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प्यारे प्रधानमंत्री जी, आपके भाषण से भभूत तक – पीएम को पाती


प्यारे प्रधानमंत्री जी, आपके भाषण से भभूत तक – पीएम को पाती

सेवा में,

प्रिय विदेश , परिधान, प्रधान-सेवक, प्रधान मंत्री,

भारतीय जनता पार्टीआर एस एस, भारत सरकार,

इंदरप्रस्थ दिल्ली।

विषय – आपके भाषण से भरोसे, जाति से जेल, सेवा से सरकार और भाषा से भभूत तक के सम्बंध में


Modi and Liआपको प्रधानमंत्री कहना चाहता हूं तो थोड़ा लम्बा हो जाता है, पीएम कहता हूं तो बहुत ही छोटा लगता है फिर प्राइम मिनिस्टर कहता हूं, तो आप की अंग्रेज़ी याद आती है। किसी ने कहा कि आप विदेश मंत्री के तौर पर ज़्यादा सहज महसूस करते हैं, तो फिर किसी ने बताया कि आप ख़ुद को प्रधान सेवक बताते हैं लेकिन फिर मुझे याद आया कि विदेश मंत्री तो सुषमा स्वराज हैं…कम से कम ललित मोदी वाले मामले के बाद तो यह स्पष्ट ही और प्रधान सेवक आप हो नहीं सकते हैं, क्योंकि इस देश के लगभग एक तिहाई लोग तन नहीं ढंक पाते हैं, और जितने मूल्य का आपका एक कुर्ता होता है, उतने में इस देश के 5 गरीब परिवारों का एक महीने का घर चलता है। इसलिए सिर्फ महोदय लिख कर काम चला लेता हूं, वैसे भी आपको क्या फ़र्क पड़ता है कि आपको क्या कहा जा रहा है…2002 से लेकर आज तक न जाने क्या-क्या कहा गया आपको कभी फ़र्क़ पड़ा क्या? हां, कहने वालों को ही पड़ता रहा और अभी भी पड़ रहा है।

ख़ैर महोदय, आपका आज का गया वाला भाषण (गया शहर है, क्रिया न समझें) सुना। देखने का समय नहीं था, सो सुनता रहा और आपकी आवाज़ में वैसे भी जो नशा है…वो और कहां है…इसको सुनकर ही मैं समझ सका कि आखिर क्यों गुजरात को ड्राई स्टेट घोषित करना पड़ा, भई जहां पहले ही आपकी आवाज़ गूंज रही हो, वहां और नशा कर के लोगों का न जाने क्या हाल होता? लेकिन बात गुजरात की क्यों की जाए, भले ही वहां किसान आत्महत्या कर रहे हों, भले ही आदिवासियों और किसानों की ज़मीनों का ज़बरन अधिग्रहण हो रहा हो, भले ही गरीबी और कुपोषण की स्थिति खराब हो, भले ही अपराध वहां बढ़ जाए, भले ही गुजरात पर सकल ऋण में भयंकर बढ़ोत्तरी हो गई हो और भले ही वहां पर सूखा पड़ रहा हो, आपसे क्या मतलब? भई अब कोई आप थोड़े ही गुजरात के प्रधानमंत्री मुख्यमंत्री हैं…आप से क्या मतलब आप तो भारत के प्रधानमंत्री हैं और जब 2014 में मुहम्मद बिन कासिम, पाकिस्तान से भारत पर हमला करने आया था, तो सीमा पर स्थित मध्य प्रदेश में आपने ही तो वीरता से उससे लोहा लेकर, उसे वापिस अपने वतन कश्मीर लौटने पर मजबूर कर दिया था। इस तथ्य को लेकर आप मेरे इतिहास के ज्ञान पर अंगुली न उठाएं, क्योंकि मैंने भी कभी आपके इतिहास के ज्ञान पर…ख़ैर जाने दीजिए, आप भी न…

VYAPAM_MODI_SHIVRAJलेकिन महोदय आपकी सरकार होते हुए भी पाकिस्तान की इतनी हिम्मत हो गई है कि अपने देश में हुए व्यापमं घोटाले के गवाहों और आरोपियों को मध्य प्रदेश में घुस कर मार रहा है और आप सेना को पाकिस्तान पर हमला करने का आदेश भी नहीं दे रहे हैं। यही नहीं, आपने गुजरात-मुंबई और मुजफ्फरनगर दंगों के आरोपी आतंकवादी याक़ूब को फांसी तो दिलवा दी, लेकिन सिर्फ एक फांसी से ये आतंकवाद कैसे ख़त्म होगा? इसके लिए तो और भी कड़ा कदम उठाना ही होगा, हालांकि हम जानते हैं कि इसका कड़ा जवाब देने के लिए आप ने कश्मीर में पीडीपी से गठजोड़ किया है और पंजाब में भी आप खालिस्तान के समर्थकों के साथ हैं, ज़ाहिर है देश की एकता और सम्प्रभुता के लिए यह एक बड़ा कदम है। लेकिन विपक्ष आपको चैन से काम ही नहीं कर दे रहा है, बार-बार ललित मोदी का मुद्दा उठा रहा है, उसे यह समझ ही नहीं आता कि यह तो मुद्दा ही 'विदेश'मंत्रालय का है, इससे देश का क्या सरोकार? पर आप जिस चतुराई से ऐसे मूर्खतापूर्ण सवालों को चुप रह कर टाल जाते हैं, बिल्कुल ठीक करते हैं। काश, आपकी ही तरह मनमोहन सिंह भी मौन साधना जानते होते, तो आज कांग्रेस के 45 सांसद ही न रह जाते।

लेकिन फिर आज आपका भाषण सुना, वही, जो गया में दिया 'गया'…सुन कर ऐसा आह्लाद हुआ कि आप सामने होते तो आपको गले लगा लेता, हां, ठीक वैसे ही जैसे आप ने ओबामा, रामविलास पासवान, पप्पू यादव और तो और नवाज शरीफ को भी गले लगा लिया था। आप ने आज जिस तरह से तमाम विकास के सरकारी आंकड़ों, दरों और दस्तावेजों के उलट बिहार को बीमारू राज्य बताया है, मुझे बिल्कुल गुजरात की याद आ गई। वहां भी बिल्कुल ऐसे ही तथ्य और आंकड़े हुआ करते थे, लेकिन ये होता है अनुभव…और गुजरात के अनुभव के कारण ही आप तुरंत समझ गए कि बिहार के आंकड़े भी फ़र्जी ही हैं। लेकिन सबसे तीखा हमला और अपने अनुभव का प्रमाण आपने तब दिया, जब मंच पर मौजूद अमित शाह, के सामने आपने लालू प्रसाद यादव के जेल से लौटने पर, बताया कि किस प्रकार जंगलराज पार्ट 2 में तबाही हो जाएगी…क्योंकि जेल से लौटा आदमी और बड़ा अपराधी हो चुका होता है…ज़ाहिर है अमित शाह जी भी मंच पर ही थे, और जेल से लौटे आदमी के साथ काम करने का अनुभव भी आपके पास नीतिश कुमार से तो ज़्यादा ही है, वो तो अब लालू जी के साथ चुनाव लड़ रहे हैं, आप लोग तो दो हंसों की जोड़ी…माफ कीजिएगा करीबी दोस्त, सखा और एक ही पार्टी के दो फेफड़े हैं। अब आप लोगों से बेहतर जंगलराज और जेल के साझा असर को कौन जान सकता है?

लेकिन सिर्फ अनुभव ही नहीं, मुझे आपकी साफगोई भी बड़ी प्यारी लगी, आपने जिस तरह से लोगों को ये समझाया कि राज्य में बीजेपी की सरकार नहीं होगी, तो केंद्र उनकी मदद नहीं करेगा, देश के लोकतंत्र के इतिहास में ईमानदारी की क्रांतिकारी घटना है। फिर अनुभव तो आपको इसका भी है, दिल्ली में जिस तरह से आप वहां के लोगों द्वारा चुनी हुई सरकार से मौज लेकर, लोकतंत्र का सम्मान कर रहे हैं, इसको कौन नहीं जानता। मुझे लगता है कि जहां सच नहीं है, वहां लोकतंत्र कैसा? और फिर पहला लोकतंत्र तो देश के पीएम का ही बनता है, नागरिक वगैरह तो अपना लेते रहेंगे लोकतंत्र…वैसे भी सबके पास अपना-अपना लोकतंत्र तो है ही…कार वाला, स्कूटर वाले पर अपना लोकतंत्र चला लेता है, स्कूटर वाला साइकिल वाले पर…और पैदल वाले सड़क पर बैठे भिखारी, चाय वाले नहीं तो घर जा कर पत्नी पर लोकतंत्र की आज़माइश कर ही लेता है। लोग सड़क पर कहीं भी थूक सकते हैं, मूत सकते हैं और गाली-गलौज कर सकते हैं…अब इससे ज़्यादा लोकतंत्र किसी को क्यों चाहिए होगा भाई? बल्कि अब तो ये लोकतंत्र सोशल मीडिया पर भी आपके समर्थकों ने हासिल कर ही लिया है…और फिर जो हासिल न किया, वह लोकतंत्र कैसा? प्याज़ महंगा है, तो टमाटर में लोकतंत्र ढूंढो…नहीं तो नमक रोटी में ढूंढो…अपना-अपना लोकतंत्र होना ही चाहिए…डीपेंडिंग अपॉन इंडीविजुएल…सबका साथ-सबका विकास…

Amit-Shah-Narendra-Modi-Bowingइसके अलावा मैं तो आपकी सरकार के बीफ़ बैन के फैसले से भी बहुत खुश था…मुझे तो एक पल के लिए इतना आह्लाद हुआ कि ओह, कई बड़े नेता जैन समुदाय से आते हैं, तो पूरे मांसाहार पर ही रोक लग जाएगी…लेकिन फिर मुझे याद आया कि भई, फिर सब लोग शाकाहारी हो जाएंगे तो सब्ज़ियां महंगी नहीं हो जाएंगी? मैं हैरान था कि कैसे आप ने सिर्फ बीफ़ पर रोक लगा कर लेकिन पोर्क से लेकर मटन-चिकेन-मछली तक सब बिकने दे कर, न केवल पशुओं के प्रति दया का प्रदर्शन किया बल्कि सब्ज़ियों की कीमत भी बढ़ने से रोक ली…यही नहीं, अब देश बीफ के एक्सपोर्ट में नम्बर वन हो गया है, अगर सब यहीं खा लिया जाता, तो फिर एक्सपोर्ट कैसे किया जाता?

फिर आप ने जब पोर्न पर रोक लगाई तो मुझे लगा कि अब इस देश की मुक्ति का रास्ता खुलेगा…इसके पहले गजेंद्र चौहान की फिल्में कोई इसलिए नहीं देखता क्योंकि उनके पास पोर्न उपलब्ध था, लेकिन पोर्न पर बैन लगने के बाद मजबूरी में पोर्न के शौकीनों को उनकी पुरानी फिल्में देखनी पड़ती और तब ही तो वो जान पाते न कि आखिर क्यों गजेंद्र चौहान को एफटीआईआई का अध्यक्ष चुना गया। लेकिन ये देश के युवा भी न…वामपंथियों के बहकावे में आ गए हैं, इनको असली चीज़ ही देखनी है…सॉफ्ट पोर्न नहीं चाहिए…अब ये आज़ादी क्या होती है? बताइए इतनी आज़ादी ही होती, तो युधिष्ठिर को सॉफ्ट पोर्न करना पड़ता… कहीं अच्छी फिल्में कर के, थोड़ा नाम कमा के चुनाव जीतने-जिताने लायक नहीं हो जाते क्या? और चुनाव जीतने-जिताने लायक होते, तो चोर दरवाज़े से एफटीआईआई में भेजना पड़ता?

प्रधानमंत्री जी, मैं आपका मन की बात वाला कार्यक्रम भी नियमित सुनता हूं, आपसे व्यक्तिगत तौर पर मिल कर यह बताना चाहता था कि उसे सुन कर न केवल मेरा इतिहास का ज्ञान, चरम पर चला गया है…बल्कि मेरा पुराना माइग्रेन और अनिद्रा की बीमारी भी ठीक हो गए हैं। आपके इस रेडियो कार्यक्रम की अद्भुत चिकित्सा शक्ति का भान मुझे तब हुआ, जब इसे सुन कर सुबह 11 बजे भी मुझे तेज़ नींद आ गई और मैं इसे सुनते-सुनते ही सो गया…फिर मैंने इसकी ऑनलाइन रेकॉर्डिंग को रात को सोने के ठीक पहले सुनना शुरु किया और आप यकीन मानिए, 'मेरे प्यारे देशवासियों'के बाद आपने क्या कहा, मुझे याद भी नहीं रहा…और फिर उसके बाद से, मैं आपके कार्यक्रम की रेकॉर्डिंग को नींद की दवा की तरह, तब तक इस्तेमाल करता हूं, जब तक कि आप बाज़ार में नई गोली लांच नहीं कर देते हैं। मैं इतनी गहरी नींद सोता हूं कि अब मज़ा ही आ जाता है…यही नहीं मेरे घर के पास का चंदू, जो दिन भर मजदूरी के बाद लगभग रोज़ भूखा या एक-दो रोटी खा कर ही सोता है, वह भी मुझसे अपने मोबाइल में आपकी रेकॉर्डिंग ले गया है। कह रहा था, "खाली पेट नींद तो आती नहीं, ये सुनता हूं तो ट्रांस में चला जाता हूं"सुना है कि विदर्भ में भी आपके कार्यक्रम की रेकॉर्डिंग की मांग बढ़ गई है। लेकिन कुछ बेवकूफ हैं, जिनको आप से ये शिकायत है कि आप फलां बात पर कार्यक्रम में नहीं बोले…अरे कौन सुनता ही है कार्यक्रम को मीडिया वालों के अलावा…वैसे भी ये मीडिया वाले, इन्हें आपकी हर बात से दिक्कत है…

ख़ैर आज आपके भाषण के बाद मैं सिर्फ आपको ही गले नहीं लगाना चाहता हूं, मैं उस शख्स को भी गले लगाना चाहता हूं जो 2013 में लोकसभा चुनाव प्रचार से आज तक आपके भाषण लिख रहा है। मुझे यक़ीन है कि ये भाषण एक ही शख्स लिख रहा है, क्योंकि प्रत्याशी से प्रधानमंत्री बनने तक, आपके भाषणों की शैली, स्तर और ज्ञान में कोई अंतर नहीं आया है। आज भी आप भाषण देनें खड़े होते हैं, और धारा प्रवाह बोलते जाते हैं, तो बस तक्षशिला भारत में आ ही जाता है। कोई बात नहीं आप की सरकार रही, तो आप हमला कर के ले ही आएंगे…बस अपने भाषण लिखने वाले शख्स से कहिएगा कि वह इतिहास और तथ्य को लेकर उड़ने वाले मज़ाक से आहत न हो…उसे पता नहीं, वह इतिहास बदल रहा है…इतिहास गढ़ रहा है…नया इतिहास लिख रहा है, ये कोई मामूली काम नहीं है…और इसीलिए ये आपकी सरकार का, आरएसएस का और आपके भाषणों के लेखक का स्तुत्य योगदान है, जो देश को फिर से सतयुग में ले जाएगा…मुझे विश्वास है कि आप तब भी राजा रहेंगे और हम सब आपकी प्रजा…फूलहिं फलहिं विटप विधि नाना टाइप देश में सब कुछ सतयुग टाइप फील होगा…मैं आप में और आपकी क्षमताओं में पूरा विश्वास रखते हुए आज 1526 में देश से मुगलों को भगा कर, यहां राष्ट्रवादी लोकतांत्रिक सरकार स्थापित करने की शपथ खाता हूं…ठीक वैसे ही जैसे महात्मा गांधी मे अमरीका को ब्रिटेन से आज़ाद करवाया था…चलिए सब मिल कर नया इतिहास लिखते हैं…

बाकी क्या है, इस बार विदेश जाइएगा, तो एक डियो की बोतल एक्स्ट्रा ले आइएगा।


एक अदना सा इतिहास का शोधार्थी






Mayank SaxenaMayank Saxena

मयंक सक्सेना

 लेखक ने पत्रकारिता की शुरुआत रेडियो से की, फिर टीवी में आए। एक दशक से सक्रिय, तमाम पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में लेख प्रकाशित होते रहते हैं। एक्टिविस्ट राइटर हैं और अब नौकरी को प्रणाम कर के, स्वतंत्र लेखन कर रहे हैं।


Hille Le

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याकूब, नौशाद, जलालुद्दीन का बरी होनो साबित करता है कि खुफिया-सुरक्षा एजेंसियां बेगुनाहों को फंसाती हैं- रिहाई मंच

याकूब, नौशाद, जलालुद्दीन का बरी होनो साबित करता है कि खुफिया-सुरक्षा एजेंसियां बेगुनाहों को फंसाती हैं- रिहाई मंच

-- Rihai Manch
For Resistance Against Repression
याकूब, नौशाद, जलालुद्दीन का बरी होनो साबित करता है कि खुफिया-सुरक्षा
एजेंसियां बेगुनाहों को फंसाती हैं- रिहाई मंच
आतंकवाद के नाम पर कैद बेगुनाहों को छोड़ने का वादा सपा सरकार निभाती तो
बेगुनाह जेलों में सड़ने को मजबूर न होते

लखनऊ 10 अगस्त 2015। रिहाई मंच ने आतंकवाद के फर्जी मुकदमें में गिरफ्तार
याकूब, नौशाद और जलालुद्दीन के बरी किए जाने को साम्प्रदायिक जांच एंव
खुफिया एजेंसियों के मुंह पर तमाचा बताया है। मंच ने कहा कि यदि सपा
सरकार ने चुनाव के समय किए गए वादे को पूरा करते हुए इन बेगुनाहों को
2012 में छोड़ दिया होता तो इनकी जिन्दगी के कीमती तीन साल बच सकते थे।

रिहाई मंच के अध्यक्ष और इस मामले में वकील मुहम्मद शुऐब ने कहा कि
आरडीएक्स बरामदगी के गम्भीर आरोप से आरोपियों के बरी कर दिए जाने के बाद
पुलिस और सरकार को बताना चाहिए कि बरामद दिखाया गया साढ़े चार किलो
आरडीएक्स पुलिस को कहां से मिला था। उन्होने सवाल किया कि क्या उसे आतंकी
विस्फोटों में इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला यह विस्फोटक किसी आतंकी संगठन ने
उपलब्ध करवाया था या वह फिर वह इनका इस्तेमाल आतंकी विस्फोट कराने में
करती हैं और उसके बाद उसमें बेगुनाह मुसलमानों को फंसा भी देती हैं?
मुहम्मद शुऐब ने इस मामले में शामिल पुलिस और खुफिया एजेंसियों के अफसरों
को निलम्बित कर उनके खिलाफ तत्काल प्रभाव से कार्रवाई की मांग की।
उन्होंने कहा कि इस बात की जांच की जानी चाहिए कि इन पुलिस और खुफिया
अधिकारियों ने यह षणयंत्र तत्कालीन मायावती सरकार के कहने पर किया था या
संघ परिवार और खुफिया विभाग के साम्प्रदायिक तत्वों के कहने पर।

रिहाई मंच अध्यक्ष ने कहा कि सपा सरकार ने अगर अपने चुनावी वादे के तहत
आतंकवाद के आरोप में बंद बेगुनाह मुसलमानों को छोड़ दिया होता तो यह लोग
काफी पहले छूट गए होते। लेकिन सपा सरकार ने इस वादे से मुकर कर मुसलमानों
और इंसाफ पसंद लोगों को सिर्फ धोखा ही नहीं दिया बल्कि आतंक के वास्तविक
अपराधियों संघ परिवार और खुफिया एजेंसियों के साम्प्रदायिक तत्वों के
मनोबल को भी बढ़ाया। उन्होंने आरोप लगाते हुए कहा कि किस तरह प्रदेश
सरकार यादव सिंह जैसे भ्रष्ट अधिकारी को बचाने के लिए बेशर्मी की हदें
पार कर सुप्रीम कोर्ट तक जा रही है। लेकिन बेगुनाहों के छोड़ने के जिन
वादों पर वह सत्ता में आई उससे मुकर गई है।

रिहाई मंच नेता राजीव यादव ने आजमगढ़ के महीनों लापता रहने के बाद
विक्षिप्त अवस्था में वापस आने वाले जाकिर के मामले में खुफिया विभाग की
भूमिका की जांच की मांग की है। उन्होंने कहा कि खुफिया विभाग एक बार फिर
मुस्लिम युवकों को आतंकवाद के नाम फंसाने की योजना बना रहा है। जिसके तहत
आईएसआईएस के नाम पर आजमगढ़ समेत देश के अन्य भागों से गायब बताए जा रहे
मुस्लिम युवकों को बदनाम कर 15 अगस्त के आसपास फर्जी मुडभेड़ों में मारने
और गिरफ्तारियों की भूमिका तैयार कर रहा है। जबकि यह तमाम गायब बताए जा
रहे नौजवान उनके पास ही हैं। उन्होंने आरोप लगाया कि राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा
सलाहकार अजीत डोभाल संघ परिवार के थिंकटैंक विवेकानंद फाउंडेशन से जुड़े
रहे हैं। उनकी देखरेख में फिर वही सब दोहराने की साजिश हो रही है जो मोदी
के मुख्यमंत्री रहते हुए गुजरात में खुफिया एजेंसियां आतंकवाद के नाम पर
कर चुकी हैं। उन्होंने कहा फिर 15 अगस्त के दौरान आतंकवादी हमले का हव्वा
मीडिया के जरिए खड़ा किया जा रहा है। इसमें सुरक्षा एजेंसियां हास्यास्पद
स्तर तक गिरते हुए हमला करने वाले आतंकियों की संख्या तक बता दे रही हैं
जो यह कथित हमला करना चाहते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि जिस तरह दिल्ली में
रियाज भटकल और इंडियन मुजाहिदीन के नाम पर तमाम लड़कों की तस्वीरें लगाई
जा रही हैं वह इस बात का संकेत है कि अपने हर मोर्चे पर विफल हो चुकी
मोदी सरकार इस बार 15 अगस्त के आसपास आतंकवाद के नाम पर कुछ बड़ा खेल
करना चाहती है। उन्होंने मुस्लिम और आदिवासी युवकों से स्वतंत्रता दिवस
के आस-पास शाम ढलने के बाद अकेले बाहर नहीं निकलने की अपील करते हुए कहा
कि मोदी पर हमले के षडयंत्र के आरोप में आतंकवादी या माओवादी बताकर
उन्हें गिरफ्तार किया या मारा जा सकता है, जैसा कि इससे पहले भी हो चुका

द्वारा जारी-
शाहनवाज आलम
(प्रवक्ता, रिहाई मंच)
Office - 110/46, Harinath Banerjee Street, Naya Gaaon Poorv, Laatoosh
Road, Lucknow
E-mail: rihaimanch@india.com
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जनसरोकार और हम (गिर्दा के गीतों की वर्तमान प्रासंगिकता)


Devendra Rautela invited you to Deepa Kaushlam's event
जनसरोकार और हम (गिर्दा के गीतों की वर्तमान प्रासंगिकता)
Saturday, August 22 at 11:00am
बी. एस. नेगी. पोलिटेक्निक कॉलेज, कौलागढ़ रोड, देहरादून
जनांदोलनों व जनगीतों का सदैव ही एक दूसरे के साथ गहन सम्बन्ध रहा है तथा दोनों ने पारस्परिक भूमिकाओं को बेहद करीब से प्रभावित किया है I साहित्यकारों ने अलग अलग विधाओं से जनांदोलनो की गति को बढ़ाने में अप...
Rajiv Nayan Bahuguna Bahuguna and 33 others are also in the guest list.
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No to civil genocide, ethnic cleansing and expulsions in Dominican Republic


No to civil genocide, ethnic cleansing and expulsions in Dominican Republic

Ezili Dantò on HuffPostLive and Twitter:
Hundreds of thousands of Dominicans face deportation to Haiti 

No to civil genocide, ethnic cleansing and expulsions in Dominican Republic

"The last time something like this happened was Nazi Germany, and yet people are like, shrugging about it"—- Junot Diaz, famous Dominican author

Boycott DR tourism, product, services and trade for making apartheid legalHelp stop the racist policies and call to account, the major businesses in the Dominican Republic, emboldening racial profiling, violence  and economically rewarding the denial of African roots. (See, A Barbaric Lynching in the Dominican Republic and photos here.)

Join in our "Say it loud: I'm black and I'm POWERFUL" campaign against Dominican Republic's legalized racism and apartheid. Ezili's HLLN coalition publicly request that Timberland Boots and Major League Baseball and others with billion dollar economic stakes in the Dominican Republic commit to stop supporting apartheid, worker abuse/intimidation and denationalization and denounce and divest out of apartheid Dominican Republic until the Dominican Republic align its laws to international norms for human rights.

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
Boycott, Divest and Sanction the Dominican Republic.  Boycott Dominican Republic Products, Service, Tourism and Trade for making apartheid and racism legal in the Western Hemisphere. Buy local Haiti production.

Boycott the Dominican Republican products, services, trade and tourism. We will publish those with an economic stake in apartheid Dominican Republic and ask that you boycott their products and services, beginning with Timberland Boots and Major League Baseball. Call, write, make social media videos, urge US gov and Congressional representatives to sanction DR, visit in protest (likeChicago & New York did) the DR consulates in your area let them know respectfully that their apartheid laws cannot be camouflaged as immigration policy. Denationalizing more than 250,000 Dominicans of Haitian descent and profiling Haitians for expulsion without due process violates the laws of nations, is a crime against humanity. (See Real News Network video: How Big Business Fuels Haitian-Dominican Tensions.)

The Free Haiti Movement and the Ezili HLLNetwork coalition is asking everyone in solidarity with Dominicans of Haitian descent and Haiti migrants to call major League Baseball and Timberland, ask them to denounce and divest out of apartheid Dominican Republic. Alaso Ayisyen, alaso. (See US Military Aid Supports Anti-Haitian Deportations in the Dominican Republic and, The Dominican Republic refugee crisis is so bad, people are comparing it to Nazi Germany.)

1199 is the largest healthcare union in U.S. It has called for an end to the DR discrimination against and deportation of people of Haitian Descent in the Dominican Republic. It's time for the National Association of Professional Baseball Players, with the countless Major League baseball academies in the DR, using Dominicans of Haitian descent labor and talent, to do the same. We call upon the National Association of Professional Baseball players and Major League Baseball to follow 1199 union's example. Denounce and divest from apartheid DR, help stop all worker abuse. Corporations have a moral, community and legal obligation to not orchestrate or participate in racist policies  which conspires to emboldening racism by economically rewarding the denial of one's African roots just so the poorest of Dominican may survive neocolonial poverty.

Contact the consulate of the Dominican Republic in your country and tell them that in 2015 we do not tolerate apartheid.

Toronto (416) 369-0403
Ottawa (613) 569-9893
New York 1 973-684-7491
Miami (305) 358-3220
London +44 20 7727 6285
Madrid (+34) 91 431 53 95
Berlin (+49) 30 257 57 76-0
Australia +61-2-9363-5891
Morocco +212-2607-6235
Paris (+33) (1) 53.53.
Bogata (+57) 1-601-0023
Montreal 514-284- 6600
Vancouver +800-960-8309


Boycot DR products, Boycott Timberland. Stop supporting legal apartheid, racism, civil genocide and the denationalization of people of Haitian descent

Boycot DR products, Boycott Timberland. Stop supporting legal apartheid, racism, civil genocide and the denationalization of people of Haitian descent

Share and Circulate widely
Invest in local Haiti production not DR imports

Boycott Dominican Republic goods, services, tourist, travel and trade for making racism legal. Help stop the civil genocide, legalize violence, apartheid and ethnic cleansing by law in the Dominican Republic. Support localHaiti agriculture and productions, not DR imports.

Help defend Black Dominicans and Haiti immigrants from historic white supremacist bloodlust, thievery and racial hatred. The DR has retroactively revoke the citizenship from 1929 to the present of mostly Dominicans with Haitian descent in a clearly malicious, malevolent racist and distasteful move to take Haiti lives and property, deny them civil rights by making them stateless and illegal in the Dominican Republic going back eight decades. ENOUGH worldwide suffering for Haitians everywhere. Lift up human values and civil behavior. Join the Ezili/HLLNetwork, the Free Haiti Movement, MUDHA, Reconocido ,  We Are All Dominican (‪#‎NoMasRacismoRD‬), Eritye Papa Desalin along with all our brothers and sisters in the DR, however they may define themselves, to stop racism and racial crimes against Haitians in the DR, dark-skinned Dominicans and Dominicans of Haitian ancestry.

Listen to our English Boycott recording announcement with Edwidge Danticat.

Kreyòl Boykòt recording with Koralen.
Boykòt sistematic tout sevis, biznis ak pwodwi Dominiken

BOYCOTT the Dominican Republic as a rogue nation for making apartheid legal in the Western Hemisphere. Demand international sanctions and that thepuppet Haiti government STOP all trade, commerce with he DR and deports DR ambassador/all its staff back to DR, recall its ambassador/all staff from DR IMMEDIATELY. Denounce all in the controlled opposition in Haiti merely looking to hold on to political jobs but who do not defend defenseless Haitians, who do not denounce the DR's vile and racist actions against our brothers and sisters in the DR. Demand accountability. (See, the Quiet Genocide in Haiti, from FDR to Obama: The UN a Criminal Organization from Lumumba to Aristide.)

End legal apartheid and racism in the Dominican Republic. Boycott DR tourism, trade, services and products.

End legal apartheid and racism in the Dominican Republic. Boycott DR tourism, trade, services and products.


Extreme Xenophobia in Dominican Republic – Interview on the Global African – For video: Click here, and entire transcript, here.


Share and circulate widely:
Right of Denationalized Dominicans to seek political asylum

The right of political refugees is outlined at Art 14 Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the Right to Nationality, Art 15, Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

"Political asylum is one of the human rights affirmed by international law, including at Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Ezili's HLLN has advised denationalized Dominicans in fear for their lives to go (in groupings with notice to the media) to the nearest embassy of their choice to request political asylum. All countries who have agreed to the United Nations Conventions Relating to the Status of Refugees are theoretically obligated to provide political asylum to those who qualify, are fleeing political persecution. It's our educated guess at Ezili's HLLN that soon the UN will be asking Afrikan and countries like Australia to take in the denationalized Haitians. No way will the US hurt its 11-year UN ethnic cleansing project in Haiti by adding in more Black blood related to the Haiti revolution to the Haitian side. And, if ALL descendents of Haiti could leave the DR, the DR wouldn't have a country, much less an economy!"— Ezili Dantò, Free Haiti Movement/HLLN

See, The United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (unhcr.org) guidelines for prima facie recognition of refugees http://www.refworld.org/docid/555c335a4.html and http://www.refworld.org/protectionmanual.html

"UNHCR is concerned about the human rights considerations for people who may be expelled and end up being pushed into Haiti, even though they are not considered as citizens of that country. "This would have serious repercussions for all who are affected and be a serious setback to efforts worldwide to end the problem of statelessness." UN agency urges Dominican Republic to refrain deporting stateless people, June 19, 2015

Recommended Links and Videos:

Protest against deportation of Haitians and Dominicans with Haitian descent. Source: VideoPam.com



Legba, Ouvè Baryè Pou Pèp la. Atibon Legba, ouvè baryè pou moun yo"– Sanba Mario Chandel

Video Player

James Brown, I'm black and i'm proud!- 2015: I am Black and POWERFUL

Ezili Dantò
 Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (HLLN) and Free Haiti Movement, June, 2015

"The West has two faces. One evil."

Fwa saa, Ayisyen nou mele. Gade lan kisa nou tonbe… lakay vwazin. Nou antrave!


Video Player


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Stop the Ethnic Cleansing in Haiti. Photo Credit: Tony Savino

Use this hashtag- #BoycottTimberland – Tweet it, tweet it, share and circulate our Boycott posts!!!
Join the Ezili Network/Free Haiti Movement coalition in boycottingTimberland made in the DR. The HLLN/FHM is also campaigning for Major League Baseball to denounce the DR's denationalization ruling and to divest from its DR baseball academies, most, build by Haiti construction workers in danger. Some, shot at by DR security for asking to be paid!

Demand that the DR stop being a rogue nation and follow international human rights norms: The right to nationality is an internationally recognized human right.

"Timberland has a MAJOR factory in the Dominican Republic (DR) that employs nearly 2,000 workers. The corporation would probably collapse if it weren't for Amerikkkan Afrikans purchasing their clothing, particularly the iconic "Yellow Boot". As a show of solidarity with Our Haitian Brothas and Sistars who are being expelled by the DR government, we are mounting a boycott against Timberland products. If you own Timberland shoes, shirts, pants or anything else by them, put a black piece of tape in a prominent place on the item. This was done in the early '90s against Nike and led to the first Afrikan being placed on its corporate board, former Georgetown basketball coach, John R. Thompson. Until further notice, we are asking Afrikans not to purchase ANY Timberland products and call upon its Board of Directors to formally denounce the DR's racist and genocidal policies toward Haitians. ‪#‎BoycottTimberland‬!"— Dr. Ray Winbush, Urban Research Center


-- http://www.ezilidanto.com/zili/2015/06/no-to-civil-genocide-ethnic-cleansing-and-expulsions-in-dominican-republic/
Pl see my blogs;

Feel free -- and I request you -- to forward this newsletter to your lists and friends!

नैकडोर यानि नेशनल काॅन्फेडेरेशन आॅफ दलित आदिवासी आॅर्गेनाइजेशन्स द्वारा अखिल भारतीय मजदूर यूनियन का निर्माण और उसकी बिहार से शुरुआत की घोषणा.

Ashok Kumar Bharti AshokaFellow
August 10 at 8:52pm
नैकडोर यानि नेशनल काॅन्फेडेरेशन आॅफ दलित आदिवासी आॅर्गेनाइजेशन्स द्वारा अखिल भारतीय मजदूर यूनियन का निर्माण और उसकी बिहार से शुरुआत की घोषणा. 

आठ अगस्त को बिहार की राजधानी पटना में हजारों की संख्या में सम्पूर्ण बिहार से आये मनरेगा मजदूरों की मौजूदगी में नेशनल काॅन्फेडेरेशन आॅफ दलित आदिवासी आॅर्गेनाइजेशन्स (नैकडोर) ने मनरेगा मजदूरों के शोषण, पंचायतों द्वारा काम देने में कोताही, मनरेगा प्रसाशन में नीचे से ऊपर तक व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार और गरीब मजदूरों की मजदूरी की हकमारी के खिलाफ अखिल भारतीय मनरेगा मजदूर यूनियन के गठन और उसकी शुरुआत की घोषणा की. अखिल भारतीय मनरेगा मजदूरों के इस पहले अखिल भारतीय मनरेगा मजदूर सम्मलेन को बिहार के अखिल भारतीय मनरेगा मजदूर नेताओं सहित नैक्डोर के विभिन्न प्रदेशों के प्रदेश अध्यक्षों ने भी संबोधित किया. 
सम्मलेन को संबोधित करते हुए अखिल भारतीय मनरेगा मजदूर यूनियन और नैक्डोर के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष अशोक भारती ने मजदूरों का आवाहन किया की वह डॉ आंबेडकर के मजदूरों के सम्बन्ध में दिए गए आदेश का हमेशा ध्यान रखें और न्याय और सम्मानपूर्ण मजदूरी के अलावा देश और राज्य की सत्ता पर अपने विधायकों, सांसदों और मुख्यमंत्री और प्रधानमंत्री बनाने का सपना और हौसला रखें. 

सम्मलेन को नेशनल अलायंस फॉर लेबर राईट के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक राजेश उपाध्याय, पूर्व मंत्री संजय पासवान, पैक्स की आरती वर्मा, नैक्डोर के विभिन्न प्रदेशों के अध्यक्ष जैसे हरियाणा सुरेश टांक, ओडिशा के अशोक मालिक, झारखण्ड के लल्लन प्रसाद, बिहार के गणेश गौतम, बुंदेलखंड से सुषमा वर्मा, उत्तर प्रदेश से अमरनाथ, पश्चिम बंगाल से गौर गोपाल, जन सम्मान मोर्चे की पिंकी पंचाल, राष्ट्रीय दलित महिला आन्दोलन की महासचिव और नैक्डोर के महिला मोर्चे की संयोजिका सुमेधा बौद्ध सहित नैक्डोर के मनरेगा के संघर्ष के अनेकों सिपाहियों ने अपने संघर्ष और उसकी जीत को सबके सामने रखा. 

ज्ञातव्य है कि नैक्डोर सन 2004 से ही रोज़गार गारंटी के कानून की लड़ाई लड़ने में आगे रहा है. नैक्डोर के तत्वावधान में सन 2004 में दिल्ली के ऐतिहासिक रामलीला मैदान में 4 - 6 दिसंबर 2004 को आयोजित तीन दिवसीय रैली में कानून बनाने की मांग की गयी थी, जिसके 10 दिन बाद सरकार ने कैबिनेट में मनरेगा बनाने का प्रस्ताव पारित किया था. नैक्डोर ने उत्तर प्रदेश में सन 2006 में जब तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री उत्तर प्रदेश में मनरेगा लागू करने का विरोध कर रहे थे, तो नैक्डोर ने बाईस जिलों में 4 रोज़गार अधिकार यात्राएं निकाली थीं और लखनऊ में एक भारी रैली कर मुख्यमंत्री को इसे लागू करने के लिए बाध्य किया था. 

पिछले कुछ समय से सरकारें जान बूझ कर मनरेगा के तहत काम देने से चोरी कर रही हैं और इसमें मिलने वाला रोज़गार लगातार कम हो रहा है. दलितों और आदिवासियों और खेतिहर मजदूरों के हिसाब से यह एक बहुत ही जरूरी कानून और अधिकार है जिसने दशकों से खेत मजदूरों की मजदूरी में किसानों को वृद्धि करने के लिया बाध्य किया है. नैक्डोर मानता है की मनरेगा की सफलता भारत की इकॉनमी और उसकी ग्रोथ के लिए जरूरी है.

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देश के संविधान विरोधी ताकतों का जिक्र करते हुवे कहा की भारत आज संकट से गुजर रहा है. देश के संसाधनों पर ओबीसी, एससी और एससी की हिस्सेदारी कम होते जा रही है.


Jayantibhai Manani
August 10 at 7:27am
भारतीय पिछड़ा शोषित संघ के राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्ष चन्द्रशेखर कुमार यादवजी ने सूरत -गुजरात में राज्य और राष्ट्रिय ओबीसी सम्मलेन की अध्यक्षता करते हुवे किये हुवे प्रबोधन में देश के संविधान विरोधी ताकतों का जिक्र करते हुवे कहा की भारत आज संकट से गुजर रहा है. देश के संसाधनों पर ओबीसी, एससी और एससी की हिस्सेदारी कम होते जा रही है. 

शासन, प्रशासन, न्यायतंत्र और मिडिया में ओबीसी, एससी और एसटी समुदाय की हिस्सेदारी आज भी कम ही है. एकाधिकारवादी शक्ति आज प्रभावी है और संवैधानिक सामाजिक न्याय की लड़ाई लड़नेवाले नेताओ के अहम् ने हमारी शक्ति को बाँट के रख दिया है. 

1990 में प्रधानमंत्री वीपीसिंह के समय में संवैधानिक सामाजिक न्याय की शक्ति एकजुट थी और वीपीसिंह ने अपरकास्ट होते हुवे भी 7 अगस्त 1990 को 54% से ज्यादा ओबीसी समुदाय को मुख्यधारा में लाने का फैसला 7 अगस्त 1990 को लिया और 27% संवैधानिक मंडल आरक्षण लागु करने की घोषणा संसद में कर दि थी. 

आज 2015 में ओबीसी चहेरा नरेंद्र मोदीजी देश के प्रधानमंत्री है फिर भी पीएमओ ऑफिस के 30 अफसरों में से 1 भी अफसर ओबीसी नहीं नहीं है. क्या ओबीसी पीएम या ओबीसी सीएम का कोई मायना है?
गुजरात के सूरत मे भारत पिछङा शोषित संघ और गुजरात ओ.बी.सी संघर्ष समिति के संयुक्त अधिवेशन की अद्यक्षत...
Pl see my blogs;

Feel free -- and I request you -- to forward this newsletter to your lists and friends!

उत्तर प्रदेश में हजारों मुसलमानों की गिरफ्तारी जानबूझ कर की जा रही है जबकि उनके द्वारा किये गए अपराध का विचारण प्रदेश के न्यायालयों में लंबित है.


बाराबंकी पुलिस भयभीत

उत्तर प्रदेश में हजारों मुसलमानों की गिरफ्तारी जानबूझ कर की जा रही है जबकि उनके द्वारा किये गए अपराध का विचारण प्रदेश के न्यायालयों में लंबित है. उसके बावजूद बगैर उनको दोषी करार दिए गए उत्तर प्रदेश गिरोहबंद एवं समाज विरोधी क्रियाकलाप निवारण अधिनियम में जेल भेजा जा रहा है. इस छोटे अपराध में उत्तर प्रदेश गिरोहबंद एवं समाज विरोधी क्रियाकलाप निवारण अधिनियम का प्रयोग कर छोटे-छोटे गरीब लोगों को प्रदेश की जेलों में निरुद्ध किया जा रहा है . इस सम्बन्ध मे सपा सरकार ने उत्तर प्रदेश गिरोहबंद एवं समाज विरोधी क्रियाकलाप निवारण अधिनियम की धारा 2 में खंड (ख)में उपखंड १५ के पश्चात कई खान बढ़ा दिए हैं . जिसके खंड 17 में गौ वध निवारण अधिनियम और पशुओं के प्रति क्रूरता का निवारण अधिनियम के उपबंधों के उल्लंघन में मवेशियों के अवैध परिवहन और / तस्करी के कार्यों में संलिप्तता किओ शामिल किया गया है.
पशु अतिचार अधिनियम की अधिकांश धाराएं जमानतीय हैं या गौ वध के छोटे छोटे मामलों में जमानत पा चुके लोगों को इस अधिनियम के तहत यह लिख कर जेल भेजा जा रहा है कि इनके बाहर रहने से समाज में भय का वातावरण कायम हो रहा है. गवाह गवाही देने से कतरा रहे हैं इसलिए 3  (1) उत्तर प्रदेश गिरोहबंद एवं समाज विरोधी क्रियाकलाप निवारण अधिनियम के तहत वाद दर्ज कर गिरफ्तार किया जा रहा है, जबकि दिलचस्प बात यह है कि थाना मसौली जनपद बाराबंकी के रहने वाले पीर गुलाम को कुछ दिन पूर्व गौ वध निवारण अधिनियम में जेल भेजा गया था वह जमानत प्राप्त कर एक आटा चक्की पर मजदूरी का काम कलर जीवन यापन कर रहा था कि थाना अध्यक्ष राय सिंह यादव ने उसके खिलाफ गिरोहबंद एवं समाज विरोधी क्रियाकलाप निवारण अधिनियम का प्रयोग करते हुए रिपोर्ट जिला मजिस्ट्रेट को भेजी कि इसके बाहर रहने से गवाहों में भय व्याप्त है, गवाह गवाही देने से मुकर सकते हैं जबकि गौ वध निवारण अधिनियम में थाना अध्यक्ष राय सिंह यादव व दो अन्य दरोगा व कुछ सिपाही गवाह हैं . पीर गुलाम के बाहर रहने से यह पुलिस के अधिकारी, कर्मचारी भयभीत हैं और गवाही देने से मुकर सकते हैं. उसके बाद पीर गुलाम को घर से बुला कर जेल भेज दिया गया.
सपा सरकार हर वक्त अल्पसंख्यकों की सुरक्षा व रक्षा करने की बात करती है वहीँ, गौ वध निवारण अधिनियम, पशु क्रूरता अधिनियम जो गिरोहबंद एवं समाज विरोधी क्रियाकलाप निवारण अधिनियमके तहत नहीं आते थे.  उन अपराधों को इस अधिनियम के माध्यम से काफी समय से जेल में निरुद्ध किया जा रहा है. इस तरह से पूरे प्रदेश में कई हजार लोगों की गिरफ्तारियां अभियान चला कर की जा चुकी हैं और अभी लाखों लोगों को बगैर किसी अपराध के फर्जी कहानियां गढ़ कर जेलों में निरुद्ध किया जायेगा.  सपा सरकार की मंशा है कि वह वोट भी ले और वोट लेने के बाद उन्ही लोगों को जेल में निरुद्ध रखे.

लो क सं घ र्ष !

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Joint Statement by Journalists’ Bodies Condemning I&B Ministry Show Cause Notice to TV Channels


Joint Statement by Journalists' Bodies Condemning I&B Ministry Show Cause Notice to TV Channels

The Press Club of India, Indian Women's Press Corps, Mumbai Press Club, Guwahati Press Club, Brihadmumbai Union of Journalists and Delhi Union of  Journalists condemn the government's attempt to intimidate the media by issuing show-cause notices to three leading TV channels, ABP News, NDTV 24x7 and Aaj Tak, for their coverage of Yakub Memon's hanging. 

It is shameful that cable TV rules have been invoked to question the right of the media to air views or do stories that run contrary to the decisions of the government and the Supreme Court on capital punishment in general and Memon's case in particular.

We are shocked that the Information and Broadcasting Ministry is party to such an assault on free speech. 

The action betrays an insecurity and intolerance on the part of the government. We urge Prime Minister Narendra Modi to intervene and immediately withdraw the notices which had been issued in the context of Yakub's hanging.

The government should respect the media's responsibility to reflect diverse opinions, even on sensitive issues such as death penalty, national security and communal harmony.

The fact that Yakub's funeral went off peacefully nails the suggestion in the show cause notices that the media reports in question had stoked trouble and incited violence.

Issued by Nadeem Kazmi (Press Club of India), T K Rajalakshmi (Indian Women's Press Club), Jatin Desai (Mumbai Press Club), Nava Thakuria (Guwahati Press Club), Sujata Madhok (Delhi Union of Journalists) , Geeta Seshu (Brihatmumbai Union of Journalists)

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Telangana wants to have its own Karamchedu Anand Teltumbde


Telangana wants to have its own Karamchedu

Anand Teltumbde

[This article was written on 20 July 2015 as my column in EPW. But for some reason the first issue of EPW in August could not carry it and therefater we had a massive 8 km long march to Pathapally, which compelled the administration to negotiate with us and accept all our demnads. It is important however that the public understand the process and the intensity of struggle and therefore this article, needs to be dessiminated to wider readership]


Telangana, the youngest state in Indian Union, carved out by a long drawn peoples' struggle in which more than 600 youth said to have sacrificed their lives has begun within less than a year to disillusion its poorer strata, particularly Dalits, who were in forefront of the struggle for its formation. The struggle had overwhelming progressive support although it was led by a conventional politician K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR). He too was compelled to adopt a pro-poor stance with special emphasis on Dalits. In the wake of last election, he made bombastic promises that included gifting three acres of land and two bedroom house for each Dalit family absolutely free. While attempts to woo gullible and politically disoriented Dalits are not uncommon, these promises were still fantastic. But given the context of Dalit contribution, it appeared plausible although other politicians and analysts derided it as impracticable and just fooling people. Nevertheless, it did convey at the minimum that KCR government shall have special concern towards Dalits of Telangana. The ongoing struggle of Patapally Madigas, the biggest Dalit caste in Telangana,  since last two months has completely demolished these hopes and exposed anti-Dalit character of KCR government as any other.

I was invited to intervene in this struggle by the activists of Kula Nirmulana Porata Samiti (Committee for annihilation of Castes), an organization that has been active in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in taking up issues of caste oppression since its formation a decade ago. It lent leadership to local Dalits and catalyzed formation of Patapally Dalit Victims Committee for Struggle for Justice, and launched a struggle under their united banner. They have been on dharna and relay fast in front of Pebberu Mandala Office demanding justice to the Patapally Dalits, who were not only oppressed by the dominant Boya community but also by the local state functionaries who have slapped counter cases on them. Emboldened by the latter's support, the Boyas have intensified harassment of Dalits and been openly threatening them of dire consequences if Dalits defy their dictates. The tension in Patapally is such that Daliits apprehend something terrible to happen if government persists with its inaction and tacit support to the Boyas.  

Peep into Primitivism

Those who wonder why Dalits had endured their oppression and not rebelled against it for over two millennia must visit Patapally for answer. One reason is surely their internalization of ascribed status induced by religion but other is quite secular, the brute force of domination of the upper castes. The latter is demonstrated in this village, just 15 KM away from the Hyderabad-Bombay express way that may mislead you to think you were in California. The present episode was triggered off on May Day. A Madiga boy Raghuram, a bus conductor in the Telangana Road Transport Corporation, one of the three lucky Dalits from 40 odd families to have some regular employment, expressed desire to do puja in the village temple after his marriage, to a local TDP MLA, G Chinna Reddy, who was among the guests. The MLA assured Dalits to follow him but when they reached the temple he disappeared. Thinking they had blessings of the MLA, Madigas entered the temple and offered puja. Next day, when Raghuram's mother went to distribute beetle leaves to the Boyas as per the custom, they threatened her that they would kill Raghuram for daring to take Madigas into the temple. The temple priest Krishnamachari performed the yagna for purification and reprimanded Boyas for letting Madigas pollute the gods. In the night Boyas had a meeting and decided social boycott of the Madigas. The saga of atrocities on Patapally Madigas began from then. The Madigas had to walk through a kilometer long road passing through the Boya part of village to reach their colony at the lower part. They were teased, abused in caste names, thrown stones at, assaulted with minor pretext, and hit with bike.

On 4 may, Madiga youth went to Pebberu and informed the Tehsildar in Prajawani (a forum for voicing people's grievances) about this harassment. In response, Tehsildar Pandu Nayak along with Prakash Yadav, sub-inspector of police (SI) along with policemen visited the Madiga hamlet, established a police picket and opened the doors of temple to let Madigas in. However, as the Tehsildar left the village, a mob of 300-400 Boya youth rushed in and attacked the Madigas in front of the SI and chased them to Dalit colony. From thereon, the harassment and assaults intensified. In order to avoid these daily ordeals, Madigas decided on 1 June to leave their homes and shift to the housing plots near the Pebberu-Kollapur road given to them by the then AP government in 2008. They erected their hutments, brought building materials to make them pucca and began residing there. However, the priest and village revenue officer (VRO) incited the Boyas that if Madigas lived at the upper part of the village, they would pollute the entire village and bring bad omen. In order to push them back to their old colony, on 3 June the Boyas came in hundreds and buried one, Chinna Sayanna, who died the previous day right in the midst of Madiga hutments. Madiga approached police. The police headed by DSP, Vanaparthi accompanied by a circle inspector, SIs and 60 odd policemen came to the village but could not stop Boyas burying another dead, Godanna, in the midst of the Madiga hutments in front of police. Madigas helplessly resorted to rasta roko on Pebberu-Kolapur road in protest. Police who helplessly watched Boyas bury their dead amidst Madiga hutments, resorted to severe lathi charge. Jitendra Reddy, SI, Pebberu took 20 Dalits including Raghuram into custody and beat them black and blue. Even women were not spared by male policemen. Many of them were still taking private treatment for the injuries when I met them on 19 July.   

Terror of Caste

The episode began with a desire of entering the temple, after 65 years of constitutional guarantee to do so, exposed the years of injustice and terror the Dalits meekly endured. Just close to the newly allotted housing plots, one Narayana Madiga was allotted a patta of 1 acre 13 gunthas. With all formalities completed, he began cultivating it from 2001 but the dominant Boyas could not stomach the idea. They began burying their dead on his land and putting up memorial structures. While their traditional burial ground just across the village road had 3-4 innocuous structures over several generations, the new burial ground already had over a dozen of them. Narayana was harassed into eventually giving up cultivation in 2007. As we travelled into the Madiga colony, many more things came to lime light. The village had a water tank but it supplied to only Boya houses. For Dalits, there were separate bore wells, from which underground pipe carried salty water to Dalit colony. It opened into four pits with a make shift tap where from Dalits drew water. The sight was so appalling that we had to ask a lady for demonstration to believe it. Beyond the Dalit village was a huge tank, which was said to have swallowed Dalit lands. Total of 54 acres of lands belonging to them was submerged rendering them landless labourers. Such is the terror of Boyas that Madigas could not utter a word of dissent. The tank standing on their lands reportedly fetches over Rs 12 lakhs in auction for fishing, and irrigated Boya lands. What Madigas got is inundation of their houses during rainy season and serpents and other reptiles as their company. While the Boyas evicted Madigas from their own lands, they have usurped the village common lands and put up semi-permanent cow sheds and warehouses.  

Interestingly, sarpanch of Patapally is one Madiga woman, Subhadra, who was previously a cook in the village school under the mid-day meal scheme. Boyas had objected to her being a cook but accepted her as the sarpanch of the gram panchayat. In the current caste polarization between Boyas and Madigas, her family is on the side of Boyas and against agitating Madigas. In contrast, one Boya, Pedda Vusanna, who had been allotted a housing plot along with Madigas is on madiga side. Interestingly, Subhadra also gets water from the Madiga borewells but would not speak a word against the dominant Boyas and Pedda Vusanna is punished by his own caste men by demolishing his hut and severely beating his wife, son and daughter. If the agitation intensifies, there is a strong likelihood of the politicians marshaling Madiga Dandora mercenaries against the agitating Madigas, making it look like an intra-caste dispute. Patapally exemplified the contemporary caste dynamics.

Potential Karamchedu

While on 17 July, progressive groups in Hyderabad observed 30th year of Karamchedu massacre, the Madigas of Patapally remained in the dread of their village becoming Karamchedu as threatened by the Boyas. The Kammas of Karamchedu in Prakasam district had killed six Madigas and grievously injured 20 others. Boyas of patapally in 2015 may not be as rich as Kammas of Karamchedu in 1985 and the Madigas likewise may not be as politically conscious as their counterparts in Karamchedu. But in terms of hatred for Madigas, the key prerequisite for that scale of atrocity, Boyas have displayed enough of it. Moreover, they are known to be more ferocious than the Reddys and Kammas. Despite a series of assaults, insults and humiliation of Madigas over the last two months and their peaceful dharna and relay fast, the government has not sensed the gravity of situation. With each day of Madigas' agitation, the anger of Boyas is scaling a new high and can erupt any moment into a gory atrocity.     

Telangana region unlike Rayalseema and coastal Andhra, did not have history of caste atrocity. It was deceptively attributed to radical movements the region had since colonial times. But as Patapally revealed it is the terrible power asymmetry between the dominant castes and Dalits that perhaps thwarted any big flare up of caste conflict. As KCR fails to fulfill his electoral promises he made to the people, particularly Dalits, he might be wanting to have his own Karamchedu in Telangana to deflect attention.  

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हस्तक्षेप.कॉम सपा सरकार की मंशा साफ, मुसलमानों वोट भी दो और जेल भी जाओ


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Greece: Raped, Humiliated, Frightened But Standing!

CC News Letter 10 August - Greece: Raped, Humiliated, Frightened But Standing!

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Greece: Raped, Humiliated, Frightened But Standing!
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Telangana Wants To Have Its Own Karamchedu
By Anand Teltumbde


Telangana region unlike Rayalseema and coastal Andhra, did not have history of caste atrocity. It was deceptively attributed to radical movements the region had since colonial times. But as Patapally revealed it is the terrible power asymmetry between the dominant castes and Dalits that perhaps thwarted any big flare up of caste conflict. As KCR fails to fulfill his electoral promises he made to the people, particularly Dalits, he might be wanting to have his own Karamchedu in Telangana to deflect attention

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Deshbandhu Delhi (National Edition)

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Railway reforms & other top stories of the day


Mon, Aug 10, 2015 | 05:50 PM IST

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From: P. S Krishnan <pskrishnan63@yahoo.com>
To: "officemvnaidu@gmail.com" <officemvnaidu@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 8:55 PM

                                                                                                                                                                                10. 8.2015
Dear Hon'ble Minister Shri  Venkaiah Naidu garu,

This is in continuation of my e-mail to you on 4. 8. 2015 (copy attached).
2.            After that e-mail, this important Bill, a matter of life and death for SCs and STs, has been passed in the Lok Sabha on  4.8.2015, sending a wave of enthusiasm among Dalits and Adivasis nationally and internationally –  I am getting numerous messages from them every day.
3.            It is now their earnest hope and desire that the Bill should be included in the list of business for Rajya Sabha and moved in the Rajya Sabha for consideration and passing in one of the three remaining days of this session, preferablytomorrow the 11th August itself.
4.            Once the Bill is moved, I am sure the Opposition parties will not oppose this Bill and its passing.
5.            Its passing in the Rajya Sabha in this session will be a feather in the cap of the Government. I request you to kindly consider going all out to secure this result. The attention of Dalits and advisasis, nationally and globally is riveted on this 
6.            I am wiring this not only on my own behalf, but also on behalf of the National Coalition for Strengthening the SCs and STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and its Implementation, and, now, also on behalf of the numerous Dalits and Adviasis in the country and abroad who have become aware of this and who earnestly desire its passing in the Rajya Sabha in this session.
                                Yours sincerely,
                                (P. S. Krishnan)
Former Secretary to Government of India ,
Ministry of Welfare;
Advisor (with Cabinet Minister status), Government of Telangana (BC Welfare)
Member, National Monitoring Committee for
 Education of SCs, STs and Persons with Disabilities,
 Government of India.
Member, National Commission for SCs and STs
Special Commissioner for SCs and STs
Member-Secretary, National Commission for Backward Classes
Member, Expert Committee on Backward Classes
Chairman, Dr. Ambedkar Foundation Research Cell
Member, Working Group for Sanitation and Leather Workers
Advisor, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India
Chairman, Sub-Group on "Perspective Planning for Development of SCs" of the
      Planning Commission's Working Group on SCs in the XII Plan;
Member, Planning Comm's Working Group on Empowerment of Scheduled Castes in XII Plan;
Member, Planning Comm's Steering Committee on Empowerment of SCs, BCs,
 Nomadic & Semi-Nomadic Tribes and VJs in XII Plan.
Mobile: 9810109696

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: P. S Krishnan <pskrishnan63@yahoo.com>
To: "officemvnaidu@gmail.com" <officemvnaidu@gmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 12:53 PM

04. 08. 2015
Dear Hon'ble Minister Shri Venkaiah Naidu garu,

          With the Speaker's action yesterday, the 3rdAugust 2015, there is now nothing standing in the way of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Bill 2014 being moved for consideration and passing, and getting passed in the Lok Sabha. The SCs and STs appreciate that you have helped to get the Bill included in the business list of Lok Sabha for this session.  If even now there is a slip between the cup and the lip, there will be great disappointment and resentment among them.

2.       I earnestly request you to kindly consider and help in getting the Bill immediately passed in the Lok Sabha and thereafter in the Rajya Sabha.

3.       I have reasons to believe that the major opposition parties will not oppose the passing of the Bill in the Rajya Sabha, and may also cooperate on Government's appeal to them. This may also be a way of breaking the impasse in the Rajya Sabha.  Kindly help in rescuing the Bill and getting it enacted in this Monsoon session.

4.       I am writing this not only on my own behalf, but also on behalf of the National Coalition for Strengthening the SCs and STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and its Implementation, which represents more than 500 Dalit and Adivasis organizations, and of which I am the Chief Advisor.
Yours sincerely,
(P. S. Krishnan)

Former Secretary to Government of India ,
Ministry of Welfare;
Advisor (with Cabinet Minister status), Government of Telangana (BC Welfare)
Member, National Monitoring Committee for
 Education of SCs, STs and Persons with Disabilities,
 Government of India.
Member, National Commission for SCs and STs
Special Commissioner for SCs and STs
Member-Secretary, National Commission for Backward Classes
Member, Expert Committee on Backward Classes
Chairman, Dr. Ambedkar Foundation Research Cell
Member, Working Group for Sanitation and Leather Workers
Advisor, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India
Chairman, Sub-Group on "Perspective Planning for Development of SCs" of the
      Planning Commission's Working Group on SCs in the XII Plan;
Member, Planning Comm's Working Group on Empowerment of Scheduled Castes in XII Plan;
Member, Planning Comm's Steering Committee on Empowerment of SCs, BCs,
 Nomadic & Semi-Nomadic Tribes and VJs in XII Plan.
Mobile: 9810109696

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What China’s Devaluation Means to the U.S. Economy


What China's Devaluation Means to the U.S. Economy

Corporate Media Blacks Out Coverage of Bill to Overturn Corporate Personhood


Corporate Media Blacks Out Coverage of Bill to Overturn Corporate Personhood

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 4, 2015

Congressman Rick Nolan, Leesa "George" Friday, and David Cobb at the Move to Amend Press Conference, April 29, 2015

Congressman Rick Nolan, Leesa "George" Friday, and David Cobb at the Move to Amend Press Conference, April 29, 2015

Last Wednesday, the grassroots organization, Move to Amend, held a press conference at the National Press Club to announce that six members of the U.S. House of Representatives were introducing legislation to overturn Citizens United v FEC to make free speech and all other rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution available only to "natural persons," not corporations or limited liability companies. The legislation would also give Federal, state and local governments the ability to limit political contributions to "ensure all citizens,  regardless of their economic status, have access to the political process."

When corporations overturn the will of the people, it's widely covered by corporate media. When the people fight back, the news is frequently blacked out. As of this morning, we could find no major corporate media outlet or corporate wire service reporting on last Wednesday's press conference by Move to Amend. That might be because there was evidence presented at the press conference of a groundswell of public momentum to overturn Citizens United, the decision handed down on January 21, 2010 by the U.S. Supreme Court that opened the floodgates to corporate campaign spending in elections along with super wealthy donors.

The press conference revealed that 16 states have passed resolutions asking Congress to overturn Citizens United while almost 600 municipalities and local governments across the country have done likewise. Almost two dozen other states have resolutions pending or introduced.

Congressman Rick Nolan of Minnesota spoke at the press conference, telling attendees that "Good and successful movements in this country have always started with ordinary people who commit to accomplishing great things. And so it was with ending slavery, with child labor laws, environmental laws, women's suffrage, civil rights, the progressive income tax, Social Security, Medicare, rights for the disabled – you name it – this movement transcends labels, it transcends political parties, it transcends regions and it transcends generations."

Nolan added that "America's future and American democracy is dependent upon the success of this movement." In addition to Nolan, co-sponsors of the bill include Mark Pocan (WI), Matthew Cartwright (PA), Jared Huffman (CA), Raul Grijalva (AZ), and Keith Ellison (MN).

Leesa "George" Friday, who has been part of this grassroots movement since its beginning in 2009, said "Democracy isn't a gift that we're given, it's a right. And with that right comes the responsibility to do a little bit more than just go to the polls every now and then or volunteer for a campaign, write a check or make some phone calls. It means being vigilant about what democracy means; about holding sacred that democracy; and doing the work."

David Cobb, a member of the National Leadership Team of Move to Amend and the Green Party presidential candidate in 2004, called what has happened a "corporate coup d'etat" and said the group was broadening its strategy to include "Pledge to Amend," where candidates running for office will be asked to pledge to support a constitutional amendment in order to get the support of voters, the majority of whom despise Citizens United.

The corporate coup d'etat could not have happened, of course, without the vote of five members of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Citizens United decision, which was written by Justice Anthony Kennedy with concurrence from Chief Justice John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

The dissent was scathing. Written by Justice John Paul Stevens (who retired five months later), it was joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Stephen Breyer. Stevens wrote:

"The conceit that corporations must be treated identically to natural persons in the political sphere is not only inaccurate but also inadequate to justify the Court's disposition of this case. In the context of election to public office, the distinction between corporate and human speakers is significant. Although they make enormous contributions to our society, corporations are not actually members of it. They cannot vote or run for office. Because they may be managed and controlled by nonresidents, their interests may conflict in fundamental respects with the interests of eligible voters. The financial resources, legal structure, and instrumental orientation of corporations raise legitimate concerns about their role in the electoral process. Our lawmakers have a compelling constitutional basis, if not also a democratic duty, to take measures designed to guard against the potentially deleterious effects of corporate spending in local and national races."

The four dissenters also found that:

"The majority's approach to corporate electioneering marks a dramatic break from our past. Congress has placed special limitations on campaign spending by corporations ever since the passage of the Tillman Act in 1907…We have unanimously concluded that this 'reflects a permissible assessment of the dangers posed by those entities to the electoral process…'"

The view of the dissenters happens to dovetail with the majority view of the American people — meaning that five men in robes can overturn the will of a nation of 319 million citizens.

According to a 2010/2011 Peter Hart poll, 79 percent of Americans "support a Constitutional amendment that would overturn the Citizens United decision and make clear that corporations do not have the same rights as people." An Associated Press-National Constitution Center poll released in 2012 found that 83 percent of Americans want campaign limits on corporations, unions and other organizations. The poll also found that 67 percent of Americans also want caps on what individuals can spend in campaigns.

In July of last year, Democracy Corps, the polling organization for Democrats, released a survey that found "a deep hostility to Super PACs" and "strong support" for candidates "who battle to reduce the influence of big money and for changes that empower the ordinary citizen…"

The poll was taken among likely voters in 12 states with hotly contested Senate races. On the issue of a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, the survey found overwhelming support, a "73 to 24 percent margin, including majorities in even the reddest states."

This would not be the first time an out of control Supreme Court had to be reined in. Of the current 27 constitutional amendments, eight were enacted to overturn outrageously out-of-step Supreme Court rulings.

A recent joint analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics and the Sunlight Foundation found just how perverted elections have become under the Citizens United decision. According to the study, in the 2014 midterms, one percent of one percent of the total population of the United States, "accounted for an astounding $1.18 billion in disclosed political contributions at the federal level."

The study also looked at the zip codes where the wealthiest campaign donors reside. It will come as no surprise that just five zip codes in New York City, ensconced by Wall Street's plundering herd, coughed up $80 million.

Other groups have joined in the valiant, mushrooming effort to overturn Citizens United. From Public Citizen, to Common Cause, to Free Speech for People, to burgeoning local grassroots movements, there is growing momentum to overturn the gang of five on the Supreme Court. It's not a matter of if, it's just a matter of when.

You can be a critical part of accelerating that outcome by taking one or more of the following actions:

As one young woman stated in a Move to Amend film, "we need a democracy movement because we need a democracy."

Former Citi Trader Posts Nude Photos of Hungry Woman He Just Fed; Financial Times Thinks It’s a Calling


Former Citi Trader Posts Nude Photos of Hungry Woman He Just Fed; Financial Times Thinks It's a Calling

By Pam Martens: May 5, 2015

Citigroup, the Bank the U.S. Taxpayer Saved From Insolvency in 2008, Is Operating a Dizzying Array of Dark Trading Pools Today

Citigroup, the Bank the U.S. Taxpayer Saved From Insolvency in 2008, Moved On to Dark Pools

Last week we were reading an article by Matt Klein in the typically staid, button-down Financial Times. When we arrived at the 10th paragraph,Klein tells us that he's been chatting with Chris Arnade, a man who spent 20 years as a trader at Salomon Brothers and Citigroup, who has now retired to "document the lives of those less fortunate."

The words "document the lives of those less fortunate" are hyperlinked to a blog by Chris Arnade with a story titled "Another Day." The story and the photographs take us into a genre of poverty porn meets Schadenfreude – finding pleasure in another's pain. The Broadway musical,Avenue Q, explains Schadenfreude in a song:

Right now you are down and out and feeling really cr*ppy
(I'll say.)
And when I see how sad you are
It sort of makes me…

Sorry, Nicky, human nature…
Nothing I can do!
Making me feel glad that I'm not you.

Arnade has been wowing an ever increasing number of media outlets, like NPR and The Guardian, with his essays on the lives of the homeless, drug addicted and prostitutes on the streets of  New York. On his Facebook page, Arnade explains his mission:

"What I am hoping to do, by allowing my subjects to share their dreams and burdens with the viewer and by photographing them with respect, is to show that everyone, regardless of their station in life, is as valid as anyone else." [Emphasis added.]

But in Arnade's photo essay, "Another Day," which the Financial Times has linked to, Arnade first spots a new prostitute on a street corner; he takes her to McDonald's and buys her food. Next, he says: "I gave her twenty dollars for her time, for allowing me to photograph her." She then asks to be driven to her drug dealer and Arnade accommodates her. According to Arnade, after she has two joints, she strips off her clothes from the waist down and engages in two suggestive poses showing her crotch area and bending over the bed with her bare ass in the air.

Arnade, who has avowed his mission as photographing those less fortunate "with respect" takes the unconscionable step of posting these photos of a homeless, hungry woman under the influence of drugs – clearly unable to give informed consent — on his web page. For a mere McDonald's meal, which he says came from the dollar menu, and $20, Arnade has acquired nude photos to promote his blog.

I fired off an email to Matt Klein's editor at the Financial Times, Paul Murphy, certain that he must not have scrolled down to see these photographs. Murphy responds that he's sorry if I was offended, but they're not going to remove the link.

I try a stronger approach. Murphy responds that this is "not what Arnade's word is about at all. Sorry, but we are just going to have to disagree on this."

Murphy's response is the precise form of "don't believe your lying eyes" that has been forced on women for centuries. It was rampant and inveterate at Arnade's former Wall Street employer, Citigroup. I worked for the predecessor of that firm for 11 years. Susan Antilla documented that "don't believe your lying eyes" culture in her book, "Tales from the Boom Boom Room," tracing the Federal lawsuit myself and others brought to expose this exploitative culture replete with physical and sexual abuse of women and its own private justice system that barred these claims from seeing the sunshine of a courthouse and a jury of one's peers.

In the Michael Lewis book, Liar's Poker, he writes about the culture at Salomon Brothers, where Lewis worked as a bond salesman. Chris Arnade's first employer on Wall Street was Salomon Brothers, which later merged into a company that would become Citigroup. Lewis writes:

"The firm's management created the training program, filled it to the brim, then walked away. In the ensuing anarchy the bad drove out the good, the big drove out the small, and the brawn drove out the brains."

Citigroup's primal culture played a significant part in the collapse of Wall Street in 2008. The company was resuscitated with the largest taxpayer bailout in the history of finance: $45 billion in equity infusions; more than $300 billion in asset guarantees; and over $2 trillion in secret, low-cost loans from the Federal Reserve.

Now we are watching the moral hazard from these and other Wall Street bailouts morph into ever more creative forms of disfigurement of our society.

Arnade has also written about the Wall Street culture. In an essay for The Guardian, Arnade writes:

 "Rules are made to be gamed, and games are played to be won.

"That is at the core of the culture of Wall Street. If you don't understand that, you don't understand Wall Street.

"In my twenty years on Wall Street I helped exploit (sorry, the word we used was 'arbitrage') many bad rules, for the profit of my bank and our customers. It wasn't considered shameful at all."

When promising to show "respect" to his subjects and then posting nude photos of them on his web site, we believe he is once again gaming the rules. The Financial Times may not find it "shameful," but they are clearly not the last word on this subject.

Arnade has written some important articles at The Guardian. We sense from these and journalist interviews with him that there is an underlying motivation to honor his father, Dr. Charles Arnade, a history teacher and civil rights activist who died in 2008, and his mother, Marjorie, who died in 2012 – the same year Arnade left his long, high-pay career at Salomon/Citigroup to embark full time on his photography and essays of the homeless, drug addicted and prostitutes.

Whatever his original intent, Arnade has crossed a dangerous line in the sand with his photo-essay, "Another Day." We are not linking directly to Arnade's blog because we are boycotting this exploitation. However, should Arnade challenge the accuracy of our description of its content, we have stored a cache and will be happy to email it to you if you email us at pamk741@aol.com.

Bounty on Its Head: Wikileaks Raising €100K Reward for Secret Text of TTIP Pending trade pact with the United States, says Julian Assange, is casting 'a shadow on the future of European democracy' byJon Queally, staff writer


Bounty on Its Head: Wikileaks Raising €100K Reward for Secret Text of TTIP

Pending trade pact with the United States, says Julian Assange, is casting 'a shadow on the future of European democracy'

Launched publicly on Tuesday, the media outlet Wikileaks announced its creation of a crowd-sourcing effort that aims to raise a €100,000 reward for the full text of the the TTIP, the corporate-friendly trade pact currently being negotiated in secret by the United States and member countries of the European Union.

Financial pledges towards the bounty, said Wikileaks, have already been made by a number of high profile activists and luminaries from Europe and the U.S., including former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, esteemed UK fashion designer and environmental campaigner Dame Vivenne Westwood, journalist Glenn Greenwald, award-winning Australian film-maker and investigative journalist John Pilger, Belarusian philosopher and theorist Evgeny Morozov, and Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.

"Transparency needs a helping hand in the Eurozone but also in trade (TTIP) negotiations that affect it," Varoufakis tweeted on Tuesday. "Join in!" he urged his followers.

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Calling the TTIP the "most important thing that is happening in Europe right now," Wikileaks founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assange said the pending agreement is casting "a shadow on the future of European democracy" with far-reaching implications for people across the world.

"Under this cover," Assange said, "special interests are running wild, much as we saw with the recent financial siege against the people of Greece. The TTIP affects the life of every European and draws Europe into long term conflict with Asia. The time for its secrecy to end is now."

As part of their crowd-funding campaign, Wikileaks launched this video:

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Where Did the Antiwar Movement Go? (Or What It Means When You Kill People On the Other Side of the Planet and No One Notices) byTom Engelhardt


Where Did the Antiwar Movement Go?

(Or What It Means When You Kill People On the Other Side of the Planet and No One Notices)

Protesters demonstrating against the Vietnam War as they march through downtown Philadelphia on March 26, 1966. (Photo: AP/Bill Ingraham via Flickr)

Let me tell you a story about a moment in my life I'm not likely to forget even if, with the passage of years, so much around it has grown fuzzy.  It involves a broken-down TV, movies from my childhood, and a war that only seemed to come closer as time passed.

My best guess: it was the summer of 1969. I had dropped out of graduate school where I had been studying to become a China scholar and was then working as a "movement" printer -- that is, in a print shop that produced radical literature, strike posters, and other materials for activists.  It was, of course, "the Sixties," though I didn't know it then.  Still, I had somehow been swept into a new world remarkably unrelated to my expected life trajectory -- and a large part of the reason for that was the Vietnam War.

Don't get me wrong. I wasn't particularly early to protest it. I think I signed my first antiwar petition in 1965 while still in college, but as late as 1968 -- people forget the confusion of that era -- while I had become firmly antiwar, I still wanted to serve my country abroad. Being a diplomat had been a dream of mine, the kind of citizenly duty I had been taught to admire, and the urge to act in such a fashion, to be of service, was deeply embedded in me. (That I was already doing so in protesting the grim war my government was prosecuting in Southeast Asia didn't cross my mind.) I actually applied to the State Department, but it turned out to have no dreams of Tom Engelhardt.  On the other hand, the U.S. Information Agency, a propaganda outfit, couldn't have been more interested.

Only one problem: they weren't about to guarantee that they wouldn't send a guy who had studied Chinese, knew something of Asia, and could read French to Saigon.  However, by the time they had vetted me -- it took government-issue months and months to do so -- I had grown far angrier about the war, so when they offered me a job, I didn't think twice about saying no.

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Somewhere in that same year, 1968, I joined a group called the Resistance and in an elaborate public ceremony turned in my draft card to protest the war.  For several years, I had been increasingly involved in antiwar activism, had marched on the Pentagon in the giant 1967 processional that Norman Mailer so famously recorded in Armies of the Night, and returned again a year or two later when, for the first time in my life, I got tear-gassed.

For a while, I had also been working as a draft counselor with a group whose initials, BDRG, I remember. A quick check of Google tells me that the acronym stood for the Boston Draft Resistance Group.  Somewhere in that period, I helped set up an organization whose initials I also recall well: the CCAS. Though hardly an inspired moniker, it stood for the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars. (That "concern" -- in case it's not clear so many years later -- involved the same war that wouldn't end.) With a friend, I designed and produced its bulletin.  As one of those "concerned scholars," I also helped write a group antiwar book, The Indochina Story, which would be put out by a mainstream publishing house.

Of course, there's much that I've forgotten and I can't claim that all of the above is in perfect order.  Even at the time, life was a blur of activism.  Nearly half a century later, I'm a failing archive of my own life and so much seems irretrievable.

My intention here, however, is simply to offer a sense of how so many lives came, in part or in whole, to revolve around that war, while other things went by the wayside.  It's true that our government hadn't mobilized us, but we had mobilized ourselves.  Though much has been written about "dropping out" in the 1960s, this antiwar form of it has been far less attended to.

Images of War

So much of what I'm describing must seem utterly alien today.  At a time when America's endless wars might as well be millions of miles from our shores (and the national security state desperately needs a few "lone-wolf" Islamic terror types to drive home how crucial it is to our protection), it's hard to remember how large the Vietnam War once loomed in our national life.  In this age in which Americans have been demobilized from the wars fought in our name, who recalls how many people took to the streets how repeatedly in those Vietnam years, or how much the actions of our government were passionately debated from Congress to kitchens, or how deeply plagued and unnerved two American presidents were by the uproar and fuss?  Who remembers how little the antiwar movement of that moment was a weekend operation and how central throwing some kind of monkey wrench into that war became to so many lives?

Much of the tenacious antiwar opposition of that era, when thought about now, is automatically attributed to the draft, to the fact that young men like me were subject to being called up and sent thousands of miles from home to fight in a conflict that looked more brutal, despicable, and even criminalby the second.  And there is, of course, some truth to that explanation, but it's a very partial, dismissive truth, one that, for instance, doesn't explain the vast number of young women who mobilized against the war in those years.

While the draft was a factor in the growth of war consciousness, it was hardly the only one.  It's easy to forget that a generation raised in the Golden Fifties believed the American system would work for them and that, if it didn't, it was the obligation of the citizen to try to fix it.  Those young people were convinced that, if you spoke up loudly enough and in large enough numbers, presidents would listen.  They also believed that you, as an American, had an obligation to step forward, to represent the best in your country, to serve.  Hence my urge to join the State Department.  In other words, I came from a generation primed -- in part by the successes of the Civil Rights Movement (when it seemed that presidents were listening) -- to believe that, in a democratic country, protest worked.

Of course, by the time the antiwar movement took off, it was hardly stylish to admit to such sentiments of service, but that didn't make them less real.  They were crucial to a passionate protest that began mainly with students but grew to include everyone from clergy to businessmen, and that, in its later years, would be led by disillusioned military veterans home from the country's Southeast Asian battlefields.

The importance of an antiwar movement that refused to stand down, that -- while two administrations continually escalated the killing in Vietnam and spread it to Laos and Cambodia -- never packed up its tents and went home, can't be emphasized too strongly.  Its refusal to shut up brought Vietnam, both literally and figuratively, to America's doorstep.  It made that grim war a living (and dying) presence in American lives -- and no less important was what it made present.

Somehow, from so many thousands of miles away, we were turned into witnesses to repeated horrors on a staggering scale in a small, largely peasant land: free-fire zones, the body count, torture, assassination, war crimes, the taking of trophy body parts, and above all the feeling that a spectacle of slaughter was occurring and we were responsible for it.  We here at home had a growing sense of what it meant for the U.S. military to fight a war against guerilla forces (which, at least on the left, came -- unlike the Islamic insurgents of the twenty-first century -- to look ever more heroic and sympathetic), with every means available short of nuclear weapons.  That included bombing campaigns that, in the end, would outdo in tonnage those of World War II.

The images of that time still remain with me, including Ron Haeberle's horrific photos of the My Lai massacre, which appeared in LIFE magazine in December 1969, and Associated Press photographer Nick Ut's iconic 1972 shot of a young Vietnamese girl napalmed by a South Vietnamese plane and caught in pain and terror running naked down a road.

If you were in the antiwar movement in those years, you couldn't help coming across testimony by American soldiers who had been in Vietnam and were ready to paint a nightmarish picture of what they and their companions had seen or done there.  In the growing alternative or (as it was romantically termed then) "underground" press of those pre-Internet days, snapshots of unbearable atrocities were soon circulating.  These undoubtedly came directly from soldiers who had snapped them, or knew those who had, or were like the servicemen -- stirred to action by a growing military antiwar movement -- who appeared at the Winter Soldier Investigation in 1971.  There, they essentially testified against themselves on the commission of war crimes.  Others similarly moved handed such photos over to alternative publications.

I've never forgotten, for instance, a trophy shot I saw in those years, of an American soldier proudly holding up a severed Vietnamese head by the hair.  (If you want to imagine the impact such photos had, click here to see one that circulated in the alternative press at that time.)

In those years, thanks to the efforts of the antiwar movement, the Vietnamese -- the dead, the wounded, the mistreated, as well as "the enemy" ("Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, NLF Is Gonna Win!") -- seemed to come ever closer to us until, though I was living in quiet Cambridge, Massachusetts, I sometimes had the eerie feeling that Vietnamese were dying right outside my window.  In the post-9/11 American world, that sounds both ludicrous and histrionic.  You'll have to take my word for it that I'm not exaggerating and that the sensation was visceral indeed.

A Spectacle of Slaughter

Which finally brings me to that clunky television set.  At some point in 1968 or 1969, I got an old black-and-white TV.  I have no idea whether I bought it or someone gave it to me.  I do remember one thing about it, though.  In that era before remote controls, the dial you turned by hand to change channels was broken, so I used a pair of pliers.  Sometimes, I had it running on my desk while I worked; sometimes, it was propped on a chair, just an arm's reach from my bed.  (Remember those pliers!)  And in the off hours when old movies filled schedules on secondary channels, I began to re-watch the westerns, adventure films, and war movies of my childhood.

I no longer know what possessed me to do so, but it became an almost obsessional activity.  I watched at least 30 to 40 of them, no small feat in the era before you could find anything you wanted online at a moment's notice.  Keep in mind that those films from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s -- grade B-westerns, John Wayne-style World War II movies, and the like -- were for me the definition of entertainment sunny side up.  I had only the fondest memories of such films, in part because they were bedrock to the American way of life as I understood it.

You always knew what to expect: the Indians (or Mexicans, or Japanese) would fall in vast numbers, the cavalry would ride to the rescue in the nick of time, the Marines -- it hardly needed to be said -- would advance triumphantly before the movie ended, the West would be won, victory assured.  It was how it was and how it should be.

Add in a more personal factor: my father had been in World War II in the Pacific.  It wasn't something he generally cared to talk about.  (In fact, it made him angry.)  But he often took me to such films and when we sat together in silence in some movie theater watching Americans fight his war (or cowboys and blue shirts fight the Indian wars), I felt close to him.  In that shared silence, I felt his stamp of approval on what we were watching.  If he and his generation were far more conflicted and less talkative about their war experiences than we now like to remember, they really didn't need to say much in those days.  After all, we kids knew what they had done; we had seen it sitting beside them at the movies.

Imagine my shock, on looking at those films again so many years later -- with that visceral sense of Vietnamese dying in my neighborhood -- when I realized that the sunniest part of my childhood had been based on a spectacle of slaughter.  The "Vietnamese" had always been the ones to fall in staggering numbers just before the moment of victory, or when the wagon train again advanced into the West, or the cowboy got the girl.

Consider this my own tiny version of the disillusionment so many experienced with the previously all-American in those years.  Our country's triumphs, I suddenly realized, had been built on conquest and on piles of nonwhite bodies.

Believe me, looking back on one of the sunniest parts of my childhood from that antiwar moment was a shock and it led me to produce "Ambush at Kamikaze Pass," the first critical essay of my life, for the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars.  "Anyone who thinks the body count is a creation of the recent Indochinese war," I wrote then, "should look at the movies he saw as a kid.  It was the implicit rule of those films that no less than ten Indian (Japanese, Chinese...) warriors should fall for each white, expendable secondary character."  Almost a quarter century later, it would become the heart of my book The End of Victory Culture.

The Spectacle of Slaughter Updated

In 2015, the spectacle of slaughter is still with us.  These days, however, few Americans have that sense that it might be happening right down the street.  War is no longer a part of our collective lives.  It's been professionalized and outsourced.  And here's the wonder of it all: since 9/11, this country has engaged in a military-first foreign policy across much of the Greater Middle East and northern Africa, launching an unending string offailed wars, conflicts, raids, kidnappings, acts of torture, and drone assassination programs, and yet Americans have remained remarkably unengaged with any of it.

This is not happenstance.  There is, of course, no draft.  President Richard Nixon ended it in 1973 with the demobilizing of the antiwar movement in mind.  Similarly, the military high command never again wanted to experience a citizen's army reaching an almost mutinous state and voting with its feet or its antiwar testimony or its medals.  Ever since Vietnam, the urge of successive administrations and an ever-expanding national security state has been to fight wars without the involvement of the American people (or the antiwar version of democratic oversight).  Hence, the rise of the warrior corporation and the privatization of war.

Especially after 9/11, a kind of helplessness settled over Americans left out in the cold when it came to the wars being fought in their name.  In some sense, most of us accepted our newly assigned role as a surveilled and protected populace whose order of the day was don't get involved.

In other words, amid all the military failures of this era, there was a single hardly mentioned but striking victory: no antiwar movement of any significance proved to have staying power in this country.  Osama bin Laden can, at least in part, be thanked for that.  The 9/11 attacks, the shock of theapocalyptic-looking collapse of those towers in New York, and the loss of almost 3,000 innocent civilians inoculated America's second Afghan War -- launched in October 2001 and still ongoing -- against serious protest.

The invasion of Iraq would prove another matter entirely.  That act of Bush administration hubris, based on kited intelligence and a full-scale White House propaganda campaign filled with misinformation, brought briefly to life something unique to our era: a massive antiwar movement that precededthe launching of the war it was protesting.  Those prewar demonstrations, which stretched worldwide, ran into the hundreds of thousands and were impressive enough that the New York Times front-paged "public opinion" as the other "superpower" in a post-Cold War world.

But as soon as the Bush administration launched its much-desired invasion, the domestic movement against it began to crumble.  Within a couple of years -- with the exception of small groups of antiwar veterans -- it was essentially dead.  In the end, Americans would generally live through their twenty-first-century wars as if they weren't happening.  There would neither be an everyday antiwar movement into which anyone could "drop out," nor a population eager to be swept into it.  Its lack would be a modest tragedy for American politics and our waning democracy; it would prove far more so for Afghans, Iraqis, Yemenis, and others.

For the spectacle of slaughter itself continued, even if few in this country were tuning in.  Don't consider it a fluke that the war culture hero of the period -- on the bestseller lists and in Hollywood -- was an American sniperwhose claim to fame was that he had created his own singular body count: 160 "confirmed" dead Iraqis.  Skip the unknown number of casualties of every sort (ranging from Iraq Body Count's 219,000 up to a million dead) that resulted from the invasion of Iraq and the chaos of the occupation that followed or the tens of thousands of civilian dead in Afghanistan (some at the hands of the Taliban and their roadside bombs, some thanks to U.S. efforts).  Consider instead the slaughter that can be connected to this country's much-vaunted "precision" air weaponry, which -- so the claim has gone -- can strike without causing what's politely termed significant "collateral damage."

Start with the drone, a robotic machine that guarantees one thing in the ongoing spectacle of slaughter: no American combatant will ever die in its operations, no matter how many Afghans, or Yemenis, or Iraqis, or Syrians, or Pakistanis, or Libyans, or Somalis may die when it releases its aptly named Hellfire missiles.  From that heroic investigative crew, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, we have an approximation of the casualties on the ground from Washington's drone assassination campaigns across the Greater Middle East, and they run into the thousands (including hundreds of children) and lots of what might be called the mistaken dead.  Keep in mind that the most basic drone attack of Washington's wars in the Greater Middle East has been the "signature strike," as it's euphemistically known.  These target not specific individuals, but groups on the ground that seem to fit certain behavioral patterns suspected of being telltale marks of terror outfits -- particularly young men with weapons (in regions in which young men are likely to be armed, whatever their affiliations).

Or consider U.S. air strikes targeting the Islamic State's forces in Iraq and Syria.  Again, with the grim exception of one Jordanian pilot, there have, as far as we know, been no casualties among American and allied combatants.  That shouldn't be a surprise, since the Islamic State (like just about every group the U.S. Air Force has faced in the twenty-first century) is incapable of bringing down a fighter jet.  In the last year, according to a recent report, the U.S. and its allies have launched more than 5,700 strikes against Islamic State operations, claiming at least 15,000 dead militants. (Such figures, impossible to confirm on the ground under the circumstances, are undoubtedly fantasies.)  The Pentagon has acknowledged only two civilian deaths from all these strikes, but a new study by Airwars of what can be known about just some of them indicates that hundreds of civilians have died, including more than 100 children.

To offer one more example, since December 2001 U.S. air power has obliterated at least eight wedding parties in three countries (Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen).  According to my count (and as far as I know there are no others), just under 300 people died in these eight strikes, including brides, grooms, and celebrants of every sort.  Each of these incidents was reported in the western media, but none had the slightest impact here.  They went essentially unnoticed.  To put this in perspective, imagine for a moment the media uproar, the shock, the scandal, the 24/7 coverage, if anyone or any group were to knock off a single wedding party in this country.

And this just scratches the surface of Washington's long "global war on terror."  Yet without an antiwar movement, the spectacle of mayhem and slaughter that has been at the heart of that war has passed largely unnoticed here.  Unlike in the Vietnam years, it's never really come home.  In an era in which successes have been in short supply for two administrations, consider this a major one.  War without an antiwar movement turns out to mean war without pause, war without end.

Admittedly, American children can no longer catch the twenty-first-century equivalents of the movies of my childhood.  Such films couldn't be made.  After all, few are the movies that are likely to end with the Marines advancing amid a pile of nonwhite bodies, the wagon train heading for the horizon, or the cowboy galloping off on his horse with his girl.  Think of this as onscreen evidence of American imperial decline.

In the badlands and backlands of the planet, however, the spectacle of slaughter never ends, even if the only Americans watching are sometimes unnerved drone video analysts.  Could there be a sadder tale of a demobilized citizenry than that?

shadowgovengelhardt.jpgTom Engelhardt, co-founder of the American Empire Project, runs the Nation Institute's TomDispatch.com. His latest book is, Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower World (with an introduction by Glenn Greenwald). Previous books include Terminator Planet: The First History of Drone Warfare, 2001-2050 (co-authored with Nick Turse),The United States of FearThe American Way of War: How Bush's Wars Became Obama'sThe End of Victory Culture: a History of the Cold War and Beyond, as well as of a novel, The Last Days of Publishing To stay on top of important articles like these, sign up to receive the latest updates from TomDispatch.com here.

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Celebrity Activists Get It Wrong on Amnesty International’s Sex Work Policy byRebecca Hiscock


Celebrity Activists Get It Wrong on Amnesty International's Sex Work Policy

The criminalization of any aspect of consensual sex work has been shown to increase sex work stigma and put people at risk. (Photo: Shutterstock)

(CD update note: At the International Council Meeting (ICM) of Amnesty International in Dublin, Ireland on Tuesday, the human rights group voted to formally adopt a resolution authorizing the International Board to develop and execute a policy that would protect the human rights of sex workers around the world. The following piece was written prior to the vote.)

Amnesty International's recent publication of a draft policy recommending the decriminalisation of sex work has been received positively by sex workers, advocates, researchers and many feminists, academics, medical experts and human rights groups.

The policy is based on the principle of harm reduction. It is a considered response based on the experience of Amnesty International and other human rights agencies, and on a growing field of social science research. It argues that sex work occurs in a wider social, economic and cultural context and that the criminalisation of consensual adult sex work does not prevent violence. Instead, it exacerbates it.

The draft policy is being debated this week at Amnesty International's International Council Meeting in Dublin.

Opposition to the policy has come from vocal anti-sex work groups, led by the Coalition Against Trafficking of Women (CATW), which has an ideological opposition to sex work in all forms. It believes that sex work is violence against women and therefore cannot be consented to under any circumstances. Because of this, it advocates for the criminalisation of sex work.

In Sweden in the late 1990s, CATW and other radical feminist groups had significant influence in the development of a series of laws that criminalised the purchase of sex work. CATW advocates this approach, called the Nordic Model, as promoting gender equality and protecting sex workers who they believe are victims.

However, this is an ideological position, which is not supported by the bulk of sociological and criminological research.

Amnesty International's draft policy is a good one

Research has consistently shown that the greatest harms experienced by sex workers occur through, and because of, criminalisation. Criminalising sex work makes sex workers more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. It also makes it difficult for them to leave the industry, if they so wish.

Research also demonstrates that the criminalisation of any aspect of consensual sex work – including through the Nordic Model – increases sex work stigma. This contributes to a cycle of abuse and discrimination against sex workers.

Far from assisting sex workers, these policy approaches instead increase harm, violence and abuse, and entrench sex workers in the industry. Jurisdictions that have decriminalised sex work, such as New Zealand, have demonstrated through rigorous review and research that this approach results in greater safety and human rights promotion for sex workers.

From this perspective, it is clear why Amnesty International, the United Nations and the World Health Organisation have all, in recent years, come to the conclusion that in order to effectively promote the human rights and safety of all sex workers, legal frameworks need to stop criminalising consensual sex work.

The problem with sex work celebrity advocacy

Anti-trafficking organisations have been successful in garnering celebrity endorsement, with sometimes disastrous consequences for rational debate.

In 2011, when actors Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore's use of unreliable statistics in an anti-sex-trafficking campaign was exposed, it led to a nasty Twitter war. Actor Mira Sorvino subsequently heckled respected anthropologist and sex work researcher Laura Agustin at a BBC trafficking debate as a holocaust denier for presenting research that supported sex workers.

In the past fortnight, the vocal intrusion into the debate by anti-sex-work celebrities – including Lena Dunham, Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet, Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt and Emma Thompson – demonstrates the dangers of celebrity advocacy. These interventions promote misunderstanding of the sex industry and serve to further stigmatise, marginalise and disempower sex workers as victims requiring "rescuing".

We can readily sympathise with these celebrities, and others who unknowingly advocate similar perspectives. The "tragedy-porn" stories of victimised sex workers offered by organisations such as CATW are appealing in their simplicity. When sex workers are painted as suffering victims, to be saved by the goodwill and intervention of these organisations, and to be protected by laws that criminalise sex work, it presents a compelling narrative. It also presents a black-and-white, good-versus-evil picture of sex work.

However, this is a picture that removes the messiness and complication of real people and real lives. And that is only possible if we ignore the voices of sex workers and sex work researchers.

This is not to deny the existence of harms within sex work and experienced by sex workers, including rape, violence, abuse and harassment. But as Victoria's Royal Commission into Family Violence demonstrates, there is a broader – often gendered – context to violence. In the case of sex work, laws that criminalise and increase stigma contribute to a culture in which violence, abuse and discrimination are accepted, and reporting and prevention of this violence are made difficult.

This is not to argue that celebrities cannot or should not participate in advocacy or advance a cause. But celebrity participation should not come at the expense of experts and those with lived experience (sex workers), and it should come with the expectation of informed opinion. That Amnesty International's draft policy received little media attention before the celebrity bandwagon started should be cause for concern.

Rebecca Hiscock is currently completing a PhD in criminology, on street sex work in Victoria, and has taught in various areas of criminology, including crime and public policy. She has previously worked in criminal law policy, and was the policy officer for the Attorney-General's Street Prostitution Advisory Group.  She is currently a Sessional Lecturer in Criminology at Deakin University.

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