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RESERVATIONS – TEN Questions and their Answers


eminent lawyer from Kashmir



[20/11 8:39 pm] +44 7429 561842:

TEN Questions and their Answers

Q 1: What is reservation?

The word reservation is a misnomer. The appropriate word for it used in the Indian Constitution is Representation. It is not given to anyone in his individual capacity. It is given to individual as a representative of the underprivileged community. The beneficiaries of reservations are in turn expected to help their communities to come up.

Q 2: Why reservation?

The policy of reservations is being used as a strategy to overcome discrimination and act as a compensatory exercise. A large section of the society was historically denied right to property, education, business and civil rights because of the practice of untouchability. In order to compensate for the historical denial and have safeguards against discrimination, we have the reservation policy.

Q 3: Were Reservations incorporated by the founding fathers of the constitution only for first 10 years?

Only the political reservations (seats reserved in Loksabha, Vidhansabha, etc) were to be reserved for 10 years and the policy review was to be made after that. That is why after every 10 years the parliament extends political reservations.

The 10 year limit for reservations is not true for the reservations in education and employment. The reservations in educational institutions and in employment are never given extension as it is given for the political reservations.

Q 4: Why give reservations on basis of caste?

To answer this question we must first understand why the need for the reservations has arisen. The cause for the various types of disabilities that the underprivileged castes in India face / have faced, is the systemic historical subjugation of a massive magnitude based on caste system having a religious sanction. Therefore if the caste system was the prime cause of all the disabilities, injustice and inequalities that the Dalit-Bahujans suffered, then to overcome these disabilities the solution has to be designed on basis of caste only.

Q 5: Why not on basis of economic criterion?

Reservations should never be based on economic status for various reasons as follows:

1. The poverty prevailing among the Dalit-Bahujans has its genesis in the social-religious deprivations based on caste system. Therefore poverty is an effect and caste system a cause. The solution should strike at the cause and not the effect
2. An individual's Economic status can change. Low income may be taken to mean poverty. But the purchasing value of money, in India, depends upon caste. For example a Dalit can not buy a cup of tea even in some places.

3. Practical difficulties in proving economic status of individual to the state machinery are many. The weak may suffer.

4. In caste ridden India infested with rampant corruption, even for an unchangeable status like caste, the false "Caste Certificate" can be purchased. How much easier will it be to purchase a false "Income Certificate"? So income based reservation is impractical. It is no use arguing when both certificates can be bought, why caste only should form basis of reservation. It is certainly more difficult to buy a false caste certificate than a false income certificate.

5. Reservation is not an end in itself. It is a means to an end. The main aim is to achieve the active participation and sharing by the "socially excluded" humanity in all the fields of the affairs of the society. It is not panacea for all ills, neither it is permanent. It would be a temporary measure till such time the matrimonial advertisements in newspaper columns continue to contain the mention of caste.

Q 6: Should there be a creamy layer criterion or not?

The demand from anti-reservationists for introduction of creamy layer is ploy to scuttle the whole effectiveness of reservations. Even now out of all seats meant for SC/STs in IITs , 25-40 % seats remain vacant because it seems IITs do not find suitable candidates. Just imagine what would happen if by applying creamy layer criterion the SC/ST middle class, lower middle class people who are in position to take decent education are excluded from reservations benefit ! Will the poor among SC/STs be able to compete with these 'privileged 'students' trained under Ramaiah and at various IIT-JEE training centers at Kota ?
Of course Not.
This will lead to 100 % seats in IITs for SC/STs going vacant.

Q 7: How long should the reservations continue?

The answer to this question lies with the anti-reservationists. It depends on how sincerely and effectively the policy makers which constitute "privileged castes" people in executive, judiciary and legislature, implement the reservations policy.
Is it just on part of "privileged castes" people who have enjoyed undeclared exclusive reservations for past 3000 years and continue to enjoy the same even in 21st century in all religious institutions and places of worship, to ask for the timelines for reservations policy?
Why do not they ask, how long the exclusive reservations for particular community in the religious institutions and places of worship are going to continue?
The people who have acquired disabilities due to inhuman subjugation for 3000 years will need substantial time to come over those disabilities. 50 years of affirmative action is nothing as compared to 3000 years of subjugation.

Q 8: Will not the reservations based on castes lead to divisions in the society?

There are apprehensions that reservations will lead to the divisions in the society. These apprehensions are totally irrational. The society is already divided into different castes. On the contrary reservations will help in annihilating the caste system. There are around 5000 castes among the SC/ST and OBCs. By grouping these various castes under 3 broad categories of SC, ST and OBC, the differences among 5000 separate castes can be abridged. This is a best way of annihilation of castes. Therefore rather than making rhetoric about reservations leading to divisions in the society the anti-reservationists should make honest and sincere efforts to annihilate castes. Have these people made any efforts towards this direction? In most of the cases the answer is NO. The people making these anti-reservations rhetoric, all this time have been enjoying all the privileges that the Indian caste system offers to the "Privileged Castes". As long as they enjoy the privileges of the caste system they do not have any qualms regarding it. But when it comes to making castes as basis for achieving social equality by providing representations these same people make noises. These are the double standards of highest order practiced by the 'privileged' people.

Q 9: Will not reservations affect the Merit?

As regards to how Merit is defined in a very narrow sense and what it actually means, following is the quote from an article by Prof Rahul Barman of IIT Kanpur.

"Is merit all about passing exams? After all, are the exams a means or an end? If the exams are means to look for ability to make better engineers, doctors and managers, then can there be better methods to look for such ability? After all in my first engineering class I was told that a good engineer is the one who can produce the best out of the least resources and similarly, management is supposed to find one's way in an uncertain situation – or allocate scarce resources in the most optimal way possible. If that is so, whatever I have seen of our deprived masses (of which overwhelming majority belongs to the backward, dalit castes or adivasis), they have the astonishing capacity to make something productive from almost next to nothing! For the last few years I have been studying small industry clusters, like Moradabad brass, Varanasi silk and Kanpur leather. Put together (all the clusters in the country), they are exporting more than the IT sector and their cumulative employment will be several times of the whole of IT industry. In all these clusters they operate with miniscule resources – small investment, no electricity, forget about air-conditioning, non existent roads, lack of water, and little formal education. These clusters are primarily constituted of these so c
[20/11 8:39 pm] +44 7429 561842: alled backward/ dalit castes and are truly a tribute to the genius that our society is. But in spite of centuries of excellence these communities have hardly produced any formal 'engineers', 'doctors' and 'managers', and conversely these elite institutions have not developed any linkages with such industries and their people. "

Reservations of more than 60 % have existed in the 4 states of southern India and around 40 % in Maharashtra since last 50 years. On other hand in the north Indian states the 15 % 'privileged castes' have been enjoying 77 % of the seats in educational institutions and in employment (assuming that 23 % reservations for SC/STs are totally filled, which is not the case). The World Bank study has found that all the 4 south Indian states are much ahead of north Indian states in terms of their human development index. It is a common knowledge that all the southern states and Maharashtra are much ahead in fields of education, health, industrial development, in implementing poverty alleviation schemes, etc. than the north Indian states. This shows that reservations have indeed helped the southern Indian states in making progress on various fronts. Whereas lack of adequate reservations is responsible for the lack of development in most of the north Indian states.

Q 10: Have existing reservations for SC/STs been effective or not?

The reservation policy in the public sector has benefited a lot of people. The Central government alone has 14 lakh employees. The proportion of Scheduled castes in class III and IV is well above the quota of 16 per cent and in class I and II, the proportion is around 8–12 per cent. So, the middle and the lower middle class that we see today from the Dalit community is because of reservation. With no reservation, the entry of these people in government services would have been doubtful.
The situation is similar in education. An article in the EPW (Economic and Political Weekly) estimates that there are seven lakh SC /ST students in higher education and about half of them are there because of reservation. Reservation has certainly helped but there are limitations in any policy with the way it is implemented.

Matua Delegation heads to New Delhi to demand citizenship for the Hindu Bengali Refugees,the partition victims. I was not wrong as the latest Matua communique accuses BJP leadership not to comply with the assurance to break the indefinite hunger strike demanding citizenship. Rather RSS is playing the Matua Master Card to dislodge Mamata Banerjee. Palash Biswas


Matua Delegation heads to New Delhi to demand citizenship for the Hindu Bengali Refugees,the partition victims.

I was not wrong as the latest Matua communique accuses BJP leadership not to comply with the assurance to break the indefinite hunger strike demanding citizenship.

Rather RSS is playing the Matua Master Card to dislodge Mamata Banerjee.

Palash Biswas

Matua Delegation heads to New Delhi to demand citizenship for Hindu Bengali Refugees,the partition victims.

I have no liability to be politically correct.In fact,the Harichand Guruchand dynasty has something to do with my blood ,identity.My Jethima,senior auntie happened to be a sister of late Kapil Krishna Tahkur.Kapil Krishna Thakur accompanied Matua mother Bina Pani devi while she visited our home at Basantipur in Uttarakhand during sixties while Basantipur was the center of Matua Mahotsav thanks to late Lalit Gusai,my eleder brother who considered my late uncle Dr Sudhir Biswas his God Father.

Late Kapil Krishna Thakur always respected the relationship and Bina Pani devi always remembered whenever I visited Thakur Badi.

In fact,my late father Pulin Babu had a good relationship with late PR Thakur.Despite he was known follower of Babasaheb as well as  a committed supporter of late Jogendranath Mandal a,the celebrated opponent of PR Thakur who was the mastermind to elect DR BR Ambedkar to the constituent Assembly to head the draft committee for Indian constitution and for which PR Thakur and his family never did forgive either Jogendra Nath Mandal or DR BR Ambedkar.

I would be rather happy to see Subrata Thakur who happens to be my brother in relation provided the latest version of the Thakur dynasty recognises or remembers it.

But I have nothing to do with Matua Politics which deviated from Matua movement,the milestone agrarian insurrection against Hindutva in this ASURA land.

I had been warning against the role of RSS practicing brutal apartheid against all non Aryan landscape and highlighting the plight of the Bengali Partition Victim Hindu Refugees subjected to deportation and pointed out quite clearly how those who came just five years back from Pakistan get citizenship against the provision of RSS amended citizenship Act and for whom the Act has to be amended once again.

While Bengali refugees settled since 1947 have been branded as illegal immigrants.

Though Narendra Bhai Modi declared to consider all Hindu Refugees as refugees and promised to grant them citizenship to polarise politics of vertical religious dividing line to get the helms of the nation to accomplish the unfulfilled neo Nazi tasks of Hindu Imperialism linked with zionism as well as dollar hegemony.But he has denied citizenship to the Bengali partition victims,the Non Aryan lot,mostly untouchable, excluded and excommunicated.

Thus,I criticised the Matua leaders while they decided to withdraw the hunger strike after a close door meeting of district and provincial unnoteworthy leaders from RSS and BJP and believed that the BJP regime was going to grant them citizenship.

It was not to be.

I was not wrong as the latest Matua communique accuses BJP leadership not to comply with the assurance to break the indefinite hunger strike demanding citizenship.

Rather RSS is playing the Matua Master Card to dislodge Mamata Banerjee.

It is quite an irony that Guruchand Thakur launched the Chandal movement along with his followers and the united Bahujan samaj in united Bengal which is rather intact to this date in the other side of the political border to abolish untouchability in Bengal and Untouchability was prohibited in Bengal way back in 1911,much before Dr BR Ambedkar launched his crusade against the Caste economics of the ruling hegemony.

Guruchand Thakur,the son of Harichand Thakur who was the leader in Indigo revolt and launched the first renaissance in Indian geopolitics declaring a war against Brahmin Dharam and Vedic rituals banning the Purohit in Bahujan samaj and launched a widow marriage campaign and got his own nephew married to a widow.He launched the first education movement and not only this,he was the first man to demand land reforms on Indian soil.Guruchand was the man who was behind Jogendra Nath Mandal`s Political avtar from Barishal.

Nevertheless, I rate Matua Movement as the fountainhead of Indian Agrarian Uprisings and I support Matua intiatives in the best interest of our people irrespective of the suicidal Matua politics.

On the other hand,the fact is daylight clear to expose the so much so hyped Hindutva agenda in which our glorious history of Matua movement is divested.

Just assess the quality of racial discrimination while Bengali Hindu Refugees settled in India since 1947 remain non citizens moble Vote Bank equation which changes the colour in accordance with the latest colour of Power Politics just because of sustenance,the Home Ministry is planning a package which includes private jobs for Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan who have migrated to India along with a fast-track process for Indian citizenship.

Decisions to this effect could be unveiled in form of a policy by the Home Ministry on December 23 when a meeting is scheduled with representative associations especially of minority communities from neighbouring countries to address their grievances related to grant of Long Term Visa (LTV) and Indian Citizenship.

"A proposal for helping these minorities -- which comprise mainly Hindus and Sikhs -- to get private jobs in India so that they can sustain their families who have migrated with them from Pakistan fearing religious persecution. Powers will be delegated to junior foreign registration officials to extend and give long-term visas to such refugees and a time-bound process is being put in place for expeditious grant of Indian citizenship to them," a senior home ministry official told ET on Monday.

Additional Secretary (Foreigners) in the MHA will hold a meeting with representatives from nearly ten such associations on December 23, 2014 to discuss problems being faced by minority communities from neighbouring countries in grant of LTV and Citizenship. They will also be explained the procedure for grant of LTV and Indian Citizenship, the ministry says.

Upon directions from the Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, the MHA had set up of a Task Force under the Joint Secretary (Foreigners) to monitor and expedite processing of Citizenship and LTV applications, on September 05, 2014. The Task Force has since held interactive sessions in a number of cities across the country having concentrations of such people to monitor and expedite grant of Citizenship/LTV and addressed public grievances.

MHA had received representations from time to time citing hardships and difficulties in grant of LTV/Citizenship applicants, especially of minorities from neighbouring countries who are often of poor economic standing. Reviewing the procedure, the Union Home Minister had directed senior officials in the MHA to expedite the entire process.

Mind you, what Times of India reported in September just before Matua Hunger strike:

NEW DELHI: Seeking to facilitate Pakistani Hindus wanting to stay back in India for fear of religious persecution back home, the Union home ministry has constituted a taskforce that will monitor and expedite processing of citizenship and long term visa applications for such applicants.

The taskforce, to be headed by joint secretary (foreigners) in the home ministry, will start its work in two weeks.

"Union home minister Rajnath Singh reviewed matters relating to grant of citizenship that takes a long time for completion of the entire process. This causes hardship and difficulties to applicants, especially to minorities from neighbouring countries who are often of poor economic standing," a home ministry release said on Friday. Stating that the ministry had received several representations in this regard, it announced approval of a taskforce for speedy disposal of applications from foreign citizens claiming refugee status.

Home ministry sources said the taskforce will work to grant citizenship to all Pakistani Hindus with complete documents within two months. For those with inadequate documents, long-term visa will be facilitated.

Pakistan Hindus during a protest march to the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi (PTI Photo)

The taskforce will follow up with the state governments on representations regarding pending cases in the states. MHA officials may be sent to coordinate with the state home departments and Foreign Registration Office officials.

Since the initial applications are filed online, the taskforce will monitor them and keep track of their progress.

READ ALSO: No special provision for citizenship to Hindus from Pakistan

The taskforce will also coordinate matters relating to long term visa, which for such refugees may extend to 10-15 years. A foreigner on long term visa is permitted to take up any employment in the private sector or to pursue studies in any academic institution.

Most Pakistani nationals belonging to the minority community come to India on a tourist visa only to claim refugee status. Seeking to stay back, they usually apply for citizenship or long term visas.

As per data put out by the Union home ministry, 3,753 Pakistani nationals were given long-term visas over 2013 and 2014 (up to June 30) and 1,854 granted citizenship between 2011 and the current year.


Border Security Force soldiers frisk farmers at the India-Bangladesh border in Lankamura village, on the outskirts of Agartala.


Border Security Force soldiers frisk farmers at the India-Bangladesh border in Lankamura village, on the outskirts of Agartala.

Meanwhile,The Supreme Court on Wednesday questioned the government's resolve to secure the eastern border of the country.The Hindu reports:

"We are at a loss to understand why 67 years after independence the eastern border is left porous. We have been reliably informed that the entire western border with Pakistan, 3300 km long, is not only properly fenced, but properly manned as well, and is not porous at any point," a Bench of Justices Ranjan Gogoi and Rohinton F. Nariman said in a 70-page judgment.

Expressing concern at the large influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh, Justice Nariman noted that the "porous border," with not even a proper fencing, risks the lives of citizens of the border States, including Assam.

The judgment came on a batch of petitions filed by NGOs Assam Sanmilita Mahasangha, Assam Public Works and All-Assam Ahom Association, contending that large influx of people from Bangladesh led to periodic clashes.

The petitions challenged the validity of Section 6(3) & (4) of the Citizenship Act, accommodating migrants from East Pakistan between January, 1966 and March 24, 1971 as deemed citizens of the country. The petitions wanted such periodic violence to be treated as instances of external aggression.

"The Union will take all effective steps to complete the fencing [double coiled wire fencing] in such parts of the Indo-Bangla border [including Assam] where presently the fencing is yet to be completed," the court ordered.

"The vigil along the riverine boundary will be effectively maintained by continuous patrolling. Such part of the international border which has been perceived to be inhospitable on account of the difficult terrain will be patrolled and monitored at vulnerable points that could provide means of illegal entry."

It directed the building of motorable roads alongside the international border and installation of floodlights to prevent incidents ranging from incursion to cross-border trafficking.

PTI reports:

The court quoted a report of 1998 by the then Assam Lt. Gen. S.K. Sinha to the President on the "grave threat posed by the large scale influx of people from Bangladesh to Assam."

"The dangerous consequences, both for the people of Assam and more for the nation as a whole, need to be empathetically stressed. No misconceived and mistaken notions of secularism should be allowed to come in the way of doing so. The spectre looms large of the indigenous people of Assam being reduced to a minority in their home State. Their cultural survival will be in jeopardy, their political control will be weakened and their employment opportunities will be undermined."


Just read this report by Jhimli Mukherjee Pandey published in Time of India

For decades, citizenship card rules Matua fate

KOLKATA: A motley community, whose official count stands at two crores and unofficial one at five, is suddenly in the forefront of a political theatre. For years, the Matuas, a Hindu sub sect concentrated in the North 24-Parganas around Bongaon and in some parts of Nadia, were a subject of local politics, wooed in turns by the CPM first, then by the Trinamool Congress and now by the BJP. Interestingly, one thing has remained common; the magic wand (cynics call it carrot) with which the community is lured - the citizenship card.

In less than 10 days, Thakurnagar, the citadel of the community, will once again become the vortex of an election cyclone as the by-election to the Bongaon Lok Sabha seat is announced. The seat fell vacant after the death of sitting Trinamool Congress MP Kapil Krishna Thakur in early October. Kapil Krishna was the eldest son of 95-year-old Binapani Devi, the spiritual head of the community, better known as Boroma. She is the fountainhead of power and prestige of the Matuas, with her younger son Manjul Krishna a minister in Mamata's cabinet. Such a convergence of spiritual and political power at Baroma's Thakurnagar residence, popularly called Thakurbari, is rare, explaining why all political parties make a beeline towards the "throne" on which Boroma sits. So what if it's just a wooden chair, for the Matuas, it's an altar.

The latest entrant in this crosscurrent is the BJP, which finished third in the last Lok Sabha polls, but did not fail to impress. Matuas are originally refugees who came from Orakandi in Faridpur and it was thought that Modi's controversial comment about those crossing over might cut a wrong chord with the Matuas. However, the BJP was able to pull 2,44,783 votes, a growth of 15 per cent from its earlier performance. If you think that this has got to do with the Modi-wave, then you must know that the BJP, guided with the bosses at the centre, is right now focussed towards the indigenous causes of the Matuas, much to the discomfiture of the TMC, which managed to come out on top with 5,51,213 votes in the last Lok Sabha polls, garnering nearly 43 per cent of the votes polled. That apart, the TMC also won all the seven assembly segments in the 2011 sweep. But does the TMC have complete control over the Matuas?

The recent fast by Subrata Thakur, son of TMC minister, Manjul Krishna Thakur, over the issue of lack of citizenship of a majority of Matuas and a demand for a repeal of the Citizenship Act that was reformed in 2003, drew a lot of media attention, much of which has thrown up a lot of questions for the TMC, bringing the discomfort back to the Matua Thakurbari too.

Subrata Thakur is the TMC's panchayat samiti member but had earlier made it public that he would quit politics so that he can work for the social uplift of the Matuas. The fact that the BJP emissaries from the party's national SC/ST cell led by Krishna Badhi from Chhattisgarh finally caused Subrata to end the protest has given rise to a lot of speculation about whether he might join the BJP instead.

Boroma wanted a TMC ticket for grandson Subrata in Bongaon and for elder son Kapil Krishna in Ranaghat, a wish that Mamata Banerjee did not fulfil. "For 67 years the Matuas have suffered. I want that suffering to end and I don't mind knocking the doors of the BJP for it. There is no time to waste, if the Act is not corrected now, we will be pushed back by another five years," Subrata said.

If speculation is rife about a relationship between the BJP and Subrata, the community is also gossiping about the Kapil's widow, Mamata Thakur warming up to the BJP. Ever since her husband's death, the latter has been trying to garner Matuas in a campaign for citizenship.

"I am just talking to the Matuas from all sections of the society and building up a movement in our common demand for citizenship. It is too premature to say if I would be contesting the coming Lok sabha by-elections. I am an apolitical person and leave it to the followers to decide if I should be with the TMC or the BJP. I can only say that I am not closing my doors to discussion," she said.

Manjul Thakur's discomfiture is understandable. He is being forced to do a lot of explanations on his son's behalf. "It's an old demand. My grandson is just taking it forward. Without a voter's card, Matuas are not eligible for even an LPG connection, a ration card or a BPL card!" Boroma explained.

"The NDA government had revised the Citizenship Act in 2003 to make every entry beyond 1971 illegal. We are calling it a kala kanoon and want it repealed. We have been assured of an audience from the central government," said Manab Roy, an aide of Boroma.

K.D. Biswas of the BJP is unwilling to believe in the theory of a section of the family being wooed by his party. "Modiji had said that he would sympathetically solve the problem of those who had sought refuge from Bangladesh when he came to the election meeting at Barasat on my request. I have now been asked to follow up on this and send a report to Delhi."

BJP MLA from Basirhat Samik Bhattacharya has been closely following the citizenship demand of the Matuas and refuses to allow TMC to steal the issue. "Subrata is representing the Matuas rather than the TMC over this issue, which is originally the BJP's promise to the Matuas. Indeed, he will be called by the Centre to discuss the problems because the Modi government is trying to rise above party politics to find a solution to the Matua citizenship issue," Bhattacharya said.


Read this report by Ajanta Chakraborty,TNN :

The Matua factor in Bengal politics

BONGAON: Poll battle in Bengal is characterized by a newfound ritual - wooing the Matuas.

The Matua vote-bank was discovered in 2009 when Karl Marx's followers, otherwise denouncing religion as 'opium of the masses', were suddenly empathic towards a certain faith. You had high-browed Communists like Brinda Karat and Biman Bose rushing to Thakurnagar near the Indo-Bangla border to touch the feet of nonagenarian Binapani Devi whom everyone, including our current chief minister, calls Boroma (elder Mother).

Mamata Banerjee clinched the socially disadvantaged Hindu sect votes in 2009 Lok Sabha and the 2011 assembly polls. She made a minister out of Boroma's younger son, Manjulkrishna Thakur, and has now nominated her elder son, Kapilkrishna, from Bongaon. BJP has fielded a Matua, K D Biswas, and CPM's Debesh Das is banking heavily on Matua Forward Bloc strongman Haripada Biswas to wrest the crucial North 24-Parganas seat.

Bongaon. This is where social scientists delving into the unique case study on Matuas should come to. It's March-end and Baruni Mela has commenced at Bongaon's Thakurnagar. The fair originated in sect founder Harichand's village, Orakandi in Gopalganj, and shifted here in 1948. The Matua headquarters, 70km north of Kolkata, falls in the Gaighata assembly constituency from where Boroma's son won, riding on SC votes. The sect comprises Bengal's second largest SC population, Namasudra (formerly Chandal) refugees, who left Bangladesh to settle in Howrah, the two 24-Parganas, Nadia, Malda, Cooch Behar, South and North Dinajpur.

Most Matuas have relatives across the border (some landed up during the 2013 unrest). Asim Sikdar (64), retired electric fitter of Betul coal mines in Madhya Pradesh, who has come all the way to attend the mela, rues: "Didi is silent on the prime Matua demand - stalling deportation of those who have been dubbed as infiltrators after the 2003 Citizenship Amendment Act." If angry Matuas, one of India's best-organized communities, were part of the winds of change that swept Bengal, they could well turn the tables now, much as Didi may stick to the vote-bank with a slew of sops.

Let's get back to the fair. The otherwise sleepy hamlet, 3km from Thakurnagar station, is packed with Matuas from across India. Amid the huts stand two pagoda-like temples, the nucleus of the pilgrimage. The taller one is of Harichand, who founded the sect in mid-1800 at Gopalganj in Bangladesh's Faridpur. Beating drums (danka) and brandishing white-laced crimson flags, hordes of Matuas push through the serpentine alleys to reach Boroma. She is seated inside the choc-a-bloc Thakurbari balcony, behind the temples of Haridchand and his son Guruchand, who consolidated the sect before handing the baton to his son and Pramatha's father, Sashi Bhushan. Mamata has fielded Kapilkrishna, to whom Pramatha bequeathed the order in a deed registered on September 5, 1988.

"Mamata is doing good work," Boroma whispers. That's a remarkable change from 2009 and 2011 when with Mamata beside her, the avowedly apolitical sect leader would only aver: "I don't ask anyone to vote for any party". An insider reveals: "Boroma wanted another Lok Sabha seat, Ranaghat (in neighbouring Nadia district) that is also Matua-dominated, for Kapil and the coveted Bongaon for Manjul's son and panchayat samiti member Subrata." Kapil's candidature has rankled his brother no end.

Undoubtedly, Matua's first family is bogged by feud now that it has tasted power-politics, half a century after Boroma's husband and Harichand's great-grandson was sworn in as a junior tribal development minister in 1962 in the B C Roy cabinet. Pramatha practised the signature Harichand adage - Je jatir dol nei she jatir bol nei (a community that doesn't have a party is weak). An MLA since 1937, he managed to buy forest land a decade later to set up Thakurnagar for the untouchables who fled then East Pakistan. He was Congress MP from Nabadweep in 1967, but quit politics soon after, disillusioned.

Post-1977, the Matuas supported the Left Front. Kapilkrishna was no exception. Summing up the disenchantment, he says: "The Left did nothing for SC and STs." Late CPM minister Subhas Chakraborty was first to sense the change of heart when he visited Boroma, post Singur-Nandigram. But local Trinamool Congress MLA Jyotipriya Mullick nudged his boss in the nick of time to woo the Matuas away.

Thus was introduced the caste politics that rules India, but hitherto unknown in Bengal,

"Bengal's 68 lakh-odd Matuas affect the elections a lot. Didi made Boroma's son a minister and now she'll make the other one an MP. They will ensure Matua support, which, in turn, will bring the SC-ST votes," Mullick says simply. But that's a political hyperbole. According to 2001 census, Namasudras were 33.393 lakh or 17.4 % of Bengal's 1.84 crore SC community. Considering half the Namasudras are Matuas, they couldn't be more than 17 lakh, including children and non-voters. Politics leaders vehemently shun the logic: "We have crore-plus listed members," insists BJP candidate and Matua Mahasabha central committee member Krishna Das Biswas.

Rabindranath Haldar (60), the unofficial Matua spokesman, proclaims: "We have 6crore members all over India... Je kare Harir kaaj, Hari karey taar kaaj (the Lord works for those who work for him).

Instead of using us as pawns, political parties should keep their promises. Or each Matua will listen to his own instinct."

In 2010, Boroma made Mamata the Matua Mahasabha chief patron and she returned the gesture by donating Rs 33 lakh for sprucing up Kamonasagor, the holy pond. Mamata's promises included formulating a refugee rehabilitation policy, a sports stadium and a railway hospital.

Swarup Samaddar (60), a chicken seller, and the unemployed Samir Biswas (24) have a clear stance. "It makes sense to vote for Narendra Modi," says Samaddar. Biswas explains why: "We voted a thakur who has done nothing as the refugee, relief and rehabilitation minister. All the Trinamool has done is taking over the Thakurbari."

BJP candidate Biswas, representing the aam Matua, is asking them a pertinent question: "Why should one family get the ministers, MPs and panchayat members, and all the wealth. Why can't we function democratically like Bharat Sevashram Sangh and Ramakrishna Mission?"


CPI (M) leader endorses Modi's view on Matuas


Modi is "technically correct" in saying that Matuas are not Indian citizens

Veteran CPI (M) leader and former minister in the Left Front government, Kanti Biswas, said that the BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi was "technically correct" in saying that most of the members of a socio-religious sect, Matuas, are not Indian citizens. His comment comes at a time when the Trinamool Congress (TMC) has launched an attack on Mr. Modi for claiming that Matuas are denied citizenship even after staying in Bengal for several decades. Mr. Modi said if BJP came to power it would grant citizenship to the members of Matua community. There are millions in Bengal who are part of the community and thus the Matuas have a substantial share of votes in North 24 Paraganas and adjoining districts, which are going to polls on Monday.

The Matuas are a socio-religious sect founded in the 19th century by a spiritual leader Harichand Thakur in the Faridpur province in the present-day Bangladesh. After the partition, a section of the community crossed over to West Bengal and Harichand Thakur's grandson established the sect's headquarters at Thakurnagar in North 24 Parganas district. Thakur's movement is seen as a reformist movement to uplift the Matuas socially.

Since the community has a few million votes, so before every major election, the Matua leaders are wooed by the political parties.

While in 2011, Mamata Banerjee first approached the Matuas, Mr. Modi raised the issue of the citizenship right of the community a few weeks ago.

Ms. Banerjee rubbished Mr. Modi's claim that most of the Matuas do not have citizenship citing that two sons of the Matua matriarch Binapani Debi are full-scale political leaders. One of them, Manjula Krishna Thakur, is a Minister in the State cabinet while the other one, Kapil Krishna Thakur, is a TMC candidate.

On Monday, however, Mr. Biswas said that Mr. Modi is "technically correct" in saying that the Matuas have not been conferred citizenship right. But he blamed Ms. Banerjee for not giving the citizenship to the Matuas.

Mr. Biswas alleged that before the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government passed the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2003, Ms. Banerjee did not oppose the bill. The TMC was then a constituent of the NDA. Mr. Biswas claimed that "a senior party leader" told her that if the Act came into force the Bangladeshi refugees, who were a traditional vote-bank of the Left parties, would no longer have voting right thereby benefiting the TMC.

"In August 2005, after the law was passed by voice vote in Parliament, Ms. Banerjee flung some papers at the Deputy Speaker after he rejected an adjournment motion brought by her about Bangladeshi migrants," he said. "She also accused the refugees of being a threat to the law and order situation in the State," he added.

According to the Act, "illegal migrant" is defined as foreigners who have entered the country without having a valid passport or other such travel documents. If this law was implemented most of the Matuas would not be regarded as citizens.

When contacted, BJP candidate K.D. Biswas told The Hindu,"His (Mr. Biswas) comment has exposed the double standard and hypocrisy of the CPI (M) on the Bangladeshi refugees and the Matuas. Previously, the CPI (M) used to extort money from the Martua refugees and now the TMC does the same thing. But Ms. Banerjee continues to make hollow claims about the development of the Matua community."

Previously, the Matuas were a safe vote-bank of the Left parties as they upheld their demand of Indian citizenship. But they shifted their political allegiance by voting in large numbers for the Trinamool Congress in the 2008 rural polls and 2009 general elections accusing the Left Front government of not keeping its promises.

Ms. Banerjee got a significant edge over the CPI (M) in wooing the Matuas when in 2010 Binapani Devi declared her the "chief patron" of Matua Maha Mahasangh, the apex body of the sect.

Two sons of the Matua matriarch, Binapani Debi, are full-scale political leaders: Mamata

His comment has exposed the double standard and hypocrisy of CPI (M): BJP candidate


The West Bengal Story

The Caste Question in Lok Sabha Elections

Vol - XLIX No. 16, April 19, 2014 | Praskanva Sinharay

The new politics of caste in West Bengal has the potential to dislodge the traditional bipolar political discourse in the state. While bhadrolok politics is still dominant, the question of caste is likely to play a crucial role in this election.

Praskanva Sinharay (praskanva@gmail.com) is a doctoral scholar at Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta.


The political scene of West Bengal, in the context of upcoming 16th Lok Sabha elections, seems to be quite unique. With the decline of the Left Front's (LF) organisational strength and political appeal among the voters of the state; the present ruling party Trinamool Congress (TMC), which this time has not aligned with the Congress for the upcoming election, cannot also claim a monopoly over popular support. Moreover, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) with its strong development-oriented political campaign and smart selection of candidates in different seats has increasingly managed to secure a certain level of support among specific pockets of the voting population. Therefore, unlike the erstwhile bipolar nature of West Bengal's election scene, the upcoming Lok Sabha polls cannot be simply looked at as a contest between two major camps; rather the other prominent political parties like Congress, BJP among others, quite evidently, shall play a crucial role in the deciding the results.

On the other hand, the collapse of the long-standing Left Front regime in 2011 signaled the crisis of what Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya has called "party-society"1 (Bhattacharyya: 2011). With the crisis of the party as the "chief mediator" in rural and semi-urban affairs, we have witnessed in the last couple of years, a host of community-based political assertions in the state politics (for example, the Matuas in the border districts, the Gorkhas in Darjeeling, the Rajbanshis and Adivasis in north Bengal, the Muslim minorities and so forth). Since the fate of the elections is largely determined by the rural voters, the political support of these communities, in terms of specific issues, shall definitely play a significant role in the elections this time.

This article aims to reflect on the uniqueness of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in the state, particularly focusing on the question of "caste" which is an emerging determinant category in the state election scene. In addition to that, I also wish to revisit my argument made earlier where I proposed that the organised politics of the Matuas – a minor sect of the Namasudras – under the banner of their community organisation Matua Mahasangha had introduced "a new politics of caste" in the state (Sinharay 2012: 26-27).

I have formerly argued that the emergence of Matua Mahasangha as the frontal organisation of the lower-caste Matua community since 2007-2008 with their specific demands regarding citizenship, caste-certificates among many others, however, had disturbed the urban, upper-caste bhadralok hegemony over local politics at a considerable level, as well as, had introduced a new politics of mediation in rural West Bengal (Sinharay: 2012, 2013).

This proposition met with many insightful responses from different scholars that were carried in previous issues of EPW(Chandra and Nielsen: 2012; Bandyopadhyay: 2012; Chatterjee: 2012; Samaddar: 2013).

Recent Developments

The politics of bargain, it seems, have been a mutually beneficial process for both the camps – the community-organisation and the party. The former gains its political salience in the institutionalised domain of state politics; whereas the latter, quite cunningly, aims to eventually integrate the former's discrete politics within its influence. Such a phenomenon is evidently noticeable in case of the Matuas. Although the Mahasangha gained its prominence as the independent mouthpiece of the lower-caste refugees, and negotiated with all the political parties to meet their demands; its leadership eventually aligned with the TMC with the appointment of Manjul Krishna Thakur, the younger son of Baroma Binapani Devi, as the minister of state for refugee-relief and rehabilitation. For the next Lok Sabha elections too, the TMC has played the same card, and nominated the organisational head Kapil Krishna Thakur, the elder son of Baroma Binapani Devi, as its candidate from Bongaon constituency. Therefore, even though the Mahasangha gained prominence as an important political actor in state's rural politics; its leadership, today, has been subsumed within the TMC's party-influence. The BJP also adopted a similar political strategy this time by nominating a prominent Matua leader K D Biswas from the Bongaon constituency. It shall also play the Hindu card among the refugee population who had to cross the border due to communal tensions.

A crucial question arises at this point. Whether should we look at the integrationist attitude of the community-organisation and its leadership within the mainstream political parties as strategic moves of the time, or is that so that the bhadralok leadership has managed to reclaim their temporarily lost authority during the crisis phase over local politics? Although there cannot be any immediate answer to such a query, we can only identify three major trends in the present politics of the state vis-à-vis the marginal communities before the Lok Sabha elections.

One, we can see that the different communities choose to represent their political line of action from within the world of mainstream party-politics, and hence, there is subsumption of identities within the party-structures. After the dramatic victory in 2011 elections, the ruling party TMC has eventually strengthened its party-machinery and successfully increased its influence among the dalit and other marginal communities. We have already seen this in case of the Matuas. To take the example of another voluminous lower-caste community – the Rajbanshis, the TMC anchored to a politics of compensation, and met certain identitarian demands. For instance, the present government has established the Coochbehar Panchanan Burma University in 2012 to commemorate the great Rajbanshi leader. Therefore, all other political parties, in order to augment their influence over these marginalised communities, have adopted similar policies that sympathise, in some way or the other, with the different identitarian causes.

Two, although the discrete identities have been temporarily subsumed within the party banners, this does not mean that these local identities have lost their political charge. Rather, the opposite holds true. One of the recent newspaper reports, for example, on the pre-election political campaigns in Dooars (North Bengal) said, "Party banners are no longer the only identity of candidates in the fray. For instance, Manohar Tirkey of RSP, Dasarath Tirkey of Trinamool and BJP's Birendra Bara are known by their Oraon origin. Joseph Munda of Congress has a protestant Christian lineage" (Roy: 2014). In other words, the party-identity of a candidate is no longer the only strong marker of her or his political credibility, rather the identity of the candidate as a "minority" has become crucial in support of the candidature. Therefore, such a political trend, on the one hand, challenges the erstwhile authority of the bhadralok-dominated party at the local level; whereas, on the other, it publicly champions the identitarian politics of the community in present-day rural West Bengal.

The Emergence of Dalit Voice

The third, and perhaps the most important development in contemporary state politics, is the emergence of autonomous dalit voice. Although the heterogeneous condition of the different lower-caste population groups in West Bengal did not allow a combined dalit movement, there had been certain "general slogans (of land and rural wages in particular)" that led to the formation of a "bahujan samaj" at different points of time (Samaddar 2013:79). The politics of the "bahujan samaj" had been manifested, as Ranabir Samaddar had noted, in the movements of Naxalbari, Lalgarh, and Jungle Mahals (Ibid). Interestingly, all three examples are instances of violent peasant resistance. I would like to add to the list another instance of armed peasant resistance – the Nandigram movement that had signaled the final crisis of party-society. The other instances of Lalgarh and Jungle Mahals followed thereafter. The policies of crass industrialisation through forcible land-grab endorsed by the LF led to the birth of voices of dissent from within the party. Moreover, the prolonged marginalisation of dalits and minorities within the party, and increasing elitism and bureaucracy led rebel CPI (M) leaders like Rezzak Mollah to come up with autonomous political formations like the recently formed "Social Justice Forum" before the Lok Sabha polls. To quote Rezzak Mollah:

The ascendency of Trinamool is…a result of the fact that the Left Front, which lips class struggle, has failed to implement it…

A piece of statistics says that 94% of the people here are from the deprived classes. If in West Bengal, the scheduled castes, tribes, minorities and backward classes were to unite, they would bring down their high caste rulers. It is ironical that Bengal always had either a Brahmin or a Baidya chief minister… (Times News Network: 2014)

The expelled leader has targeted the 2016 state assembly polls where he wants "a Dalit as Bengal CM with a Muslim as deputy" (Times News Network: 2014). The expulsion of Mollah before the Lok Sabha elections and his political initiatives to form another, if we can use the term, "bahujan samaj" shall, however, undoubtedly affect the upcoming polls.

Lastly, another important political formation before the elections is the Bahujan Mukti Party (BMP). The BMP, established in 2012, has already created a support base among the different lower-caste communities like the Namasudras, Poundras, Rajbanshis, Bauris, Mahatos, as well as among the Muslims. The party advocates for an agriculture-based economy and small scale industrialisation, and strongly opposes the liberalisation policies (like SEZ) of the central and state government. It demands decentralisation of political power, and proper implementation of reservations for the dalits and Muslims. Following the political line of Jogendranath Mandal, the BMP endorses Dalit-Muslim unity and political alliance of all marginal groups (published in their official mouthpiece Bahujan Mukti Barta, 27 September, 2013). Sukriti Ranjan Biswas, the state president of BMP told me over a telephonic interview, that they are contesting the elections for the first time, and are planning to field its candidates in almost 30 seats. Quite interestingly, as Sukriti Ranjan Biswas informed me, the party is getting the support of the former CPI(M) leader Rezzak Mollah who is attending BMP's election campaigns in different parts of the state. The support of Rezzak Mollah shall surely facilitate the BMP's fight in the upcoming elections.


The caste question in the Lok Sabha elections in West Bengal, therefore, shall be of crucial importance. The political expressions and alliances of the leadership of different lower-caste groups before the polls had been quite different. Some chose to align with the bhadralok-dominated party to meet their demands, whereas others have opted for an autonomous political position. A quick look at the manifestos of all the political parties also informs us that the question of SC/ST, Muslims and other minorities are on the priority list of their political agenda in this election. Moreover, since the electoral fight is no longer bi-polar this time; all the players are eyeing the dalit and minority votes for their electoral success. At this juncture, one must not predict, rather wait and watch the dance of democracy.


1.  "Party society…is the modular form of political society in West Bengal's countryside". For detailed discussion on party society, see Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya (2011):226-250.

2.  When the Matua Mahasangha held a conference on December 28, 2010 at Esplanade – the heart of Kolkata demanding the repeal of the Citizenship Amendment Act (2003) among many others, the dais was shared by top-notch leaders of all prominent political parties along with the Matua leadership. All the leaders unanimously extended support to their demands before the 2011 state assembly elections. (The Telegraph Special Correspondent: 2010).


Bandyopadhyay, Sarbani (2012): "Caste and Politics in Bengal", Economic and Political Weekly, 47(50): 71-73.

Bhattacharyya, Dwaipayan (2011): "Party Society, its Consolidation and Crisis: Understanding Political Change in Rural West Bengal" in Anjan Ghosh,Tapati Guha-Thakurta and Janaki Nair(ed.), Theorizing the Present: Essays for Partha Chatterjee (New Delhi: Oxford University Press), pp. 226-50.

Chandra, Uday and Kenneth Bo Nielsen (2012): "The Importance of Caste in Bengal", Economic and Political Weekly, 47(44): 59-61

Chatterjee, Partha (1997): The Present History of West Bengal: Essays in Political Criticism (New Delhi: Oxford University Press).

– (2012): "Historicising Caste in Bengal Politics", Economic and Political Weekly, 47(50): 69-70.

Roy, Saugata (2014): "Identity politics holds key in Dooars", The Times of India, 29 March, available athttp://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/Identity-politics-holds-key-in-Dooars/articleshow/32871172.cms, accessed on 4 March 2014.

Sinharay, Praskanva (2012): "A New Politics of Caste", Economic and Political Weekly, 47(34): 26-27.

– (2013): "Caste, Migration and Identity", Seminar (645).

Special Correspondent (2010): "Vote game brings rivals to same dais", The Telegraph, 29 December, available athttp://www.telegraphindia.com/1101229/jsp/bengal/story_13364470.jsp, accessed on 4 April 2014.

Times News Network (2014): "Mollah floats 'social justice forum'", The Times of India, 24 February, available athttp://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/mollah-floats-social-justice-forum/articleshow/30920592.cms, accessed on 4 March 2014.

Caste, migration and identity


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ON 11 March 2012, a public meeting was organized at Mahajati Sadan in Kolkata by the Harichand-Guruchand Thakur Research Foundation on the eve of the 200th birth anniversary year of Sri Harichand Thakur, the founder of the Matua sect. The meeting was not a mere annual gathering of the followers of the sect; rather it was an assembly with specific political demands of the community – 'Chai Nagorikotyo, Chai Jatipatro'– the twofold demand of issuing of citizenship and caste certificate. (Image I)

Two years before, on 28 December 2010, the Matuas had rocked the streets of Kolkata and the Matua Mahasangha, their frontal organization, held a huge public gathering at Esplanade before the state assembly elections which was attended by the representatives of all the major political parties. The purpose of the gathering was to demand the repeal of the Citizenship Amendment Act 2003 that denied citizenship to those refugees who migrated to the Indian side of the border after the Bangladesh war in 1971. (Image II)

Poster of the national conference held on 11 March 2012 in Kolkata.

The Matuas have gained immense popularity in recent times, both in the media as well as in public debates and discussions in West Bengal, as the community has emerged as a 'force' under the banner of Matua Mahasanghathat no political party could ignore in order to ensure electoral benefits.1 This, I believe, has introduced 'a new politics of caste'2 in West Bengal and has also changed the erstwhile urban, upper caste dominated political character of the state.

The Matuas, almost entirely composed of the lower caste Namasudras, are mostly refugees who have migrated to India in successive waves – the first wave after partition of Bengal in 1947, a large bulk after the 1954 riots and a third wave after the 1971 war.3 The Namasudras, which had been the largest caste group in undivided eastern Bengal as well as the most organized and politically active force, had time and again resisted the Brahminical social hierarchy and the upper caste dominated nationalist hegemonic politics.4 This historic movement of the Namasudras, however, suffered a major setback and was entirely disoriented when Bengal was divided in 1947. It has been argued by historian Sekhar Bandyopadhyay that in 'post-colonial West Bengal the Partition violence and refugee influx had led to a rephrasing of the idioms of victimhood and resistance, placing less emphasis on caste and focusing more on the predicament of migration and the struggles of the refugees' and hence, in spite of perpetuation of caste based discrimination, '"caste" as an idiom of protest disappeared from public space.'5

Poster of the public meeting held on 28 December 2010.

The present politics of West Bengal, however, is marked by a 'resurgence' of organized dalit political assertion which has surprisingly brought the bhadralok leaders to their knees. The political mobilization of the Matuas indicates the reconsolidation of the lower caste Namasudra community once again, which no longer strictly remains 'the other world of collective social thinking and practice little touched by the orderly process of organized party politics.'6 This article thus seeks to narrate how partition destabilized the organized force of lower caste people and tells the stories of victimhood and struggles of the dalit refugees. Moreover, it tries to understand the issues, demands and politics of the dalit refugees in contemporary West Bengal.

Much has already been written on the partition of Bengal – both on the causes as well as consequences of 'a seminal event of the 20th century, which led to unprecedented upheavals, massive shifts in population and unexpected transformation of the socio-political landscape', and by now, we have before us a buffet of literature on partition and refugee studies.7 However, the focus of the dominant literature on the partition of Bengal has been quite one-sided, dominated by the 'traumatic and nostalgic memories of a lost homeland in East Bengal' of the urban, upper caste bhadralok.8 This genre of literature has mostly dealt with the tales of the refugees who settled mostly in Calcutta and its fringes where 'the dominant image of the refugee is that of the Bengali Hindu fleeing from East Pakistan to Calcutta in West Bengal.'9

The massive bulk of refugees who were resettled outside Bengal in Orissa, Bihar, Dandakaranya, Andaman Islands and elsewhere had received least attention, not only from the government and political parties, but also from the supposedly sensitive academia. The continuous influx of the refugee-population has posed a governmentality problem emanating from the social security concerns of the state, and 'the response of the Indian state towards the refugees and their needs has been a matter of calculation, discrimination and discretion.'10 Since the category of refugee that came into being as a result of partition is not homogenous, this paper has chosen to focus on those 'refugees who settled in rural areas, on those who never became beneficiaries of government "rehabilitation programmes", on those whose class background was not bhadralok.'11

The Namasudras had been the prey of such calculative discriminatory responses of the Indian state which quite overtly followed a caste line vis-à-vis its rehabilitation policy. Unlike the upper caste Hindu refugees who were settled in and around the city of Calcutta, the Namasudra migrants were either resettled in the uninhabitable camps in districts of 24 Parganas, Nadia, Burdwan, Midnapur or Cooch Behar or deported mostly to inhospitable areas of Dandakaranya and Andaman Islands.12 Being utterly confused and disillusioned by the factionalism in its leadership on the eve of partition, and largely lacking the family/caste connections and other means to survive on their own, most of the Namasudra refugees had to depend on government relief schemes and hence were meticulously scattered in small pockets in different parts of India.13 In other words, the earlier organized dalit movement was effectively broken and the dalit refugees were strategically not allowed to unite. And quite obviously, we hardly came across or could imagine the image of the dalit refugee in the canvas of partition stories.

On the eve of partition, the Matuas did not compromise with their distinct identity as the followers of Harichand and Guruchand Thakur, and remained loyal to their leader Pramatha Ranjan Thakur, the heir of the Thakur family who was elected to the Bengal Legislative Assembly in 1946 as a Congress candidate. Being loyal to his party during the days of partition, P.R. Thakur came to West Bengal and settled in a small village about 63 kilometres from Calcutta, which later came to be known as Thakurnagar. In order to materialize the dreams of his ancestors, he tried to revive the Matua Mahasangha since 1949,14 the organization founded by his grandfather Guruchand Thakur.

Though initially he supported the Congress scheme of refugee resettlement, later on, after a rift with his party, he entirely engaged himself in the task of rehabilitation of the Namasudra refugees and reviving the organization. Thakurnagar eventually came up as the first Namasudra refugee colony in West Bengal encircling which more than 50,000 Namasudras settled down within a span of ten years.15 Finally, it is in 1986 that the Matua Mahasangha regained its full life and in 1988, the organization got registered.

Here, it must be noted that immediately after partition, the Left parties endeared themselves to the refugees and gained their confidence as they launched a movement under the banner of United Central Refugee Council (UCRC) to voice the cause of refuge-rehabilitation under proper conditions.16 The communists strongly attacked the Congress policy vis-à-vis rehabilitation of refugees and offered resettlement in West Bengal.17 But there was a quick policy reversal as soon as the CPI(M)-led Left Front came to power in Bengal in 1977. Following the prophetic promises of the Left Front, the dalit refugees who had come to settle in Marichjhapi, a deltaic region in the Sunderbans, were met with an economic blockade backed by the state government and finally with bullets, where 4128 families perished; the rest were sent back to Dandakaranya.18

'Caste', as Aditya Nigam has noted, 'is a blot that has affected the psyche of the mutated modern in ways that can be best expressed in Freudian terms…the suppressed/ repressed… the unconscious… of the modern moral self… [It] is the hidden principle that gives it the access to all kinds of modern privileges precisely because it functions as cultural/ symbolic capital.'19 The Marichjhapi massacre quite blatantly exposed the urban, upper caste bhadralokdominated ideology of the Left Front leadership.

In context of the Matuas, Sandip Bandyopadhyay observed that the Congress made a populist move by incorporating them mostly as 'unrecognized refugees', the BJP though initially targeting the Muslim migrants eventually took a hard stance towards all those who migrated after 1971, whereas the regional government led by the Left Front recognized them in a clandestine manner. It provided them with ration cards and other benefits for securing a vote bank, though they were not keen to settle the migration issue.'20 However, since the Left Front successfully broke the erstwhile political authority of the old Congress regime at the rural level that derived its privileged status from landed property (older relations of production) or caste loyalties or religious associations, and themselves derived 'their authority from their participation in political movements and by the fact that they represented the "party"';21 it is understandable that the Left Front managed to seek the allegiance of the dalits due to an absence of any political alternative. Although the Left did not take any initiative to address the problems of migration, refugee rehabilitation and citizenship of the Namasudras, they became the 'nearest', if not the 'dearest', political choice of the dalits amidst the 'party-society'22 that emerged during the decade-long Left Front rule.

In 2003, the Government of India, under the BJP-led NDA, introduced the Citizenship Amendment Act which denied Indian citizenship to those who migrated after 1971.23 The new law posed a serious threat to the identity of the Namasudra refugees, as a large section of them had crossed the border after the Bangladesh war in 1971. The Matua Mahasangha, which by now had emerged as the frontal organization of the Namasudras, opposed the new law and their leaders organized a hunger strike in 2004 at its headquarters at Thakurnagar.24 Quite surprisingly, the Left Front government in West Bengal stood by the central government's decision to pass the new law in order to check the refugee influx. The then Chief Minister, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, commented, '…on the question of dealing with illegal infiltrators from Bangladesh, our state government is in agreement with the Government of India that whenever such infiltration is detected, the foreign nationals should be pushed back forthwith.'25 Thus, the Left which had begun its journey as being pro-poor, pro-dalit and supported the cause of the millions of refugees, was to eventually end up alienating them.

The Matua Mahasangha, particularly since 2004, has gradually emerged as the mouthpiece organization of the Namasudras with a membership of about 100,000 to 120,000 families,26 not only in Bengal but also outside. Being an autonomous disciplined community organization, the Mahasangha gradually drew up with its own constitution, issued identity cards to its members, held periodic gatherings, published books, journals and pamphlets and thereby encouraged a dalit literary movement, and organized other mass-mobilizing activities to resist the bhadralokhegemonic politics. The Mahasangha also allied with other dalit refugee organizations, like for example, the Joint Action Committee for Bengali Refugees, in a common battle to repeal the Citizenship Amendment Act of 2003 and arrive at a permanent settlement of the refugee problem, including proper rehabilitation and consequent Indianization of the bulk of refugees who migrated due to the partition of Bengal.27 Today, 'the Mahasangha and the Thakurbari have provided the rootless Namasudras an identity', according to Sukumar Halder, a Matua follower.28

Since 2006 onwards, the stable 'party-society' of the Left Front regime which had its roots in the class based movements of the poor peasants entered its crisis phase precisely because it failed to reproduce its initial revolutionary conditions of being.29 The sudden policy of crass industrialization virtually turned the Left into 'an apologist for corporate capital'30 and the incidents of forcible land acquisitions in Singur and Nandigram seriously hampered its erstwhile pro-poor image.

Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya, quite correctly anticipated that postcrisis of party-society, arguing that future popular politics in rural West Bengal is likely to be characterized by the identitarian politics of the community, based on locally constituted networks of caste, ethnicity and religious associations.31 The Matua Mahasangha capitalized on this crisis phase to vent their grievances, posed an organized resistance and advanced the political demands of the Namasudras. As it had already emerged as the frontal community organization of dalit refugees, it could now easily allure all the political parties by promising en bloc support of the Namasudras and negotiate with the formal institutionalized world of politics.

The issues of migration, refugee rehabilitation and citizenship lie at the heart of the present politics of the Matuas. Before the 2003 law was passed, as we know from Ranabir Samaddar's study, the Indianization of the Namasudra refugees who had migrated and settled in India after 1971, was largely on illegal grounds as they received wide support from the local people due to caste and other affinal ties.32 The situation still remains unchanged. An interesting instance regarding the issue of migration, citizenship and consequent Indianization of the dalit refugees that I learnt from a cycle-van puller that should some-one in Thakurnagar want a voter card, they can get it from a broker close to government officials in Chikanpara, for a charge of 6000 rupees. The Mahasangha extends initial support to these refugees, and once you are a Matua, it's easy to get other things done. Swapan Biswas, the editor ofMatua Mahasangha Patrika, told me that the Mahasangha continuously resists the arrest and torture of refugees marked as 'illegal migrants' by the new law.33

After the much desired poribortan (change) in the seat of power at Writers' Building, for which the shifting vote bank of the Matuas was largely responsible, the younger son of the Thakurbari and a Saha-Sanghadipatiof the Mahasangha, Manjul Krishna Thakur, has been appointed as the Minister of State for Refugee Rehabilitation and Relief. During an interview on the present state of dalit refugees, he remarked quite surprisingly, 'There is no problem on the issue these days. Earlier there were arrests and all, which has now been absolutely stopped. We cannot change the law; it's a central government issue. As of now there is no problem.'34 What is implied in the first place is that the refugee problem is dealt with largely on the grounds of illegality. The national law still holds that those who have migrated after 1971 must be treated as 'illegal migrants'.

The Mahasangha has also declared the repeal of the 2003 Act as its primary demand. But according to the minister, there is no problem these days. If we consider the minister's version of the situation to be true, then it is evident that the refugee problem is presently addressed by the state administration through 'temporary, contextual and unstable arrangements'35 by moving beyond the scope of legal-bureaucratic rationality of the modern liberal state. Moreover, such adjustments have been arrived at through political negotiations by the Mahasangha on behalf of the Matuas with the organized world of politics. In other words, the role played by the Mahasangha is that of a mediator, a negotiator that positions itself in the middle of the 'institutionalized' world of modern liberal politics and the 'uninstitutionalized' world of popular politics of the Matuas. This politics of 'mediation', I think, is new in rural politics that has reunited the Namasudras and is definitely a reason for the present salience of the Matuas in the politics of West Bengal.

In 2001, looking at the prolonged absence of the caste factor from the formal institutionalized public domain of the state election scene, Anjan Ghosh, in an article published in Seminar,came up with a formulation – 'Cast(e) out in West Bengal'.36 However, after witnessing the organized dalit political assertions in contemporary West Bengal, we must admit that caste is 'in' with the present politics of the Matuas.


1. The Times of India, 29 December 2010.

2. Praskanva Sinharay, 'A New Politics of Caste', Economic and Political Weekly 47(34), 2012.

3. Partha Chatterjee, The Present History of West Bengal. Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1997, p. 74.

4. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, Caste, Protest and Identity in Colonial India: The Namasudras of Bengal 1872-1947. Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2011.

5. Ibid., p. 248.

6. Partha Chatterjee, 1997, p. 83.

7. Pradip Kumar Bose made a comprehensive study of the literature on refugee studies in his essay, 'Refugee, Memory and the State: A Review of Research in Refugee Studies', Refugee Watch 36, December 2010.

8. Mahbubar Rahman and Willem van Schendel, '"I Am Not a Refugee": Rethinking Partition Migration', Modern Asian Studies 37(3), 2003, p. 556.

9. Ibid., p. 559.

10. Pradip Kumar Bose, op cit., p. 21.

11. Mahbubar Rahman and Willem van Schendel, op cit., pp. 556-557.

12. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, op cit., 2011, p. 255; Ross Mallick, 'Refugee Resettlement in Forest Reserves: West Bengal Policy Reversal and the Marichjhapi Massacre', The Journal of Asian Studies 58(1), February 1999, p. 106; Manoranjan Byapari and Meenakshi Mukherjee, 'Is There Dalit Writing in Bangla?'Economic and Political Weekly 42(41), 2007.

13. Pradip Kumar Bose, op cit., p. 7.

14. Kapil Krishna Biswas, Sree Dham Orakandi, Thakurnagar O Matuader Nana Prasongo. Nirbhik Publication, 2010, p. 89.

15. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, op cit., p. 264; Ranabir Samaddar, The Marginalization: Transborder Migration From Bangladesh to West Bengal. Sage, Delhi, 1999, pp. 96-106.

16. Prafulla K. Chakrabarti, The Marginal Men: The Refugees and The Left Political Syndrome in West Bengal. Lumiere Books, West Bengal, 1990, pp. 65-78 and pp. 208-328.

17. Ross Mallick, op cit., February 1999, pp. 105-107.

18. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, op cit., 2011, p. 262; Ross Mallick, op cit., 1999, pp. 107-115.

19. Aditya Nigam, 2010, 'The Many Lives of Caste in Modern India'. See link: http://kafila.org/2010/09/27/the-many-lives-of-caste-in-modern-india/; accessed on 09/02/2013 at 2.00 am.

20. Sandip Bandyopadhyay, 'Who Are the Matuas?'Frontier 43(37), 27 March-2 April 2011.

21. Partha Chatterjee, 'The Coming Crisis in West Bengal', Economic and Political Weekly 44(9), 2009, p. 44.

22. Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya, Party Society, its Consolidation and Crisis: Understanding Political Change in Rural West Bengal, in Anjan Ghosh et al. (eds.), Theorizing the Present: Essays for Party Society. Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2011, pp. 227-231.

23. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, op cit., 2011, p. 249.

24. Matua Mahasangha Patrika, Issue 66, 1 April 2011, p.9.

25. Cited in Sumanta Banerjee, 'Bengal Left: From Pink to Saffron?'Economic and Political Weekly 38(9), 2003.

26. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, op cit., 2011, p. 267.

27. http://refugeesprobleminindia.blogspot. in/search?q=meeting+with+prime+minister accessed on 10.04.2013 at 3:53 pm.

28. Interview with Dr. Sukumar Halder, President, Ashokenagar Block Matua Mahasangha, on 12.11.2012.

29. Dwaipayan Bhattachatyya, op cit., 2011, pp. 232-238.

30. Ibid., pp. 238-240.

31. Ibid., p. 245.

32. Ranabir Samaddar, op cit., 1999, p. 101.

33. Interview with Swapan Biswas, Editor, Matua Mahasangha Patrika, on 13.11.2012.

34. Interview with Manjul Krishna Thakur, Saha-Sanghadipati, All India Matua Mahasangha, Minister of State for Refugee Rehabilitation and Relief, on 13.11.2012.

35. Partha Chatterjee, 'Democracy and Economic Transformation in India', EPW 43(16), 19 April 2008, p. 57.

36. Anjan Ghosh, 'Cast(e) out in West Bengal', Seminar 508, December 2001.


ना ! ना ! मि तैं राज्य सभाक टिकेट नी चयेणु च !

ना ! ना ! मि तैं राज्य सभाक टिकेट नी  चयेणु च !

                                     चबोड़्या , चखन्यौर्या , घपरोळया ::: भीष्म कुकरेती 

अजकाल हरेक पार्टीक राजनेता म्यार पैथर पुड्यां छन कि मि राज्यसभाक सदस्य बण जौं।  ब्याळि एक नेता मिल अर वैक दगड़ सि  छ्वीं लगिन -
नेता - भै तुम हमर राज्यसभाक मेंबर बण जावो। 
मि -हैं ? मीम त एक लाल पैसा बि नी च , मीम एक हजार रुप्या  बि नि छन अर राज्य सभाक मेंबर बणणो बान करोड़ो चयेंदन।  
नेता -नै नै राज्य सभा सदस्य बणनो बान रुप्यों जरूरत नि हूंद। 
मि -तुम विजय मल्ल्या तैं पुछि ल्यावो , मायवती तैं पुछि ल्यावो, तुम झारखंड मा जैक पता लगै  ल्यावो कि राज्य सभाक मेंबर बणनो क्या रेट चलणा छन। 
नेता -नै नै हमर पार्टी तुमतैं बगैर रुप्या खयाँ राज्यसभाक मेंबर बणै द्याली 
मि -इन काण्ड किलै लगिन कि बगैर रुप्या खयाँ तुम मि तैं मेंबर बणाना छंवां ? 
नेता -जरा नया , तरोताजा अर ऊर्जावान  खून चयाणु च। 
मि -हैं नया खून ?
नेता -हाँ ?
मि -कनो मुलायम सिंग , लालू यादव जन क्षेत्रीय दलों मा या राष्ट्रीय दलों क नेताओं का राजकुमार -राजनकुमार्युं की कमी पोड़ गे क्या ?
नेता -ना ना ! अब त हरेक नेता अपण नाती -नतण तैं उत्तराधिकार मा राज्यसभा सीटौ गिफ्ट दीणो देळि  मा बैठ्युं च।  असल मा हम तैं फ्रेश ब्लड याने फ्रेस विचारवाळ क्रियेटिव चयाणु च। हम तैं  मेहनत करण वाळ नेता चयाणु च।  नेताओं बेटा -बेटी -ब्वारि -भणजि  लोग अब राजयसभा मा मेनत नि करदन। 
मि -यी भांजा -भांजी मेनत किलै नि करदन ?
नेता -यी भाई  -भतीजा राज्य सभा क्या , लोकसभा तैं बि दिल बिळमाणो ,  बहलाणो, टैम पास करणो अड्डा समजदन। तो हम तैं कुछ काम करणो बान प्रोऐक्टिव मेंबर चयाणा छन। 
मि -मि तैं राज्य सभा मा क्या करण पोड़ल ?
नेता -भौत  सा काम छन। 
मि -जन कि 
नेता -पैल च कि क्वी बि बात हो जरा बि सरकारी मंत्री खड़ो ह्वावो ना या विरोधी दल का नेता खड़ो ह्वे ना कि प्वाइंट ऑफ ऑर्डर की बात इन उठाण कि राजयसभा मा अधा घंटा तक काम इ नि हो।  
मि -मतबल मि विरोधी दल कु मेंबर हूँ या सरकारी दल कु मेंबर हूँ प्वाइंट ऑफ ऑर्डरकी बात उठैक राजयसभा मा काम नि हूण दीण। 
नेता -हाँ !
मि -मतबल प्वाइंट ऑफ ऑर्डर से राज्य सभा मा डिसॉर्डर फैलाण?
नेता -हाँ राज्यसभाक मेंबर कु पैलु धरम च कि प्वाइंट ऑफ ऑर्डरका नाम पर राज्य सभा नि चलण दीण। 
मि -दुसर काम ?
नेता -दुसर काम च कि अखबारौ न्यूज तैं अधिक अहमियत दीण अर न्यूज का आधार पर सरकारी दल या विरोधी दल तैं घिराण , पटकनी दीण , लांछन लगाण। 
मि -जन कि ?
नेता -जन कि कै अंग्रेजी अखबारम खबर ह्वावो कि राज्यसभा मा सांसदुं सीटूँ मा काँटा बिछ्यां छन तो यदि विरोधी दल मा रावो तो इथगा घ्याळ करण कि घ्याळ ही कांड बण जावो  अर यदि सरकार  का पक्ष मा रौण तो विरोध्युं विरोध मा इथगा ऐड़ाण कि ऐड़ाट कंटीला तार बाड़ बण जावो।  
मि -ह्यां पर सांसद खुद बि त देख सकदन कि सीटूँ मा अछेकि कांड बिछ्याँ छन कि ना?
नेता -ओहो !  राजनीति मा, पॉलिटिक्स मा या संसद मा असलियत से क्वी मतलब नि हूंद। राजनीति मा अहम बात च कि बबाल खड़ कौरिक पॉलिटिकल इक्विटी स्कोरिंग कथगा ह्वे।  पॉलिटिक्स मा पॉलिटिकल इक्विटी स्कोरिंग महत्वपूर्ण च। 
मि -औउ ! फिर ?
नेता -फिर क्या यदि जैबरी विरोधी दल मा रौण त हर दुसर तिसर वाक्य मा प्रधानमंत्री संसद में आएं , प्रधानमंत्री जबाब दें या प्रधानमंत्री इस्तीफा दें शब्द आण इ चयेंदन। 
मि -अर यदि मि सरकारी दलौ सांसद हूँ तो ?
नेता -तो हर वाक्य माँ हमारे प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी या हमारी नेत्री सोनिया गांधी शब्द आण इ चयेंदन या अम्मा जयललिता , करुणानिधि , मुलायम सिंग , लालू यादव , नितीश कुमार , उद्धव ठाकरे , ममता बनर्जी शब्द आण चयेंदन।
मि -त यांकुण मेरि क्या जरूरत ? इन चाटुकारों , चट्वो , चापलूसूं से त द्वी संसद भर्यां छन। 
नेता -नै नै ! तुम तैं चाटुकारिता करणो बान हम संसद मा नि भिजणा छंवां। 
मि -तो ?
नेता -जब बिटेन तृणमूल कॉंग्रेस का सांसद शारदा चिटफंड स्कैम का अपण पाप छुपाणो बान विरोध का नया नया तरीका से संसद मा गंध फैलाणा छन तब बिटेन पॉलिटिकल एरिना याने राजनीतिक गलियारों मा बात उठणि च कि अपण पाप लुकाणो बान स्टंटबाजी का वास्ता नया नया इन्नोवेटिव तरीका चयेणा छन। चूँकि तुम लेखक बि छंवां अर मार्केटिंग मा बि छंवां तो हम तैं इन सांसद चयाणु च जु रोज एक स्टंट करिक द्वी काम दगड़ी करण -अपण पाप बि छुपाण अर पब्लिसिटी बि पाण। 
मि -मतबल प्रजातंत्र का नाम पर खुलेआम नंगा नाच ?
नेता -हाँ बस तुम तैं द्वीइ काम करण एक त जब मर्जी हो संसद नि चलण दीण अर अपण पाप छुपाणो वास्ता नंगा नाच करण। 
मि -ये मेरि ब्वै ! तो तुम राजनेता 2014 का चुनावुं से कुछ नि सीखा हैं कि जनता तैं हर समय बेवकूफ नि बणये सक्यांद।   
नेता -मतबल तुम राज्यसभा सदस्य नि बणन चांदवां ?
मि -ना संसद नि चलो अर पाप छुपाणो बान सांसद बणन से भलो तो मि गढ़वळि लेखों से जनजागृति करण अधिक उत्तम समजदो कि अग्वाड़ी इन अफखवा , स्वार्थी , धुर्या लोग संसद मा इ नि पौंछन। 

18 /12 /14 Copyright Bhishma Kukreti , Mumbai India 

   *लेख की   घटनाएँ ,  स्थान व नाम काल्पनिक हैं । लेख में  कथाएँ चरित्र , स्थान केवल व्यंग्य रचने  हेतु उपयोग किये गए हैं।

Islam is Against Terrorism And The Islamic Legal Rulings On Terrorist Acts And Those Who Commit Them

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
We Condemn All Kinds of Terrorism from far east to far west and from far north to far south, around the globe.




Islam is Against Terrorism And The Islamic Legal Rulings On Terrorist Acts And Those Who Commit Them 
Posted by Admin, Senior Editor in Articles
Topics: Terrorism 

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The following is a transcription of a live tele-link lecture given by By Shaykh Alee al-Hadaadee (Riyaadh, Saudi Arabia) to an audience in London organized by al-Athariyyah.

The Lecture

All praise is due to Allaah the Lord of everything He created and the peace and blessings of Allaah upon the best of Messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, whom Allaah sent to mankind as a mercy, and peace and blessings upon the family of the Prophet and his companions, and upon those who follow the guidance of the Prophet until the Day of Judgement.

O my noble brothers, we heard the unfortunate news, which occurred yesterday in the city of London, relating to those explosions which took place which resulted in many people dying and many people being wounded. And there is no doubt that this is an unfortunate and sad affair and it's even worse if these acts have been committed and carried out in the name of Islaam, because Islaam is free and far removed from these types of acts. It does not command with these types of activities, and Islaam is not pleased with the likes of these activities.

Rather, Islaam prohibits the likes of these things. And Islaam is at war with these types of treacherous acts. And likewise, Islaam threatens a heavy punishment to those people who do these acts, in this life and the hereafter. Verily the true Islaam is that which has come in the Qur'aan (The book of Allaah) and in the Sunnah (The guidance of His noble Messenger). And not everything that is said to be Islaam is in actual fact considered part of the religion of Islaam.

And this is to be returned to the Qur'aan and to the Sunnah. We find in both of them a clear warning against every type of transgression. Warning against transgressing against a Muslim and a non-Muslim.

Allaah, the Most High, said:

 And do not kill those souls whom Allaah has prohibited unless [justified by] a due [legal] right 

And those souls that Allaah has prohibited, it is referring to the life of a Muslim. And it is referring to everyone who has an agreement with the Muslims, and likewise those non- Muslims who have been given right of safety by the Muslims.

The Messenger of Allaah said, in an authentic hadeeth reported by imam al-Bukhari,

Whoever kills a non-Muslim who has an agreement with theMuslims then he will not smell the fragrance of Paradise

And this is a severe threat. That the Messenger of Allaah, Muhammad, threatened those people and he promised them; he promised those who kill non-Muslims, after an agreement has reached between them, that they will not enter Paradise on the Day of Judgement. And by this hadeeth we surely understand and get to know, we obtain with certainty, that these bombings, if committed by a Muslim, they have oppose the book of Allaah. And they have opposed the Sunnah of the Messenger.

O my brothers, these types of activities will result in many evils and harmful effects.

The first of them

That transgressing against a person without any due right and taking a life without any right is a great crime.

The Prophet said,

A Muslim person will not cease to be clearly and correctly upon his religion as long as they do not spill blood which is impermissible for them

The second affair

That these types of activities enforce the breaking of a contract. For example the Muslim who has entered into Britain. He has made an agreement and a promise that he will preserve the security and the safety in that land and that he will not transgress against anyone without due cause. So these filthy activities of terrorism involve breaking a contract and an agreement one has made.

And Allaah says in His Noble book,

 O you who believe, fulfil your covenants 

And Allaah said,

 Fulfil the covenant of Allaah 

And the Messenger of Allaah, Muhammad warned against treachery and deception. The Messenger of Allaah said that the one who breaks his covenant or contract and is deceitful that Allaah, the most High, will expose him upon the Day of Judgement. And Allaah will make him known on the Day of Judgement amongst all of the creation, that he was deceitful.

The third issue

That these types of crimes involve great oppression. And oppression is from the greatest of all sins.

In the authentic collections of al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet said,

Oppression is darkness on the Day of Judgement

And in the authentic collection of Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad said,

Allaah, the Most High, said, "O my servants, I have made oppression upon myself something impermissible and I have made it impermissible for you to oppress one another. So do not oppress one another (meaning that some of you should not oppress others)"

Our religion of Islaam prohibits transgression and oppression. It prohibits oppression even if this transgression is against someone that we hate. It is still impermissible. We have to be just when dealing with everyone.

Allaah, the Most High, said,

 And do not let the hatred of a people cause you not to be just. Be just, because it is closer to piety 

And the meaning of this noble verse: If you and another individual hate one another, it is still not permissible to oppress him or transgress against him. And it is not permissible to oppress him; rather it is obligatory that you deal with him justly. It is obligatory upon an individual to still fulfil their covenant or contract that he has with them, even if you hate them.

The fourth affair

That these types of crimes and activities distort the true image of Islaam. And this is in reality oppression. Oppression to Islaam and the Muslims, because the people now, at this point, if it is said to them that these bombings are from Islaam, then it will result in the people hating Islaam. And they will hate the Muslims. And they will run away from Islaam. And they will have a feeling towards Islaam of enmity and rancour. Likewise these crimes involve lying upon Allaah and lying upon the Messenger.

It is obligatory upon the Muslims, all of them, that they honour their agreements, and they honour their contracts, and that they speak truthfully when they speak. The true Muslim is not treacherous, and he is not deceitful, and he does not lie, and he does not oppress. This is what Islaam teaches and this is something this is clear from the religion. As for those activities such as bombing and what is similar, they distort the true religion of Islaam and they ascribe to Islam which in reality is not from it. Because verily the true Muslims, those who understand the reality of the religion of Islaam, in every place, they hate and reject and they criticise these criminal acts and they warn against them. And they warn against those people who call to these acts.

And the Muslims in every place feel sorry and sad when they hear about the affairs of these criminal activities no matter where they occur or happen upon the earth. Whether it takes place in the Muslim world or whether it takes place in other than the Muslim world. And our scholars have clarified and clearly explained, with clear clarifications which are strong and emphatic, that these types of acts are not from Islaam. And the scholars in truth they should be returned to.

The scholars in truth they should be returned to and they are those people to whom we should always turn back. We should return back to them to understand the rulings of Allaah, the One who is free from all imperfections. Because the scholars possess knowledge. Knowledge which allows them to differentiate between that which is truth and that which is falsehood. And they can distinguish between that which is from the religion of Islaam and that which is not. And we are delighted and happy with what occurred today, when we heard from the mufti of Saudi Arabia, his eminence the Shaykh Abdul Azeez Aal ash-shaykh (May Allaah the Most High who is free from all imperfections preserve him). The Shaykh issued a clarification which has been spread through the media, through the media outlets here in Saudi Arabia.

The Shaykh, his eminence, criticised and detested those explosions which occurred in London. And the Shaykh explained that Islaam is free of these of these activities. So may Allaah reward the Shaykh, the mufti of Saudi Arabia, with good. And we ask Allaah, the Most High, that He grants all of the Muslims success to understand the Book of Allaah, and to understand the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah. And that Allaah grants them success and allows them to implement the religion of Islaam in the correct manner, how it should be implemented.

Far away and distant from extremism and far away from fanaticism, the true religion of Islaam is a religion of mercy, a religion of justice and a religion that commands that the contracts be fulfilled and kept. The religion of Islaam is not a religion that allows lies, it is not a religion that is barbaric and it is not a religion of treachery.

So my brothers, this is the real Islaam that we have explained to you today. And we say that those who did these crimes and took part in these explosions and these people who have caused Islaam to carry the burden of their crimes, in reality they have not harmed anyone but themselves. Because the religion of Allaah and the true Muslims are free from these actions, from these barbaric crimes. And I ask Allaah, the Most High, that He preserves the security and safety, and that Allaah preserves the state of contentment. I would suffice with what I have said. And the salaat and the salaam of Allaah upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Questions and Answers

Question. What is the Islaamic punishment for those who take part in these crimes?

Answer. Allaah, the Most High, said,

 Those who are at war with Allaah and His Messenger and spread corruption in the earth; they will be killed, or they will be hung, or their hands and their legs will be cut off, or they will be exiled from the land 

Those people who are caught or take part in these activities, like bombings, which take innocent lives their punishment is death. Because they are individuals who spread corruption in the society. They are not allowed to remain. That is why Allaah commanded that the people who do these types of acts be killed. And if they do not repent from these types of acts then in the hereafter is waiting for them a severe torment.

Question. How do we act with those people who rejoiced at yesterdays events?

Answer. No-one would be happy with these occurrences except one who is severely ignorant. The one who is ignorant of the true understanding of Islaam, he is the only one who would be pleased with the likes of these activities. Allaah does not like oppression and the Messenger Muhammad did not like oppression. Likewise the believers from theMuslims, they hate any type of oppression and they do not rejoice when it appears.

What right does anyone have to kill innocent people who are in a state of security? And what right do the people have to kill innocent women who likewise believe they are in a state of security? And what right do the people have to kill innocent children who are likewise in a state of security? Those who board the car or that which is similar, and the trains, and these people walk in the streets, and they seek their daily needs. These people, what right does anyone have to kill them.

They haven't committed any crime that warrants this type of atrocity. So the one who is happy at the like of this occurrence either they are extremely ignorant or they are people who love transgression are oppression. And they love barbaric acts. And we ask Allaah that he guides them and he rectifies their state. And Allaah knows best.

Source: Al-Athariyyah.Com

Irshad Mahmood
DirectorSiraat - al - Mustaqeem Dawah Centre (Global-Straight/Right-Path)
 Irshad Mahmood @GlobalRightPath
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Did Mujib knew about the impending genocide in 1971 and remained detached?

A section of Bangladesh Media,supporting Begam Khaleda is trying its best to rewrite the history of Bangladesh Liberation war.It should be a clear indication what RSS intends to do with interprating History in light of Vedic and Non Vedic  literature,legends and myths making it a complete minefield.It is rather a respite,that the Islamist forces in Bangladesh are concentrating to distort the image of Banga Bandhu Mujibur Rahman only and they are not trying to change the history of this geopolitics.
In India,we are aware of the role played by Mujib in the liberation war of Bangladesh which was not to succeed without Indian military intervention.
Distorting image of Mujib means,the Islamists are trying to undermine Indo Bangla Relationship under Awami league regime as well as the democratic secular progressive bahujan combined alliance still intact there.

Latest report by some Barrister Mainul Hussain claims that Mujib had been informed about the impending genocide of 1971 and did nothing to abort it despite Maulana Bhasani`s insistence.

It should be read and then only we may understand the change history project in pipeline right into our heart.
Palash Biswas

২৫ মার্চের গণহত্যার কথা বঙ্গবন্ধুকে আগেই জানানো হয়েছিল
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ব্যারিস্টার মইনুল হোসেন

সাবেক তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারের উপদেষ্টা ব্যারিস্টার মইনুল হোসেন বলেছেন, বঙ্গবন্ধুকে আগেই জানানো হয়েছিল মার্চেই পাকিস্তানি আর্মি গণহত্যা চালাবে। এ কথা শুনে বঙ্গবন্ধু বলেন, রাখো আমি সময়মতো সব বলবো। গতকাল এক টকশোতে এ তথ্য জানান তিনি।

বাংলাভিশনের 'নিউজ এন্ড ভিউজ'টকশোতে তিনি আরো বলেন, প্রবাসী সরকারের একজন মন্ত্রীও মুক্তিযুদ্ধের পক্ষে জনমত গঠনে ভারতের বাইরে যাননি। তারা তাকিয়ে থাকতেন ইন্দিরা গান্ধীর মুখের দিকে। মুক্তিযুদ্ধের কোনো আগাম প্রস্তুতিই ছিল না।

হাসান আহমেদ চৌধুরী কিরণের সঞ্চালনায় অনুষ্ঠিত এ টকশোতে সুজনের সাধারণ সম্পাদক ড. বদিউল আলম মজুমদার ও ব্যারিস্টার মইনুল হোসেন আলোচক ছিলেন। ২৫ মার্চের কালো রাত্রি সম্পর্কে প্রশ্ন করা হলে ব্যারিস্টার মইনুল হোসেন বলেন, আমার চাচা শ্বশুর সে সময় পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীতে চাকরিরত অবস্থায় মার্চে তাকে গ্রেফতার করে পাকিস্তান আর্মি। ঢাকা ক্যান্টনমেন্টে তাকে আটক রাখা হয়েছিল। তিনি গ্রেফতার অবস্থায় পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীর দায়িত্বশীল ব্যক্তিকে অনুরোধ করেন তাকে যেন একবারের জন্য ভাইয়ের সঙ্গে দেখা করতে ধানমন্ডি যেতে দেয়া হয়। বন্দী সেনা কর্মকর্তাকে কয়েক ঘণ্টার জন্য ধানমন্ডি যেতে দেয়া হয়। আমার চাচা শ্বশুর ধানমন্ডি গিয়ে কর্নেল (অব.) ওসমানীকে ডাকেন এবং জানান আমাকে ওরা বন্দী করেছে। পাকিস্তান আর্মি যে কোনো সময় বাংলাদেশের মানুষের ওপর আক্রমণ চালাবে। আপনি এ খবর বঙ্গবন্ধুকে দেন এবং আগে একটা কিছু করতে বলেন। যদি আমরা আগে কিছু করতে পারি তাহলে পাকিস্তান বাহিনীর মনোবল দুর্বল হবে। এ তথ্য পাওয়ার পর ওসমানী ৩২ নম্বরে যান বঙ্গবন্ধুর কাছে। ওসমানী বঙ্গবন্ধুকে এ গোপন তথ্য জানিয়ে আগে পাকিস্তানের বিরুদ্ধে মাঠে নামার ঘোষণা দেয়ার অনুরোধ করেন। সব শুনে বঙ্গবন্ধু বলেন, তুমি যাও। কখন কী করতে হয় আমি জানি। সময় হলে যা করার আমি করবো।

মুক্তিযুদ্ধের সময়ের বিভিন্ন চিত্র তুলে ধরে ব্যারিস্টার মইনুল হোসেন বলেন, মুক্তিযুদ্ধের সময় যারা সীমান্ত পার হয়ে গিয়েছিল তারা মনে করেন তারাই মুক্তিযোদ্ধা। দেশের মানুষ জীবনের ঝুঁকি নিয়ে যুদ্ধ করলো সেটা তাদের কাছে কিছুই না। অথচ তারা দাবি করেন '৭১-এ জনযুদ্ধ হয়েছে। জনযুদ্ধতো জনগণের যুদ্ধ। গ্রামের আবালবৃদ্ধবনিতা যুদ্ধ করলো তাদের খবর নেই।

তিনি বলেন, মার্চে দেশে জাতীয় পতাকা উঠানো হলো। কিন্তু যুদ্ধের সময় এই পতাকা উড়ানো নেতারা কোথায় ছিলেন? তারা তো যুদ্ধের মাঠে না গিয়ে ভারতে নিরাপদে ছিলেন। তিনি আরো বলেন, যুদ্ধের সময় প্রবাসী সরকার গঠন করা হলো। মুক্তিযুদ্ধের ৯ মাস এ সরকারের কোনো মন্ত্রী ভারতের বাইরে যাননি। পাক বাহিনীর নৃশংসতা তুলে ধরে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের পক্ষে বিশ্বজনমত গড়তে তারা কোথাও না গিয়ে ভারতের প্রধানমন্ত্রীর ইন্দিরা গান্ধীর মুখের দিকে তাকিয়ে থাকতেন। গান্ধীর উপর নির্ভরশীল ছিলেন সবাই। '৭১-এ যারা ওপাড়ে নিরাপদে ছিলেন তারা দেশের মুক্তিযোদ্ধাদের চেয়ে ভারতের সহায়তাকে বড় করে দেখতে অভ্যস্ত। ৫ জানুয়ারির নির্বাচন জনগণের নির্বাচন হয়নি দাবি করে তিনি বলেন, সোহরাওয়ার্দী একদিন আইয়ুব খানকে বলেছিলেন আপনি পাকিস্তানের জনগণকে গোলাম বানিয়ে ফেলেছেন। আমার অবস্থান কী? বলেন তো আমি এখন কার নেতা। গোলামদের নেতা? ওরা (আওয়ামী লীগ) এখন মুক্তিযুদ্ধে ভারতের সহায়তার দোহাই দিয়ে আমাদের গোলাম বানিয়ে রেখেছে।

এক প্রশ্নের জবাবে ব্যারিস্টার মইনুল হোসেন বলেন, সাংবাদিকরা এখন কেউ আওয়ামী লীগ কেউ বিএনপি করেন। স্বাধীন সাংবাদিকতা কী আওয়ামী লীগ আর বিএনপির দল করে হয়? মানিক মিয়া, জহুর হোসেন, সালাম খানের কাছে আমাদের সাংবাদিকরা কি শিখলেন? সোহরাওয়ার্দী, ভাসানী, ফজলুল হকের কাছে নেতানেত্রীরা কী শিখলেন? কথায় কথায় দুই নেত্রীর দোহাই দেয়া হয়। এই দুই নেত্রী (শেখ হাসিনা ও বেগম খালেদা জিয়া) দেশের রাজনীতি ধ্বংস করেছেন। একই কায়দায় তারা প্রতিটি সেক্টরে রাজনীতি ডুকিয়েছেন। শিক্ষক-ছাত্র-কর্মচারী সর্বত্র দলীয়করণ করেছেন।

আমি কারো সঙ্গে খারাপ ব্যবহার করতে চাই না। দুই নেত্রী যা করছেন, বলছেন তা নিয়ে মাথা ঘামাই না। দুই নেত্রী রাজনীতিকে ব্যবসার পণ্যে পরিণত করেছেন। নিজেরা ব্যবসা করছেন। রাজনীতি এখন ব্যবসা। রাজনীতি করতে হলে গাড়ি-বাড়ি থাকতে হবে। আমরা কি শেখ হাসিনা আর খালেদা জিয়ার গোলামীর রাজনীতি করবো? আগে যারা রাজনীতি করেছেন তারা আদর্শের কথা বলতেন। সোহরাওয়ার্দীর মতো নেতার চিকিৎসা করার অর্থ ছিল না। তাদের ত্যাগের কথা আমরা ভুলে যাচ্ছি। গোলামির মানসিকতা, নতজানু ভাব শিক্ষিত মানুষের মধ্যে না থাকলে রাজনীতির এ অবস্থার সৃষ্টি হতো না। নিরপেক্ষ ভোট করুক। শেখ হাসিনা-খালেদা জিয়া কেউ নির্বাচিত হতে পারবেন না। তোষামোদ ও ব্যক্তিকে বড় করে দেখাকে গণতন্ত্র বলে না। অথচ সেটাই চলছে রাজনীতির নামে।

আমাদের বিদ্যাবুদ্ধি নেই। দুদক-নির্বাচন কমিশনকে স্বাধীন করলাম। কিন্তু কি দেখছি। নেতানেত্রীরা কথায় কথায় অশ্রাব্য ভাষা ব্যবহার করেন। সহনশীলতা নেই, লাজ-লজ্জা নেই। এ জন্য মুখে যা আছে সেই অশ্রাভ্য ভাষা ব্যবহার করেন অবলিলায়। এ সরকার জনগণকে তোয়াক্কা করে না। সে জন্য তাদের প্রধান শক্তি দুর্নীতি। সে কারণে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের উপমন্ত্রী নিশা দেশাইকে দুই আনার মন্ত্রী রাষ্ট্রদূত মজিনাকে বাড়ির কাজের মেয়ের সঙ্গে তুলনা করেন। দেশ নিয়ে এদের ভবিষ্যৎ চিন্তা নেই শুধু পকেট ভারী করাই লক্ষ্য। সুন্দরবন নিয়ে উদ্বেগ নেই। কিভাবে আয় রোজগার করা যায় সেটা নিয়েই বেশি ব্যস্ত। 

আর ৫ জানুয়ারির আরেক ঘটনা। ভোট ছাড়াই সংসদে গিয়ে সরকারে থাকতে হবে বিরোধী দলেও থাকতে হবে। কী বিচিত্র। যার কারণে চরিত্র হননের রাজনীতি জেঁকে বসেছে। নতজানু থাকা মানে স্বাধীনতা নয়। আমরা ভারতের ব্যাপারে যে অবস্থায় রয়েছি তা গোলামী। যারা চেতনার কথা বলছেন তাদের মুক্তি সংগ্রাম গেল কই? গণতন্ত্র হত্যা করে কি 'নির্বাচিত'হওয়া যায়। সরকার মনে করে জনগণ কিছুই নয়। প্রধানমন্ত্রীই সব। যার জন্য দুদক দুর্নীতি দমনের নামে তামাশা করছে। অন্যেরাও তাই।


Is This Islam, Asks A Crying Peshawar Mother: This Is Not Islam, Say Indian Clerics, But What About Maulana Islahi's Justifications Of Indiscriminate Violence; Will They Throw Him Out Of Islam?

Is This Islam, Asks A Crying Peshawar Mother: This Is Not Islam, Say Indian Clerics, But What About Maulana Islahi's Justifications Of Indiscriminate Violence; Will They Throw Him Out Of Islam?


By Sultan Shahin, Editor, New Age Islam

17 December 2014

A woman in Peshawar asked yesterday: Is This Islam? She was crying over the blood-spattered dead bodies of her school-going children. The proud killers of 132 innocent children and scores of female teachers were the Pakistan Taliban. The Taliban are student of Islamic madrasas, supposedly well-versed in the teachings of Islam. They proudly kill in the name of Islam; to glorify Islam, they claim; to help establish the domination of Islam in the world, to establish the sovereignty of God over the planet, they say. So the question was natural. Is this Islam, indeed?

 India's Muslim clerics have decided to answer the question. According to a report in the Indian Express, they called the Peshawar attack an act against the very tenets of Islam. Perpetrators of such violence, they said, have nothing to do with religion and there is no justification for the killing of children.

 Former MP and Jamiat Ulama-e Hind general secretary Maulana Mahmood Madani  told Express correspondent: "The way young children have been slaughtered needs to be condemned in the harshest words. Neither Islam nor society has any place for such people because this is anti-Islamic."

 Syed Ahmed Bukhari, Shahi Imam of Delhi's Jama Masjid, said in targeting children the terrorists have not only denigrated the religion in whose name they did it but also scarred the survivors for life. "Such incidents keep happening in Pakistan periodically. This is an attack against humanity, against Islam… There is something more vicious this attack may have done. I saw a child injured in hospital, saying on TV, 'If I survive, I will take revenge all my life'. They are sowing the seeds of violence, the place has become a citadel of terror. Taliban have defamed Islam," Bukhari said.

 People who think Islam permits such dastardly acts are mistaken, said Jalaluddin Umri, chief of the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind. "Revenge is a natural response. But what wrong can possibly be avenged by killing so many little children? If your brother was killed by somebody, what revenge is it that you go out and kill somebody's child — so many of them? They misunderstand Islam."

 "They have violated Islam and should be condemned," said Maulana Arshad Madani, a teacher of Darul Uloom Deoband who also heads a faction of the Jamiat.

 Unexceptionable sentiments. I couldn't agree more. But the question doesn't go away. How come if such dastardly violence is a violation of Islam, why are Islamic madrasa students, well-versed in Islamic tenets, perpetrating such atrocities almost every day for years now practically wherever they can. More importantly, how come maulanas like Abdul Aleem Islahi of Hyderabad justify indiscriminate violence of civilians and continue to be revered members of the maulana community. Will the maulanas now come together and expel this man from the pale of Islam?

 I am giving below a translation of some selected portions from an essay  Maulana Abdul Aleem Islahi wrote in reply to Dr Nejatullah Siddiqi's essay on Islam and violence in which he essentially expressed the kind of sentiments that the maulanas quoted above are now expressing following the Peshawar terrorist violence. Maulana Islahi's refutation of Dr Siddiqi's essay amounts to justification of Talibani violence.

 None of the above quoted maulanas or even Dr Siddiqi himself, to the best of my knowledge, has rebutted Maulana Islahi yet, not to speak of turning him out of the pale of Islam. Indeed, there has been no dilution in the respect and reverence he commands in the community of clerics. He continues to run his madrasa and indoctrinate his Taliban, many of them girls. He has inspired a generation Indian Muslim terrorists in the meantime. He is now known as the ideological father of Indian Mujahedeen. Will the maulanas care to explain why they have no opinion in the matter of Maulana Islahi's Jihadi literature. Are they waiting for an Indian version of Peshawar to happen to condemn the Indian Taliban who are being inspired by Maulana Alimuddin Islahi?  

Use of Force in the light of Quran by Abdul Aleem Islahi:

 A critique of essays by Dr Nejatullah Siddiqi and Dr. Fazlur Rahman Afridi
Published by Maktaba Al-Aqsaa, Saeedabad, Hyderabad
Page No. 4
The summary of whatever Dr Saheb (Dr Nejatullah Siddiquee) has written is that no matter what actions the US is taking and no matter what the gravity of these actions, taking steps against them is neither permissible nor in the interests of the Muslims.
 Similarly, no matter what the flag bearers of Hindutva may do, taking any step against them or confronting them with the use of force will be wrong from the point of view of Shariah and harmful for the Muslims.
Page No. 10-11
Jihad is not violence

 In the light of the Quran and hadith, calling punishment for crime violence is very wrong. It is an un-Islamic idea. In fact, the punishment that is given for preventing the criminal from committing crimes is not violence and atrocity but a benevolent act and a blessing. However, whatever meaning the word 'violence' may convey, calling violence permissible only in two situation by Dr (Nejatullah Siddiqui) Saheb is also extremely erroneous and is akin to striking a hard blow at the purpose of the prophethood of  the holy Prophethood. Please see Surah Tauba verse No. 29:

 "And fight against those who do not have faith in God and in the Day of Judgment and declare haram what God and his prophet have delared halal, and among those people of the Book do not accept the true faith until they pay the Jizyah with their own hand and are subdued."

 In this verse, fight has been ordained against those under three conditions until they pay jizyah:

 They do not profess faith in God and Day of Judgment
Do not accept as haram what God and his prophet have declared haram
Do not accept Islam as their religion.
"La ikraha fiddin". There is no compulsion in religion (Deen). This is an established fact. But it is related only with accepting or not accepting the belief. This does not mean that ahl-e-Kufr, (infidels) should be left totally free on earth with their un-belief and should not be made accountable. If this were true, what do we mean when we say that the religion (Deen) of God has been revealed to dominate the world?
"It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam) to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikoon (polytheists, idolaters, etc.) hate it." Surah at-Tawbah 9: 33

What will this verse mean then and what relevance will the obligation of jihad have?
Page No. 12

 It is the duty (of Muslims) to struggle for the domination of Islam over false religions and subdue and subjugate ahl-e-kufr-o-shirk (infidels and polytheists) in the same way as it is the duty of the Muslims to proselytise and invite people to Islam. The responsibility to testify to the Truth and pronounce the Deen God has entrusted with the Muslims cannot be fulfilled merely by preaching and proselytising. If it were so there would be no need for the battles that were fought.

"And fight them until there is no fitnah (mischief) and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do." Surah Anfal 8:39)
Jihad has been made obligatory to make the Deen (religion) dominate and to stop the centres of evil. Keeping in view the importance of this task, the significance of Jihad in the name of God has been stressed in the Quran and Hadith. That's why clear ordainments have been revealed to Muslims about fighting all the Kuffar (infidels).
"United, fight the polytheists as they fight against you." (Surah Tauba:36)

Page No. 17

 Let it be known that, according to Islamic jurisprudence,  fighting the infidels (kuffar) in their countries is a duty (farz-e-Kifayah) according to the consensus of ulema.

And farz-e-kifayah means that if only a group of people suffice to carry out a duty, the entire community will be spared the responsibility but if all the people shun jihad, all will be sinners.

 Page 24/25
Limitation to the use of force

 Dr (Nejatullah Siddiqui) Saheb says: "Still, it must be noted that in Islam the use of violence, whether for punishment of crimes or for the protection of Islam and Muslims or for upholding the right of people to freely choose their faith, is allowed only to the limit necessary for the purpose, because violence more than that required for a particular purpose is impermissible."

 It is being said that qital (killing, violence, armed struggle) and use of force were confined only to "survival and protections and restoration of human rights" whereas the main purpose of qital is rooting out mischief and making Deen of God an effective force. In a sense it can be said that the jugular vein of the philosophy of jihad has been slashed and fighting and killing and armed struggle with the purpose of attaining the domination of Islam has been called atrocity and transgression and it is claimed that it has been strictly prohibited.

 I can say with full conviction that qital (killing, violence, armed struggle) to uphold the Kalimah (declaration of faith) has neither been called atrocity or transgression nor has it been prohibited. Rather, qital (killing, violence, armed struggle) has not only has been ordained for the purpose of upholding the Kalimah (declaration of faith) but also stressed and encouraged in the Book (Quran) and the Sunnah (Hadith). Muslims have indeed been encouraged and motivated to engage in qital and they have been given good tidings of rewards for this.

 Page 25

 This is such a common knowledge that even the illiterate Muslims know this but the intellectuals of the present time try to falsify it.
The reason for this wrong assertion is a superficial study of the verses No. 191, 192, 193 of Surah Baqarah (Sura No. 2). It would be appropriate here to explain the verses.
"And fight in (the) way (of) Allah those who fight you and (do) not transgress. Indeed, Allah (does) not like the transgressors.." (Baqarah 2: 90)

Superficially, the verses seem to convey the meaning that Muslims have been ordained to fight only those who fight them and fighting those who do not fight has been called transgression and has been prohibited.
Some people consider this verse obsolete because it is proved from various verses like Surah Baqarah (2:193), Surah Anfal (8: 39), Surah Tauba (9: 29) that the last ordainment that was revealed was that it was obligatory for Muslims to fight against Mushrikeens (polytheists).
Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah . But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors. Surah Baqarah (2:193)
And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah . And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.
Surah Anfal (8: 39)
Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
Surah Tauba (9: 29)

But some others say that this verse is not obsolete (revoked). 'Do not transgress' does not mean what has been understood on face value. Actually, by 'Do not transgress' (La ta'tadu) is meant that 'Do not make the first move in fighting within the confines of Kaabah'. If you make the first move, it will be a transgression. Or it can be said that 'Do not transgress by fighting those with whom you have an agreement (of peace), or that 'Do not fight without giving an invitation (towards Islam) or that 'Do not kill women and children in a battle.'
 In short, nobody has called fighting for the purpose of upholding the Kalimah (declaration of faith) a transgression or oppression. On this basis, La ta'tadu (Do not transgress) has been regarded as revoked or has been interpreted in way that it does not clash with the ordainment of qital (armed struggle, fighting).


Violence and Terrorism
Page No. 28/29

 Under this heading, "Violence and Terrorism," Dr (Nejatullah Siddiqui) Saheb says that whenever any action will be taken against established governments, Muslims will have to do what Islam has prohibited and Muslims will have to tread the thorny path Muslims have been told to abstain from. For example, a distinction cannot be made between a combatant and a non combatant. Women, children, the old and the disabled of the adversaries will also be killed. Property and wealth will be destroyed. Trees will be cut. Populated land may be destroyed whereas Islam prohibits all this and calls this mischief on earth (fasad fil ardh).

 Activists will have to commit all these acts because the governments have police and the army and fighting them head on is not possible. They have arms and ammunition while the fighters don't even have ordinary weapons, leave aside armaments as much as the governments have. Due to these reasons, the fighters are compelled to launch secret operations whenever and howsoever they find an opportunity to strike at the enemy.  That's why they cannot adhere to the limitations Islam ordains for them. Therefore, whenever force is used against the state violence and state terrorism, it will naturally take the form of terrorism that is considered by Islam mischief on earth and is prohibited. Therefore, actions of some Muslim groups against their governments or against the US, the UK, Russia, France etc during the last 20 years were based on clear transgressions on the limits set by Islam.
Page 32
If today, any group establishes its den in any forest, mountain or any other place and targets the enemies of the Deen and the Millat (Muslim community), how can it be wrong?
P 33
A group of Muslims can form a front against the enemies anywhere in the world. For this, a government based on Sharia headed by an Amirul Mumineen or Caliph of Muslims is not necessary.


Khaleda to land in Jail,BNP has concluded!

We may see some resemblance of Indian Political scenario at home in the following story as the political parties in India seem to react in similar fashion as their leaders seem to head directly to jail.Mind you,I do not intend to name anyone.I am just showcasing the trend in vogue.

Palash Biswas

Dhaka Daily Dish, 191st Issue, 17th Dec '14
Deas All
Back to political panaroma, the most talked about issue of Bangladesh.
A fine feature from journalist and column writer Mr Kazi Shiraj,  He
placed a analytical observation on current condition of politics.
As space was there, top part of a news coverage is placed
here, as supplement of today's main feature.  Thanks.
Haque, Lowell, MA, USA.
বিএনপি ধরেই নিয়েছে বেগম জিয়া জেলে যাচ্ছেন
কাজী সিরাজ ৩০ নভেম্বর২০১৪ Bangladesh Pratidin                                    
বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন আদালতে অনেক জটিল মামলা বছরের পর বছর ঝুলে থাকার
অভিযোগটা নতুন নয় অনেক ফৌজদারি মামলায় আসামি আজকে হাজিরা দিলে তো পরের
তারিখ পড়ল আবার অনেক দিন পর কিন্তু  ক্ষেত্রে বিএনপি চেয়ারপারসন বেগম খালেদা
জিয়ার দুটি মামলার ক্ষেত্রে একেবারেই ব্যতিক্রম ঘটনা মাসে একাধিকবার তারিখ পড়ার
নজিরও আছে খালেদা জিয়ার আইনজীবী এবং দলের পক্ষ থেকে বারবার অভিযোগ উত্থাপন
করা হয়েছেরাজনৈতিক হীন উদ্দেশ্যে সাবেক এই প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে হয়রানির জন্য এমন করা হচ্ছে
জিয়া অরফানেজ  জিয়া চ্যারিটেবল ট্রাস্ট মামলা দুটি পরিচালনার জন্য আলিয়া মাদ্রাসা অঞ্চলে
কেন আদালত বসাতে হলো এই প্রশ্ন বহুদিন উচ্চারিত হতে থাকবে বেগম জিয়ার দ্বিতীয় আপিল
মামলার রায় হবে আজ সেটিও যদি খারিজ হয়ে যায় তাহলে ধারণা করা যায়অতি দ্রুতই 
দুটি মামলা নিষ্পত্তি হয়ে যাবে কী হবে আমরা জানি না তবে মনে হয়বিএনপি নেতারা জানেন
তারা বলতে শুরু করেছেন দুই মামলায় তাকে সাজা দিয়ে জেলে ঢোকানো হলেও আন্দোলন
থামানো যাবে না তার মানেতারা ধরেই নিয়েছেন, ……………
কাঁচপুরের বিশাল জনসভায় খালেদা জিয়া : সাহস থাকলে রাজপথে আন্দোলন মোকাবেলা করুন,
গুলির সামনে দাঁড়াতে রাজি আছিতেলগ্যাস  বিদ্যুতের দাম বাড়ানো হলে টানা কর্মসূচি
বারো মাস সময় দিয়েছি এবার টানা আন্দোলন
মঈন উদ্দিন খান নারায়ণগঞ্জ থেকে ফিরে, ১৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৪, Naya Diganta              
আওয়াম লীগকে ' বাংলাদেশখেকো ' আখ্যা দিয়ে বিএনপি চেয়ারপারসন বেগম খালেদা জিয়া
অবিলম্বে নির্বাচনের ব্যবস্থা করে সরকারকে সরে পড়ার আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন। তিনি বলেছেন , 
১২ মাস সময় দিয়েছি , আর নয়। এবার আন্দোলন হবে। যত দিন প্রয়োজন রাস্তায় থেকে দাবি 
আদায় করে ছাড়ব, প্রয়োজনে গুলির সামনেও দাঁড়াতে রাজি আছি। সাহস থাকলে রাজপথে 
সেই আন্দোলন মোকাবেলা  করুন। একই সাথে তিনি জ্বালানি তেল , গ্যাস  বিদ্যুতের দাম 
বাড়ানো হলে লাগাতার কর্মসূচি দেয়ারও ঘোষণা দিয়েছেন। …..

Peshawar attack was not jihad: Fazl


Peshawar attack was not jihad: Fazl

JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman strongly condemned the terrorist attack in Peshawar. -APP Photo
JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman strongly condemned the terrorist attack in Peshawar. -APP Photo
PESHAWAR: Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam Fazal (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman on Thursday condemned the terrorist attack on the Peshawar school and said his party does not consider it as jihad, DawnNews reported.
"We do not consider atrocities like the Peshawar attack as part of jihad," he said.
Speaking to the media in Peshawar, the JUI-F leader said that "when a patient does not get well through medicine, then the only option left is an operation".
"The terrorists themselves have shut the doors for negotiation," he said.
Maulana Fazlur Rehman said that the atrocity in Peshawar was a blot on the name of Islam and an attempt to deface it.
When replying to a question, he said that Pakistan and Afghanistan should form a joint strategy to fight and defeat terrorism.
The JUI-F leader also said that the death penalty was the law of the land and was not being reinstated only due to the Peshawar attack.

Modi gears up for his mission Making in and the deportation, exclusion, excommunication, displacement drive has to get momentum!


Modi gears up for his mission Making in and the deportation, exclusion, excommunication, displacement drive has to get momentum!

Palash Biswas

Why I am concerned with environment?Because environment is targeted most in the neoliberal era.The Billionaire Millionaire class has every luxury affordable and we may no afford the basic needs.It is the side effect of the growth story.The economy is destryed and we may not understand just because of the bull run injected by FDI and FII devastating production system as well as business and industry.It is all about the promoter builder raj,all about free flow of unabated ,decontroled,deregulated foreign capital,just the printed papers we recognize as dolars which is breaking down with US oil and war economy.

It is the story of the destruction of nature and nature associated agrarian rural India subjected to continuous holocaust just because of the continuity of Manusmriti economics which is branded as free market economy.

The master blaster as well as honourable member of the parliament has inaugurated  a swimming centre in remote South 24 pargana district of West Bengal which is adjacent to Sunderbans,the biggest Mangrove forest in the world.It has to be understood the reverainezone consissting of islands has the demography which is most poorand may not afford swimming pool.It is the corporate encroachment in the Mangrove.

This is what about the icons the free market produced.The media sells the icons to the audience and has not any space for those who are real icons contributing unlimited in Indian life in many spheres of life.

Had not there been beautiful ladies before and after the iconic miss  world and miss world we got? Free market needed them to sell the consumer items of which we had never been habitual.

Amidst impending slump ahead,Modi ignores the RBI warning that Sensex was not Indian economy  and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken direct control of a project-monitoring body to fast-track investments worth almost $300 billion and revive manufacturing in the country, two officials with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

Meanwhile, with SpiceJet passing through a turbulent phase, Civil Aviation Ministry is likely to push for granting infrastructure status to the aviation industry to enable it to access finances at cheaper rates and ease the cash crunch.Indian airlines had been destroyed.What about the private aviation .The status may be investigated with case studies of King Fishers,Spice Jet and so on.

What is the logic of privatisation of most popular and profitable PSUs  then?All PSUs have been subjected to divestment and bailout and SBI as well as LIC have to be used to resettle the indices in turmoil.That is what happens to be our grand emerging market economy.

Mind you,The Indian economy is well prepared to deal with any eventuality arising out of spike in the interest rates by the US Federal reserve, which is sending a strong signal of rate hike early next year, rating agency Crisil said on Thursday.

Indian rulers are investing on information technology dumping rural India,Indian Business and Indian Industry.Thus ,Modi is speaking of digital desh where we have to cease as human being and would be reduced to robots only. For all India's prowess in IT, large parts of its economy have yet to benefit from new technologies. That could be about to change. New research by the McKinsey Global Institute analyses twelve technologies, ranging from the mobile Internet to cloud computing to advanced genomics that could have a profound impact on growth and social progress and add $550 billion to a trillion dollars a year of economic value in India by 2025.

"We are better prepared to handle shocks arising out of an expected increase in the US interest rates next year," Crisil chief economist Dharmakirti Joshi said in an interaction on the social media site Twitter. Joshi said improvements incurrent account deficit (CAD), growth-inflation mix, sufficient import cover and steeply falling crude oil prices have put the country on a stronger wicket.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the Federal Reserve said it would be 'patient' in deciding when to raise interest rates. Federal Reserve chairperson Janet Yellen explained that 'patient' meant the bank was unlikely to raise rates for 'at least a couple of meetings', that would mean April next year.

Going forward into 2015, the country will be among a select few economies which will witness rising growth and falling inflation, Joshi added. He said the recent fall in the rupee is on account of increased domestic demand for the dollar and global uncertainty. He expects the rupee to likely appreciate once global volatility comes off.

"We expect external factor driven volatility in the short term but maintain our forecast of 60 to the dollar by March," Joshi said. He said fall in crude prices is a net positive for the domestic economy, which is likely to clip to over 6% in FY16 versus around 5% this fiscal, he said adding, "steps to improve policy decision making and clear infra bottlenecks would gradually lift growth." The rating agency sees a high probability of an interest ratecut by the Reserve Bank in first quarter of the next fiscal.

Pro-business Modi has faced criticism in recent weeks that his ambition to spur investment and re-energise the economy has yet to be realised, more than six months after he won elections with the strongest mandate in three decades. Industrial output contracted in October in its worst performance in three years, jarring with a much-publicised "Make in India" campaign Modi has championed to make the country a manufacturing powerhouse. By taking over the Project Monitoring Group (PMG), which was previously in the Cabinet Secretariat, Modi could help firms planning coal, power, steel and infrastructure projects cut through a maze of up to 180 clearances.

"The fact that the prime minister's office (PMO) will be directly overseeing all the project clearances will impart a greater degree of efficiency and also ensure that clearances are fast tracked at every level," said one of the officials, declining to be identified ahead of a public announcement.

"The PMO's stamp will make a big difference." A PMO official said a bureaucrat who had worked closely with Modi when he was chief minister of Gujarat state will head the monitoring group. The senior officer is among a few trusted civil servants with whom the PMO thrashes out key decisions, often at the expense of ministerial authority.

Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh set up the PMG last year to prod ministers and bureaucrats sitting on files, a tendency that came to be known as "policy paralysis" and was blamed for growth of less than 5% for two straight years.

Since its inception, the PMG has facilitated 197 stalled projects worth about $110 billion. South Korean steel maker POSCO is one of many companies to have approached the PMG. POSCO has waited nine years to get approvals to set up a $12 billion steel plant, which would be India's biggest foreign direct investment. Tata Power and Adani Power are other top companies awaiting clearances.

"Business confidence has certainly improved in the last six to seven months, but this confidence now needs to get translated in the project delivery, kick-starting the investment cycle and boosting consumer demand," said Sunil Kanoria, president-elect of industry body ASSOCHAM.

eBay survey shows tier II, III cities fueling e-commerce growth in India

Findings of the eBay Census 2014 research is based on analysis of all transactions by Indians on eBay between January 2013 and June 2014

Against general perception of metro cities driving the growth of e-commerce in India, online retail firm eBay India on Thursday said it is in fact the tier II and III cities that are contributing significantly to the sector. Against the 10 metro cities where e-commerce has seen traction, there are 3,133 tier I and II cities, and 1,233 rural hubs that are getting on to the online retail bandwagon, eBay India said in its Census 2014 report.

Findings of the eBay Census 2014 research is based on analysis of all transactions by Indians on eBay between January 2013 and June 2014. The census includes trends in online buying, selling and exporting across 28 states and seven Union Territories in India, and export trends in 206 countries across the globe.

"E-commerce in India has seen a significant upsurge in the number of people shopping online with its penetration into 4,556 hubs in the country," eBay India said in the report.

The top 10 rural hubs for e-commerce in India as per the eBay report include Guntur and Tada in Andhra Pradesh, Karthikappally in Kerala, Ghattia in Madhya Pradesh and Chorayasi in Gujarat. Budgam in Jammu & Kashmir and Cachar in Assam are also among the top 10 rural hub as per the report.

Among states, Delhi topped the list as the "number one e-commerce hub' with "maximum number of mobile phones and accessories sold," eBay said. Delhi was followed by Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Karnataka.

Between cities also Delhi ranked first, followed by Mumbai, Jaipur, Bengaluru and Chennai. "Bengaluru gained a position due to higher sales on electronic items like laptops, tablets . And cameras," the report said.

Women buyers fueled use of e-commerce, while lifestyle remained one of the hottest category for buyers.

"Customers have been shopping more for products in the lifestyle category with women shoppers in the country being the prominent contributors to the category," the report said. "The lifestyle category has increased its share in the pie to 45 per cent, trailing the electronics category by just 2 per cent now as compared to 7 per cent in the previous census."

In line with what several experts have been highlighting, eBay's report said it was mobile commerce that has been fueling e-commerce in India as the increased use of mobile devices is allowing internet access to people in rural and semi-rural ares. EBay received 43 per cent of its traffic through mobile devices during the survey period.


काकोरी के शहीदों की याद में : काकोरी के शहीदों को सलाम !

Next: Taslima blast SEX jihad:১৫০ জন মেয়েকে সেদিন খুন করেছে ইসলামি সন্ত্রাসী গোষ্ঠী আইসিস, কারণ ওই মেয়েরা সন্ত্রাসীদের বিয়ে করতে চায়নি। যৌন জিহাদের নামে মেয়েদের এতদিন যথেচ্ছ ভোগ করেছে সন্ত্রাসীরা। তাদের এখন বিয়ের শখ হয়েছে। 'আল্লাহু আকবর'বলে চেঁচিয়েছে আর জবাই করেছে বিয়েতে রাজি না হওয়া মেয়েদের। ১৫০ জন মেয়ে এখন ইরাকের গণকবরে।

काकोरी के शहीदों की याद में : काकोरी के शहीदों को सलाम !

आज ही के दिन १९ दिसंबर १९२७ को वीर क्रांतिकारियों रोशन सिंह ,अशफ़ाक़ उल्ला खां,रामप्रसाद बिस्मिल को अंग्रेजों ने फंसी दी थी | राजिन्द्र लाहिरी को दो दिन पहले ही १७ दिसंबर को गोंडा में फांसी दे दी गयी थी | राजिन्द्र लाहिरी हमारे कशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय के एमए. के छात्र थे | जिनकी उम्र उस समय २४ वर्ष थी | हमारे क्रांतिकारियों ने अंग्रेजी हुकूमत के शोषण -उत्पीड़न से जनता की मुक्ति की लड़ाई लड़ी | और अंग्रेजों द्वारा हमारे देश से लूट कर ले जा रहे खजाने को छीना | जिसे क्रन्तिकारी पार्टी के लिए चंदे के रूप में प्रयोग किया | यही वजह थी कि अंग्रेजों ने इन लोगों को फांसी कि सजा दी |

लेकिन अपने आस-पास नजर डालकर देखिये कि क्या जनता का शोषण-उत्पीड़न बंद हो गया ? क्या प्राकृतिक खनिज सम्पदाओं की लूट ख़त्म हो गयी ? क्या जनता की मुक्ति की लड़ाई ख़त्म हो गयी ? क्या जनता पर दमन बंद हो गया ? नहीं ! कतई नहीं !वह सब आज भी जारी है |

दोस्तों , 
आज जब गोरो के साथ समझौता हो गया है | काले अंग्रेज "ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी" के तर्ज पर विदेशों में जाकर बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियों को देश को लूटने का न्योता दे रहे है | उसका नाम दे रहा है "मेक इन इंडिया" |

देश भर में रेलवे,बिजली,रक्षा व अन्य सभी विभागों को निजी हाथों में सौपा जा रहा है | उसमें साम्राज्यी पूंजी का निवेश किया जा रहा है | जल-जंगल-जमीन व प्राकृतिक खनिज सम्पदाओं को हथियारों के दम पर साम्राज्यवादी कंपनियों को कौड़ियों के भाव बेचा जा रहा है | इसमे सभी संसदीय राजनितिक पार्टिया शामिल है | जो जनता इसके खिलाफ मुक्ति की लड़ाई लड़ रही है उस पर "आपरेशन ग्रीन हंट" के तहत फौजी दमन चलाया जा रहा है | और उन्हीं पुराने कानूनों के तहत देशद्रोह का मुक़दमा लगाकर लगातार जेलों में ठूसा जा रहा है | हमारा देश और हमारा भविष्य खतरे में है | अब जब छात्रों-नौजवानो का दायित्व बढ़ गया है तब हम क्रांतिकारियों की शहादत को बेकार नहीं जाने देंगे !

Taslima blast SEX jihad:১৫০ জন মেয়েকে সেদিন খুন করেছে ইসলামি সন্ত্রাসী গোষ্ঠী আইসিস, কারণ ওই মেয়েরা সন্ত্রাসীদের বিয়ে করতে চায়নি। যৌন জিহাদের নামে মেয়েদের এতদিন যথেচ্ছ ভোগ করেছে সন্ত্রাসীরা। তাদের এখন বিয়ের শখ হয়েছে। 'আল্লাহু আকবর'বলে চেঁচিয়েছে আর জবাই করেছে বিয়েতে রাজি না হওয়া মেয়েদের। ১৫০ জন মেয়ে এখন ইরাকের গণকবরে।


১৫০ জন মেয়েকে সেদিন খুন করেছে ইসলামি সন্ত্রাসী গোষ্ঠী আইসিস, কারণ ওই মেয়েরা সন্ত্রাসীদের বিয়ে করতে চায়নি। যৌন জিহাদের নামে মেয়েদের এতদিন যথেচ্ছ ভোগ করেছে সন্ত্রাসীরা। তাদের এখন বিয়ের শখ হয়েছে। 'আল্লাহু আকবর' বলে চেঁচিয়েছে আর জবাই করেছে বিয়েতে রাজি না হওয়া মেয়েদের। ১৫০ জন মেয়ে এখন ইরাকের গণকবরে।

এদিকে পাকিস্তানের ইসলামি সন্ত্রাসীরা ১৩২ জন শিশু কিশোরকে হত্যা করেছে পরশু। হত্যা করার সময় 'আল্লাহু আকবর' বলে চেঁচিয়েছে। আল্লাহু আকবর মানে আল্লাহ মহান।

চৌদ্দশ বছর যাবৎ কী হচ্ছে সে না হয় বাদ দিচ্ছি। গত কয়েক মাসের দিকেই তাকাই। ইসলামি সন্ত্রাসীরা হাজার হাজার মানুষকে আল্লাহ মহান, আল্লাহ শ্রেষ্ঠ, আল্লাহ দয়ালু আল্লাহ এক বলে বলে নিরীহ মানুষদের জবাই করেছে। তাদের মাথা লক্ষ করে গুলি করেছে। মাথার খুলি নিয়ে আনন্দ উৎসব করেছে। এসব বর্বরতা আর নৃশংসতা আল্লাহকে ভালোবেসেই করেছে। এখনও করছে।

কোনো একটা মতবাদ বা আদর্শ বা বিশ্বাসের কারণে যদি মানুষ মানুষকে হত্যা করে, তবে সেই আদর্শ বা মতবাদের চুলচেরা বিশ্লেষণ হয়, সেই মতবাদকে নিন্দা করা হয়, মানবতার স্বার্থে এমনকী নিষিদ্ধও করা হয়। যেমন, নাৎসি মতবাদ। পৃথিবী জুড়ে আজ নাৎসি মতবাদ ঘৃণিত এবং নিষিদ্ধ।

কমুনিজমের নামে বা কমুনিস্ট আদর্শের কারণে কমুনিস্টরা মানুষ মেরেছে। লোকে তখন শুধু কমুনিস্টদের দোষ দেয়নি। কমুনিজম্কেও দোষ দিয়েছে। কমুনিজমের মধ্যেই গলদ খুঁজে পেয়েছে।

কিন্তু ইসলামি সন্ত্রাসীরা যখন ইসলামের নামে বা ইসলামের আদর্শের কারণে মানুষ মারে, অধিকাংশ লোক তখন শুধু সন্ত্রাসীদের দোষ দেয়, ইসলামকে দোষ দেয় না। ইসলামের সমালোচনা তো করেই না, বরং বলে ইসলাম ভালো, ইসলাম শান্তির ধর্ম,ইসলামের ভুল ব্যাখ্যা করেছে সন্ত্রাসীরা ইত্যাদি ইত্যাদি। এই ভন্ডামোটা, ন্যাকামোটা, হিপক্রিসিটা যতদিন চলবে ততদিন সন্ত্রাসীরা মনের সুখে সন্ত্রাস চালিয়ে যেতে পারবে, সন্দেহ নেই।

ইসলাম যে সন্ত্রাস করতে বলেছে, তার প্রমান ভদ্রলোকদের কাছে না থাকলেও সম্ত্রাসীদের কাছে অবশ্যই আছে। তারা ইসলাম মেনেই মানুষ হত্যা করছে। ইসলামে সম্পূর্ণ বিশ্বাসী লোকদের আজ না হোক কাল সন্ত্রাসে বিশ্বাস করতেই হবে।

ভদ্রলোকদের কাছে প্রমাণ নেই এ কথা বলা ঠিক নয়। কোরান এবং হাদিসের গ্রন্থগুলো মোটেও দুর্লভ নয়. এসবের পাতায় পাতায় আছে একে মারো ওকে ধরো, তাকে হত্যা করোর অসংখ্য আদেশ এবং উপদেশ. পাতা উল্টোলেই প্রমাণ।

সন্ত্রাসকে ত্যাগ করতে চাইলে ইসলামকে ত্যাগ করা ছাড়া অন্য কোনো পথ নেই। ইসলাম এমনই একটি ধর্ম যে এটিকে বিশ্বাস করলে এটির একশ ভাগকেই বিশ্বাস করতে হয়। কারণ কোরানের সবকিছু স্বয়ং আল্লাহতায়ালার কাছ থেকে এসেছে। কোরানের ভালোগুলো বিশ্বাস করবে শুধু, খারাপগুলো, সন্ত্রাসগুলো, মিথ্যেগুলো, অন্যায়গুলো, অবিচারগুলো, বৈষম্যগুলো করবে না, তা তো হবে না। আল্লাহর সব বাক্য, সব শব্দ, সব অক্ষর বিশ্বাস না করলে তুমি মুসলমানই নও।


Previous: Taslima blast SEX jihad:১৫০ জন মেয়েকে সেদিন খুন করেছে ইসলামি সন্ত্রাসী গোষ্ঠী আইসিস, কারণ ওই মেয়েরা সন্ত্রাসীদের বিয়ে করতে চায়নি। যৌন জিহাদের নামে মেয়েদের এতদিন যথেচ্ছ ভোগ করেছে সন্ত্রাসীরা। তাদের এখন বিয়ের শখ হয়েছে। 'আল্লাহু আকবর'বলে চেঁচিয়েছে আর জবাই করেছে বিয়েতে রাজি না হওয়া মেয়েদের। ১৫০ জন মেয়ে এখন ইরাকের গণকবরে।
 by Samragnee Banerjee

দুদিন ধরে অস্থির হয়ে আছি। আমরা সবাই-ই। খবরের কাগজ বা নিউজ চ্যানেল, দুটোই ক্লান্ত করছে আরো। চোখে দেখা যাচ্ছে না। চোখ স্থির হয়ে যাচ্ছে। সারাদিন কাজের ফাঁকেও ভালো লাগছে না কিচ্ছু। কী করলে ভালো লাগবে ? ভুলে যেতে পারলে ? কিন্তু এত সহজে তো ভোলা যাবে না শত শত শিশুদের রক্তাক্ত শরীর। আর্তনাদে ভরে ওঠা মুখ...চোখ বন্ধ করলে এক দল শিশুদের নিষ্পাপ মুখ অনেক প্রশ্ন নিয়ে ঘুরফির করবে...কী প্রশ্ন ? তারাও জানে না...কিচ্ছু জানবার,কিচ্ছু বোঝবার আগে তাদের ওপর গুলি চালানো হয়েছে...কেউ মারা গেছে,কেউ গুলির শব্দে ছিটকে যেতে দেখেছে বন্ধুদের...কেউ হয়ত বেঁচে আছে ,বুক ভরা ভয় আর পৃথিবীর ওপর অবিশ্বাস নিয়ে। ধর্ম আর রাজনীতির উর্ধ্বে উঠে , শুধু মাত্র মানুষ হয়ে জন্মাবার অধিকার আর লজ্জাটুকু নিয়ে...আসুন , পাকিস্তানে ঘটে যাওয়া এই নারকীয় ,যন্ত্রনার, লজ্জার , ধর্মান্ধতার ঘটনার প্রতিবাদে, কোনো রাজনৈতিক রঙ ছাড়া, কোনো ধর্মের রঙ ছাড়া আগামী ২০শে ডিসেম্বর দুপুর ২'য় রবীন্দ্র সদন থেকে গান্ধিমূর্তি , শুধু মাত্র শান্তির জন্য,মানবতার জন্য আসুন আমরা পা মেলাই। 
দাবি একটাই - "রাজনীতি আর ধর্মের ঊর্ধ্বে আমরা মানুষ। আমরা শান্তি চাই"। 



মানুষের মত দেখতে? বলো না...
মানুষের মত মুখ ?
ইস্কুলে ঢুকে জেহাদ ঘোষনা...
মানুষের মত বুক?
ধর্মের নামে শত শত প্রাণ
ধর্মের নামে খুন
শত শত শিশু হত্যা করেছে
(আহা)... ধর্মের কত গুণ!
মানুষের মত দেখতে ? বলো না...
মানুষের মত মুখ ?
বলো না জেহাদী...কীভাবে চালালে... ?
শিশুদের খোলা বুক...
মানুষের মত দেখতে ? বলো না...
মানুষের মত মুখ?

पेशावर के बच्चों के लिए:अशोक कुमार पाण्डेय की एक मौजू कविता


पेशावर के बच्चों के लिए:अशोक कुमार पाण्डेय की एक मौजू कविता

सो जाओ मेरे बच्चों 

सो जाओ मेरे बच्चों
ये नर्म सफ़ेद चादरें ये गीला गीला सा बिस्तर
ये फातिहे की पुरदर्द आवाज़ें
तुम्हारी अम्मियों को इजाज़त नहीं आज तुम्हारे पास आने की
तुम्हारे दोस्त सारे साथ हैं
साथ हैं तुम्हारी किताबें
तुम्हारी कलमें जो अब कोई लफ्ज़ लिख न पाएंगी
सो जाओ मेरे बच्चों
अपने ख़्वाबों को सिरहाने रख के
उनमें जो परियाँ थीं सब तुमसे मिलेंगी आज की शब
उनमें जो चाकलेट थे सब आज की शब तुम्हारे हैं
उनमें जो उड़ाने थीं आसमानों की सब पूरी हुईं
तुम्हारे साथ ख़ुदा है
या कि उनके साथ था वह?
सवाल ये कि जिसका अब कोई जवाब नहीं
ख़ुदा के सारे वो बन्दे बहिश्त में जाकर
तुम्हारी परियों के परों को नोच लेंगे और
वो उनके साफ़ शफ्फाक लिबासों पर दाग़ जो होगा खुदा का होगा
तुम अपने बस्ते में रखा हुआ टिफिन देना उनको
और उनकी आँखों को चूम लेना
गोद में उनकी सर रख के सो जाना
तुम्हारी माओं की खुशबू सी उनसे आएगी
वहां पे बच्चों की कोई कमी नहीं होगी
खुदा के बन्दों की नेकी के हैं कई सबूत वहां
सारी दुनिया के बच्चों की आरामगाह है वह
वहां फलस्तीन के बच्चों की एक बस्ती हैं
सीरिया के वहां इरान के भी तमाम बच्चे हैं
वहां कश्मीर के बच्चे हैं गोधरा के भी हैं
सुनो जो काले काले अफ्रीकी बच्चे मिलें
तुम उनके हाथ थाम लेना उन्हें सलाम कहना
इराकी दोस्त मिलेंगे जो तुम्हें तुम पोछ देना उनकी आँख के आँसू
वहां सलोने से मणिपुरी बच्चे होंगे, तुम उनसे उनकी ही भाषा में बात कर लेना
वहां में दुधमुंही बच्चियाँ बहुत सी होंगी बहुत सी अजन्मी
तुम उनके माथे को चूम लेना मुआफ़ी कहना
और तुम्हारी अपनी ज़मीं के बच्चे तो रोज़ आते हैं वहां खेलना और खुश रहना
वहां पे सारी ख़ुशी होगी सब सुकूं होगा
अब कितने और दिन हम भी यहाँ रहेंगे और
खुदा के बन्दों को हम पर भी तो आयेगा रहम
हम आएंगे तो आकर के लग जाना गले
वहां पे फूल हैं पानी के साफ़ चश्में हैं
लहू तो सारा ज़मीन पर ही सूख जाता है
खुदा से और उसके बन्दों ज़रा सा बच बचा के चलना
तुम अपनी शरारतों में वहां रहना खूब खुश रहना
सब्ज़ मैदान, संदली सी हवा
आरामगाह और दैर-ओ-हरम
वहां पे सब है
बस एक स्कूल ही तो नहीं!


चित्तौडगढ फिल्म सोसाइटी

चित्तौडगढ फिल्म सोसाइटी

चित्तौड़गढ़ फ़िल्म सोसाइटी के फेसबुक पेज से साभार) 

हम दुनियां भर के धार्मिक कट्टरपन की परिणति ऐसी तमाम ह्रदय विदारक घटनाओं का पुरजोर विरोध करते हैं | पकिस्तान में हुई इस घटना के विरोध में बिजूका समूह से जुड़े तीन साथियों अरुण देव, प्रदीप मिश्र और अमिताभ मिश्र की इन रचनाओं से हम इस भयानक घटना की पुरजोर निंदा करते हैं|


मज़हब नहीं सिखाता आपस में बैर रखना…..?

कहाँ हैं मेरे बच्चे …?

अगर खुदा कही हैं तो आज उसे मर जाना चाहिए
शर्म से
सर्वशक्तिमान सर्वव्यापी दयानिधि कुछ नहीं हो तुम
कठपुतली हो
पुज़ारिओ के

पैगम्बरों ने तुम्हारे नाम पर
छला है हमें
और तुम्हारे नए धर्माधिकारी जान ले रहे हैं हमारी

मेरे 84 बच्चे मज़हब के वहशीपन के शिकार हुए
यह कैसा धर्म क्षेत्र बन रहा है जो मासूमों के रक्त से गीला है
यह कौन सी दुनिया है जहां बच्चे गायब हैं

अब तो पवित्र पुस्तकों के नाम से रूह कांप जाती है
डरती हैं औरतें सहम जातें हैं बच्चे

बस इंसान रहने तो हमें।

-अरुण देव 

थूकता हूँ तुम पर

थू थू थू थूकता हूँ तुम पर
और तुम्हारे होने पर
तुम्हारे लिए घृणित शब्द की तलाश में हूँ और शब्द इंकार कर कर रहे हैं
विभत्सता और हैवानियत के इस चरम
को उदघाटित करने से
इस लिए सिर्फ थूक रहा हूँ तुम पर
तुम्हारी माँ काट कर फेंक देना चाहती है
वह कोख जिससे तुमने जन्म लिया
पिता कोस रहे हैं अल्लाह को
क्यों पूरी की उनकी मन्नत

बच्चों में खुदा होता है
खुदा के पट्ठों
तुमने खुदा को ही मार डाला
अपने खुदा की मौत पर
जश्न मनाने वाले बहशी
तुम्हारा कौम कौन सा है
किस धर्म से हो
कम से कम इन्सान तो हो नहीं सकते
शैतान भी नहीं होते इतने घृणित
तुम कौन …..
पूछो अपने दिल से तुम कौन

खुदा के लिए
खुदा को मौत के घाट उतारने वालों
सिर्फ थूक सकता हूँ तुमपर
थू थू थू थू।

-प्रदीप मिश्र

देखो तो सही खड़े हो कर एक साथ

तुम जो उठाते हो हथियार वह भी तो वही उठाता है हथियार
जो तलवार जितनी धारदार तुम्हारी है उतनी ही वह उसकी भी है
जैसे बल्लम भाले कट्टे, बम वगैरा तुम्हारे
वैसे के वैसे बल्कि वही के वही उसके भी हैं
एक ही दूकानदार से खरीदे हुए
जो चमक, लपट, भभक, तम्हारी लगाई हुई आग में है
उतनी ही और वैसी ही चमक, लपट, भभक उसकी लगाई आग में है
कहां है फर्क तुम में और उसमें
जैसे बाल तुम्हारे जैसी खाल तुम्हारे
जैसे हाथ पांव दिल दिमाग तुम्हारे
वैसा ही वैसा ही तो सब कुछ है उसके भी पास
फिर क्या है
वह क्या है
जो तुम्हारी और उसकी आंख में
नफरत एक साथ एक बराबर रख देता है
फर्क तो उन भवनों में भी कछ खास नही है
जो हैं उपासनागृह तुम्हारे और उसके
मतलब और मकसद भी एक ही हैं
तुम्हारी और उसकी प्रार्थना के तुम्हारे और उसके धरम के
फिर क्या है
वह क्या है
जो चढ़ा देता है गुम्बद पर एक को
फिंकवा देता हैं मांस
क्या है
वह क्या है जो हकाल देता है तुम दोनों को
लड़ने को एक दूसरे के खिलाफ
एक जैसे ही दिल धड़कता है तुम्हारा भी और उसका भी
डर में नफरत में रफ्तार एक जैसी एक साथ ही तेज होती है
फिर क्या है, वह क्या है जो बोता है एक सा डर
तुम्हारे उसके दिलों में एक साथ एक दूसरे के खिलाफ
प्यार तुम जैसे करते हो वैसे ही वह भी करता है
दुःख भी तो हैं एक जैसे तुम्हारे के लिए भी उसके लिए भी
बहुत ज्यादा बहुत लंबे समय के लिए
सुख भी तो हैं बहुत कम एक ही जैसे दोनों के लिए
सब कुछ एक जैसा और लगभग
एक ही होने के बावजूद
क्या है! वह क्या है!
कौन है! वह कौन है!
कहाॅं है ! वह कहाॅं है!
जो बोता एक हाथ से नफरत, डर
काटता दूसरे से प्यार, हमदर्दी, भाईचारा
पर अब तो दिख रहा है चेहरा उसका साफ़ साफ़
अलग होता जा रहा है एक ही राग अलापता
दरअसल हिटलर फिर से वापस आया है
समय के साथ बुढ़ापे की विकृति ले कर
वही है, वही है
वैसा ही है, वैसा ही है वह
जो लगातार कोशिश में अलग करने की
तुमको उससे उसको तुमसे
तो होते क्यों नहीं एक
क्यों नहीं उठाते आवाज एक साथ
वहीं हां वही
आवाज दो हम एक हैं वाली आवाज
और एक जैसे एक साथ
रौंदते क्यों नहीं दिग्विजय के भ्रम को
एक जाति के तोड़ दो दुष्चक्र
काट दो वापस लौटाते काल के घोड़े की रासें
और देखो तो सही खड़े हो कर एक साथ
कि किस समय और कहां खड़े हो
तुम और वह एक साथ

-अमिताभ मिश्र

औरतों को देह की नहीं,निर्णय की आजादी चाहिए – ज्योति कुमारी


औरतों को देह की नहीं,निर्णय की 

आजादी चाहिए – ज्योति कुमारी

इंट्रो : आज भी तय किया जाता है कि कौन-सी बात एक लड़की की डायरी तक सीमित रहनी चाहिए और कौन-सी कहानी में आनी चाहिए वह भी किस तरह और किस हद तक और यह सलाह देने के लिए आपका विद्वान होना भी जरूरी नहीं। कोई भी ऐरा-गैरा ऐसी किसी स्त्री को ऐसी सलाह दे सकता है, बस उसे 'मर्द'होना चाहिए।

मुझे लगता है कि अपनी बात रखने से पहले नीलाभ जी की एक कविता की कुछ पंक्तियां यहां रखना समीचीन होगा-

चुप्पी सबसे बड़ा खतरा है

जिंदा आदमी के लिए

तुम नहीं जानते

वह कब तुम्हारे खिलाफ खड़ी हो जाएगी

और सर्वाधिक सुनाई देगी

तुम देखते हो एक गलत बात

और खामोश रहते हो

वे यही चाहते हैं

और इसीलिए चुप्पी की तारीफ करते हैं

वे चुप्पी की तारीफ करते हैं

साथ ही यह सच है कि

वे आवाज से बेतरह डरते हैं

दरअसल चुप्पी की तारीफ करने वाला वर्ग वह है, जो नीति-नियंता है। शक्तिशाली प्रभु वर्ग है। यह भी एक तथ्य है कि हर युग में पुराने मूल्य कमजोरों के खिलाफ जाते रहे हैं और यह जाना अब भी जारी है। जाना ही है, क्योंकि जो नीति-नियंता है, वह अपने ही प्रभुत्व की तो बात करेगा। अपने कंफर्ट जोन को सही सलामत रखने का उपाय तो करेगा ही। ऐसे में लेखन और लेखक का यह दायित्व हो जाता है कि वह इस शक्तिशाली वर्ग को उनके कंफर्ट जोन से बाहर निकाल लाए। उनकी कमजोरियों पर उंगली रखे। अपने लेखन से उसे चुनौती दे और उन्हें जागृत और एकजुट करें जो कमजोर है।

मैं जिन कमजोर वर्गों की बात कर रही हूं, उनमें ही स्त्री भी है।

मूल्य बदल रहे हैं। पहले की अपेक्षा अब बहुत बदल गए हैं। मैं उन पुराने मूल्यों के पुनरुत्थान के लिए लिख भी नहीं रही हूं। नये मूल्य बनें, इसके लिए लिख रही हूं। इस क्रम में अब जो बातें मैं कहने जा रही हूं वे वृहत्तर परिप्रेक्ष्य में हैं। हर वंचित तबके की बात है। अगर मैं स्त्री की बात करूं, तो वह भी दलित की ही तरह है, जिसे या तो चहारदीवारी में कैद रहना पड़ता है अथवा चहारदीवारी के बाहर की अदृश्य दीवारों में। इस कैद से तस्लीमा नसरीन जैसी मशहूर लेखिका भी मुक्त नहीं रह सकी हैं। इस कैद से निकल कर प्रिटी जिंटा जैसी सक्षम स्त्री तक को अपने पूर्व ब्वॉयफ्रेंड के खिलाफ एफआईआर दर्ज कराने में पांच साल लगे, जो प्रिटी के रिश्ता तोड़ लेने के बाद भी लगातार उनका पीछा कर रहा था। कई तो ऐसी महिलाएं इस दुनिया में आपको मिल जाएंगी, जो उत्पीड़न का शिकार होकर एक जगह से नौकरी छोड़ कर दूसरी जगह ज्वॉइन करती हैं, फिर वहां भी वही कुछ घटने लगने पर तीसरी… चौथी…। इसके बावजूद अपने जीवन के कैदखाने से निकल कर वह विद्रोह नहीं करतीं.़ . औरतों के जीवन में यह आम दिनचर्या की तरह हो गया है, इसके बावजदू वे आवाज नहीं उठातीं। और जो उठाती हैं, उनके लिए कुछ रटे-रटाए जुमले मर्दवादी समाज ने गढ़ रखे हैं। बवाली, चरित्रहीन, बेशर्म, हर बार इसी के साथ क्यों होता है। लेकिन सच यही है कि किसी-किसी स्त्री के जीवन में ऐसा नहीं हो रहा होता। लगभग हर स्त्री को हर रोज ऐसी अपमानजनक स्थितियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। एक स्त्री जैसे ही सामाजिक जीवन में आती है, लगभग रोज ही उसे ऐसी स्थितियों से गुजरना पड़ता है। ऐसा नहीं है कि सामाजिक जीवन में ही, बल्कि घर में भी बहुत सारी स्त्रियां इस तरह की स्थितियों का सामना करती हैं। लेकिन कोई-कोई ही बगावत पर उतरती है। विद्रोह करती है। ऐसी स्थिति में होता यह है कि एक बागी लड़की जब इस व्यवस्था के खिलाफ विद्रोह पर उतारू होती है तो उसे पता चलता है कि उसके साथ खड़े होने वाले भी पीठ पीछे उसका चरित्र हनन कर रहे होते हैं। साथ में रोज उन्हें ऐसी अपमानजनक स्थितियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। ऐसे में 'मर्दों'के लिए अफवाह फैलाना आसान हो जाता है- देखो यह लड़की है ही ऐसी। हर बार इसी के साथ ऐसा क्यों होता है आदि-आदि। और इस स्थिति में होता यह है कि रोज-रोज की गलीज हरकतों और फब्तियों से तंग आकर वह स्वेच्छा से वापस अपने कैदखाने में बंद हो जाती है।

इसलिए यह बहुत जरूरी हैं कि नये मूल्य गढ़े जाएं, जो इस भेदभावमूलक समाज को बदल सकें। उदाहरण के तौर पर, हमारे यहां परिवार और समाज की व्यवस्था है। पारिवारिक होना एक बड़ा मूल्य है। मेरे अंदर एक सवाल हमेशा उठता है कि एक लड़की ऐसे परिवार या समाज की शर्तों पर पारिवारिक या सामाजिक बन कर क्यों रहे, जहां वह क्रश हो जाए। उसे टॉर्चर किया जाए। जीवन नर्क हो जाए। स्वाभाविक विकास अवरुद्ध हो जाए।

तो विकल्प क्या है?

ऐसी स्थिति में लड़की क्यों न अपारिवारिक हो जाए। अकेली रहे। जैसा कि वर्जिनिया वुल्फ ने भी 'अपना एक कमरा' (A Room of One's Own) में लिखा है। मैं यहां अकेली रहने की बात इसलिए कर रही हूं, क्योंकि जैसे ही एक लड़की पति और पिता का घर छोड़ने का निर्णय लेती है लोग कहते हैं, चलो पति बुरा था, लेकिन पिता.़ . पिता के घर क्यों नहीं रही? जरूर लड़की ही गड़बड़ है। लोग एक स्त्री की स्वतंत्र सत्ता की कल्पना किताबों में तो करते हैं, मगर वास्तविक जीवन में नहीं। किताब या फिल्म की ऐसी बहादुर संघर्षशील नायिकाओं की तारीफ करते लोग नहीं थकते, मगर आपके सामने जब एक जीती-जागती लड़की वही संघर्ष कर रही होती है तो उसके संघर्ष में सहयोग देने के बदले लोग उस पर तरह-तरह के लांछनें लगा कर उस पर यह प्रेशर बनाने की कोशिश करते हैं, ताकि वापस उसी कैदखाने (व्यवस्था) में लौट जाए, जिसका हामी समाज का ठेकेदार यानी शक्तिशाली पुरुष वर्ग है। क्योंकि वे किसी भी तरह के परिवर्तन से डरे हुए लोग हैं। इससे उन्हें अपनी सत्ता टूटती हुई महसूस होती है। इस वर्ग को उसके सुरक्षित खोल से बाहर लाना ही होगा। तभी नये मूल्य बनेेंगे, जिसमें कोई अकेली स्त्री सम्मान और चैन से जी सकेगी।

ऐसा भी नहीं है कि इस शक्तिशाली वर्ग में सिर्फ पुरुष हैं। न… महिलाएं भी हैं। ऐसी महिलाएं, जो प्रयास करें तो स्त्रियों की स्थिति बदलने में कुछ कारगर कदम उठाने में तो जरूर सक्षम हैं। मगर वे ऐसा नहीं करती हैं। पुरुषों के सुर में सुर मिलाती हैं, क्योंकि वे गांधारी की तरह अपनी आंख पर पट्टी बांधकर, संजय की आंखों से सब कुछ देखती हैं। वे समझ ही नहीं पातीं कि जो स्त्री-विमर्श या आजादी उन्हें तश्तरी में सजा कर भेंट की गई है, वह ऊपर से जितनी लुभावनी है, अंदर से उतनी ही खतरनाक। इसकी परिणति वही होनी है, जो महाभारत की परिणति हुई। गांधारी और धृतराष्ट्र ने संजय की आंखों से और शकुनी के दिमाग से महाभारत का युद्ध कौरवों को लड़ते देखा, लेकिन कौरवों को विनाश से बचा नहीं पाये। क्योंकि आंख और दिमाग संजय और शकुनी के थे। आज की कुछ स्त्रियां भी इसी तरह मर्दवादी समाज और विचार के प्रभाव में हैं, इसलिए वे कौरवों की तरह स्त्रियों के पक्ष में नहीं खड़ी हो पा रही हैं, क्योंकि वे सब कुछ संजय और शकुनी यानी मर्द के नजरिये से देखती हैं। तो जाहिर है ऐसी स्त्रियों से स्त्री मुक्ति की दिशा में नई पहल की उम्मीद नहीं की जा सकती। इसलिए इन स्त्रियों के खिलाफ चुप्पी साधना भी उतना ही खतरनाक है, जितना भयावह अपने पर हुए अन्याय और उत्पीड़न के खिलाफ है। ये मात्र इसी बात से खुश हैं कि अब वे पहले की तरह घर में बंद (कैदखाने) नहीं हैं। वे बाहर निकल आई हैं, जबकि वे इस बात को नहीं जानतीं कि जब मर्दों को लगा कि स्त्रियां अब उनकी जागीर बनकर घर में रहने को तैयार नहीं हैं, तो उन्होंने देह मुक्ति का नारा देकर उन्हें खुश कर दिया कि वे उनके लिए सहज सुलभ रहें यानी छोटे कैदखाने से बड़े अदृश्य कैदखाने में उन्हें बंद कर दिया।

मैं पूछती हूं सेक्स का इतना वितंडा क्यों? क्या स्त्री को सेक्स की आजादी के सिवाय किसी अन्य आजादी की जरूरत नहीं?

है! इससे कहीं ज्यादा है। उसे सम्मान से जीने, अपने फैसले खुद लेने, आत्मनिर्भर होने आदि की ज्यादा जरूरत है। देह मुक्ति का अर्थ तो मेरी नजर में इस प्रक्रिया में है कि मैंने स्त्री तन पाया है, इसलिए यह काम मैं नहीं कर सकती या रेप जैसी अप्रिय घटना हो गई तो यह सोचना कि अब मैं अपवित्र हो गई किसी के लायक नहीं रही या यह काम तो मर्दों का है, भला मैं कैसे कर सकती हूं, जैसी मानसिकता से ऊपर उठने में है। यानी स्त्री होने के कारण जो अक्षमता या हीन भावना हमारे भीतर बचपन से भर दी जाती है, उससे मुक्ति ही देह मुक्ति है, स्त्री मुक्ति है। बाकी रही बात सेक्स या लाइफ पार्टनर की तो अगर उसे निर्णय (डिसिजन मेकिंग) लेने की स्वतंत्रता है, तो बाकी सबकुछ खुद ब खुद हो जाएगा।

अब थोड़ी बात लेखन की कर ली जाए, हालांकि ऊपरवर्णित बातें भी लेखन और लेखकों पर लागू होती हैं। लेकिन मैं अब यहां अब मैं सिर्फ स्त्री लेखन की बात करूंगी और उनकी स्थिति की।

एक स्त्री का लेखन पुरुष के लेखन से बहुत भिन्न होता है। वह क्या लिखती है, कैसा लिखती है, यह तो बाद की बात है, सबसे पहली मुश्किल तो यही आती है कि क्या उसे अभिव्यक्ति की वही स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त है, जो पुरुष वर्ग को। जाहिर है नहीं।

चलिए थोड़ा अतीत में जाकर देखते हैं। 80-90 के दशक में एक संस्था थी 'लेखिका'। उस समय उसकी अध्यक्ष थीं शीला गुजराल। उसके एक वार्षिक अधिवेशन में अमृता प्रीतम अपने विचार प्रकट कर रही थीं और मंच पर थे जैनेन्द्र। अमृता जी ने नारी लेखन पर विस्तृत बयान दिया कि इस देश में इन-इन महिलाओं ने इसलिए आत्महत्या की, क्योंकि उनकी लेखन प्रतिभा का दम घोंट दिया गया था। कहीं मायके में तो कहीं ससुराल में। उसी दौर की निरूपमा सेवती, दीप्ति खंडेलवाल, मालती जोशी जैसी लेखिकाओं ने परिचर्चाओं में भाग लेते हुए कहा कि हमें तो कई बातें लिखने के कारण ससुराल से, यहां तक कि मायके से भी निकाले जाने का खौफ सताता रहता है। ये स्थितियां आज भी कमोबेश कायम हैं। आज भी तय किया जाता है कि कौन-सी बात एक लड़की की डायरी तक सीमित रहनी चाहिए और कौन-सी कहानी में आनी चाहिए वह भी किस तरह और किस हद तक और यह सलाह देने के लिए आपका विद्वान होना भी जरूरी नहीं। कोई भी ऐरा-गैरा ऐसी किसी स्त्री को ऐसी सलाह दे सकता है, बस उसे 'मर्द'होना चाहिए।

यह कैसी स्वतंत्रता है अभिव्यक्ति की? और जब कोई लड़की इस लक्ष्मण-रेखा को पार करती है तो नीति नियंता असहज हो उठते हैं। हो सकता है, इस लेख को पढ़ कर भी कुछ लोग असहज हों। कंफर्ट जोन से बाहर निकल आएं। मेरी कुछ बातें उन्हें परेशान करे। वे विरोध पर उतर आएं। कुछ मेरे खिलाफ भी लिख डालें। बोलें। व्यक्तिगत हमले पर उतर आएं, जो स्त्रियों के संदर्भ में उनका अनादिकाल से अचूक हथियार रहा है। इसमें कुछ वैसी महिलाएं भी शामिल हो सकती हैं, जो सबकुछ मर्दवादी नजरिये से देखती हैं। सच कहूं तो यह सब होगा तो मैं समझूंगी कि मैं सफल हुई, क्योंकि तब मुझे लगेगा कि कुछ बदल रही हूं मैं। जिसकी बौखलाहट में शक्तिशाली वर्ग अपनी खोल से बाहर निकल आया है। आज बाहर आया है, कल बदल जाएगा। लेकिन ऐसा कुछ नहीं होता है, तो मैं मानूंगी कि वह सोंस की तरह अब भी पड़ा है और खुद को बदलने के लिए तैयार नहीं है। इसलिए चुप है।

साथ ही मेरा उद्देश्य यह भी है कि कमजोर दबा-कुचला वर्ग अपनी स्थिति समझने तक सीमित न रहे, वह अपनी चुप्पी तोड़े। इसीलिए मैं अपनी कहानियां साधारण बोलचाल की भाषा में लिखती हूं, क्योंकि दबे-कुचले वर्ग का वह हिस्सा जो बहुत पढ़ा-लिखा नहीं है, वह भी मेरी कहानियों को पढ़ कर समझ सके। यहां मैं एक वाकया सुनाना चाहूंगी-

'मेरे पड़ोस की एक भाभी एक बार डॉक्टर से दिखाने गईं। तो डॉक्टर ने कहा कि आपके लिए सलाद यूजफुल है। फलों में सेव फायदेमंद है। तो भाभी खूब सलाद खाने लगीं। एक दिन मैं उनके पास ही थी, तो बोलीं ज्योति जी आज तो खीरा खत्म है। सेव ही खाना पड़ेगा। तो मैंने कहा सेव खाना तो अच्छा है। मुंह क्यों बना रही हैं। नहीं वो डॉक्टर ने कहा कि सेव फायदेमंद है। तो? तो कम फायदा करेगा न। मंद मतलब तो कम होता है न।'

अब देखिए यूजफुल तो वे समझ गईं, मगर फायदेमंद पर अटक गईं। तो इसलिए मैं बोलचाल की भाषा लिखती हूं, ताकि वे भाषा की जाल में न उलझें, तथ्यों को समझें।

कहा जाता है कि साहित्य समाज का आईना होता है। लेकिन आईना वही दिखाता है, जो हो रहा है। मगर साहित्य वह भी दिखाता है जो हो सकता है। इसलिए मेरी कोशिश हमेशा यह रहती है कि मैं जो लिखूं, उसे पढ़ कर लोगों के अंदर कुछ उबले या वह सकारात्मक विद्रोह की सोचें, विध्वंसक की नहीं। बदलाव की सोचे। नये मूल्य गढ़ने की सोचें। ऐसे मूल्य जो जनसरोकार से वाबिस्ता हों।

A project to be noted,Greater Nepal claiaming the hills as well as Terai!


Federalism ensuring rapid economic development in Nepal through economic integration of "mountain-hill-terai

तिव्र आर्थिक विकासलाई टेवा पुर्याउने संघीयता  राज्यको पुनरसंरचनाको आवश्यकता   यो 'हिमाल-पहाड-तराई'को आर्थिक एकीकरणवाटमात्र संभव  !

वहुल-जातीयवहुभाषिकवहु-धार्मिकवहु-सांस्कृतिक जन-जीवनमा आधारित 'हिमाल-पहाड-तराईजोडिएकोउत्तर-दक्षिण क्षेत्रफल भएकोपांचवटा प्रान्तहरूको संरचना नेपालमा उपलव्ध मौजुदा साधन  श्रोतले धान्न सक्ने पर्याप्त आधार छ। प्राथमिकता प्राप्त क्षेत्रहरू जलश्रोत,पर्यटनजैविक विविधताकृषि खास गरि नगदे वाली  जन-शक्ति लगाएत तराईपहाड  हिमालको विध्यमान आर्थिक संभाव्यतालाई एकीकृतरूपमा प्रयोग गरेर मात्र नेपाललाई सन् २०२२ सम्ममा अल्पविकसित मुलुकवाट  प्रतिसतको आर्थिक वृद्द्धि दर हांसिल गर्दै विकासोन्मुखमुलुकको दांजोमा पुर्याउन सकिन्छ। यो भन्दा अर्को विकल्प खोज्नु भनेको आर्थिक विकास  सम्वृद्धि होईनअविकासको कुचक्रमा फस्नु हो। 

सीमित जात-जातिको नाउंमा राज्य वितरण गर्ने  तराईलाई पहाड संग जोडन हुंदैन भन्ने अतिवादी दृष्टिकोणले पहाड  तराईमा शान्तीपूर्वकवसोवास गर्ने जात-जाति वीच घृणा  विद्वेश फैलाउने कार्यलाई प्रोत्साहित गरेको छ। घृणाहिंसाद्वन्द  आतंकको राजनीति टिकाउ हुंदैन यस्तो भस्मासुर प्रवृतिले सर्वनाश मात्र गर्दछ। नेपालमा 'पहाड-हिमाल-तराई'को सम्वन्ध नितान्त प्राकृतिक होनंग  मासुको सम्वन्ध हो -तसर्थ प्राकृतिक न्याय  सिद्धान्त विपरित राज्यको पुनरसंरचनाले विग्रह ल्याउंछ। 

नेपालमा कृषि  उद्ध्योगको क्षेत्रमा उत्पादन  उत्पादकत्व अभिवृद्धिस्वदेशी  वैदेशिक लगानी आकर्षित गर्दै औधोगिकरण मार्फत स्वदेशमारोजगारी सृजनानिर्यात प्रवर्धन  आधारभूत भौतिक संरचनामा लगानी अभिवृद्धिको माध्यमवाट तिव्र आर्थिक विकासलाई टेवा पुर्याउनेसंघीयता  राज्यको पुनरसंरचनाको आवश्यकता   यो 'हिमाल-पहाड-तराई'को आर्थिक एकीकरणवाट मात्र संभव छ। यसवाट राष्ट्रिय एकता अखण्डतालाई अक्षुण्ण कायम राख्न ठूलो सघाउ पुग्ने छ। अन्यथानेपाल "बनाना रिपब्लिक"मा परिवर्तन हुने खतरा वढेको छ। 

समष्टिगत सुचकांकको आधारमा नेपालको कुल गार्हस्थ्य उत्पादन रू,९२८ अर्व (१९ अर्व अमेरिकी डलररहेको  भने प्रति व्यक्ति वार्षिकआय ७१७ अमेरिकी डलर रहेको   चालु को प्रस्तावित वजेट रू६१८ ( अर्व अमेरिकी डलरअर्व वरावरको रहेको छ। यो वजेट  वटाप्रान्तमा औसत विनियोजन गर्दा प्रत्येक प्रान्तलाई रू १२३ अर्व पर्न जान्छ। तसर्थ नेपालको वजेटले धेरै प्रान्त धान्न सक्दैनधेरै संख्यामा प्रान्तनिर्माण गर्दा मुलुक टाट पल्टिने अवस्थामा पुग्न सक्छ। प्रत्येक प्रान्त उत्तरमा चीन  दक्षिणमा भारतलाइ छुने हुनु पर्दछ  यसवाट दुवै छिमेकीमित्र राष्ट्रवाट नेपालको आर्थिक विकासमा सघाउ पुग्ने प्रशस्त संभावना रहेको छ। आर्थिक सम्वृद्धिनै पहिचान  सामर्थ्यको मूल आधार हो।हामी सवैलाई चेतना भया ! 

Madan Dahal

Prof. Dr. Madan Kumar Dahal
Chairman, Mega Bank Nepal Ltd.
4th Floor, Rising Mall, Kathmandu


(हस्तक्षेप.कॉम) आरएसएस एक “Threat Group”!- आतंकवाद पर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वाच ग्रुप का अध्ययन

  • Modi gears up for his mission making in and the deportation, exclusion, excommunication, displacement drive has to get momentum!

    Posted:Thu, 18 Dec 2014 19:08:30 +0000
    Why I am concerned with environment? Because environment is targeted most in the neoliberal era. The Billionaire Millionaire class has every luxury affordable and we cannot afford the basic needs. It...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • 'Ghar Vapsi' of the Adivasi is forcible 'Conversion' to Hinduism

    Posted: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:17:10 +0000
    -         Anti-Conversion Law is not the solution. Forcible/induced conversion to any religion is abhorrent. Sincerely following the dictates of one's conscience is the real answer – Of late lot of...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • बढ़ रहा है भारत के इतिहास और संस्कृति के विकृतिकरण तथा साम्प्रदायीकरण का खतरा

    Posted:Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:38:18 +0000
    अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर आज अमरीका के नेतृत्व में साम्राज्यवादी ताकतें, दुनिया में हर जगह सांप्रदायिक, कट्टरपंथी धुर दक्षिणपंथी ताकतों, जिसमें सैनिक शासन भी शामिल है, को हर तरीके से प्रोत्साहित कर रही...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • इंसानियत पर हमला है पेशावर की घटना- महिला पंचायत

    Posted:Thu, 18 Dec 2014 15:52:14 +0000
    जीपीओ पर हुई शोकसभा, कई संगठनों ने लिया हिस्सा लखनऊ, 18 दिसम्बर, 2014। पाकिस्तान के पेशावर में सैनिक स्कूल में आतंकवादियों द्वारा की गयी बच्चों की वहशियाना हत्या इंसानियत पर हमला है। पेशावर की यह...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • पेशावर में हुई आतंकी घटना मनुष्यता विरोधी-रिहाई मंच

    Posted:Thu, 18 Dec 2014 15:43:43 +0000
    धार्मिक और सांप्रदायिक राजनीति के खिलाफ खड़ा होना होगा अवाम को – मो0 शुऐब लखनऊ 18 दिसंबर 2014। पेशावर में हुई आतंकी घटना जिसमें 130 से ज्यादा स्कूली बच्चे मारे गए, कr कड़े शब्दों में निंदा करते...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • आरएसएस एक "Threat Group"!- आतंकवाद पर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वाच ग्रुप का अध्ययन

    Posted:Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:20:53 +0000
    अंतर्राष्ट्रीय आतंकवाद और घरेलू आतंकवाद से संबंधित मुद्दों पर खुफिया, अनुसंधान, विश्लेषण, निगरानी करने, और चेतावनी प्रदान करने के लिए स्थापित एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कंपनी ने राष्ट्रीयस्वयं सेवक संघ को...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • RSS is playing the Matua Master Card to dislodge Mamata Banerjee!

    Posted:Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:22:59 +0000
    Matua Delegation heads to New Delhi to demand citizenship for the Hindu Bengali Refugees, the partition victims. I was not wrong as the latest Matua communique accuses BJP leadership not to comply...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Just stop the Hindu Imperialism lest we become a Pakistan!

    Posted:Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:55:27 +0000
    The lessons from Peshawar tragedy! Emerging market linked to dollar economy is killing the nation that we are, and more dangerous it is that we are also engaged in the politics of revenge. Conversion...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • पाकिस्तान की मासूम जनता को झेलना पड़ रहा अमेरिका के कृत्यों का दुष्परिणाम

    Posted:Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:15:49 +0000
    पेशावर की घटना मानवता के लिए शर्मनाक- आइपीएफ लखनऊ, 17 दिसम्बर। आल इण्डिया पीपुल्स फ्रंट आइपीएफ ने कल पाकिस्तान के पेशावर में सैनिक स्कूल में आतंकवादियों द्वारा की गयी बच्चों की वहशियाना हत्या पर गहरा...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • SIO condemns the Peshawar Attack

    Posted:Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:07:00 +0000
    Hyderabad. Students Islamic Organisation of India(SIO), Hyderabad Chapter organised a candle light protest against the brutal killings of children in Peshawar attack. The protest was held tonight at...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • नए औज़ार बलात्कार के

    Posted:Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:46:14 +0000
    सोलह दिसम्बर, 2012 को मेडिकल की छात्रा निर्भया के साथ जिन अमानवीय हरकतों को किया गया उतने ही 'अमानवीय तरीके से बलात्कार करने'की धमकी देते हुए और रॉड जैसे हथियारों को साथ रखकर उसके ज़रिए...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Mamata Banerjee condemns the terrible act of terrorism

    Posted:Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:35:47 +0000
    Kolkata. Chief minister Mamata Banerjee strongly condemned the terrible act of terrorism. Chief Minister said, "Yesterday I mentioned in a programme about the shocking incident of killing of innocent...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Delhi police arrests activists lighting candles for peace

    Posted:Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:24:44 +0000
    New Dejlhi. India Gate, 600 PM : a call given by Delhi solidarity group and nagrik Ekta manch, AISA and others for candle light vigil at India Gate in memory of those dead at Peshawar siege was not...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • वसुंधरा के मंत्री ने महिला को बताया डायन !

    Posted:Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:12:07 +0000
    ''ओटाराम भोपाजी ने कहा कि तू डाकण है और तुझे तो मारना पड़ेगा''-पीड़िता का आरोप सूबे की मुख्यमंत्री मंदिरों और पुजारियों तथा भोपो में बड़ी आस्था रखती हैं, अपने हर राजनीतिक अभियान को वे चारभुजा मंदिर...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Sundarbans not endangered, says Bangladesh

    Posted:Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:46:40 +0000
    Bangladesh government defends the destruction of Mangrove forest Sundarbans and echoes India`s Corporate governance which is all set to kill the green top calling it the greatest obstruction on the...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • दुनिया को जरूरत है अब नए धर्म की

    Posted:Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:56:33 +0000
    धर्म को आस्था की बजाय अब तर्क की कसौटी पर कसना होगा और वह कसौटी होगी मानवता मंगलवार को जो कुछ पाकिस्तान में हुआ उस दास्तान को कहने में शब्द भी चूक रहे हैं। जिहाद के नाम पर इसे खौफ और आतंक का कारोबार...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/

Hasin expects nothing from Pakistan.Should we learn something?


পাকিস্তানের কাছে চাওয়ার কিছু নেই: প্রধানমন্ত্রী

একাত্তরে পরাজিত পাকিস্তানের কাছে চাওয়ার কিছু নেই মন্তব্য করে প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা বলেছেন, এরপরও কোনো দেশের সঙ্গে কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক নষ্ট করা সমীচীন নয় বলেই তিনি মনে করেন। 

অষ্টাদশ সার্ক শীর্ষ সম্মেলন ও মালয়েশিয়া সফরের অভিজ্ঞতা জানাতে শুক্রবার গণভবনে আয়োজিত সংবাদ সম্মেলনে এক প্রশ্নের জবাবে তিনি এ কথা বলেন। 

সার্ক শীর্ষ সম্মেলনে অংশগ্রহণের সময় গত ২৬ নভেম্বর পাকিস্তানের প্রধানমন্ত্রী নওয়াজ শরিফের সঙ্গে বৈঠক প্রসঙ্গে এক সাংবাদিক জানতে চান, একাত্তরের ভূমিকার জন্য ক্ষমা না চাওয়া, আটকে পড়া, ক্ষতিপূরণ না দেওয়া, পাকিস্তানিদের ফিরিয়ে না নেওয়া এবং যুদ্ধাপরাধীদের বিচার নিয়ে বিরূপ মন্তব্যের কারণে ইসলামাবাদের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশের কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্কের পুনর্মূল্যায়ন করা হবে কি-না।

উত্তরে প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, "১৯৭১ সালেই তাদের আমরা পরাজিত করেছি। তারা একটি পরাজিত শক্তি।

"বাংলাদেশ অর্থনৈতিকভাবে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে, তারাই এখন জানতে চাইছে আমরা কীভাবে উন্নতি করছি।"

কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক পুনর্মূল্যায়নের প্রশ্ন নাকচ করে সরকারপ্রধান বলেন, "কারো সঙ্গে কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক নষ্ট করা সমীচীন নয়। সমস্যা থাকতে পারে, দ্বন্দ্ব চলতে পারে, পাশাপাশি আলোচনাও চলতে পারে। সেটাই নিয়ম।"

স্বাধীনতার পর বঙ্গবন্ধুর ওআইসি সম্মেলনে অংশগ্রহণের সময় বাংলাদেশকে পাকিস্তানের স্বীকৃতি দেওয়ার কথা মনে করিয়ে দিয়ে প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, এর মধ্য দিয়ে পাকিস্তান  তাদের পরাজয় মেনে নিয়েছে, তেমনি বাংলাদেশের বিজয়কেও মেনে নিয়েছে। 

প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, "সব সময় আমি মনে রাখি আমরা বিজয়ী জাতি। সার্কে সে অনুযায়ীই আমি আচরণ করেছি।"

তাছাড়া সার্ক চার্টার অনুযায়ী এ ধরনের দ্বিপক্ষীয় বিষয়ে কথা বলার সুযোগ নেই বলেও তিনি উল্লেখ করেন।

অষ্টাদশ সার্ক শীর্ষ সম্মেলন ও মালয়েশিয়া সফরের অভিজ্ঞতা জানাতে বিকাল টায় গণভবনে এই সংবাদ সম্মেলনের আয়েঅজন করা হয়।

প্রধানমন্ত্রী প্রথমে সার্ক শীর্ষ সম্মেলনের বিভিন্ন দিক তুলে ধরেন। পরে বক্তব্য দেন মালয়েশিয়া সফর নিয়ে। সব শেষে সাংবাদিকদের বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেন।


Posted by: Gonojagoron Moncho <projonmochottar@gmail.com>

Not Secular,Communal India---Dangerous trend of Hinduization of others in India


শ ব্দ দূ ষ ণ হৈ চৈ

... ... মুহাম্মদ ইউসুফ

বুদ্ধিজীবীর বুদ্ধি যদি

অন্যায়কে সাপোর্ট করে

তিনি বুদ্ধি-প্রতিবন্ধী !

সত্য ন্যায়ের প্রতিদ্বন্ধি !!

গণতন্ত্রের বেহাল দশায়

বুদ্ধিজীবী মাঠে কই ?

মাঠে আছে চামচাগিরি

শব্দদূষণ হৈ চৈ !!


ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ ।

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Shah Abdul Hannanshah_abdul_hannan@yahoo.com [bangla-vision] <bangla-vision@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Dangerous trend of Hinduization of others in India.Modi is doing nothing to protect the minorities.What is needed is full implementation of democracy and human rights, not slogan of secularism.

Please read the mail below.

Shah Abdul Hannan

Govt to start wider consultations on Uniform Civil Code
New Delhi: Govt  on Friday said it will move on implementation of the controversial Uniform Civil Code as per the spirit of the Constitution and will start at the earliest the process wider consultations for a consensus."I assure the House to move forward on the Uniform Civil Code and it is our duty to implement it…we will move forward as mandated by the Constitution," Law Minister DV Sadananda Gowda said in the Rajya Sabha.Replying to a question by Rajeev Shukla (Cong) on whether the country is prepared to have such a code, he said the Govt  will initiate wider consultation at the "earliest" to evolve a consensus as it will strengthen the status of women. Uniform Civil Code covers marriage, divorce, inheritance, adoption and maintenance."The code is based on the assumption that the personal laws based on scriptures and customs of each religious community in the country be replaced with a common set governing every citizen in a civilised society," he said.Referring to a form of uniform civil code in Goa, which is accepted by all in the state, Gowda said the aim is having a code for the country which is agreed by all. Invoking the Article, K Rehman Khan (Cong) raised the issue of scriptures in Quran followed religiously by Muslims and sought to know whether the Code was not in conflict with religious beliefs. PTI
Yoga will be part of school curriculum: MP CM
BHOPAL: A day after the United Nations General Assembly accepted PM  Narendra Modi's proposal and declared June 21 as International Yoga Day, Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Fridayannounced yoga would be included as an integral part of the school curriculum in the state. As the House assembled for the last day of the winter session, Chouhan said it was a matter of pride for the country that the PM's proposal had been accepted by the UN in less than 90 days. "MP govt  will soon introduce yoga as part of school curriculum from the next academic session," he said.This won't be the first time the govt  will be initiating the procedure to include yoga in the curriculum. Since 2007, Madhya Pradesh has been observing Yoga Day in January wherein schoolchildren, govt officials, ministers and the CM publicly participate in a state-wide pranayam and surya namaskar exercise.However, the govt had had to backtrack on its decision each time since the announcements drew flak from Muslim and Christian communities, which contended the ruling BJP was promoting its saffron agenda and advancing Hindu rituals in educational institutions. TOI
'Hindutva Shourya Puraskar' for Hindu Rashtra Sena chief in jail for Pune Muslim techie's murder
Pune: On Dec.14, the radical Hindutva groups in Pune are giving "Hindutva Shourya Puraskar (Bravery award)" to Dhananjay Desai alias Bhai, chief of Hindu Rashtra Sena (HRS), who is currently in jail in connection with the murder of Muslim techie Mohsin Shaikh. Desai is among the 21 HRS activists arrested by the Pune police in connection with the murder of a 28-year-old Muslim techie Moshin Sadiq Shaikh in Hadapsar on June 2, this year following the communal clashes that started due to the spread of derogatory pictures of Maratha King Shivaji and Bal Thackeray uploaded on a Facebook (FB) profile.Desai's wife Rasika is likely to collect the award on his behalf at the hands of none other than Pramodi Mutalik of Shriram Sena, during a function – Shivpratap Din Utsav — organised mainly by the Samasta Hindu Aghadi, involving various Hindutva groups in Pune, to remember the heroic victory of legendary king Shivaji Maharaj over Adilshahi warrior Afzal Khan. Meanwhile, the same Hindutva groups had a couple of years before had similarly declared an award to gangster Sharad Mohol, who allegedly killed Qateel Siddiqui in Yerwada jail in June 2012. Last year, they had honoured corporator Thakur Rajasingh of Hyderabad for his work on anti cow slaughter and agitations against Owaisi brothers of the AIMIM.indian express
Ram temple should be built at site of Babri Masjid: UP governor Ram Naik
Ayodhya: Even as a controversy rages over alleged reconversions, UP governor Ram Naik on Thursday sparked a fresh row when he said that a Ram temple should be built here at the site of Babri Masjid as per the "wishes of Indian citizens"."Ram Mandir should be built as soon as possible. That is the wish of the Indian citizens and the wish should be fulfilled," he said here at the convocation programme of Awadh University at Faizabad, where he was the chief guest. Meanwhile, reacting to the remarks by Naik, the oldest litigant in the Babri Masjid case, Hashim Ansari, said, "I have stated earlier that we are ready to come to the negotiation table but before we start talks, the Union govt must ensure that the accused in the Babri Masjid demolition case must be punished." He said the trial against them has been lingering for the last 22 years and not a single person has been punished. PTI
UP Governor's remark on Ram temple triggers controversy
 UP Governor Ram Naik's statement favouring early construction of a Ram temple in Ayodhya has stirred a controversy with the Opposition parties denouncing such statements being made by a Constitutional authority. Though CM Akhilesh Yadav refused to comment on the subject, BJP is supporting Governor's views. Samajwadi Party sources say CM would refrain from joining issues with Naik who has repeatedly been issuing statements in the favour of construction of the Ram temple, but senior party leaders would "strongly" raise the issue in Delhi, where the Parliament session is also on. the hindu
 Muslim Personal Law Board rebuffs Naik's Ram temple remark
Opposition, BJP in war of words after UP governor remark on Ram temple: ANI
Agra 'conversion' case kingpin Kishore on the run
Agra: A non-bailable arrest warrant was issued on Friday against Kishore Balmiki, the main accused in the Agra "re-conversion" case. Police have also announced a reward of Rs 5000 for anyone who provides information leading to his arrest. Meanwhile, the RSS and Bajrang Dal have asked local leaders not to issue statements on the conversion row. SSP Shalabh Mathur said that after raiding more than 6 different spots in the city, including Madhav Bhawan, office of the RSS, to arrest Balmiki on Thursday, police approached the district court to for a non-bailable arrest warrant against him. Raids continued on Friday, after the warrant was issued, to nab Balmiki. He, however, managed to evade arrest. Meanwhile, a large contingent of police personnel reached Jama Masjid on Friday as a group of Muslims declared that a meeting would be held to discuss the course of action in the matter of conversions after the 'Jumme Ki Namaz'. Senior officials of the district administration were also present at the Jama Masjid on Friday. Clerics and Muslim leaders conducted their protest peacefully, and handed over a memorandum to the city police and district administration, seeking the arrest of Balmiki and appropriate action against the RSS and the Bajrang Dal. Members of the Bajrang Dal were upset by the non-bailable warrant against Balmiki, but refrained from speaking out as they were asked not to comment on the matter to the press. Regional leaders of the right-wing outfits appear now to have shifted their focus to Aligarh district, where a mass conversion is planned to coincide with Christmas. Times of India   
Hindutva group determined about "biggest-ever" conversion camp to be held in Aligarh on Dec.25
Meerut: The head of Dharam Jagran Samiti, a western UP-based Hindutva group, Rajeshwar Singh, said on Friday that the "biggest-ever" conversion camp to be held in Aligarh on Dec.25 would be held at "any cost." His assertion comes even as Avdhesh Tiwari, ADM, Aligarh city, denied getting any application from the right-wing group for permission to organise the programme. Meanwhile, several organisations in Aligarh termed the "ghar vapsi" programme an attempt to "disturb" communal harmony in the city, which is just recovering from the controversy of BJP forcibly trying to organise the birth anniversary of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh on the AMU campus.  Singh earlier announced that 4,000 persons, including 2,000 Muslims, from different parts of western UP, would "reconvert" to Hinduism in a programme likely to be held on Christmas."We would not let the 'ghar vapsi' programme be affected by anybody. It doesn't matter if we don't get the permission of the local administration to organise it, because we will go ahead with our plan at any cost. If the need arises, I will organise the event on private farms," Singh told The Hindu over phone. Jasim Mohammad of the Millat Bedari Muhim said over phone that the camp would only make city "vulnerable" to communal disturbances. the hindu
Adityanath firm on reconversion of 6000 Muslims, Christians
New Delhi: Yogi Adityanath, the fire brand BJP MP from Gorakhpur, on Thursday confirmed his visit on Dec.25 to Aligarh for an event that aims to convert 5,000 Muslims and 1,000 Christians at the local Maheshwari College. Adityanath told TOI, "The administration and media have given it an exaggerated look. People are willingly converting themselves in 'ghar vapsi'. The event will happen as scheduled and I will be there."He added, "When Hindus convert to Islam or to Christianity, nobody comes in for a check. Why is this being done when they want to convert back to Hinduism? There are many other issues that the administration and media should concentrate on rather than this. Muslims in Agra had also written a letter asking for a mandir. The situation went out of control because of the interference of media, administration and sundry religious leaders."Christian and Muslim groups reacted with anger and caution. TOI
Ban Hindu Jagran Vedike for forced conversions: BJP minority morcha
Raichur: Condemning the alleged forced conversions under way in Agra, UP, the Minority Morcha of the BJP has demanded that the Union govt  impose a ban on the Hindu Jagran Vedike that is said to be involved in those conversions. State vice-president of the morcha Amenuddin said that the right wing Hindu outfit was defying the Constitution by "forcibly converting" people of other religious faith to Hinduism."One's right to follow any religious faith one wishes to is guaranteed in the Constitution. Forcible conversions from one faith to another goes against Secularism enshrined in the Constitution," he said. He termed the Hindu Jagran Vedike, which, according to him, has accepted its role in the Agra conversions, anti-Constitution. the hindu
Christian convention stopped in MP's Ratlam by Hindu outfit, accusing conversions of tribals, police deny allegations
Bhopal: A Pentecostal convention in Ratlam came to an abrupt endFriday after a group of right-wing activists brought the administration and police to the venue after accusing the organisers of converting tribals by offering money and other allurements. Hindu Jagran Manch (HJM) activists alleged that illiterate tribals from Bajna and Sailana were brought to a venue on Power House Road in Ratlam town with a promise to cure their ailments and promised jobs and money. Called Changai Sabha', the meet was organised by the local body and addressed by preachers from Kerala and Bhopal. HJM said the organisers had arranged for food and accommodation of the tribals and told the potential converts that only Christianity can ensure salvation, not their old religion. CSP PS Ranawat said that no evidence about the alleged conversions, forced or otherwise, was found in the initial probe by the police. He said the police had spoken to a few tribals but none confirmed the allegation. He said the police could not take statements of the organisers because there was tension in the air. indian express
4 of RSS Muslim wing detained for carrying 'provocative' booklets in W. Bengal
Madhupur: 4 members of the Muslim wing of RSS were detained by the Returning Officer of Madhupur constituency for allegedly possessing inflammatory literature, which blamed Congress for most of the riots in the country. The controversial booklets titled Congress Ka Benaqaab Chehra alleged that more riots happened under the Congress's watch than in BJP rule. Each booklet has 20 pages — 10 each in Hindi and Urdu  — which is written by one of the detained members Maulana Mazhar Imam Qadri, but it does not mention the name of the publisher. The members of Muslim Rashtriya Manch, all from North Dinajpur in West Bengal, were detained on December 8, but they were later let-off on personal guarantee of local BJP leaders. Returning Officer Nand Kishore Lal, however, is pushing for imposition of stricter charges."Maulana Mazhar Qadri, who says he wrote the booklet, told us that he campaigned in UP during the Lok Sabha elections with it. He revealed that his team reaches a spot two-three days ahead of BJP president Amit Shah holding a meeting to distribute the booklets and interacts with community members," Lal said. The literature mostly talks about the Operation Polo, the code name of the Hyderabad "Police Action" in September 1948 when military forced its Nizam to annex the state in the Indian Union. It mentioned alleged atrocities on Muslims during that period. The booklet also accused Assam CM Tarun Gogoi of working against the community. indian express
Sakshi Maharaj apologizes 4 times in 5 minutes for Godse as a 'patriot'
New Delhi: Vociferous protests from the opposition in Lok Sabha on Friday forced BJP MP Sacchidanand Sakshi (Sakshi Maharaj) to express regret 4 times in a matter of minutes for describing Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse as a 'patriot'. Sakshi was nudged by Parliamentary Affairs Minister Venkaiah Naidu to express regret in the face of an unrelenting opposition that trooped into the Well right at the start with slogans "Hai Ram, Gandhi ke qatil ka kiya samman (Alas! Gandhi's assassin is honoured)." Times of India
3 RSS sympathizers likely to bag coveted HRD honour
New Delhi: National Research Professorship once held by the likes of Sir CV Raman, SN Bose, Mahasveta Devi, Bismillah Khan, Andre Beteille, Goverdhan Mehta and scores of other eminent scholars is likely to go to known RSS sympathizers like writer-academic SL Bhyrappa, Ashok Gajanan Modak and Suryakant Bali. Persons of real eminence who have attained the age of 65 years and who have made outstanding contribution in their respective fields and are still capable of further productive research are considered for appointment as National Research Professors. TOI


Imminent risk of terror strikes ahead.Here again the glorified funeral prayers of the martyrs of Uhud eight years after (their death)

Narrated Uqba bin Amir: 
Allah's Apostle offered the funeral prayers of the martyrs of Uhud eight years after (their death), as if bidding farewell to the living and the dead, then he ascended the pulpit and said, "I am your predecessor before you, and I am a witness on you, and your promised place to meet me will be Al-Haud (i.e. the Tank) (on the Day of Resurrection), and I am (now) looking at it from this place of mine. I am not afraid that you will worship others besides Allah, but I am afraid that worldly life will tempt you and cause you to compete with each other for it." That was the last look which I cast on Allah's Apostle.
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith No. 1267
حدثنا محمد بن عبد الرحيم أخبرنا زکريائ بن عدي أخبرنا ابن المبارک عن حيوة عن يزيد بن أبي حبيب عن أبي الخير عن عقبة بن عامر قال صلی رسول الله صلی الله عليه وسلم علی قتلی أحد بعد ثماني سنين کالمودع للأحيائ والأموات ثم طلع المنبر فقال إني بين أيديکم فرط وأنا عليکم شهيد وإن موعدکم الحوض وإني لأنظر إليه من مقامي هذا وإني لست أخشی عليکم أن تشرکوا ولکني أخشی عليکم الدنيا أن تنافسوها قال فکانت آخر نظرة نظرتها إلی رسول الله صلی الله عليه وسلم

صحیح بخاری:جلد دوم:حدیث نمبر 1267    حدیث متواتر حدیث مرفوع    مکررات  14   متفق علیہ 8 
 محمد بن عبدالرحیم، زکریا بن عدی، عبداللہ بن مبارک، حیوہ، یزید بن ابی حبیب، ابوالخیر، حضرت عقبہ بن عامر رضی اللہ عنہ سے روایت کرتے ہیں کہ انہوں نے کہا کہ آنحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے آٹھ برس کے بعد احد کے شہیدوں پر اس طرح نماز پڑھی جیسے کوئی زندوں اور مردوں کو رخصت کرتا ہے پھر واپس آکر منبر پر تشریف لے گئے اور ارشاد فرمایا کہ میں تمہارا پیش خیمہ ہوں تمہارے اعمال کا گواہ ہوں اور میری اور تمہاری ملاقات حوض کوثر پر ہوگی اور میں تو اسی جگہ سے حوض کو ثر کو دیکھ رہا ہوں مجھے اس کا ڈر بالکل نہیں ہے کہ تم میرے بعد مشرک ہو جاؤ گے البتہ میں اس بات کا اندیشہ کرتا ہوں کہ تم آپس میں ایک دوسرے سے دنیا کے مزوں میں پڑ کر رشک و حسد نہ کرنے لگو عقبہ کہتے ہیں کہ میرا دنیا میں نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو یہ آخری بار دیکھنا تھا۔
Posted by: Fasih Ur Rehman Khan <fasihcool@yahoo.com>

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