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Bhadanta Prajnasheel यु.पी. वालों की सोच यु. पी.तक , एम.पी. वालों की एम.पी. तक, बिहार वालों की बिहार तक, महाराष्ट्र वालों की महाराष्ट्र तक और ब्राह्मण केवल ब्राह्मणों तक, S.C. केवल एस. सी. तक और आदिवासी केवल आदिवासी तक सोचता रहेगा तब समाज और देश की एकता और अखंडता के विषय मे कौन सोचेगा? घटिया और नीच सोच के कारण जातिवाद, वर्णवाद और मानवता का महारोग ब्राह्मणवाद जिंदा है। घटिया और नीच सोच के कारण ही 3% चोर उचक्के 90% बहुजनों को समस्याओं के जंजालचक्र मे उलझाये हुए है। --


Bhadanta Prajnasheel
September 11 at 10:40pm
यु.पी. वालों की सोच यु. पी.तक , एम.पी. वालों की एम.पी. तक, बिहार वालों की बिहार तक, महाराष्ट्र वालों की महाराष्ट्र तक और ब्राह्मण केवल ब्राह्मणों तक, S.C. केवल एस. सी. तक और आदिवासी केवल आदिवासी तक सोचता रहेगा तब समाज और देश की एकता और अखंडता के विषय मे कौन सोचेगा? घटिया और नीच सोच के कारण जातिवाद, वर्णवाद और मानवता का महारोग ब्राह्मणवाद जिंदा है। घटिया और नीच सोच के कारण ही 3% चोर उचक्के 90% बहुजनों को समस्याओं के जंजालचक्र मे उलझाये हुए है।

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तेजी से औद्योगिक विकास दर में वृद्धि.महत्वपूर्ण खबरें और आलेख [DESHBANDHU | देशबन्धु]

Previous: Bhadanta Prajnasheel यु.पी. वालों की सोच यु. पी.तक , एम.पी. वालों की एम.पी. तक, बिहार वालों की बिहार तक, महाराष्ट्र वालों की महाराष्ट्र तक और ब्राह्मण केवल ब्राह्मणों तक, S.C. केवल एस. सी. तक और आदिवासी केवल आदिवासी तक सोचता रहेगा तब समाज और देश की एकता और अखंडता के विषय मे कौन सोचेगा? घटिया और नीच सोच के कारण जातिवाद, वर्णवाद और मानवता का महारोग ब्राह्मणवाद जिंदा है। घटिया और नीच सोच के कारण ही 3% चोर उचक्के 90% बहुजनों को समस्याओं के जंजालचक्र मे उलझाये हुए है। --

11, SEP, 2015, FRIDAY 09:49:03 PM

नई दिल्ली ! विनिर्माण क्षेत्र में तेजी की बदौलत देश की औद्योगिक विकास दर जुलाई महीने में 4.2 फीसदी रही, जो जून में 3.8 ..


चीन पर साइबर हमले का आरोप लगाना बंद करे अमेरिका : चीन

11, SEP, 2015, FRIDAY 10:03:53 PM

बीजिंग ! चीन ने शुक्रवार को अपने खिलाफ साइबर हमले के निराधार आरोपों को बंद करने का अमेरिका से आग्रह करते हुए कहा कि साइबर सुरक्षा टकराव नहीं, बल्कि सहयोग का क्षेत्र होना चाहिए। 


आस्ट्रेलिया ने इंग्लैंड को दी 300 की चुनौती

11, SEP, 2015, FRIDAY 10:10:53 PM

लीड्स ! जार्ज बैली (75) और ग्लेन मैक्सवेल (85) के तूफानी अर्धशतकों से आस्ट्रेलिया ने इंग्लैंड के खिलाफ चौथे वनडे में शुक्रवार को निर्धारित 50 ओवरों में सात विकेट पर 299 रन का मजबूत स्कोर बना लिया। बैली और मैक्सवेल ने आस्ट्रेलिया को तीन 


मवेशियों के हवाले की फसल...

11, SEP, 2015, FRIDAY 11:00:56 PM

पिथौरा ! इन दिनों नगर सहित अंचल में अवर्षा के कारण खेतों में धान की फसल मर रही है, जिससे अपनी मेहनत में अकाल की छाया मंडराने से किसान परिवार चिंतित हैं, और दो जून की रोटी के मोहताज होने के डर से किसानों में मायूसी छाई है। ..


तेजी से औद्योगिक विकास दर में वृद्धि

11, SEP, 2015, FRIDAY 09:49:03 PM

नई दिल्ली ! विनिर्माण क्षेत्र में तेजी की बदौलत देश की औद्योगिक विकास दर जुलाई महीने में 4.2 फीसदी रही, जो जून में 3.8 फीसदी थी। यह जानकारी शुक्रवार को जारी एक आधिकारिक आंकड़े में दी गई। औद्योगिक विकास दर एक साल पहले जुलाई 2014 में 0.9 


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अंधेरे में...स्मार्ट शहर

11, SEP, 2015, FRIDAY 11:07:07 PM
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सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी, उद्योग, कारखाने, विकास के इन तमाम पैमानों पर आगे बढ़ते हुए देश के कुछ हिस्से बेहद आधुनिक और उन्नत कहलाने लगे। यहां रहना शान का प्रतीक बनने लगा और देश का 

बोतलबंद पानी भी सुरक्षित नहीं!

11, SEP, 2015, FRIDAY 01:05:58 AM
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सार्वजनिक नल-जल योजनाओं के पानी में कीड़े-केचुए निकलने की बात तो सुनी जाती रही है, लेकिन बोतलबंद पानी में सांप मिले तो उस वर्ग को सावधान हो जाना चाहिए जो बोतलबंद पानी को 

यथास्थिति में कांग्रेस

10, SEP, 2015, THURSDAY 11:26:05 PM

कांग्रेस पार्टी की कमान एक बार फिर सोनिया गांधी के हाथों में है। तमाम अटकलों को विराम देते हुए एआईसीसी की बैठक में यह निर्णय लिया गया कि अभी वे एक साल और अध्यक्ष पद 

छत्तीसगढ़ में शराबबंदी

10, SEP, 2015, THURSDAY 11:44:54 AM

राज्य सरकार चाहती है कि प्रदेश में शराबबंदी लागू कर देनी चाहिए पर इसमें एक बड़ा पेंच है। मुख्यमंत्री डा. रमन सिंह कह चुके हैं कि सरकार शराबबंदी की दिशा में इस तरह आगे बढऩे 

धार्मिक खाई बढ़ाने की साजिश

09, SEP, 2015, WEDNESDAY 11:20:28 PM
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भारत में बहुसंख्यक हिंदुओं व अल्पसंख्यकों के बीच धर्म के नाम पर बनी खाई को और गहरा करने का षड्यंत्र किस तरह चुपके-चुपके चल रहा है, इसका ताजा उदाहरण हाल ही के दो प्रसंगों से 

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ताजा वीडियो



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हमें नाज है हिन्द पर

11, SEP, 2015, FRIDAY 11:11:44 PM
Posted by:इंदिरा मिश्र

इन्दिरा मिश्र : भारत को स्वतंत्र हुए अभी 68 वर्ष हुए है, यानी साढ़े तीन पीढिय़ां! किन्तु इस अल्प अवधि में भारत का सूक्ष्मावलोकन करने पर एक विस्मयकारी 

ग्लोबल वार्मिंग का खाद्य सुरक्षा पर संकट

11, SEP, 2015, FRIDAY 11:09:10 PM
Posted by:डॉ. भरत झुनझुनवाला

डॉ. भरत झुनझुनवाला : प्रशान्त महासागर के द्वीपीय राज्यों के प्रमुखों से वार्ता करने के दौरान प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के प्रति भारत क�

शिक्षक राष्ट्रपति, शिक्षक प्रधानमंत्री

10, SEP, 2015, THURSDAY 11:32:07 PM
Posted by:ललित सुरजन

ललित सुरजन : अब इस बारे में कोई संदेह नहीं होना चाहिए कि भारत विश्व गुरु है। यह वशिष्ठ, विश्वामित्र और सांदीपनि की पुण्यधरा है, जिनके पास स्वयं ईश्व��

बिहार चुनाव की घोषणा और चुनौतियां

10, SEP, 2015, THURSDAY 11:28:18 PM
Posted by:शीतला सिंह

शीतला सिंह : बिहार चुनाव महासंग्राम की घोषणा हो गयी है। यह 12 अक्टूबर से 5 नवम्बर के बीच 5 चरणों में होगा। दीपावली के पूर्व 8 नवम्बर को परिणाम भी आ जायें�

1965 के युद्ध की छाया

09, SEP, 2015, WEDNESDAY 11:24:41 PM
Posted by:कुलदीप नैय्यर

कुलदीप नैय्यर : लोकतांत्रिक देश मैग्ना कार्टा की याद करते हैं (जिसके जरिए सन् 1215 में इंग्लैंड के राजा ने प्रजा को कुछ अधिकार दिए थे और खुद को कानूनी स

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हमारे कॉलमिस्ट


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महत्वपूर्ण खबरें और आलेख [hastakshep | हस्तक्षेप] 14 Years Later: Remembering 9/11-USA-UNITED SIKHS observes the 14th anniversary of the terror attacks

Next: बहुत खतरनाक है कि कश्मीर फिर जल रहा है। उससे भी खतरनाक है कि हिंदू राष्ट्र का मिशन जलवा शबाब है और इंसानियत शिक कबाब है। अब पूरा देश मुकम्मल गुजरात है। अनंत मीडिया मधुचक्र को आखिर उत्सवों और कार्निवाल से ऐतराज क्यों हो? बेहद खतरनाक दौर है कि विदेशी पूंजी और विदेशी हितों की सुनहरी कोख से निकलकर मीडिया अब सत्तावर्ग में शामिल है। कश्मीर में गोवध निषेध के प्रतिरोध में सरेआम गोवध का जो सिलसिला है,समझिये कि बाकी देश के गैरहिंदुओं के लिए शामत है कयामत है बाबरी विध्वंस से भी भयावह।
  • The RSS governance has set KASHMIR on fire

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 18:42:51 +0000
    Now, I am afraid that the RSS governance has set KASHMIR on fire and it seems as Kashmir situation worsens as planned, RSS would certainly accomplish its agenda within 2020. Palash Biswas I have been...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Mukhtar Waza arrested in Anantnag

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 18:09:49 +0000
    Anantnag, September 11: Chairman of J&K Peoples League Mukhtar Ahmad Waza has been arrested by Police and Kept in Police Station Sadar , Anantnag. A PL Spokesman told Makbool Veeray of Sachnews...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • জানিনা,কথা হয়নি নবারুণদার সনে কি তিনি কি আদৌ জানতেন

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 17:54:01 +0000
    আমরা উদ্বাস্তুরাও আসলে ফ্যাতাড়ুদের দলে? সবিতাবাবুর চাই সেই হারানো ডুরে সাড়ি ডুরে বাঘ তবু আছে মহানগরে ডুবে আছি হারিয়ে গেছে ভালোবাসার সেই আঁচল সেই ডুরে সাড়ির বন্যা পলাশ বিশ্বাস প্রসঙ্গঃএই সময়ে...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Fascism is the only Highway of reforms meant Ethnic Cleansing!

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 17:24:45 +0000
    Fascism is the only Highway of reforms meant Ethnic Cleansing! We afford not SURVIVAL KIT as we opted for FASCISM! Humne KATIL KO RAB BANA DIA!!  Irrespective of civic and human rights, SARKAR all...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Beef ban; violent protests erupt in old city Srinagar

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 17:19:01 +0000
    New Delhi, September 11: Violent protests erupted in Nowhatta area of old Srinagar city today against the beef ban verdict of state high court. Protest call was given by separatist leaders Syed Ali...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • फिर फर्ग्यूसन-अमेरिकी दलितों के प्रतिरोध की एक नई लहर

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 16:56:23 +0000
    गत 6 सितम्बर को आरक्षण के विरुद्ध चल रहे षड्यंत्र के खिलाफ एक विरोध प्रदर्शन प्रदर्शन में शिरकत करने के लिए दिल्ली के जंतर मंतर पर जाना हुआ। वहीँ एक लम्बे अन्तराल के बाद लगभग डेढ़ साल से धरने पर बैठे...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • বাংলাদেশি হিন্দুরা ভারতের রেড কার্পেটে পা রাখবেন ?

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 16:29:00 +0000
    Bangladeshi Media questions, should Bangladeshi Hindus ever trade the Golden Indian Carpet? বাংলাদেশি হিন্দুরা ভারতের রেড কার্পেটে পা রাখবেন ? বাংলাদেশে যে সংখ্যালঘু হিন্দুরা কোনও কারণে নিরাপদ বোধ...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Minorities integral part of India

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 16:16:00 +0000
    A nauseating attack by BJP, R.S.S. loyalists has been set in motion about the speech by Vice President Mr. Hamid Ansari (at the function of golden jubilee celebrations of the All India...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • 14 Years Later: Remembering 9/11-USA-UNITED SIKHS observes the 14th anniversary of the terror attacks

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 15:48:10 +0000
    New York, USA-UNITED SIKHS observes the 14th anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11th, 2001. This day claimed 2,996 lives, left over 6,000 individuals injured, and forever changed the...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Will the POLICE of Maharashtra go to the HOMES and KITCHENS ?

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 14:31:06 +0000
    Ban on Meat in Maharashtra    What is the use of the Mumbai Police in ARRESTING the activists of the Shiv Sena and MNS who are DEFYING the BAN on the SALE of MEAT during some of the HOLY DAYS of the...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • Zionism, Imperialist Conspiracies in Middle-East and the question of Palestinian Liberation

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 14:11:18 +0000
    Friends, As Israel's brutal occupation of Palestinian territory and its genocidal campaign continues, justice-loving people all over the world are coming forward to express their solidarity...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • पश्चिम बंगाल में जनविरोधी नीतियों के खिलाफ GANA फ्रंट ने निकाली विरोध रैली

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 14:05:31 +0000
    बिजली बिल में वृद्धि को लेकर विशाल जनसभा का आयोजन कोलकाता। पश्चिम बंगाल में बिजली बिल वृद्धि और अन्य जनविरोधी नीतियों की निंदा और अन्य समस्याओं को हल करने की मांग को लेकर पश्चिम बंगाल के GANA फ्रंट...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • The imbroglio created by the Sangh Parivar groups on the issue of Baba budhan dargah is mala-fide in intent

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 13:54:27 +0000
    PRESS RELEASE In response to the imbroglio created by the Sangh Parivar groups on the issue of Baba budhan dargah, The Supreme Court has pronounced it order on 3 September 2015. The important aspects...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • गणेश चतुर्थी के अवसर पर आसुस ने 'मोर विद मोरया'ऑफर पेश किया

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 13:30:56 +0000
    ग्राहकों को नए जेनफोन सेल्फी, जेनफोन 2 लेज़र या जेनफोन 2 डीलक्स की खरीद पर निश्चित रूप से गोइबीबो के रु. 3000 के वाउचर मिलेंगे मुम्बई, September 11, 2015. त्यौहारी सीज़न शुरू होने पर आसुस ने आज अपने...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • गुणों से भरपूर होती है गोभी

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 13:19:09 +0000
    फूलगोभी खून को साफ करती है फूलगोभी खाने में ठंडी और तर होती है। इसमें थोड़ी सी प्रोटीन, फॉस्फोरस, लौह तत्व, पोटैशियम, गंधक, नियासीन और विटामिन सी आदि तत्व अधिक मात्रा में पाये जाते हैं। गोभी में गंधक...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/
  • कितनी जन-मित्र है हमारी पुलिस?

    Posted:Fri, 11 Sep 2015 12:54:06 +0000
    हाल में राष्ट्रीय अपराध रिकार्ड ब्यूरो ने "क्राईम इन इंडिया"शीर्षक के अंतर्गत पूरे देश में वर्ष 2013 में घटित अपराध के आंकड़े प्रकाशित किये हैं। इन आंकड़ों में पुलिस से संबधित दो आंकड़े बहुत रोचक हैं...

    पूरा आलेख पढने के लिए देखें एवं अपनी प्रतिक्रिया भी दें http://hastakshep.com/

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बहुत खतरनाक है कि कश्मीर फिर जल रहा है। उससे भी खतरनाक है कि हिंदू राष्ट्र का मिशन जलवा शबाब है और इंसानियत शिक कबाब है। अब पूरा देश मुकम्मल गुजरात है। अनंत मीडिया मधुचक्र को आखिर उत्सवों और कार्निवाल से ऐतराज क्यों हो? बेहद खतरनाक दौर है कि विदेशी पूंजी और विदेशी हितों की सुनहरी कोख से निकलकर मीडिया अब सत्तावर्ग में शामिल है। कश्मीर में गोवध निषेध के प्रतिरोध में सरेआम गोवध का जो सिलसिला है,समझिये कि बाकी देश के गैरहिंदुओं के लिए शामत है कयामत है बाबरी विध्वंस से भी भयावह।


बहुत खतरनाक है कि कश्मीर फिर जल रहा है।

उससे भी खतरनाक है कि हिंदू राष्ट्र का मिशन जलवा शबाब है और इंसानियत शिक कबाब है।

अब पूरा देश मुकम्मल गुजरात है।

अनंत मीडिया मधुचक्र को आखिर उत्सवों और कार्निवाल से ऐतराज क्यों हो?

बेहद खतरनाक दौर है कि विदेशी पूंजी और विदेशी हितों की सुनहरी कोख से निकलकर मीडिया अब सत्तावर्ग में शामिल है।

कश्मीर में गोवध निषेध के प्रतिरोध में सरेआम गोवध का जो सिलसिला है,समझिये कि बाकी देश के गैरहिंदुओं के लिए शामत है कयामत है बाबरी विध्वंस से भी भयावह।

पलाश विश्वास

बहुत खतरनाक है कि कश्मीर फिर जल रहा है।उससे भी खतरनाक है कि हिंदू राष्ट्र का मिशन जलवा शबाब है और इंसानियत शिक कबाब है।

अब पूरा देश मुकम्मल गुजरात है।

फिलहाल वे खान पान के तौर तरीकों पर रोक लगा रहे हैं।

फिर वे जीने मरने के तौर तरीके पर भी फतवा दागेंगे।

अभी वे कह रहे हैं गोहत्या बंद है।

फिर मसला यह होगा कि लोग सूअर क्यों पालते हैं और क्यों खाते हैं सूअर का मांस।

फिर वे कहेंगे कि जैसे मुसलमान पांच दफा नमाज पढ़ते हैं,वैसे ही पांच दफा ध्यान,पांच दफा मंत्र जाप,पांच दफा पवित्र स्नान,पांच दफा देहशुद्धि,पांच दफा यज्ञ होम,पांच दफा आरती,पांच दफा योगाभ्यास वगैरह वगैरह जो न करें,जो पांच हिंदू पैदा न करें वे सारे लोग मुसलमान की औलाद और अपने लिए कोई और मुल्क वे चुन लें वरना दाभोलकर या कुलबुर्गी का अंजाम भुगत लें।

बेहद खतरनाक है कि कश्मीर के सिवाय बाकी राष्ट्र हिंदू राष्ट्र है।

बेहद खतरनाक है कि  कश्मीर में मुसलमान बहुसंख्यक है और बाकी देश में कहीं भी मुसलमान बहुसंख्यक नहीं है।

बेहद खतरनाक है कि कश्मीर राष्ट्र की एकता और अखंडता का मसला कतई नहीं है,हिंदुत्व और हिंदू राष्ट्र का मसला है कश्मीर।

2020 तक भारत को हिंदू राष्ट्र और 2030 तक दुनिया को हिंदू दुनिया बनाने के लिए कश्मीर में हिंदुत्व का राजकाज है और इसीलिए मुफ्ती और महबूबा की सहमति से कश्मीर जल रहा है।

अदालती फैसला हुआ है कोई तो न्याय प्रणाली का दोष भी नहीं है।कोई न कोई कानून होगा जिसके मुताबिक फैसला हुआ होगा।

सवाल यह है कि गोवध निषेध कश्मीर में करने के लिए मुकदामा किसने दायर किया और किसने की पैरवी और बिना अपील हालात के मद्देनजर किये हुकूमत ने पाबंदी रातोंरात कैसे लगा दी।

जबकि किसी भी मामले में सुप्रीम कोर्ट का फैसला भी कमसकम फौरन लागू होता नहीं है।

जल जंगल जमीन के मामलात में तो हरगिज लागू होता नहीं है।

यहां तक कि सत्तावर्ग में शामिल पत्रकारों गैरपत्रकारों के मजीठिया लागू करने में भी कोताही है सुप्रीम कोर्ट की निगरानी के बावजूद और अदालत की अवमानना रघुकुल रीति है अटूट।

चट मंगनी पट व्याह की तर्ज पर अदालती फैसले के साथ साथ कश्मीर में गोवध निषेध और कश्मीर आग के हवाले तो समझ लीजिये कि साजिश कितनी गहरी है।

अब सोने का वक्त नहीं है कि सिर्फ कश्मीर जल रहा है।

पूरा देश मुकम्मल गुजरात है।

कश्मीर में गोवध निषेध के प्रतिरोध में सरेआम गोवध का जो सिलसिला है,समझिये कि बाकी देश के गैरहिंदुओं के लिए शामत है कयामत है बाबरी विध्वंस से भी भयावह।

बेहद खतरनाक दौर है कि जनता के शरणस्थल से वह सत्ता के कारपोरेट गलियारा में तब्दील है,जहां संपादक शूट बूट में चाकचौबंद अबाध पूंजी के शयनकक्ष से बुलावे के इंतजार में होते हैं कि वे बताते रहे कि खबरें कैसी हों और लेआउट कैसे बनें,रेखाएं खड़ी रहें या रेखायें सोयी रहें या रेखाओं को सिरे से खत्म कर दिया जाये जैसे गायब मीडिया की रीढ़ है।

सबसे खतरनाक बात यह है कि भाषाएं, बोलियां, अस्मिताएं, कला, संस्कृति, साहित्य, माध्यम और विधायें,नैतिकता और सौंदर्यशास्त्र के व्याकरण,वर्तनी और प्रतिमान बाजार के हैं और हम डंके की चोट पर इसीकी वकालत कर रहे हैं कि ग्लोबल विलेज है तो इसीतरह बाजार की चुनौतियों के सामने आत्मसमर्पण करके हमें मर मर कर जीना है और तरक्की का नाम यही है और यही सभ्यता का विकास है।यही उत्तरआधुनिक यथार्थ है।खाओ,पिओ और मौज करो।

सबसे खतरनाक बात यह है कि हम चीख चीखकर कह रहे हैं कि इतिहास की मृत्यु हो चुकी है।

सबसे खतरनाक बात यह है कि हम चीख चीखकर कह रहे हैं कि विचारों और विचारधाराओं की मृत्यु हो चुकी है।

सबसे खतरनाक बात यह है कि हम चीख चीखकर कह रहे हैं कि ज्ञान विज्ञान और जिज्ञासा की मृत्यु हो चुकी है।

दरअसल हम चीख रहे हैं कि मुक्त बाजार की निर्णायक जीत हो चुकी है और खबरदार के कोई चूं भी बोले।बोलोगे तो भेड़िया आ जायेगा।गब्बर खा जायेगा।टाइटेनिक बाबा बख्शेगा नहीं।

दरअसल हम चीख रहे हैं कि मुक्त बाजार की निर्णायक जीत हो चुकी है और श्रम और उत्पादन का किस्सा खत्म है।

दरअसल हम चीख रहे हैं कि मुक्त बाजार की निर्णायक जीत हो चुकी है और मेहनतकशों के हकहकूक जमींदोज हैं।

दरअसल हम चीख रहे हैं कि मुक्त बाजार की निर्णायक जीत हो चुकी है और कहीं नहीं बचेगा कोई देहात,कोई खेत खलिहान।

दरअसल हम चीख रहे हैं कि मुक्त बाजार की निर्णायक जीत हो चुकी है और कहीं नहीं बचेगा कोई इंसान तो क्या खाक,कोई चिड़िया का बच्चा भी नहीं बचेगा।

दरअसल हम चीख रहे हैं कि मुक्त बाजार की निर्णायक जीत हो चुकी है और जिंदा रहने की निर्णायक संजीवनी बूटी क्रयशक्ति है और जो बड़बोले हैं वे आकिर कंबंध बन जायेंगे और जो चुप्पु हैं,खामोशी से अपनों को दो इंच छोटा कर देने का कला कौशल जो जाने हैं,वहीं बचे रहेंगे,सीढ़ियां फलांग कर वे सत्ता के शयनकक्ष में हानीमून करेंगे।

उस अनंत मधुचक्र का नाम है अब मुक्तबाजारी मीडिया।जिसने न सिर्फ जनता के मसलों और मुद्दों से किनारा कर लिया है बल्कि  कातिलों का दाहिना हाथ बन गया है और जिसका न कोई दिल है और कोई दिमाग है।

यहां हर शख्स पीठ पर सीढ़ी लादे घूम रहा है और उस सीढ़ी को कायदे से लगाकर आसमान फतह करने की फिराक में है और हर शख्स जमीनसे कटा हुा जड़ो से कटा हुआ एक अदद कंप्यूटर है,जो प्रोग्राम के हिसाब से चलता है और जिसकी कोई रचनाधर्मिता भी नहीं है।जिसकी पूंजी साफ्टवेय़र और ऐप्पस हैं।

अनंत मधुचक्र को आखिर उत्सवों और कार्निवाल से ऐतराज क्यों हो?

मैं अब जवान नहीं रहा। जो अब धारावाहिक लिख पाता,मीडिया से सावधान!जिसकी सबसे सख्त जरुरत है।सियासत मजहब हुकूमत त्रिशूल की की जहरीली धार में तब्दील है मीडिया।बेहद खतरनाक वक्त है।

देश जल रहा है और हम समझते हैं कि कश्मीर जल रहा है या मणिपुर जल रहा है।

देश तब भी जल रहा था जब पंजाब जल रहा था या असम जल रहा था या गुजरात जल रहा था या समूची गायपट्टी जल रही थी।

हम देश को अपने गांव,अपने शहर और अपने सूबे के दायरे से बाहर मुकम्मल इंसानियत का मुल्क कभी नहीं मानते।

जो राष्ट्रीय कहलाते हैं।उनकी औकात मोहल्ले के रंगदार मवाली से कुछ ज्यादा नहीं है।वैसे कम भी नहीं है।

जो लोग बायोमेट्रिक,रोबोटिक,डिजिटल,स्मार्ट,बुलेट और क्लोनिंग का मतलब ना बूझै,जो लोग मीडिया की कतरनों और क्लिपिंग और फेसबुकिया वंसतबहार से जिंदगी का सारा हिसाब किताब तय करते हैं और दिलोदिमाग के सारे दरवज्जे और खिड़कियां बंद करके बैठे,उनके लिए ज्ञान महज आईक्यू है और शिक्षा सिर्फ तकनीक है।

तथ्यों और आंकड़ों के मायाजाल में फंसे सच की खोज और उसका सामना तंत्र मंत्र यंत्र के गुलाम नागरिकों का काम है नहीं है।

इसीलिये जिन्हें न राष्ट्र की परवाह है,जिन्हे न एकता और अखंडता की परवाह है,जिन्हें न धर्म की परवाह है और न अपने रब के वे बंदे हैं,जिन्हें न इंसानियत से कोई सरोकार है,न कायनात से और न सभ्यता से, कटकटेला अंधियारा के वे तमाम कारोबारी तरक्की के सपने और लालीपाप बांटते हुए पूरे देश को आग को हवाले कर रहे हैं। हम इसी को तरक्की मान रहे हैं।यही हमारा उत्सव है।

सुबह को फोन लगाया अमलेंदु को कि बहुत मेहनत कर रहे हो लेकिन अब रात को सोना नहीं है।

रात अब सिर्फ आगजनी है।

मुहब्बतों की पनाह नहीं होगी रातें अब इस मुल्क में कभी।

अब वारदातें और वारदातें हैं।

ग्लोबल विलेज है।

मुक्त बाजार है तो हिंदी बाजारु हो गयी है।

बांग्ला आहा कि आनन्दो,आहा बाजार है।

आमाची मराठी भी इंगमराठी है।

हर भाषा बाजारु है।हर बोली बाजारु है।

मीडिया बल्ले बल्ले है कि भाषाएं बाजार की भाषाएं हैं और मनुष्यता की कोई खुशबू उसमें बची नहीं है और कायनात की सारी खुशबू अब डियोड्रेंट है और तमाम माध्यम सुगंधित कंडोम हैं।

बोलियां भी बेदखल हैं।

लोक जमीन पर खड़े होने के लिए संतों फकीरों की ब्रज और अवधी,मैथिली तो सदियों पुरानी हैं।

आजाद भारत में देहात की सारी खुशबू भोजपुरी जुबान में भरी हुई थी।साहित्य और फिल्मों में भोजपुरी देहात भारत की,किसान भारत की इकलौती आवाज बनकर उभरी जिसमें एकमुश्त दिलीपकुमार अमिताभ से लेकर वैजंती,वहीदा,वगैरह वगैरह का पूरा जलवा बहार होई रहत बा।

उस भोजपुरी की गत भी देख लीजिये कि कैसे मांस का दरिया वहां लबालब है।

मैंने पहले खाड़ी युद्ध शुरु होते न होते कहकशांं शीर्षक से एक लंबी कहानी लिखी थी ।तब सुनील कौशिश जिंदा थे।कहानी उनको भेजी तो उनने जबाव दिया कि यार,यह तो उपन्यास है।पूरा लिखकर भेजो।जब तक लिखता तब तक वे दिवंगत हो गये।

तब तक मैं दैनिक जागरण को अलविदा कहकर दैनिक अमर उजाला में बरेली में सुनील साह और वीरेनदा के साथ मोर्चाबंद हो चुका था और तभी निर्णायक खाड़ी युद्ध शुरु हो गया।

फिर खाड़ी युद्ध हमारे देखते देखते मंदिर मसजिद युद्ध में तब्दील हो गया और मेरा देश हमारी आंखों के आगे मुक्त बाजार में तब्दील होता रहा और हम बेबस देखते रहे।अब इस जिंदगी का मतलब भी क्या.हम जिये या मरे,हमारे लोग हरगिज जीने की हालत में नहीं हैं।

सुनील साह और मैं खाड़ी डेस्क पर थे।

इंदुभूषण रस्तोगी हमारे समाचार संपादक थे तो उदित साहू सहायक संपादक बतौर हमारे साथ काम कर रहे थे।

अतुल माहेश्वरी मेरठ में थे और राजुल माहेश्वरी बरेली में तो अशोक और अजय अग्रवाल आगरा में।

साहित्य संपादक वीरेन डंगवाल थे।

अमर उजाला छोड़कर राजेश श्रीनेत दीप अग्रवाल के साथ साप्ताहिक समकालीन नजरिया निकाल रहे थे और वीरेनदा के साथ मैं भी उनके साथ लगे हुए थे।

हम सबने मिलकर तय किया कि सीएनएन के आंखों देखा हाल का मुकाबला करना है।इंटरनेट था नही।रस्तोगी बेहद तेज दिमाग के थे और उनने सुझाया कि क्यों न हम टैलेक्स और टेलीप्रिंटर से मध्यपूर्व और यूरोप को सीध कनेक्ट करें और उधर जितने दोस्त हैं,उनको अपने साथ जोड़े।हमने दरअसल वही किया और बिना इंचरनेट सीएनएन लाइव से लोहा लिया।

रात में अमरउजाला और दिन में नजरिया के मोर्चे से रातदिन हम भी एक सूचना महायुद्ध लड़ते रहे।

उसीकी फसल है अमेरिका से सावधान।जो 1991 से लेकर 1996 तक लिखा गया आर्थिक सुधारों और ग्लोबीकरण के विरोध में और 2001 तक देशभर में छपता रहा तमाम लघुपत्रकाओं में ।फिर यकबयक सबने मुझे छापना एकमुश्त बंद कर दिया।

दैनिक आवाज जब तक बंद नहीं हुआ तब तक धारावाहिक जमशेदपुर और धनबाद से से करीब तीन साल तक छपता रहा अमेरिका से सावधान।

गद्य लेखकों ने फतवा दे दिया कि यह उपन्यास है ही नहीं।लेकिन शीर्षस्थ से लेकर हर छोटे बड़े कवि ने शुरु से लेकर आखिर तक इस मुहिम का साथ दिया।

शलभ श्रीराम सिंह छापना चाहते थे किताब और राजकमल प्रकाशन की पेशकश भी थी लेकिन वक्त इतनी तेजी से बदला कि धारावाहिक छपे उस मुहिम को किताब की शक्ल दे पाना मेरे लिए नामुमकिन हो गया।

अब भी देशभर में जहां जाता हूं लोग अमेरिका से सावधान पढ़ने को कब मिलेगा,पूछते जरुर हैं।मैं उनका अपराधी हूं।

अब उस उपन्यास को दोबारा लिखा जा नहीं सकता और बिना दोबारा लिखे जस का तस छापा भी नहीं जा सकता ।इतना वक्त मेरे पास अब नहीं है।

इसका कोई गम भी नहीं है ,यकीन मानो दोस्तों कि अमेरिका से सावधान किताब के रुप में कभी नहीं छपेगा।

वह उपन्यास दरअसल था भी नहीं।

वह एक रचनात्मक अभियान था।

जो बुरी तरह फेल है।

हम अपने देश को अमेरिका बनने से आखिर बचा नहीं सके।

हम लड़े तो हरगिज नहीं,अपनी हार का कार्निवाल मनाने लगे।

अफसोस कि मेैं अमेरिका से सावधान की तर्ज पर मीडिया से सावधान मुहिम चला नहीं सकता और न जल रहे देश में अमन चैन वास्ते कुछ भी कर लेने की औकात कोई हमारी है।

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Protest in Valley against HC Ban on Beef : Daily " Chattan " Srinagar: September 12 : By: Makbool Veeray & KNS :

Previous: बहुत खतरनाक है कि कश्मीर फिर जल रहा है। उससे भी खतरनाक है कि हिंदू राष्ट्र का मिशन जलवा शबाब है और इंसानियत शिक कबाब है। अब पूरा देश मुकम्मल गुजरात है। अनंत मीडिया मधुचक्र को आखिर उत्सवों और कार्निवाल से ऐतराज क्यों हो? बेहद खतरनाक दौर है कि विदेशी पूंजी और विदेशी हितों की सुनहरी कोख से निकलकर मीडिया अब सत्तावर्ग में शामिल है। कश्मीर में गोवध निषेध के प्रतिरोध में सरेआम गोवध का जो सिलसिला है,समझिये कि बाकी देश के गैरहिंदुओं के लिए शामत है कयामत है बाबरी विध्वंस से भी भयावह।

The Tehri, that is new.

ZERO TOLERANCE is the Mantra of management against workers in a world without labour laws and rights! Thus, SALWA JUDUM is extended in the world of white coloured salaried people who have to do nothing until First April ,2016 but to wait for new pay scale irrelevant to the fact that they might get the boot any time and seventh pay commission is linked to productivity and which means large scale RETRENCHMENT.

ZERO TOLERANCE is the Mantra of management against workers in a world without labour laws and rights!
Thus, SALWA JUDUM is extended in the world of white coloured salaried people who have to do nothing until First April ,2016 but to wait for new pay scale irrelevant to the fact that they might get the boot any time and seventh pay commission is linked to productivity and which means large scale RETRENCHMENT.
Palash Biswas
Here you are!
unprecedented strike by no less than two Hundred Ten Millions workers of 2nd Sept. could not stop the offspring of neoliberal development saga and workers in India would not be protected by any law on this land nor they would have any right to voice their grievances.

It would be considered INDISCIPLINE and would be addressed with Zero TOLERANCE.

Thus, SALWA JUDUM is extended in the world of white coloured salaried people who have to do nothing until First April ,2016 but to wait for new pay scale irrelevant to the fact that they might get the boot any time and seventh pay commission is linked to productivity and which means large scale RETRENCHMENT.

I am disappointed that neither the trade unions nor the workers seem to be aware of the danger ahead.

Railway manpower is reduced from 18 lac to 13 lac and under the KAYAKALP Project of Mr.Ratan Tata,it would be further reduced to 4 lac only.Who cares?

In the era first disinvestment governance Disinvestment ministry created the road map of total privatization armed with Disinvestment council report and disinvestment commission report terming privatization as Disinvestment.Since then that road map is being followed irrelevant the colour of governance!

Mind you,that very first governance of free market fascism broke each and every Port Trust and converted them into port corporation so that the new incarnated god of reforms could hand over all ports to some Adani as all oilfields invented by ONGC have been gifted to Reliance.

Thus,Banking Workers could never decode the Banking Amendment Act and even RBI is privatized and all PSU Banks have to be managed by private parties.

Just see and note the change in the scenario and then celebrate!Please!

I have earlier written on making in without labour laws and reforms and inserted the pay calculator.

I am amused to see everyone going through this write up seems to be busy to fix his or her latest pay scale and none of them seem to care for the decoded details!

Indian Express Reports:

As pilots flex muscles, Air India CMD Ashwani Lohani cracks the whip

Lohani, in his first message to employees has said that the organisation will always maintain a 'zero tolerance' policy towards indiscipline.

Written by Sharmistha Mukherjee | New Delhi | Updated: September 12, 2015 4:19 am
Air India, Air India pilots, pilots protest, Air India pilots protest, Indian economy, economic growth, business news
CMD Ashwani Lohani said, given the "grave crisis" the airline is going through, it is pertinent that at this critical juncture all employees maintain integrity,

At a time when a section of pilots in national carrier Air India have been agitating against being removed from the 'workmen' category which essentially prevents them from participating in strikes, newly appointed chairman and managing director Ashwani Lohani, in his first message to employees has said that the organisation will always maintain a 'zero tolerance' policy towards indiscipline.

In a letter dated September 11, 2015, Lohani has said that while Air India will take care of its 'workforce' and the management will take pro-active steps to ensure that staff grievances are resolved, "the organisation shall always maintain zero tolerance to indiscipline".


The message comes at a time when the 660-member Indian Commercial Pilots' Association (ICPA) undertook a secret ballot to decide whether they would go on strike to protest against the management's decision to remove pilots-in-command from the 'workmen' category.

Lohani, who took charge last week in his message to employees, also highlighted the need to enhance passenger service in the airline.

"This can be done through high standards of cleanliness of the aircraft cabin, improvements to the cabin, working IFE (inflight entertainment) system, audible announcements, courteous behaviour and above all a happy smile on the face of every employee of Air India," Lohani has written in his letter. He elaborated that while maintaining highest standards of cleanliness and upkeep of all establishments, employees of Air India should remember that they are in the service industry and demonstrate an eagerness to serve customers from the heart with a smile as symbolised by the airline's mascot 'the Maharaja'.

He stressed the need to improve efficiency of the entire engineering set-up for reliable and timely availability of aircraft. This would help achieve the CMD's objective of attaining over time 100 per cent on-time performance. Lohani in his letter has written, "It is absolutely paramount to ensure very high levels of OTP. While the target will always remain 100 per cent, at this initial stage, we should guarantee at least 90 per cent." Interestingly, as per data available with the national carrier, the airline has been clocking 99 per cent OTP over the last six days.

In its bid to achieve the desired OTP; the CMD has asked all employees to ensure that that there is no compromise on safety related matters. An Air India spokesperson said, "With the continuous effort and team work at Air India, its India region On Time Performance has jumped significantly in the last six days to reach maximum at 99 per cent … Air India will continue to work towards it with same zeal."

Lohani added, given the "grave crisis" the airline is going through, it is pertinent that at this critical juncture all employees maintain integrity, not "seek and serve petty personal interests" but work with total commitment so that the brand may "soar the skies" again.

- See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/business/business-others/as-pilots-flex-muscles-air-india-cmd-ashwani-lohani-cracks-the-whip/#sthash.36qULH1b.dpuf

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PROCESSION Against KESARIA Tsunami created by State Initiatve in Kolkata.Pl join and arranege such resistance elsewhere!


রাষ্ট্রীয় উদ্যোগে গৈরিকিকরণের বিরুদ্ধে মিছিল
Monday, September 14 at 4:00pm
কলেজ স্ট্রিট
Can't Go
স্কুল কলেজে মহাভারত, রামায়ন, গীতা পড়ানোর অশালীন ও সাম্প্রদায়িক অপচেষ্টার বিরুদ্ধে, জনসাধারণের খাদ্যাভাস এর ওপর ফাসিস্ত আক্রমণ নামানোর প্রতিবাদে, রাজস্থানে বকরী ঈদ এর ছুটি বাতিল করার প্রতিবাদ এ জমায়েত...
Biplab Mukherjee and 50 others are also in the guest list.
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Stop Unlawful SSP Work and Submergence 4 Judge People's Tribunal


(Please see attachments for photos, Word and PDF versions of Hindi Press Release

and Interim Order of Jury in Hindi) 

For Immediate Release                                                       12thSeptember, 2015

Open Court Verdict in the Narmada Valley

Dam increases! Submergence decreases? - 

Fraud on the People

Sardar Sarovar Dam Work Unlawful: 

4 Judge People's Tribunal 

'Development' or Jaws of Death?

Question Sardar Sarovar Oustees 

2 day Jan Adalat concludes: 4 Retired Justices call upon Supreme Court and Govt. of India to review the status of displacement, submergence and rehabilitation of Sardar Sarovar oustees

Rajghat / Badwani, M.P. Pronouncing their interim verdict in the presence of about 10,000 oustees of Sardar Sarovar Dam, based on their observations and assessment of the legal and field situation, a Panel of 4 retired Judges of various High Courts concluded gross violations of the Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal Award and Judgements of the Supreme Court. Speaking at the proceedings of the "Jan Adalat" organized by eminent citizens of the country, well-known Justices including Jst. P.C Jain (Rajasthan High Court), Jst. Nag Mohan Das (Karnataka High Court) and Jst. V.D. Gyani (Madhya Pradesh High Court) and Jst. N.K. Mody (Madhya Pradesh High Court) expressed grave concern at the displacement of about 2.5 lakh people due to the completion of the Dam and the mass violation of the constitutional right to life, destruction of livelihoods, as also wiping out of an entire culture and civilization.

They stated that the further dam work and installation of gates should not proceed in the present circumstances of clear evidence of multiple violations.Observing that the concerned authorities have miserably failed to comply with the provisions of the Award and the Apex court' orders and have committed serious dereliction of legal obligations, they called for a serious review of the entire situation and a serious social-economic impact assessment. The Govt. and Apex Court must widen their horizons of 'development', in the light of the complex realities of the 30 years struggle of the Narmada valley, they said.

Reading out the operative part of their preliminary verdict, Jst. Jain exclaimed that the official claims of no additional submergence due to the current dam work is clearly unlawful and also unbelievable, since when the dam is being completed with the same original height, there is no reason why the submergence area would not increase ! Listening to testimonies of about 35 oustees they found that the Judgement of the Supreme Court dt. 18/10/200 and 15/3/2005 as well as several orders of the Grievance Redressal Authorities (GRAs). Jst Jain also said that the Government must await the Report of Jst. Jha Commission of Inquiry into Corruption in R&R before any further work is undertaken.

The 4 Justices urged the Social Justice Bench of the Apex Court to review its decisions and hearings in the light of the overwhelming evidence of legal violations and well as the obviously flawed "full rehabilitation" reports of the project authorities. The Jan Adalat specially acknowledged the valiant role of thousands of women warriors in thvalley who have been keeping the torch of struggle aglow over the past 30 years.  These observations were made after hearing the depositions of about 35 oustees from the three states of M.P., Maharashtra and Gujarat, perusal of the NWDTA, various orders of the Apex Court, GRAs, interim reports of Jst. Jha Commission, official correspondence and intensive visit to various affected villages in the tehsils of Badwani, Kukshi, Manavar and Dharampuri yesterday. 


The deponents before the Tribunal today included representatives of adivasis from the hilly and plain areas, other farmers who have been entangled in the fake registries scam, received meagre cash and denied land or given land from the land bank, landless oustees, including fish workers, potters, boatmen, small traders etc. Oustees from Maharashtra and Gujarat also expressed their grievances and pointed out to major violations.  The hearing was conduced in a completely formal manner, with a People's Court set-up on the Narmada river bank at Rajghat and each oustee / deponent stood in the 'dock', as s/he deposed.     

Bhagirath Dhangar spoke of the plight of hundreds of farmers, workers, small traders, shopkeepers, hawkers etc. whose lands and livelihoods are to be lost by the dam increase, with no alternative R&R in sight.   He questioned if the balance is indeed '0', then how is it that the govt. fair price shops, panchayats, voting and even govt. licensed wine shops are functioning here? Mahesh Patel exposed the fraud in the name of back water levels due to which 16,000 families has been declared "out of submergence". He said that all these unscientific claims would be blown up by Narmada herself and her fury into which 99 tributaries and 999 large darins flow. Fish worker families represented by Savabai (Pichhodi) &Madubhai (Chikalda) demanded fishing rights in the reservoir and alternative livelihood.  They said that fishing and riverine rights cannot be compensated in monetary terms.

Mr. Karan Yadav from Pipri read out the message from Mr. Ramesh Patel, the MLA of Badwani, admitting that governmental reports of R&R are patently false and that 99% oustees, still reside in the original villages awaiting R&R. Mr. Patel submitted a written demand to the Tribunal that the SSP gates should not be installed at this stage, without completion of R&R, as per law.  Meera spoke of the absolute failure and connivance of the elaborate machinery of monitoring and project authorities in complying with the Apex Court's orders and demanded that all the clearances granted by the authorities are unlawful and need to be set aside by the Apex Court. Adv. Umesh stated that thousands of SSP oustees are now owners of the acquired lands/houses as per 2013 LAQ Act and Govt. dare not dispossess them.

Medha Patkar decried the massive violation of the rights of the Gram Sabhas in the constitutionally protected scheduled adivasi areas. She spoke of the possibilities of and need for a review even at this stage to avert the inhuman pauperization of 2.5 lakh people, for the benefits of corporates. "While displacement and disaster is planned by the State, development and rehabilitation is not" she said and concluded that continuation with the dam would mean a mass atrocity on the dalits and adivasis.

Shri Soumya Dutta, one of the members of the recent Fact-Finding Team to the Narmada valley (May, 2015), whose report has received wide attention and even alerted the Judges of a disaster in Narmada moderated the proceedings and shared with the Judicial panel, the findings of his Report co-authored by senior political leaders and experts including Hannan Mollah, Annie Raja, Dr. Sunilam, Raj Kchroo and Benoy Vishwam.

The Panel of Judges was invited by a team of distinguished citizens including Jst (Retd.) Rajinder Sacher [Retd. Chief Justice, Delhi High Court].; Syeda Hameed [Former Member, Planning Commission of India and National Commission for Women]; Sagar Sarhadi, Senior film maker, short story and play writerwriterdirector and producerProf. Anil Sadgopal,Eminent Educationalist and Founder, All India Forum on Right to Education.;Ramdas Bhatkal, Founder, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai and Senior Litterateur and Anand Patwardhan, Internationally Acclaimed Film Maker on Developmental and Human Rights Issues to hear the oustees and State agencies and give its findings on the legality of the decisions of the Government to pursue the dam work in the light of large number of complaints of denial of R&R.

Notably, the highest officials of the Central and State Governments including the Chairpersons of the NCA, R&R Sub Group and GRA, as well as the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Commissioner of NVDA, Bhopal, Collector, Nandurbar (Mah) and Commissioner, SSPA (Guj) were invited on behalf of the Organizers, but as none of them turned up, their chairs were kept vacant ! 

The hearing today was preceded by a day-full of intensive visits yesterday to various villages including Khalghat, Dharampuri Township as well as Vill. Semalda (Teh. Manavar) and Villages Chhota Barda, Pipri andChikalda, Kadmal-Khaparkheda (Tehsil Kukshi); where elderly persons and women who poured out their grievances of denial of R&R, poor quality amenities at the resettlement sites, massive corruption, unlawful submergence in 2012-13 etc. The hearing began with a homage to Shri. Ramaswamy Iyer who passed away 2 days ago. Madhuresh of NAPM remembered of him as a beacon, for decades, in the water-ecology sector, whose own life was enriched by his engagement with the SSP struggle, as a Govt. Member of the 5-Member Review Panel and later his valuable contributions to the water rights regime, acknowledged internationally.

Mukesh          Hirdaram           Rahul Yadav                     Leelabai                   

Contact Ph: 09179148973 / 09179617513 


Major issues put forth before the People's Tribunal

Some of the major issues that the oustees from the three states put forth before the Tribunal are:-

a)                Representatives of tribals – farmer (Kailash Awasya-Vill Bhilkeda, Surbhan-Vill. Kakrana and Ghokru-Vill.Bhadal)spoke of the atrocities on adivasis in the hills and plains and demanded that oustees who have not accepted cash and have been given bad land, should be given good land and compensation as per the GRA's orders. They rejected the cash grants, exposed fraud in the name of land bank and SRP and demanded cultivable land as well as interim relief. 

b)                 Deven Tomar, Dayaram and Rahul Yadav exposed the 1,000 crore corruption scam due to the fake registries, house plot irregularities, sub-standard works at R&R sites, livelihood grant fraud and demanded that there must be no further dam work until the Report of Jst. Jha Commission is out.

c)               Devram Kanera stated that there are lots of reasons to review the SSP even at this state. When the dam cost has shot up from Rs. 4,000 crores to Rs. 90,000 crores., why cannot there be a comprehensive review? Why not search for alternatives, he questioned ?      

d)                Bhagiram (Piplud) and Mohan (Kundiya) who have been given only one instalment of the Special Rehabilitation Package refused the meagre cash grants, asserted the right to land of 1500 oustees like them and also of the 2000+ oustees those who have been entangled in fake registries scam or have been given only meagre cash in lieu of land. 

e)                Representatives of landless and fish families includingPemal (Dhanora) refused the meagre cash grants as "rehabilitation" and stated that more than 10,000 families like hers are entitled to stable and sustainable alternative livelihood. She demanded that the middlemen should be completely eliminated from the R&R process. 

f)                 Sanobar Bi spoke of the impacts of Displacement, Denial of R&R and Implications for women and the unique situation of river-dependent women farmers, widows, single women.

g)               Haribhai, an old encroacher from Vill. Segava stated thathundreds of old encroachers on government land entitled to R&R are being denied land, since decades. 

h)               Fish worker families represented by Savabai (Pichhodi) and Madhubhai (Chikalda) demanded fishing rights in the reservoir and alternative livelihood.  They said that fishing rights, river bed cultivations, boating rights etc. cannot be compensated in monetary terms. Madubhai also questioned the illegality of the GRA's orders denying compensation for the 2012-13 submergence on the ground that submergence was due to the Omkareshwar dam waters, although the impact was due to the SP dam wall of 121.92 mts.  

i)                Ramesh Prajapati from Nisarpur demanded recognition of the rights of the potters with alternative land for the brick kilns and the narrated the woes of potters due to frequent problems faced from the local administration.

j)                 Mohan Patidar deposed on the status of villages like Bhavaria, Malangaon, Sondil etc. where entire hamlets are to become marooned (tapu – affected), but no surveys have been done in M.P. and no R&R entitlements have been given till date. 

k)               Balram Kevat demanded livelihood rights for the generations, 5,000 strong old boats-men community affected by the SSP and other dams on Narmada. 

l)                Shantabai warned of disasters worse than Nepal and Uttarakhand if the nature's laws are are ignored and ecologically unsound projects like large dams or river linking is pursued !

m)              Bhagirath Dhangar (Chikalda) spoke of the plight ofhundreds of small traders, shopkeepers, hawkers, artisans, tailors etc. whose livelihoods are to be lost by the dam increase, with no alternative R&R in sight.   He said if the balance is indeed 0, then how is it that the govt. fair price shops, panchayts, voting and even govt. licensed wine shops function here ? 

n)               Mahesh Patel (Vill. Kundiya) exposed the fraud in the name of back water levels due to which 16,000 families has been wrongly declared as "out of submergence". He said that all these claims are unlawful and will be exposed by Narmada herself and her fury into which 99 tributaries and 999 large drains flow. 

o)                Madan Alave (Pichhodi) stated that hundreds of tribal and other small farmers who are losing lands even for the R&R sites are denied land-based R&R. How can rehabilitation be complete without giving us land, he asked. 

p)                Noorji Padvi (Vill. Danel) and Punya Vasave (Somaval R&R site), Maharashtra along with Yogini stated that when not less than 1200 oustees in Maharashtra, mostly affected under 121.92 mts, even at 80 mts are yet to be rehabilitated, how can the Governments claim "full or even substantial compliance". Good land, irrigation facilities, house plots, compensation etc. are yet to be given to hundreds. The self-contradictory affidavits of the GoM before the Apex Court expose the fraud, they said. 

q)               Lakhan Musafir, with Chaintamani and Shankar Kagda from Gujarat deposed about the status of the oustees in Gujarat and they stated that while hundred affected since decades are yet to be rehabilitated and still face problems at the R&R Sites such as denial of quality land, civic amenities etc, thousands more are to be affected in the name of  tourism projects, Garudeshwar weir, Sardar Patel Statue of Unity, Bharat Bhavan, Naar-Paar River Link Project etc.  Unique Problems of Project-affected in Gujarat: 6 Colony-Affected, Oustees due to Tourism plans, Garudeshwar weir,. – Costs and Benefits of SSP    

r)               Vikram Verma and Mansaram Jat decried the massive impact to be caused on the Dharampuri township where not less than 10,000 people reside and Govt. claims that thousands are now suddenly 'out of submergence'. Mr. Jat appealed to "My Lords" to ensure that the villages and real India survive. 

s)                Mukesh and Jagish Patidar spoke of the furtherdestruction to be caused by the canals in the irrigated villages, affected by SSP and Maheshwar dams close to Narmada and stated that while the Apex Court and Expert Committees have been looking into the violations, many grievances are still not fully resolved. 

t)                 Adv. Umesh Patidar drew the Panel's attention to the fact that thousands of oustees have become absolute owners as per Sec 24(2) New Land Acquisition Act, 2013 and their lands should neither be submerged nor they be dispossessed without due legal process. 

u)               Tukaram of Jagrit Adivasi Dalit Sangathan demanded that there should be a complete moratorium on large dams and only small projects in the interests of the farmers, workers and environment must be pursued

Narmada Bachao Andolan
Narmada-Ashish, Off Kasravad Road,
Navalpura, Badwani,
Madhya Pradesh – 451551 
Ph: 07290-291464; Fax: 07290-222549
E-mail: medha.narmada@gmail.com ; 
Twitter:     @medhanarmada 
Blog:        http://narmadabachaoandolan.wordpress.com/

National Alliance of People's Movements
National Office: Room No. 29-30, 1st floor, 'A' Wing, Haji Habib Bldg, Naigaon Cross Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai - 400 014; 

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The High Price of Conscience


Press Release – The High Price of Conscience


As much at ease reciting from the scriptures of the world's major religions as quoting chapter and verse from the Indian Constitution,Indian Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure, RB Sreekumara 1971 batch IPS officer remains one of the key whistleblowers blowing the lid of high level state complicity behind the Gujaratcarnage of 2002.

At the receiving end of state-driven vendetta that threatens his post retirement benefits, Sreekumar, in an exclusive interview to Communalism Combat-Newsclick and Hillele.org speaks of the significance of his bearing witness to the pogrom of 2002..The two part Interview can be heard at http://www.sabrang.com/cc/ccinterviews/sreekumar.htm  and also at



Sreekumar was ADGP State Intelligence Bureau Gujarat between April and September 2002, a critical period during which he was witness to deliberate inaction in the high echelons of power and subversion of the criminal justice system at the highest level. His actions during the communal carnage of 2002 were driven by conscience and a deep commitment to the rule of law, making him, as some others not just a thorn in the leash for the Modi regime but it's bête noir. He speaks to Newsclick-Communalism Combat about the cost of telling the truth in the public domain under the current Regime.


Seven days after he took over as ADGP, Intelligence, Sreekumar recommended stringent action against a slew of virulent pamphlets circulated in their thousands by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (). His view, as that of other senior policemen in Gujarat was blithely ignored by the home department headed by the then chief minister Modi. Thereafter, on four occasions, i.e. on 24.4.2002, 15.6.2002, 20.8.2002 and 28.8.2002 he sent four Confidential reports to the state recommending stringent measures to restore public confidence in the law and order machinery. These too were ignored. His independent report to chief election commissioner, James Lyndoh in August 2002 poked holes in the myth of 'normalcy' being propagated by the regime. His final act of exactitude that earned him his transfer was responding to the request of the National Minorities Commission (NCM) and sending a transcript of Modi's speech at Becharaji, Mehsana on 9.9.2002. His aide memoir,  a confidential register maintained between April and September 2002, is a record of the illegal instructions issued by his superiors. The Raghavan-dominated SIT failed to independently investigate the evidence that this officer provided with any probity.


Along with other officers like Rahul Sharma (now a lawyer having sought voluntary retirement) and Sanjiv Bhatt (Recently sacked from service), he has paid the price for standing by his conscience. Other officers who protected lives and properties have been similarly sidelined even as the collaborators in the services (IAS and IPS) hold high positions today.


RB Sreekumar also holds a Masters Degree in History. After he was appointed to the Gujarar cadre in 1971, he was at various times,Assistant Superintendent of Police, Deputy Inspector General, Deputy Director General DIG (Central Investigation Bureau), Joint Director (IG), and Additional Director General of Police. In 1999, under NDA I, he was even  awarded the President's medal for meritorious service. Today he is in the news once more as he prepares to move the Supreme Court of India after the Gujarat High Court (on September 4. 2015) has dealt him, and free Constitutional speech, a body blow.


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Tribal Students Hunger Strike in Maharashtra


Press Release – Tribal Students Hunger Strike in Maharashtra

-- Press Release 



AIFRTE condemns the Maharashtra  for its failure to urgently resolve the problems faced by tribal students in the hostels being run for them by the state . Basic facilities like adequate rooms, toilets, transport, and sexual harassment by locals. Despite written complaints having been repeatedly sent to the authorities since 2012 the  has failed to meet their legitimate demands. 


In December 2014 around 200 students from Palghar district government tribal hostel were forced to go on a hunger strike during which time a number of  students collapsed and had to be hospitalized. Though they were given assurances by the administration and the police nothing was done.


The Government Tribal Hostels in Maharashtra are in such a pathetic condition that tribal students have now proceeded on an indefinite hunger strike in front of the Tribal Hostel at Panvel, . There are two tribal hostels (one for boys and the other for girls) in Panvel. Only the boy's hostel has a building; the girls are staying in five rented rooms in a chawl in Sukarpur. Although a new building was rented by the Department in Kolavde with a capacity for about 500 students, students who started staying there from 2012, found it very difficult to access the place as there is only auto service which stops by 7 pm. Students coming after classes in schools and colleges often cannot reach in time. When there is a medical or other emergency the situation is alarming as access is difficult and there is no vehicle for the tribal hostel. Students also faced problems relating to proper food and other facilities. This situation is widespread in Maharashtra. 


In April, the owner of Kolavde hostel put up a notice for the students to vacate the hotel as rent for their building had not been paid for more than a year. All of them were relocated in the Panvel hostel where 127 boys had to stay in accommodation allocated for 75 boys, while 200 girls are staying in the space allocated for 75 girls. It became impossible for students to live in Panvel. A delegation of students even met the Tribal minister and Tribal commissioner and additional Tribal commissioner. Despite assurances and consolations none of their demands were met.


Finally, around 309 students of both hostels decided to meet the Tribal Development Project Officer in Pen on August 21, 2015. Besides the meager facilities, even basic amenities like drinking water, proper food, and medical attention were not available. Uniforms, books and stationary were not provided for months after admissions. Despite funds being allocated, computers, training for competitive exams and facilities for cultural activities were not provided. The behaviour of female wardens, who often verbally abused the girls, and lack of staff to attend to urgent needs of the students, were other major complaints.


Immediately, on next day, the local Tribal Development Officer Ranjana Dabhade, who had been absent on the previous day, lodged a complaint against these students in Pen Police station where FIR has been lodged against 9 students namely Sunil Totavar, Vikas Nadekar, Sachin Dinade, Gurunath Sahare, Ajay Thumda, Vinod Budhhas, Rahul Chadar, Damu Mande and Yogesh Kade. They are accused of vandalism in breaking computers in the office and trying to create problems. Students who peacefully went and gave their complaints and request at the office were shocked by this move of the tribal development officer. Sections 341, 141,147,149 and 506 IPC has been slapped on them.


Over 200 students (boys and girls) from the Panvel hostel have started a indefinite hunger strike from 31 of August 2015. Tribal students are on hunger strike in Karjat, Neral, Mahad, Pali, Pen, Thane, Ulhasnagar, Kalyan, Bhiwandi, Jawajar, Talasari, Wada, Vikramgad, Goregaon, Panvel, Shahpur, Murbad and Bordi hostels highlighting the grave issues that they are facing. Students are being falsely implicated and few students have been hospitalized due to dehydration and being threatened by police and the hostel authorities to stop their hunger strike.


Unfortunately, the media has not found their conditions or their widespread protest action to be "newsworthy".  


AIFRTE demands that 

  • immediate steps be taken to end the indefinite hunger fast by accepting the legitimate demands of the students and giving a speedy time-frame within which they will be realized. 
  • All false cases lodged against the students must be immediately withdrawn.
  • A transparent mechanism for dealing swiftly and democratically with problems and requirements of the students to be set up.


AIFRTE Presidium

 Dr. Meher Engineer, West Bengal, Chairperson, AIFRTE; Ex-President,Indian Academy of Social Science; Kolkata Prof. Wasi Ahmed, Bihar, Former Joint Secretary, AIFUCTO; Patna Sri Prabhakar Arade, Maharashtra, President, AIFETO; Kolhapur Prof. G. Haragopal, Andhra Pradesh, National Fellow, ICSSR; TISS, Hyderabad Prof. Madhu Prasad, Delhi, Formerly Dept. of Philosophy, Zakir Husain College, Delhi University Prof. Anil Sadgopal, Madhya Pradesh, Former Dean, Faculty of , Delhi University; Bhopal Prof. K. Chakradhar Rao, Dept. of Economics, Osmania University, Hyderabad Prof. K. M. Shrimali, Delhi, Formerly Dept. of History, Delhi University Dr. Anand Teltumbde, West Bengal, Professor of Management, IIT, Kharagpur

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J&K Beef Ban Violates Article 370/Special Status of the Valley


J&K Beef Ban Violates Article 370/Special Status of the Valley

2015-09-10 19:01:14



SrinagarA J&K High Court bench comprising of Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur and Justice Janak Raj Kotwal directed Director General of Police to ensure that there is no sale on beef in anywhere in the state and strict action is taken in accordance with law against those who indulge in it.

The decision came during a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) hearing. The PIL contended that the slaughtering and sale of bovine animals is rampant in some parts of the state which severely affected religious sentiments of a section of the society.

The PIL further stated that the practice continues despite the the fact that penal provisions of Ranbir Penal Code (the penal code that is applicable in the state of Jammu and Kashmir) make killing of bovine animals an offence punishable under Section 298-A.

Nothing can be further from the truth. The Ranbir Penal Code is subjugated to Article 370, which is an article of the Indian Constitution

Apex Courts judgments have held that Penal Codes cannot violate the Indian Constitution…

Earlier, in 2014, valley based Kashmir Pandit Sangharsh Samiti had filed an RTI in the Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) seeking information regarding the licences given to beef sellers in the city. It was informed that SMC had not given any licence to any seller.

This was taken wrongly out of context by the Pandit Sangharsh Samiti to mean that there was already a ban on beef in the valley!

"The ban was already there. We demanded that the beef shouldn't be sold in full public view that hurt the sentiments of a particular community," KPSSs Sanjay Tickoo said at that time…

In an amazing twist of logic, Tickoo also said that, " "If the ban is not implemented, it can be termed as a breach in the state's special status which is safeguarded under Article 370"!!!?

This is what is called RSS' distortion of constitutional provisions–article 370 is meant to preserve the special socio-cultural heritage and political entity of J&K which is a Muslim majority State. When beef-meat eaters are a majority even in Hindu religion, then what is the point of raking such an issue in a Muslim majority State?

In fact, Tickoo twists the special status given to J&K under article 370 to `safeguard' the interests of the minority living in J&K!!!

This is a total misreading, in fact a deliberate, mischievous misreading, of article 370 which is meant to safe-guard the special, Muslim character of the Valley! This can be gleaned with all debates at the time Kashmir acceded to … 

Rightly so, valley's largest socio-political organisation Jamaat-e-Islami, termed the J&K decision as totally 'unacceptable'. "It is absolutely not possible to convince the Muslim community to go against their own, so we oppose it," Jama'at head GM Bhat said.

Bhat added that safeguarding Article 370 in this case becomes 'totally irrelevant'. "If the state assembly passes the bill against beef sale and then even if Indian Parliament ratifies it, the order will still have no acceptability in the Muslim majority state," he shared…


Amaresh Misra works as Editor, News 786 


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Fatwa issued against AR Rahman and Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi #WTFnews


Fatwa issued against AR Rahman and Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi #WTFnews

Friday, 11 September 2015 – 6:55pm IST | Agency: dna webdesk
According to a report in The Indian Express, the fatwa is issued against Iranian filmmaker Majidi's upcoming  titled 'Muhammad: Messenger of God'.
  • Majid Majidi and AR RahmanMajid Majidi and AR Rahman

-based Sunni Muslim group, Raza Academy, has reportedly issued a fatwa against filmmaker Majid Majidiand Oscar-winningmusic director AR Rahman.

According to a report in The Indian Express, the fatwa is issued against Iranian filmmaker Majidi's upcoming film titled 'Muhammad: Messenger of God'. The film will be the first of the trilogy on the life ofProphet Mohammad.

The fatwa demands that Muslims shun the film as it makes a mockery of Islam. It also says that no visual or picture of Prophet be created in any way. The fatwa also claims that non-Muslim actors have been cast in key roles.

Raza academy wrote to Home Minister Rajnath Singh and Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis seeking ban on the film last week.

The fatwa added that since Majidi and Rahman have committed sacrilege, they will have to read the kalma again and also solemnise their marriage again.


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बजरंग बिहारी तिवारी की किताब 'दलित साहित्य: एक अन्तर्यात्रा'का लोकार्पण और चर्चा


बजरंग बिहारी तिवारी की किताब 'दलित साहित्य: एक अन्तर्यात्रा' का लोकार्पण और चर्चा
मेहरबानी करने इस निमंत्रण को और लोगों तक आगे बढ़ायें 

प्रिय मित्रो,

नवारुण प्रकाशन की पहली किताब  'दलित साहित्य : एक अन्तर्यात्रा' ( लेखक : बजरंग बिहारी तिवारी) के लोकार्पण के मौके पर आप सादर आमंत्रित है.

इस मौके पर आयोजित चर्चा में प्रो अब्दुल बिस्मिल्लाह, प्रो सत्यकाम, प्रो हेमलता महीश्वर, अनिता भारती, आशुतोष कुमार, संजीव कुमार, हीरालाल राजस्थानी, बजरंग बिहारी तिवारी और संजय जोशी हिस्सा लेंगे. मुरली मनोहर प्रसाद सिंह कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता करेंगे.
   213 पेज की किताब के पेपरबैक संस्करण की कीमत 160 रुपये है  जिसके आवरण पर   मशहूर चित्रकार सावी सावरकर का चित्र है . किताब  लोकार्पण के दिन विशेष छूट के साथ 130 रुपये में मिलेगी.      

जगह : गांधी शांति प्रतिष्ठान, आई टी ओ मेट्रो स्टेशन के नजदीक , दींनदयाल उपाध्याय मार्ग, नई दिल्ली 

तारीख और समय : रविवार 13 सितम्बर 2015 , शाम 5 बजे 

उत्तरापेक्षी :

संजय जोशी 

नवारुण के लिए 

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हाशिमपुरा का इंसाफ मांगने पर रिहाई मंच नेताओं पर सपा सरकार ने करवाया मुकदमा


Rihai Manch Press Note-हाशिमपुरा का इंसाफ मांगने पर रिहाई मंच नेताओं पर सपा सरकार ने करवाया मुकदमा
For Resistance Against Repression
हाशिमपुरा का इंसाफ मांगने पर रिहाई मंच नेताओं पर सपा सरकार ने करवाया मुकदमा
मानवाधिकार नेताओं, बुद्धिजीवियों, कवियों, पत्रकारों, दंगा पीडि़त और
वकीलों पर दंगा भड़काने का आरोप
सरकार मुकदमा करके नहीं दबा सकती इंसाफ का सवाल- रिहाई मंच
अमीनाबाद थाने ने संगीत सोम और सुरेश राणा के खिलाफ रिहाई मंच की तहरीर
पर नहीं किया था एफआईआर, उसी थाने ने मंच पर किया मुकदमा

लखनऊ 12 सितम्बर 2015। रिहाई मंच ने 26 अप्रेल 2015 को हाशिमपुरा
जंनसंहार मामले में प्रदेश सरकार की इंसाफ विरोधी भूमिका पर आयोजित
कार्यक्रम में शामिल मानवाधिकार नेताओं और बुद्धिजीवियों पर मुकदमा दायर
करने को सपा सरकार की साम्प्रदायिक नीतियों का एक और नजीर बताया है।
संगठन ने जारी प्रेस विज्ञप्ति मंे इस घटना को पूरे देश में संघ परिवार
से जुड़े संगठनों, भाजपा की राज्य सरकारों और सपा जैसी कथित धर्मनिरपेक्ष
सरकारों द्वारा न्याय, धर्मनिरपेक्षता और प्रगतिशील मूल्यों पर जारी
हमलांे की कड़ी बताते हुए इसके खिलाफ संघर्ष को और तेज करने की बात कही

रिहाई मंच नेता राजीव यादव और शाहनवाज आलम ने कहा है कि 16 लोगों पर
नामजद और 35 अज्ञात लोगों पर मुकदमा दर्ज होने के चार महीने बाद उन्हें
इसकी सूचना दिया जाना साबित करता है कि पुलिस बहुत ठंडे दिमाग से और
आपराधिक षडयंत्र के तहत मुकदमे पर कार्रवाई करना चाहती है। उन्होंने कहा
कि सपा सरकार ने जिन 16 लोगों पर मुकदमा किया है उनमें एडवोकेट मोहम्मद
शुऐब अध्यक्ष रिहाई मंच, शाहनवाज आलम और राजीव यादव प्रवक्ता रिहाई मंच,
कौशल किशोर प्रदेश अध्यक्ष जन संस्कृति मंच, प्रोफेसर रमेश दीक्षित,
प्रोफेसर धरमेंद्र कुमार, कला महाविद्यालय लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय, वरिष्ठ
कवि और पत्रकार अजय सिंह, ट्रेड यूनियन नेता मोहम्मद अहमद, 1980 के
मुरादाबाद पुलिस फायरिंग कांड के पीडि़त मौलाना रईस, अधिवक्ता मोहम्मद
शमी, नागरिक परिषद के अध्यक्ष रामकृष्ण, ऐकेडमिशियन इमरान सिद्दीकी, लेखक
और सामाजिक कार्यकता सत्यम वर्मा, सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता हाजी फहीम सिद्दीकी
और शकील कुरैशी हैं। जिन पर दंगा भड़काने समेत 147, 143, 186, 188, 341
और 187 की धाराएं लगाई गई हैं।

रिहाई मंच नेताओं ने कहा है कि मानवाधिकारों और इंसाफ का सवाल उठाने
वालों पर मुकदमा करके मुलायम सिंह ने साफ कर दिया है कि नरेंद्र मोदी
सार्वजनिक तौर पर उनकी इसीलिए तारीफ कर रहे हैं कि उनकी सरकार वह सबकुछ
कर रही है जो संघ परिवार अपनी बदनामी का रिस्क उठा कर पानसरे और कलबुर्गी
की हत्या करके कर रहा है। इसतरह मुलायम सिंह भाजपा को दबनामी से बचाने के
लिए खुद उसका साम्प्रदायिक और फासीवादी एजंेडा आगे बढ़ा रहे हैं।
उन्होंने कहा कि जिस अमीनाबाद थाने ने मानवाधिकार नेताओं, कवियांे, दंगा
पीडि़त और बुद्धिजीवियों पर दंगा भड़काने का मुकदमा दर्ज किया है उसी
थाने ने रिहाई मंच द्वारा भाजपा विधायकों और मुजफ्फनगर दंगे के आरोपियों
संगीत सिंह सोम और सुरेश राणा पर रासुका के तहत जेल में निरुद्ध रहने के
दौरान अपने फेसबुक पर भड़काऊ सामग्री पोस्ट करने के खिलाफ दी गई तहरीर पर
एफआईआर तक दर्ज नहीं किया। जो साबित करता है कि सूबे की पुलिस प्रदेश
सरकार की नीति के तहत हिंदुत्ववादी तत्वों को संरक्षण दे रही है और इंसाफ
का सवाल उठाने वालों का दमन कर रही है। इसी रणनीति के तहत मुजफ्फरनगर से
लेकर फैजाबाद दंगे तक के आरोपी हिंदुत्वादी तत्वों को जमानत तक दिया जा
रहा है। विज्ञिप्ति में कहा गया है कि रिहाई मंच सपा सरकार के इस
लोकतंत्र विरोधी और साम्प्रदायिक हरकत के खिलाफ प्रदेश व्यापी अभियान

  द्वारा जारी-
शाहनवाज आलम
(प्रवक्ता, रिहाई मंच)
Office - 110/46, Harinath Banerjee Street, Naya Gaaon Poorv, Laatoosh
Road, Lucknow
E-mail: rihaimanch@india.com
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INDIA-NEPAL – Mutual Duplicity: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome


Tribhuvan Tuladhar sent this mail:

INDIA-NEPAL – Mutual Duplicity: 
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndromek

Duplicity of Indian role and Interference in the internal affairs of Nepal is unacceptable, but, this has been the rule rather and an exception. Also, the duplicity of the hill ruling elite of Nepal is well known. They need India's support and silence on one hand to continue to suppress the indigenous people movement for Identity based Federalism and call for Secularism, and on the other hand, allow India to play a significant role in the making of the policies and economic development of Nepal so that India can benefit a lot from it.

It is also imperative for the Nepalese Hill ruling elite to bring the Madeshi-Tharuhat movement to its knees by use of force of the military, and so far India as closed its eyes to the use of force in the Terai belt leading to the death of more than 30 people. The conscience of the Indian people has been muted by the dubious Indian government who is hand in glove with the ruling elite of Nepal, each getting what other can offer.

India wishes complete control of Nepal's Natural Resources and Hydro power while the 12% Bahunbadi ruling elite of Nepal, gets  tacit Indian support in perpetuating the feudalistic and suppressive rule over the 75% of the Indigenous people of Nepal thus continuing the old tradition of the last 250 years and maintaining the Status Quo in the name of "Democracy" which is actually "bahunocracy"  the pseudo definitions the ruling elite like to give to certain universally established term as understood around world.

The most recent one was for "Secularism

It was adopted in the Constitution that "secularism" shall mean as follows in the Bahunbadi world of Nepal:

यस धाराको प्रयोजनका लागि 
धर्म निरपेक्ष भन्नाले सनातनदेखि चलिआएको धर्म संस्कृतिको संरक्षण लगायतधार्मिकसांस्कृतिक स्वतन्त्रता सम्झनु पर्दछ। यसमा धर्म निरपेक्षसनातन धर्म,धर्म संस्कृतिको संरक्षणधार्मिक स्वतन्त्रता लगायतका शब्द सबै अटाइएको छ।


Here is what the universal meaning of Secularism is written as:

·         Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries.

·         One manifestation of secularism is asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a state declared to be neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by government of religion or religious practices upon its people.

·         Another manifestation of secularism is the view that public activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be uninfluenced by religious beliefs and/or practices



भारतको 'सन्देशपछि प्रक्रिया स्थगित

12 Sep 2015 | 06:30am

काठमाडौंभारतीय राजदूत रन्जित रेले आफ्नो सरकारको औपचारिक 'सन्देशप्रमुख तीनदलका शीर्ष नेतालाई दिएपछि संविधान निर्माण प्रक्रिया दुई दिनका लागि स्थागित भएको छ।


राजदूत रेले प्रधानमन्त्री सुशील कोइरालाएमाले अध्यक्ष केपी शर्मा ओली  एमाओवादीअध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहाललाई शुक्रबार अलगअलग भेटेर खुला सीमा क्षेत्रमा भएको अशान्तिलेभारतलाई पनि चिन्ता भएको सन्देश दिएका थिए। समस्या समाधान राजनीतिक ढंगले गर्नुपर्नेसन्देश दिँदै उनले त्यस्तो समाधान खोज्न नेपाल आफैं स्वतन्त्र भएको बताएका थिए।


तीनतीनपटक आह्वान गर्दा पनि मधेसी दल वार्तामा नआएपछि संविधान निर्माण प्रक्रियालाईनिरन्तरता दिइरहेका प्रमुख तीन दलको बैठक शुक्रबार बस्नुअघि रेले उनीहरूलाई भेटेका दिए।उनी बिहीबार बेलुकादेखि नै राजनीतिक भेटघाटमा सक्रिय थिए।


यही दुई दिनभित्र संविधानका दफा पारित गरी यसै महिनाको अन्त्यसम्म जारी गर्ने तयारीसंविधानसभाको थियो। संविधान लेखन प्रक्रिया नरोकिने बुझेपछि भारतले प्रधानमन्त्री नरेन्द्रमोदी सरकारको औपचारिक सन्देश राजदूतमार्फत पठाएको हो। बिहान  बजे प्रमुख तीन दलकोबैठक बस्नुअघि नै राजदूत रे बालकोटस्थित एमाले अध्यक्ष ओली निवास पुगेका थिए।'सहमतिबाट संविधान बनाउनुहोस् भन्ने भारतीय दूतको सन्देश थियो,' ओलीका निजी सचिवरमेश आचार्यले नागरिकसँग भने, 'अध्यक्षज्यूले आन्दोलनरत दललाई वार्तामा ल्याउने प्रयासभएको  संविधान छिट्टै आउनेमा विश्वस्त हुनुहोस् भन्नुभयो।'


ओलीनिकट स्रोतका अनुसार 'सहमतिका लागिभारतीय राजदूत रेले ओलीसमक्ष प्रस्ट रूपमातीनवटा प्रस्ताव गरेका छन्। 'पहिलोजारी संविधान निर्माण प्रक्रिया स्थगित गरेर सहमतिखोज्नुहोस्,' रेलाई उद्धृत गर्दै स्रोतले नागरिकसँग भन्यो, 'पश्चिममा कैलालीका   निर्वाचन क्षेत्र नवलपरासीबर्दिया प्रदेशमा  पूर्वको मोरङ  सुनसरीलाई  नम्बर प्रदेशमासमावेश गराए समाधान हुन्छनत्र गाह्रो देखिन्छ।'


यसो गरे समस्या समाधान हुने तर्क पनि रेको थियो। यो विषयलाई संविधान निर्माण क्रममासम्बोधन गरे आन्दोलन गरिरहेका तराईमधेसकेन्द्रित दल  समूह वार्तामा आए वा नआएपनि केही फरक नपर्ने उनको सन्देश थियो।


राजदूत रेको सन्देशबारे ओलीसँग केही चर्काचर्कीसमेत भएको थियो। त्यसपछि ओली प्रमुखतीन दलको बैठकका लागि बालुवाटार प्रस्थान गरे। अन्य दुई दलका शीर्षनेता डेढ घन्टादेखिउनको प्रतीक्षामा थिए।


ओलीसँग भेटेलगत्तै रे एकीकृत माओवादी अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहालनिवास लाजिम्पाट पुगे।भारतीय दूत लाजिम्पाट पुग्दा दाहाल भने बालुवाटारस्थित प्रधानमन्त्री निवासमा प्रमुख तीनदलको बैठकमा व्यस्त थिए।


निवासमा भारतीय राजदूत आएको खबर पाउनेबित्तिकै दाहाल जारी बैठक छाडेर नेता बाबुरामभट्टराईसहित लाजिम्पाट गए। रेले भेटघाटका लागि बिहान  बजेको समय मागेका थिए तरबिहान प्रमुख तीन नेता दाहालभट्टराई  नारायणकाजी श्रेष्ठको आन्तरिक बैठक पहिल्यैनिर्धारित भएकाले उनले त्यो समय पाउन सकेका थिएनन्।


१० बजेका लागि समय पाएका भारतीय राजदूतले लाजिम्पाट निवासमा भारतीय सरकारकोलिखित सन्देश पढेर सुनाए जहाँ दाहालभट्टराई उपस्थित थिए। उपाध्यक्ष श्रेष्ठ भने लाजिम्पाटगएनन्बालुवाटारै बसे। 'भारत सरकार नेपालमा चाँडै संविधान निर्माण भएको देख्न चाहन्छभन्ने सन्देश बोकेर आउनुभएको थियो,' जिज्ञासामा दाहालका प्रमुख सचिव चूडामणि खड्कालेनागरिकसँग भने, 'तराईमधेसका आन्दोलनलाई सम्बोधन गरेर सहमतिमा संविधान बनाउनशुभकामना दिनुभएको छ।उनका अनुसार नेपालको आन्तरिक समस्या नेपाली राजनीतिकदलले हल गरेको हेर्न चाहेको सुनाएर राजदूत रे फर्केका थिए।


दाहालभट्टराई पुनः बालुवाटार फर्केलगत्तै प्रमुख तीन दलको बैठक पुनः सुरु भयो। प्रधानमन्त्रीकोइरालाले राजदूत रेले १५ दिन संविधानसभा स्थगित गरी असन्तुष्ट पक्षसँग वार्ता गर्न दबाबदिएको सुनाए। ओलीदाहाल  कांग्रेस नेता शेरबहादुर देउवाले समस्या आउनसक्ने भन्दैप्रक्रिया स्थगन गर्न नहुने बताएका थिए।


बैठकमा प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाले पाँच दिन बैठक स्थगित गर्न सहमति गरौं भन्ने प्रस्ताव गरेपनि दुई दिन समय दिने निर्णय भयो। बालुवाटारमा नेताहरूले भारतीय दबाबपछि यो निर्णयगरिरहेका बेला संविधानसभामा सभासदले धारणा राख्ने क्रम जारी थियो।


परिमार्जित विधेयकमाथि सभासदले धारणा राखिरहेकै बेला प्रमुख दलबीच आकस्मिक निर्णयभएपछि सभाध्यक्ष सुवासचन्द्र नेम्वाङले आइतबार बिहान ११:३० बजेसम्मका लागि बैठकस्थगित भएको घोषणा गरे।


राजदूत रेले दिनभरजसो विभिन्न राजनीतिक नेतासँग भेटघाट तथा टेलिफोन सम्पर्क गरेकोजानकारी नेताहरूले दिए। दिनभरिको सक्रियतापछि साँझ उनले नेपाली सेनाका नवनियुक्तप्रधानसेनापति राजेन्द्र क्षत्रीलाई जंगी अड्डाभद्रकालीमा भेटेका थिए।

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Russia would not allow SERIA to be made a Lebia! -- সিরিয়াকে লিবিয়ায় পরিণত হতে দেবে না রাশিয়া: ল্যাভরভ

Russia would not allow SERIA to be made a Lebia!

-- সিরিয়াকে লিবিয়ায় পরিণত হতে দেবে না রাশিয়া: ল্যাভরভ

রাশিয়ার পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী সের্গেই ল্যাভরভ বলেছেন, সিরিয়াকে লিবিয়ার মত অবস্থায় পড়া থেকে রক্ষার জন্য মস্কো দামেস্ককে সহায়তা দিয়েই যাবে।
আজ (বৃহস্পতিবার) মস্কোয় এক সংবাদ-সম্মেলনে তিনি বলেছেন, সিরিয়ার সরকারের প্রতি রাশিয়ার সামরিক সহায়তার অর্থ হল পশ্চিমা শক্তিগুলো লিবিয়ায় যেভাবে সরকার পরিবর্তনের বিষয়টি পরিচালনা করেছে সিরিয়ায়ও তাদেরকে তা করতে না দেয়া। আর এ জন্য সিরিয়ার সরকারি সশস্ত্র বাহিনীকে দরকারি সব কিছুই দেবে রাশিয়া।
রাশিয়া সিরিয়ায় তার সামরিক সাজ-সরঞ্জাম ব্যাপক মাত্রায় বাড়ানোর বিষয়ে মার্কিন সরকার ও ন্যাটো জোটের পক্ষ থেকে যেসব কথা বলা হচ্ছে তা নাকচ করে দিয়ে রুশ পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী বলেছেন, অবশ্য রাশিয়া সিরিয়ার জনগণের জন্য ত্রাণ সাহায্য পাঠানোর পাশাপাশি দেশটির সরকারের কাছে সামরিক সাজ-সরঞ্জাম পাঠানোও অব্যাহত রাখবে।
ল্যাভরভ বলেছেন, 'সিরিয়ায় রুশ সামরিক কর্মী রয়েছে। তারা সেখানে কয়েক বছর ধরেই রয়েছেন। বিদেশী মদদপুষ্ট ওয়াহাবি-তাকফিরি সন্ত্রাসী গোষ্ঠী আইএসআইএল বা 'দায়েশ'সহ নানা জঙ্গি গোষ্ঠীর সঙ্গে লড়াইরত সিরিয়ার সরকারি সেনাদের কাছে অস্ত্র সরবরাহে জড়িত রয়েছেন এইসব রুশ সামরিক কর্মী।'
রাশিয়া সিরিয়ায় রুশ সেনা মোতায়েন করছে-পাশ্চাত্যের এমন অভিযোগের প্রেক্ষাপটে এইসব মন্তব্য করলেন রুশ পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী।
মস্কো বলে আসছে যে সিরিয়ায় রুশ সামরিক বিশেষজ্ঞরা প্রকাশ্যেই যাচ্ছেন এবং সিরিয়ার সঙ্গে রাশিয়ার সামরিক সহযোগিতাকে কখনও গোপন করেনি মস্কো।
বিদেশী মদদপুষ্ট ওয়াহাবি-তাকফিরি সন্ত্রাসী গোষ্ঠীগুলো ইহুদিবাদী ইসরাইল, তুরস্ক, কাতার, সৌদি আরব এবং মার্কিন সরকারসহ পশ্চিমা সরকারগুলোর সর্বাত্মক সহযোগিতা নিয়ে ইহুদিবাদী ইসরাইলের ঘোর শত্রু আসাদ সরকারকে উৎখাতের জন্য গত চার বছর ধরে সন্ত্রাসী অভিযান চালিয়ে আসছে।

অন্যদিকে ইরান ও লেবাননের হিজবুল্লাহ এবং রাশিয়া সিরিয়ার আসাদ সরকারকে সন্ত্রাস-বিরোধী যুদ্ধে সহায়তা দিয়ে আসছে। আরব এই দেশটিতে গত চার বছরের সহিংসতায় প্রায় দুই লাখ ৪০ হাজার সিরিয় নিহত হয়েছে।


Posted by: Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha <mohammad_b_haq@yahoo.co.uk>
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“In Myanmar, only lip service is paid to Rohingya rights; business is the priority”



"In Myanmar, only lip service is paid to Rohingya rights...
Nearly a decade and a half ago, blogger-activist Nay San Lwin fled his native Myanmar to campaign for the rights of his fellow Rohingya. Lwin says the predominantly...
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3 labourers die while cleaning septic tank in Moga village.Dalits Media Watch - News Updates 12.09.15


Dalits Media Watch

News Updates 12.09.15

3 labourers die while cleaning septic tank in Moga village - The Tribune


Tension in Khattar's native village - The Times Of India


Woman constable accuses superior of 'sexual harassment' - The Times Of India


Congress questions govt appeal in SC against quota for bank jobs - The Indian Express


Scholarship eludes Dalit students - The Hindu


CAG raps Haryana for deficient subsidy disbursal - The Times Of India


Dalits demand equal rights at Huliwana - The Hindu


Hundreds pay homage to Dalit leader - The Hindu


40 Percentage SC Aged 30-60 Never Went to School - The New Indian Express


National Commission seeks details - The Hindu


BJP leader surrenders in UP in SC/ST Act case - Zee News



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No room for dalits and muslims in elections: V. T. Rajshekar



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The Tribune


3 labourers die while cleaning septic tank in Moga village



It was reportedly constructed without govt permission

Tribune News Service Moga, September 11


Three Dalit labourers died while cleaning a septic tank at a marriage palace in Fatehgarh Korotana village in the Dharamkot sub-division of the district today.


The victims have been identified as Jagsir Singh, Jujhar Singh and Jugraj Singh of Ghal Kalan village. The owners of the marriage palace had hired them to clean the septic tank.


The septic tank was reportedly constructed without any permission from the government or the district administration. Moreover, the labourers were given poor equipment to clean the tank.


Dharamkot Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Jaspal Gill said the local administration would take legal action against the marriage palace owners. He said they would also survey marriage palaces to detect any violations of the existing laws.


The SDM, who rushed to the spot to monitor the rescue operation, said the police had begun investigating the case. He said first one of the labourers slipped into the tank. But when the other two climbed down the rope to save his life, it snapped. The rope was reportedly worn-out.


The local administration called JCB machines to pull out the bodies. "The labourers were possibly asphyxiated by the poisonous gases in the septic tank," the SDM said.


The bodies have been sent for a postmortem. Till the filing of the report, the police had not registered a case.


The Times Of India


Tension in Khattar's native village



TNN | Sep 12, 2015, 09.31 AM IST


CHANDIGARH: Alleged eve teasing of an upper caste school girl by her Dalit classmate in Baniyani - native village of Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar in Rohtak district - led to tension after the accused was assaulted during a panchayat on Thursday.

Heavy police force has been deployed in the village after stone pelting between both the groups following the scuffle. Senior police officers, including Rohtak superintendent of police Shashank Anand, visited the village to know the situation of law and order. Anand told TOI that they had registered an FIR against 15 persons on the complaint of the Dalit boy.

Both the girl and the boy are students of Class XI in a local school. In her complaint, the girl has alleged that the boy had been harassing her for the past many days. "He teased and abused me during the recess on Wednesday also," she told the police. An FIR has been lodged against the boy for assault and under provisions of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act), 2012.

A panchayat was called in the village on Thursday, a day after the alleged incident of eve teasing. But the people from the girl's side became angry when they saw the boy in the panchayat and this led to a fight between both the groups. The scuffle left more than six persons injured. On Friday, a delegation of Dalits reached Rohtak to meet senior officers to seek protection apprehending that they could be targeted again. "We have assured them nobody would be allowed to take law into hands," said the SP.

The village having a population of around 9,000 is headed by a Dalit. While the villagers say peace has been restored because of presence of heavy police force, a villager seeking anonymity said tension prevails.

However, the SP claimed that the situation was totally under control and the villagers have started their routine works. The police have been deployed even in the school, where the girl and boy are enrolled as students, to avoid any dispute. The current tension in the village is also being linked to an inter-caste marriage which reportedly took place 10 years back.

CM Khattar was born in Nindana village in 1954, but later his family had shifted to Baniyani. About three months after he took over as chief minister of the state, Khattar had visited Baniyani and Nindana to announce various development activities.


The Times Of India


Woman constable accuses superior of 'sexual harassment'



G Sambasiva Rao,TNN | Sep 12, 2015, 09.59 AM IST

VISAKHAPATNAM: A 29-year-old woman constable of the city police commissionerate has alleged sexual harassment by her superior. According to sources, the victim works in one of the City Armed Reserve (CAR) wing while the accused is one of the reserve inspectors (RI).

The victim has lodged an SC/ST atrocities case against the RI and also approached city police commissioner Amit Garg along with her husband a week ago, following which the police chief gave an assurance that he would look into the matter.

The victim has alleged that the RI showed her a photograph of him in a compromising position with a woman a few months ago and demanded that she maintain such relations with him.

Though the victim first raised the alarm in June this year and also approached higher-ups at the commissionerate earlier, the authorities allegedly turned a blind eye to the issue, said sources, pointing out that with her complaints pending, the concerned officer has increased his torture.

Another woman constable from the commissionerate said that at a time when the department was busy checking crime against women, it was ironic that one of their own staff was facing sexual harassment.

A Visakha Rural Armed Forces personnel alleged that they too had faced severe harassment from the same officer, who served there six years ago. "He used to demand money for any favour, be it approving leave applications or relaxation from duties. We are not like the other wings where we get easy money. It was really difficult for us to bear with the harassment," he said.

A senior police officer told TOI that Garg had asked the victim to lodge a detailed complaint. However, after learning about the issue, women's organisations in the city were planning to stage a dharna at the police commissionerate to protest against the incident.

The victim's husband, who is a small businessman, said they would go for legal action if the commissionerate authorities failed to give them justice. He alleged that the RI had a reputation of harassing even male constables for money. "He has had a bad reputation wherever he has worked. The police commissioner should take stringent action against him and ensure the safety of women constables," he said.


The Indian Express


Congress questions govt appeal in SC against quota for bank jobs



Congress leader Kapil Sibal said the move reflected the BJP's "anti-reservation, anti-SC/ST" mindset.


By: Express News Service | New Delhi | Updated: September 12, 2015 1:43 am


The Congress Friday launched an attack on the NDA government at the Centre for filing a review petition in Supreme Court demanding a stay on its judgement allowing reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotions in higher grade posts in public sector banks. Apparently pointing to Bihar elections, senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal said the move reflected the BJP's "anti-reservation, anti-SC/ST" mindset.


Sibal said five PSU banks had approached Supreme Court against a Madras High Court judgment that there should be reservation for SC/STs in "Grade scale 1 to Grade scale 7 posts in government jobs as well as in banks." The banks, he said, filed an appeal in the Supreme Court which upheld the Madras High Court verdict saying SC/ST employees in public sector banks were entitled to reservation in Grade scale 1 up to scale 6 and dismissed the petition


The Hindu


Scholarship eludes Dalit students





After repeated protests, State government says Centre has not released funds


While educational scholarship to students belonging to the first generation and backward classes has been disbursed, Dalit students are waiting their turn. The delay could affect the prospects of 1.5 lakh students in the State.


Organisations working for the benefit of SC, ST students say that despite repeated representations to the government nothing has changed. "Every year students have to protest before they receive the scholarship," said M. Bharathan, president, Ambedkar-Kalvi Centenary Movement.


Students suffer as the post-matric scholarship scheme is delayed interminably. According to him, since 2011-12, thousands of students have not received the scholarship. Each year that number has only increased. In 2012, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa issued a Government Order paving the way for free education of Dalit students. Yet, not once the government allocated funds for scholarship.


In 2014-15, the government should have allocated Rs. 1,147 crore in its budget for the scholarship. Instead Rs. 334.77 crore from the current year's budget was allocated to tide over last year's deficit, Mr. Barathan claimed.

"There was hope that the flow of funds for the scholarship would be smooth as a provision of around Rs. 250 crore was made. In around 100 colleges, more than 50 per cent of the admission was for SCs, but they were subjected to pressure during the semester exams as they could not pay the exam fees. This was because the government had not released the funds for scholarships," said Christodas Gandhi, a retired IAS officer.


After repeated protests, the State government admitted that the Centre had not released the funds. "Unfortunately the trend is repeated in 2015-16 also," Dr. Gandhi said. The budget estimate for the current year for the scholarship is Rs. 696 crore, sufficient only to pay the arrears of past years. The dues for the current year have not been taken into account.


The Times Of India


CAG raps Haryana for deficient subsidy disbursal



Sukhbir Siwach,TNN | Sep 12, 2015, 09.27 AM IST


CHANDIGARH: Comptroller of Auditor General of India (CAG) has rapped Haryana government for deficiencies in disbursement of subsidy to women particularly Dalits under different schemes, including education loan. CAG auditors have found that Haryana Women Development Corporation did not evolve any system to disburse the grant-in-aid to the Dalit beneficiaries. The auditors have also unearthed cases of loss of interest apart from a suspected case of embezzlement of funds in Panipat.

The corporation had received grant-in-aid of Rs 10 crore from the state government during 2009 to 2014 and Rs 2 crore out of it was meant for disbursement to the scheduled caste beneficiaries. When the auditors pointed out why no system was evolved to disburse funds among SC beneficiaries, the state officials replied that they were taking steps in that direction apart from making efforts to propose new schemes.

The corporation has been providing subsidy on education loan extended by banks to women students of the state since 2007. The corporation pays the interest to the tune of 5% per annum on behalf of the beneficiary. In this scheme also, the auditors detected a case of suspected embezzlement involving around Rs 11 lakh belonging to 47 beneficiaries in Panipat.

The government informed auditors that the district manager of the corporation had already been chargesheeted in this connection. The auditors also found that the corporation failed to invest over Rs 6 crore to the fix deposit account leading to loss of more than Rs 10 lakh to it. The corporation had kept this amount in the saving-cum-sweep account for around nine months."Company failed to disburse funds received for SC beneficiaries. It violated the state government guidelines for investment of surplus funds," concluded the auditors in their report tabled in the state assembly recently.


The Hindu


Dalits demand equal rights at Huliwana




The Dalits of Huliwana village in the taluk have urged the district administration to provide equal living rights to them.


The village recently witnessed a clash between Dalits and 'upper caste' people.


On Friday, under the banner of Dalit Sangharsh Samiti, they staged a protest outside the Deputy Commissioner's office here, alleging that the 'upper caste' people in the village had been harassing and exploiting Dalits for a long time.


They were being denied basic rights and property worth several lakhs of rupees belonging to Dalits was destroyed during the recent clash, the protesters alleged.


They also alleged that such atrocities on Dalits were rampant in other parts of Mandya.


DSS leader Guruprasad Keregodu, Mandya City Muncipal Council (CMC) member Mahesh Krishna, Mahadevappa, Kiran, M. Krishnamurthy, S. Santosh, Ravimohan and others were present.


The Hindu


Hundreds pay homage to Dalit leader





State Ministers, leaders of various political parties and hundreds of Dalits from across the district and neighbouring districts paid floral tributes to Dalit leader Immanuel Sekaran on the occasion of his 58th death anniversary here on Friday.


After villagers from Sellur, the birth place of the Dalit leader, paid homage followed by the Devendra Panpattu Kazhagam, which organised the event, Minister for Sports and Youth Welfare S. Sundararaj and Cooperation Minister Sellur K Raju placed wreaths and paid tribute the leader.


On behalf of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) former Assembly Deputy Speaker V P Duraisamy, former Ministers Suba Thangavelan, A Tamilarasi and V Sathiyamoorthy and former MP Bavani Rajendran place wreaths at the samadhi.


They were followed by TNCC President E V K S Elangovan and former Union Minister Su Thirunavukarasar. Mr. Elangovan said the Congress regime at the Centre had honoured the Dalit leader by releasing a commemorative stamp and assured that the party would be in the forefront in protecting the interest of the oppressed people.


Vidhuthalai Chiruthaial Katchi (VCK) leader Thol Thirumavalvan and Tamizh Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam (TMMK) leader John Pandian, visited the samadhi according to the time schedule, appealed to the State to organise the event on behalf of the government.


Pointing out that they had been making the demand for several years, Mr Thirumavalavan wanted the government to make an announcement to this effect during the current Assembly session. Mr. Pandian exuded confidence that the government would make an announcement soon in this regard.


Puthiya Tamizhagam leader Dr. K. Krishnasamy was the last to pay homage, well beyond 4 pm, the deadline fixed by the police for political leaders.


Police had registered a case against him last year for failing to stick to the time schedule and the trial is pending.

Amid a massive security cordon, hundreds of men and women walked down from far off villages. Women took out 'Mulaipari' and milk pot processions, while men carried 'jyothis' as a mark of respect to the leader.


The New Indian Express


40 Percentage SC Aged 30-60 Never Went to School



By Siddharth Prabhakar Published: 12th September 2015 05:30 AM Last Updated: 12th September 2015 05:30 AM


CHENNAI:The latest census data on education shows that two out of every five dalits (40 per cent) in the age group 30-60 in Tamil Nadu never went to school. This is worse compared to the overall State population, where only 26 per cent in the same age group never went to school.


Compared to the corresponding figures for the entire country, the figures are better. Across India, almost every second Dalit (48.37 per cent) in the age group of 30-60 has never attended any educational institution.


The urban-rural divide is stark in Tamil Nadu and the country. Thirty per cent of the State's rural population has never attended school or college, while the corresponding figure for the urban group is 18.67 per cent.


Even here, the Dalits seem to lose out, as 34 per cent of the rural SC population and 25 per cent of the urban has never attended an educational institution.


The Hindu


National Commission seeks details





National Commission for Scheduled Castes has sought details from the Director, Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, on a complaint that over 200 Dalit students pursuing higher studies through correspondence course in Tamil University in Thanjavur were not given scholarship through the department.


In his letter, dated September 7, Assistant Director of the Commission P. Ramasamy, sought reply on a complaint of B. Pandiaraj of Madurai, who is pursuing Master of Social Work.


In his complaint, Mr. Pandiaraj, who is also a member of the Madurai district Vigilance and Monitoring Committee, said he had submitted to the university the relevant application seeking scholarship. When he made enquiries at the District Adi Dravidar Welfare office in Thanjavur about the scholarship, he was directed to approach the Director of Adi Dravidar Welfare at Chennai.

The officials did not give information. Scholarship for over 200 students had not been disbursed since 2014-15 academic year. He said this was also the case with Madurai Kamaraj University. "Only poor students opt for correspondence course and denying scholarship amounted to discouraging them from pursuing higher students," he said.


Zee News


BJP leader surrenders in UP in SC/ST Act case



Last Updated: Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 11:38


Muzaffarnagar: A court here has rejected the interim bail plea of a local BJP leader and three others and sent them to jail in connection with a two-year-old case registered under the SC/ST Act.


According to prosecution, the four accused, among them BJP leader Sudhir Saini, Wednesday surrendered in a court here dealing with cases under the SC/ST Act and submitted an interim bail application which, however, was rejected.


A case had been registered against several people, including Saini under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act at Badsu village in the Ratenpuri police station area two years back in connection with a clash between two groups.


Saini had contested the 2012 Assembly elections on a BJP ticket from Khatauli assembly constituency. PTI 


News monitored by AMRESH & AJEET

.Arun Khote
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Dalits Media Watch Team
(An initiative of "Peoples Media Advocacy & Resource Centre-PMARC")
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