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Obama trapped in oil fire of Arab Spring might reverse great Indian growth story of dollar linked economy as Replicated Indian Obama engaged in RSS agenda! Palash Biswas

Obama trapped in oil fire of Arab Spring might reverse great Indian growth story of dollar linked economy as Replicated Indian Obama engaged in RSS agenda!

Palash Biswas

Obama trapped in oil fire of Arab Spring might reverse great Indian growth story of dollar linked economy as Replicated Indian Obama engaged in RSS agenda!Oil is going to be the key once again and the people so ga ga about the hundred days`s stocks blitz might not the oil burns once again as the minimum governance would not bail out them with subsidy whatsoever in the decontrolled,deregulated digital free market.

Arab spring sponsored by United States of America brings forth the Globe it boasts to control with precise Americanism is once again at the verge  of Yet another full scale war in the middle east.Ironically, America chose Obama for two terms just because of his promise that he would bail out America out of the desert storm.It is very likely that Obama has to activate the defaulted wargames amidsts the oil fields which would send the global economy into yet another recession as it happened in 2008 and the recovery is not complete as yet.

What will be the global trends,it may be predicted at this juncture as President Barack Obama warned Wednesday that the United States will not be intimidated by Islamic State militants after the beheading of a second American journalist and will build a coalition to "degrade and destroy" the group.Obama still did not give a timeline for deciding on a strategy to go after the extremist group's operations in Syria. "It'll take time to roll them back," the president said at a news conference during a visit to Europe.

It is to be understood that pro America,the Hindutva brigade led by RSS in India just replicated the American phenomenon to accomplish its long pending Hindutva mission,the Hindu nation.As Obama did upset the apple carst based on war economy and police state with launching a face which would include all races,all social sections altogether just because without support of the excluded communities ie SC,ST,OBC and minorities,it was quite impossible to mobilise the Hindutva artillery.Modi belongs to a low caste OBC community which consists the half of the population.Not only this,RSS succeeded to consolidate its sc, st and minority bases also just because of Modi.

As Obama failed to abort the trap of conventional American hegemony controlled by outright hard core zionism backed by Israel,Modi seems to be predestined to be trapped in the Hindutva trap in the same way irrelevant of his vigour,honesty,commitment and ambition to change India.Rather the hundred days completed in power with minimum governance and maximum administration is highlighted by the RSS agenda unbound and the almost Europe size demography of the Uttar Pradesh is sieged within Gaza,created by modi`s right hand elevated to the post of BJP President.Modi,of course,is projected as a person who got rid of policy paralysis and the reforms get the boos by passing parliament and constitution,his engagement with original fascist Nazi ideology of  Guru Golwalkar  ahs creating a near anarchy situation full of hate leading him to a position where Obama stands at present.

Beheading of US and British journalists is not enough as Obama warned US action against Islamic State.Islamist militias in Libya took control of nearly a dozen commercial jetliners last month, and Western intelligence agencies recently issued a warning that the jets could be used in terrorist attacks across North Africa.

Just see, Modi addressed the nation on independence day not as the prime minister of India,but as the most committed principal committed RSS cadre.He invoked religious nationalism all on the name of growth and development.Dr Manmohan Singh had been instrumental to the mega shifting to neo liberal age formally from the soviet model but he led the country as an economist, not as a religious leader who should lose the vision of the complete geopolitics.

You have officially  adopted globalisation while you imprison yourself in the RSS headquarters of Nagpur.You do not represent the nation and just represent the ruling class consisting of the market dominating hegemony and it is economic nonsense despite the media hype of inclusion.

His foreign policy and his diplomacy happen tagged with sacred books of Hindutva and the hidden agenda of the Hindu empire shows off its naked skin.The impasse over Gaza genocide is unprecedented.

MOdi`s urgency and his topmost priority to second generation reforms violates the basic grammar of open market economy because he is rather more committed to the agenda of Hindu nation.The market forces have no limit to express joy as they created the mandate.I am afraid to say that they should prepare for disaster,Unprecedented violence and communal divide may not help the market as continuous war against terror never did help America at any level.America expected that Obama should deactivate the operating system controlled by Zionism and Obama failed miserably.

It happened the same thing.America chose him the first ever black president coming out of the civil war history of racial apartheid.As Modi is a low caste OBC having humble background,same way Obama may not boast of anything but Mishell Obama.The mariage elevated Obama as the person who should lead the white hegemonial United States of America. Across the fences, Obama provoked the aspirations of the common taxpayer citizens of America  to come out of the suicidal war economy.He promised to fulfil the dream of Martin Luther King.He declared,America can!

America could not.Just because,Obama failed those communities who he should have represented keeping in mind his origin.

Obama is no less as trapped as Senior or Junior Bush as he proved him to be the greatest ever zionist.

Modi dissolved the planning commission but made the nation digital biometric,subjected to the continuous surveillance without any economic vision at all.He is just working with corporate aps endorsed by RSS headquarter Nagpur and he made governance and  policy making religious rituals with racial apartheid.

Modi promised employment to the youth and opted for robotics and automation which would generate more unemployment.

His inclusive PPP Gujarat Model is based on private capital and foreign investment.He is, not at any point,not addressing the fundamentals of the economy and the finance ministry is all about corporate lobbying,defence deals,bargaining,manipulation,undue favour,unsystematic impulsive governance,environment clearance and depend on fluctuating dices in the stock exchange.

Indo Us nuclear deal is not implemented as yet. But Modi decided to make strategic partnership with Japan and with a single stroke he ensured bulk of business for japanese companies in every possible sector including defence and nuclear energy,smart city and bullet train dumping US interests.

Intelligence reports of the stolen jetliners were distributed within the U.S. government over the past two weeks and included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack later this month on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, said U.S. officials familiar with the reports.

Obama's comments came after he said the United States had verified the authenticity of a video released Tuesday showing the beheading of freelance reporter Steven Sotloff, two weeks after journalist James Foley was similarly killed.

Obama vowed the U.S. would not forget the "terrible crime against these two fine young men."

"Our reach is long and justice will be served," Obama said.

In the Sotloff video, a masked militant warns Obama that as long as U.S. airstrikes against the militant group continue, "our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people."

Obama responded that he will continue to fight the militant threat and the "barbaric and ultimately empty vision" it represents.

"Our objective is to make sure that ISIL is not an ongoing threat to the region," he said, using an acronym for the militant group. "And we can accomplish that. It's going to take some time and it's going to take some effort."

Sotloff, a 31-year-old Miami-area native who freelanced for Time and Foreign Policy magazines, vanished a year ago in Syria and was not seen again until he appeared in the video that showed Foley's beheading. Dressed in an orange jumpsuit against an arid Syrian landscape, Sotloff was threatened in that video with death unless the U.S. stopped airstrikes on the Islamic State.

In the video distributed Tuesday and titled "A Second Message to America," Sotloff appears in a similar jumpsuit before he is apparently beheaded by a fighter with the Islamic State, the extremist group that has conquered wide swaths of territory across Syria and Iraq and declared itself a caliphate.

British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told the BBC Wednesday that the masked, British-accented jihadist appears to be the same person shown in the Foley footage.

In the video, the organization threatens to kill another hostage, this one identified as a British citizen, David Cawthorne Haines. It was not immediately clear who Haines was.

Last week, Sotloff's mother, Shirley Sotloff, pleaded with his captors for mercy, saying in a video that her son was "an innocent journalist" and "an honorable man" who "has always tried to help the weak."

Obama said the prayers of the American people are with the family of the "devoted and courageous journalist" who deeply loved the Islamic world and whose "life stood in stark contrast to those who murdered him so brutally."

"Whatever these murderers think they will achieve by murdering innocents like Steven, they have already failed," Obama said. "We will not be intimidated. Their horrific acts only unite us."

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Tuesday that it is believed that "a few" Americans are still being held by the Islamic State. Psaki would not give any specifics, but one is a 26-year-old woman who was kidnapped while doing humanitarian aid work in Syria, according to a family representative who asked that the hostage not be identified out of fear for her safety.

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