boys and girls from both military and civilian backgrounds.

As his father, a shopkeeper, comforted him in his blood-soaked bed, Khan recalled: "The men left after some time and I stayed there for a few minutes.Then I tried to get up but fell to the ground because of my wounds.

"When I crawled to the next room, it was horrible. I saw the dead body of our office assistant on fire," he said.

"She was sitting on the chair with blood dripping from her body as she burned."

It was not immediately clear how the female employee's body caught fire, though her remains were also later seen by an AFP reporter in a hospital mortuary .

Khan, who said he also saw the body of a soldier who worked at the school, crawled behind a door to hide and then lost conciousness.

"When I woke up I was lying on the hospital bed," he added.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has claimed responsibility for the attack as retaliation for a major military offensive in the region, saying its militants had been ordered to shoot older students.

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