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केशरिया हुई गयो रे कयामती नजारा और अब हर मर्ज लाइलाज है लेकिन आधी रात बाद पटाखे और आतिशबाजी देखो के कैसे बेगानी शादी में अब्दुल्ला दीवाना कि लाखों करोड़ों लोग खुश हैं कि आईपीएल जीत ली नीता अंबानी ने फिर एकदफा और गुलामी की जंजीरें टूट गइलन हो। उधरै बहुजन राजनीति के कारोबारी समझ रहे हैं खूब के बहुजन समाज हवा हवाई है,अंबेडकर एटीएमो से जो जितना निकाले सकै,वही मलाई है।वामपंथी दक्षिणपंथी सगरी कारपोरेट राजनीति इस जाति संघर्ष को जारी रखने में एढ़ी चोटी एक कर दियो कि मुक्त बाजार के कार्निवाल में विदेशी पूंजी और विदेशी हितों की बल्ले बल्ले। पलाश विश्वास


केशरिया हुई गयो रे कयामती नजारा

और अब हर मर्ज लाइलाज है लेकिन आधी रात बाद पटाखे और आतिशबाजी देखो के कैसे बेगानी शादी में अब्दुल्ला दीवाना कि लाखों करोड़ों लोग खुश हैं कि आईपीएल जीत ली नीता अंबानी ने फिर एकदफा और गुलामी की जंजीरें टूट गइलन हो।

उधरै बहुजन राजनीति के कारोबारी समझ रहे हैं खूब के बहुजन समाज हवा हवाई है,अंबेडकर एटीएमो से जो जितना निकाले सकै,वही मलाई है।वामपंथी दक्षिणपंथी सगरी कारपोरेट राजनीति इस जाति संघर्ष को जारी रखने में एढ़ी चोटी एक कर दियो कि मुक्त बाजार के कार्निवाल में विदेशी पूंजी और विदेशी हितों की बल्ले बल्ले।

पलाश विश्वास


सावन के अंधों के लिए सबकुछ हरा हरा

केशरिया हुई गयो कयामती नजारा

जैसा कि अम्मा फिर अम्मा हैं और ताजनशीं भी हैं।

जैसे कि शारदा फर्जीवाड़ा अब खुदै सीबीआई,ईडी,सेबी,इत्यादि समेत शंघ परिवार का राजकाज फासिज्म है और है कैसिनो में तब्दील खुल्ला ताला यह अर्थव्यवस्था तमाम मेहनतकशों की वैदिकी कत्लेआम के बावजूद कि दहक रही आसमान और गोले बरसाने लगे आसमान,मंहगाई ऐसी की जरुरी चीजें छू लें तो झुलस जाये देहमन और बच्चे तमाम सर्वशिक्षा के मिडडे मिल के बावजूदो भूख से बिलबिला रहे हैं और उनन मा जो होनहार है,बेहतरीन रिजल्ट नेकाले हैं,उनके माई बाप बेबस कटेहाथ पांव ऐसे कि लाखों का फीस भर न सको।दाखिला नको नको नालेज इकोनामी भयो रे।

और अब हर मर्ज लाइलाज है लेकिन आधी रात बाद पटाखे और आतिशबाजी देखो के कैसे बेगानी शादी में अब्दुल्ला दीवाना कि लाखों करोड़ों लोग खुश हैं कि आईपीएल जीत ली नीता अंबानी ने फिर एकदफा और गुलामी की जंजीरें टूट गइलन हो।

आनंद तेलतुंबड़े के पास बाकायदा आंकड़े हैं जिन्हें गरज हों,उनसे आंकड़े देख लें ,तथ्यों की जांच करा लें कि रिजर्वेशन सबसे बड़ी धोखाधड़ी है और जाति व्यवस्था के नर्क को जारी रखने का स्थाई इंतजाम है।

हाथ कंगन को आरसी क्या,पढ़े लिखे को आरसी क्या,हिंदी और भाषाई अखबारों में मनोरंजन के अलावा सूचना तो होताइच नहीं इन दिनों बाकी सबकुछ पेइड है या प्रायोजित या फिर केसरिया हिंदुत्व का प्रचंड जलजला है और कोलकाता में टीवी पर पैनल है जो रातोंदिन बहस में तल्लीन ममता के हक में या खिलाफत में तोतमिलनाडु में तस्पवीरें देखकर लोग सुईसाइड करें कभी भी किसी भी क्षण

।राजस्थान में आरक्षण  आंदोलन का प्रसारण लाइव हो और हिंदू राष्ट्र में दलितों के नरसंहार पर सन्नाटा हो लेकिन खबर नहीं,आंकड़े नही कि सरकारी नौकरियां अब हुइबे ना करे हैं और न कोई नौकरी स्थाई है कि रजर्वेशन की गुंजाइश बने।

कुछेक बाहुबली जातियों का मलाईदार तबका जो बना और जो मिलियनर बिलियनर ऐमऐलए ऐमपी पधान पधानी ओ मंतरी संतरी मुखमंतरी, इत्यादि हुआ करे वे अपनी जात के अलावा बाकी बहुजनों की सोचे नहीं और मलाई बटोरने में रेवड़ियां सिर्फ अपनों अपनों को बांटे हैं और बाकी बाबाजी का ठुल्लू।

संगठिक क्षेत्रों में सिर्फ छह फीसद के आसपास रोजगार है कुल नौकरियों के जो तेजतेज घटने लगा है।रेलवे का निजीकरण हो गया और विस्तार और बुलेट के बावजूद सत्रह लाख के बजाये रेलवे कर्मचारी अब ग्यारह लाख के पास हैं तो कोल इंडिया में सत्तर फीसद कर्मचारियों की छंटनी का फैसला हुआ है और जो फिलहाल 3.4 लाख कर्मचारी है फिलवक्त वे एक लाख होंगे जल्द ही।

बाकी विनिवेश का ,निजीकरण का सिलसिला जितना तेज उतना तेज आरक्षण आंदोलन।अभी सभा दलित आदिवासी और पिछड़ों को आरक्षण मिला नहीं है कि ब्राह्मणों और राजपूतों का भी आरक्षण आंदोलन चालू आहे।दबंग पिछड़ी जातियां जो दलित उत्पीड़न में,स्त्री उत्पीड़ने में अव्वल हैं,उन सबको आरक्षण चाहिए।

मीडिया में झूठो का आरक्षण आंदोलनों की बहार और जलजंगल जमीन रोजगार आजीविका से बेदखली,बलात्कार और नरसंहार की शिकार तमाम वंचित समुदायों,थोक भाव से आत्महत्या कर रहे किसानों की कोई खबर नहीं,कोई खबर नहीं कि कैसे जनसंहारी नीतियां बन रही है और अमल में है,सिर्फ विकास ही विकास पादै हैं।

एक फीसद जामोशबाब में मस्त मस्त बाकी मीडियाकर्मी जंजीरों में कैद गुलाम।भाषाई मीडिया में रंगभेद नस्लभेद दलित उत्पीड़न और नंगे पांव सपादक हमेशा विदेश यात्रा पर दौड़े।

अंग्रेजो को हफ्ते में दो दिन छुट्टी और उसी हाउस में हिदी वालों को एक दिन।गधे की तरह खटने वाले बंधुआ दिहाड़ी मजदूरों की वेतनमान प्रोमोशन तबके को कोई परवाह नहीं और कानून अंधा है तो श्रम कानून खतम।

संपादक सारे गूंगे बहरे और अंधे धकाधक पेले हैं।जो ससुरे अपने हकहकूक के बारे में बोलबे का माद्दा न रखे वो ससुरे का मेहनतकशों के हक में बोले हो।पेइड न्यूज और पोस्तो रचना में सारा सृजन समाहित है और उंगलियां मैनफोर्स है।ऐसै है भाषाई मीडिया।कटकटेला अंधियारे के तेजबत्ती वाले कारोबारी।

मीडिया के लिए आरक्षण आंदोलन बड़ी खबर है कि क्योंकि मीणा आदिवासियों के खिलाफ लामबंद हो रहे हैं गुज्जर,ऐसा समीकरण वोटों की राजनीति को चाहिए।लेकिन दबंग जातियों के कहर पर बोले नहीं कोई,बाकीर उलट खबर जरुर छापेके चाहि।

उधरै बहुजन राजनीति के कारोबारी समझ रहे हैं खूब के बहुजन समाज हवा हवाई है,अंबेडकर एटीएमो से जो जितना निकाले सकै,वही मलाई है।वामपंथी दक्षिणपंथी सगरी कारपोरेट राजनीति इस जाति संघर्ष को जारी रखने में एढ़ी चोटी एक कर दियो कि मुक्त बाजार के कार्निवाल में विदेशी पूंजी और विदेशी हितों की बल्ले बल्ले।

तब हमारे सामाजिक कलाकार आमिर आए थे एक विज्ञापन में बताने कि ---देखिये कैसे आपका कोल्ड ड्रिंक safe है... ,,,,,,,,,,और ये देखिये कंगना राणावत ने fairness क्रीम का 2 करोड़ का विज्ञापन क्या कहकर रिजैक्ट किया?

Previous: केशरिया हुई गयो रे कयामती नजारा और अब हर मर्ज लाइलाज है लेकिन आधी रात बाद पटाखे और आतिशबाजी देखो के कैसे बेगानी शादी में अब्दुल्ला दीवाना कि लाखों करोड़ों लोग खुश हैं कि आईपीएल जीत ली नीता अंबानी ने फिर एकदफा और गुलामी की जंजीरें टूट गइलन हो। उधरै बहुजन राजनीति के कारोबारी समझ रहे हैं खूब के बहुजन समाज हवा हवाई है,अंबेडकर एटीएमो से जो जितना निकाले सकै,वही मलाई है।वामपंथी दक्षिणपंथी सगरी कारपोरेट राजनीति इस जाति संघर्ष को जारी रखने में एढ़ी चोटी एक कर दियो कि मुक्त बाजार के कार्निवाल में विदेशी पूंजी और विदेशी हितों की बल्ले बल्ले। पलाश विश्वास
तब हमारे सामाजिक कलाकार आमिर आए थे एक विज्ञापन में बताने कि ---देखिये कैसे आपका कोल्ड ड्रिंक safe है... ,,,,,,,,,,और ये देखिये कंगना राणावत ने fairness क्रीम का 2 करोड़ का विज्ञापन क्या कहकर रिजैक्ट किया?
मजदूर झा,
वर्धा हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय

ये फर्क होता है ढकोसलेबाजी और वास्तविकता में...मौके-बे-मौके अपने आप को सामाजिक कलाकार कहने वाले आमिर ख़ान मुझे उन्हीं दिनों से पसंद नहीं हैं जब कुछ ईमानदार लोगों ने कठिन श्रम से कोल्ड-ड्रिंक के अगेन्स्ट में माहौल बनाया था। कोर्ट को भी इस मसले में गंभीरता से विचार करना पड़ा था तब हमारे सामाजिक कलाकार आमिर आए थे एक विज्ञापन में बताने कि ---देखिये कैसे आपका कोल्ड ड्रिंक safe है... ,,,,,,,,

,,और ये देखिये कंगना राणावत ने fairness क्रीम का 2 करोड़ का विज्ञापन क्या कहकर रिजैक्ट किया?

Interviewer: Why did you recently turn down a deal worth Rs. 2 crores which needed you to endorse a fairness (skin- lightening brand)?

Kangana Ranaut: Ever since I was a kid, I have never understood the concept of fairness. Especially, in such a case, as a celebrity, what kind of example would I be setting for younger people? I have no regrets about turning this offer down. As a public figure, I have responsibilities. My sister (Rangoli Ranaut) is dusky, yet beautiful. If I go ahead and be a part of this campaign, then, in a way, I would be insulting her. If I can't do that to my sister, then how can I do it to an entire nation?

Majdoor Jha's photo.
Majdoor Jha's photo.
मजदूर झा,
वर्धा हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय

ছিটমহলবাসীর ইচ্ছাতেই নাগরিকত্ব নির্ধারণ


দুই দেশের অবৈধ দখলে থাকা জমি প্রসঙ্গে সচিব বলেন, ভারতের দখলে ছিল বাংলাদেশের ২ হাজার ২৬৭ দশমিক ৮৮ একর জমি। আর ভারতের...

বাংলাদেশ ও ভারতের ছিটমহলে বসবাসকারীদের নাগরিকত্ব নির্ধারণে নাগরিকদের ইচ্ছাকেই প্রাধান্য দেওয়া হবে বলে জানিয়েছেন মন্ত্রিপরিষদ সচিব মোশাররফ হোসাইন ভূইঞা। আজ সোমবার প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার সভাপতিত্বে মন্ত্রিসভার বৈঠকে ভারতের সঙ্গে স্বাক্ষরিত স্থল সীমান্ত চুক্তি অনুসমর্থনের যে...

IPTA:आज स्थापना दिवस .... बधाई ........



दिवस ....
बधाई .....

Nisar Ali's photo.

बेंगलोर से 90 किलोमीटर दूर वैदिक सिटी बन रहा है, जहा सिर्फ ब्राह्मण की ही बुकिंग हो रही है!

Next: भारतीय वामपंथियों की असल समस्या वैचारिक और निजी दोनों तरह की है। वे समझते हैं, पूरी दुनिया और समाज को सिर्फ वही सही ढंग से समझ रहे हैं, जबकि अवाम के बड़े हिस्से को लगता है, वे अक्सर गलतियां करते रहते हैं। पहले वामपंथी यह तो तय कर लें कि वो किसके साथ हैं और किसके नुमायंदे हैं। दलित-पिछड़ों और उत्पीड़ितों का बड़ा तबका अब भी उनसे दूर क्यों है? उनकी अगुवाई पर भरोसा क्यों नहीं करता? बेहद समझदार और अपेक्षाकृत ईमानदार लोगों की मौजूदगी के बावजूद वामपंथी दलों में राजनीतिक गतिशीलता का अभाव क्यों है?

ब्रिटिश शासन में ब्राह्मण जातिवाद के सम्बन्ध में जाने माने समाजशास्त्री रजनी कोठारी ने अपनी पुस्तक "भारतीय राजनीति में जातिवाद"में लिखा है कि, -
"क्योकि ब्राह्मण शिक्षा परिसरों, व्यवसायों में प्रविष्ठ हो चुके थे इसीलिए सभी स्थानों पर उन्होंने अपने गिरोह बना लिए थे. इनसे गेर-ब्राह्मणों को बाहर रखा गया. 1892 से 1904 के बीच भारतीय सिविल सेवाओ में सफलता पानेवाले 16 प्रतियाशियो में 15 ब्राह्मण थे. 1914 में 128 जिलाधिकारियों में से 93 ब्राह्मण थे."

बात कडवी है लेकिन प्रत्येक भारतीय नागरिक को चिंतन करने और शेयर के लायक है. दुसरे प्राणियों की तरह ही इश्वर या कुदरत ने सिर्फ इन्शान या मानव बनाया है. गॉड, इश्वर, अल्लाह या भगवन ने न ब्राह्मण, न क्षत्रिय, न वैश्य, न शुद्र, न कुर्मी, न भंगी बनाया है. अगर कुदरत ने ब्राह्मण या भंगी बनाया होता तो कुदरत ने बनाये कुत्ते में ब्राह्मण कुत्ता, क्षत्रिय कुत्ता, वैश्य कुत्ता, शुद्र कुत्ता या भंगी कुत्ता क्यों नहीं है ?

बेंगलोर से 90 किलोमीटर दूर वैदिक सिटी बन रहा है, जहा सिर्फ ब्राह्मण की ही बुकिंग हो रही है. 13-11-'13 को NN-न्यूज नेशन चेनल पर शाम 4.30 से 5.00 और NDTV के प्राइम टाइम कार्यक्रम में मैंने इस पर हो रही बहस देखी और सुनी. जय हो, पौराणिक ब्राह्मण धर्म की,.. जय हो उन के धर्म ग्रन्थ "मनुस्मृति" की और जय हो उन की चार वर्ण की धार्मिक वर्ण व्यवस्था की, जो आज 2013 में भी जातिवाद को बरक़रार रख रही है.http://khabar.ndtv.com/video/show/prime-time/297832

भारतीय वामपंथियों की असल समस्या वैचारिक और निजी दोनों तरह की है। वे समझते हैं, पूरी दुनिया और समाज को सिर्फ वही सही ढंग से समझ रहे हैं, जबकि अवाम के बड़े हिस्से को लगता है, वे अक्सर गलतियां करते रहते हैं। पहले वामपंथी यह तो तय कर लें कि वो किसके साथ हैं और किसके नुमायंदे हैं। दलित-पिछड़ों और उत्पीड़ितों का बड़ा तबका अब भी उनसे दूर क्यों है? उनकी अगुवाई पर भरोसा क्यों नहीं करता? बेहद समझदार और अपेक्षाकृत ईमानदार लोगों की मौजूदगी के बावजूद वामपंथी दलों में राजनीतिक गतिशीलता का अभाव क्यों है?


भारतीय वामपंथियों की असल समस्या वैचारिक और निजी दोनों तरह की है। वे समझते हैं, पूरी दुनिया और समाज को सिर्फ वही सही ढंग से समझ रहे हैं, जबकि अवाम के बड़े हिस्से को लगता है, वे अक्सर गलतियां करते रहते हैं। पहले वामपंथी यह तो तय कर लें कि वो किसके साथ हैं और किसके नुमायंदे हैं। दलित-पिछड़ों और उत्पीड़ितों का बड़ा तबका अब भी उनसे दूर क्यों है? उनकी अगुवाई पर भरोसा क्यों नहीं करता? बेहद समझदार और अपेक्षाकृत ईमानदार लोगों की मौजूदगी के बावजूद वामपंथी दलों में राजनीतिक गतिशीलता का अभाव क्यों है?

मेरा निवेदनः

सहमत।हां,उर्मिलेश भाई,हम भी इस सवाल का जवाब चाहते हैं।

 कामरेड महासचिव हमें इस बारे में कुछ बतायें तो हम कृतार्त होंगे।आखिर वे तो हिंदी समझते और बोलते भी खूब हैं।

पलाश विश्वास

“बिलबिलाती जा रही है आज मेधा...” – गिरिजेश__

Previous: भारतीय वामपंथियों की असल समस्या वैचारिक और निजी दोनों तरह की है। वे समझते हैं, पूरी दुनिया और समाज को सिर्फ वही सही ढंग से समझ रहे हैं, जबकि अवाम के बड़े हिस्से को लगता है, वे अक्सर गलतियां करते रहते हैं। पहले वामपंथी यह तो तय कर लें कि वो किसके साथ हैं और किसके नुमायंदे हैं। दलित-पिछड़ों और उत्पीड़ितों का बड़ा तबका अब भी उनसे दूर क्यों है? उनकी अगुवाई पर भरोसा क्यों नहीं करता? बेहद समझदार और अपेक्षाकृत ईमानदार लोगों की मौजूदगी के बावजूद वामपंथी दलों में राजनीतिक गतिशीलता का अभाव क्यों है?

___पात्रता और उसका आधार ___
पात्रता, क्षमता और योग्यता तीनों व्यक्ति के विकास के अलग-अलग स्तर हैं. पात्रता अर्जित की जाती है. जन्म, कुल या जाति के आधार पर कोई पात्रता नहीं हो सकती. पात्रता जन्मजात नहीं होती है. पात्रता अपने लिये लक्ष्य निर्धारित कर लेने के बाद उसे साकार करने के लिये कठोर श्रम और सतत साधना द्वारा ही अर्जित की जा सकती है. तभी व्यक्ति सक्षम होता है और क्षमता ही योग्यता का आधार बनाती है.

वर्तमान जनविरोधी व्यवस्था इस पात्रता को व्यक्ति के जन्म, जाति, रिश्वत और पैरवी में देखती है और हमको भी दिखाती है. परन्तु मैं अर्जित पात्रता के साकार उदहारण की बात कर रहा हूँ. मेडिकल साइंस में पी.जी. में अपने पूरे इंस्टिट्यूट में टॉप करने वाले छात्र ने अधिकतम श्रम तो किया ही था. उसमें बार-बार एम.सी.एच. का रिटेन निकालने की पात्रता तो है. परन्तु उसके पीछे इंटरव्यू में सोर्स लगाने वाला जैक नहीं है. इसलिये यह तन्त्र उसे हर बार छोड़-छोड़ दे रहा है. और पात्रता भी उसने जन्म या जाति के सहारे यूँ ही नहीं अर्जित की थी. अपितु वर्षों तक पढ़ने में रात-दिन एक कर दिया और तब जाकर मेरी दृष्टि में उसकी पात्रता बनी.

गत वर्ष बम्बई में रिटेन निकालने के बाद हुए पिछले इन्टरव्यू में उसकी पैरवी करने वाला कोई सोर्स न होने के चलते हुए अन्याय के बाद मैंने यह कविता लिखी थी. और दिल्ली में इस वर्ष फिर रिटेन निकालने के बाद हुए इन्टरव्यू में छाँट दिये जाने के बाद मैं आज फिर अपने कथन को दोहरा रहा हूँ. मेरे कथन में इस मामले मे मामला जाति, जन्म और रिज़र्वेशन का है ही नहीं. यहाँ मामला रिश्वत, सोर्स और पैरवी की पहुँच के चलते हो रहे अन्याय का है. 25.5.15.

____"बिलबिलाती जा रही है आज मेधा..."– गिरिजेश____

लगे थे चुपचाप कितने वर्ष 
जब था साधना में लीन 
तन-मन अनवरत मेरा,
तो उगी थी एक मेधा इस तरह 
जैसे उगा सूरज, दिशा पूरब
लाल हो कर निखर आयी.

और मेधा बढ़ी, बढ़ती गयी आगे,
तोड़ कर अवरोध पथ के,
ख़ूब मेहनत से पढ़ाई की,
जगी वह रात-दर-हर रात,
खपाये साधना में दिन, गुज़ारे वर्ष,
खुली आँखों बसे थे स्वप्न 
केवल सफलता के, 
सफल हो कर बनेगी और सक्षम,
और उसके बाद बेहतर कर सकेगी,
सदा सेवा दुखी, पीड़ित मनुजता की.

निकाला रिटेन जब प्रतियोगिता का,
हुए हर्षित सभी परिजन,
दिया सबने बधाई,
उमग आये सभी के मन,
लगा सबको कि अब साकार होंगे,
स्वप्न जो अब तक बसे थे,
सभी आँखों की चमक में.

और आया आख़िरी अवरोध को भी 
पार करने का जो मौका, 
तब सभी ने दी दुआएँ...
हुआ इण्टरव्यू,
बहुत-से प्रश्न पूछे गये,
दिये उत्तर सही सब के.
मुदित था मन 
कर रहा केवल प्रतीक्षा 
चयन के परिणाम का अब.

और जब परिणाम आया,
हुआ अचरज, 
अरे कैसे हुआ ऐसा !
क्यों नहीं हो सका उस का ही चयन !
चयन कैसे और क्यों कर हो गया 
उन सभी का ही 
था कि जिनके पास स्थानीयता का, 
या पहुँच की पैरवी का,
या कि पैसे की चमक का,
कुटिल बल –
जिसने ख़रीदा 
उन दिमागों को 
जिन्होंने घोषणा की.

और बैसाखी लगे कन्धे खड़े थे,
जो कदम चल ही नहीं सकते कभी भी,
उन्हें घोषित कर विजेता,
तन्त्र के उद्घोषकों ने,
कर दिया वध न्याय का ही !

गूँजता है महज़ अब 
मथ रहा मन को हमेशा ही 
घोषणा का दम्भ-पूरित स्वर,
और मेधा बिलबिलाती जा रही है...

सहन होती नहीं अब यह दुर्व्यवस्था,
क्या बचा है भ्रम तनिक भी 
न्याय को लेकर व्यवस्था के विषय में ! 
कौन-सा लक्षण दिखाई दे रहा है मनुजता का ! 
एक भी तो नहीं मुझको दिख रहा है.
है लगाना मुझे भी अब ज़ोर 
सबके साथ मिल कर
ताकि मटियामेट हो 
यह जन-विरोधी दुर्व्यवस्था !

20.7.14. (10.30.a.m.)

Girijesh Tiwari's photo.

Nityanand Gayen मातला नदी पार करते हुए


मातला नदी पार करते हुए 

सागर के मुहाने पर नदी मचलती है
शायद मिलन की आतुरता है 
मैं नाव पर बैठे हुए देखता हूँ लहरों को 
नौका नाचती है जैसे नशे में हों 
नदी के ठीक बीच पहुँच कर देखता हूँ दोनों किनारों को 
रोमांचित हो उठता हूँ 
अभी और कोई शब्द नहीं है मेरे पास 
किन्तु लगता है कुछ ऐसा , जैसे मैं एक लम्बे अरसे से इसी क्षण की प्रतीक्षा में था

दोनों किनारों के घाटों पर प्रतीक्षा में हैं यात्री 
उन्हें जाना है आर -पार 
और मैं चाह रहा था रुकी रहे यहीं पर नाव 
ताकि मैं देख सकूँ आकाश को लहरो पर नाचते हुए 
किन्तु , किनारों पर यात्री प्रतीक्षा में थे 
माझी ने देखा गौर से मेरे चेहरे को 
और मुस्कुरा दिया 
और फिर मैंने भी।

-नित्यानंद गायेन

Nityanand Gayen's photo.

Neelabh Ashk दो कविताएं


दो कविताएं


मैं वह मकड़ी हूं जो भूल गयी है
जाल बुनना

बहुत कोशिश करने पर भी
नाभि से थोड़ा-सा रेशा ही निकल पाता है
जिस पर ठीक से लटका भी नहीं जा सकता
झूलने की तो बात ही दूर रही.

कीड़े मुंह चिढ़ाते हुए, बकरा बुलाते हुए* 
पास से निकल जाते हैं
हवा से हर पल यह अन्देशा रहता है 
कि उड़ा ले जायेगी कम्बख़्त
और इस पेड़ की डालियां भी तो इतनी दूर-दूर हैं
नगर निगम की कृपा से 
इस रेशे का पुल बनाना भी सम्भव नहीं 
जिस पर मै जा सकूं
इस लोक से उस लोक तक

*बकरा बुलाना -- पंजाबी मुहावरा है. कलाई उलटी करके मुंह पर रख कर ज़ोर से भक-भक की आवाज़ निकालना, जो अवज्ञा और चुनौती की निशानी मानी जाती है

मारा गया

जिस रास्ते से भी जाऊं
मारा जाता हूं

मैंने सीधा रास्ता लिया
मारा गया
मैंने लम्बा रास्ता अख़्तियार किया
मारा गया
मैंने प्रेम की डगर थामी
मारा गया
मैंने नफ़रत का रास्ता पकड़ा 
मारा गया
मैंने कोई रास्ता नहीं अपनाया
मारा गया

‘TSP violates jail rules, harass Kashmiri inmates’


Kashmiri prisoners treated as 'animals' in Tihar Jail

Posted by kracktivist on May 24, 2015

'TSP violates jail rules, harass Kashmiri inmates'




Srinagar: Tamil Nadu Special Police (TSP) have reportedly let loose a reign of terror in India's Tihar Jail. Kashmiri prisoners there have been facing relentless atrocities. In an open letter to his family from Tihar Jail, a Kashmiri inmate Muzaffar Ahmed Dar of Chichilora Tangmarag in North Kashmir's Baramulla district has narrated detailed ordeal about Kashmiri prisoners in the jail.
A copy of the letter reveals that criminals, rapists, dacoits of other states lodged in the jail avail all kinds of facilities while Kashmiri inmates shut up in the jail for alleged anti-India activities are not only harassed but also given a cruel treatment.
Dar who was arrested for his alleged affiliation with militant outfit Hizbul Mujhadeen from Sadrabal Hazratbal area of Srinagar city in April 2009 has written that TSP on the directions of Tihar Jail authorities care a fig of law and Jail rules and these men always force Kashmiri prisoners to lick their boots.
"On 8 April 2015, all the Kashmiri prisoners present in High Risk Ward were forcibly separated from one another and shifted to separate narrow and dark cells. The doors of these cells were locked suddenly and opened only after over a week."
Dar has written that Kashmiri prisoners are being treated like animals in the jail. "The jail authorities charge money from us to read the newspapers every morning but we are not allowed now to go through any news paper. We are not given any facility now, even ailing Kashmiri inmates are not taken to hospitals."
"On 10 April Tamil Nadu Special Police suddenly raided our cells, ransacked our items including books and seized everything. Even our medicines and utensils were snatched from us. Some of our items were given back to us, after we went on a hunger strike."
"On April 11, I was suddenly shifted to Jail number 8 of Tihar against the orders of the doctor. Tamil Nadu Special Police raided my cell again and seized all the items again. Despite suffering from multiple ailments, Jail authorities do not provide me standard medicines. Doctors had advised me take boiled water but instead Kashmiri prisoners are given a mixture of saline and sweetened water. The Jail authorities submitted a false report in the court, claiming that inmates are taken to hospitals on routine basis but the fact is that I was never taken to any hospital," Dar writes and adds that jail authorities refused to provide him an electric kettle for water boiling purpose. "Here in Tihar Jail criminals, rapists and dacoits are permitted to avail every kind of facility but same is not the case with Kashmiri prisoners."
Dar who was shifted to Tihar from Srinagar Central Jail in 2014 on the directions of National Investigating Agency (NIA) said that for 20 days at a stretch he was kept in solitary confinement in BSF camp Chawla House where due to consumption of filthy water, he developed several ailments.
The family members of Dar castigated People's Democratic Party for making false promises to the people of Kashmir. "We voted for the PDP with a hope that it will shift all the Kashmiri prisoners to Srinagar from different Indian jails, but contrary has been happening on the ground now. Instead of acting in the interest of people, it is adding to the woes of the people," the brother of Dar Irfan Hussain told.
The Tangmarag family also castigated separatist leaders and alleged these Hurriyat leaders have disappointed the people whose loved ones have been languishing in Indian jails as according to the family no Hurriyat organization ever made a serious attempt to bring back the Kashmiri prisoners back to Kashmir. "

The politics of these Hurriyat leaders is confined to the press statements but on ground their contribution towards the nation is zero," the family said adding that they have sold a piece of land to pay to the lawyer in New Delhi. (CNS)


मीडिया की ओर से भाजपा सरकार के गृहमंत्री गुलाबचंद कटारिया से घटना संबंधी बात की गई तो उनका कहना था कि गिरफ्तारी की जल्दी क्या है। हमारे पास कोई जादू की छड़ी नहीं है।


Dalit aur Mahila utpiron,hatya aam baat non by.Sarkar apradhio ka sangrakhsan de rahi!Ayse mei jan-pratiwad-pratirodh ko.vyapak aur tibro banane ki jarurat hei.Ap vi sath De!

Laxman Maravi Raj's photo.
Laxman Maravi Raj's photo.
Laxman Maravi Raj's photo.
Laxman Maravi Raj's photo.
Laxman Maravi Raj's photo.

दबंगों ने दलितों को ट्रैक्टर से कुचला; तीन की मौत, खौफ में सैकड़ों दलितों ने घर छोड़ा
नई दिल्ली। देश में दबीलित उत्पीडऩ के मामले बढ़ते ही जा रही हैं। इसी तरह के मामलों में राजस्थान की एक घटना और जुड़ गई है। यहां के नागौर जिले के अंतर्गत डांगावास में भूमि विवाद के चलते कुछ तथाकथित ऊंची जाति के लोगों ने दलितों को ट्रैक्टर से कुचल दिया। इसमें 3 दलितों की मौत हो गई। इस घटना में कई और लोग भी घायल हुए हैं। वहीं दबंगों के खौफ के चलते सैकड़ों दलित अपने घर छोडक़र चले गए हैं।

मीडिया रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक दलितों का डांगावास की 20 बीघा जमीन पर कब्जा था। इसे दबंग अपनी बता रहे थे। इसे लेकर पंचायत हुई, जिसमें दलितों को भी बुलाया गया। विवाद बढऩे पर दबंगों ने पंचायत में ही दलितों की पिटाई कर दी, जिससे अफरातफरी मच गई और घटना के बाद दलितों पर कहर टूट पड़ा।
तथाकथित ऊंची जाति के 200 लोगों ने गांव को घेर कर दलितों को मारना शुरू कर दिया। इस दौरान तीन दलितों को मार डाला गया, जबकि महिलाओं समेत दर्जनों दलितों पर तेजधार हथियारों से हमला होने से वे घायल हो गए। यह घटना शुक्रवार की है। घटना के बाद दलित महिलाओं से बुरा व्यवहार करने की बातें भी सामने आ रही हैं। घायलों में से कई लोग अस्पताल में भर्ती हैं।
इस मामले में किसी भी आरोपी की गिरफ्तारी नहीं हुई है। मीडिया की ओर से भाजपा सरकार के गृहमंत्री गुलाबचंद कटारिया से घटना संबंधी बात की गई तो उनका कहना था कि गिरफ्तारी की जल्दी क्या है। हमारे पास कोई जादू की छड़ी नहीं है।

Chhandak Chatterjee গরম থেকে বাঁচতে, চুমুক দাও আস্তে আস্তে সোনা চাই দানা চাই মিছরির পানা চাই এসি চাই ফ্রিজ চাই


গরম থেকে বাঁচতে, চুমুক দাও আস্তে আস্তে

সোনা চাই দানা চাই
মিছরির পানা চাই
এসি চাই ফ্রিজ চাই

ব্যাপক দাবদাহে এখনও ভারতে ৪০০ জন মানুষ মারা গেছেন বলে জানা যাচ্ছে । পারাদ্বীপ বন্দরের কাছে ওড়িশার উপকূল জুড়ে লাখ লাখ গাছ কেটে দেওয়ার ফলে কবছর আগে বিশাল ঘূর্ণি ঝড়ে প্রান হারিয়েছিলেন হাজার হাজার মানুষ । ওই গাছ গুলো উপকূলে ঝড়ের ব্যারিকেড করতো ।

বড় বাঁধের ফলে বহু জায়গা আজ বন্যা কবলিত । নদীর স্বাভাবিক গতিপথে বড় বাঁধ তৈরি করে তার গলায় বকলস পরিয়ে নদীকে শাসনের যে ইতিহাস শুরু হয়েছিলো, নদী তা ফিরিয়ে দিয়েছে ।

কদিন আগে নেপালে যে ভুমিকম্প হয়েছে, বহু পেটোয়া সংবাদপত্র, আবহাওয়া বিজ্ঞানী তারস্বরে চিৎকার করছে এর সঙ্গে মানুষের কোন সম্পর্ক নেই । ঠিক ভুমিকম্পের পরেই এই আওয়াজ তীব্রতর হয়েছে । কিন্তু যে পরিমানে গড় তাপমাত্রা বাড়ছে, সেখানে বরফ গলছে এবং তা এসে জমা হচ্ছে উপকূল অঞ্চলে, বন্যার প্রবনতা বাড়ছে এবং সে চাপ দিচ্ছে লিথোস্ফিয়ারে । হয়তো বরফ পিণ্ড গলতই কিন্তু আমরা তাকে তরান্বিত করছি । এরকম কারনেও ভুমিকম্প হতেই পারে ।

এখন দেখছি এই প্রবল গরম থেকে বাঁচতে সকলেই চাইছে পাহাড়ে যেতে । ট্রেনের টিকিট বুকিং চলছে । পাহাড়ে গিয়ে কি হবে, সেখানে বারুন থাকা সত্ত্বেও গড়ে উঠবে ১০ তলা বাড়ি । যেখানে সবসময় বিদ্যুৎ জোগানের জন্য নদীতে বাঁধ দিয়ে তৈরি হবে জল বিদ্যুৎ । পর্যটকদের জন্য থাকবে হেলিকপ্টার রাইড এবং এরই পরিনতিতে ঘটবে উত্তরাখণ্ড ।

পাহাড়, নদী, জঙ্গল বাঁচানোর যখন চেষ্টা করবে ভারতের ভুমিপত্ররা তখন তাদের গুদুম গুদুম করে মারা হবে । তারা যখন গাছ বাঁচাতে রাতের পর রাত গাছ জড়িয়ে ধরে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকবেন তখন গাছের সাথেই তাদের চেরা হবে করাত দিয়ে । তারা যখন নিয়মগিরি, গন্ধমারদন পাহাড় লুঠতে দেবেন না, তখন তাদের জেল বন্দী করা হবে । তারা যখন নর্মদায় বাঁধ দিতে দেবেন না বলে, কুদানকুলামে নিউক্লিয়ার পাওয়ার বানাতে দেবেন না বলে গলা পর্যন্ত বালিতে, জলে ডুবে প্রতিবাদ করবেন তখন শহুরে বানচোত'রা মধুচন্দ্রিমা করবেন, মৌজ করবেন । খিস্তি করবেন ।

শালবন, পাহাড়, ঝর্না, নদী, উপকূল সব সব সব থাকুক জারোয়া দের জন্য । অসভ্য বর্বর লুঠেরা শহুরেদের জন্য একচিলতে বসুন্ধরাও নয় ।

Chhandak Chatterjee's photo.

ব্লগার হত্যাকান্ডে হেফাজতকে জড়ানোর অপচেষ্টার তীব্র প্রতিবাদ ধর্মবিশ্বাস নিয়ে ব্যঙ্গ করা মতপ্রকাশের স্বাধীনতা নয় -আল্লামা শফী

ব্লগার হত্যাকান্ডে হেফাজতকে জড়ানোর অপচেষ্টার তীব্র প্রতিবাদ
ধর্মবিশ্বাস নিয়ে ব্যঙ্গ করা মতপ্রকাশের স্বাধীনতা নয় -আল্লামা শফী
'হেফাজতের তালিকাভুক্ত ব্লগাররাই জঙ্গিদের হিটলিস্টে', এমন মন্তব্য করে বাংলা ট্রিবিউনসহ কতিপয় মিডিয়া ও সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যমে ব্লগার হত্যাকান্ডের সাথে হেফাজতে ইসলামকে জড়ানোর অপপ্রয়াস লক্ষ্য করা যাচ্ছে বলে উল্লেখ করে এর তীব্র প্রতিবাদ জানিয়েছেন হেফাজতে ইসলামের আমীর দারুল উলূম হাটহাজারী মাদ্রাসার মহাপরিচালক আল্লামা শাহ আহমদ শফী। 
তিনি বলেন, ধর্ম অবমাননা ও বিচারবহির্ভূত হত্যাকান্ডে জড়িতদের বিরুদ্ধে সমান কঠোরতা জরুরি। কারো ধর্মবিশ্বাস নিয়ে ব্যঙ্গ করা কোন অবস্থাতেই মতপ্রকাশের স্বাধীনতা নয়। হেফাজতে ইসলাম সকল বিচারবহির্ভূত হত্যাকান্ডের নিন্দা করে।
গতকাল রোববার এক বিবৃতিতে হেফাজত আমীর বলেন, ২০১৩ সালের ৩১ মার্চ স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রণালয়ের গঠিত ৯ সদস্যের তদন্ত কমিটিকে যে ৮৪ জন ব্লগারের তালিকা দেওয়া হয়, তা মাসিক আল-বাইয়্যিনাত ও দৈনিক আল-ইহসান পত্রিকার সম্পাদক এবং আনজুমানে আল-বাইয়্যিনাত-এর কেন্দ্রীয় আহবায়ক মুহাম্মদ মাহবুবুল আলম আরিফ এর নেতৃত্বে দেয়া হয়েছিল। তিনি হেফাজতে ইসলামের কেউ নন এবং উক্ত বৈঠকে হেফাজতের কোন নেতৃবৃন্দ অংশগ্রহণ করেননি। প্রিন্ট ও ইলেক্ট্রনিকসহ প্রায় সকল গণমাধ্যমে সংবাদটি প্রকাশিত হয়েছিল। স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রণালয়ে ৮৪ জন ব্লগারের তালিকা হেফাজত দিয়েছিল বলে যে সংবাদ প্রচার করা হচ্ছে, তা সম্পূর্ণ মিথ্যা ও উদ্দেশ্য প্রণোদিত। ইসলাম বিদ্বেষী নাস্তক্যবাদি ও তাদের দোসররাই এমন মিথ্যাচারে জড়িত থাকতে পারে বলে তিনি মন্তব্য করেন।
বিবৃতিতে হেফাজত আমীর আরো বলেন, আমাদের ১৩ দফার মধ্যে অন্যতম দাবি ছিল, ধর্ম অবমাননাকারীদের বিরুদ্ধে কঠোর আইন পাস এবং সে আইনের আওতায় বিচারের মাধ্যমে তাদের শাস্তি দেওয়া। যাতে কেউ কোন সম্প্রদায় বা ব্যক্তি বিশেষের অনুভুতিতে আঘাত হেনে দেশ ও সমাজে শান্তি বিনষ্ট করার অপপ্রয়াস চালাতে না পারে। তিনি বলেন, বর্তমানে কতিপয় মহল থেকে মতপ্রকাশের স্বাধীনতার কথা বলা হয়ে থাকে। কিন্তু মতপ্রকাশের স্বাধীনতারও একটা সীমা আছে। অন্যের ধর্মবিশ্বাসকে কেউ হেয় করতে পারে না। অন্যের ধর্মবিশ্বাস নিয়ে মশকরা করা যায় না। কারো ধর্মবিশ্বাস নিয়ে ব্যঙ্গ করা কোন অবস্থাতেই মতপ্রকাশের স্বাধীনতা নয়। কেউ যদি কারো মাকে গালি দেয়, কারো বোনকে গালি দেয়, অবশ্যই এতে কঠোর প্রতিক্রিয়া তৈরি হবে। তাই আমরা দেশের শান্তি-শৃঙ্খলার স্বার্থে বার বার দাবি জানিয়ে আসছি যে, কেউ যাতে অন্যের ধর্মীয় অনুভূতিতে আঘাত হেনে সহিংস কর্মকা-ে কাউকে প্ররোচিত না করতে পারে, তার জন্য কঠোর আইন থাকা দরকার।
বিবৃতিতে হেফাজত আমীর আরো বলেন, হেফাজতে ইসলামসহ এদেশের উলামা-মাশায়েখ, ক্বওমী মাদ্রাসার ছাত্র-শিক্ষকরা শান্তিতে বিশ্বাসী। কারণ, ইসলাম আমাদেরকে শান্তি, সাম্য, সহনশীলতা ও ইনসাফের শিক্ষা দেয়। আমরা কখনোই আইনকে নিজের হাতে তুলে নেওয়া বা কোন ধরনের বিচারবহির্ভূত সহিংস কর্মকা- সমর্থন করি না। হেফাজতে ইসলাম খুন, গুম, অপহরণসহ সকল বিচারবহিভর্'ত হত্যাকা-ের নিন্দা করে। আমরা সব সময় জনসাধারণকে অন্যায়, অপরাধ, জোর-জুলুম ও সহিংস কর্মকা- থেকে বিরত থাকার প্রতি আহ্বান জানাই। আমরা চাই, ব্লগার হত্যাসহ সব ধরনের বিচারবহির্ভুত সহিংসতা ও হত্যাকা-ের নিরপেক্ষ তদন্ত করে প্রকৃত অপরাধীদেরকে আইনের আওতায় আনা হোক। পাশাপাশি কেউ যাতে বাক স্বাধীনতার অপব্যবহার করে ইসলামের বিরুদ্ধে কটূক্তি করে সহিংস কর্মকা-ে অন্যকে প্ররোচিত করতে না পারে, সেই লক্ষ্যে কঠোর শাস্তির বিধান রেখে আইন পাস করা হোক। সহিংসতায় জড়িতদের বিরুদ্ধে যেমন কঠোর আইনি পদক্ষেপ প্রয়োজন, তেমনি অন্যের ধর্মীয় আবেগ-অনুভূতিতে আঘাত হেনে সহিংসতায় উস্কানীদাতাদের বিরুদ্ধেও সমান কঠোরতা জরুরি। হেফাজত আমীর ইসলাম অবমাননাকারী ব্লগারদেরকে কতিপয় মিডিয়ায় বিজ্ঞানমনস্ক লেখক ও মুক্তমনা বলে পরিচিত করার প্রয়াসের উল্লেখ করে বলেন, এটাও ধর্ম অবমাননাকারীদেরকে প্ররোচিত করার শামিল। তিনি বলেন, দেশের শান্তি-শৃঙ্খলার স্বার্থে সরকারকে এসব বিষয়ে সতর্ক ও বাস্তবমুখী পদক্ষেপ নিতে হবে।


Posted by: Shah Abdul Hannan <shah_abdul_hannan@yahoo.com>

PM draws flak for comments on trafficking victims


PM draws flak for comments on trafficking victims

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's criticism on illegally migrating workers as "mentally sick" people who she said were tarnishing the image of the country drew widespread flak both at home and abroad.

The BSS ran news on Hasina's take on the emerging crisis over Bangladeshi trafficked people and Rohingya was picked up by all major international news agencies like AFP, Al Jazeera and Sydney Morning Herald with a negative spin.

The Daily Star talked with some common people and tried to gather their reaction.

"She is the prime minister. This is inappropriate of her," said Mohammad Kabir, a small-time businessman of Uttara. "These are the poor people. They undertook the risky route because they had nothing else to do."

"It is wrong to take such a risky voyage but it is also not appropriate for our prime minister in this way," said Mohammad Rasel, a grocer of Dhanmondi. "What else will people do? These people go because they are forced."

Though most people refused to talk to The Daily Star over the issue, the social media were flooded with criticisms since the premier made the remarks yesterday while meeting with officials of the labour ministry.

The international media also pulled up on her comments with most renowned news agencies highlighting her "mentally sick" comments above anything else.

The Sydney Morning Herald went as far to headline the news that "Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina slams starving migrants as 'mentally sick'".

Al Jazeera had the headline "Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina slams starving migrants as 'mentally sick'", and similar lines were followed by Malaysian The Star, The Express Tribune and others.




Tej Kumar Karki









rabi raj thapa <thapa.rabiraj@gmail.com>

2:16 PM (6 hours ago)

I am happy to see that so many of us are so seriously taking this issue that is very encouraging to think that finally our political cadres have got something to do that is constructive and positive other than holding street protest, mass meeting and rallies. But sending party cadres, youth volunteers without proper orientation and training to help and educate earthquake victims should not be like a blind person trying to lead another blind person. There is no spec of doubt that the volunteer cadres, who have always been taken as apple of the eyes to all ruling governments and political leaders who have so much faith and confidence in their political cadres and volunteers, they must be able to do what a marginalized Nepal fails to do.  

1.       It is good that political cadres are going to the needy, hungry and miserable people who want to rebuild and recover their shattered mind body and spirit, who want to build something out of their leftovers , broken home, injured and helpless family members. If they see political RAMBOs IN MASSES, VISITING WITH FANFARE AND HIGH SPIRIT, with banners of different political parties, that must give a great boost-up to unfortunate and down-heartened poor people in the remote villages. A James Bond sent from the Capital, well briefed and fully committed to do something without knowing what is it!  Political cadres are indoctrinated folk who may know more of their political ideology than the empathy and hard work. Developing villages at this stage is not like holding a political mass rally or mass meeting. If we really look at our political cadres, how much are they good in education, building skills, to live with the poor (because many of them must have taken political short-cuts to get away from poverty, unemployment and hardship of life. If you ask them they may say that they did not join politics to work hard and study well and to serve the country; they have joined politics to come closer to the power centers, to learn and imitate political leaders that is nothing but a FAST TRACK to PERKS, POWER and POSITION. We may have heard all our leaders have only one mantra "जोगी बन्न को लागी राजनिती गरेको होईन"; तव के को लागी राजनिती गरेको त? Nobody have guts to ask this question to our political leaders. Even you ask them they will laugh at you (what a stupid fool to ask a question that everybody knows the answer). One may also well presume that it is foolish to hope to get something from the cadres and followers what one cannot expect from their leaders) गुरु गुढ तो चेला चिनी 

2.       Second, if our great volunteers do not know how to build a house; do not have any construction idea or knowledge or experience or training; if they do not know anything of masonry, carpentry or if they themselves are not good in education, then what and how can they help the villagers and the needy people. Besides, such technical people are needed in quality but not in quantity. If you flock them in the villages it may also disturb and distract the victims in their own work.

3.       Why I am thinking this way is just looking at the way political parties have mobilized their youths and volunteers. Party Leaders and even our PM have given high sounding idealistic speeches(all our media people were thrilled to hear and quote in daily news, all F.M.and TVs), our leaders' who have inspired all youth volunteers (who are well accustomed to enjoy city life) to go to village and help the victims. Are these volunteers given any written instructions on what to do there and how? Do they have any policy papers, orientation, skill training, command and control and coordination procedures? How are they going to coordinate with other volunteers of other political parties? For sure, it is not going to be like a canvassing of an election or a political rally or a political campaign. Once the volunteer land on their assigned districts, they may go straight to the local political leader or the local administrator (well exhausted CDO, or Village Secretary, Security personnel) and jump into their routine work just to show that they are also there or now they have come to do the miracle. There is a great possibility that it may further hinder their momentum of work rather than make it easy in any way. A gentle and humble well manner volunteer may politely ask other to "give them some work" But, it is also possible that the high profile RAMBO TYPE political cadre may start commenting, criticizing and giving instructions if not order that they have been doing all their life and what they think mandated by their higher command living in the Capital.(without political mandate and political purpose they do not move, mind it) 

4.       Finally, I am afraid, they may consume the scarce resources and food and shelter that the poor villagers have received from various generous donors and well wishers. who might have taken so much trouble to reach it there. 

I am saying all these from my own experience of reaching out to various places and the haphazard way of managing and distributing relief materials. Still there may be so many of us who may think that sending political cadres with a great speech from political suprimo may work like a magic touch. Therefore, I better leave it to all who have a golden dream that political cadres are the angles of modern Nepal and they can do wonders like what the youth volunteers of Comrade Mao Ze Dong had done and achieved during their Cultural Revolution in China.  

If my view does not confirm your great views and opinion, please do not bother to jump against it or make any counter comment; you please discard it or through it into Junk-mail and forget it.

Thank you 

Bihari Krishna Shrestha <biharishrestha@gmail.com>

3:32 PM (4 hours ago)

Sri Ravi Raj Thapajee has made a very pertinent and succinct
observation about the problems and prospects of sending political
volunteers to the quake stricken villages. While all major parties are
in mutual competitions for marshalling their own volunteer corps of a
few hundred each--for which some of them are known to have unleashed
donation terror on the business community--Thapaji has his own
apprehensions that after all, these young politicians--who are there
in the parties in quest of shortcut to power, pelf and position--just
may not have the needed proficiency and motivation to be of help to
the quake victims such as skills in carpentry, masonry, and so on.
Instead, given their history of having acted merely as their party's
"storm troopers" quite often in the past--Comrade Biplab's cadres
beating up a person in the audience who had the temerity to ask a
question in their New Road meeting recently is the latest proof--the
most likely scenario is that they would just end up doing what they
know best, showing off  with the already exhausted CDO and other local
officials, thus acting as another unwelcome distraction in the midst
of the misery that has overwhelmed them. But then, our parties are
only trying to do what they know best, hoodwinking people, that is
sure to further alienate them from the people. But they don't care,
because they have never cared. After all, in our form of democracy,
they are the ones from among whom we have to choose "our
representatives" in the next election.

If the parties really cared, they should realise that there are eight
lakh houses that need to be rebuilt, and rebuilt real fast. For this,
the only way would be to empower the villagers themselves with
unfettered access to resources, technical support and material supply.
The villages, all of them, have the tradition of parima, i.e a
traditional system of labour exchange under which they put together
the critical mass of labour needed for house building as they do
annually for paddy planting too. Therefore, as a precondition for
effective earthquake rehabilitation, the authority needs to be
devolved to the local communities themselves as fast as possible. But
then, these political animals are always there with their bhagbande
politics that would surely ruin things all over again in the
communities. Therefore, as suggested by Kedar Neupanejee from
Switzerland recently, Nepal now should emulate Pakistan during the
2005 earthquake in PoK when the then President, General Pervej
Musharraf took over the reign of control directly,  put the army in
command, kept the politicians off-limit and made an exemplary work of
the rescue, relief and rebuilding operation. So, our President, the
cabinet, the army and the political parties too should put their heads
together, and decide to make the earthquake rebuilding an a-political
and professional work by entrusting the army with the support
operation in all the quake-affected districts even as the task of
rebuilding at the grassroots is devolved to the user groups of quake
victims themselves. Any other approach would be less than optimal in
its efficiency and effectiveness and to that extent, the betrayal of
the nation once again for mundane political gains and individual

Bihari Krishna Shrestha

On 5/25/15, rabi raj thapa <thapa.rabiraj@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am happy to see that so many of us are so seriously taking this issue
> that is very encouraging to think that finally our political cadres have
> got something to do that is constructive and positive other than holding
> street protest, mass meeting and rallies. But sending party cadres, youth
> volunteers without proper orientation and training to help and educate
> earthquake victims should not be like a blind person trying to lead another
> blind person. There is no spec of doubt that the volunteer cadres, who have
> always been taken as apple of the eyes to all ruling governments and
> political leaders who have so much faith and confidence in their political
> cadres and volunteers, they must be able to do what a marginalized Nepal
> fails to do.
> 1.       It is good that political cadres are going to the needy, hungry
> and miserable people who want to rebuild and recover their shattered mind
> body and spirit, who want to build something out of their leftovers ,
> broken home, injured and helpless family members. If they see political
> different political parties, that must give a great boost-up to unfortunate
> and down-heartened poor people in the remote villages. *A James Bond sent
> from the Capital, well briefed and fully committed to do something without
> knowing what is it!  P*olitical cadres are indoctrinated folk who may know
> more of their political ideology than the empathy and hard work. Developing
> villages at this stage is not like holding a political mass rally or mass
> meeting. If we really look at our political cadres, how much are they good
> in education, building skills, to live with the poor (because many of them
> must have taken political short-cuts to get away from poverty, unemployment
> and hardship of life. If you ask them they may say that they did not join
> politics to work hard and study well and to serve the country; they have
> joined politics to come closer to the power centers, to learn and imitate
> political leaders that is nothing but a *FAST TRACK to PERKS, POWER and
> POSITION. *We may have heard all our leaders have only one mantra "जोगी
> cadres with a great speech from* political suprimo* may work like a magic
> touch. Therefore, I better leave it to all who have a golden dream that
> political cadres are the angles of modern Nepal and they can do wonders
> like what the youth volunteers of Comrade Mao Ze Dong had done and achieved
> during their *Cultural Revolution in China.*

An Impact Assessment of a Great Earthquake in Nepal


An Impact Assessment of a Great Earthquake in Nepal


Prof. Bishnu Pathak – TRANSCEND Media Service

A devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake on April 25, 2015 disrupted the lives of nine million people – almost a third of the population. A second one of magnitude 7.3 on May 12 further complicated getting aid to survivors mainly in the central Nepal.

Home Ministry data shows that there are 49 quake-hit districts. Among them, 14 districts including Sindhupalchowk, Kathmandu, Nuwakot, Dolakha and Dhading have been the hardest hit. Over 8,500 people were died; almost three-times more 24,000 are injured. The Multinational Military Coordination Center reported that over 1,400 people were rescued by air, but 1,500 people alone by the Nepal Army. Another 1,500 people were evacuated by road. Handicap International estimates 30 percent of the wounded people suffers from heads, limbs and spinals injuries[1]. However, the WHO speculates that 12 percent of the injured sustains spinal injuries which need life-time rehabilitation[2]. Many of the injured, cured and displaced are nowhere to go.

Till May 19th, the Ministry of Home Affairs stated that a total of 63,885 private homes out of 68,000 in Sindhupalchowk were fully destroyed of which 57,943 houses in Nuwakot, 48,880 in Dolakha, 43,741 in Dhading, 36,973 in Kathmandu and 7,040 in Rasuwa districts. Similarly, a total of 756,000 houses have fully destroyed of which 2,607,373 houses are partly damaged. 494,936 temporary houses are to be made in the countryside before rainy reason (mid-June). The Global Fairness Initiative and the Brick Clean Group Nepal estimate 40 percent houses in valley are safe to live while another 40 percent need to repair[3]. As of May 20, 2015, 10,803 government buildings have fully been destroyed that marked red sticker and 15,034 houses marked by yellow sticker as they are partially destroyed. 41 percent (7,532) schools out of 18,289 were completely destroyed in 49 districts, but 4,650 schools are affected in 14 major-hit districts. Massive numbers 2,106 toilets and 1,363 drinking waters in schools were also destroyed. An estimated 200 Buddhist nuns and monks 200 died after more than 1,000 monasteries collapsed in the hardest-hit 14 districts[4].

Most of the Ministries including the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers (OPMCM) and its Secretariat and the National Planning Commission inside the Singhadurbar have severely been damaged and have set up offices temporarily under the tents. The great quake also destroyed many health posts and maternity hospitals, most of the countryside women are opted to deliver at home. The UN Population Fund estimates that about 2 million women-girls of reproductive age and some 126,000 pregnant women have been affected[5]. Psychological trauma has greatly affected to senior citizens, women and children.

It is to be remarkable that the private and public homes and buildings that are still erected even after quake and repeated aftershocks may collapse during this monsoon. The District Natural Disaster Rescue and Relief Committee, Gorkha proposes shifting 2,314 Barpak (epicenter of April 25th massive quake)-house of 22 Village Development Committees to safer places before monsoon starts fearing of further collapse by landslides. International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) triggered at least 3,000 landslides due to large landmass movement in the Himalayas and flooding is obvious. It has also identified the formation of artificial lakes and sketched the weak status of glacial lakes within the quake-affected areas. The massive avalanche triggered by the disaster killed 18 people including a Google engineer Dan Fredinburg at the Mount Everest base camp and injured more than 60. Still 112 foreigners are unreported in Nepal.

International community and friendly neighbors namely India, China, USA, UK, Norway, Australia, Canada, Japan, Brazil, South Korea, Russia and others provided search and rescue operations along with humanitarian supports under the coordination of the Nepal Army. A U.S. helicopter carrying its six Marines and two Nepalese soldiers were killed while helicopter crashed on its route to earthquake-stricken Dolakha district on May 12th. The friendly countries have announced huge financial assistance in cash and kind for immediate (search, rescue and relief) operations, short-term recovery and rehabilitation and long-term reconstruction.

Coordinating humanitarian teams from 35 different countries and Armed Police and Nepal Police, the Nepal Army has put all its efforts and manpower in search and rescue operations and relief materials distribution to the desperate victims in quake affected areas far and near. Nepal Army has mobilized its personnel soon after the quake struck in Nepal despite limited resources and equipments.

India has been the first country from abroad to respond full-fledged rescue and relief support to the crisis in the name of Operation Maitri (Operation close friendship)[6]. Within 15 minutes of the quake, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted first and directed to mediate dispatch of search, rescue and relief including medical teams to Nepal[7]. More than ten teams from National Disaster Response Force and Indian Air Force including several search and rescue dogs within six to seven hours of the earthquake arrived in Nepal[8]. PM Modi spoke with Nepal's PM Sushil Koirala and assured him of his all-round support and assistance[9]. Indian Army sent three top military commanders[10] with five air force helicopters[11].

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang sent condolence message to the Prime Minister of Nepal and pledged to offer assistance[12]. Similarly, Xi Jinping, the President of China also sent his condolence and said that China was "willing to offer all necessary disaster assistance"[13]. China sent a number of search and rescue teams and dogs including tents, blankets and generators and helicopters in chartered plane in the early morning on May 26.

On May 15, Indian PM Modi and his Chinese counterpart Keqiang in Beijing have agreed to work jointly with Nepal for its recovery, rehabilitation, reconstruction and development endeavors respecting country's independence and sovereignty[14]. Both leaders vow to support Nepal without any precondition as much as they can or a country looking forward to seek assistance and support from them.

The British Embassy stated that they will support to treat 18,000 injured people, rebuilding of 1,000 damaged health posts, immunizations for 3,000 children and access to family planning for 48,000 women[15]. On May 20, the US Embassy in Kathmandu stated that they will continue to work for earthquake response and recovery works along with additional emergency shelter materials, safe drinking water, hygiene kits and improved sanitation to the most critical districts as well as will assist law enforcement and justice sectors to recover from the earthquake.

On May 12, Japan announced Emergency Grant Aid amount US $ 14 million to support food, emergency medical care, shelter, health, water and sanitation to the quake most affected areas through World Food Program, International Federation of Red Cross, UNICEF and so forth[16]. There had been a great hope with multilateral donors namely World Ban, Asia Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, but their grant did not attract that much to Nepal and Nepali people.

A leading appeal by an actress Joanna Lumley collected more than Rs. 7 billion as donation to support Nepal's quake-hit victims. Dalai Lama, Facebook, GoFundMe, Google.org, Microsoft and others also donated to relief and recovery to quake victims.

There is a lack of proper coordination amongst the government bodies, political parties and among others. The rescue, relief and recovery reach in accessible areas on the one hand, but continue aftershocks and landslides has been a major worry in the remote countryside areas. Political parties are sending their activists to build temporary settlements at the affected areas, but seek cash for volunteers. Even though, Government of Nepal has released Rs. 5.53 billion to provide relief packages in the 38-quake hit districts, but not all victims received allocated cash Rs. 15,000 to buy zinc sheets for their temporary huts before monsoon approaches[17]. Lawmakers have warned that there could have serious security threat to the leaders of the political parties if they failed to promptly provide search and rescue operations, deliver adequate relief materials and initiate recovery and rehabilitation works. Prime Minister Sushil Koirala himself admits poor response of required delivery.

On April 29, 2015, the United Nations launched a $415 million emergency appeal aiming to support Government efforts to address most critical needs of millions of quake-affected people for shelter, water and sanitation, food security, protection for the next three months across 39 of 75 districts[18]. The Government of Nepal has established a fund of Rs. 200 billion with a seed money of Rs. 20 billion and appealed international donor community to provide Rs. 180 billion to carryout rehabilitation and reconstruction. However, international community showed less-interest to grant in it. Why did international community not show interest to put money in the fund? There are numbers of reasons.

First, Nepal lacks of leadership. There is a Government headed by Sushil Koirala. He has its own party Nepali Congress empowers by activists, but without vision and mission to lead the country. He is inactive and little mobility due to his octogenarian age and poor health. Koirala heavily surrounds by tired and retired bureaucracies and less influential youths. Even such a great quake, he could not dare to visit many of the district headquarters to console the affected people and to direct the concerned security agencies to speedily work for search, rescue, relief and recovery. Thus, international community lost their hope and expectation that Koirala-led Government can do miracle on this devastating period.

Second, most of the Ministers of Koirala's Government took a huge personal advantage from his innocent and honesty position. As Koirala is being surrounded by ill famous and ambitious ministers, he failed to control bad-governance, corruption, unaccountability and ambiguity. Neither his leadership clearly demarcates the path of possible resolutions of constitutional-making differences. He himself accepted the fact that he could not much work, as he desires. A couple months ago, PM Koirala publicly claimed that the budget could not be implemented more than 15-16 percent due to massive corruption. However, he failed to take stern action against the irresponsible corrupt-personnel. Even Germany, United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark and Switzerland retrieved from Peace Fund differing restorative justice delivery system due to amnesty and reconciliation provisions incorporated in Truth and Reconciliation Commission. No such amnesty and reconciliation provisions attract to another truth-finding Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons.

Third, political parties expressed their reluctant to visit their respective constituents fearing of possible aftershocks soon after the quake. However, Nepal Army appeared on the frontline in the name of search, rescue, relief, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction in almost all quake-hit areas. It means, political parties are behind the security forces. International community has a fear whether Nepal Army will easily back into the barracks after accomplishment of emergency task. Even though, Nepal Army succeeded to develop good rapport with the general people. Previously, common people have perceptions that they were or are the backbone of former kingdom and elite people only.

Fourth, international community does not wish to put money on the Government established emergency fund due to above mentioned factors. While political parties' did not show any interest to establish the local government conducting local elections in Municipalities and Village Development Committees, international community tries to establish Non-Government Organizations as alternative to them. Therefore, they are more interested to conduct programs to the targeted countryside people through the NGOs. Besides, humanitarian search and rescue operations, relief, and recovery supports, some of the donors wish to fulfill their own-vested political zest and zeal to watch, encircle and play to two emerging superpowers ie, India and China from the strategic ground Nepal. Besides, they also wish to fulfill the country's need hiring their own people for the NGOs. NGOs personnel heavily influence the donor community weakening the government agencies and ruling parties for their vested interests. In some cases, commission from NGOs-programs also plays a pivotal rule for not to put aid at the Government established fund.

At least $ 5 billion is needed to rebuild private and public houses including historic heritage buildings, schools, hospitals and government offices. Nepal is one of the least developed countries in the world that needs to be paid $ 215 million annually as a debt payment. The poorest country Nepal ranks 145th out of 187 in the UN Human Development Index. South Asian Nepal needs debt relief for short-term quake recovery and long-term infrastructure development and stability. Massive quake-hit Nepal is one of the 38th countries eligible to be granted debt relief by international donors. Haiti received debt relief after an earthquake in February 2010 and Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone granted debt relief following the Ebola outbreak.

A landlocked and sandwiched Nepal is a country where political parties were largely divided on the issues of federalism: boundary, number and name of the federation. Besides, the issue of identity-based federal states became so tense that the Constituent Assembly I was dissolved without Constitution-making. Even Constituent Assembly II could not reach on a conclusion to resolve the differences of identity because of vested political desires. People in general neither cared that much on identity-based division of the country in the past nor post-quake hit Nepal. Moreover, the people show a great unity, solidarity and cooperation despite of caste, ethnicity, sex, age, class, profession, education, culture, religion, region and party differences. The past huge discrepancy between the rich and power is now being narrowed while most of the people take shelter under the same tents without discrimination, division, humiliation and degrading treatment. The people's unity compelled leadership to come closer to support the quake-hit people leaving behind their previous unhealthy competition, personal or institutional ego, political ideology and socio-cultural partisan.

Thus, the challenge of quake is being turned to opportunity to make a new Nepal forming a national Government headed by a clean, dynamic and honest leadership. Such leadership shall actively participate on the pains, grievances and suffering of quake-hit people and post quake-psyche victims. The technical and financial assistance from international community shall profoundly increase along with the formation of a New Government in Nepal.


[1] Nepal's Quakes: Latest Updates. Online Available in http://www.handicap-international.us/nepal_earthquake_the_latest_updates (Accessed on May 24, 2015)

[2] WHO. May 2, 2015. WHO mobilizes funds for long-term spinal cord treatment after Nepal earthquake. Press Release.

[3] Global Fairness Initiatives. May 19, 2015. Kathmandu Post Highlights Work of GFI and BCN Team of Engineers in Nepal. Washington DC

[4] Ojha, Anup. May 22, 2015. "At least 200 deaths in 1,000 quake flattened monasteries".Kathmandu Post. Kantipur: Kantipur Publications.

[5] United Nations Population Fund. May 18, 2015. Conditions remain harsh for Nepal quake survivors. Kathmandu

[6] Bhardwaj,  Mayank and Ratnajyoti Dutta. April 28, 2015. China? India? We're grateful for their help: Nepal's ambassador to India. Reuters.

[7] Daily Planet. APRIL 25 2015. It took Modi minutes to help neighbouring Nepal after earthquake.

[8] dnaindia.com. April 25, 2015. Nepal earthquake: India steps up relief work, sends 6 more teams of NDRF. Online Available in http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-nepal-earthquake-india-steps-up-relief-work-sends-6-more-teams-of-ndrf-2081418 (Accessed on May 23, 2015)

[9] biharprabha.com. April 25, 2015. India sends 10 NDRF Teams for Relief and Rescue Operation in Nepal. Online Available in http://news.biharprabha.com/2015/04/india-sends-10-ndrf-teams-for-relief-and-resue-operation-in-nepal/ (Accessed on May 23, 2015).

[10] Laskar, Rezaul H. April 27, 2015. Nepal: India ramps up 'Operation Maitri', airlifts more than 2,200. New Delhi: Hindustantimes.

[11] Laskar, Rezaul H. April 26. 2015. Nepal quake: India launches 'Operation Maitri', airlifts many. New Delhi: Hindustantimes.

[12] Li Keqiang Nepal earthquake sent messages of condolences to the Prime Minister of Nepal. Online Available in www.fireinews.com/news-9620928.html (Accessed on May 24, 2015)

[13] Mandhana, Niharika and Charles Hutzler. April 26, 2015. "Nepal Earthquake: India and China Send Rescue Teams to Himalayan Nation". The Wall Street Journal.

[14] Giri, Anil. May 22, 2015. "India, China for trilateral co-op with Nepal". Kathmandu Post. Kathmandu: Kantipur Publications.

[15] Spotlight. May 21, 2015. Britain announces New Aid Package to Nepal. Kathmandu

[16] Reliefweb. May 12, 2015. Emergency Grant Aid to Nepal for the Earthquake Damage. Online Available in http://reliefweb.int/report/nepal/emergency-grant-aid-nepal-earthquake-damage (Accessed on May 23, 2015).

[17] Sharma, Bhadra. May 23, 2015. "Relief cash released; ID process to delay dole". Kathmandu Post. Kathmandu: Kantipur Publications.

[18] UN News Center. April 29, 2015. UN and partners launch $415 million appeal to aid quake-stricken Nepal. New York.


Bishnu Pathak, a Ph.D. holder in conflict management and human rights, is president and director of the Conflict Study Center. He is a Board Member of TRANSCEND International for Nepal and also a BM of the TRANSCEND Peace University. Besides writing the book Politics of People's War and Human Rights in Nepal, he has published a number of research articles on issues related to Human Rights, UN, Security, Peace, Civil-Military Relations, Community Policing, and Federalism.

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 25 May 2015.

Anticopyright: Editorials and articles originated on TMS may be freely reprinted, disseminated, translated and used as background material, provided an acknowledgement and link to the source,TRANSCEND Media Service - TMS: An Impact Assessment of a Great Earthquake in Nepal, is included. Thank you.

If Vidya Balan is RIGHT, Nitin Gadkari MUST be WRONG!

If Vidya Balan is RIGHT, Nitin Gadkari MUST be WRONG!
Ashok T Jaisinghani

*****If Vidya Balan is RIGHT, Nitin Gadkari MUST be WRONG!*****
     Nitin Gadkari has SABOTAGED PM's Clean India Mission!!

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has PROUDLY declared that he has been WATERING the PLANTS in his BUNGALOW with his OWN URINE. 

   Every day on DOORDARSHAN TV channels, the FAMOUS ACTRESS Vidya Balan is being shown TAUNTING a MOTHER, whose small DAUGHTER wants to go to the FARM to DEFECATE, as there is NO TOILET in their HOME. 

   If the Union Minister Nitin Gadkari can provide URINE to his PLANTS in his BUNGALOW, why CANNOT the little GIRL provide MANURE to PLANTS in the FARM located at some distance from her HOME? 

   According to Vidya Balan, the HOUSEFLIES will wander on FECES of the little GIRL left behind in the FARM, then they will go to her HOUSE and make her SICK with disease by CONTAMINATING her FOOD with GERMS. 

   Similarly, will the TINY BLACK FLIES that sit on the URINE-CONTAMINATED plants NOT cause DISEASE by going into the ears, noses and eyes of those visiting the STINKING HOUSE of Nitin Gadkari?

   Does Nitin Gadkari allow his employees, especially those belonging to the LOWER CASTES, also to supply their URINE to WATER the PLANTS in his STINKING HOME? Are the guests and visitors of all the castes also allowed to URINATE on the PLANTS in Gadkari's BUNGALOW? 


   The BRAHMINS, who believe that the River GANGA should be PURIFIED with the URINE and DUNG of the HOLY COWS, have SABOTAGED Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Swachchh Bharat Mission. Now with the BRAHMIN Nitin Gadkari advocating the use of URINE on PLANTS in the HOMES, which will make all of them STINK, the Swachchh Bharat Mission has definitely been SABOTAGED! Do the BRAHMINS believe that their URINE is HOLY like the COW'S URINE, and should its STINKING SMELL be considered as DIVINE PERFUME? 


   Vidya Balan should be congratulated for making a very GREAT DISCOVERY that the Indian HOUSEFLIES are the MOST INTELLIGENT flies in the whole world! As indicated by Vidya Balan  on DOORDARSHAN TV, an Indian HOUSEFLY can IDENTIFY the little GIRL from her FECES left behind in the FARM, and then follow or TRACE that SAME GIRL to her HOUSE located at some distance, so that it CONTAMINATES ONLY her FOOD and makes ONLY the little GIRL SICK! Vidya Balan must be HONORED for her GREAT DISCOVERY. To honor the GREAT ACTRESS, an AWARD should be named as the VIDYA BALAN PRIZE for INTELLIGENCE, which should be given to the Indian HOUSEFLY!!


May 2013: Taking her role as the Brand Ambassador of Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA), the erstwhile Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)- the flagship program of the Ministry of Rural Drinking  Water and Sanitation- Bollywood actress Vidya Balan  features in these series of advertisements for a healthier and cleaner India.

See Video

Also Read:

Release Gambhira prasad, Rajkumari and Pankaj Bharati dalit and adivasi leadership of Kanhar struggle : Police attempt to abduct Adivasi Human Rights Defender Gambhira Prasad

Next: राजस्थान के नागौर जिले के गावं डंगवासा में दिनाक 14 मई 2015 को दबंगो दुवारा चार दलितों की निर्मम हत्या व् कई लोगो को गंभीर रूप से घायल करने व् उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य के शाहजहाँपुर जिले के गावं बड़े हरेवा में दिनाक 16 मई 2015 को 5 दलित महिलाओ के साथ दबंगो दुवारा किये गए अमानवीय व्यवहार व् नग्न कर गावं में घुमाने की अमानवीय घटनाओ के विरोध में "भारतीय समन्वय संगठन (लक्ष्य)"के सैकड़ो कार्यकर्ता दिनाँक 24 मई 2015 (रविवार ) को समय दोपहर 3 बजे लखनऊ में जानकीपुरम के मुलायम तिराहा से चलकर इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज तक पैदल मार्च कर इन घंटनाओ का विरोध प्रदर्शन किया
All India Union of Forest Working People(AIUFWP)


District Magistrate, 
Sonbhadra, UP

Release Gambhira prasad, Rajkumari and Pankaj Gautam
Dalit and Tribal leadership of  Kanhar struggle 

Respected District Magistrate, 

As you are aware that in kanhar valley people fighting against the illegal land acquisition and anti big dam protest were suppressed brutally by police firing on  14th an 18th April in  district Sonbhadra UP. Various leading activists are languishing in Mirzapur jail including Gambhira Prasad, Rajkumari, Pankaj gautam, Lakshman Bhuiya, Asharfi yadav. We have received reports that they are being treated badly in jail. The district administration should not take revenge from  dalit and adivasi leadership and should not file false cases on them so that  they rot in jail for rest of their lives for leading the struggle against kanhar dam and not allowing the administration to take the possession of the land. They are facing problems in taking bail  and are being denied from the local session court. They are  neither  allowed to meet anyone other their family members in jail. 
  •  Gambhira prasad was picked up illegally from Allahabad and he is in jail since 21st April 2015 - the entire case posted by AHRC is given below. 
  • Asharfi yadav and lakshman bhuiya were picked from Varanasi on 14th april when they had gone to admit injured Aklu Chero who was hit by bullet on his upper chest. These two were literally kidnapped from Sir sundarlal hospital where Aklu Chero was admitted in the evening of14th april. Even Aklu was not informed of their where abouts. When the villagers and their family members started searching them after two days than it was informed by you to  Arundhati Dhuru, convenor NAPM that both of them are in jail.Aklu was seriously injured and kidnapping his attendants would have serious repercussion on his health. He could have even died. We need investigation on this matter where were these two persons kept and whether Sonbhadra police informed Varanasi Police for picking up these two.  Police is filling case after case on these activists proving them dreaded criminals. 
  • Our leading activist Rajkumari has also been illegally arrested on 20th April 2015.  She has been instrumental in fighting against the tyranny of Forest Department(FD) and has played an important role in implementation of Forest Rights Act in the region. The old cases that were filed by FD were invoked and she is also being denied bail. Whereas according to FRA the cases filed by FD was to produced as proof of their residence in filing their claims and these cases should have been dropped to undo the "historical injustice". But Police administration is violating all laws and insulting our august Parliament by invoking all old cases and intimidating tribals and making their criminal history. Rajkumari health is in very bad condition, she is being harrassed in jail, not given proper food and jail authorities forcing her to work hard in that ill health. 
  • Pankaj Gautam a very young aspiring committed dalit activist in his early twenties and a panchayat mitra who has al through led the anti big dam peacefully was suspended by DM due to participation in movement activities and has been illegally framed with false cases. He is also languishing in jail and not allowed to meet anyone. 
  • The gram pradhan of Village Sundari Ramvichar and another tribal leader of Village Bhisur Shivprasad Kharwar has been getting constant threatening from the police that if they donot surrender they will be killed. They are not able to visit their house, neither able to meet their family members. All the democratic rights of elected representative and civil rights of the people who are protesting against the illegal land acquisition are curbed and they are being treated as criminals. 
So We demand that - 

  • Pl stop the human rights violation of dalit and tribal people, 
  • respect their human rights, constitutional rights, fundamental rights to avail justice  and 
  • prevail justice that is the right of every citizen of this country.
  •  Withdraw all the false cases and file FIR on perpetrators of human rights violation police officials and other antisocial elements who were involved in attack of 18th April 2015. 

  • We hope justice will be prevailed and peace will be restored in the region. 

Jarjum Ete (President)
Ashok Choudhary(Gen Sect)
Roma ( Dy . Gen sect)
Munnila ( organizing Sect)

INDIA: Police attempt to abduct Adivasi Human Rights Defender Gambhira Prasad

ISSUES: Administration of justice; caste-based discrimination;
impunity; land rights


The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from
the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) regarding the
abduction of a Human Rights Defender, Gambhira Prasad, allegedly by
policemen wearing civilian clothes. Mr. Prasad was abducted at 7 p.m.
on April 20, 2015, from Baba Chauraha in Allahabad District of Uttar
Pradesh immediately after he met with advocate Mr. Ravikiran Jain to
discuss a case that his organisation Kanhar Bachao Andolan has been
fighting. The case centers on imminent land acquisition and
displacement in relation to the Kanhar Irrigation Project in Sonbhadra
District. Local residents failed to foil the abduction of Mr. Prasad.
However, they succeeded in nabbing three of the abductors and took
them to the Cantt. Police Station. Cantt. Police informed them that
the abductors were none other than policemen from Sonbhadra. The
Cantt. Police proceeded to release the alleged Sonbhadra policemen
without demanding any identity papers from them.


Less than a week after the police repeatedly fired at members of the
Kanhar Bachao Andolan (Save Kanhar Movement) in Sonbhadra, unknown
persons abducted one of the protest leaders, Gambhira Prasad, from
Baba Chauraha in Ashok Nagar locality of Allahabad at 7 p.m. on April
20, 2015. Mr. Prasad had gone to Allahabad to meet the lawyer fighting
cases on behalf of Save Kanhar Movement. Mr. Prasad was attempting to
get legal documents photocopied when the abductors struck. The
abductors, all dressed in civilian clothes, arrived in a Scorpio (a
sports utility vehicle) and tried to drag Mr. Prasad into the vehicle.

Locals present saw this and tried to foil the attempt. While they
failed to stop the abduction, they succeeded in nabbing three of the
seven abductors, and took these three to the Cantt. Police Station.
PUCL leaders also rushed to the Police Station to inquire about the
incident and the safety of Mr. Prasad. The Cantt. Police told them
that those nabbed by the people are policemen from Sonbhadra District.
However the Cantt, Police proceeded to let these men go without
demanding any identity documents to confirm that they were indeed
policemen from Sonbhadra District. The Cantt. Police conceded that the
Sonbhadra Police had not informed them prior to this operation, as
mandated by law, and that they had no idea of their presence in the
area. They further conceded that the action against Mr. Prasad was not
a joint one.

The Cantt. Police version exposes how the Uttar Pradesh police are
violating guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court for making
arrests. It also gives rise to strong suspicion about the real intent
of the Sonbhadra Police, which has chosen to try and abduct a citizen.
The abduction might have been attempted to eliminate Mr. Prasad in an
extrajudicial killing. Such killings, following abduction, are a
routine practice law enforcers indulge in across India.

Because of public pressure generated in this case, the Sonbhadra
Police, who had abducted Mr. Prasad, had to bring him back to the
Cantt. Police Station at midnight. According to the most recent
information, the Police has taken him to Sonbhadra though it is
unclear if they obtained mandatory transit remand from a magistrate
for doing the same.

The Sonbhadra administration has been upset with Mr. Prasad for
leading protests against the Kanhar Sinchai Pariyojana (Kanhar
Irrigation Project) that commenced construction in 1980-81 but gained
momentum only in the latter half of 2014, when the state started
small-scale constructions on the riverbed.

The construction is in clear violation of the guidelines laid by the
National Green Tribunal, as the project lacks mandatory clearances
from the Ministry of Environment. It also lacks mandatory clearances
from the Central Pollution Control Board despite the project
authorities' claim to have obtained an environmental clearance in
1980. This claim holds no water as the project requires a fresh
"Environment Clearance" under the EIA Notification, 2006, and also
a Forest Clearance under the provisions of Forests Rights Act, 2006.
The proposed project also violates provisions of the Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013. The project would require
acquisition of lands of at least 87 villages. And, several mandatory
procedures related to this acquisition have not been complied with:
project affected families have not been identified and the government
has not even initiated the process of consulting with the Gram Sabhas,
the consent of these village bodies being central for any such
acquisition under the 2013 law.

The people affected by the project have organized themselves as the
Kanhar Bachao Andolan and have lodged complaints with the National
Green Tribunal (NGT) over environmental and pollution clearances not
have been obtained. They have also filed a case with the High Court of
Allahabad against the proposed acquisitions.

After listening to the arguments, on December 24, 2014, Justice
Swatanter Kumar of the NGT issued an interim order staying all
construction activities until the project gets environment and forest
clearance as prescribed under law.

The administration has instead chosen to violate the order and has
gone ahead with construction, incensing the people who began a sit-in
in protest. The protesters assembled at the proposed dam site on April
14, 2015, where the police, allegedly, opened fire without any
provocation. The firing injured several protesters. Aklu Khairwar, one
of them, has suffered bullet injuries to his head and is struggling
for life in Banaras Hindu University Hospital in Varanasi District.
The police targeted the protesters again, this time in their villages,
particularly in Sundari, on the morning of April 18, 2015. It was in
this context that Mr. Prasad was visiting the lawyer who is arguing
the Andolan's case in the High Court.

Pl write  for unconditional release of Gambhira Prasad, Rajkumari, Pankaj Bharati, Ashrafi Yadav, Lakshman Bhuiya to following : 

1. Mr. Rajnath Singh

Union Home Minister

Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block

Central Secretariat, New Delhi - 110001


Fax: +91 11 23092979

Email: jscpg-mha@nic.in

2. Chairperson

National Human Rights Commission of India

Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg

New Delhi-110001


Fax: +91 11 2334 0016

E-mail: chairnhrc@nic.in

3. Dr. P. L. Punia


National Commission for Scheduled Castes

Floor 5, Lok Nayak Bhavan

Khan Market

New Delhi-110003


Fax: 91-11-24632298

Email: chairman-ncsc@nic.in

4. Shri L.C.Goyal

Home Secretary

Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block

Central Secretariat

New Delhi – 110001


Fax: Fax: +91 11 23093003

Email: hshso@nic.in

6.. Mr Justice U K Dhaon

Acting Chairman,

U P State Human Right Commission

TC-34, V-1, Vibhuti Khand,

 Gomti Nagar, Lucknow

Uttar Pradesh


Email: uphrclko@yahoo.co.in,

7. Shri Akhilesh Yadav

Chief Minister


Uttar Pradesh


Fax: 0522 2236838

Email: cmup@nic.in

8.. Shri Alok Ranjan

Chief Secretary


Uttar Pradesh


Fax: +91 522 2239283

Email: csup@nic.in

9. Shri Arvind Kumar Jain

DGP Uttar Pradesh

1, Tilak Marg, Lucknow

Uttar Pradesh


Fax: 0552-2206120

Email: dgp@up.nic.in

10. Shri Sanjay Kumar,

District Magistrate,


Uttar Pradesh


Email: dmson@up.nic.in

11. Shri Shiv Shankar Yadav

Superintendent of Police

District Magistrate, Sonbhadra,

Uttar Pradesh


Email: spsbr-up@nic.in

Ms. Roma ( Adv)
Dy. Gen Sec, All India Union of Forest Working People(AIUFWP) /
Secretary, New Trade Union Initiative (NTUI)
Coordinator, Human Rights Law Center
c/o Sh. Vinod Kesari, Near Sarita Printing Press,
Tagore Nagar
District Sonbhadra 231216
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 91-9415233583, 
Email : romasnb@gmail.com

Delhi off - C/o NTUI, B-137, Dayanand Colony, Lajpat Nr. Phase 4, NewDelhi - 110024, Ph - 011-26214538

राजस्थान के नागौर जिले के गावं डंगवासा में दिनाक 14 मई 2015 को दबंगो दुवारा चार दलितों की निर्मम हत्या व् कई लोगो को गंभीर रूप से घायल करने व् उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य के शाहजहाँपुर जिले के गावं बड़े हरेवा में दिनाक 16 मई 2015 को 5 दलित महिलाओ के साथ दबंगो दुवारा किये गए अमानवीय व्यवहार व् नग्न कर गावं में घुमाने की अमानवीय घटनाओ के विरोध में "भारतीय समन्वय संगठन (लक्ष्य)"के सैकड़ो कार्यकर्ता दिनाँक 24 मई 2015 (रविवार ) को समय दोपहर 3 बजे लखनऊ में जानकीपुरम के मुलायम तिराहा से चलकर इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज तक पैदल मार्च कर इन घंटनाओ का विरोध प्रदर्शन किया

KS JATAV <lakshay.january1999@gmail.com>

लखनऊ- राजस्थान के नागौर जिले के गावं डंगवासा में दिनाक 14 मई 2015 को
दबंगो  दुवारा चार  दलितों की निर्मम  हत्या व् कई  लोगो को गंभीर रूप से
घायल करने व् उत्तर  प्रदेश राज्य के शाहजहाँपुर जिले के गावं बड़े हरेवा
में दिनाक 16 मई 2015 को 5 दलित महिलाओ के साथ दबंगो दुवारा किये गए
अमानवीय व्यवहार व् नग्न कर गावं में घुमाने की अमानवीय घटनाओ के विरोध
में "भारतीय समन्वय संगठन (लक्ष्य)" के सैकड़ो कार्यकर्ता  दिनाँक 24 मई
2015 (रविवार ) को समय दोपहर  3 बजे लखनऊ में  जानकीपुरम के मुलायम
तिराहा से चलकर इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज तक पैदल मार्च कर इन घंटनाओ का विरोध
प्रदर्शन किया, चिलचिलाती धुप के बावजूद  इस विरोध प्रदर्शन रैली में
महिलाओं ने बढ़चढ़कर हिसा लिया और इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज पर महामहिम राष्ट्पति,
मान्यनीय प्रधान मंत्री, महामहिम राज्यपाल उत्तर प्रदेश,  मान्यनीय
मुख्यमंत्री  उत्तर प्रदेश, महामहिम राज्यपाल राजस्थान एवम मुख्यमंत्री
महोदिया राजस्थान के नाम से ज्ञापन भी दिया  और मांग की दोषियों को सख्त
से सख्त सजा मिले और इस प्रकार की घटनो पर रोक लगे |
लक्ष्य की कमांडर रजनी सोलंकी ने कहा कि देश में आये दिन दलितों व्
महिलाओं  पर इस प्रकार की घटनाये होती रहती है और दोषी लोग सरेआम घूमते
रहते है ! आज भी देश में दलित  व् महिलाये अपने आप को असुरक्षित महसूस कर
रहे है । लक्ष्य की कमांडर रेखा आर्या ने कहा आजादी के 68 वर्ष बाद भी
दलित समाज गुलामी जीवन जीने के लिए विवश  है । कमलेश सिंह ने कहा की
लक्ष्य के कार्यकर्त्ता दलित समाज पर किसी भी प्रकार के शोषण को बर्दाश
नहीं करेंगे !
 इन महिला कमांडरों ने कहा की देश के किसी भी कोने में अगर महिलाओ के साथ
घटना घटती है तो ये लक्ष्य की कमांडर शांत नहीं बैठेंगी ! इस विरोध
प्रदर्शन  रैली में महिला कमांडर कमलेश  सिंह, संघमित्रा गौतम, रजनी
सोलंकी, रेखा आर्य, मंजूलता आर्या, सुषमा बाबू , धम्मप्रिया गौतम,अंजू
सिंह, राजकुमारी कौशल  आदि ने हिसा लिया |

संघमित्रा गौतम- कमांडर  (9411291451)
भारतीय समन्वय संगठन (लक्ष्य)
प्रांतीय कार्यालय: 8/454, जानकीपुरम विस्तार लखनऊ – 226021

Does George Soros Control the Obama White House? Soros’s influence not only extends over the Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute individual bankers for currency manipulation but also Obama’s foreign policy.

Previous: राजस्थान के नागौर जिले के गावं डंगवासा में दिनाक 14 मई 2015 को दबंगो दुवारा चार दलितों की निर्मम हत्या व् कई लोगो को गंभीर रूप से घायल करने व् उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य के शाहजहाँपुर जिले के गावं बड़े हरेवा में दिनाक 16 मई 2015 को 5 दलित महिलाओ के साथ दबंगो दुवारा किये गए अमानवीय व्यवहार व् नग्न कर गावं में घुमाने की अमानवीय घटनाओ के विरोध में "भारतीय समन्वय संगठन (लक्ष्य)"के सैकड़ो कार्यकर्ता दिनाँक 24 मई 2015 (रविवार ) को समय दोपहर 3 बजे लखनऊ में जानकीपुरम के मुलायम तिराहा से चलकर इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज तक पैदल मार्च कर इन घंटनाओ का विरोध प्रदर्शन किया
Does George Soros Control the Obama White House?

Soros's influence not only extends over the Justice Department's decision not to prosecute individual bankers for currency manipulation but also Obama's foreign policy.

From undermining the Second Amendment and influencing elections to sponsoring color revolutions in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the ominous footprint of George Soros is everywhere.— reclaimourrepublic

From undermining the Second Amendment and influencing elections to sponsoring color revolutions in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the ominous footprint of George Soros is everywhere.— reclaimourrepublic

by Wayne MADSEN

Strategic Culture Foundation

Five major banks agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges brought by the U.S. Department of Justice for manipulating the exchange rates of U.S. dollars and euros.

Five Banks Plead Guilty in US Market Rigging Probe

Five Banks Plead Guilty in US Market Rigging Probe

The banks were Citicorp, J.P. Morgan Chase, Barclays, Bank of America, and the Royal Bank of Scotland. A sixth bank, UBS Group, agreed to plead guilty to manipulating interest rates after the Justice Department granted it immunity on the exchange rate criminal charges. The banks will pay an estimated $5.8 billion in fines to the United States. However, only corporations were charged criminally. Not one individual banking executive was indicted in the currency manipulation scam.

The reason for no personal indictments is simple. George Soros, the man who opened up his checkbook in 2008 and 2012 for Barack Obama's presidential campaign and is estimated to have poured millions of dollars into Obama's coffers, made his hundreds of billions of dollars primarily from the same type of international currency manipulation that landed the five banks into trouble. Had Attorney General Loretta Lynch sought indictments against banking executives, any defense lawyer worth his or her salt would have brought up the fact that Soros, Obama's «money bags», had evaded prosecution for the very same crimes for decades. The cries of uneven application of the law would have been shouted from defense tables at U.S. court houses around the United States.

Soros's currency manipulation scheming saw its heyday during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. It was during a time when Soros's friend, Bill Clinton, occupied the White House. Although Soros's currency exchange scams rocked stock exchanges around the Pacific Rim, there was no attempt by Clinton's Justice Department to indict Soros, an emigré from Hungary, to justice. One of the worst-hit countries from Soros's currency manipulation was Malaysia, which saw its ringgit plummet in value. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed thundered that Soros was part of an international Jewish bankers' conspiracy to attack the Malaysian economy. Mohamed said,

«We do not want to say that this is a plot by the Jews, but in reality it is a Jew who triggered the currency plunge, and coincidentally Soros is a Jew.»

Mohamed was condemned for «anti-Semitic» remarks but he was not the only leader to charge Soros with the very same currency speculation that recently landed the

«Big 6» banks into criminal trouble. Soros's short-selling the Thai baht resulted in the government of Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh calling Soros an «economic war criminal.»

Ready for Hillary

Elections 2016

In 1992, Soros dumped £10 billion based on insider information that the pound would be devalued after Britain's withdrawal from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. Soros became known as «the Man who broke the Bank of England.» Soros's attack on pound sterling caused the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Norman Lamont, to borrow £15 billion with an overall cost to Her Majesty's Treasury of £3.4 billion. A few years earlier, in 1988, Soros was convicted of insider trading by the French Bourse regulatory authority. Soros had enough insider information that it enabled him to buy sizable chunks of the shares of four major French companies: Société Générale, Indo-Suez Bank, Paribas, and the Compagnie Générale d'Électricité. Soros's conviction on insider trading was upheld by the European Court of Human Rights in 2006 and the multi-billionaire's appeal of its earlier decision was rejected in 2011.

Soros's influence not only extends over the Justice Department's decision not to prosecute individual bankers for currency manipulation but also Obama's foreign policy.

Soros's Open Society Institute and Foundation, as well as his generous gift, some would say bribe, of $100 million to Human Rights Watch and his sponsorship, along with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED), of a number of Eastern and Central European front organizations has given the global hedge fund tycoon an inordinate amount of influence over U.S. foreign policy. Soros's fingerprints on manipulation of political parties, media organizations and web sites, «civil society» groups, and governments, sometimes accomplished in league with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the operations of which Soros inherited from the Central Intelligence Agency, can be seen in «color revolutions» from Georgia and Ukraine to Macedonia and Serbia.

Soros has supported the independence of Kosovo, the U.S. and NATO protectorate that recently launched terrorist attacks on neighboring Macedonia from its soil.Kosovo and its U.S. military base at Camp Bondsteel serve as logistics points for the allegedly banned Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), of which Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci was once the chief, to attempt to stir up ethnic Albanians who are working with the Soros-funded opposition to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

Organisation von George Soros hinter Massenprotesten in Mazedonien

Organisation von George Soros hinter Massenprotesten in Mazedonien

The United States, perhaps representing the interests of Soros and his cabal of «democracy manipulators», was quiet as Macedonia discovered U.S. passports among the dead KLA terrorists found after their foray from Kosovo into the Macedonian town of Kumanovo.

The recent attempt to force a revolution in Macedonia was not without the familiar Soros «theme.» As anti-government protesters teemed through the central square of Skopje, a female employee of the Soros-financed Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Macedonia applied a heavy amount of red lipstick on herself and then proceeded to plant a kiss on the riot shield of a policeman. The attempt to stage a Kiev-like «Maidan Revolution» in Skopje became known as the «Lipstick Revolution» as Soros-financed media transmitted the photograph of the kiss imprint to web sites and news organizations around the world.

In every case where the Soros organization engages in «democracy manipulation», the Obama-appointed U.S. ambassadors are willing accomplices. This was the case in Kiev with Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt – and his boss and friend Victoria Nuland, the chief of the State Department's Europe/Eurasia bureau — in Skopje with Ambassador Jess Baily, and in a number of other countries, from Algeria to Zimbabwe and Mongolia to Moldova.

Soros is a supporter of U.S. and European Union economic sanctions on Russia. However, Soros is also a keen manipulator of economic crises and he has taken advantage of artificial crisis brought about by Western sanctions against Russia to make money on investments designed to bypass Russian gas pipeline projects, such as the Turkish Stream project that is to bring gas from Russia to Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary.

Soros's financial support for the «Lipstick revolutionaries» in Macedonia is a clear attempt to dislodge that country from the Turkish Stream deal. Meanwhile, Soros and his close friend and business associate, Nathaniel Rothschild, have virtually purchased the nation of Montenegro, which, along with Croatia, are being dangled as alternate source of gas from U.S. tankers distributing it from new offshore gas terminals to be built in the Adriatic Sea. Oil and gas exploration companies, in which Soros has vested interests, are drilling in pristine Montenegro and Croatian waters.

With Mr. Soros, the so-called defender of freedom, liberty, and the environment, comes phony staged revolutions, inter-ethnic bloodshed and civil wars, and the specter of off-shore platforms, fossil fuel marine terminals, supertankers polluting idyllic maritime regions, from the Adriatic coast to the Gulf of Mexico and the Alaskan Arctic North to Alberta prairies.

Neoconed b&w 3

Soros's domination of the Obama administration can be seen in Obama's selections for not only Cabinet-level positions but, more importantly, in the secondary and tertiary levels of government where policy is produced. It is at these levels where Soros's minions concoct foreign, economic, and defense policies that are indistinguishable from those of Soros. However, the Justice Department dared not indict individual bankers for currency manipulation. Had it done so, it would have also had to indict its true master, Mr. Soros.


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