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हम परवरिशे लौहो क़लम करते रहेगे

दिल्ली कॉलेज ऑफ आर्ट्स के छात्रों की हड़ताल 10वें दिन भी जारी!

दिल्ली, 9 सितम्बर। दिल्ली कॉलेज ऑफ आर्ट्स के छात्रों की हड़ताल आज 10वें दिन जारी है। अपनी माँगों को लेकर छात्र पिछले 10 दिनों से सघर्षरत है। आज...

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देश मोदी-अखिलेश की निजी जागीर नहीं, अवाम तय करेगी देश का मुस्तकबिल-...

इंसाफ विरोधी सरकार के खिलाफ विधानसभा पर रिहाई मंच की उठी मशाल।... हाशिमपुरा, मलियाना, मुरादाबाद और कानपुर सांप्रदयिक हिंसा की रिपोर्टों को...

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"The Ranvir Sena is today a spent force and there does not seem any other private sena coming up which is willing to take its place. This does not however mean that that the movement of Bihar's poor for their legitimate rights does not face any opposition. The task of protecting and advancing the interests of the feudal forces, earlier performed by the private landlord armies, is now being directly undertaken by the state forces. Central forces like the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) and CRPF have been moved in along with the Special Task Force (STF) of the Bihar Police. It remains to be seen whether they will be able to do what the private armies were unable to do." - by Arun Ferreira and Vernon Gonsalves

"The Ranvir Sena is today a spent force and there does not seem any other private sena coming up which is willing to take its place. This does not however mean that that the movement of Bihar's poor for their legitimate rights does not face any opposition. The task of protecting and advancing the interests of the feudal forces, earlier performed by the private landlord armies, is now being directly undertaken by the state forces. Central forces like the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) and CRPF have been moved in along with the Special Task Force (STF) of the Bihar Police. It remains to be seen whether they will be able to do what the private armies were unable to do." - by Arun Ferreira and Vernon Gonsalves
The silence of all major political parties speaks volumes for the ruling class consensus on not identifying or punishing the perpetrators of the killings.
Sanjeev Kumar http://www.epw.in/letters/other-caste-senas.html
The recent Cobrapost sting, which resulted in a documentary film titled Operation Black Rain, has started a new debate about the bitter realities of the Indian judicial system. The sting also reignited the discussion in the media about mass killings by the upper-caste militia—Ranvir Sena—in Bihar. B…
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Friends, As Israel's brutal occupation of Palestinian territory and its genocidal campaign continues, justice-loving people all over the world are coming forward to express their solidarity with the courageous resistance of the Palestinian people and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction campaign against Israeli Zionists is gaining increasing popularity. It is against this backdrop that the 'Indian People in Solidarity with Palestine' is organising its next programme in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.


As Israel's brutal occupation of Palestinian territory and its genocidal campaign continues, justice-loving people all over the world are coming forward to express their solidarity with the courageous resistance of the Palestinian people and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction campaign against Israeli Zionists is gaining increasing popularity. It is against this backdrop that the 'Indian People in Solidarity with Palestine' is organising its next programme in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.

The details are as follows:
Date: 14 and 15 September, from 1 pm onwards
Venue: Seminar Hall, India-Arab Cultural Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
14 September:
• Talks and discussion on the question of 'Zionism, Imperialist Conspiracies in Middle-East and the question of Palestinian Liberation' by Anand Singh (Political Analyst), Prof. Javed Ahmad Khan (Director, Centre for West Asian Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia) and Dr. Raffiullah Azami (Research Associate, Centre for West Asian Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia)
• Screening of a documentary film on Palestine, Photo Exhibition
15 September:
• Screening of three films on Palestinian question and Photo Exhibition
All are cordially invited
Kavita Krishnapallavi
Convener, 'Indian People in Solidarity with Palestine'
Mobile: 9971158783
Email: kavitakrishnapallavi@gmail.com
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জানিনা,কথা হয়নি নবারুণদার সনে কি তিনি কি আদৌ জানতেন আমরা উদ্বাস্তুরাও আসলে ফ্যাতাড়ুদের দলে? সবিতাবাবুর চাই সেই হারানো ডুরে সাড়ি ডুরে বাঘ তবু আছে মহানগরে ডুবে আছি হারিয়ে গেছে ভালোবাসার সেই আঁচল সেই ডুরে সাড়ির বন্যা পলাশ বিশ্বাস


জানিনা,কথা হয়নি নবারুণদার সনে কি তিনি কি আদৌ জানতেন

আমরা উদ্বাস্তুরাও আসলে ফ্যাতাড়ুদের দলে?

সবিতাবাবুর চাই সেই হারানো ডুরে সাড়ি

ডুরে বাঘ তবু আছে

মহানগরে ডুবে আছি

হারিয়ে গেছে ভালোবাসার সেই আঁচল

সেই ডুরে সাড়ির বন্যা

পলাশ বিশ্বাস

প্রসঙ্গঃএই সময়ে প্রকাশিত লেখা-এরাও উদ্বাস্তু,যাদের নোবেল পুরস্কার বিজয়িনী সু চি পর্যন্ত মানুষ মনে করেননি,সেই রোহিঙ্গা জনগোষ্ঠির উদ্বাস্তু কাহিনী

১৯৯১-৯২ সালে আড়াই লক্ষাধিক মুসলিমরোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থীবার্মার (বর্তমান: মায়ানমার) সামরিক জান্তার নির্যাতন-নিপীড়ন থেকে মুক্তি পেতে বাংলাদেশে আশ্রয় নেয়। তাদের অনেকেই বিশ বছর যাবৎ বাংলাদেশে অবস্থান করছে।সেই উদ্বাস্তু ঢল বয়েই চলেছে।সারা পৃথীবী তোলপাড়।ভারতবর্ষের তা নিয়ে মাথাব্যথা নেই।বাংলায় বাঙালি উদ্বাস্তুরা ব্রাত্য,অন্ত্যজ,অছুত,তাঁদের তাড়ানোর সবরকম অভিযান ব্যর্থ,পশ্চিম বঙ্গের বাঙাল যন্ত্রণা অসহনীয়।

দন্ডকারণ্যে,আন্দামানে,নৈনীতালে,অসমে ত্রিপুরাতে, রাজস্থানে, ইউপিতে,বিহারে ,ঝাড়খন্ডে- ভারতবর্ষের রাজ্যে রাজ্যে তাংরা রক্তবীজের মত ছড়িয়ে,ছিটিয়ে।

তাঁদের নাগরিকত্ব আছে আবার নাগরিকত্ভ নেই।

তাঁদের পরিচয় আছে।আবার পরিচয় নেই।

তাঁদের পুনর্বাসন হয়েছে যতটা,উত্খাত বেদখলী হয়েছে অনেক গুণ বেশি।আদৌ পুনর্বাসন হয়নি,তার চেয়ে শতগুণ বেশি।

তারাও যাদের পুনর্বাসন হয়নি,ছড়িয়ে ছিটিয়ে বাংলাদেশি পরিচয়ে অবান্ছিত বেনাগরিক।উদ্বাস্তু বা শরণার্থী বা মানুষ,তাদের পরিচয় কোনোটাই নয়।তারা আবার এই পশ্চিম বাংলায় রেলে লাইন ,খালধার, বিল ধার,শ্মশান ঘাট,ফুটপথ,ব্রিজের তলা,অরণ্যভূমি,খাস জমি দখল করে বাংলার জলজমি জঙ্গলে আগাছার মত বেঁচে আছে।অবান্ছিত।

ভিনরাজ্য থেকে দলে দলে তারা কখনো কখনো বর্গিদের মত হানা দেয় কখনো কখনো।বুঝেও বোঝে না,সেই মরিচঝাঁপির রক্তলেখা,আগুনের উত্সব,নৌকাডুবি,পুলিশ ফাযরিং,নিস্পাপ শিশুদের দরিয়ায় ভাসান,নারী মাংসের কুটির শিল্প ও অবিরাম ধর্ষণেও তারা বাঙালি।

তাঁদের ইতিহাসে নাম লেখা হয়নি।

তাঁরা আজও বাস্তুহারা।

তাঁরা আজও ছিন্নমূল।

তাঁরা আজও অস্পৃশ্য,ব্রাত্যজন।

তাঁরা অবান্ছিত।

তাঁরা দেশ ভাগের সত্তর বছর পরও শুধু ইস্ট বেঙ্গল।

তাঁরা আগা থেকে গোড়া আজও বাঙাল।

ভদ্রলোক সাজলেও বাদাবন,নদী নালার গন্ধ তাঁদের রয়ে গেছে।

এসচি,বসলুম বললেও বাঙাল টান ঘোচে নি,বাঙাল টান মোছে নি।

শুধু হারিয়ে গেছে হিন্দু মুসলিম নিরপেক্ষ সেই ভালোবাসার আঁচল,সেই ডুরে সাড়ি,যা গাঁয়ে গ্রামে টিকে থাকলেও থাকতে পারে,শহরান্চলে এবং শিল্পান্চলে ডুরে সাড়ির ঠাঁই নাই নাই।

গ্রাম বাংলা কতটা বেঁচে আছে,জসিম কবির লেখার মত সেই গ্রামবাংলা,জীবনানন্দের সেই আলক্ষেত,ডিএল রায়ের সেই সকল দেশের রানি বেঁচে আছে কি নেই,সাবআলটার্ণ বিজ্ঞানীদির কি মতামত,মহানগরের জীবন জীবিকায় নিমগ্ন আমার জানার কথা নয়।

তবু সবিতাবাবুর চাই সেই হারানো ডুরে সাড়ি!

ডুরে বাঘ তবু আছে!

মহানগরে ডুবে আছি!

হারিয়ে গেছে ভালোবাসার সেই আঁচল!

সেই ডুরে সাড়ির বন্যা!

তবু মন পড়ে থাকে সেই পিছনে ফেলে আসা নৈনিতালের উদ্বাস্তু উপনিবেশে।দিনেশপুরে।আমার গ্রম বাসন্তীপুরে।

যেখানে জনম ইস্তক সেই ডুরে সাড়ির বন্যা দেখেছি।

লালপেড়ে সাড়ি।

ডূরে সাড়ি।

বিধবার সাদা থান।

উদ্বাস্তু জীবনের সাড়ি কাহিনীর ইতিকথা ইহা ব্যাতিরেক দেখিনি পন্চাশ ষাটের এমনকি সত্তর দশকেও।

বাংলায় বাবার হাত ধরে এসেছিলাম হাইস্কূল পেরিয়ে যখন,তখনো সত্তর দশকের রমরমা।তখনও নক্সাল বেঁচে ছিল।

তখনো বঙ্গশ্রী,সুলেখা,জেসপের রমরমা ছিল।

ছাপান্ন হাজার কল কারখানা তখনো বন্ধ হয়নি।

লে আফ,লকআউট আমদানি হয়নি।

ভিআরআরএস,ডিসিনভেস্টমেন্ট অনেক পরের গল্প।

তখনো চাবাগানের খুশবু ছিল বাংলা থেকে তমাম ভারত মুলুকে।তখনো চাবাগানে মৃত্যুমিছিল শুরু হয়নি।

তখনো ব জুটমিল শ্মশান হয়ে যায়নি।

তখনো সমস্ত ট্রেন যাত্রার অভিমুখ কোলকাতা ছিল।

বাবা আমায় কোলকাতা দেখাতে নিয়ে গিযে সবার আগে হেঁটে কেওড়াতলা মহাশ্মশানে নিয়ে গিয়ে ছিলেন।

দেখে ছিলাম সেই শাশ্বত স্মৃতি ফলক জীবনে প্রথমবারঃ

তিষ্ঠ ক্ষণকাল!

সেই কেওড়াতলার মহাশ্মশানে ঘুমিয়ে আছে আমাদের বরাত্যজনের,অন্তজদের ফ্যাতাড়ুদের  গোরিলা মহানায়ক

নবারুণ ভট্টাচার্য!

সেই কেওড়াতলার মহাশ্মশানে বাবা একদিন পূর্ব বাংলার বাস্তুহারা ছিন্নমূলদের পুনর্বাসনের দাবিতে মাইকেলের সমাধিস্থলে আমরণ অনশনে বসেছিলেন এবং তার কমরেড,তার নেতা তাঁকে এবং তাঁর সঙ্গী সাথিদের বাংলা ছাড়া করেছিলেন!

সেই তাঁরা সেইদিন ফ্যালানির মত কাঁটাতারে বিদ্ধ হয়ে থাকল সারা জীবন এবং আমি তাঁদের হৃদপিন্ডের অবিরাম রক্তপাতের মধ্যে ঔ ডুরে সাড়ির ভালোবাসার বন্যায় মানুষ হয়েছি তাঁদের গড়া উপনিবেশে!

তাঁরা ঔ নেনীতালে গড়ে তুলেছিল তাঁদের সকল দেশে রানি বাংলাদেশ!

তাঁরা মরিচঝাঁপিতেও ফিরে আসেনি!

তবু আমি এসেছি!

ফিরে আসিনি আদৌ!

আমি ত আদৌ ছিলাম না!

না পুবে ছিলাম,না পশ্চিমে!

পুব পশ্চিম ত সুনীল গাঙ্গুলির ছিল!

আমি ত উত্তর এবং উত্তরকালের মানুষ!

জীবিকার প্রয়োজনে হাওড়া ইস্টিশানটা দেখা হল!

দেখা হল শেযালদা!

ওয়ারনা আমি সেই রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমান উদ্বাস্তু.যারা আছে,আবার নেই!

বাংলার বালডা ছেঁড়া যায়না!

উদ্বাস্তুরা আছে না না আছে,কেমনে আছে.তাঁদের মন আছে কি দেহটই সার,পশ্চিম বাংলার বালডাও ছেঁড়া যায় না!

ভিন রাজ্যের বাঙালিরা আছে কি নেই,তাঁরা মানুষ হয়ে আছে না,অমানুষ হয়ে আছে,ভদ্রলোক বর্ণহিন্দু পশ্চিম বাংলার বালডাও ছেঁড়া যায় না!

তবু কলকাতা তখনো কোলকাতা ছিল।

তবু কোলকাতায় কোমলগান্ধারের ,নবান্নের গন্ধ ছিল।

মিছিলের মহানগর তখনো মিছিলের মহানগর ছিলো।

তখনো যখন বাবার হাত ধরে মাইকেলের সমাধিস্থলে দাঁড়িয়েছিলাম সেখানেই,যেখানে আমাদের নবারুণদা বিশ্রামে আছেন আগামী যুদ্ধের প্রস্তুতি।নবারুণদাও তে বিজন ভট্টাচার্যের ছেলে।

জানিনা,কথা হয়নি নবারুণদার সনে কি তিনি কি আদৌ জানতেন

আমরা উদ্বাস্তুরাও আসলে ফ্যাতাড়ুদের দলে?

অনুসন্ধানের ফলাফল

  1. ফ্যাতাড়ুর বোম্বাচাক - সামহোয়্যার ইন ব্লগ

  2. www.somewhereinblog.net/blog/FatarurBombachak

  • এ হায় ব্রথেলরূপী অসহায় ধরাধামে কে হায় বেদনা দিতে কাছে আসে.... লিখেছেন ফ্যাতাড়ুর বোম্বাচাক, ০৫ ই অক্টোবর, ২০০৯ বিকাল ৩:১৯. মনোমোর বিষ্ময়বাদিনী, প্রেগনেন্টমেদিনী, থরহরকামিনী, জ্বলজ্বলরূপিনী, কুলবিনাশিনী, উচ্ছলবেগিনী, দেহপসারিনী। বলি হায় কম্পিত ওষ্ঠে চাপিয়া দন্ত কলিকাল বলে যা জানিয়াছি নাহি তার অন্ত। ও মামা হরি বল, .

  • কবিগুরু পুরন্দর ভাট রচিত: চুতিয়া পৃথিবী - ফ্যাতাড়ুর ...

  • www.somewhereinblog.net/blog/FatarurBombachak/28800679

  • পোস্টটি যিনি লিখেছেন. ফ্যাতাড়ুর বোম্বাচাক. অনুসরণ করুন. ফাঁৎ ফাঁৎ সাঁই সাঁই ... লেখক বলেছেন:ফ্যাতাড়ুর বোম্বাচাককখনো লজ্জা পায় না। শুধূ একটু মুখমন্ডলে লাল আভা বিস্তার করে সামান্যই। ৮. ২১ শে মে, ২০০৮ ভোর ৪:০৯ ০. বোলারস ব্যাকড্রাইভ বলেছেন: ওরে কাকারে........... ২১ শে মে, ২০০৮ বিকাল ৩:৪৮ ০. লেখক বলেছেন: ফাঁৎ ফাঁৎ সাঁই সাঁই. ৯. ২১ শে মে ...

  • 1 - Guruchandali -- Bangla eZine Magazine WebZine and ...

  • www.guruchandali.com› টইপত্তর

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  • কাঙাল মালসাট - বাংলা শুধুই বাংলা - Blogger

  • shudhubangla.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-post_1704.html

  • ৩০ এপ্রিল, ২০১৪ - তো, এহেন আমি নব্বইয়ের দশকে নবারুণ ভট্টাচার্য্যের 'ফ্যাতাড়ুর বোম্বাচাক' পড়ে পুরো ব্যোমকে গেছিলাম৷ এমন অজস্র শব্দ ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে যাকে আমরা তখন বলতাম "অসংসদীয়', অথচ তারপরেও বইটা কোথায়ও একটা চেতনার ঘেঁটি ধরে নাড়া দিয়ে যাচ্ছে৷এরপরে খুঁজে খুঁজে আরও সব বইপত্তর পড়ে ফেলা গেল৷ তা আজ আর বই নিয়ে আলোচনায় যাব না৷ ...

  • প্রাঙ্গণে মোর শিরীষশাখায় | সচলায়তন

  • www.sachalayatan.com› ব্লগ › মুখফোড় এর ব্লগ

  • ৮ মে, ২০১০ - ৮ | লিখেছেন ষষ্ঠ পাণ্ডব (তারিখ: রবি, ০৯/০৫/২০১০ - ১০:৫৮পূর্বাহ্ন). মেম্বর, কবি পুরন্দর ভাট আসলে নবারুণ ভট্টাচার্যের সৃষ্ট একটি চরিত্র। সুতরাং পুরন্দর ভাটের কবিতাগুলো আসলে নবারুণ ভট্টাচার্যেরই কবিতা, তাই না। এই দুইজনকে আরো চিনতে পড়তে পারেন "কাঙাল মালসাট", "ফ্যাতাড়ুর বোম্বাচাক" আর "ফ্যাতাড়ুর কুম্ভীপাক"।

  • গল্প | books tagged গল্প | LibraryThing

  • https://www.librarything.com/tag/গল্প

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  • কিছু অগোছালো কথা - Blogger

  • sndg.blogspot.com/2013/07/i-i.html

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  • আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা - পুস্তক পরিচয - First Page

  • archives.anandabazar.com/archive/1130330/30pustak3.html

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  • www.galpopath.com/2014/08/blog-post_30.html

  • ৯ আগস্ট, ২০১৪ - ১৯৯৫-তে নবারুণের ফ্যাতাড়ুর আবির্ভাব। ২০০৪-তে এটি ফ্যাতাড়ুর বোম্বাচাকও অন্যান্য নামে বাজারজাত হয়। এই ফ্যাতাড়ুদের অভীষ্ট অন্তর্ঘাতী অভিযান, ছেলে, তঙ্গি ও সংস্কৃতি সচেতন পোয়ারে কিছু বিশিষ্ট ও আমূল সংস্কারমুখী অন্তর্ঘাতী অভিযান। কেন এই অন্তর্ঘাত তা স্রষ্টার ভাগ্যে নিরন্তর যে প্রতিহিংসার আগুন আমাদের ...

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    Mohammad Ahsanul Karim হাইকোর্টের ফর্মূলা বনাম আমার প্রস্তাবিত মডেলঃ নির্বাচনকালীন ও নির্বাচনোত্তর উভয় সরকারই গণতান্ত্রিক ও নিরপেক্ষমুখী হতে হবে


    হাইকোর্টের ফর্মূলা বনাম আমার প্রস্তাবিত মডেলঃ নির্বাচনকালীন ও নির্বাচনোত্তর উভয় সরকারই গণতান্ত্রিক ও নিরপেক্ষমুখী হতে হবে

    বিনা প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতায় সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ সাংসদ নির্বাচিত হওয়া বিষয়ক হাইকোর্টের চুড়ান্ত রায়ে জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচনকালে "নির্বাচনকালীন সরকার"বিষয়ে দুইটি ফর্মূলা দেয়া হয়েছে। সমস্যার মূলে নিবার্হী প্রধানমন্ত্রীসহ দলীয় এককক্ষ সংসদ ভিত্তিক সরকারব্যবস্থা এবং চার দশকের প্রতিহিংসার রাজনীতির ধারা। সংবিধান সংশোধন ছাড়া প্রধানমন্ত্রীর নিবার্হী ক্ষমতা কোনভাবে হস্তান্তরযোগ্য নয়। তাই চলমান সংবিধানের অধীনে কোন ফরমূলায় নির্বাচনকালীন "নিরপেক্ষমুখী সরকার"গঠনের সুযোগ নেই।

    আপীল/সুপ্রিমকোর্ট নিরপেক্ষ তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারের প্রয়োজনীতা বাতিল করেনি। সংবিধানের ৭নং বিধানের সাথে অসঙ্গতি হওয়ায় ১৩শ সংশোধনীর মডেলটা বাতিল করেছে। চুড়ান্ত রায়ে প্রয়োজনে ৭নং বিধানের সাথে সামঞ্জসে তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারের প্রনয়ণের পরামর্শও রয়েছে। ৭নং বিধানের সামঞ্জসে মডেলসহ চুড়ান্ত রায়ের দিকনিদের্শনা ও পরামর্শগুলো আমার প্রতিবেদনে রয়েছে। আমার প্রতিবেদনটি রেফারেন্সে না এনে নিজের ভাষায় যুক্তি ও ব্যাখ্যা দিয়ে একই রায় ও পরামর্শ দিয়েছেন প্রধান বিচারপতি।

    চুড়ান্ত রায়ে আমার মডেলটি উপর পর্যাবেক্ষণ থাকলে সকল মহল জ্ঞাত হতো এবং সহজেই গ্রহণীয় হতো। প্রধানমন্ত্রী ও বিরোধী দলের নেত্রীরও তা এড়িয়ে যাওয়া সম্ভব হতো না্। জাতির ৪৩ বছরের রাজনৈতিক ও প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক সংকটর স্থায়ী সমাধানের জন্যে ময়মনসিংহ ও কুমিল্লা বিভাগ, দুইকক্ষ সংসদব্যবস্থা এবং দ্বিতীয়কক্ষ ভিত্তিক অন্তর্বর্তীকালীণ তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারব্যবস্থা চালু করা ছাড়া সহজ বিকল্প নেই। ৭নং বিধানের সাথে সামঞ্জসে নিরপেক্ষমুখী নির্বাচনকালীন সরকারের জন্যে সংবিধান সংশোধন করতেই হবে।

    ৫ই জানুয়ারীর নির্বাচনকে ঘিরে অজান্তেই বিএনপি ও আওয়ামী লীগের দাবী-অভিমত ক্রমশঃ আমার প্রস্তাবিত নিরপেক্ষমুখী নির্বাচনকালীন সরকারের দিকে ঐক্যমুখী হয়েছিল। আমার প্রস্তাবিত মডেলটি হলো, দুইকক্ষ সংসদব্যবস্থা এবং দ্বিতীয়কক্ষ ভিত্তিক অন্তর্বর্তীকালীণ তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারব্যবস্থা। প্রথমকক্ষের নির্বাচনকালে ভারতের সংসদীয় সরকারব্যবস্থার মতো রাষ্ট্রপতির উপর নির্বাহী কর্তৃত্ব ন্যস্ত থাকবে এবং নির্দলীয় প্রধান উপদেষ্টার পরামর্শক্রমে রাষ্ট্রপরিচালনা রাষ্ট্রপতির জন্যে বাধ্যতামূলক থাকবে।

    এখন দুইকক্ষ সংসদব্যবস্থা ও অন্তর্বর্তীকালীন সংসদীয় সরকারব্যবস্থার বিধানাবলী প্রনয়ণ করতে হবে। অতঃপর প্রথমে (২০১৫) দ্বিতীয়কক্ষের নির্বাচন ও গঠন করতে হবে। এ নির্বাচনে সরকার পরিবর্তন হবে না। দুইবছর পর (২০১৭) অন্তর্বর্তীকালীন সংসদীয় সরকারব্যবস্থার অধীনে প্রথমকক্ষের (সরকার গঠনের সংসদ) নির্বাচন করতে হবে। তাহলে ১০ম সংসদের ধারাবাহিকতাসহ নির্বাচিত সরকারের অধীনে সংসদ নির্বাচনের ধারা হবে। তাহলে সকল মহলের জয়-জয় ব্যবস্থার সমন্বয় হবে।

    প্রথমকক্ষের নির্বাচনকালে দ্বিতীয়কক্ষের সরকারী ও বিরোধী দলসমূহ থেকে ৫ জন করে এবং ৫ জন প্রজ্ঞাবান নির্দলীয় নাগরিক নিয়ে নির্বাচনকালীন সরকার গঠিত হবে। ৫ জন প্রজ্ঞাবান নির্দলীয় নাগরিক থেকে ঐক্যমত্যে বা লটারীর মাধ্যমে রাষ্ট্রপতি প্রধানউপদেষ্টা নিয়োগ দিবেন। প্রধানউপদেষ্টাসহ ৫ জন প্রজ্ঞাবান নির্দলীয় নাগরিক ছাড়া নির্বাচনকালীন সরকার নিরপেক্ষ ও কার্যকরী হবে না। "তিনমাসের"নির্বাচনকালীন সরকার নিরপেক্ষমুখী হবে, আর "পাঁচ বছরের"নির্বাচনোত্তর সরকার অনিরপেক্ষমুখী হওয়া কোনভাবেই গ্রহণযোগ্য নয়। তাই আমাদেরকে একইসাথে নির্বাচনকালীন ও নির্বাচনোত্তর নিরপেক্ষমুখী সরকারের কথা ভাবতে হবে।

    Mohammad Ahsanul Karim's photo.
    Mohammad Ahsanul Karim's photo.
    Mohammad Ahsanul Karim's photo.
    Mohammad Ahsanul Karim's photo.

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    ndependent People’s Tribunal of 4 Judges visits Sardar Sarovar Project Areas



    Independent People's Tribunal of 4 Judges visits

    Sardar Sarovar Project Areas

    Receives applications from hundreds of oustees complaining of

    gross violations and unlawful submergence

    Badwani | 11th Sep, 2015: A Panel of three retired and well-known Justices of various High Courts including Jst. P.C Jain (Rajasthan High Court), Jst. Nag Mohan Das (Karnataka High Court) and Jst. V.D. Gyanai (Madhya Pradesh High Court) visited numerous villages in the Dharampuri, Manavar, Kukshi and Badwani Tehsils of the Sardar Sarovar Project affected areas today and received a large number of complaints / representations of violations of law and policy in the rehabilitation process, corruption and submergence of properties as well as atrocities on the poor, dalits and adivasis by the State.

    The Panel of Judges was invited by a team of distinguished citizens including Jst (Retd.) Rajinder Sacher [Retd. Chief Justice, Delhi High Court].; Syeda Hameed [Former Member, Planning Commission of India and National Commission for Women]; Sagar Sarhadi, Senior film maker, short story and play writerwriterdirector and producerProf. Anil Sadgopal,Eminent Educationalist and Founder, All India Forum on Right to Education.;Ramdas Bhatkal, Founder, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai and Senior Litterateurand Anand Patwardhan, Internationally Acclaimed Film Maker on Developmental and Human Rights Issues, to hear the oustees and also invite the State agencies for a hearing and give its findings on the legality of the decisions of the Government of India to pursue the dam work in the light of large number of complaints of denial of R&R from the oustees as well as official evidence from the orders of the GRAs, Jst. Jha Commission, High Court and Supreme Court as well as other authorities.

    The Judges patiently held hearings in different villages including Khalghat, Dharampuri Township as well as Vill. Semalda (Teh. Manavar) and VillagesChhota Barda, Pipri and Chikalda, Kadmal, Khaparkheda and Nisarpur(Tehsil Kukshi); heard out the oustees, especially elderly persons and women who poured out their grievances of denial of R&R, poor quality amenities at the resettlement sites, massive corruption, unlawful submergence in 2012-13 etc.   

    The Judges were brief about the irregularities in the back water level surveys by the oustees of Gazipura and denial of livelihood based rehabilitation to the landless. Fish workers of Semalda demanded right to fisheries in the reservoir and alleged no response from the state despite umpteen representations. Farmers from Chhota Barda and Pipri claimed that since they have become owners of their acquired lands / houses, as per the new Land Acquisition Act, the ongoing dam work and attempts to submerge their properties is a gross legal violation. Farmers, workers, adivasis, fisher families from Chikalda, Nisarpur and other villages demanded that the Govt. must first come clean on the true state of land and livelihood based R&R and conduct oustee-wise, village wise fresh surveys before undertaking any further work on the dam.

    "In a four hour long visit, I found people still living in the orginal villages and have not rehabilitated. It is unfortunate that the government promise but backtrack when it comes to their rehabilitation. Displacing people without rehabilitation is a violation of Article 21 of the Constitution of India", said Justice V.D. Gyani.

    "I am shocked to see the scenario here. It is wrong and illegal to displace people without rehabilitation", commented Justice Jain. "The pain of the people here is deeper than the depth of the Sardar Sarovar Dam", added Justice Jain after hearing the complaints of the oustees in the villages he visited.

    Justice Das who visited the valley for the first time said, "I have read in books about the struggle by the people in the Narmada valley over 30 years". "Gradually the practice of agriculture of is being declined. The policies results are such that the farmers are discouraged go ahead with agriculture. Agriculture must be respected and encouraged", he added.

    On this occasion social activist Ms. Medha Patkar informed that there are 16,000 families who were earlier declared under submergence at the 122 m height of the Sardar Sarovar Dam but now when the height of the dam is being increased to 17 meters these same families are excluded from the list.   

    The Judges are to conclude their visit late evening and undertake a detailed hearing called "Jan Adalat" at Rajghat, Badwani tomorrowfrom 11 a.m. onwards in the presence of thousands of oustees and are likely to announce their interim Opinion / Findings, based on their observations and assessment of the legal and field situation. The Panel shall be joined by Jst. (Retd.) N.K. Modi (M.P. High Court) tomorrow

    Mukesh         Hirdaram          Rahul Yadav                   Leelabai                  Shantabai                          Contact Ph: 09179148973 

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    BOUDH DALIT GIRL’S BODY FOUND HANGING FROM TREE .Dalits Media Watch - News Updates 11.09.15


    Dalits Media Watch

    News Updates 11.09.15



    Dalit woman gang-raped, seven arrested within hours - The times of india


    Parallel protests in UoH by teachers, students - The times of india


    'Funds still hard for dalits, govt must do more' - The times of india


    Southern districts on high alert for Immanuel Sekaran's guru pooja - The times of india


    Former MP Balkrishna Wasnik passes away - The times of india



    Please Watch:

    Lalit: Dalit/Adivasis should go abroad for Higher Studies



    Note: Please find attachment for DMW Hindi (PDF)


    The pioneer




    A 15-year-old Dalit girl's body was on Thursday found hanging from a tree in Boudh district. The girl was a class-IX student at Gogendradeb upgraded school at Jaitapur village in the district.


    The body, which bore several injury marks, was sent for post-mortem, the police said, adding that the victim's mother in her FIR alleged that it was a case of rape and murder.


    The girl had left her house in the evening of Tuesday and did not return till her body was found. As the leg of the body was touching the ground, the family members suspected it to be a case of rape and murder.

    The police have picked up two persons for questioning.


    In another incident, the body of a female worker (45) was recovered on Wednesday in a pool of blood at a hotel near ITI on the outskirt of Phulbani town, police said. The victim hailed from Kunjanpada village under Komna Police Station in Nuapada district. Khajuripada police station IIC Akshay Kumar Ghadei said the body was sent for post mortem to the District Headquarters Hospital here.


    The times of india

    Dalit woman gang-raped, seven arrested within hours



    Amravati: Chandur Bazar police nabbed seven people, including two juveniles, who gang-raped a 25-year-old woman in a farm on Jalnapur-Riddhapur roadWednesday night. Police identified the accused as Sandeep Thakare, Shiva Jamthe, Santosh Lakhan Sanskar, Prafulla Waghade and Shivam Wankhade, all residents of Riddhapur. The names of the minors have been withheld.


    Police said that the rape survivor is a married woman and mother of a 7-year-old daughter but stays away from her husband, who resides in Warud.


    Chandur Bazar Police Inspector SR Rajput told TOI that the woman is a native of Riddhapur but had shifted to Chandur Bazar about a month ago after she lost her job at a private clinic. Rajput said that around 7.30pm on Wednesday, her acquaintance in Riddhapur, a minor, called her on her cell phone. While talking to him, she told him that she was jobless and requested him to suggest patients in need of medicare so that she could earn her living. She also asked for a help of Rs 1,500 till she landed another job.


    The youth, Prakash (name changed) asked her to come to Riddhapur with his friend Santosh Sanskar, who, he said, would fetch her on his bike. Santosh reached the woman's place and took the woman with him on his bike. But instead of taking her to Riddhapur, he drove her towards Sonori-Nanori village on Jalnapur-Riddhapur road. Then leaving the main road, he took a narrow lane that led to a farm, about 1km away. There he took her in a hut and they waited there for Prakash.


    Prakash reached there with his five friends Sandeep Thakare, Shiva jamthe, Prafulla Waghade, Shivam Wankhade and another minor Hitesh (name changed) around 9.00pm. For the next two hours, they raped the woman and then fled from the spot, leaving the victim behind.


    PI Rajput told TOI that the victim walked back to Riddhapur and reached Chandur Bazar police station in a vehicle around 12.30am and narrated her tale. He said that police swung into action and arrested all seven accused from different places in Riddhapur before dawn. He said that the victim's medical examination was conducted and an offence under sections 120, 376(d) of IPC and relevant sections of Atrocity Act was registered around 1.25 am.


    SDPO Paunikar is now investigating into the case.


    The times of india

    Parallel protests in UoH by teachers, students



    HYDERABAD: Anarchy ruled the roost at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) on Thursday. Two simultaneous protests rocked the campus - one against the 'gender and racial discrimination' faced by Gracious Temsen, an associate professor from the Northeast, and the other against the suspension of five dalit students over a recent altercation.

    Members of the University of Hyderabad Teachers' Association (UHTA) began an indefinite relay hunger strike in front of the DST Auditorium, with K Laxminarayana, president of UHTA, and Abani Vhuyan, professor at the chemistry department, taking the lead. They were protesting the raid on Temsen's house by on-campus security guards in her absence on May 31.

    "Despite raising our voices for more than a week, nobody from the administration came forward to discuss the issue," said Laxminarayana. The teachers have threatened that if the authorities fail to meet their demands, the final step would be to boycott classes.

    The UHTA has asked the authorities to issue show cause notices to the deputy registrar, estate and security, for conducting the search.They have also demanded a public apology to Temsen and inclusion of faculty members from the Northeast in the probe committee. 

    While the strike was on at the auditorium, hundreds of students shut down the administrative building protesting against the suspension of five dalit students by a proctorial board for allegedly beating up Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) president Susheel Kumar. The students demanded that the proctorial board immediately revoke the decision.

    "The report by the proctorial board clearly states that they couldn't find any hard evidence on whether the five dalit students hit the ABVP president Susheel or not. Then on what basis did they take the decision?" questioned Daniel B, general secretary of the students' union.

    During the day , vice-chancellor RP Sharma reportedly held a meeting with the heads of departments, chief warden and members of the proctorial board to decide the further course of action. After several deliberations, the administration decided to review the students' issue.

    However, the students' union was not enthused and continued the protest. "If the same committee reviews the issue, there are very few chances that they would revoke the decision," said Daniel, demanding that a new board look into the matter to reach a just conclusion.


    The times of india

    'Funds still hard for dalits, govt must do more'



    Tamil Nadu may have more dalit entrepre neurs in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) category than any other state, but most of them face problems in getting credit because of their caste, Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chairman Milind Kamble (pic) said on Thursday . 

    "Many dalit MSME entrepreneurs in the state are not able to secure financing once they disclose their caste," Kamble told TOI on the sidelines of the Global Investors Meet. "Most of them are first generation entrepreneurs and don't have any credit worth mentioning to support them." 

    "My father was a small businessman in Maharashtra," he said. "When I wanted to start a company , the first hurdle I faced to secure funds was my caste. This situation is still the same in TN." 

    As access to funding is a major impediment for dalit entrepreneurs, the government should relax credit norms for dalits, Kamble said. 

    "The government should devise schemes to give loans to dalit entrepreneurs without any collateral," he said. "That will help more people from the scheduled castes and tribes start businesses." He said the 1991 economic reforms not only opened the economy to foreign investors, they also created business avenues for dalits.

    The number of dalit entrepreneurs in the country has been increasing exponentially. According to the 20152016 Union budget, there are 5.77 lakh dalit entrepreneurs, including 77,000 in TN.

    "Apart from funds, acquisition and retention of talent are also a hurdle for dalit entrepreneurs," he said. 

    Tamil Nadu MSME minister P Mohan said of the `11 lakh crore investments the state received during the summit, around `16,000 crore was for small industries. The state was drawing up a separate industrial policy for MSMEs, he said.

    Many MSMEs participating in the meet complained of delayed credit and clearances. 

    "I set up a unit in the Sipcot complex in Ariyalur. I have been running around for two years to get clearances and still have not got a power connection," Dhananjayan of Ariyalur said. "I will be able to get the remaining clearances in 30 days as the chief minister promised."


    The times of india

    Southern districts on high alert for Immanuel Sekaran's guru pooja



    MADURAI: Madurai and its surroundings districts have been brought under a thick security blanket ahead of the 58th death anniversary of dalit leader and freedom fighter, Immanuel Sekaran, which falls on Friday

    Paramakudi town in Ramanathapuram district, where the death anniversary will be observed is now the centre of focus with a large posse of police personnel from various districts deployed there. Elaborate arrangements have been made to monitor the crowd and control traffic movement. 

    Ramanathapuram police would monitor the situation through video streaming captured through blimp, a barrage balloon with high-end camera, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in addition to a device to automatically recognise number plates.

    Over 4,000 police personnel, including 3000 drawn from various parts of the state are to be used for the guru pooja. Security arrangements are being made under the direct supervision of South Zone IG. Around 10 SPs and more than 35 DSP rank police officers will also monitor the situation. In Sivaganga, over 2,500 police personnel will be kept on high alert on Friday.

    A dry day has also been announced in various districts including Madurai and Ramanathapuram. In a statement issued by the Madurai district collector all Tasmac units, elite bars and bars attached with hotels will remain closed throughout the day on Friday.

    Officials said that all vehicles will be thoroughly checked in the district borders. In Madurai, a total of 14 checkposts and over 100 mobile units are in place to monitor the roads en route to Paramakudi. Closed circuit television cameras have been established at the checkpoints to record vehicular movements. 

    With a large number of vehicles expected for the guru pooja necessary traffic regulations have been announced by the respective district police. In Madurai, vehicles from Tirunelveli, Virudhunagar and Tuticorin going to Paramakudi should take Aruppukottai, Tiruchuli and Parthibanur. Vehicles from Pudukottai should take Tirupattur, Sivaganga, Manamadurai, Parthibanur route, while those from Madurai, Theni and Dindigul districts including buses should go via Silaiman, Tiruppuvanam, Manamadurai, Parthibanur. Vehicles towards Ramanathapuram should go via Sivaganga Road Junction on Ring Road, Karuppayurani, Varichur, Poovandhi, Sivaganga and Ilaiyankudi, district police said. 


    The times of india

    Former MP Balkrishna Wasnik passes away



    Nagpur: Veteran Congress leader and three-term member of Parliament Balkrishna Wasnik passed away on Thursday at a private hospital here following cardiac failure. His son and All India Congress Committee general secretary and ex-Union minister Mukul Wasnik was by his side when he breathed last around 2pm. He was 86.


    Wasnik Sr had represented two constituencies of Vidarbha in Parliament — Bhandara and Buldhana. At a young age of 28 he was first elected in 1957 from Bhandara and from the same constituency he was elected again in 1962. Later, in 1980 he shifted to Buldhana at the western end of the region. After that term, his son Mukul inherited the seat and contested four elections before shifting in 2014 to Ramtek.


    Wasnik is survived by son and two daughters, Dr Dipti and Dr Seema, and large number of family members, followers and well-wishers. The funeral procession will start from his residence near LAD Square at 10 am and the cremation will take place at Ambazari Ghat, MPCC member Nana Gawande said in a note issued on behalf of family.


    All his life Wasnik fought for the poor and oppressed sections of the society. He was at the forefront in agitations to secure reservations for Dalits. A staunch supporter of separate Vidarbha, he led the movement in 1967 as president of Mahavidarbha Rajya Sangharsh Samiti. Despite advancing age, he participated in every agitation for the cause until recently.


    Loyal to the core, he worked relentlessly for the Congress. However, his role along with Nashikrao Tirpude in the 1954 Lok Sabha by-election from Bhandara, became a sore point in later years. That by-poll was historic as Dalit icon Babasaheb Ambedkar, contesting as Scheduled Caste Federation candidate, lost to Congress candidate Borkar. The Congress, which always claimed to be champion of the oppressed classes, was blamed for nipping in the bud Ambedkar's electoral ambitions.


    Local Congress leaders and workers gathered in large numbers at his Gandhinagar residence as the news of the veteran leader's demise broke in the afternoon.


    News monitored by AMERSH & AJEET

    .Arun Khote
    On behalf of
    Dalits Media Watch Team
    (An initiative of "Peoples Media Advocacy & Resource Centre-PMARC")
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    Indian Express Reports:Barack Obama wants to admit 10,000 more refugees: White House About 17,000 Syrians have been referred over the last few years to the U.S. for resettlement by the U.N. refugee agency.


    Indian Express Reports:Barack Obama wants to admit 10,000 more refugees: White House

    About 17,000 Syrians have been referred over the last few years to the U.S. for resettlement by the U.N. refugee agency.

    By: AP | Washington | Updated: September 11, 2015 10:52 am
    syria, refugee, syrian refugee, migrants, migrant crisis, barack obama, barack obama syrian refugee, barack obama syrian migrants, barak obama news, usa refugee, usa migrants, europe migrants, europ migrant crisis, syria migrant crysis, syria news, america news, world news, latest news
    Syrian refugees cross into Hungary underneath the border fence on the Hungarian – Serbian border near Roszke. (Source: AP)

    The United States is making plans to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees in the coming budget year, a significant increase from the 1,500 people who have been cleared to resettle in the U.S. since civil war broke out in the Middle Eastern country more than four years ago, the White House said Thursday.

    The White House has been under heavy pressure to do more than just provide money to help meet the growing humanitarian crisis in Europe. Tens of thousands of people from war-torn countries in the Middle East and Africa are risking their lives and dying en masse during desperate attempts to seek safe haven on the continent.


    The refugees from Syria, however, would be people who are already in the pipeline and waiting to be let into the United States, not the thousands working their way through eastern Europe after landing in Greece. It was not immediately clear how admitting a larger number of Syrian refugees who are in the processing pipeline would help alleviate the crisis that European countries are grappling with.

    White House spokesman Josh Earnest said about $4 billion that the administration has provided to relief agencies and others is the most effective way for the U.S. to help shoulder the crisis, but that President Barack Obama has decided that admitting more Syrian refugees in the budget year that begins Oct. 1 would also help boost the U.S. response.

    About 17,000 Syrians have been referred over the last few years to the U.S. for resettlement by the U.N. refugee agency. About 1,500 are in the U.S., with another 300 scheduled to be allowed in this month. That leaves about 15,000 Syrians waiting for the clearance process to conclude, according to the State Department.

    Obama would like to admit 10,000 of those, according to Earnest's announcement.

    U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby also said the 10,000 Syrians will come from the pool of 17,000 people referred to the U.S. by the U.N. agency.

    Earnest said earlier this week that the administration has been looking at a "range of approaches" for assisting U.S. allies with 340,000 people freshly arrived from the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Many are fleeing parts of Iraq that are under the Islamic State group's control. The 1,500 Syrians who are resettling in the U.S. represent a small percentage of the 11.6 million people who have been chased out of the country or uprooted from their homes due to the civil war in Syria.

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told lawmakers Wednesday that the U.S. will increase its worldwide quota for resettling refugees by 5,000, from 70,000 to 75,000 next year — and the number could still rise, according to two officials and a congressional aide who requested anonymity to discuss a private meeting.

    Kerry said after meeting with Senate Judiciary Committee members that the U.S. would increase the number of refugees it is willing to accept. He did not provide a specific number.

    "We are looking hard at the number that we can specifically manage with respect to the crisis in Syria and Europe," he said Wednesday.

    Germany is bracing for some 800,000 asylum seekers this year.

    Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, Kerry's predecessor at the State Department, called for an "emergency global gathering" at the U.N. General Assembly meeting this month, where countries could pledge aid money and to accept some of the migrants.

    House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that the U.S. should increase the number of refugees it resettles next year by more than the 5,000 figure to help European countries, saying the figure suggested by Kerry "is far too low." Pelosi said the U.S. accepted far more refugees after the Vietnam War and could do so again.

    Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin said he would be surprised if Pope Francis does not raise the refugee issue when he visits separately with Obama and members of Congress in two weeks. "We should be ready to respond," Durbin said.

    Rep. Michael McCaul, Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, sounded alarms about the potential for Islamic State militants to use the refugee situation to sneak operatives into the West. He also said the U.S. doesn't have the manpower to adequately investigate the background of every Syrian who wants to come to the U.S.

    Earnest said the safety and security of the U.S. and its citizens would be a top consideration when deciding which refugees are let into the country.

    - See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/world/americas/us-to-take-10000-more-syrian-refugees-barack-obama/#sthash.5YZiECbO.dpuf
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    Indian Express reports: Jhumpa Lahiri awarded National Humanities Medal by Barack Obama Indian-American Lahiri was presented with the medal yesterday in the East Room of the White House in the presence of luminaries from the field of arts and humanities.

    Indian Express reports:

    Jhumpa Lahiri awarded National Humanities Medal by Barack Obama

    Indian-American Lahiri was presented with the medal yesterday in the East Room of the White House in the presence of luminaries from the field of arts and humanities.

    By: PTI | Washington | Updated: September 11, 2015 10:23 am


    Jhumpa Lahiri, barack obama, national humanities medal, jhumpa lahiri obama medal, jhumpa lahiri medal, jhumpa lahiri award, jhumpa lahiri honour, jhumpa lahiri books, barack obama, barack obama award, barack obama award, barack obama medal, world news, latest news
    President Barack Obama awards the 2014 National Humanities Medal to author Jhumpa Lahiri of New York, during a ceremony in the East Room at the White House in Washington. (Source: AP)

    President Barack Obama awards the 2014 National Humanities Medal to author Jhumpa Lahiri of New York, during a ceremony in the East Room at the White House in Washington. (Source: AP)

    US President Barack Obama has presented the prestigious National Humanities Medal to Pulitzer Prize winner, Jhumpa Lahiri, in recognition of her "beautifully wrought narratives of estrangement and belonging" which highlight the "Indian-American experience".

    Indian-American Lahiri was presented with the medal yesterday in the East Room of the White House in the presence of luminaries from the field of arts and humanities. First Lady, Michelle Obama, was also present during the ceremony.


    "The 2014 National Humanities Medal to Jhumpa Lahiri, for enlarging the human story. In her works of fiction, Dr Lahiri has illuminated the Indian-American experience in beautifully wrought narratives of estrangement and belonging," the White House citation read.

    Lahiri's parents and other family members were also present on the occasion.

    Obama described the annual awards ceremony as his favourite White House event when "truly extraordinary artists and innovators and thinkers" are recognised for their brilliance while the rest of us look on and feel totally inadequate.

    "The men and women that we honour today, recipients of the National Medals for the Arts and the Humanities, are here not only because they've shared rare truths, often about their own experience, but because they've told rare truths about the common experiences that we have as Americans and as human beings," Obama said.

    "They span mediums and methods. We have artists, actors, writers, musicians, historians, a landscape architect, and a chef. Without them there would be no Edible Schoolyard, no Jhumpa Lahiri novels, no really scary things like Carrie and Misery," the US President said amid laughter.

    "They are versatile — poets and opera singers who were also master teachers at liberal arts colleges and Detroit public schools; philosophers who wrote novels. They are visual artists who work filling pages that spilled over to screens, three-dimensional gallery floors, and most of a New York City block," he added.

    "And they all have one thing in common: They do what they do because of some urgent inner force, some need to express the truth that they experience, that rare truth. And as a result, they help us understand ourselves in ways that we might not otherwise recognise. They deepen and broaden our great American story and the human story," Obama said.

    The first National Humanities Medal was awarded in 1996.

    Since then, the medal has been bestowed upon 163 individuals and 12 organisations, including this year's recipients.

    - See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/world/americas/jhumpa-lahiri-awarderd-national-humanities-medal-by-barack-obama/#sthash.qswvbSst.dpuf

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    HINDU PARISHAD active in Bangladesh also! হিন্দু মেয়ে ধর্ষণ আ’লীগের মৌলিক অধিকার: হিন্দু পরিষদ

    HINDU PARISHAD active in Bangladesh also!
    হিন্দু মেয়ে ধর্ষণ আ'লীগের মৌলিক অধিকার: হিন্দু পরিষদ

    স্বাধীন বাংলা বেতার কেন্দ্রের কণ্ঠযোদ্ধা মনোরঞ্জন ঘোষাল বলেছেন, হিন্দুদের বাড়ি দখল আর তাদের মেয়েদের ধর্ষণ করা এখন ক্ষমতাসীন আওয়ামী লীগের নেতাকর্মীর জন্য মৌলিক অধিকার হয়ে গেছে।

    শুক্রবার জাতীয় প্রেসক্লাবের সামনে জাগো হিন্দু পরিষদ আয়োজিত মানববন্ধন ও প্রতিবাদ সমাবেশে তিনি একথা বলেন।

    মনোরঞ্জন ঘোষাল বলেন, নির্যাতনের শিকার হয়েও হিন্দুরা কোনো বিচার পায় না। হিন্দুরা দেশের সসব সুযোগ-সুবিধা থেকে বঞ্চিত।

    হিন্দুদের সবচেয়ে বড় ধর্মীয় উৎসব দুর্গাপূজায় তিন দিনের সরকারি ছুটি ও প্রশাসনিক নিরাপত্তা জোরদারের দাবি জানান স্বাধীন বাংলা বেতার কেন্দ্রর এই কণ্ঠযোদ্ধা।

    এসময় তিনি সারাদেশে সাম্প্রদায়িক হামলা, মন্দির ভাঙচুর ও নির্যাতনের প্রতিকারে সরকারের কাছে দ্রুত বিচার ট্রাইব্যুনাল গঠনের দাবি জানান মনোরঞ্জন ঘোষাল।

    জাগো হিন্দু পরিষদের সভাপতি রণজিৎ দাস বলেন, একাত্তরে দেশ স্বাধীনের পর পাকিস্তানী ধ্বংসযজ্ঞ বন্ধ হওয়া কথা ছিল। কিন্তু এখন আবার সেই ধ্বংসযজ্ঞ ফিরে এসেছে। আর তাদের হামলার শিকার হচ্ছে হিন্দুরা।

    তিনি বলেন, প্রতিদিনই দেশের কোথাও না কোথাও সংখ্যালঘুদের ওপর নির্যাতন-নিপীড়ন হচ্ছে। নির্যাতিতদের যারা ওপর মহলের পরিচিত, তারা দৌড়ঝাঁপ করে কিছুটা প্রতিকার পান। বাকিরা দেশ ছেড়ে পালিয়ে যাচ্ছেন।

    মানববন্ধনে উপস্থিত ছিলেন জাগো হিন্দু পরিষদের সাধারণ সম্পাদক নিতাই দেবনাথ, হিউম্যান রাইটসের আ্যডভোকেট রনবিন্দ ঘোষ, বাংলাদেশ হিন্দু সংস্কার সমিতির সভাপতি অধ্যাপক হিরেন্দ্রনাথ বিশ্বাস ও সংগঠনের সদস্য শিশির দাস।

    হিন্দু মেয়ে ধর্ষণ আ'লীগের মৌলিক অধিকার: হিন্দু পরিষদ
    মনোরঞ্জন ঘোষাল বলেন, নির্যাতনের শিকার হয়েও হিন্দুরা কোনো বিচার পায় না। হিন্দুরা দেশের সসব সুযোগ-সুবিধা থেকে বঞ্চিত।
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    14 Years Later: Remembering 9/11


    New York, USA-UNITED SIKHS observes the 14th anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11th, 2001. This day claimed 2,996 lives, left over 6,000 individuals injured, and forever changed the world we live in. For Sikhs, Muslims, Arabs, and other minority communities, the terror did not end on September 11th. 4 days after the attacks, another life was lost in the name of hate and ignorance-Sikh American Balbir Singh was shot outside of his gas station in Mesa, Arizona, his assailant telling witnesses he was going to go "kill some towelheads", shortly before the murder. This incident marked the beginning of an alarming increase in hate crimes against Sikh, Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Americans, including vandalism on places of worship, assault, and murder. As a result, UNITED SIKHS and other civil rights organizations joined the effort to ensure hate crimes against Sikhs, Arabs, and Hindus are tracked by federal agencies such as the FBI, who announced earlier this year that they will begin doing so.

    Although it has been 14 years since 9/11, the most recent of these hate crimes occurred only this week. 53 year old Inderjit Singh of Chicago, Illinois was driving when he was cut off by another driver who proceeded to get out of his car, approach Singh, and punch him repeatedly, referring to him as "Bin Laden", and telling him to go back to his country.


    Inderjit Singh after the attack.

    In August, another Sikh man was fatally assaulted near his home. Satwinder Singh was stabbed multiple times by unidentified attackers who did not take any of his possessions after the attack. After 14 years, hate crimes continue to impact the Sikh community.

    On this day, the Sikh community remembers their fellow Americans who lost their lives 14 years ago, stands by all the individuals who are impacted by the bias created by 9/11, and remains in solidarity with all peace and justice loving organizations. It is up to us as individuals to stand up for our civil rights and refuse to live in fear. UNITED SIKHS continues to work towards combating ignorance and spreading awareness about the issues the Sikh community faces, through efforts such as the annual Sikh Summit, during which community members are given the opportunity to meet their Congressional representatives and discuss anti-Sikh violence and other issues. Click here to learn more about our efforts. Through projects such as these, we strive to spread awareness of the post 9/11 backlash faced by the Sikh community, and work towards creating a safer, more tolerant world.

    Our efforts to combat prejudice extend globally. If you are a victim of racial, ethnic, or religious-based violence, contact Law-usa@unitedsikhs.org.

    Issued By- 
    Manwinder Singh
    Director, International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy (ICHRA), UNITED SIKHS
    P 646-688-3525, 888-243-1690

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    Indians account for the largest number of expatriates in Saudi Arabia

    Indians account for the largest number of expatriates in Saudi Arabia

    Indian nationals form 19.4 percent, Pakistanis 14.5, Bangladeshis 14.4, Egypt 14.3, The Philippines 11.3, Yemen 5.07, Indonesia 4.19, Sudan 2.5, and other nationalities form 15 percent of the expatriate population. 

    85 percent expatriates are from 8 countries

    85 percent expatriates are from 8 countries
    The tone of truth and moderation
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    Indian Express Reports: Netaji files with Bengal govt to be declassified, says West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee "From next Friday (September 18) the documents will be open for the public, they will be kept at the city police archive," said West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.


    Indian Express Reports:

    Netaji files with Bengal govt to be declassified, says West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee

    "From next Friday (September 18) the documents will be open for the public, they will be kept at the city police archive," said West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

    By: Express News Service | Kolkata | Updated: September 11, 2015 7:24 pm
    Netaji files, Subhas Chandra Bose, Netaji Subhash chandra bose, Mamata Banerjee, west Bengal Netaji files, netaji secret files, West bengal government, bengal news, kolkata news, india news, latest news
    "From next Friday (September 18) the documents will be open for the public, they will be kept at the city police archive," said West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

    West Bengal Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee on Friday announced the declassification of 64 files on Netaji Subash Chandra Bose which were lying with the West Bengal police all these years. "The files will be put on the public domain from next Friday," she said. She also announced that the files dating back to the years from 1937 to 1947 would be digitized.

    Addressing the media, the chief minister said that the files would be displayed in the Kolkata police Museum from Friday and would be open for the public. All 64 secret files those are with West Bengal government would be transferred to the Kolkata Police Archive.


    "We want to maintain transparency and accountability. People must know about Netaji. He was a national icon. We know Netaji's date of birth. We have no idea about his death. People deserve to know about his last days," Mamata Banerjee said.

    The sudden announcement came as a big surprise in political circles as well as in the Netaji family. Krishna Bose, the former Trinamool Congress MP and a Netaji family member said initially that she had no idea about the announcement. But later, she said: "It is a good decision. For over 70 years these files were hidden. People wanted to know about Netaji and the mystery of his disappearance.This will surely be a direction to the central government," she added. She howevere, felt that these files may not answer the real questions about Netaji's disappearance. These files are likely to be dealing with the police agents shadowing Netaji while he lived in Kolkata, Krishna Bose said.

    Chandra Bose, another Netaji kin who had been demanding for long for declassification of the Netaji files said: "Mamata Banerjee has finally responded to our demands. We had written 5/6 letters to the chief ministers and many more to the prime minister. Mamata Banerjee has responded to the people's demand for information on Netaji."

    He went on to add that the family demands declassification of another 135 files lying with the central government, declassification of KGB files and those with the British Intelligence. "We have filed an RTI with the British government too and they have responded saying that they are scrutinizing the files." Chandra Bose said that this move would certainly put pressure on the central government.

    Debabrata Biswas – a leader of the Forward Bloc said said that the party welcomes the move of the state government but it demands the total declassification of all Netaji files. These files may not answer the mystery of Netaji's disappearance, he said.

    - See more at: http://indianexpress.com/article/india/west-bengal/files-concerning-netaji-will-be-in-public-domain-from-next-friday-mamata-banerjee/#sthash.NspCjz8Z.dpuf
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    Chairman of J&K Peoples League Mukhtar Ahmad Waza has been arrested by Police and Kept in Police Station Sadar , Anantnag. A PL Spokesman told Makbool Veeray of Sachnews Jammu Kashmir Over Phone that Waza reached Anantnag at 8 PM last night after attending Executive Committee meeting of the Party at Srinagar. As soon as he reached near his house at Kadipora, Police arrested him and lodged him in Police station Sadar, Anantnag.


    Mukhtar Waza arrested in Anantnag : Anantnag, September 11: Chairman of J&K Peoples League Mukhtar Ahmad Waza has been arrested by Police and Kept in Police Station Sadar , Anantnag. A PL Spokesman told Makbool Veeray of Sachnews Jammu Kashmir Over Phone that Waza reached Anantnag at 8 PM last night after attending Executive Committee meeting of the Party at Srinagar. As soon as he reached near his house at Kadipora, Police arrested him and lodged him in Police station Sadar, Anantnag. 

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    Amarpartap DhillonReally sad. Wen will the VIP culture in India come to an end. We thought Modi will bring change but he is no different. So many man hours wasted by shutting down schools, offices. All major services hit. Even crematoriums not spared. Where is this nation heading to. Did PMO not know about these developments beforehand on what Chandigarh administration was doing and couldn't they have averted this. PM has visited so many nations by now, he should learn how politicians in other countries live and travel. Star attraction was Kirron Kher who visited her constituency after such a long time.


    NDTV shared:

    For PM Visit, Chandigarh Crematorium to Run as Parking Lot: 10 Developmentshttps://lnkd.in/bgYqN6Q

    chandigarh airport 7.jpg

      Really sad. Wen will the VIP culture in India come to an end. We thought Modi will bring change but he is no different. So many man hours wasted by shutting down schools, offices. All major services hit. Even crematoriums not spared. Where is this nation heading to. Did PMO not know about these developments beforehand on what Chandigarh administration was doing and couldn't they have averted this. PM has visited so many nations by now, he should learn how politicians in other countries live and travel. Star attraction was Kirron Kher who visited her constituency after such a long time.

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      आर. जी. कुरील

      भारत में लोकतंत्र डूब रहा है 
      लाभकारी सकारी संस्थानों को औने पौने दामो में निजी हाथो को बेचा जा रहा है। सांस्कृतिक व शैक्षिक संस्थाओं पर संघ समर्थक अपात्र लोगों को बैठाया जा रहा है। वित्तीय व सार्वजानिक क्षेत्र की बैंको को निजी हाथों में सौंपने की तयारी चल रही है अभी तक BJP सरकार ने जितनी योजनाओं को लागु किया है उनसे पूजीपतियों को लाभ पहुंचा है पूजी पतियों ने लगभग सभी इलेकट्रॉनिक चैनलों पर कब्ज़ा कर लिया हैस्मार्ट शहर बनाने से बिल्डरों व बड़े लोगों को लाभ होगा,मेट्रो ट्रैन माल रेस्टोरेंट ये सभी विकाश योजनाओं से वंचितो ,अति पिछड़ों व् अल्पसंख्यको कोई लाभ नहीं मिलता, निजी हाथों की महंगी शिक्षा इन तबकों की पहुँच से बहार है.गावों की सरकारी शिक्ष जिसमे बहुजनो के बच्चे पढ़ते हैं वह पंगु है तथा वहां के पढ़े बच्चे सिर्फ मजदूर बन सकते हैं. देश में हिंदुत्व वादी चरमपंथी लोगों को बढ़ावा दिय जा रहा है मानववादी लोगों को कुचला जा रहा है. चुनाव इतने महंगे कर दिए गए की वहाँतक केवल धन बली व पूँजीपति पहुँच सकते हैं देश के ८५ करोड़ लोग जिनकी प्रतिदिन की आय २० रूपए से कम है क्या वे इन मंहगे चुनावों में भाग ले सकते हैं? जहाँ साँसद की चुनाव खर्च सीमा ७० लाख व विधायक की ४०लख रूपए निर्धारित हो. दलितों पर सवर्ण आतंक हावी है दलित हत्यारों को बिन सजा दिए छोड़ दिया जाता हो, दलितों के हिस्से खुलेआम सवर्ण हड़प रहे हों। ऐसे में कोई कहे भारत में लोकतंत्र मजबूत हो रहा है यह कोरी गप्प है भारत का लुंज पुंज होता लोकतंत्र वास्तव में डूबने की कगार पर है। 
      ------बहुजन भागीदारी मोर्चा द्वार बहुजन हित में जारी

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      Authorities have decided to impose restrictions in parts of Srinagar city, including downtown amid fears of widespread protests during the shutdown called by Syed Ali Geelani led Hurriyat against the beef ban.

      Next: Bhadanta Prajnasheel यु.पी. वालों की सोच यु. पी.तक , एम.पी. वालों की एम.पी. तक, बिहार वालों की बिहार तक, महाराष्ट्र वालों की महाराष्ट्र तक और ब्राह्मण केवल ब्राह्मणों तक, S.C. केवल एस. सी. तक और आदिवासी केवल आदिवासी तक सोचता रहेगा तब समाज और देश की एकता और अखंडता के विषय मे कौन सोचेगा? घटिया और नीच सोच के कारण जातिवाद, वर्णवाद और मानवता का महारोग ब्राह्मणवाद जिंदा है। घटिया और नीच सोच के कारण ही 3% चोर उचक्के 90% बहुजनों को समस्याओं के जंजालचक्र मे उलझाये हुए है। --

      Restrictions in downtown, Maisuma tomorrow : Srinagar, Sep 11: Authorities have decided to impose restrictions in parts of Srinagar city, including downtown amid fears of widespread protests during the shutdown called by Syed Ali Geelani led Hurriyat against the beef ban. Restrictions will be in place in the areas falling under the jurisdiction of police station Rainawari, Nowhatta, Maharaj Gunj, & Safa Kadal of the downtown here, official sources said Similarly, restrictions will also be imposed in the areas falling under the jurisdiction of Maisuma and Kralkhud in uptown.

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