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Siriman Sudatt Wankhede June 14 at 11:06am व्यक्ति पुजेविरुध् बाबासाहेब.

Siriman Sudatt Wankhede
June 14 at 11:06am
व्यक्ति पुजेविरुध् बाबासाहेब. 

(आपल्या 55 व्या जन्मदिनी चेन्नई च्या जय भीम ला पथवलेल्या संदेशात) 

डॉ बाबासाहेब म्हणतात , माझ्या 55 व्या वाढदिवसी तुम्ही प्रकाशित करणार असलेल्या तुमच्या विशेषंकासाठी मी संदेस पाठवावा असे आपण म्हटले आहे.राजकीय नेत्याला प्रेषिताच्या पातळीवर नेऊन बसवले जाते, ही भारतातील एक दुर्दैवी वस्तुस्थिति आहे.भारताच्या बाहेर लोक आपापल्या प्रेषितांचे वाढदिवस साजरे करतात.येथे भारतातच फ़क्त प्रेषिता बरोबर राजकरण्याचेही जन्मदिवस साजरे केले जातात.ही परिस्थिति केविलवाणीच म्हणावि लागेल.व्यक्तिश: मला माझा वाढदिवस साजरा केलेला आवडत नाही.मी इतका लोकशाहीवादी आहे,की व्यक्तिपूजा मला रुचनेच शक्य नाही.व्यक्तिपूजेला मी लोकशाहीचे विडंबन समजतो.नेत्यांची तशी पात्रता असेल तर,त्याच्याबदल कौतुक,प्रेम,सदभावना, आणि आदर चालेल.नेता आणि अनुयायी दोहोंसाठी एवढे पर्याप्त ठरावे पण नेत्याची पूजा मुळीच क्षम्य नाही. 
What's App no 9892450456 
नमो बुद्धाय 
बंधू भगिनिनो.





Saffron Fascism

Shyam Chand

Pages: 182  Rs 200

Unity Publisher

855/2, Panchkula

That Hindutva fundamentally aims at the preservation of the Brahminical system, based as it is on the systematic exploitation of the Dalit-Bahujan majority, has been pointed out by numerous scholars, based on a close examination of RSS policies and statements. I recently came across a fascinating study of Hindutva, which, unfortunately, does not seem to have received the attention that it deserves. 'Saffron Fascism' by Shyam Chand, is a brilliant and incisive critique of the Hindutva project. Shyam Chand was a member of the Haryana Legislative Assembly for several years, and served over time as minister of various departments, including excise, taxation, urban development, food and supplies, and social welfare.


The book carries excerpts of what Shyam Chand calls a secret circular sent out by the RSS to its preachers. It clearly indicates the sinister Brahminical strategy of using the Dalit-Bahujans to attack the Muslims and Christians, aiming to keep the Dalit-Bahujans under the permanent slavery of the 'upper' castes.  I am reproducing this section here [taken from pp.143-44 of the book].


Excerpts from the Secret Circular No.411 issued by the RSS:


[…] Scheduled Castes and Other Backward Classes are to be recruited to the party so as to increase the volunteers to fight against the Ambedkarites and Mussalmans.


Hindutva should be preached with a vengeance among physicians and pharmacists so that, with their help, time expired [sic.] and spurious medicines might be distributed amongst the Scheduled Castes, Mussalmans and Scheduled Tribes. The newborn infants of Shudras, Ati-Shudras, Mussalmans, Christians and the like should be crippled by administering injections to them. To this end, there should be a show of blood-donation camps.


Encouragement and instigation should be carried on [sic.] more vigorously so that the womenfolk of Scheduled Castes, Mussalmans and Christians live by prostitution.


Plans should be made more fool-proof so that the people of the Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes, Musslamans and Christians, especially the Ambedkarites, become crippled by taking in [sic.] harmful eatables.


Special attention should be given to the students of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes so as to make them read the history written according to our dictates.


During riots the women of Mussalmans and Scheduled Castes should be gang-raped. Friends and acquaintances cannot be spared. The work should proceed on the Surat model.


Publication of writings against Mussalmans, Christians, Buddhists and Ambedkarites should be accelerated. Essays and writings should be published in such a way as to prove that Ashoka was opposed to the Aryans.


All literature opposed to Hindus and Brahmins are [sic.] to be destroyed. Dalits, Mussalmans, Christians and Ambedkarites should be searched out. Care should be taken to see that this literature do [sic.] not reach public places. Hindu literature is to apply [sic.] to the Backward Classes and Ambedkarites.


The demand by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for filling in the backlog vacancies in services shall by no means be met. Watch should be kept to see that their demands for entry and promotion in government, non-government or semi-government institutions are to be rejected and their service records are destroyed with damaging reports.


Measures should be taken to make the prejudices amongst Scheduled Castes and Backward people more deep-rooted. To this end, help must be taken from saints and ascetics.


Attacks should be started with vigour against equality, preaching communists [sic.], Ambedkarites, Islamic teachers, Christian missionaries and neighbours [?].


Assaults should be made on Ambedkar's statues with greater efforts.


Dalit and Muslim writers are to be recruited to the party and by them the essays and literature opposed to the Dalits, Ambedkarites and Mussalmans written and preached. Attention is to be paid to see that these writings are properly edited and preached [sic.].


Those opposed to Hindutva are to be murdered through false encounters. For this work the help of the police and semi-military [sic.] forces should always be taken.g




साल भर पहले "अच्छे दिन"का सपना देखने वाले लोग आज मा. अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी की यह कविता गुनगुना रहें होंगे... =============== चौराहे पर लुटता चीर प्यादे से पिट गया वजीर चलूँ आखिरी चाल कि बाजी छोड़ विरक्ति सजाऊँ मैं? राह कौन सी जाऊँ मैं?

Dhananjay Aditya
June 14 at 10:41am
साल भर पहले "अच्छे दिन" का सपना देखने वाले लोग आज मा. अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी की यह कविता गुनगुना रहें होंगे... 
चौराहे पर लुटता चीर 
प्यादे से पिट गया वजीर 
चलूँ आखिरी चाल कि 
बाजी छोड़ विरक्ति सजाऊँ मैं? 
राह कौन सी जाऊँ मैं? 

सपना जन्मा और मर गया 
मधु ऋतु में ही बाग झर गया 
तिनके टूटे हुये बटोरूँ या 
नवसृष्टि सजाऊँ मैं? 
राह कौन सी जाऊँ मैं? 

दो दिन मिले उधार में 
घाटों के व्यापार में 
क्षण-क्षण का हिसाब लूँ या 
निधि शेष लुटाऊँ मैं? 
राह कौन सी जाऊँ मैं ? 
By Dhananjay Aditya. 
Please Like / Share.

The whole idea of sub-regional growth quadrangle seems to have become a thing of the past as geopolitics at the sub-regional level have significantly altered the political landscape giving rise to unabated and widespread anti-India rhetoric both in Nepal and Bangladesh in general, coupled with development of rising sectarianism, pseudo-oligarchs and socio-religious polarization.


Kedar NEUPANE <neupanek1950@gmail.com>

The whole idea of sub-regional growth quadrangle seems to have become a thing of the past as geopolitics at the sub-regional level have significantly altered the political landscape giving rise to unabated and widespread anti-India rhetoric both in Nepal and Bangladesh in general, coupled with development of rising sectarianism, pseudo-oligarchs and socio-religious polarization. Although there is ample opportunity to catch the train driven by PM Modi of India, but Nepal is not able to join the economic bandwagon of the sub-continent and lagging far behind Bhutan and Bangladesh. 

Relying on World Bank and ADB is also a strategic error as they are not concerned with any growth quadrangle as they prefer their own model of development as dictated by major donors. This is what has resulted in the creation of the BRICS Development Bank and AIIB. If the model developed in April 1997 has made any achievement over the years it is hardly seen in Nepal. Some infrastructure projects (i.e. reconstruction of Chittagong International Airport and part of Asian Highway between Chittagong and Cox's Bazaar to Teknaf) in Bangladesh were successful. Development of hydro-power project in Bhutan also is a good example. No one really knows where Nepal is heading to in both economic and political terms.

Mr. Rana's diplomatic concept may have been relevant then but it now sounds more as an academic model rather than an economic pragmatism advancing Nepal's economy for this decade and beyond. I only hope Nepal realizes how much this nation has already lost in never-ending political transition and absence of economic vision. There has to be pragmatic new thinking and economic policy must be rewritten within the developmental context of emerging economic power house of 21st century - led by India and China, both are our neighbors and large trading partners. SARRC has proved irrelevant for driving economic development of the region - for it serves only as political tea-party event, largely dictated by India-China relations, others on the sidelines of the table. This is not likely to change any time soon. (Kedar Neupane)

केदार नेउपाने, जीनेभा,स्वीजरल्यान्ड 

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 7:03 PM, Siddhi Ranjitkar <siddhiranjit@gmail.com>wrote:
Madhukarjee, you sold the fertilizers bound to Nepal in the Indian market when you were the finance minister. Now, you are talking high.

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 9:40 PM, The Himalayan Voice<himalayanvoice@gmail.com> wrote:
The Himalayan Voice
Cambridge, Massachusetts
United States of America
Skype: thehimalayanvoice
[THE HIMALAYAN VOICE does not endorse the opinions of the author or any opinions expressed on its pages. Articles and comments can be emailed to: himalayanvoice@gmail.com, © Copyright The Himalayan Voice 2015]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Madhukar SJB Rana <madhukarsjbrana@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 7:42 PM
Subject: When Modi calls for BBIN it makes huge waves: Is it new? read on and share

Subject: When Modi calls for BBIN it makes huge waves: Is it new? read on and share this piece of 1998 vintage 

Note : he should extend BICM Corridor to Bhutan and Nepal to be new. 


 By Madhukar SJB Rana

 Special Adviser (1996-98)

  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nepal


Conceptual Framework


Subregionalism occurs when atleast three, but not all, countries of a regional association cooperate in any form. A 'growth quadrangle' is a special form of subregionalism where four geographically contiguous countries cooperate,  at the subnational and/or local level, in core economic sectors in order to accelerate the speed of economic growth.


Where three contiguous countries participate in subregionalism, it is being referred to as a 'growth triangle'. When five or more countries are involved, it may be called a 'growth polygon'. Whereas growth polygons have tended to, in the past, be limited to intra‑regional cooperation, now localized inter‑regional cooperation is beginning to take shape as novel forms of subregionalism.


Some authorities also calls such forms of economic cooperation by other names: for example, as 'growth poles', 'growth corridors' or 'growth zones' by drawing upon, as it were, the analogy from regional and urban planning theories and practices at the national level.


From the above definition, it should be clear that the general purpose of a growth quadrangle is to deepen economic cooperation through closer cooperation in the use of the existing resources in the participating countries through some measure of integration, harmonization of institutions and practices, and coordintion in the policy framework.


When these resources are overarching and infrastructural ( as in the case of transboundary rivers, national highways/railways/airways, energy and, also in the diverse areas of the environment) then sectoral cooperation may also be national in scope, rather than subnational or local, depending on the magnitude of the resources needed for cooperation and the complexity of the process of cooperation (e.g. Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghana river basin, Asian Highway and Railway networks, power grids etc.).


Further, it should be kept clearly in mind that a certain uniqueness to South Asian growth quadrangles, as compared to others, are bound to arise owing to the fact that, here in South Asia, only India has common borders with each of the SAARC



Goals of the Growth Quadrangle


As per the joint decision of the Foreign Secretaries of Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal on subregional economic cooperation, taken in Kathmandu on April 2, 1997­which has subsequently been collectively endorsed by the Foreign Ministers and also by the SAARC Heads of State/Government at the Male Summit in May 1997‑the following are the growth quadrangle's goals:


(a)   to create an enabling environment for accelerating economic growth;

(b)   to overcome infrastructural constraints;

(c)   to make optimal use of and further develop the complementarities in the subregion, and

(d)  to develop economic and institutional linkages and nodal points for facilitating cooperation on policy     

      framework and project implementation.


Objectives & Governing Principles of Cooperation


The joint decision of the four Governments also enunciated the modus operandi and its governing principles. It has, therefore, been agreed that the objectives of subregional cooperation are: (a) to collectively identify and select projects, and thereafter, (b) to implement these projects through the mechanism of the SAARC Action Committee as per Articles VII and X of the Charter. 


Governing principles agreed to require that all projects should (a) serve to accelerate broader regional cooperation within SAARC, (b) make best use of' the neighbourhood synergies, (c) be supportive and complementary to national development plans, (d) mobilize the participation of the private sector in their implementation, and (e) yield tangible benefits to the people in the form of poverty eradication, income and employment generation and improvement in the quality of life.


It is also agreed that " Whilst learning from the experiences of other subregional cooperation initiatives, particularly in the Asian region, the growth quadrangle will seek to evolve an endogenous model of subregional cooperation in keeping with the particular conditions, needs and interests of the participating country" (Decision of the First Meeting of Foreign Secretaries).


Plan of Action


It was the decision of the four governments, as recommended by the Foreign Secretaries, that subregional coopertion shall be in the areas of


(a) sustainable utilization of natural resource endowment (Bangladesh) , (b) multi‑modal transportation and communications (Nepal), (c) energy (Bangladesh), (d) tourism (Nepal), and (e) trade and investment ( India).


Later, at the informal meeting of the Foreign Ministers during the NAM Meeting at New Delhi in April 1997, it was decided to add (f) environment (Bhutan), as a further sector for subregional cooperation. They also decided to allocate coordinating responsibility to each country (as shown in brackets above). Nepal was allocated the role of 'overall coordinator'.


It has been decided that the establishment of the envisaged growth quadrangle shall take place in a phased manner to last for a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 13 years. Hence, the target dates for the formation of the proposed growth quadrangle are anywhere between 2004 to 2009. The process shall consist of four phases as under:


Phase I : this is to comprise the study phase commencing July 1997 till June 1998. Four experts are required for each sector to undertake the subregional study by adopting a subregional perspective in the identification and selection of projects. In Phase I , it is also anticipated that each coordinating country may mobilize financial and technical assistance from regional institutions as it deems fit. However, it is expected that ownership of the ideas and initiatives, as also the stewardship of the phases and its various activities, shall rest with the cooperating governments.


Phase II : at this time there shall be a Steering Committee of Foreign Secretaries to examine the recommendations of the Working Groups in Phase 1 and decide on the detailed feasibility studies. It is expected to last from 1 to 2 years.


Phase Ill: during this period, following the commercial feasibility studies, the Foreign Secretaries will recommend to the concerned Ministers of the participating countries for the launching of the projects. This phase will also be concerned with issues regarding sectoral coordination, policy framework, and institutional and financial arrangements. This phase is expected to last from 5‑10 years.


Phase Ill: during this period, following the commercial feasibility studies, the Foreign Secretaries will recommend to the concerned Ministers of the participating countries for the launching of the projects. This phase will also be concerned with issues regarding sectoral coordination, policy framework, and institutional and financial arrangements. This phase is expected to last from 5‑ 10 years.


Because of the decision of the Male Summit, it is now incumbent on Nepal, as overall coordinator, to introduce an additional Phase IV, which is the process of endorsement of the recommended projects by the Action Committee of SAARC.


It is believed that at the time of the meeting of the SAARC Action Committee, when all the seven countries assemble to decide on execution of the project, they should be solely concerned with the appraisal of the subregional project for its impact on two vital issues: Namely , (a) whether its implementation would compromise the greater SAARC interest? and (b) whether any of the non‑quadrangle countries would also like to participate in any suitable manner (e.g., finance, technology transfer, marketing, etc.)?



Growth Quadrangle and Nepal's National Interest


There is an overwhelming national consensus amongst the political parties and academic circles that a need for subregional cooperation exists. The primary negative concern was over the possible weakening of the larger SAARC process through the isolation of Pakistan mainly. This problem has now been put to rest by the 9th SAARC Summit with its unanimous endorsement of the concept.


Furthermore, the prospects of a new growth quadrangle (to be called BIST­EC) is being studied by ESCAP. It groups Bangladesh, India, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Later Myanmar will join. Nepal is seeking Observer status because of its contiguity‑albeit landlocked‑and vital interest in the Bay of Bengal; and also because of the likely benefits of closer economic cooperation with Myanmar, Thailand and, not least, the dynamic ASEAN region.


Nepal's broad long-term development goals have been and (probably) are; (a), to eradicate poverty, (b) to speed up economic growth, and (c) to balance development regionally. Let us examine how these national development goals can be secured through subregional cooperation.


Poverty, eradication strategies have failed to yield the desired results so far as nearly 50% of the people lie below the poverty line. At best, past strategies have helped to alleviate poverty given the impact of the population explosion.


Past achievements are founded on aid, which is likely to be curtailed significantly in the near future. The savings gap will not be able to be filled with commensurate increments in the national savings ratio.

This requires that new resources be generated. One source is debt forgiveness. Another is privatization of public enterprises. Both are, yet, riddled with political uncertainties. Hence new resources are needed.


Just as Nepal faces this development dilemma so also the same is being felt by Bangladesh, Bhutan and India which together comprise the world's premier poverty belt. The estimated population of the growth quadrangle is around 500 million people. Of this 500 million, the absolute poor may comprise 250‑350 million, which is around 50% of the world's poor!


The new resource that all these countries have discovered is water with its vast potential to transform not only agriculture, where most of the poor are critically dependent on, but the entire economy‑provided the countries can cooperate to harness it.


The geo‑economic importance of the subregion is being rapidly realized by the world's markets as the Bay of Bengal hub, comprising Bangladesh, Bhutan, North and NE India and Nepal, which forms what may be called 'the eastern seaboard' of SAARC, is seen to be strategically located with maritime, air and overland outreach to South East and Central Asia and to West Europe. It is an area rich in strategic resources like hydro‑energy, natural gas, coal and offshore oil. With its vast pool of labour the subregion is being seen as the next trajectory of the  "flying geese" as industries relocate here, as they move out from SE and NE Asia, in search of lower wages.


Further, the natural production complementarities of the subregion, that was severely hampered by the partitioning of India, will now be re‑engineered as trade and investments' markets are opened up to each other through cooperation in the infrastructure sectors like transport and communication, energy, water, tourism and environment.


Limited investment in infrastructure is the major bottleneck to both speedier economic growth and a more balanced regional development. It is expected that with cooperation in these fields regional and global foreign direct and portfolio investments will move into the quadrangle at a swifter pace arising from the sense of subregional harmony and, therefore, less uncertainties to investors. With the expected greater investment flows economic growth is bound to be faster in each of the quadrangle countries.


The incorporation of river basin projects, as a result of subregional cooperation, will undoubtedly lead to greater regional balance nationally and, one should also add, greater balance between urban and rural development than in the past as new growth centres begin to unfold nationally.




Critical Issues on Coordination


1. The World Bank and Asian Development Bank are strongly interested in this concept. Their approach may prove to be destabilising on the SAARC process, as they wish to keep their process out of the control by an overall coordinator. Parallelism, as in the choice of the ADB's modality, will be very difficult, if not impossible, to coordinate‑‑‑ either sectorally or overall..


2. The ADB's choice of sectors does not coincide with the collective decisions of the Foreign Secretaries. Their process needs to, be effectively integrated by Nepal as we are responsible for 'overall coordination', which is to say we should be acting as the prime‑mover of the process in consonance of the agreed goals, objectives and action plans. The ADB wishes, like us , to adopt a project‑approach. But it also wishes to condense the phases so that implementation of some projects may take place in phase 1 . They wish so because they feel there is a need to "demonstrate the benefits of subregional cooperation" ( See ADB Reconnaissance Mission's Aide Memoire of August 1997 on the subject).


3. ADB's interest does not include tourism, environment nor air transport‑all priority concern for Nepal.


4. The World Bank's South Asian Growth Triangle initiative, (presumably started in 1996 on their own reckoning) is another parallel process, so far, which needs to be coordinated by ensuring that their efforts are in tune with the agreed goals, objectives, governing principles and phases as chosen by the quadrangle governments. Like the ADB, its interests lie in water, energy, transport and trade.


5. Unlike ADB, for the World Bank environment is its main domain of interest presumably because of its commitment to the theme of 'sustainable development'. So far, it would appear that their orientation is for a 'programme‑approach'‑‑and not the 'project‑approach', as sought by governments. They seem to be interested in engaging in 'scenario studies' concerned with trans‑boundary questions centred mainly on water resources. At the moment, they seem to have been able to embark on problem identification, modelling exercises on optimal water use, and creation of a computerized database on the "triangle" areas. (How the triangle was actually formulated, designed or drawn‑up is not known to governments!).


6. Competition by and between the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, without sufficient in‑depth, active, localised participation by the national think‑tanks will, most likely, weaken the existing feeling of ownership of the concept of growth quadrangle existing in South Asia. In SAARC, the growth quadrangle concept came originally from the governments‑‑‑not from the international financial institutions, as was the case with the ASEAN . Unlike in the SAARC case, the ADB process does not have to be dovetailed within the ASEAN framework. Further, they have been allotted the responsibility for overall coordination, which now exists with Nepal.


7. Effective coordination of the donor agencies can be achieved when there is joint decisions by all the actors over planning, strategy formulation, project preparation; and control by the governments over the scheduling activities. Without these features, it is probable that the subregional efforts by the various parties will lead to severe waste of money, time and expertise‑‑‑ not to mention possible conceptual confusion and sectoral conflicts at the national level. Possibly, too, conflicts subregionally, depending on the degree of openness in their attitudes to economic diplomacy among the participating actors.


8. Coordination will be facilitated if sectoral position papers are available. So far only the Ministry of Transport has formulated its position paper.




Regionalism and subregionalism are ideal manifestations of tile success of' Nepal's role in economic diplomacy in the post‑Cold War period. Witness the location of the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu. And now the assignment of overall responsibility for the subregional process.


As the thrust of globalisation picks up with greater momentum in the days ahead, regional and subregional trade and investment arrangements will become more pronounced as vital instruments of economic diplomacy.


The MOFA is already the national focal point for coordination over SAARC affairs. Now, another form of a national focal point for coordination of the subregional process is required. It needs to be led by, and institutionalised within the MOFA, for effective coordination nationally and subregionally. The Royal Nepalese Embassies and missions located in the growth quadrangle countries need to be made fully active in the process. And the newly established system of International Relations' Desk Officers (IRD0s) in each of the sectoral ministries needs to be nurtured to link up with the MOFA's Economic Relations & Coordination Division for more systematic operational coordination.


Finally, a grand opportunity for institution building for economic diplomacy has now arisen. We must seize the movement. Consider the magnitude, of the intended investments studies alone by the World Bank. For example, the World Bank proposes to spend U.S. $280,000 for six Workshops during its phase 1 (1997-98). And an additional U.S.$2.5 million and $15.0 million or a total of US 17 million for studies on co‑operation opportunity and techno‑economic analyses respectively during its phase II (1998‑2000).



Kalyan Bhattarai <kdbhattarai2009@gmail.com>

12:12 PM (6 hours ago)
to KedarSiddhiHimalayanOfficeFormerFormerFormerOliPrakashMohanराष्ट्रियLokUSBritishIndianRakeshYogendraAskoKamalMohanUpendraMadanKrishnaBalKishore
I agree with Mr Kedar Neupane opinion . we should remember following even we do not want 
  • The SAARC can be considered as failed from various viewpoint 
  • the Bangladesh was created by India not due to love with democracy but to weaken the Pakistan,its  long time enemy  
  •  To expect more from India without losing Nepalese sovereignty /dignity   /independence will be too much to expect 
  • SAARC or BBIN  or any other regional cooperation will be moving around the Inida as long as she is also member .
  • As far as i understand the real  motive (forget about other written big Jargon used motive) to start SAARC was to  bring the india in its shape and size with united strength of other involved countries which however could not be materialize but it was dominated by India.
  • In this ground reality ,to discuss all other issues in diplomatic way and with hidden and subtle  fashion is not my cup of tea. 
  • The Bhutan model of cooperation will not be accepted by majority of nepalese people -and my study of foreign relationship related with india suggest the BBIN is another attempt to drag the nepal as well as bangladesh in Bhutan Model of cooperation. Thanks Kalyan dev Bhattarai

Siddhi Ranjitkar

6:38 PM (15 minutes ago)
to KalyanKedarHimalayanOfficeFormerFormerFormerOliPrakashMohanराष्ट्रियLokUSBritishIndianRakeshYogendraAskoKamalMohanUpendraMadanKrishnaBalKishore
Concerning the Bangladesh, I would give the credit for creating Bangladesh to former prime minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who refused to turn over the power to the majority party Awami League headed by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

An Appeal : A student needs your attention to carry forward his studies ! Let him Support !


Dear Friends !

Greetings !


Ali Javaid  is a 15 years old boy has just passed class 10th  from CBSE Board with 84% marks is student of St. Anthony Senior Sec. School, Barabanki (UP). His father an old JNU student is social activist and working among Dalits and minority groups from last 30 years.


His father devoted his major life time, energy and skill as volunteer to facilitate and orient  grass root Dalit and minority organization of UP.


Unfortunately just a month back Ali lost his 22 years old elder bother how died after long ailing from Neuro problem. His sudden loss is a huge setback for the family.


Ali's father do not have any regular support and family has caught up in deep economic crises due to sudden death of Ali's brother who was a student of  the of BSW.


It is become very critical for Ali to carry forward his studies. He needs minimum Rs 6000 per month for a year.

Ali is very sharp, hard worker, intelligent and objectively committed student.


Therefore we appeal to all friends, platforms, organization, individuals to consider support ALI JAVAID to carry forward his studies.


Support could be transferred direct to his account on monthly basis or one time. His account details are as under:










Warm Regards ! 


.Arun Khote
On behalf of
Dalits Media Watch Team
(An initiative of "Peoples Media Advocacy & Resource Centre-PMARC")

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Ambedkar statue vandalised; Dalits protest, Dalits Media Watch News Updates 15.06.15


Dalits Media Watch

News Updates 15.06.15


Ambedkar statue vandalised; Dalits protest - The Hindu


Ex dalit sarpanch in Morena continues protest in hospital - The Times Of India


SP govt has failed to protect dalits in the state, says Punia - The Times Of India


20 Mths On, No Action Against Tormentor Cop - The New Indian Express


Ringing with hate - Frontline


Congress for invoking SC/ST Act against BJP leader - The Tribune


Not many takers for BDA two-bedroom flats - The Hindu


Lynching of boy underlines how the curse of caste still blights India - The Guardian


London house to become museum to Indian activist - The Guardian



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The Hindu

Ambedkar statue vandalised; Dalits protest




A statue of B. R. Ambedkar was allegedly vandalised at village Palahi near here on Sunday, sparking protests by Dalits who blocked roads at many places in the district.


The statue's raised arm was found twisted and damaged in a park at village Palahi, the police said. Protesting against the incident, members of Dalit community blocked traffic on Phagwara-Chandigarh bypass in front of Palahi village, at Bhullarai crossing of the by-pass and Phagwara-Palahi crossing on Phagwara-Hoshiarpur road, they said.


Led by BSP leader Jarnail Nangal and Ambedkar Sena Moolnivasi Punjab President Harbhajan Suman, protesters raised anti-government slogans. The protesters also threatened to call for a bandh on Wednesday if the culprits are not arrested by then.


They alleged that it was the second such incident of vandalisation in two-and-half-months. Earlier, a statue of Ambedkar was damaged in local Palahigate mohalla in the intervening night of April 4-5 and police failed to trace the miscreants, they alleged. They also alleged that miscreants had intentionally vandalised the statues in the localities with Dalit population in order to create tension.They demanded immediate arrest of culprits and security for all statues of Ambedkar. – PTI


The Times Of India

Ex dalit sarpanch in Morena continues protest in hospital



TNN | Jun 15, 2015, 12.44 PM IST

BHOPAL: Former woman dalit sarpanch of Purawas Kalan, a small village in Morena district, continued her agitation in government hospital at district headquarter on Sunday despite her arrest and forced feeding on June 12 following her three-day fast unto death.

She has been demanding construction of a school in her village, a proposal which was passed when she was village sarpanch. Present sarpanch has stopped construction work, said Badami, as the school is close to a dalit basti of the village.

After more than 15 days of agitation near office of district collector of Morena, Badami started fast unto death on June 10. After her health condition deteriorated, she was arrested and fed forcibly. She was admitted at the government hospital where she refused to eat again. "My agitation will continue till the school is constructed", she said. Badami Devi hogged limelight two years ago when she was not allowed to unfurl national trio colour as sarpanch of the village during independence day function and the chief minister had to intervene.

"Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan made me his rakhi sister when I had gone to seek his help to unfurl national trio colour. This time when he had come to Morena two days ago, he did not meet me," she said. Jayant Tomar, her supporter, replaced Badami and continued fast unto death after she was arrested from the place of agitation near the office of collector.

Badami Devi has been demanding construction of a school in her village, a proposal which was passed when she was village sarpanch.


The Times Of India

SP govt has failed to protect dalits in the state, says Punia



TNN | Jun 15, 2015, 10.48 AM IST


ALLAHABAD: National Commission for Scheduled Castes chairman PL Punia on Sunday alleged that atrocities against dalits had increased manifold under Samajwadi Party's watch and stressed on the need of addressing the issue on priority basis.

Punia was in the city to visit village Mohaddinpur in trans-Yamuna reagion of Ghoorpur where two dalits were killed following a tiff over payment of Rs 4 on Friday. "The state government has failed to instill sense of security in dailts and backwards of the state. This time too, compensation was handed over to victim's kin to hide the failure of law and order," he told reporters.

He also condemned the murder of scribe Jogendra Singh in Shahjahanpur and demanded a CBI probe into the involvement of UP minister. He said that the accused should be put behind bars.

Later, the commission chairperson met the victims and assured of appropriate action.


The New Indian Express

20 Mths On, No Action Against Tormentor Cop



By R Prince Jebakumar

Published: 15th June 2015 06:00 AM


CHENNAI: Twenty months have gone by since four Dalits from Thoothukudi were detained, tortured and lodged behind bars for 90 days over a double-murder they were falsely accused of committing. They were let go after real culprits were later caught, and an internal inquiry has found the inspector who foisted the case on the four guilty of cooking up evidence. The victims' search for justice is still on, as there has not been any action against the official so far. 


"I petitioned the SP, range DIG, home secretary and the Chief Minister's Special Cell seeking action against the inspector," Yesudasan, one of the victims, told Express. But there has been no action against the official. Yesudasan, along with his relatives Immanuel alias Sudalaimuthu, Varadarajan and Paramasivam were arrested by inspector Selvam due to their suspected connection with a double murder. But as the senior officials themselves inquired, the real story emerged.


It all started when Selvam showed interest in a piece of land belonging to Pichammal, the mother-in-law of Immanuel, in October 2013. The land came to his attention during a petition inquiry  after his friend, Anthony Pandian, had a dispute with Pichammal. The land, a family property, was worth approximately `36 lakh then, but Selvam wanted it for a paltry sum of `10 lakh.


Immanuel discussed the matter with Yesudasan before turning down the deal, and informed the official that they would approach the court to settle the civil dispute. Just days later, there was a double-murder in which one Anthony Pandian and his driver Shyamaraj were killed. Soon, Selvam had the four relatives detained on charges of committing the murder adn they were allegedly beaten up.


An internal probe report faulted the inspector for forging statements as signed by the local village administrative officier and one Subramanian. Selvam allegedly forged their signatures as witnesses to the seizure of two swords and two sickles from Yesudasan, and also to record the injuries Yesudasan sustained in custodial torture as those inflicted during the murder.


In a scathing indictment of his conduct as an officer of law, the probe report said, "Selvam has caused a stigma on the department and that there are adequate evidences to prove the charges against him." This report was submitted over a month ago, but no action has been initiated, alleged the victims, who now want the cop be booked under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.


Noting that the departmental inquiry itself has indicted the inspector for misusing his official position to commit atrocities against the Dalits, senior advocate K Elangovan said there was no justification for the police department to delay action against the inspector. 



Ringing with hate



By Lyla Bavadam


Maharashtra's poor record


Interview with Anand Teltumbde, writer and civil rights activist. By LYLA BAVADAM »

Crimes against Dalits are on the rise in Maharashtra. Among the root causes are land-grabbing and sheer rage of dominant castes against the "defiance" of the lower castes. By LYLA BAVADAM


CASTE tensions are simmering in Maharashtra, where in the past 12 months alone there have been seven caste-related murders. The seemingly low figure is significant because the seven people lost their lives only because of the lower social status ascribed to them by birth. And the State revels in calling itself progressive and modern. The murders were of a gruesome nature; it was as if some vengeance was being exacted.


Only some of these cases have been registered under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, though on the face of it there are adequate pointers to a caste angle to all of them. Analysis of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data for crimes against Scheduled Castes under the Prevention of Atrocities Act from 2001 to 2012 shows that Maharashtra had 3,210 reported cases of atrocities in this period. The State was ninth on the list, which Uttar Pradesh topped with 26,378 cases followed by Tamil Nadu with 10,845. Priyadarshi Telang of Manuski, an organisation that campaigns for social justice, says Maharashtra has an annual conviction rate of less than 3 per cent and thus holds the State "responsible for the increasing caste atrocities in Maharashtra". The latest case, the murder of a young Dalit man in Shirdi, highlights the growing trend of violence against Dalits in Maharashtra. On May 16, nursing student Sagar Shejwal was murdered and his body mutilated. The reason for this brutality was something as innocuous as his cell phone ringtone, "Kara kitihi halla, majboot Bhimacha killa" (Raise your voice all you want, Bhim's fort remains strong). It is a song of strength for Dalits, a rallying cry with its references to solidarity and community togetherness and the leadership of B.R. Ambedkar. The higher castes perceive it as defiance, especially if they nurture resentment towards Dalits. This is what seems to have happened in Shirdi.


Sagar had come home to Shirdi to attend a wedding. On May 16, he and two cousins went to a local beer bar. At some point, his phone rang and this apparently annoyed some men in the bar. Recounting the story later, his brother Akash said a man came up to Sagar and asked for his name. When he replied, he asked Sagar to switch off his phone. Sagar refused, saying it caused no one any problem. That innocuous statement, combined with his obviously Dalit surname, was enough for the man and his eight friends to attack Sagar and his cousins with beer bottles. Akash said the bar owner called the police who apparently replied they had no vehicle to come to the site. Akash pointed out that that the police station was just two minutes' walk away.


As the fight turned more violent, Sagar got the worst of it. He was hit, kicked, punched, dragged out of the bar in a semi-conscious state, dumped onto a motorbike and taken away. His cousins alerted the rest of the family, but even a second appeal to the police station was turned down. The inspector apparently said, "He was just hit with a few bottles, wasn't he? He will be back in the evening." Unsatisfied with this, the boys gathered their friends and mounted a search. "We knew the general direction in which the bike had gone and kept asking people," said Akash, "and we finally found his body in a jungle."


Significantly, the fight was captured by the bar's security camera. This played a big part in the six arrests that have taken place so far. But what happened outside the shop was far worse and for this there are no witnesses. Once he was dumped on the bike, Sagar was taken to a wooded area, where his body was later found stripped of clothes and with multiple fractures and telltale marks of a two-wheeler having been driven over him. The autopsy report said he died of multiple fractures. The six men have been booked, among other things, for murder and offences under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. Sagar's assailants belong to the Maratha caste and Other Backward Classes (OBC).


The other six murders too highlight some commonalities. All of them were caste-specific. In all the reported cases, the aggressors were either from the Maratha community or from the OBCs, people belonging to communities just one level higher than Dalits in the caste hierarchy. Explaining this surprising lack of empathy for their kindred folk, Paul Divakar of the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights says that those communities which were not traditionally "upper caste", have now risen economically and are part of the power structure. Marathas, for instance, are new entrants to a higher social standing. Keen to maintain this, they ally themselves with the upper castes and prove their allegiance by stomping on the traditional underdog, Dalits.


Another commonality in the cases is the police baulking at registering cases under the Prevention of Atrocities Act. They either dismiss serious crimes as trivial offences (like the police inspector in Shirdi who told Sagar's family that it was just a bar brawl) or introduce a "Dalit-boy-upper-caste-girl" love angle in order to lessen the gravity of crimes that actually have their roots in land-grabbing, sheer assertion of caste dominance, or rage by dominant castes at what they see as "defiance" or the lower castes "getting above themselves". The Dalit writer and activist Anand Teltumbde said: "This comes handy for the police to divert attention and create indignation among the people. It is a typical ploy which extends to the judicial process too that the atrocity was not due to caste motive. Khairlanji [where four members of a Dalit family were killed in 2006] exemplifies it wherein the lower court dismissed the argument that there was caste motive in the gory incident."


Criminal offences

Some of the fatal crimes against Dalits in the past 12 months are listed below.


On April 3, 2014, a former sarpanch named Ganesh Chavan in Jalna district assaulted a Dalit called Manoj Kasab. The reason: Kasab became sarpanch thanks to reservation and Chavan was offended that he had been "usurped" by a Dalit. Kasab's assailant was a Maratha and he was booked under the Prevention of Atrocities Act along with 10 others who had helped Chavan.


On April 25, 2014, Umesh Agale was stabbed to death in a village in Aurangabad district. He was suspected of having an affair with an upper-caste girl. Three Maratha men lured Agale out of his house on the pretext of talking to him, killed him in the adjoining fields and dumped his body in a well. There was initial resistance to treating this as a caste atrocity case, but the police later registered it as such and booked the three men.


Three days later, on April 28, a teenaged Dalit boy was strangled to death and his body was hung from a tree in Ahmednagar district because he spoke to a Maratha girl. The boy, Nitin Aghe, was taken from his school by the girl's brother and another man, beaten and then strangled. Initial investigations did not even treat the death as murder, let alone a caste crime, but later this was reversed and a case was registered under the Prevention of Atrocities Act.


On May 1, 2014, Manik Udage was crushed to death in a stone quarry by four Maratha men from his own village in Pune district because they objected to the celebrations Udage had planned for Ambedkar Jayanti. It took a year for the police to register a case under the Prevention of Atrocities Act.


A fortnight later, on May 16, Sanjay Khobragade, a Dalit activist in his forties, was set on fire in Gondia district. He was trying to prevent a higher-caste family from usurping land set aside for a Buddha vihar. Despite 90 per cent burns, Khobragade managed to give a dying declaration to the police implicating six people of a Powar family. They were charged under the Prevention of Atrocities Act but were set free when a new angle was "discovered", in which the victim's wife was apparently engaged in a liaison with someone else.


October 21, 2014, saw three of a family butchered in caste violence in Ahmednagar district. Sanjay Jadhav, his wife, Jayshree, and their son Sunil were murdered in the early hours of the day. When farm labourers told Sanjay Jadhav's brother they had not turned up for work, a search was initiated. The mutilated bodies of the men were found strewn around in a farm. The woman's body was found with a deep injury on the head. The cause of this violence was attributed to an alleged alliance between Sunil and an upper-caste girl. No immediate arrests were made, but later the very man who had filed the first information report (FIR) was arrested. He was the deceased man's nephew and the police maintain that the reason for the crime was a family dispute. Once this arrest was made, the charge of "family dispute" safely took the case out of the realm of the Prevention of Atrocities Act. Nothing more was heard about the initial claim that there was an alliance between Sunil and an upper-caste girl. 

On January 1, 2013, Ahmednagar district saw the murder of three Dalit men who worked as safai kamgars (cleaners). Sandip Dhanwar, Sachin Dharu and Rahul Kandare were called one morning to clean a septic tank at the house of Prakash Darandale, a Maratha. At 8 p.m., a relative of Dhanwar received a call from the police saying he had drowned in the septic tank. Knowing two other people had accompanied Dhanwar, the relative asked the caller about their whereabouts. He was told they had already left. A few hours later, he received another call from the police informing him that the other two were found dead in a well. The bodies of these two were mutilated, with Dharu's head and limbs severed from the body. Cases under the Prevention of Atrocities Act were registered and the police said that it was related to honour killing because of some involvement with an upper-caste girl.


These cases are just the reported ones. There are many that have not ended fatally and many remain unreported because of the tedium of the legal process as well as dominant caste arrogance that deters people from pursuing justice. Dr V.A. Ramesh Nathan, general secretary of the National Dalit Movement for Justice, says that at the national level conviction takes place in fewer than 10 per cent of the cases under the Prevention of Atrocities Act. Compare this with the 44 per cent conviction rate for cases filed under the Indian Penal Code (IPC). He attributes the low percentage of convictions to poor investigation and implementation of the law.


"In almost all cases, counter-cases are filed and the victim or their family is forced to withdraw their original case. In the special courts there is a nexus [between the authorities]. They do things like not filing the charge sheet on time," said Nathan.


If the Prevention of Atrocities Act is to be seen as the deterrent it is meant to be, then cases need to be resolved with some speed. While constitutional and legal means of justice exist for Dalits, their implementation is sluggish. For many this is as good as no law.


The Tribune

Congress for invoking SC/ST Act against BJP leader



Nikhil Bhardwaj

Tribune News ServiceJalandhar, June 14


The chairman of the SC Wing, the Punjab Pardesh Congress Committee (PPCC), Dr Raj Kumar Chabbewal, today met the family of the deceased Nishan Singh (45) who allegedly committed suicide due to the harassment by a BJP leader and three other persons.


Chabbewal demanded invoking the SC/ST Act against the BJP leader, Pardeep Khullar, and three others, including a PSPCL employee Subash Chandar, Kala Kutya Wala and Kasturi Lal. All were booked for abetting the suicide of a provisional store owner Nishan, resident of New Shashtri Nagar.


Chabbewal said Nishan was living in a rented accommodation along with his wife, and three children, including two girls and a boy. "His family told me that the BJP leader Khullar was threatening them to leave the house. He also filed a fake complaint of power theft with the PSPCL and in connivance with the PSPCL employee, their electricity meter was also removed," he said adding that all the four accused were torturing the family due to which Nishan went into depression and committed suicide.


"On Monday, we will meet the Police Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner, Jalandhar, to seek immediate arrest of the BJP leader. If the police does not pay heed to our demands, Congress workers will gherao the Police Commissioner's office," Chabbewal added.


Chabbewal was also accompanied by Jagdish Samrai, Chairman District Congress Committee SC Department, Atul Chadha, general secretary DCC and several other Congress worker.


Notably, Nishan's body was found hanging at his residence on June 10. No suicide note was recovered from the spot. On the allegation of his wife, a case of abetment to suicide was registered at the Basti Bawa Khel police station.


BJP leader's house locked

As per the city police, all the four accused had gone underground and raids were being conducted to nab them. Sources said since the registration of the case, residences of the BJP leader and other persons booked in the case were locked.


The Hindu

Not many takers for BDA two-bedroom flats



K. V. Aditya Bharadwaj

Chitra V. Ramani


Allotment of 800 flats scheduled for June 18, but there are only 290 eligible applicants


Yet again, Bangalore Development Authority's (BDA) two-bedroom flats that are ready for occupation, have received poor response from buyers. While the three earlier allotment rounds saw under subscription, the latest round is also under subscribed.


The BDA is all set to allot over 800 two-bedroom flats at three sites in the city on June 18. However, there are only 290 applicants who are eligible to participate in the allotment lottery.


This is not the first time the BDA is facing poor response for its flats. In November last, the authority's allotment of one-bedroom flats was not well received, and of the 1,400 flats notified, only around 960 were allotted.


BDA officials conceded that there was a huge difference between the number of flats at Doddabanhalli, near ITPL, and the number of applicants. A senior official, on condition of anonymity, told The Hindu that with higher purchase power, many citizens were now able to afford luxurious flats constructed by private builders. "This is true especially in the case of Doddabanhalli, where most of the residents are software professionals," the official said.

However, the official pointed out that with full handover still around eight months away, the demand for the flats may go up. "When the applications were called in last February, construction of the flats had not yet begun. After the allotment next week, we will invite applications for another round; and we are confident that the numbers will see a definite increase then," he said.


Officials also said that once allotment was done, the allottees would have to pay the cost of the flat (Rs. 25 lakh) in four instalments i.e. once in two months, following which the flats would be handed over. The officials added that there was no rebate for two-bedroom flats for those from the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. 

Meanwhile, BDA Commissioner T. Sham Bhatt maintained that there were sufficient numbers of applicants. He said applications were more for some projects compared to others. "We will give them an option to chose flats in other projects," he said.


Projects ready for allotment

Doddabanhalli, near ITPL: 624 flats, 159 applicants

Valagerahalli on Mysuru Road: 48 flats, 45 applicants

Kanminike, off Mysuru Road: 150 flats, 86 applicants

Dimension of the two-bedroom flat: 783 sq. ft

Cost of the flat: Rs. 25 lakh (to be paid in 4 instalments)

Why are there few takers for BDA flats

Some locations have been found to be far

Property buyers prefer to buy luxurious apartments

Built-up area of BDA flats is small

Ongoing projects

Gunjur, near Varthur

Gottigere on Bannerghatta Road

Kothnur, J.P. Nagar 8th Phase

Tippasandra, within Anjanapura Layout

Halagevaderahalli, near Rajarajeshwarinagar

Komaghatta, off NICE Road

Sonnenahalli, within Sir M. Vishveshwaraya Layout

Gidadakonenahalli, within Sir M. Vishveshwaraya Layout

Malagala, within Nagarbhavi Layout

Alur, off Tumkur Road


The Guardian

Lynching of boy underlines how the curse of caste still blights India



Sai Ram, burned alive because of a stray goat, was just one of 17,000 Dalits to fall victim to caste violence in the state of Bihar


In another time, another place, Sai Ram might have escaped serious harm. But he died in great pain last week, a casualty of a bitter, barely reported conflict that still claims many lives every year.


Ram, 15, was a goatherd in a village in the poor eastern Indian state of Bihar. He was a Dalit, from the lowest rung of the caste hierarchy that still defines the lives, and sometimes the deaths, of millions of people in the emerging economic power.


His alleged killer, currently being held by local police, is from a higher landowning caste. He took offence when one of the teenager's goats strayed on to his paddy field and grazed on his crops. Ram was overpowered by the landowner and a group of other men. He was badly beaten.


Then petrol was poured over him and lit, Ram's father, Jiut Ram, said. "He was crying for help, then went silent," the 50-year-old daily wage labourer told the Guardian.


The incident took place at Mohanpur village, about 125 miles (200km) south-west of Bihar's capital, Patna, in an area known for caste tensions. It was the latest in a series of violent incidents that have once again highlighted the problems and discrimination linked to caste, particularly in lawless and impoverished rural areas.


Earlier this month, five Dalit women were allegedly gang-raped by upper-caste men in central Bihar's Bhojpur district. In September, hundreds of Dalit families were forced from their homes in two other districts of Bihar after a man from the community tried to contest a local election against higher caste candidates.


Several political, social and economic factors usually lie behind such upsurges in caste-related violence. One reason for Bihar's recent incidents may be the appointment in May of Jitan Ram Manjhi, a Dalit, as the chief minister of the state.


Since taking power Manjhi has announced measures to help other Dalits in Bihar, one of India's poorest states, and is reported to have urged the community to have more children to become a more powerful political force.

Dalits account for some 15% of Bihar's population of 103.8 million.


The chief minister's call was not well received by members of other castes, local observers said.


Sachindra Narayan, a prominent Patna-based social scientist with the National Human Rights Commission in Delhi, said: "The prime reason [for the violence] is that [Dalits] feel empowered after seeing someone from their community at the head of the state and have begun to assert their rights. This is purely a retaliation from the dominant social groups."

Manjhi claims a temple in northern Bihar was ritually cleaned and idols washed with holy water after his visit to the shrine. Such ceremonies are still performed by upper castes to eradicate "pollution" left by lower-caste visitors.


"A deep-rooted bias prevails against … those from the downtrodden sections of society … I have myself been a victim of caste bias," the 70-year-old said.


Opponents claim Manjhi was stoking caste tensions for political advantage.

In the vast neighbouring state of Uttar Pradesh, caste is also a major political issue, with power contested by two parties that broadly represent two different caste communities. That of Mayawati explicity campaigns for Dalits, while the ruling Samajwadi party is seen by many as representing the Yadav community, once pastoralists.


Caste became a factor in recent national elections too. The prime minister, Narendra Modi, comes from a poor family from the lower-caste Ghanchicommunity, which is associated with selling oil. His rise from humble origins to leader of 1.25 billion people has inspired many – but also provoked scorn from elite politicians who have mocked his background.


The origins of caste are contested. Some point to ancient religious texts, others to rigid classifications of more local definitions of community and identities by British imperial administrators. The word "caste" is of Portuguese origin.


Regardless of its origins, the word still has the power to stir controversy. Arundhati Roy, the Booker prize-winning author, recently accused Mahatma Gandhi, India's revered independence leader, of discrimination and called for institutions bearing his name to be renamed because of his attitude to caste.


She said: "It is time to unveil a few truths about a person whose doctrine of nonviolence was based on the acceptance of the most brutal social hierarchy ever known, the caste system … Do we really need to name our universities after him?"


Sociologists say the rapid urbanisation of India has weakened the caste system as the realities of living in overcrowded Indian cities make reinforcing social separation and discrimination through rituals or violence much harder.


But if change is coming to places like rural Bihar, it is often accompanied by violence.

Last October a roadside bomb killed Sunil Pandey, a landowner who was alleged to be a senior figure in a militia formed in 1994 to enforce the interests of higher castes in the state, but which has been largely dormant recently.

The Ranvir Sena militia, formed by men of the Bhumihar caste of landlords, is held responsible for a series of massacres of Dalits in the 1990s. These murders, in effect reprisals against local Maoist guerrillas, who have also killed many, reached a bloody climax with the deaths of 58 men, women and children with no connection to extremism in the village of Lakshman Bathe in 1998. Ranvir Sena and Pandey were blamed.


Last year 24 men had their convictions for that massacre overturned by Bihar's high court, prompting renewed clashes.


The authorities have pledged rapid justice for Ram, the 15-year-old burned to death last week. But of nearly 17,000 pending trials in Bihar involving charges of violence against Dalits only a 10th were dealt with last year.

"We are going to … start speedy trial of the case," Chandan Kumar Kushwaha, the local superintendent of police, said, while the chief minister told reporters he was taking a personal interest in the case.


"I have talked to the state's director general of police and district superintendent of police concerned, and ordered them to … deliver instant justice to the victim [sic] family," Manjhi said.


For the teenager's father, nothing can compensate for the death of his son. "My entire world is lost now," he said.


The Guardian

London house to become museum to Indian activist



Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, one of founders of modern India and critic of caste system, lived in the house in Primrose Hill in 1921-22


A six-bedroom house in north London is set to become a museum to one of India's most revered – but still controversial – campaigners and political figures after being bought for £3m-£4m by a provincial government in the south Asian country.

Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, a politician, social activist and lawyer who drafted much of the Indian constitution, lived in the house in London's Primrose Hill while a student at the London School of Economics in 1921 and 1922.


Ambedkar was a Dalit, or "untouchable", from the lowest rank of the tenacious social hierarchy known as caste. However, he escaped poverty and discrimination to win scholarships to study economics at LSE and Columbia University, New York and to qualify as a barrister in London. A fierce critic of the caste system, he became India's first law minister when the country won its independence in 1947. Ambedkar is still revered today by Dalits there and across the world.


The house will be turned into a museum and library, with rooms available for Dalits from India who are studying, like Ambedkar, at the LSE on two new scholarships. It will need up to £1m of refurbishment and conversion work if the sale goes through.


Arun Kumar, general secretary of the UK-based Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organisations, said: "It is a historical place. [Ambedkar] came to London and was exposed to an atmosphere of freedom and equality and went back to India building on everything he had seen and saying, 'If in western countries there is equality, why not in India?'"


Ambedkar was born a Hindu but converted to Buddhism before he died in 1956, convinced that caste discrimination was intrinsic to his original faith. Remembered as one of the founders of modern India, his portrait hangs in many homes of India's 200 million Dalits. "He is a hero to us, a saint, like our god," said 38-year-old Radhika Kumar, a Dalit and a cleaner in Delhi.


Ambedkar's views on caste contrasted with those of Mahatma Gandhi, the revered independence leader whose statue was recently unveiled in Parliament Square. Gandhi condemned caste discrimination, but believed its causes were not religious and that parts of the caste system should be maintained.


The museum is being funded by the government of Maharashtra, the Indian state where Ambedkar's family was from. Dalits are an important constituency in India and wooed by politicians. Next year is the 125th anniversary of his birth.


"This is a historical moment for us because it is not just a house but has the emotions of all Indians attached to it," Rajkumar Badole, Maharashtra's minister of social justice, said in London this year. Badole pledged too to fund an Ambedkar chair at the LSE and scholarships.


Supporters of the museum say it will have relevance in the UK, too. Research by the British government has found evidence of caste discrimination among Britons of Asian origin in the workplace and in schools. Legislation is due to be introduced this year to make caste discrimination an offence in Britain. "It is important to send a message here, too," said Kumar.


News monitored by Girish Pant & AJEET




.Arun Khote
On behalf of
Dalits Media Watch Team
(An initiative of "Peoples Media Advocacy & Resource Centre-PMARC")

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Peoples Media Advocacy & Resource Centre- PMARC has been initiated with the support from group of senior journalists, social activists, academics and  intellectuals from Dalit and civil society to advocate and facilitate Dalits issues in the mainstream media. To create proper & adequate space with the Dalit perspective in the mainstream media national/ International on Dalit issues is primary objective of the PMARC.

राष्ट्रिय मूल नीति तर्जुमा गरिनु पर्दछ ! but who will do it the present day corrupt power hungry crooks whom the fool call as leaders ?

Ref:Do ordinary people get chance to comment on the proposed constitution?

Kalyan Bhattarai <kdbhattarai2009@gmail.com>

Dear Dahal ji -i agree राष्ट्रिय मूल नीति तर्जुमा गरिनु पर्दछ ! but who will do it the present day corrupt power hungry crooks whom the fool call as leaders ? we all have watch them closely from 2046- did they did single good work to expect these corrupt will make राष्ट्रिय मूल नीति.you know how these corrupt looted the taxpayer's money in the name pf constitution making they extended the 2 years time illegitimately to 4 years and failed to write one simple constitution simply because their interest was only to loot the nation. 
No sense to repeat their wrong dopings everybody knows it well. do you  think there will be change in their corrupt notion?  they will bring changes in their  dirty nauseating power game ?does your inner mind tells that these corrupt leaders will do any single good work for the nation ? 
Is their single reason why a country like nepal need federalism even the fool knows this is only to create the plump post to loot the nation and appoint their show polisher and underwear washer in the post ., can they nominate Mahabir Pun as president ? 
do you accept these corrupt crooks as leaders if so why simply because they have some goons with them -have you read the book published by election commission where the details on the number of vote they receive etc is mentioned -read it and find one single candidate who is worth to call people's representative and are trusted by the majority of the voters . 
  1. Any democratic person will start nauseating when he/she finds the percentage of votes they received to be elected -
  2. on what ground those who are rejected by majority of the voters of respective  constituents  can be accepted as people's representative ? 
  3. In the name of democracy they are just rapoing the democracy in day light and so called intellectuals are clapping their hands with the hope of getting some lucrative post -what an exhibition of intellectual bankruptcy !
  4. Why there is not enough protest on the looting of the taxpayer's money by the so called leaders? in my opinion all who have looted the taxpayer's money in the name of medical treatment should be hanged to death., 
  5. we were in the street during 2046 Andolan not because we were puppets of any leaders nor we were against the king what we wanted was the democracy, rule of law and  all round development of the country where the citizen could work with dignity and live as human being 
  6. What is happening today ? nothing happens without bribery and the corrupt politician are looting the nation, even the relief fund they looted and why to call such corrupt as leaders ? to call present day corrupt power hungry crooks as leaders will be insult to real leaders . 
  7. The development during the Panchyati period was slow but it was in the process ,the corruption was rampant but no so much institutionalized and there was fear that if the bl king knows it the corrupt will be in problem today from president to all PM, minister are looting and only looting the nation in various pretext  Shamelessly the Pm says he will jail those who misuse the relief fund and to day all papers are flooded with corrupt news and nobody is punished why ?
  8. see the industry they have destroyed all industry any sector from education to health tourism to foreign policy all are in useless stage 
  9.  China and India decides on LIpu :Leckh which belongs to nepal but the puppet PM with slavery mentality can't even protest it .
  10.  Friend this country is rule by goons corrupt hijackers and blackmailers to expect any मूल नीति from these corrupt will be to expect to grow tomato from potato seeds. 
  11. As long as top 500 corrupt present day top leaders are not hanged to death to expect anything good positive democratic and development related work will be only to show  your intellectual bankruptcy. Thanks Kalyan Dev Bhattarai

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Siddhi Ranjitkar <siddhiranjit@gmail.com>wrote:
It is refreshing to read Kalayn Bhattarai's statement.

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 5:19 AM, Kalyan Bhattarai<kdbhattarai2009@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear friends -i have said many times we are not under the democratic system but under kleptocratic system  -forget about the role/say/opinion of the common people even the so called elected members of CA are treated like puppets (the 601 fools accepted that they are only shoe polisher of the corrupt leaders from their deeds ) and they just only clapped on the constitution  made by few most corrupt power hungry crooks.  I wonder how those who are rejected by the majority of the voters of all constituents are considered elected  there is a case where the candidate who lost his deposit because he was not  able to get the required votes (support from voters) but still consider as elected and the fools call such system as democratic !
 Why h in new constitution  PM is not  elected by the people directly. ? Last 2 decade's  history tells us how the so called  MP were sold in the open market, they were huddled in a hotel like sheeps ,they were sent to Bangkok in taxpayers money in the name of medical treatment to save from non confidence motion, some political parties even hurdled their PM and pleased them showing the blue flim to get the required signatures etc 
90 % of the people are fooled by few corrupt politicians and is being dragged to the wrong direction like federalism simply because the corrupt political leaders are in need of big plump post to their cadres  like CM ,Governor. DCM. and 100s of such unrequired post and these crooks will get salary, perks, residence, transportation facilities etc all from the poor citizen's tax paid money  etc 
I understand well why the corrupt politicians do favor such undemocratic system but wonder why the educated elites also consider such undemocratic system as democracy just to get few important post and ready to polish the shoe of corrupt leaders. 
can anybody explain why the direct election of CEO of the country is not accepted by the corrupt leaders  because they are in politics to loot the nation 
Can anybody explain me why the corrupt should not be hanged to death ? 
can anybody give me singe reasonable reason why a poor small country like nepal need federalism 
can any body tell me how the one rejected by the majority of the voters can be consider as their representatives ? 
can any body tell me under what law the politician from president to PM and almost all leaders are looting millions of taxpayers money in the name of medical treatment  
everybody knows  the PM fooled the citizen not once but many times by saying he will jail the one who misuses the relief fund but today when the 
newspapers are flooded with the corruption news not a single corrupt is arrested why 
why the CA cannot inform the people how many suggestion it received from the people's side and how many of that was incorporated in the constitution .This is because the present day corrupt power hungry politician are not interested for the betterment of the country or the nation and are interested only to loot the country so neither they incorporate the people's choice nor do give attention to the requirements of the citizen because  they  all are looters and should be hanged to death
After more than 45 days of EQ also there are many   real victims who have not received any relief but the cadres of the political parties have taken 95 % of the distributed fund/materials etc this is because  the present leaders are only interested for the better of their party cadres and do not care to the ordinary citizen. 
i request all the intellectuals of the country to come out of their petty interest and speak truth and not to  kill their inner voice . 
see the raping of democracy -  even for the post of messenger some qualification is needed like  cycling ,able to read and write -but no need of any qualification to be politicians why ? this is because the present day  corrupt politicians want to rule this country by goons, corrupt, murderers, looters,kidnappers, blackmailers  hijackers, and all kind of criminals -this is as simple as that but still i wonder why the so called intellectuals  cannot demand to have some qualification to be minister president PM etc why? May be because by polishing the shoe of such corrupt leaders the so called intellectuals want to get some post ?   
Thanks Kalyan dev Bhattarai

2015-06-13 11:20 GMT+05:45 Bijaya Sainju <bijaya.sainju@gmail.com>:
I think we shall ve "Chance " but coalition govt wont care. It will be just to show..
Bijaya sainju

PM Should Act Forthwith

PM Should Act Forthwith
Press Statement

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the
following statement:

PM Should Act Forthwith

The intervention by the Minister of External Affairs, in inappropriately
facilitating the travel of a person with serious criminal charges connected
with the IPL controversy, is completely unacceptable.

In the background of the loud campaigns made on completion of the first year of this BJP government, the Prime Minister must redeem the assertions that he has made to the Indian people on the grounds that his government is "corruption free" and "accountable". 

The accountability of the Prime
Minister and the government on this score can be enforced only when the
Prime Minister, whose prerogative it is under our constitutional scheme of
things to decide on the composition of the Union Cabinet, announces the
necessary action on this score. There must be a thorough enquiry into all
the allegations that have surfaced regarding this affair and consequent
punishment under the law must be taken promptly against all concerned.

मोदी का मुस्लिम नेताओं से संवाद एक मायाजाल -राम पुनियानी


15 जून 2015

मोदी का मुस्लिम नेताओं से संवाद एक मायाजाल

  -राम पुनियानी

लगभग एक सप्ताह पहले, नरेन्द्र मोदी ने विभिन्न मुस्लिम समूहों के लगभग 30 प्रतिनिधियों से बातचीत की। यद्यपि इस सम्बन्ध में विस्तृत जानकारी उपलब्ध नहीं है तथापि कहा जाता है कि मोदी ने इन नेताओं से कहा कि वे उनके लिए हमेशा उपलब्ध हैं। "आप लोग आधी रात को भी मेरा दरवाजा खटखटा सकते हैं", उन्होंने कहा। जो मुस्लिम नेता मोदी से मिले, उनमें से कई आरआरएस के नजदीक हैं और संघ द्वारा स्थापित 'मुस्लिम राष्ट्रीय मंच'से जुड़े हुए हैं। इस बैठक का खूब प्रचार हुआ परन्तु यह मोदी की अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय के नेताओं के साथ पहली मुलाकात नहीं थी। सवाल यह है कि यह संवाद केवल एक दिखावा था या मुस्लिम समुदाय की समस्याओं को सुलझाने का संजीदा प्रयास। क्या मोदी के शब्दों को गंभीरता से लिया जा सकता है? क्या वे सचमुच देश के सबसे बड़े अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय की बेहतरी के बारे में चिंतित हैं? क्या वे देश की बहुवादी संस्कृति की रक्षा करना चाहते हैं? मुस्लिम समुदाय में भी कई ऐसे नेता हैं जो पुराने अनुभवों को भुला कर एक नयी शुरुआत, एक नया संवाद शुरू करना चाहते हैं। क्या यह संभव है?

मोदी, आरएसएस के प्रशिक्षित प्रचारक हैं, जिन्हें डेप्युटेशन पर भाजपा में भेजा गया है। उनकी विचारधारा क्या है, वे यह कई बार साफ कर चुके हैं। लोकसभा के 2014 चुनाव के प्रचार के दौरान उन्होंने कहा था कि वे जन्म से हिन्दू हैं और राष्ट्रवादी हैं, इसलिए वे हिन्दू राष्ट्रवादी हैं! वे समय-समय पर आरएसएस के मुखिया से विचार-विनिमय करते रहते हैं। कहने की आवश्यकता नहीं कि दोनों के बीच कुछ मामूली मतभेदों के बावजूद, संघ ही भाजपा की नीतियों का अंतिम निर्धारक है। गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री बतौर, मोदी ने उनकी राजनीति की प्रकृति एकदम स्पष्ट कर दी थी। उनके मुख्यमंत्रित्वकाल में गुजरात को 'हिन्दू राष्ट्र की प्रयोगशाला'कहा जाता था। उन्होंने गुजरात कत्लेआम को औचित्यपूर्ण ठहराने के लिए न्यूटन के 'क्रिया-प्रतिक्रिया'के गतिकी के तीसरे नियम का हवाला दिया था। दंगों के बाद पीडि़तों के लिए स्थापित राहत शिविरों को बहुत जल्दी बंद कर दिया गया और मोदी ने उन्हें 'बच्चे पैदा करने वाली फैक्ट्रियां'बताया था।

दंगों के फलस्वरूप, गुजरात के समाज का सांप्रदायिक आधार पर जो ध्रुवीकरण हुआ, उसकी मदद से मोदी ने लगातार तीन चुनावों में विजय हासिल की। दंगों के घाव भरने और दोनों समुदायों के बीच सौहार्द कायम करने की इस बीच कोई कोशिश नहीं हुई। अल्पसंख्यक अपने मोहल्लों में सिमटते गए। अहमदाबाद का मुस्लिम-बहुल जुहापुरा इलाका, मोदी की बाँटनेवाली राजनीति का प्रतीक है। जिन लोगों ने निर्दोषों का खून बहाया था उन्हें महत्वपूर्ण पदों से नवाजा गया। मायाबेन कोडनानी को मंत्री पद मिला। उस दौर में फर्जी मुठभेड़ें आम थीं और इन्हें अंजाम देने वाले, सत्ता के गलियारों में सम्मान की दृष्टि से देखे जाते थे। धीरे-धीरे मोदी ने अपनी भाषा और अपने शब्दों को "स्वीकार्य"स्वरुप देना शुरू किया। वे हिंदुत्व के जिस अतिवादी संस्करण के प्रणेता थे, उसे "मोदित्व'कहा जाने लगा।  

सन 2014 के लोकसभा चुनावों के दौरान, एक ओर तो वे विकास की बातें करते रहे तो दूसरी ओर बड़ी चतुराई से सांप्रदायिक सन्देश भी देते रहे। उन्होंने बीफ के निर्यात की निंदा की और उसे "पिंक रेवोल्यूशन'बताया। इसका उद्देश्य मुस्लिम अल्पसंख्यकों को बीफ से जोड़ना था। उन्होंने यह आरोप भी लगाया कि असम की सरकार, बांग्लादेशी घुसपैठियों को बसाहट के लिए वहां पाए जाने वाले एक सींग वाले गेंडों को मार रही है। यह बांग्लाभाषी मुसलमानों पर हमला था। उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि बांग्लाभाषी मुसलमानों को 16 मई को - जिस दिन वे देश के प्रधानमंत्री बन जायेंगे - अपना बोरिया-बिस्तर लपेटने के लिए तैयार रहना चाहिए। यह साम्प्रदायिकता फैलाने का खुल्लमखुल्ला प्रयास था। भाजपा के प्रवक्ता लगातार यह कहते रहे हैं कि बांग्लाभाषी हिन्दू शरणार्थी हैं और मुसलमान, घुसपैठिये। सन्  2014 का चुनाव अभियान मोदी के नेतृत्व में चलाया गया था। उनके चेले अमित शाह ने मुजफ्फरनगर का 'बदला'लेने की बात कही तो गिरिराज सिंह ने फरमाया कि जो मोदी के विरोधी हैं, उन्हें पाकिस्तान चले जाना चाहिए।

आरएसएस ने पिछले (2014) चुनावों में अपनी पूरी ताकत झोंक दी ताकि प्रचारक मोदी प्रधानमंत्री बन सकें। सत्ता में आने के बाद, परोक्ष व अपरोक्ष ढंग से ऐसे कई सन्देश दिए गए जिनसे विभाजनकारी राष्ट्रीयता के प्रति उनकी प्रतिबद्धता जाहिर होती थी। आरएसएस से सम्बद्ध विभिन्न संगठन, जो अलग-अलग तरीकों और रास्तों से संघ के लक्ष्यों को हासिल करने के लिए काम करते हैं, आक्रामक होने लगे और उनकी गतिविधियों में तेजी आई। चर्चों और मस्जिदों पर हमले बढ़ने लगे। दक्षिणपंथी ताकतों को यह लगने लगा कि चूंकि अब देश में उनकी सरकार है इसलिए वे चाहे जो करें, उनका कोई कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ सकता। मोदी के शासनकाल के पहले छह महीनों में मोदी की नाक के नीचे चर्चों पर हमले हुए और वे चुप्पी साधे रहे। उनका मौन तब टूटा जब अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा ने उन्हें धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता और सहिष्णुता के महत्व की याद दिलाई।

हाल (जून 2015) में दिल्ली के पास अटाली में व्यापक हिंसा हुई जहां एक अधबनी मस्जिद को गिरा दिया गया और सैकड़ों मुसलमानों को पुलिस थाने में शरण लेनी पड़ी। इस तरह की घटनाएं देश में जगह-जगह हो रही हैं और इनसे साम्प्रदायिक ध्रुवीकरण मजबूत हो रहा है। गैर-हिन्दुओं पर 'हरामजादे'का लेबिल चस्पा करने वाली मंत्री महोदया अपने पद पर बनीं हुई हैं और निहायत घटिया नस्लीय टिप्पणी करने वाले भी सत्ता के गलियारों में काबिज हैं। हिन्दुत्व के प्रतीक सावरकर और गोड़से का महिमामंडन किया जा रहा है और बहुवाद के पैरोकार नेहरू की या तो निंदा की जा रही है या उनके महत्व को कम करके बताया जा रहा है। गांधीजी को 'सफाईकर्मी'बना दिया गया है और हिन्दू-मुस्लिम एकता के उनके मूल संदेश को दरकिनार कर दिया गया है। केन्द्र सरकार के संस्थानों में ऐसे लोगों को चुन-चुनकर पदस्थ किया जा रहा है जो पौराणिकता और इतिहास में कोई भेद नहीं करते और जातिप्रथा को उचित ठहराते हैं। इनमें भारतीय इतिहास अनुसंधान परिषद के नए अध्यक्ष प्रोफेसर सुदर्शन राव शामिल हैं। आरएसएस से जुड़ी शैक्षणिक संस्थाएं सरकार को यह बता रही हैं कि शिक्षा नीति क्या होनी चाहिए और स्कूलों में बच्चों को क्या पढ़ाया जाना चाहिए। हिन्दू संस्कृति को राष्ट्रीय संस्कृति का दर्जा देने की कोशिश हो रही है।

मुस्लिम समुदाय की वास्तविक आवश्यकताएं क्या हैं? उन्हें प्रधानमंत्री से असल में क्या कहना चाहिए? उन्हें सबसे पहले ऐसी नीतियों की जरूरत है जिससे उनमें सुरक्षा का भाव उत्पन्न हो। पिछले तीन दशकों में हुई व्यापक और क्रूर हिंसा ने इस समुदाय पर गहरा मनोवैज्ञानिक प्रभाव डाला है। हिंसा के अलावा, मुसलमानों के प्रति घृणा का वातावरण बनाया गया और सामूहिक सामाजिक सोच को इस तरह से तोड़ा-मरोड़ा गया जिससे विघटनकारी विचारधारा को बढ़ावा मिले और मुसलमानों पर निशाना साधा जा सके। और यह सब करने के बाद, पीडि़त समुदाय को ही हिंसा का जनक और कारण बताया जाता रहा है! अल्पसंख्यकों के खिलाफ तरह-तरह के दुष्प्रचार हुए और इसके लिए सोशल मीडिया का जमकर उपयोग हुआ। जब तक मुसलमानों के खिलाफ समाज में व्याप्त गलत धारणाएं दूर नहीं की जाएंगी तब तक साम्प्रदायिक हिंसा पर रोक लगाना संभव नहीं होगा।

इस तरह, पूरी व्यवस्था का ढांचागत हिन्दुत्वीकरण किया जा रहा है और बहुवाद, जो कि भारतीय स्वाधीनता आंदोलन का केन्द्रीय तत्व था, की कीमत पर सावरकर-गोलवलकर की विचारधारा का प्रसार किया जा रहा है।

मुसलमानों के लिए दूसरा महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दा है आर्थिक दृष्टि से उनका हाशिए पर पटक दिया जाना। हालात इतने बिगड़ गए हैं कि एक मुस्लिम युवक जीशान अली खान को खुल्लमखुल्ला यह कह दिया गया कि उसके धर्म के कारण उसे नौकरी नहीं दी जा सकती और एक मुस्लिम लड़की मिशाब कादरी को उसका घर खाली करने के लिए कहा गया क्योकि वह एक धर्म विशेष में आस्था रखती थी। ''सबका साथ सबका विकास''केवल नारा रह गया है और जैसा कि मोदी के सिपहसालार अमित शाह ने किसी और संदर्भ में कहा था, वह केवल एक जुमला था। किसी भी विविधतापूर्ण समाज में वंचित समुदायों की बेहतरी के लिए सकारात्मक कदम उठाना, समाज और राज्य की जिम्मेदारी है। जब मोदी गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री थे तब उन्होंने मुस्लिम विद्यार्थियों को छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान करने के लिए केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा भिजवाई गई धनराशि को लौटा दिया था। सच्चर समिति की सिफारिशों की तो अब कोई चर्चा ही नहीं करता। जाहिर है कि 'सबका विकास'इस सरकार के लक्ष्यों में कतई शामिल नहीं है।

मुसलमानों का एक तबका यह तर्क दे रहा है कि मोदी का 'हृदय परिवर्तन'हो गया है और अब वे अपनी पार्टी के सांप्रदायिक तत्वों को दबाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं और आरएसएस की बात सुनना उनने कम कर दिया है। यह भ्रम जानबूझकर फैलाया जा रहा है और इसे फैलाने वालों में ज़फर सरेसवाला और एसएम मुश्रिफ जैसे लोग शामिल हैं। ऐसा कोई दिन नहीं जाता जब संघ परिवार का कोई न कोई नेता राममंदिर के निर्माण की मांग या धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यकों का अपमान न करे। और यह सब बहुत योजनाबद्ध तरीके से किया जा रहा है। घरवापसी और लवजिहाद के नाम पर भी सांप्रदायिकता की आग को सुलगाए रखने की कोशिश हो रही है। जो लोग 'हृदय परिवर्तन'की बात कर रहे हैं वे यह नहीं जानते कि आरएसएस द्वारा प्रशिक्षित स्वयंसेवक और प्रचारक, विचारधारा की दृष्टि से कितने कट्टर होते हैं। अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जैसे व्यक्ति ने भी प्रधानमंत्री बनने के बाद यह कहा था कि वे आरएसएस के स्वयंसेवक पहले हैं और प्रधानमंत्री बाद में।

कुछ आरएसएस समर्थक मुस्लिम नेता, मोदी के साथ जाना चाहते हैं और मोदी ने उन्हें वायदा किया है कि वे उनके लिए आधी रात को भी उपलब्ध रहेंगे। इन लोगों को यह नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि एहसान जाफरी के साथ क्या हुआ था। वे मोदी से सहायता की भीख मांगते रहे परंतु मोदी शायद बहरे हो गए थे। जाफरी को क्रूरतापूर्वक मौत के घाट उतार दिया गया। मोदी जहां थे, जाफरी उससे थोड़ी ही दूरी पर थे और उस समय आधी रात नहीं हुई थी।

समाज के अन्य वंचित वर्गों की तरह, मुस्लिम समुदाय को भी यह चाहिए कि वह जागे, आत्मचिंतन करे और बहुवाद व प्रजातंत्र के मूल्यों की रक्षा के लिए संघर्ष करे। मुस्लिम समुदाय को प्रजातांत्रिक ढंग से आंदोलन चलाने होंगे ताकि समुदाय के सदस्यों के नागरिक अधिकार सुरक्षित रह सकें। मूलाधिकारों के उल्लंघन का कड़ाई से विरोध किया जाना चाहिए। इस मामले में वे अंबेडकर से प्रेरणा ग्रहण कर सकते हैं जिन्होंने प्रजातांत्रिक रास्ते पर चलकर दलितों की बेहतरी के लिए काम किया। मुस्लिम समुदाय को चाहिए कि वो गांधी और मौलाना आजाद की राह पर चले, जो विविधता का अपनी दिल की गहराई से सम्मान करते थे न कि केवल दिखावे के लिए। मुसलमानों के लिए बिछाए जा रहे जाल में उन्हें नहीं फंसना चाहिए। खोखले शब्दों की जगह उन्हें संबंधित व्यक्तियों के कार्यों और उसकी विचारधारा पर ध्यान देना चाहिए। (मूल अंग्रेजी से हिन्दी रूपांतरण अमरीश हरदेनिया) (लेखक आई.आई.टी. मुंबई में पढ़ाते थे और सन् 2007 के नेशनल कम्यूनल हार्मोनी एवार्ड से सम्मानित हैं।)

PRESS RELEASE : Release of Central Fact Finding Report to Narmada - SSP affected areas


Delhi Solidarity Group

Press Release

Release of the report of the Central Fact Finding Team to Narmada – SSP affected areas

New Delhi, 13th June 2015: The ground level fact finding report from Sardar Sarovar Project Submergence Areas in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat titled 'Drowning a Valley: Destroying a Civilisation" was released today at Indian Women's Press Corps by the Fact Finding team who visited the villages on 9-10 May 2015. A 20 minutes short film shoton the governmental decision to raise the height of the SSP from 121.92 mts to its full height of 138.68 mts. by Anil Anand and Ramesh Pimple was also screened at the same. The meeting was addressed and report released by the members of the team, Hannan Mollah (CPIM), Annie Raja (NFIW), Benoy Vishwam (CPI) and Soumya Datta (Environmentalist).   


Hannah Mollah, eight time member of Parliament of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and Politbureau Member of CPI(M), stated that the work in progress at Sardar Sarovar Dam is in gross violation of the ruling of the Supreme Court and the recommendations of the Tribunal as detailed in the report. Annie Raja, General Secretary of National Federation of Indian Women and a member of the central executive committee of the CPI, suggested that the Supreme Court of India constitute a monitoring mechanism to ensure the implementation of its recommendations in the light of the violations that the report documents.  The Central Government and State Governments of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat had blatantly lied in the Supreme Court regarding zero balance of displaced people to be rehabilitated, Soumya Dutta pointed out . He also informed that out of around 48,000 project affected families (PAF) not more 11,300 have received land based rehabilitation. The rest are still waiting for rehabilitation as ordered by the Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal and the Supreme Court.  Many families living in the submergence zone have not even been counted in the project affeced list, thus being excluded from any possibility of compensation and rehabilitation. Thousands are in constant fear of submergence with the coming monsoon. Benoy Vishwam, Ex Forest Minister from Kerala and a senior member of CPI, pointed out that rehabilitation of the affected families should be the primary concern of the government, but on the contrary it can be that the state and centre goverments are conspiring together to hide the reality to proceed with the project.


The report was composed after the visit to the potential submergence area, by a team comprising of Shri Hannan Mollah, Ms Annie Raja, Shri Benoy Vishwom, Dr Sunilam – two time member of Legislative Assembly of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Raj Kachroo – a well known hydrologist and Shri Soumya Dutta – a well known expert on energy and climate issues.  Due to last minute glitches, Shri K C Tyagi and Shri Raj Babbar could not join the team. Shri Panchilal Meda (former MLA, Dharampuri, Dhar Dist) and Shri Ramesh Patel (Sitting MLA, Badwani Constituency) of Congress party also joined the team in Madhya Pradesh during these two days.


The fact finding team visited villages and townships in Madhya Pradesh and hilly areas in Maharashtra, interacted with about 5-6 thousands of oustees from Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and representatives from Gujarat. It could visit R&R sites in only MP, but recorded depositions of oustees from Maharashtra and Gujarat. It went through a number of documents, studies, reports and non-official accounts extensively.


Major concern of the fact finding team was that the the dam height of the Sardar Sarovar project is being raised to about 139 metres from the existing 121.92 M, while thousands of oustees at the existing height are still to be rehabilitated. As a result of the increased height, the back water levels will go up, specially during high flood levels, inundating many villages and hamlets which were near or even not-so-near the river bank, forcing permanent displacement for several villages and temporary displacement of several more in monsoons with heavy rains. It has been reported by several local groups that many of these displaced families – now numbering in thousands – has not even been recognised as 'displaced', thus denying them any compensation or rehabilitation benefits.


Copies of the report were distributed among those who attended the meeting. It was also agreed upon that the copy of the report be sent to the judicial bodies, governmental organisations like SC/ST  Welfare Commission and concerned ministries.



Contact: 9213763756, 9212587159, 9958797409

In solidarity, 

Subhrali Kachari

Delhi Forum
Address: F- 10/12, (Basement), Malviya Nagar,
New Delhi INDIA - 110017
Phones: 011-26680883 / 26680914 / +91-8860342753 (mobile)

(हस्तक्षेप.कॉम) पत्रकारों की नई कत्लगाह उत्तर प्रदेश !


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सूबे में व्याप्त जंगल राज के खिलाफ आपातकाल की बरसी पर लखनऊ में विरोध प्रदर्शन करेगा रिहाई मंच

Rihai Manch Press Note-सूबे में व्याप्त जंगल राज के खिलाफ आपातकाल की बरसी पर लखनऊ में विरोध प्रदर्शन करेगा रिहाई मंच

For Resistance Against Repression
सूबे में व्याप्त जंगल राज के खिलाफ आपातकाल की बरसी पर लखनऊ में विरोध
प्रदर्शन करेगा रिहाई मंच
पीलीभीत, कानपुर में पत्रकारों पर हमले व बांदा में किसान को जिंदा जला
देने की घटना सपा की अपराधियों के संरक्षण नीति का नतीजा

लखनऊ 15 जून 2015। रिहाई मंच ने कहा है कि पत्रकार जगेन्द्र को
राज्यमंत्री राममूर्ति सिंह वर्मा के इशारे पर जिंदा जला देने, आरटीआई
कार्यकर्ता गुरू प्रसाद शुक्ला को पीट-पीट कर मार डालने, बांदा में किसान
देवी दयाल को जिंदा जला देने, राज्य मंत्री कैलाश चैरसिया द्वारा आरटीओ
चुन्नी लाल प्रजापति पर थप्पड़ तानने व गंगा में मारकर फेकवा देने की
धमकी, झांसी में अवैध खनन को रोकने वाले तहसीलदार को सपा राज्य सभा सांसद
चन्द्र पाल सिंह यादव द्वारा धमकी, सीतापुर में गैंग रेप में सपा नेता,
बीडीओ और जेई की संलिप्तता, बरेली में अफरोज का अपहरण, पीलीभीत के
पत्रकार हैदर, कानपुर के पत्रकार दीपक मिश्रा समेत बस्ती, मिर्जापुर,
रायबरेली में पत्रकारों और उनके परिजनों पर हो रहे हमले साफ कर रहे हैं
सूबे में कानून व्यवस्था पूरी तरह ध्वस्त हो गई है। मंच ने कहा कि सूबे
को सपा के मंत्री, विधायक और नेताओं ने आपातकाल से भी बत्तर स्थिति में
में पहुंचा दिया है, जहां खुलेआम मुख्यमंत्री तक हत्यारोपितों का सरक्षंण
कर रहे हैं। मंच सपा सरकार के खिलाफ आपातकाल की बरसी पर जीपीओ, लखनऊ में
धरना-प्रदर्शन करेगा ।

रिहाई मंच के प्रवक्ता शाहनवाज आलम ने कहा कि जगेन्द्र सिंह की हत्या के
बाद भी हत्यारोपी मंत्री की गिरफ्तारी न करके अपराधियों को खुली छूट दे
दी है। इसीलिए जगेन्द्र की हत्या के बाद भी पूरे सूबे मे पत्रकारों,
आरटीआई कायकर्ताओं और आम जनता पर सपाई गुंडे हमलावर हो गए हैं। उन्होंने
कहा कि कानपुर में पत्रकार दीपक मिश्र को जहां गोली मारी गई वहीं पीलीभीत
में पत्रकार हैदर को पीटने के बाद मोटर साइकिल में बांधकर घसीटकर अधमरा
कर देने की घटना ने साबित कर दिया है कि न सिर्फ हत्यारों के हौसले बुलंद
हैं बल्कि वह समाज में दहशत का ऐसा माहौल बना देना चाहते हैं जहां
ईमानदार-कर्तव्यनिष्ठ आदमी सच बोलने से भी कतराए। जिस तरीके से बांदा के
सपहाई गुरौली निवासी किसान देवी दयाल को चारपाई में बांधकर जिंदा जला
दिया गया और सपा के बड़े नेता हत्यारोपियों का संरक्षण कर रहे हैं तो
वहीं सीतापुर में छात्रा से सामूहिक बलात्कार में सपा के नेता शामिल हैं।
जिससे इस बात का अंदाजा लग जाता है कि जिस सरकार पर जनता की सुरक्षा करने
की जिम्मेदारी थी वही जनता पर हमलावर है।
रिहाई मंच नेता राजीव यादव ने कहा कि वरिष्ठ पत्रकार और बरेली निवासी
प्रशांत टंडन के घर पर सश़स्त्र गुण्डों द्वारा फायरिंग और उनकी वृद्ध
मां को जान से मारने की धमकी और मिर्जापुर निवासी पत्रकार अनुज शुक्ला की
पैतृक संपत्ति पर पुलिस की मौजूदगी में जबरन कब्जा करने की सपाई गुंडा
तत्वों की कोशिश के खिलाफ कार्रवाई व पत्रकार व उनके परिजनों की जानमाल
की सुरक्षा के लिए मुख्यमंत्री व डीजीपी को पत्र लिखा है। जिसमें पत्रकार
और उनके परिजनों के साथ कुछ भी अप्रिय होने की स्थिति में प्रदेश के
मुख्यमंत्री और डीजीपी जिम्मेदार होंगे कहा गया है।

रिहाई मचं ने पत्रकार जगेन्द्र समेत अन्य पत्रकारों पर हो रहे हमलों के
खिलाफ आज दिल्ली में और पूरे देश में हुए विरोध प्रदशनों का समर्थन किया

द्वारा जारी
शाहनवाज आलम
प्रवक्ता, रिहाई मंच
Office - 110/46, Harinath Banerjee Street, Naya Gaaon Poorv, Laatoosh
Road, Lucknow
E-mail: rihaimanch@india.com

रायपुर टॉकीज "सरोकार का सिनेमा"हबीब तनवीर को समर्पित: इस बार स्मिता पाटिल अभिनीत "भूमिका"का प्रदर्शन

Jeevesh Prabhakar
June 15 at 2:28am
रायपुर टॉकीज "सरोकार का सिनेमा" हबीब तनवीर को समर्पित: 
इस बार स्मिता पाटिल अभिनीत "भूमिका" का प्रदर्शन 

रायपुर टॉकीज राजधानी रायपुर की एक प्रमुख सिने सोसायटी है । विगत 3 माह से रायपुर टॉकीज़ द्वारा प्रतिमाह "सरोकार का सिनेमा" श्रंखला के अंतर्गत सामाजिक सरोकार से जुडी फिल्मो का प्रदर्शन किया जा रहा है । इस बार यह आयोजन मशहूर रंगकर्मी हबीब तनवीर को समर्पित किया गया । लगातार आयोजित की जा रही "सरोकार का सिनेमा" श्रंखला के अंतर्गत गत 14 जून2015 को फिल्म "भूमिका" का प्रदर्शन किया गया । सरोकार का सिनेमा की कड़ी में सुप्रसिद्ध निदेशक श्याम बेनेगल के निर्देशन एवं सुविख्यात अभिनेत्री स्मिता पाटिल अभिनीत फिल्म "भूमिका" का प्रदर्शन किया गया । श्याम बेनेगल के निर्देशन में बनी चर्चित फिल्म 'भूमिका' (1977) मराठी रंगमंच की ख्यात अदाकार हंसा वाडकर के जीवन पर उन्ही के द्वारा लिखित किताब " सांगते एका " पर आधारित है। इस फिल्म के मुख्य कलाकार -स्मिता पाटिल,अमोल पालेकर ,नसीरुद्दीन शाह, अमरीश पूरी,सुलभा देशपांडे ,अनंत नाग,कुलभूषण खरबंदा हैं । यह फिल्म स्मिता पाटिलके करियर की टर्निग पॉइंट साबित हुई थी । 
इस फिल्म की नायिका ऊषा एक अभिनेत्री है, जिसका जीवन द्वन्द्व और झंझावातों से भरा है। एक अधेड़ आदमी उसका पति है जो उसकी माँ का कभी प्रेमी रहा था और उससे दस साल की उम्र में चार आने के बदले विवाह का वचन कुटिलतापूर्वक ले लेता है। यह भूमिका अमोल पालेकर ने बखूबी निभायी है। 
अमोल पालेकर, एक शोषक पुरुष के रूप में अपनी भूमिका के साथ पूरा न्याय करते हैं वहीं ऊषा की भूमिका निबाहने वाली स्मिता पाटिल, भावाभिव्यक्ति से शोषण, पीड़ा और इस सबके बावजूद भीतर-बाहर से इन तमाम विरोधाभासों से लडऩे वाली स्त्री के रूप में गहरा प्रभाव छोड़ती हैं। यह स्त्री, अपने आसपास के परपीडक़ और शोषक परिवेश के बीच पूरी जीवटता के साथ खड़ी रहती है और सफलता, सम्पन्नता और प्रतिष्ठा अर्जित करती है। 
नायिका के जीवन में और भी पुरुष आते हैं मगर अपनी भूमिका में वह शोषित होने या किए जाने की दयनीयता से उबर चुकी है। फिल्म के उत्तरार्ध में स्मिता पाटिल, अपने किरदार में जिस तरह विद्रोही चरित्र को प्रस्तुत करती हैं, वह सचमुच उन्हीं के द्वारा निभाया जा सकना सम्भव था। नसीरुद्दीन शाह, अमरीश पुरी, अनंत नाग फिल्म के अहम कलाकार हैं। 
इस फिल्म का कैमरा वर्क गोविन्द निहलानी का है। चौथे-पाँचवें दशक के परिवेश के अनुरूप गीत रचना मजरूह सुल्तानपुरी और वसन्त देव ने की है। वनराज भाटिया ने भूमिका का उसी मिजाज़ का संगीत भी तैयार किया है। श्याम बेनेगल की यह एक सशक्त फिल्म है, जो अपने आपमें एक विशिष्ट उदाहरण है उत्कृष्ट सिनेमा का । इस अवसर पर बड़ी संख्या में नगर के साहित्यकार, रंगकर्मी , बुध्धिजीवी ,सिनेमा से जुड़े प्रबुद्ध वर्ग एवं सिने प्रेमी उपस्थित थे ।

They want the Cinema of Fascism only! Thus, I insist on Nukkad Cinema!


They want the Cinema of Fascism only! Thus, I insist on Nukkad Cinema!

Palash Biswas

In an era of absolute fascism in the greatest emerging market where nothing to be made in and making in means destruction of production and productive forces,where constitution rule of law and democracy mean absolute capitalism branded with fascist level and packaging, Art, Literature, Cinema,Media or any other genre or medium means the weapon of the class caste hegemony rule of the Military State.

Why do you expect freedom?

Why do you demand freedom of expression?

Why do you hope that the educational institution would be autonomous while some one from Soap Arena heads the HR Management,someone from RSS store house heads the panel to rewrite history?


It is as simple as they mean business and they want the Cinema of Fascism only! 

Thus,I have been insisting on Nukkad Cinema.

Thus,I dare to address film makers and suggest that they should also opt for the shorter format so that the screening should not be prohibited.

As they would ban the films which deal with social realism and exposes the truth.

Here you are!

Not just chief, four more in FTII panel pass Sangh test

Anagha Ghaisas, who has a strong RSS background and whose husband was a long-serving Sangh pracharak, has made documentary films supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and about Ayodhya.

FTII, FTII  protest, Gajendra Chauhan, Anagha Ghaisas, Anagha Ghaisas RSS background, Sangh pracharak, Narendra Modi, Gajendra Chauhan ftii, latest news, bjp, film and television institute of india, indian expressOn the third day of protests at FTII. (express Photo by: Sandeep Daundkar)

Written by Ardhra Nair | Pune | Published on:June 15, 2015 3:30 am

While protests continue over the appointment of Gajendra Chauhan as president of the FTII Society, four of the eight members nominated under 'Persons of Eminence' category to the society have saffron connections as well.

Anagha Ghaisas, who has a strong RSS background and whose husband was a long-serving Sangh pracharak, has made documentary films supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi and about Ayodhya. Narendra Pathak had been the Maharashtra president of the ABVP for four years, Pranjal Saikia is an office-bearer of the RSS-linked Sanskar Bharati, while Rahul Solapurkar admitted he was in contention for a BJP ticket in last year's state Assembly elections.

All four told The Indian Express that their vision was to make sure that students passing out of the Film and Television Institute of India have nationalistic feelings along with filmmaking skills.

While Chauhan acted as Yudhishthir in the TV series Mahabharata and Ghaisas has made a few films, Pathak is a writer. Saikia is an NSD alumnus and an actor and Solapurkar has acted in Marathi and Hindi films.

On Ghaisas's desk at her office on Laxmi Road — where she trains poor students from Yeola district in handloom sari weaving — sits a photograph of RSS founder Keshav Baliram Hedgewar. "I am 100 per cent RSS and I am proud of it," she says.

Her husband Vinay Patrale, Ghaisas adds, had been a Sangh pracharak for 21 years, 17 of them spent in Gujarat.

Ghaisas started her career in films by making a documentary on Nanaji Deshmukh, a social activist and RSS veteran. Other than that, she has made films on the National Defence Academy called My Flag My Life, on the Ayodhya temple called Ram Mandir — Adaalat aur Aastha, and on Modi that she named Shri Narendra Modi — Gatha Asamanya Netrutva Ki (A Tale of Extraordinary Leadership).

She says she is in the process of making 26 films on the Northeast.

While Ghaisas admits meeting Modi "four years ago" before he became the PM, she adds, "This point of me being close to Modi and hence being chosen for this post is entirely baseless.

Modiji won't even know I have been chosen. Every government chooses people they believe will do the best work."

According to her, "Films are not just entertainment. A new thought process should start at FTII. Students should have nationalistic feelings."

Pathak, who has been the editor of a Marathi magazine for 14 years, told The Indian Express he had got to know of the appointment only two hours earlier via mail. Dismissing the protests, he says, "Whenever new people come with new vision, there is unrest. I want to address student protests and problems in the day-to-day functioning."

- See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/not-just-chief-four-more-in-ftii-panel-pass-sangh-test/#sthash.K274rG04.dpuf

Should India be at war as soon as possible?Is it the ultimate agenda for which PM and DM have been trying their best? Palash Biswas


Should India be at war as soon as possible?Is it the ultimate agenda for which PM and DM have been trying their best?

Palash Biswas

No wonder! If India overlaps United Sates of America as a War Monger Military state!Ultimate result of fascism is absolute Military state and Hitler being the Dronacharya of the RSS Hindutva wagon which controls PMO and all ministries in New Delhi to accomplish the agenda of Hindu Imperialism,the Hindu Globe is all set to achieve it as we,the people opt for the silence of opportunism.

Maggie Massala diplomcy to benefit Ambani and Adani is not enough,not enough the hot pursuit chest thumping,not enough the RSS head boasting to make Pakistan and Bangladesh Hindu sooner or later,the defence Minister of India openly calls for war as he believes because India did not fight any war for decades,respect for the army diminished.

Should India be at war as soon as possible?Is it the ultimate agenda for which PM and DM have been trying their best?

Mind you,the so much so hyped hot pursuit has already inflicted AFSPA geography within!

Is the RSS governance of Fascism trying to divide India once again all on the name of unifying AKHAND Bharat and the War Cry endles means some sofware to undo the partition of India or the liberation of Bangladesh?

We should get the answers as soon as possible as the ministry of foreign affairs seems be too busy to help who have have been declared fugitives as MIS foreign affairs duty has been reduced thus as foreign policy and diplomacy have been handled thus since the neoliberal children rule the nation!

The defence minister is rather more progressive as he already  declared to deal terror with terror.We know India happens to be the best partner in the US War against terror led by Israel.Now India is trying to launch the Hindutva brand of war against terror and only the RSS headquarter has to decide who happen to be terrorist and who not as the Hindutva Brigade won the  tender of patriotism with the mandate they got with the support of global forces of market and India incs.

Mind you,media reports:

'No War in Decades, Respect for Army Has Diminished,' Says Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar

'No War in Decades, Respect for Army Has Diminished,' Says Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar

NEW DELHI:  In remarks that have provoked criticism, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar has said that respect for the Army is waning because India hasn't fought a war in decades.

"In the past, when there was a letter from a military commanding officer to an IAS officer or any other authority, it received attention of the highest order. Today, that respect has diminished... One reason is that for 40-50 years, we have not fought a war. I am not saying we should go to war. I am saying that because we haven't fought a war, the importance of the Army in our minds has dwindled," Mr Parrikar said at an event in Jaipur on Sunday.

Various opposition parties have reacted sharply to the remarks.

"Ministers in this government say anything and embarrass the nation. We are proud of our Indian Army and they have made us proud every time," said Congress leader Pramod Tiwari.

"It is an anti-national statement by the defence minister," said KC Tyagi, a leader of Bihar's ruling Janata Dal (United).

The minister's BJP came out in his support, saying that all he wanted was to urge people to respect the Army more.

"When a defence minister says this, he says it with a lot of experience and great concern. I am sure he made the statement to instill a greater sense of pride for the Army among the people," said BJP spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao.

The Defence Minister's remarks come at a time thousands of former military personnel are protesting across the nation over the "One Rank, One Pension" rule, which would ensure that defence personnel who retire at the same rank and with the same length of service get equal pension, irrespective of when they retire.

Ex-servicemen were disappointed when the government did not announce the system last month though it was widely expected.


(हस्तक्षेप.कॉम) मंत्री की गिरफ्तारी की मांग को लेकर देशव्यापी हुआ आंदोलन तो हत्यारोपी मंत्री के समर्थन में निर्लज्जता के साथ उतरी सपा सरकार


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Lalit Modi had some very high profile cheerleaders as well who entertain the Man in exile! Rajasthan link exposed? Did Vasundhara Raje endorse Lalit Modi's application for immigration?


Lalit Modi had some very high profile cheerleaders as well who entertain the Man in exile!

Rajasthan link exposed? Did Vasundhara Raje endorse Lalit Modi's application for immigration?

Palash Biswas

Remember the cheerleaders adding glamour quotient to IPL and getting the sex starved Indian audience trapped in for mega business?We might not touch any one of them as Lalit Modi ,the fugitive God might have! Neither we could know all the cheerleaders as the Swaraj Extra Diplomacy proves.

Lalit Modi had some very high profile cheerleaders as well who entertain the Man in exile!

IPL and Rajasthan Royals and Shilpa Shetty along with other icons of the greatest emerging market selling of Nation abroad and catering poison and poison to Indian citizens had very intimate relations though social media could not get the photos of the all the couch corners and cocktail parties and flashed some veg matter without meat.

Though Shilpa,ex Bollywood queen has been very very involved in that IPL Modi edition during which then Gujarat Chief Minister and now the PM Narendra Bhai Modi with his Party Prsident at present, the Mahaadhinayak to accomplish the agenda of Akhand Bharat with cent percent Hindutva  shared some beautiful photo session as well as the Minister of foreign affairs.

IPL continues and Lalit Modi,the fugitive untouched despite the government of India issued red corner notice and revoked his passport.Breaking diplomatic protocol the Minster of foreign affairs practicing some extra diplomacy just reactivated the Passport and his travel documents.The RSS machinery and its governance of Purity have been engaged in defence of Ms Sushama Swaraj.

They have to.We would never know whether the PM and the Party President who had been more closer to Lalit Modi interacted with Mrs Swaraj or not and she would never tell us.

But the Hotline Rajasthan is quite live as the PM makes the Rajasthan Royal team owner and one of the closest friends of Lalit Modi the guest in Yoga Carnival.Mind you,the Yoga guru Baba Ramdev had fought hard to install the Kesaria tsunami and this Yoga of ANULOM VILOM is Baba Ramdev branded yoga.Mond you Yoga Mahima Aparampaar as Baba EMPIRE Aurvedic DO Hajaar crore paar.

Shilpa Shetty video of Yoga has to be played on Rajpath to celebrate Yoga Diwas and it highlights the Rajasthan connection of the IPL Casino!

Please insist not for the resignation of Mrs Sushama Swaraj which would help the RSS IPL to get yet another clean chit.Let us investigate the cup boards to see which skeleton is located where!

Mind you,Lalit Modi has challenged that many resignations have to follow!What is the ground?

It is something rooted in very deep.Let us expose the roots first.

Meanwhile media reports that 

Vasundhara Raje endorse Lalit Modi's application for immigration?

Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi has hit out at PM Narendra Modi, holding him responsible for protecting Lalit Modi.

Meanwhile, Vasundhara Raje has denied recommending Lalit Modi's application for immigration, saying that if this has happened, it is without her knowledge. "I have always known Modi's family, but I have no idea about these documents", said the Rajasthan CM to NDTV.

20:15 ISTTuesday, 16 June 2015

Congress leader Digvijay Singh expressed surprise that PM Modi has not spoken out on the Lalit Modi-Sushma Swaraj controversy. He claimed that PM Modi, who was then the chief of the Gujarat Cricket Association (GCA) was close to Lalit Modi, and that the ex-IPL commissioner wanted to create a Gujarat IPL team.

Meanwhile, ex-foreign secretary Sujata Singh said she did not recall 'a single paper trail' related to Lalit Modi's immigration to UK.

19:23 ISTTuesday, 16 June 2015

According to documents released Lalit Modi's lawyers and revealed by a prominent news channel, Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje backed Lalit Modi's application for emigration to the UK.

Raje, then leader of opposition in the Rajasthan Assembly, endorsed Lalit Modi's plea for continued stay in UK and wanted this endorsement to be kept a secret from Indian officials, the news channel said.

After this news broke, Congress upped its ante, now calling for both Sushma Swaraj and Vasundhara Raje to be sacked from their positions.

18:53 ISTTuesday, 16 June 2015

Earlier, Breaking his silence, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday came out in strong defence of External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on the Lalit Modi scandal, saying she acted "bona fide" and with "good intentions" and the entire government and party were one on the issue.

"All allegations levelled are baseless. Her (Swaraj) statement and that of the party President that whatever she did was with good intentions.

"She acted bona fide. The entire government and the party are one on the issue. There should be no doubt on this," Jaitley said at a joint press conference with Home MinisterRajnath Singh held in the home ministry.

Jaitley's defence of his cabinet colleague comes two days after party President Amit Shahand Rajnath Singh had asserted that Swaraj had acted on humanitarian considerations in the matter of helping former IPL boss Lalit Modi get travel documents from Britain.

Modi has taken refuge in London for over five years after the Enforcement Directorate levelled money laundering and other charges against him involving an amount of Rs. 1,700 crore and wants him for investigations in India.

Significantly, ahead of the press conference called to announce a flood relief package for Jammu and Kashmir, Jaitley, Singh and Swaraj met at Singh's chamber in North Block and held discussions lasting an hour.

Speculation has been rife over the "silence" of Jaitley after a raging controversy broke out on Sunday over Swaraj's help to Lalit Modi.

Asked whether Swaraj had acted on her own to help Modi, Jaitley said all ministers in charge of various departments were capable of taking decisions and in all decisions taken by the government there is a collective responsibility.

There have been insinuations by some party insiders suggesting that Jaitley could have a hand in Swaraj's troubles. Party MP Kirti Azad had tweeted about a "snake in the grass" suggesting an insider job. Jaitley parried a question as to who was the "aasteen ka saanp" (snake in the grass) which Azad had tweeted about. "Ask the next question," was his repartee.

This is the real cronyism that plagues India!


"At the Modi-Obama reception at Rashtrapati Bhawan, about two dozen industrialists had been invited and were seen standing in a queue to greet the US President. About 6 to 8 of those present collectively owe close to Rs. 3.5 lakh crore to banks, mostly PSU banks. The banking industry in India has about Rs.5 lakh crore as total capital and nearly 70% of it is exposed to just a half a dozen industrial houses. Technically, if these business houses were to go bust, 70% of India's banking capital will get wiped out. In short, they are too big to fail. So they have no worries really, as the system sustains them.

This is the real cronyism that plagues India. No less an establishment figure than the RBI Governor has already drawn the attention of the government to it. Do Narendra Modi or Arun Jaitley have the will to alter this arrangement? Lalit Modi is just a small symptom of a much bigger malaise."

’रघुवंशिन कर सहज सुभाऊ मन कुपंथ पग धरे न काहू।’ तात्पर्य यह कि रघुवंशियों पर इस मामले में कोई ’क्लाॅज’ लागू नहीं होगा।

'रघुवंशिन कर सहज सुभाऊ मन कुपंथ पग धरे न काहू।'तात्पर्य यह कि रघुवंशियों पर इस मामले में कोई 'क्लाॅज'लागू नहीं होगा।
7 mins · 

आज के संवैधानिकों और नियामकों की तरह हमारे पूर्वज भी समर्थों के लिए छेद छोड़ना नहीं भूले हैं। केवल आपात्कालीन धर्म का अनुच्छेद रख देने में तो उनका अपना कोई हित साधित होना था नहीं, इसलिए इतने उपखंड जोड़ते चले गये कि सम्पन्न यजमान को दोषमुक्त होने के तमाम अवसर मिलने लगें और इस बहाने उनकी भी चाँदी होती रहे। इतने ब्राह्मणों को इतने दिन भोजन कराने से यह दोष दूर हो जाएगा। इसके बदले इतनी भारी सोने की आकृति प्रदान करने से जीव¬हत्या के दोष से मुक्ति मिलेगी। बेचारी गाय वैदिक काल में विनिमय का माध्यम क्या रही, उसका दान तो दोष¬मार्जन का ही नहीं सामान्य कर्मकांड का भी प्रमुख अंग बन गया। रही¬सही कसर ब्रह्म¬भोज और पंचो की राय ने पूरी कर दी। एक उपखंड और जोड़ दिया गया जिस पर बस न चले, उस पर कोई नियम लागू नहीं होता। कुत्ता रसोई में घुस जाय तो रसोई अपवित्र हो जाएगी, पर बिल्ली के घुसने से नहीं। कारण, कुत्ता बाहर ही डोलता रहता है, पर बिल्ली, पता नहीं कब, कहाँ से कूद जाय। यही नहीं, यदि मेमना रसोई में घुस जाय तो रसोई अपवित्र हो जाएगी। यदि उसे वहीं पर मार दिया जाय तो उसे भोज्य पदार्थ मान लिया जाएगा और रसोई अपवित्र नहीं मानी जाएगी।

विधान में यहीं तक संशोधन होता तो कोई बात नहीं थी, पर वहाँ तो समर्थों की पूरी की पूरी बिरादरी को छूट दे दी गयी। 'रघुवंशिन कर सहज सुभाऊ मन कुपंथ पग धरे न काहू।'तात्पर्य यह कि रघुवंशियों पर इस मामले में कोई 'क्लाॅज'लागू नहीं होगा। दुष्यन्त महाराज का मन शकुन्तला पर आ गया। ऋषि कन्या थी। पिताश्री भी घर पर नहीं थे। लगा कि ऐसी अवस्था में शकुन्तला पर डोरे डालना उचित होगा क्या? फट से ब्राह्मण बोला - सतां हि सन्देहपदेषु वस्तुषु प्रमाण अन्तःकरण प्रवृत्तयः अर्थात जिस आचरण में संदेह हो उसमें सज्जन व्यक्ति को अपने अन्तःकरण की प्रवृत्ति को ही प्रमाण मानना चाहिए। तात्पर्य यह हुआ कि समर्थों को संदेह का लाभ दिया जा सकता है। बस समर्थ हो तो दे दो स्वयं को सज्जन होने का प्रमाणपत्र और करो मनमानी।

सज्जन का अर्थ प्रभुत्व सम्पन्न हो गया। दूसरे शब्दों में क्रय शक्ति। धनबलेन बाहुबलेन च। नियम क्या कर लेगा। क्रय शक्ति नहीं है तो दस बार - समरथ को नहि दोष गुसाईं। रवि पावक सुरसरि की नाहीं का जप करो और मैंने कुछ नहीं देखा कह कर अपने खोल में सिर छुपा लो। फिर चाहे वे जेल में डाल दें या एनकाउंटर करवा दें। क्यों कि उनकी धारणा ही प्रमाण है।

शास्त्रकारों ने सामान्य जनता को भी अवगत करा दिया कि भगवान के पास उनके लिए समय नहीं है। वे गाय और ब्राह्मणों के मामलों में बहुत अधिक व्यस्त हैं। यदि समय मिलेगा तो औरों के बारे में भी सोचेंगे। तब तक प्रतीक्षा कीजिए। 'गोब्राह्मण हिताय के बाद ही जगत् हिताय च'से तो यही ध्वनि निकलती है।

बचपन में भोजन करने के बाद डकार आने पर पिता जी को ही नहीं औरों को भी 'हरिओम् तत्सत'का उच्चारण करते हुए सुनता था। तब मैं तो क्या वे भी इसका अर्थ नहीं जानते थे। डकार के बाद यह वाक्य परंपरा से चला आ रहा था। बस जैसे आम भारतीय मतदान को एक रिवाज की तरह लेता है, उसी प्रकार वे भी इस मंत्र का उच्चारण करते थे। अब समझ में आया यह तो हर डकार के साथ 'यही सच है'कहता है। डकारने का अवसर मिलने पर कोई बिरला ही होगा जिसे अपना ईमान याद आ जाता हो! फिर डकारने के बाद हरिओम् तत्सत कह लेने से डकार भी दोषमुक्त हो जाती है। अब तो पेट इतना बढ़ गया है कि डकार आना भी बन्द हो गया है।

बुलेट ट्रेन का सपना दिखाकर हवाई यात्रा करने वाले मोदी जी का राज है भाई


बुलेट ट्रेन का सपना दिखाकर हवाई यात्रा करने वाले मोदी जी का राज है भाई 
.ग्वालियर रेलवे स्टेशन से नैरोगेज ट्रेन रोज की तरह शुक्रवार को भी कैलारस-सबलगढ़ के लिए रवाना हुई थी। जैसे ही ट्रेन रामदास घाटी पर चढ़ी तो इंजन गर्म होकर बंद हो गया आैर ट्रेन रुक गई। लगभग 1 घंटा ट्रेन वहीं खड़ी रही। रेलवे की ओर से जब कोई नहीं आया तो यात्रियों ने उतरकर खुद ही ट्रेन को धक्का लगाना शुरू कर दिया। कुछ दूर सरकने के बाद इंजन फिर चालू हुआ और यात्रियों को लेकर सबलगढ़ के लिए रवाना हो गया।

Gopal Rathi's photo.
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