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These fascists can do anything to fascilitate their corporate financers. Why the ordinance was brought, is to be considered n why now it been left back, should be investigated with a vigil eye. What about adani's master project in gondia and proposed power project in Chhattisgarh?? Any status report???

Previous: എഴുതിക്കൊടുത്തുവിടുന്ന കുറിപ്പുകൾ കളഞ്ഞിട്ടു vs ചരിത്രം പഠിക്കണം എന്ന് gs പള്ളിക്കാരൻ നടേശൻ മൊയലാളി ! ഈ പ്രസ്താവന വലിയൊരു നാഴികക്കല്ലാണ് ... ഗുരുദേവൻ പറയാൻ വിട്ടുപോയ കാര്യമാണ് വിടുവായനായ മൊയലാളി ഇന്നലെ ആലപ്പുഴയിൽ പറഞ്ഞത് ... vs മാത്രമല്ലാ , gs ഉം അവർണ ജനത മൊത്തത്തിലും ചരിത്രം പഠിക്കാൻ തയ്യാറാവണം ...gs എങ്ങനെ പള്ളിക്കാരൻ ആയി എന്ന് gs അന്വേഷിക്കണം .... അരിവാളും താമരയും കൈപ്പത്തിയും ഹിന്ദുക്കളെ അടിമയായി നിലനിർത്താൻ വൈദികരു ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന ആയുധങ്ങളാണ് എന്ന് തിരിച്ചറിയണം ..

Anand Xalxo
September 1 at 8:46am
These fascists can do anything to fascilitate their corporate financers. 
Why the ordinance was brought, is to be considered n why now it been left back, should be investigated with a vigil eye. 
What about adani's master project in gondia and proposed power project in Chhattisgarh?? Any status report???
Should be interesting to find out whether any files were cleared under the Land Acquisition Ordinanc...

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वीरेन डंगवाल की कविता पर बातचीत और कविता आवृत्ति के आनंद के लिए 4 सितम्बर को शाम 5 बजे गांधी शांति प्रतिष्ठान, आई टी ओ के नजदीक

Next: हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से। अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम। खेत फिर जागेंगे। 'आएंगे उजले दिन जरुर ..'कह दो बेखौफ,मुहब्बत है अगर दिल कहीं धड़कता है! नफरत की सुनामियों से क्या डरना! फिजां जब कयामत है तो मुहब्बत का मजा कुछ और है! जो नफरत की आग में खाक करने पर तुले हैं कायनात और इंसानियत भी! अब उन्हें करारा मुंहतोड़ जबाव देने का वक्त इससे बेहतर नहीं कोई! रेत की तरह फिसल रहा है वक्त, दोस्तों! सिंहद्वार पर दस्तक फिर मूसलाधार! बिजलियां गिर रही हैं धुआंधार! जिगर है तो जान है,जान है तो रीढ़ है! किसी कलबुर्गी का खून बेकार बहता रहे,सिंचाई खेतों के वास्ते इससे बेमजा बात और नहीं है।हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से। अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम।खेत फिर जांगेगे। तन कर खड़ा होकर बता दो कि मुहब्बत क्या चीज है! पलाश विश्वास

Sanjay Joshi

वीरेन डंगवाल की कविता पर बातचीत और कविता आवृत्ति के आनंद के लिए 
4 सितम्बर को शाम 5 बजे गांधी शांति प्रतिष्ठान, आई टी ओ के नजदीक

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हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से। अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम। खेत फिर जागेंगे। 'आएंगे उजले दिन जरुर ..'कह दो बेखौफ,मुहब्बत है अगर दिल कहीं धड़कता है! नफरत की सुनामियों से क्या डरना! फिजां जब कयामत है तो मुहब्बत का मजा कुछ और है! जो नफरत की आग में खाक करने पर तुले हैं कायनात और इंसानियत भी! अब उन्हें करारा मुंहतोड़ जबाव देने का वक्त इससे बेहतर नहीं कोई! रेत की तरह फिसल रहा है वक्त, दोस्तों! सिंहद्वार पर दस्तक फिर मूसलाधार! बिजलियां गिर रही हैं धुआंधार! जिगर है तो जान है,जान है तो रीढ़ है! किसी कलबुर्गी का खून बेकार बहता रहे,सिंचाई खेतों के वास्ते इससे बेमजा बात और नहीं है।हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से। अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम।खेत फिर जांगेगे। तन कर खड़ा होकर बता दो कि मुहब्बत क्या चीज है! पलाश विश्वास


हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से।

अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम। खेत फिर जागेंगे।

' आएंगे उजले दिन जरुर ..'

कह दो बेखौफ,मुहब्बत है अगर दिल कहीं धड़कता है!

नफरत की सुनामियों से क्या डरना!

फिजां जब कयामत है तो मुहब्बत का मजा कुछ और है!

जो नफरत की आग में खाक करने पर तुले हैं कायनात और इंसानियत भी!

अब उन्हें करारा मुंहतोड़ जबाव देने का वक्त इससे बेहतर नहीं कोई!

रेत की तरह फिसल रहा है वक्त, दोस्तों!

सिंहद्वार पर दस्तक फिर मूसलाधार!

बिजलियां गिर रही हैं धुआंधार!

जिगर है तो जान है,जान है तो रीढ़ है!

किसी कलबुर्गी का खून बेकार बहता रहे,सिंचाई खेतों के वास्ते इससे बेमजा बात और नहीं है।हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से।

अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम।खेत फिर जांगेगे।

तन कर खड़ा होकर बता दो कि मुहब्बत क्या चीज है!

पलाश विश्वास

' आएंगे उजले दिन जरुर ..'

कवि वीरेन डंगवाल की कविता पर बातचीत और उनकी कविताओं की आवृत्ति के आनंद के लिए. 4 सितम्बर की शाम को आई टी ओ के नजदीक गांधी शांति प्रतिष्ठान जरुर पहुंचे.

अनुपम सिंह

जसम, दिल्ली के लिए

97 18427689

लिखना शुरु किया कि एक बुरी खबर आ गयी। डा.मांधाता सिंह ने फोन किया।देर से कोशिश कर रहे थे लेकिन तब मेरी अभिषेक से गुफ्तगू चल रही थी।डाक्साब ने बताया कि शैलेंद्र की मां का निधन हो गया।उनका फोन काटकर शैलेंद्र को फोन लगाया तो वह तब भी रोये जा रहा था।गला रुंध था।मां का इलाहाबाद में आज सुबह ही दस बजे निधन हो गया।मां को श्रद्धांजलि।

कह दो बेखौफ,मुहब्बत है अगर दिल कहीं धड़कता है

नफरत की सुनामियों से क्या डरना!

फिजां जब कयामत है तो मुहब्बत का मजा कुछ और है!

जो नफरत की आग में खाक करने पर तुले हैं कायनात और इंसानियत भी!

अब उन्हें करारा मुंहतोड़ जबाव देने का वक्त इससे बेहतर नहीं कोई

रेत की तरह फिसल रहा है वक्त, दोस्तों!

सिंहद्वार पर दस्तक फिर मूसलाधार!

बिजलियां गिर रही हैं धुआंधार!

जिगर है तो जान है,जान है तो रीढ़ है!

तन कर खड़ा होकर बता दो कि मुहब्बत क्या चीज है!

दरअसल औकात हमारी बहुत छोटी है।हूं वहीं किसान का बेटा दरअसल।बाकी पहचान बेमतलब बदमजगी है।

बचपन से पुरखों की सिखायी तकनीक पल्लू में बंधी सी है कि जमीन को पकाना सबसे जरुरी है और फिर बारिशें भी पैदा करना है।फिजां अगर खराब है तो फिजां को भी बदल देनी है।

कायनात की खुशबूओं को जस का तस बनाये रखने से बड़ी रहमत,नियामत और बरकत कोई और नहीं है और इसलिए मुहब्बत सबसे ज्यादा जरुरी है।

फसल के लिए मुहब्बत की कसरत और कवायद इबादत से भी जरुरी है।तभी सोना उगले खेत हमारे।

बचपन से पुरखों की सिखायी तकनीक पल्लू में बंधी सी है कि खेती अगर करनी है ठीकठाक तो जमीन की तैयारी हर वक्त आदत होनी चाहिए।जमीन की खिदमत से जी भी चुरानी नहीं चाहिए।

हर गीत,हर बोल खेती के वास्ते होने चाहिए।

हर मुहावरे में जमीन खुशबू बदस्तूर होनी चाहिए।

दरअसल औकात हमारी बहुत छोटी है।हूं वहीं किसान का बेटा दरअसल।बाकी पहचान बेमतलब बदमजगी है।

बड़ी मार खायी है बचपन से।बात बेबात पिटा हूं।मोम का हूं नहीं।धूप बरसात हिमपात में पका हूं।

बाल दाढ़ी में मेंहदी नहीं लगाता कि जमीन की महक बनाये रखना जिंदगी जीने के लिए दुआ और दवा से भी ज्यादा जरुरी है।

बड़ी मार खायी है बचपन से।बात बेबात पिटा हूं।

मोम का हूं नहीं।धूप बरसात हिमपात में पका हूं।

हमेशा सीख यही मिली है कि चाहे खुदा बन जाओ कभी तो अपनी जमीन से कटना नहीं हरगिज।

अपनी जड़ों से कटना नहीं हरगिज।

वरना समझो कयामत है।

खुशखबरी यह भी है कि फासीवाद की ताजा मिसाइलों के जवाब भी हमारे पास है।27 करोड़ का हिसाब जो बता रहे हैं और इसतरह जो वंचितों की दुनिया उजाड़ने की जुगत लगा रहे हैं,उनको बता दें कि हमें मालूम है कि वे जो कर रहे हैं,वह आरक्षण की लड़ाई नहीं है हरगिज,यह सरासर आगजनी है।

मुल्क को आग में झोंकने की कारस्तानी है,जिसके मुखातिब हो चुके हैं हमारे पुरखे।अब हम मुखातिब हैं।

यूं समझो,जिनने लाहौर न देखाया हो कि लाहौर फिर जल रहा है।

यूं समजो कि सियालकोट या पुरानी दिल्ली से लाशों से लैस ट्रेनेें अब हर दिशा में चल पड़ी है बुलट गति से।विकास यही है।

यूं समझो कि नोआखाली अब भी जल रहा है और कोलकाता में डाइरेक्ट ऐक्शन जारी है और कोई बापू अनशन पर है।

हमारे पुरखे जो तेभागा के सिपाही थे।

सियासती मजहब से या मजहबी सियासत से जमींदारों की हवेलियों से कत्लेआम का जो स्थाई बंदोबस्त अंग्रेजी हुकूमत से हासिल कर लियाथा उनने,जो दरअसल मुगलों और पठानों के जमाने से चली आ रही सत्ता के प्रति उनकी बेमिसाल वफादारी की विरासत थी और जिसके दम पर वे सदियों से हमें और हमारे लोगों को मजहब,सियासत और हुकूमत के त्रिशुल से बिंध रहे थे,हमारा आखेट कर रहे थे,उसका मुकम्मल जवाब था तेभागा।

यूं तो आदिवासी विद्रोहों का सिलसिला मोहंजोदोड़ो और हड़पा के पतन के बाद कभी थमा नहीं है और न खेती का सिलसिला कभी बंद हुआ है और न किसानों की गुलामी कभी खत्म हुई है,न सियासत,मजहब और हुकूमत के त्रिशुल से आखेट कभी थमा है।

ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के राज के खिलाफ लड़ते मरते रहे हैं हमारे लोग और हुकूमत के कारिंदे ने दमन में हुकूमत का साथ दिया हमेशा।

मंगल पांडेय ने बैरकपुर छावनी में जो गोली चलायी,उसकी गूंज दिल्ली में बहादुर शाह जफर के किले तक में हलचल मचा गयी और मेरठ से लेकर देश का चप्पा चप्पा जाग उठा।

नवजागरण के मसीहा सारे के सारे जमींदारियों के रहनुमा थे और आजादी के बोल उनके लफ्ज बनकर लबों पर खिले नहीं कभी।

पलाशी की लड़ाई हारने वाले लोग भी वे ही थे तो पलाशी की लड़ाई जीतने वाले लोग भी वे ही थे।दिल्ली की हुकूमत पलाशी की हार है।

चुआड़ विद्रोह को चोर चूहाड़ों का विद्रोह कहकर इतिहास से बेदखल करने वाले लोग भी वे ही थे जो हजारों साल पहले मोहंजोदोड़ो और हड़प्पा को मटियामेट कर चुके थे।

किसानों और बहुजनों ने जब फिर बगावत की तो उनने सन्यासी विद्रोह का आनंदमठ रच दिया जो आखिर आहा कि आनंदो वाहा कि आनंदो आनंदोबाजार में आज तब्दील है।वही वंदेमातरम है।

किसानों ने बगावत की तो कह दिया कि भीलों का विद्रोह है या मुंडा विद्रोह है या संथाल विद्रोह है।

जैसे आज भी जल जंगल जमीन का मसला है या बेदखली के खिलाफ बगावत है तो कह देते है कि राष्ट्रद्रोह है,माओवाद है या फिर आतंकवाद है।

वे जो कत्लेआम करें खुलेआम,वे जो बलात्कार करें दिनदहाड़े,डाका डालें सरेबाजार,आगजनी करें देश के चप्पे चप्पे में,मुल्क के बंटवारे का हर वक्त जुगत लगाते रहें,वे सारे लोग जनता के नुमाइंदे हैं और उनका सारा धतकरम धरम करम राजकाज है।

तेभागा तब भी चल रहा था जब नोआखाली और कोलकाता में आगजनी और कत्लेाम का समां कहर रहा था।

जब ट्रेनों में बरकर लाशें सीमाओं के आर पार जा रही थी और नई दिल्ला मे सत्ता हस्तांतरण के साथ साथ जनसंख्या स्थानांतरण के कारोबारी समझौते पर दस्तखत कर रहे थे हमारे भाग्यविधाता।

तेभागा तब भी चल रहा था जब किसी नाथूराम गोडसे ने किसी बापू के सीने को गोलियों से छलनी कर दिया था और हे राम कहते हुए वे गिर पड़े थे।

अब फर्क बस इतनाहै कि बापू गोलियां खाने के बाद राम का नाम ले रहे थे और वे राम का नाम ले रहे थे कि वे अपने रब से दुआ आखिरी मांग रहे थे कि कातिलों से इस मुल्क को ,इस कायनात को सही सलामत रखें रब,इसी लिए कुरबानी वह थी।

गोडसे को हमने रब बना लिया फिर भी मजा देखिये कि शर्म लेकिन आती नहीं है कि गांधी का नाम बेशर्म लबों पर है।

फिरकुरबानियों का सिलसिला शुरु हुआ है।

दाभोलकर और कलबुर्गी के नाम आखिरी नहीं हैं उनके हिटलिस्ट में यकीनन।हत्यारे आखेट में निकल पड़े हैं।जो मरा नहीं,मारे जायेंगे।

कत्लेआम के लिए जिनके घोड़े और साँढ़ देश का चप्पा चप्पा छान रहे हैं।चप्पा चप्पा आग के हवाले कर रहे थे।नदियां फिर खून हैं।

जो लड़ रहे थे तेभागा की लड़ाई जो जान रहे थे खेत देहात के हकहकूक अनजाने ही एक झटके से एक दूसरे के किलाफ लामबंद कर दिये गये वे सारे किसान।

जो जांत पांत मजहब से भी बंटे न थे,मजहबी सियासत और देश के बंटवारे ने जिन्हें अकस्मात दो फाड़ कर दिया।

फिर पढ़ें टोबा टेक सिंह का किस्सा,पिर समझें वह राज कि कैसे हिंदु्तान का दिल चाक चाक हुआ।

दो फाड़ पहले हुआ और फिर चाक चाक हुआ।

सबसे खतरे की बात यह है कि हत्यारे सारे सामंतों के प्रेत फिर जाग उठे हैं।

सबसे खतरे की बात यह है कि बलात्कारी सारे सामंतो के प्रेत फिर जाग उठे हैं।

सबसे खतरे की बात यह है कि दंगाई सारे सामंतो के प्रेत फिर जाग उठे हैं।

गौर करें कि तेभागा तब भी जारी था और उसे तब भी नक्सलवादी कहा जा रहा था।

गौर करें कि तेभागा तब भी जारी था और सेना के जरिये जमींदारों क तबका फिर वहीं दमन बरपा रहा था जब सरहद के उस पार बांग्लादेश जनम रहा था।

तेबागा का किस्सा खुलने लगा है तो बात भी दूर तलक जायेगी।

वंचितों के हकहकूक के मामलात.जल जमीन जंगलात के मामलात और अपने तमाम मसलों को जो लोग कोटा और आरक्षण से जोड़कर सियासत मजहब और हुकूमत के त्रिशुल की धार बने हुए हैं अब भी,उन्हें खबर नहीं है कि उन्हीं लोगों के हाथों में नयका त्रिशुल पारमाणविक मिसाइली यह ग्लोबीकरण उदारीकरण और निजीकरण हैं।

उन्हें मालूम नहीं कि बहुजनों की दावेदारी उनकी है जो अल्पजन होकर भी सियासत मजहब और हुकूमत के वारिशान हैं।

उन्हें मालूम नहीं कि नये सिरे से आरक्षण आंदोलन यह आरक्षण आंदोलन नहीं है,दरअसल,आरक्षण खत्म करो आंदोलन है।

खुशखबरी है कि कोटा आरक्षण के सारे फारमूला सार कूट अब डीकोड हैं और हम इस कारोबार का खुलासा भी बहुत जल्द करने वाले हैं।फिलहाल मेइनस्ट्रीम के अगले अंकों का इंतजार करें कि वहां आनंद तेलतुंबड़े का प्रवचन होगा सिलसिलेवार और हमारे ब्लागों को देखते रहें लगातार,देकते रहे हस्तक्षेप।

क्योंकि मीडिया में हानीमून और सुगंधित कंडोम के सिवाय़ कुछ होता नहीं है।मीडिया वह तस्वीर आगजनी की लगाता भी नहीं है।

न मीडिया में कत्लेआम और गैंगरेप,आगजनी,बेदखली के खिलाफ कोई एफआईआर कहीं दर्ज होता है।

इसीलिए हस्तक्षेप जरुरी है।

हमारे पास सारी भाषाों के कांटेट आ रहा है।

जिसकी जो भाषा है,उसमें अपनी चीखें मुकम्मल दर्ज कीजिये,हम यकीनन उन चीखों को अंजाम तक पहुंचायेंगे।

आज ही बात हुई है बंगलूर में कि कन्नड़ में जो चीखें हैं,वे अंग्रेजी और हिंदी खुलासे के साथ दर्ज कर दी जाेंगी,फाइनल हो गया है।

किसी कलबुर्गी का खून बेकार बहता रहे,सिंचाई खेतों के वास्ते इससे बेमजा बात और नहीं है।हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से।

अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम।खेत फिर जांगेगे।

खास बात यह है कि अभिषेक ने कहा है कि बांग्लादेश से जो हकीकत निकल रहा है किसानों और वंचितों,दलितों और बहुजनों की लड़ाई का बांग्ला में,उसका अनुवाद संभव है।

चाहे तो मेरा भाई दिलीप मंडल यह काम बखूब कर सकता है।

हम अपने भाई से इस सिलसिले में बात नहीं करेंगे।

बड़ा भाई हूं।मजाक नहीं है।

भाई के दिल में मुहब्बत है तो भाई ही न समझेगा कि भाई को आखिर क्या चाहिए!

सिर्फ इतना समझ लें कि नफरत की आग वे जितनी तेज करते जायेंगे और जितना वे खून बहाते रहेंगे,जमीन हमारी बनती रहेगी और जमीन पकती भी रहेगी यकीनन।

किसी कलबुर्गी का खून बेकार बहता रहे,सिंचाई खेतों के वास्ते इससे बेमजा बात और नहीं है।हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से।

अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम।खेत फिर जांगेगे।

हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से।

अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम। खेत फिर जागेंगे।

' आएंगे उजले दिन जरुर ..'

कह दो बेखौफ,मुहब्बत है अगर दिल कहीं धड़कता है!

नफरत की सुनामियों से क्या डरना!

फिजां जब कयामत है तो मुहब्बत का मजा कुछ और है!

जो नफरत की आग में खाक करने पर तुले हैं कायनात और इंसानियत भी!

अब उन्हें करारा मुंहतोड़ जबाव देने का वक्त इससे बेहतर नहीं कोई!

रेत की तरह फिसल रहा है वक्त, दोस्तों!

सिंहद्वार पर दस्तक फिर मूसलाधार!

बिजलियां गिर रही हैं धुआंधार!

जिगर है तो जान है,जान है तो रीढ़ है!

तन कर खड़ा होकर बता दो कि मुहब्बत क्या चीज है!

किसी कलबुर्गी का खून बेकार बहता रहे,सिंचाई खेतों के वास्ते इससे बेमजा बात और नहीं है।हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से।

अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम।खेत फिर जांगेगे।

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Don't create communal controversies in late President Kalam's name!

Previous: हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से। अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम। खेत फिर जागेंगे। 'आएंगे उजले दिन जरुर ..'कह दो बेखौफ,मुहब्बत है अगर दिल कहीं धड़कता है! नफरत की सुनामियों से क्या डरना! फिजां जब कयामत है तो मुहब्बत का मजा कुछ और है! जो नफरत की आग में खाक करने पर तुले हैं कायनात और इंसानियत भी! अब उन्हें करारा मुंहतोड़ जबाव देने का वक्त इससे बेहतर नहीं कोई! रेत की तरह फिसल रहा है वक्त, दोस्तों! सिंहद्वार पर दस्तक फिर मूसलाधार! बिजलियां गिर रही हैं धुआंधार! जिगर है तो जान है,जान है तो रीढ़ है! किसी कलबुर्गी का खून बेकार बहता रहे,सिंचाई खेतों के वास्ते इससे बेमजा बात और नहीं है।हम खेत सींचेंगे अपनों के खून से। अपनी अपनी शहादत से सीचेंगे खेत हम तमाम।खेत फिर जांगेगे। तन कर खड़ा होकर बता दो कि मुहब्बत क्या चीज है! पलाश विश्वास
Don't create communal controversies in late President Kalam's name!

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Press Statement

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement:

Don't Create Communal Controversies in

Late President Kalam's Name

The recent renaming of Aurangazeb Road in New Delhi is a very unfortunate measure since it is widely regarded as the first step in a campaign to rename historical places and roads on communal grounds. It is regrettable that the Delhi state government under AAP leadership also became a party to this decision. The Polit Bureau demands that the decision be reversed. There are many other ways to perpetuate the memory of the late President Abdul Kalam.   Creating such controversies is, in fact, an undignified manner of paying tribute.

Jamayat Ameer and Sixty others arrested from DUA ceremony at Bagha Mosque Bangladesh! Extreme police high handedness.Senior officials should stop all such cases. বাঘায় মসজিদে দোয়া অনুষ্ঠান থেকে জামায়াতের পৌর আমীরসহ আটক ৬১

Jamayat Ameer and Sixty others arrested from DUA ceremony at Bagha Mosque Bangladesh!

Extreme police high handedness.Senior officials should stop all such 

বাঘায় মসজিদে দোয়া অনুষ্ঠান থেকে জামায়াতের পৌর আমীরসহ আটক ৬১
বাঘা (রাজশাহী) সংবাদদাতা : রাজশাহীর বাঘায় জামায়াতের পৌর আমীরসহ ৬১ জন নেতা-কর্মীকে আটক করেছে পুলিশ। গত রোববার রাত ৯টায় উপজেলার একটি মসজিদে একজন জামায়াত কর্মীর স্ত্রীর রূহের মাগফিরাত কামনায় দোয়া শেষে তবারক বিতরণের সময় পুলিশ তাদের আটক করে।
দলীয় সূত্রে জানা যায়, গত রোববার মাগরিব নামায শেষে বাঘা পৌর এলাকার ২ নং ওয়ার্ড চক ছাতারি মধ্যপাড়া জামে মসজিদে জামায়াতের কর্মী ছলিম উদ্দীনের স্ত্রীর রূহের মাগফিরাত কামনায় দোয়া অনুষ্ঠান ছিল। সেখানে দোয়া শেষে তবারক বিতরণ করা হয়। এ সময় বাঘা থানার অফিসার ইনচার্জ সঙ্গীয় ফোর্স নিয়ে রাত ৯টায় সাধারণ মুসল্লিসহ সবাইকে আটক করে থানায় নিয়ে আসেন। আটকৃতদের মধ্যে উল্লেখযোগ্য হলেন, পৌর জামায়াতের আমীর সাইফুল ইসলাম, দফতর সম্পাদক ইমাজ উদ্দীন, ওয়ার্ড জামায়াতের সভাপতি আব্দুর রশিদ, সম্পাদক জাহাঙ্গীর আলম, রিপন, স্বপন, রতন, বিদ্যুৎ, খায়রুল, আজাহার, রফিকুল ইসলাম, মাইনুল হোসেন, শহিদুল ইসলাম, সান্টুসহ ৬২ জন। বাঘা থানা অফিসার ইনচার্জ (ওসি) আমিনুর রহমান দাবি করেন, 'ছাতারী মধ্যপাড়া জামে মসজিদে গোপন বৈঠক করার প্রস্তুতিকালে গোপন সংবাদের ভিত্তিতে তাদের আটক করে থানায় আনা হয়। পরে তাদের কোর্টের মাধ্যমে জেল হাজতে পাঠানো হয়।


Posted by: Shah Abdul Hannan <shah_abdul_hannan@yahoo.com>

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Victory for United struggle against Land ordinance



Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan

Victory for united struggle 

against draconian Land 


In Solidarity with September 2nd Nation-wide Strike and Ongoing People's Struggles in Narmada Valley, Sonbhadra


A unified opposition has successfully forced the BJP-led NDA government to shelve the anti-farmer Land Ordinance that was going to be re-promulgated for the fourth time on August 31st, 2015. The anti-farmer law had grave implications for majority population's livelihood and the country's food security.

Opposition to the undemocratic Land Ordinance saw the coming together of various peasant and unions, people's movements, farmers' organisations and political parties for a stiff consolidated opposition that mobilized lakhs of people across the country. The authoritarian way in which the government has tried to do away with crucial aspects of consent and Social Impact Assessment clearly represented a corporate driven growth model that has deepened the agrarian crisis, driving thousands of farmers to suicide.

 While the process of amending the 2013 Land Act is still under consideration through the Joint Parliamentary Committee, the struggle by people of the country who depend on land continues. Mass organisations across the country will now take on the challenge of consolidating opposition at the state-level to fight for land rights and counter attempts of subverting processes of informed consent, consultation and local governance. In this regard Bhumi Adhikar Andolan expresses solidarity with struggles against illegal acquisition of land, forced evictions and displacement in the Narmada Valley and Sonbhadra.

People of the Narmada Valley have been on a prolonged struggle and a Jeevan Adhikar Satyagraha has been going on for more than 2 weeks now. Even as thousands are yet to be rehabilitated, the Government is going ahead with increasing the height of the Sardar Sarovar Dam. Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan condemns this anti-people move which will adversely affect over 45,000 people and extends full solidarity with the struggle.

The UP Government has cracked down on the people protesting against the Kanhar dam and unleashed extreme repression in the region. Twice the police fired on peaceful protestors causing serious injuries to many activists. The leaders of the movement including Roma, Sukalo Gond and others from the community have been arrested on false charges and have been kept in the Mirzapur Jail for more than 2 months now. Bhumi Adhikar Andolan demands the immediate halt of repression in the region and unconditional release of all arrested activists.

The last one year of the BJP-led NDA Government has witnessed intense attack on workers' rights. The united Trade Union movement has been raising the issues of the working class against these anti-worker policies. Instead of considering their demands of minimum wages and social security, arresting the price rise,  stopping privatisation of  public sector units  and protecting workers' rights, the government is bringing changes in the labour laws to give the employers freedom to hire and fire. It is doing away with all the hard-won rights of the workers including fixed working hours of 8 hours per day. All the Central Trade Unions have jointly announced All-India strike against the anti-people policies of the NDA Government on2nd September 2015. The Strike is also against Land Acquisition Bill, 2015 and against attacks on Public Distribution System, MGNREGA etc.


The Bhoomi Adhikar Andolan shall campaign against the anti-people policies of the BJP-led Central Government as well as different State Governments, observe a Demands Day on 1st September across the country and actively support the Strike on 2nd September through coordinated actions.



National Alliance for People's Movements (NAPM), All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP), All India Kisan Sabha (Ajay Bhawan), All India Kisan Sabha (Canning Lane), Akhil Bhartiya Krishak Khet Mazdoor Sangathan, Lok Sangharsh Morcha, Narmada Bachao Andolan, Jan Sangharsh Samanvaya Samiti, Chhatisgarh Bachao Aandolan, Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, Sanyukt Kisan Sangharsh Samilti, INSAF, Delhi Solidarity Group, Sarvahara Jan Andolan, Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan, VTMS, Matu Jansangathan, Kisan Manch, Bhartiya Kisan Union and others

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कल आधी रात को मंगलेश डबराल को दिल का दौरा पड़ा है। उन्हें अस्पताल में दाखिल कराया गया है। हमारी कामना है कि वे जल्दी ही स्वस्थ होकर घर लौटें।

जन विजय's photo.

कल आधी रात को मंगलेश डबराल को दिल का दौरा पड़ा है। उन्हें अस्पताल में दाखिल कराया गया है। हमारी कामना है कि वे जल्दी ही स्वस्थ होकर घर लौटें।

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आज हबीब तनवीर की जयंती है.... हमारे नगर रायपुर के गौरव ,हर दिल अजीज , रंगमंच की दुनिया के बेताज बादशाह हबीब साहब को हम सब तहे दिल से याद करते हैं...


   प्रगतिशील लेखक संघ
Jeevesh Prabhakar
September 1 at 12:48pm
आज हबीब तनवीर की जयंती है.... 
हमारे नगर रायपुर के गौरव ,हर दिल अजीज , रंगमंच की दुनिया के बेताज बादशाह हबीब साहब को हम सब तहे दिल से याद करते हैं...
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SC pulls up Modi Govt – Wonderful Schemes for poor children but Nothing on Ground!


SC pulls up Modi Govt – Wonderful Schemes for poor children but Nothing on Ground!

The Supreme Court pulled up the Central Government for its poor implementation of welfare schemes for children from lower sections of society. AP file photo

NEW DELHI — The Supreme Court Friday pulled up the  for the mismatch between the "wonderful" welfare schemes for children belonging to lower strata of society and their implementation, saying the ground reality was "completely different", according to Press Trust of .

"All the ideas you have seems OK.  of India has wonderful laws, ideas and schemes but the things are different on the ground," a social justice bench comprising justices Madan B Lokur and U U Lalit said.

The observations came while Additional Solicitor General Tushar Mehta informed the court about the schemes which the government has formulated for the welfare of children.

The ASG said the government had introduced a scheme named Sabla in 2010-11 on a pilot basis, which was being implemented in 205 districts across all states and union territories.

Sabla aims at all-round development of adolescent  of 11-18 years by making them "self-reliant". The scheme has two components of nutrition and non-nutrition with the former aiming at improving the and nutrition status of the adolescent girls, the latter addresses their developmental needs.

"It is a wonderful scheme but what is happening? You people do a lot of work, make plans but what happens? Ground realities are completely different," the bench said.

The apex court also expressed concern over non-filling up of vacancies, including for the post of Chairperson of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), despite its directions.

Earlier, the court had slammed the Centre for its "casual" approach towards missing children and imposed a fine on it for not complying with its directions like providing the status of such children across the country.

Referring to the statutory provision on vacancies, it had said the Chairperson of NCPCR and its members were required to be appointed within 90 days of the posts falling vacant.–


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Shifting Sands: How Rural Women in India Took Mining into their Own Hands


Shifting Sands: How Rural Women in India Took Mining into their Own Hands

At dawn women miners gather at allocated sites along riverbanks in India's coastal Andhra Pradesh state to oversee the process of dredging, loading and shipping sand. Credit: Stella Paul/IPS

At dawn  miners gather at allocated sites along riverbanks in India's coastal Andhra Pradesh state to oversee the process of dredging, loading and shipping sand. Credit: Stella Paul/IPS

GUNTUR, Aug 24 2015 (IPS) – Thirty-seven-year-old Kode Sujatha stands in front of a hut with a palm-thatched roof, surrounded by a group of men shouting angrily and jostling one another for a spot at the front of the crowd.

"When I worked in the farm, I was just another labourer. Here, I am in charge. People see my work and they also see me. It is a great feeling."— Yepuri Mani of the Undavalli women's mining group in Andhra Pradesh

Each of the boatmen, who carry sand mined from a nearby river to the shore every day, wants to be paid before the others.

Sujatha stares hard at them, holds up a piece of paper and says, "If you have a printed receipt of payment, come, stand in the queue. We will pay one by one. Shouting will not help you."

This hard talk and show of nerves is a recurring part of the workday for Sujatha, a farm labourer-turned sand miner in Undavalli, a village situated on the banks of the Krishna River that flows through the coastal Guntur District of the southeastern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

She is one of the 18 women who run the Undavalli Mutually Aided Cooperative Society, an all-women's collective in charge of dredging, mining, loading and selling sand.

Dealing with a few angry boatmen is not the last of her problems. Powerful 'sand mafias' that operate throughout the state are another force to be reckoned with, as are the lurking threats of environmental degradation and poverty in this largely rural state.

But Sujatha is determined to make this enterprise work. Overseeing the sustainable extraction and transportation of sand in this village has been her ticket to a decent wage and a degree of decision-making power over her own life.

She also knows that having women like her in charge of this operation is the best chance of avoiding the environmental catastrophes associated with unregulated sand mining, such as depletion of groundwater sources, erosion of river beds, increased flooding and a loss of biodiversity.

Rural women who have taken over sand mining operations in the southeastern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh are learning to use computers for the first time. Credit: Stella Paul/IPS

'Rarer than one thinks'

Hard as it may be to fathom, sand is increasingly becoming a rare commodity as a result of the massive scale of its extraction and consumption worldwide.

In a 2014 report entitled 'Sand: rarer than one thinks', the United Nation's Environment Programme (UNEPrevealedthat sand and gravel (called aggregates) account for the largest share of the roughly 59 billion tonnes of material mined annually across the globe.

Combined aggregate use globally, including 29.5 billion tonnes of sand used annually in the production of cement for concrete, and the 180 million tonnes of sand guzzled by other industries every year, exceeds 40 billion tonnes per annum – twice the yearly amount of sediment carried by all the rivers of the world, according to the UNEP.

The most severe environmental consequences of the world's insatiable appetite for sand include loss of land through river and coastal erosion resulting in the heightened risk of floods, especially around heavily mined areas; depletion of the world's water tables; and a reduction in sediment supply.

Transporting aggregates is also a hugely carbon-heavy process, while the production of a single tonne of cement using sand and gravel releases 0.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Estimates from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center(CDIAC) suggest that the year 2010 saw 1.65 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions from cement production – nearly five percent of total greenhouse gas emissions that year.

In India, a decades-long construction boom has driven a rapid increase in demand for sand, particularly in cement and concrete production.

The country currently boasts the third largest construction industry in the world, and huge sand mining operations, many of them unlawful or unregulated, are stripping the natural carpets of major riverbeds, deepening rivers and widening their mouths, and contaminating ground water sources.

Thus sand mining is contributing to India's twin problems of flooding and water scarcity.

A grassroots solution to a global problem

For many years a quiet grassroots movement around the country had unwittingly been laying the foundation of what is now an entrenched network capable of fighting illicit mining: women-led self-help groups (SHGs) that have come together over a period of decades to pool their meager savings and generate interest-free micro loans to jump-start small businesses.

In Andhra Pradesh alone, an estimated 850,000 SHGs involving over 10.2 million poor, rural women have generated over 19 billion rupees (287 million dollars) in savings over the past decade.

Solomon Arokiyaraj, chief executive officer of the state-run Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) tells IPS that SHGs' proven track record of community finance and business management made them ideal partners in larger  schemes to both crack down on unsustainable natural resource extraction and alleviate rural poverty.

According to Arokiyaraj, women are now running 300 different mining sites (called 'reaches') across this state of 49 million people. A team comprising 10 or 12 people, who previously earned less than a dollar a day, runs each site on behalf of the government.

Venketeshwara Rao, a government official in Guntur District who oversees the project, tells IPS that the women of Undavalli village are licensed to operate within an eight-hectare area identified by federal environment authorities as part of de-siltation efforts around the reservoir.

At dawn every day the women gather at mining sites and at six am the mechanized dredging begins. Extracted sand is stockpiled on boats and then shifted to a fleet of waiting trucks, while excess water is pumped back into the river

"It takes three hours for the dredger to fill a boat. Each of the boats can carry 10 cubic meters of sand, enough to fill 20 large trucks," Malleshwari Yepuri, a sand miner, tells IPS.

By Rao's estimation, the women-led groups in the eight sand reaches in Guntur District alone have sold over a million cubic meters of sand since November 2014, amounting to some 70 million rupees (over a million dollars).

Prior to taking over management of the mines, the women had earned, on average, just under a dollar each a day as farm labourers. Now every woman miner takes home six dollars a day, and their respective cooperatives receive five rupees (0.07 dollars) for every cubic meter of sand mined under their leadership – a total of about 70,000 rupees (a thousand dollars) every year.

These illegal sand mining boats in India's populous Andhra Pradesh state are becoming a rare sight after women's self-groups took over mining operations last year. Credit: Stella Paul

Laws and loopholes

Blessed with two major river systems, the Krishna and the Godavari, Andhra Pradesh boasts a stunning range of biodiversity, from the unique flora and fauna found on the coastal mountain range of the Eastern Ghats to the tremendously fertile plains formed in the rivers' basins.

But its biggest asset has also been a curse, and has long attracted the gaze of major players in the sand mining industry – many of them operating outside the ambit of the law.

Considered a 'minor' mineral, sand falls outside of the jurisdiction of the federal government, which limits its authority to the extraction and sale of 'major' minerals like coal, iron and copper.

Numerous Indian laws – from a February 2012 Supreme Court order to an August 2013 ruling by the National Green Tribunal, a federal environment conservation agency – have banned river sand mining without the necessary permit.

These orders notwithstanding, media reports have consistently drawn attention to the extraction activities of organised syndicates referred to as the 'sand mafia', allegedly responsible for removing truckloads of sand for a nifty profit from Andhra Pradhesh and elsewhere.

Many have reportedly mined without any government permission; others have systematically exceeded the volume specified, or encroached on areas outside the scope of their permits.

In April 2015, Andhra Pradesh Finance Minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu told the local press that illicit sand miners had robbed the state of 10 billion rupees (150 million dollars) in the past 10 years.

Even with ample evidence on the destructive environmental impacts of sand mining, including a report by the Geological Survey of India warning against damages to in-stream flora and fauna and devastation of vegetative cover, the state government has been either unable or unwilling to curb the practice.

It was not until 2014, following an outcry by the federal government's own mining ministry about the "menace" of illegal sand extraction, that Andhra Pradhesh cancelled all licenses issued under the 2002 Water, Land and Tree Act and handed power over to the women's self-help groups.

SHGs, meanwhile, are under strict orders to ensure that mining happens only in those areas where massive silt-deposits are causing environmental stress, including over-sedimentation resulting in a reduction of the river's holding capacity.

There are about 40 reservoirs in the state, some over a century old, which hold massive build-ups of sand. Undavalli village falls within one of these reservoirs – the Prakasam barrage, built in 1855, over the Krishna River – where sedimentation has been increasing at the rate of 0.5 percent to 0.9 percent every year, according to officials from the state's irrigation department.

Still, licenses are not granted indefinitely – their duration fluctuates between two and 12 months, depending on the extent of sedimentation and the specific ecology of the area.

The work is not without its challenges. Women are learning how to digitize their operations (with some using computers for the first time), keep their proceeds safe and vigilantly monitor environmental degradation, all under the threat of reprisals from the sand mafia.

Add to this a full working day in 40-degrees-Celsius heat with little shade and no security and you have a task that not many would voluntarily sign up for; yet, few are complaining.

"When I worked in the farm, I was just another labourer," Yepuri Mani of the Undavalli mining group tells IPS. "I was almost invisible. Here, I am showing others what to do. I am in charge. People see my work and they also see me. It is a great feeling."

Putting women in charge is not a magic bullet for the ills of sand mining: the move does not tackle the looming issue of unsustainable global demand for sand that is driving major environmental destruction in India, and elsewhere in the world.

But having rural women at the helm of a hitherto male-dominated industry is certainly a major first step towards a more sustainable, grassroots-based economic model of carefully managing a limited and vital natural resource.

Edited by Kanya D'Almeida


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Indian Media – This is No Way to Cover a Murder Story #mediaethics


Indian Media – This is No Way to Cover a Murder Story #mediaethics

BY  ON 01/09/2015 •

Amidst all the hand-wringing over a woman's, and a society's morals, relatively few bells have been rung about the ethics of the media scrum that has developed around the Sheena Bora murder case

Reporters badger Indrani Mukerjea's daughter Vidhi (in black) as she arrives at Bandra Metropolitan Magistrate's court in Mumbai on Monday. Credit: PTI Photo by Shashank Parade

Let's pause to consider this amazing phrase in a news story: 'While Indrani has stood firm and not yet admitted to her role in the crime…'
— Tweet by Ellen Barry, NewYork Times South Asia Bureau Chief

Even though the police has barely begun to establish the facts behind the disappearance of Sheena Bora, hard evidence is scant and there is no clear motive for her apparent murder in sight, there's been an amazing amount of moralising. Much of it is based on crude  judgments, extrapolated at speed from what is essentially raw footage — contradictory, confusing, unsifted testimonies extracted by the media from some of the main protagonists, as well as mostly  unnamed relatives, neighbours and family friends.

Words like deviant, debauched and dysfunctional, uttered with saintly facial expressions and tones of  deep relish, dominate studio patter. Trite comparisons are being aired every day between "good mothers" and "bad mothers", with a former society columnist even congratulating herself on live TV the other day for being a better mother than prime suspect Indrani Mukerjea. Another mother who denied having a daughter in a property case she eventually lost is a daily fixture in this studio morality play. Much of this chit-chatting crowd has, of course, already convicted Mukerjea for killing her daughter, Sheena — this before she has even been formally charge-sheeted.

Journalism of easy virtue

Forget the studio patterers for a moment; or lurid India TV, with its  comic book sketches of a grimacing Mukerjea and her leering ex-husband Sanjeev Khanna closing in on Bora; or the 2015 version of "Aap ko kaisa lag raha hai?" — in which a husband gets to be asked by Arnab Goswami if he believes his wife is a murderer. Even the usually reputable sections of the media have been quick to arrive at  conclusions underpinned, it appears, by deeply conservative notions of what constitutes womanly virtue. Shyamal's Mazumdar's recent column in Business Standard is a virtual primer (for men, clearly) on how to spot, and avoid, the femme fatale, an account that seems to paint every one of  Mukerjea's husbands as her victim. The Hindu, which is normally measured, weighed in, too, with a lofty editorial broadsideagainst "a once-traditional society's speedy metamorphosis into an acquisitive FMCG economy with its attendant attributes of obsessive ambition and ruthless self-indulgence." This, of course, is epitomised by the story of small-town girl turned "jetsetting society lady" Indrani Mukerjea. The woman, The Hindu opines — on the strength of what must surely be meagre information about her exact domestic circumstances — "appears to have had no qualms in abandoning her  first husband and two young children in her search for the good life". Her second, Khanna, was "jettisoned quickly",  says the editorial, relying heavily on his version of why the marriage ended. Moreover, Mukerjea's chronicle and the mores she represents (and you could see this one coming from a mile off) "reject the one value so dear to old  – the sanctity of motherhood".

Since editorials in The Hindu are not taken as lightly, as say, Neeta's Natter, a question to ask, perhaps, is how coloured might a judge's view be by this masterly summation of  Mukerjea's character, lifestyle and conduct, when he one day finds himself presiding over her trial?

Not the same as Jessica Lal

Amidst all the hand-wringing over a woman's, and a society's morals, relatively few bells have been rung about the media scrum developing around this case. Last week, on 's show, The Buck Stops Here, Barkha Dutt asked the journalist Anil Dharkar, "Is this all of India lapping up everyone's private demons or is this a legitimate criminal investigation that journalists must probe?" Revealingly, no one on the panel, not even the anchor, seemed to like Dharkar's answer: "This is a criminal investigation that has to be probed by the police. It is really not something the media has to do." Misplaced comparisons were drawn with the Jessica Lal case, and the claim put forward — with only a lone Dharkar protesting —  that the media was justified in playing  an interventionist role and taking the story forward.

Dharkar said that the media should get involved only when the police is not doing its job — as was the case with the Jessica Lal investigation — and not when the police is actually doing its job, as it is in the Sheena Bora case. But Tavleen Singh and others insisted the media has a very important role to play since the police had ignored this case for three years. Dharkar gamely pointed out it was the police that took it up again, on the basis of an anonymous call, and is actually on top of the job, but his conclusion that there was no reason for the media to get so involved had no takers.

We are, of course, talking about the same media that has hauled up and judged almost every member of Indrani Mukerjea's complicated extended family, with rent-a-quote psychologists, minor actors and chick lit novelists holding forth on "What do you think X is hiding, and do you think Y is guilty?" This is also the media that's been airing on front pages and prime time the so-called "incest theory" about the case, based on leaks from police investigators who are clearly loathe to put this spicy stuff on record, but not perturbed about having it out in the ether. This "incest theory" — contradicted by  a welter of other theories in the public domain — carelessly shreds the reputation of  Indrani's father, Upendra Bora, an 80-year old bedridden man in Guwahati, who has actually had, according to a  report in the Sunday Times of  India, a  cameraperson climbing up to his window (to avoid his guards) to ask him questions. "Taking the story forward", on Monday, a report in the same paper, basing itself on unnamed family sources, said " ..not many know she (Mukerjea) had a traumatic childhood in a dysfunctional family and was often whipped by her drunken father."

The irresistible pull of a trial by media

Back in the day when the Aarushi case was playing out, with a similarly insatiable quest for the salacious,  journalists like Vir Sanghvi and Shoma Chaudhury were part of the minority that took a stand against trial by media and the purveying  of smut. Is it a reflection on  "our times" (as The Hindu might say) that Catch News, the media website of which Chaudhury is editor-in-chief, was ahead of the pack laying out, in explicit detail, the "incest angle", and Sanghvi was on prime time last Friday, tossing out a tasty morsel to the slavering media beast — that Indrani had told him, and others, that she had been molested by her step-father? Granted, this was not the main burden of his song (he was far more intent on remoulding a media narrative he thought was overly kind to his old adversary Peter Mukerjea), but  it generated more headlines than anything else Sanghvi said in this interview, and became the signal for some newspapers, at least, to lay out in cold print what Catch News had reported. Sanghvi did qualify his statements by calling Indrani  Mukerjea a "fantasist" with a "tenuous grip on reality" but then, if he thought her capable of making up serious allegations against her parent, should he have been repeating them on prime time TV? There is also the little matter of a legal proscription on revealing the identity of victims of sexual abuse.

The Sheena Bora murder may well replace the Aarushi saga as the most talked about, viewed and net-searched case in our times. As before, the media seems to feel hugely secure about stigmatising those caught up, in one way or another, in murder investigations, knowing it will probably never be called to account. As Avirook Sen narrates in his recent book, Aarushi, a false story was planted the media — and picked up by some of the country's major news channels — that the parents of the dead Aarushi, Rajesh and Nupur Talwar, were part of a wife-swapping ring. "The CBI issued an official denial," writes Sen. "And the channels? Not a word of the story was recanted. No apology was offered."

No fear of defamation

The media is safe because hardly anyone has the money and the stomach for a legal battle that could last years, least of all those who have been caught up in a murder case. The dead are of course even less likely to go to court, so they can be opened up early on for speculation and defamation. This is already happening to Sheena Bora in the digital "wild west" of the media. For example, the Quint, which is not some tawdry website run out of a bucket shop but a well-funded offering from media mogul Raghav Bahl, is putting out tale after lurid tale without a shred of evidence to offer. But worry not, the site's ace reporter is on hand to "join the dots" in video conversations for the benefit of  readers. This turns out to be a serious looking, bespectacled, middle-aged man, who says with quiet conviction: "They took care to burn the burn the body … The objective was to destroy the foetus that Sheena Bora was carrying in her womb."


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Aurangzeb Road renamed, Akbar and Shah Jahan are next: Irfan Habib


Aurangzeb Road renamed, Akbar and Shah Jahan are next: Irfan Habib 

Prof Irfan Habib

Prof Irfan Habib

The New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) has decided to change the name of Aurangzeb Road to APJ Abdul Kalam Road. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, a member of the corporation, was the first one to announce this development through his twitter handle on 28 August.

Eminent historian, Irfan Habib, an authority on medieval Indian history, spoke to Catch on the renaming of Aurangzeb Road.

CK: How do you respond to the renaming of Delhi's Aurangzeb Road?
IH: It's foolish, unfortunate and blatantly communal. I understand Aurangzeb might not be a very attractive ruler for some but Aurangzeb Road had become a historical address. Why should it be changed?

CK: East Delhi MP Mahesh Girri has cited Aurangzeb's much maligned image as the reason.

IH: That way, if you start examining, you will find problems with every ruler in ancient and medieval . For instance, how many rulers opposed caste? But does anybody ever demand removal of their names from public places?

Renaming is an old project of the BJP and RSS. They wanted to renameLucknow, Allahabad and Ahmedabad as well

Bhagwan Das and Man Singh had fought Rana Pratap who is such an icon for many. But roads in Delhi carry their names as well. Will these be erased too?

CK: The supporters of this move also say that this was necessary to honour the contributions of former president APJ Abdul Kalam to the nation.

IH: This is a very odd way of honouring APJ Abdul Kalam. If we have to honour him, why not build something new in his memory and dedicate it to him? Why associate his name with something old?

CK: Why do you call this move communal?

IH: Well, a few months ago, signages on some roads in Delhi were also blackened. Even though that might have nothing to do with this, this renaming business is an old project of the  and RSS.

CK: Do you remember any previous instances?

IH: Well, in 1992, when I was president of Indian Council of Historical Research, the 450th birth anniversary of Akbar was being observed. BJP and RSS had opposed these celebrations. LK Advani and others said Akbar was a Pakistani, among other things, and he should not be celebrated. In textbooks under NDA, Akbar was not praised, Mughal architecture was not praised.

CK: Any instances of attempts to rename places?

IH: Long ago, Rajnath Singh wanted Allahabad to be renamed. Even earlier, KM Munshi wanted Ahmedabad to be renamed. Some time in the 1990s, possible during the NDA , BJP-RSS also wanted Lucknow to be named as Laxmanpuri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee refused to do this, saying he was elected from Lucknow and that is how it will stay.

CK: What is the objective behind these attempts?

IH: Well, I am not privy to their objectives but I think they feel they will gain by raising these issues again and again. Which is what makes me feel that this will not stop with Aurangzeb Road. Akbar and Shah Jahan are probably also in the list.

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#StandUpIndia: Modi’s Labor law amendment will be a disaster for India’s workers


#StandUpIndia: Modi's Labor law amendment will be a disaster for India's workers

The amendment

  • Modi sarkar's labour law amendment will weaken unions and lessen management
  • Definition of a factory will be revised by doubling the minimum threshold of workers employed
  • To avail any protection and benefits, an employee has to be deemed permanent. 80% are not
  • Apprentice amendment bill gives employers the sole authority to decide hours of work of apprentices
  • Any person above the age of 14 can be appointed as an apprentice
  • This can promote child labour Labour unions are organising a nation-wide strike on 2 September to protest this amendment


  • 40,000 fatal industrial accidents occur in India each year. Only 222 of them are reported (ILO estimates)
  • Some, like 50-year-old automobile factory worker Narendra Kumarare left disabled for life
  • Most companies handle such accidents behind closed doors
  • Even unions seldom raise a hue-and-cry

Narendra Kumar was in the generator room of Sunbeam Auto Pvt Ltd 's factory on the Gurgaon Jaipur highway on 20 September 2012. Being the 'fitter' in the company for the past 15 years it was like any other day at Sunbeam. He had punched in his card at 9 am.

When he was called to check a connection, there were about 7 other people in the generator room. It looked like a simple enough job that needed welding and fitting.

Halfway through the task, when he touched one of the loose wires he felt a wild current running through his body. It was a short circuit. In an instant it was a flash fire that erupted and clung to his body. He fell to the ground, his body in flames. The workers in the room did everything they could to douse the fire, taking wet cloths and beating his body. But Kumar's skin was melting face down.

Also read – They don't make them anymore: 5 working class heroes from Bollywood

His clothes had to be ripped off the front of his body. Within minutes an ambulance was called and he was rushed to a nearby hospital. Upon realising the severity of the burns, he was eventually taken to Delhi's Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital. Kumar was diagnosed with 55% burns.

What he regrets is not that the entire front of his body, face down, looks like a half-cooked omelette – it is that the bones of his fingers reshaped themselves in the burn and have now made his fingers, like spread out digits, unable to touch each other. The most Kumar can do is make his left forefinger lightly touch the tip of his thumb, useful only for perhaps holding a cup of chai.

For all other purposes, his hands have become permanently disabled.

StandupIndia EMBED

Industrial accidents

Most companies however would keep an industrial accident like Kumar's tightly under wraps. A 2005 press release of the ILO estimates that each year 40,000 fatal industrial accidents occur in , whereas only 222 of them are reported.

Companies often deny having any industrial accidents at all. Cases like Kumar's are handled behind closed doors to avoid any media involvement and public hue-and-cry.

"It was a freak accident. I was wearing rubber boots, but it didn't help. The fire extinguishers were there but the workers did what came to their mind, which is to take a cloth and first douse the fire on my body," says 50-year-old Kumar, who had moved from Uttar Pradesh to Gurgaon in search of employment in 1997. Still, it is surprising that Kumar has none of the bitterness one would have toward a workplace that crippled him for life.

After all, the company has taken care of all the expenses for his treatment over the last three years, about Rs 13,000 a month. He went through five surgeries every couple of months to surgically remove portions of skin from his thigh to be stitched on his hands. And some surgeries to improve dexterity.

Not just that, Kumar has also been paid the same salary he was drawing during the time of his accident, which is Rs. 20,000 each month. It helps run the family. His wife takes care of home while his son studies in Class 6.

"We were a newly formed Union then. Kumar's was the first accident that the company had to deal with. The negotiations were smooth with the management and they agreed to take care of all his expenses and continue his salary upto his retirement," says Mukesh, a senior within the 1067 member strong labour Union at Sunbeam.

80% workers in manufacturing have no written contracts. They can't avail any protection or  benefits

The company learnt a hard lesson: not to take safety for granted. On its part it invested in fire resistant jumper suits for all employees who have to be in contact with electricity. "Each suit cost Rs 11,000. The company spent about Rs 11 lakhs on the suits after Kumar's accident. We haven't had another case since," says Mukesh.

Was Kumar wearing no safety gear? "He was wearing boots, but these are freak accidents you can't be prepared for," says Mukesh, quick to defend his management.

Most active unions this reporter spoke to within Gurgaon were careful to not point to the wrongdoings of their company, no matter how obvious they were. All accidents seem to be quickly resolved with the total cooperation of the management, unusual, for any trade union to be saying, especially small Indian manufacturing units, away from the radar of public scrutiny.

When an amendment is a catalyst for more disaster

Mukesh, however, is gearing up for the all India level labour union strike that will be organised on 2 September.

"With Modi sarkar's labour law amendment, this will only mean more industrial accidents, lesser roles of trade unions and lesser management accountability." he says with clarity.

Mukesh and many others are worried that the amendment will weaken labour protection from multiple corners.

For starters is the factory amendment bill of 2014, which is proposing to revise the definition of a factory by doubling the minimum threshold of workers employed in most small factories today: The minimum number of workers in a factory is sought to be doubled to 20 for units with power and 40 for non-power backed units.

According to the Annual Survey of Industries 2011 – 12, of a total 1,75,710 factories in the country, employing 1,34,29,956 workers (of which 36,10,056 are contract workers) 71.31% of factories employing less than 50 workers is likely to be excluded from the coverage of Factories Act owing to the new threshold.

The Labour Ministry concurs. According to 2010 data based on returns submitted by factories under the Factories Act, 1948 reveals that of the 67,508 factories that submitted returns (except ), 52.5 per cent, or 35,208 units, had employed less than 20 workers.

That is 3,78,970 workers who will not be considered "factory workers" and be effectively thrown out to the unorganised sector and outside the purview of any labour protection if the amendments are passed.

To avail any kind of social protection and  care benefits, an employee has to be deemed permanent. 80% are not.

"Seven out of ten workers are contract workers. One out of ten are apprentices. Only 20% of employees in Haryana's factories are permanent. Only these can claim health benefits," points Khushiram from Mazdoor Sahyog Kendra, a Gurgaon based worker union.

According to a recent report by Catch, one in every two workers in all manufacturing are short-term contract workers. 80% of workers in the organised manufacturing sector have no written job contract or have one-year sub contracts. A vast number of them work for sub-contracting firms that supply labour to the organised sector.

Apprentice or cheap labour?

Add to that bringing a new wave of workforce called 'apprentices'

In a possibly pre-emptive move to boost Modi's Skill India initiative, the apprentice amendment bill, passed by the Rajya Sabha late last year allows employers sole authority to decide the hours of work and leave taken by those appointed as Apprentices. In what could unquestionably become the key to child abuse, any person aged 14 and above can legally be appointed as an apprentice.

The Act also seeks to protect defaulting employers by removing imprisonment as punishment for violating the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961. Freedom from a violation can be bought cheap – for as little as Rs 500.

Labour activists see a rise in apprentices also because the new amendments allow the Centre to entirely dictate the apprentice to worker ratio in a factory and overrule what was earlier decided by the Central Apprenticeship Council, a more democratic body. Some sourcessuggest that this has led to a minimum 30% of total workers in all factories getting appointed as apprentices.

By changing definition of 'factory', Modi's amendment will throw 3.78 lakh workers into the unorganised sector

A growing industry trend ever since as been to replace contract workers with apprentices who will need to be paid 70% of minimum wage, saving the industry labour cost.

"When I first joined as an apprentice, I used to think this was a period of training and my skills would expand. But for years all I had to do was tighten a single seat on a car using four bolts. That was all I was taught. Till today I haven't learnt a single other thing about assembling a car. The process line is such that you can spend years doing the same precise action thousands of times and not have a clue how to do the next logical thing. You call this a skill?" says Khushiram who started his career working as an apprentice at the Maruti Manesar plant.

An epidemic of broken fingers

The repetitiveness of a task can not only be frustrating, it often leads to a lack of concentration, which in a highly mechanised work setting, triggers industrial accidents.

Last year, a bizarre syndrome called the Gurgaon Broken Fingers Epidemic was reported by some sections of the media. In a trend that still continues, workers in Gurgaon factories manufacturing automobile parts, often engage in doing a repetitive task where their job is to insert a part between two heated plates of a power press, which cuts, shapes or moulds metal by ramming it with a heavy piston-like arm. The speed is fast and demands your eyes and hands to be in precise coordination. It seems impossible not to falter. When workers work overtime, on 12 hour shifts they sometimes lose their concentration and their response time takes a second longer. When the heated plates come together, it is often a finger or a hand that gets crushed.

The machines are archaic. Ideally, there must be a low cost sensor which detects human prescence and automatically stops. But few companies want to make the investment. RDC Steel and Allied Services Ltd in Manesar, was one of the few companies who decided to consciously up the safety for its workers. "When we saw our workers losing fingers we decided to install human sensors in our machines. It cost us 10 Lakhs but at least it has helped save the hands of our workers," says Dinesh, head of operations

These are called "crush injuries" at Manesar's ESI Hospital. "Losing fingers is a daily affair. The company might send them to a hospital to get it healed, but a worker without his fingers is as good as a broken machine. Since these are mostly contract labourers, the management eventually terminates his employment and he remains jobless for life," says Monu, a labour lawyer based in Gurgaon.

Diluting voice

When Gurgaon's trade unions individually say that the new labour law amendments will spike industrial accidents, they are essentially referring to two specific amendments: One is the practice of self certification that the amendment proposes to strengthen in place of external labour inspections. The other is the weakening of the collective bargaining power of Trade Unions.

It should hardly be a surprise that factory inspection in India is dismal. The proportion of factories inspected declined steeply from 63.05% in 1986 to 17.88% in 2008. But does self certification, a process of issuing a certificate to yourself commending your own security safeguards for the welfare of your workers, one that can be realistically trusted? "This is a recipe for disaster. Nobody outside will know what's happening within the walls of the factory. By ruling out labour inspections there is effectively nobody a factory needs to be accountable to," says Mukesh.

Also by making the laws harder for trade unions to form and once formed, reducing the opportunity to strike has been the main reason for the 2 September strike. "It was all Mukesh and his team who negotiated with the management at Sunbeam for me. I couldn't have asked for more," says Narendra Kumar, looking down at his crippled fingers.

Yet, Kumar knows how easily the tables could have turned on him. On 12 August this year, when 24 year old Ramji Lal was working at SKH automobiles pvt ltd, a company that makes parts for Maruti Suzuki at Manesar, while working he accidentally came within close rage of one of the many production robots on the factory floor. To the shock of onlookers, the robot suddenly gripped Lal crushed his body, puncturing his chest and stomach and threw him away. A post mortem said he died due to internal crush injuries and blood loss.

Lal had been married just a year ago. His wife is yet to receive any compensation from the company. It is little solace that the company management and contractor have meanwhile been booked on charges of causing death due to negligence. His family is shattered and hardly has the strength to fight the long messy battle for justice.

"The whole exercise is aimed at relieving defaulting employers"– Tapan Sen

Tapan Bose

As central trade unions ready to go on strike on 2 September, Deepa Kumar spoke to Tapan Sen on the health and safety standards for India's workforce. Sen is the general secretary of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions, politically attached with the CPI (M). He is also a member of the Rajya Sabha.

DK: Will the new labour amendments make health and safety worse for workers? If yes, how?

TS: Absolutely. The safety-related issue lies in tweaking the Factories Act. The proposed tweak could do away with the schedule that the labour ministry uses to determine whether industries are 'hazardous'. Instead, they have put a more general definition of 'hazardous', which is vague.

If that list is removed, it is upto interpretation and the goodwill of the labour ministry. They will interpret the definition on a case-by-case basis.

Ideally, the hazardous list should keep getting updated each year to make it a relevant referral list. The whole exercise of doing away with the list and keeping the definition of 'hazardous' vague is aimed at relieving defaulting employers.

Apart from the list, the amendment dissolves the role of the labour ministry in taking safety complaints. Instead, it has announced the formation of a regulatory authority on safety.

While the name sounds impressive, this is dangerous because the ministry is outsourcing the important role of monitoring safety violations to a body of so-called 'experts', comprising of bureaucrats with no accountability to anybody. The body is neither accountable to trade unions, nor to Parliament.

This is a nasty trick so that the  has no real obligation to investigate safety violations.

Monitoring safety violations is an important role of the labour ministry; but it is outsourcing that to so-called experts

DK: Will labour amendments increase unorganised labour in the form of apprentices? What safety obligations does the industry have towards them?

TS: India's unorganised sector has never fallen under any health and safety standards. The amendment will only bring more workers into the unorganised fold.

It provides cheaper labour and employers are not obliged to provide any form of labour protection to non-permanent employees.

The entire Skill India initiative is a sham. They are just pushing more workforce towards informal employment. The quality of employment will be lower.

And, once employees are given a role in the assembly line as apprentices, their promotions might be delayed inordinately.

It is completely at the discretion of the employer to see when an apprentice can become a permanent employee. The employer would not be interested in giving that opportunity since it entails higher labour wages (apprentices are paid lower than minimum wage) and a commitment to offer health and safety coverage.

The Central government is yet to set a defined ratio of the number of apprentices to workers a factory can hire. With Modi's thrust on Skill India, we expect it to be high. Apprentices will be a big productive force to drive up personal profit.

There are 7,000-8,000 contract workers at the Maruti factory in Manesar. There are 3,000 apprentices. They all work together on the assembly line.

A regular worker once told me that he and his co-worker, an apprentice, were ITI batchmates. "By chance I got regular employment and by chance he got to be an apprentice," he told me.

Employers have no liability whatsoever to workplace injuries or accidents, when it comes to apprentices and contract workers. In such a scenario, accidents are bound to increase.

DK: The International Labour Organisation says workplace safety in India is very poor. Are companies following norms? Have there been attempts to improve this situation, especially over the last few decades?

TS: What the ILO says is absolutely correct. Companies have been flouting safety norms for a long time. In fact, now it is easier for companies to flout safety standards.

This is why one major demand from all trade unions striking on 2 September is strict implementation of our original labour laws and stringent punishment for violation.

According to the amendments, punishment will not be compounded, which means it will not be increased with gravity of violation. This is dangerous for worker safety.


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The problem with Modi’s ‘Team India’


The problem with Modi's 'Team India'

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the nation from the rampart of the historic Red Fort during Independence Day celebration, in New Delhi on Saturday. Photo: Sandeep Saxena

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the nation from the rampart of the historic Red Fort during Independence Day celebration, in New Delhi on Saturday. Photo: Sandeep Saxena

Not every Indian is equally involved in the Prime Minister's project of 'moving the country ahead'. And the real 'Team India' that is piloting the nation's development does not see eye to eye on many issues with vast sections of India's population.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Independence Day address this year, though delivered in Hindi, was peppered with English words. Three kinds of English words.

The first kind was as follows — those that were already a part of spoken Hindi, though not quite the norm in formal speech; words such as 'busy', 'injection', 'side-effect', 'request', 'fashion', etc.

Then there were those that belong to a specific semantic cluster — the world of the market, business, management. To this category belong terms such as 'work culture', 'financial inclusion', 'productivity', 'good governance', 'transparency', 'parameter', 'dimension', 'pyramid, 'brand ambassador', etc.

Closely allied to the linguistic milieu of the second is the third set of English usages: 'Start-up , Stand-up '; 'per drop, more crop'; and 'Team '.

In fact, 'Team India' occurred no less than 32 times in his speech of 85 minutes — more than any other catchphrase in either English or Hindi.

What is interesting is that, notwithstanding his Hindu-nativist, cultural nationalist pretensions, Mr. Modi settled on an English term to communicate his vision of the Indian nation as a team.

Why didn't he use a Hindi equivalent for 'Team India'? Is it because 'Bharat Dal' does not have the same ring as 'Team India'? What's more likely, it could be because the Hindi equivalents do not pack the same conceptual or ideological content that the English 'team' does.

Dynamics of a team

But what exactly is a team? What are the implications of imagining the nation as a team, as Mr. Modi did in his speech?

The dictionary defines a 'team' as "a set of people constituting one side in a competitive game", or "a set of people working in combination."

Three aspects stand out as integral to a team: competitiveness, being together, and work. Management textbooks typically add two more: a formal structure, and a purpose.

A team, then, is a group of people who work together in a structured way for a purpose that involves doing better than other teams. Armed with this understanding, we can try to answer the questions. Can a nation be a team? If yes, what then is the purpose of 'Team India'?

In his speech, while introducing the concept of 'Team India', Mr. Modi made two points: one, that the country is "moving ahead" only because of 'Team India'; two, that 'Team India' comprises our entire population of 125 crore people.

The two statements are patently untrue and mutually contradictory. Not every Indian is equally involved in Mr. Modi's project of "moving the country ahead". And the real 'Team India' that is piloting the nation's development does not see eye to eye on many issues with vast sections of the 125 crore people that, as per Mr. Modi's claim, comprise 'Team India'.

To take an obvious example, Mr. Modi in his speech announced his intent to cure the "poison of casteism" with the "nectar of development". But we are yet to hear the Prime Minister suggest that one Mr. Hardik Patel, agitating in Gujarat for reservations for his caste, should drop his demands in exchange for the 'nectar of development'. After all, Mr. Patel and lakhs of his followers would be intimately familiar with the charms of this nectar, having tasted it in its purest form in the famed 'Gujarat model'.

Given the extant fault lines of caste, ethnicity, language, region and that criss-cross the nation, Mr. Modi's 'Team India' is clearly a project rather than a reality. Yet, even as a project, it is deeply problematic.

For instance, in the light of the recent events in Gujarat, are Patels and Dalits batting for the same team? Are indebted farmers contemplating suicide and billionaire investors seeking farmland part of the same team? Are Adivasis and mining companies equal members of 'Team India'?

Furthermore, all teams are hierarchical, with a captain who calls the shots. In Mr. Modi's re-imagining of the nation as a team, it is obvious who the captain is.

The logic of 'Team India'

To understand the underlying logic of the Team India project, one must go back to the core ideas of a 'team': competition and purpose. Teams in the real world are typically time-bound — they come together for a task or activity, and disband once the task/activity is finished.

As the cementing element of a national identity, however, the team becomes an all-encompassing, permanent condition. Mr. Modi's repeated invocation of 'Team India' communicates a vision of nationhood as a 'team' of 125 crore Indians that is in fierce competition for global supremacy with other nations. The task facing this team is nation-building (defined as strengthening the nation-state, not to be confused with the welfare of the poor). It is a task that can never end. Or end only at the level of the individual — with death.

Such a vision of 'Team India' demands a complete merger of the nation with the state, in which the citizen, instead of being a rights-bearing political entity with claims on the state, dwindles into a kind of glorified employee who, like any model employee of the 21st century, would put the interests of the team above self-interest (or any other interest). Here, the team's interest, lest there be any doubt, means national interest.

The flip side of this idea of citizens as members of a national team is that any democratic dissent — or criticism of the captain — signifies 'bad team player'. A bad team player sabotages the team's interests, i.e., national interest. This follows naturally from the absolute subordination of citizenship — which entails rights vested in the individual — to the interests of the state. In other words, civil and democratic rights, such as privacy and freedom of expression, hold no importance from the perspective of the team.

If a media organisation was to report on  abuses perpetrated by the state, it could be viewed as harming the national interest. Ditto for non-governmental organisations (NGO). Not surprisingly, the Modi  has been far more draconian in its crackdown on rights-based NGOs compared to its predecessor.

From 'Team India' to 'Team Modi'

The term 'Team India' first gained currency as a moniker for India's national cricket team. Among Indian cricket fans, it was a mode of identification that evoked intense patriotic, and frequently jingoistic, passions. But 'Team India' in this case referred to a specific team of 11 skilled Indians who had come together to represent the country in a global competition. It did not comprise the entire population of India; 125 crore Indians might cheer for 'Team India', the cricket team. They might wear the team jersey, or paint their faces in the team colours. But they could not themselves participate in Team India's World Cup. They had no say in the team composition, or choice of captain, or match strategy, nor could they themselves go out and play — for they were not members of 'Team India' in reality. They were merely its cheerleaders, and had no illusions about it.

On the other hand, the nation recast as 'Team India' reproduces the same structure of patriotic identification but with an added bonus — the delusion of equal participation. Mr. Modi is the captain leading 'Team India'. The actual 'team' here is the Indian state and those with access to, if not control over, its various levers.

All that the 125 crore 'members' of this so-called 'Team India' can do is cheer the captain and/or obey his instructions. When Mr. Modi asks 125 crore Indians to unite for the cause of 'Team India', he is effectively addressing them as their captain, instructing them to contribute their bit to make 'Team India' win — by offering it their lands, surrendering their rights, giving up their subsidies, all for the greater glory of 'Team India'. It is essentially a top-down, anti-democratic project.

Finally, the very nature of team-centric discourse is such that the captain, sooner or later, becomes a metonym for the team. It remains to be seen whether this invocation of nationhood as a team catches on in public discourse. If it does, and the term 'Team India' as used by Mr. Modi achieves popular currency, it would be natural for it become interchangeable with Team Modi.


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उच्च शिक्षा के घटिया स्तर के लिए कौन ज़िम्मेदार?

नर्मदा बचाओ आंदोलन : एक जीवंत संघर्ष


नर्मदा बचाओ आंदोलन : एक जीवंत संघर्ष

Posted by संघर्ष संवाद on मंगलवार, सितंबर 01, 2015 - See more at: 
नर्मदा बचाओ आंदोलन द्वारा मध्य प्रदेश के बड़़वानी केे नजदीक नर्मदा किनारे स्थित  राजघाट गांव में 11 अगस्त से जारी 'जीवन अधिकार सत्याग्रह'को दो हफ्ते से भी अधिक हो गए हैं। इस बीच डूब प्रभावित 244 गांव एवं धरमपुरी नगर के हजारों नागरिकों का सत्याग्रह स्थल पर आने का सिलसिला लगातार जारी है। प्रतिदिन प्रभावित 4-5 गांव के नागरिक सत्याग्रह स्थल पर अपनी आमद दर्ज करा कर अपनी भूमि का दावा पत्र तैयार कर रहे हैं। सभी का एक स्वर में प्रण है कि वह किसी भी सूरत में अपना घर, खेत व गांव नहीं छोड़ेगें। पेश है सप्रेस से साभार रिपोर्ट;

 सत्याग्रह में जांगरवा, घनोरा, छोटा बडदा (बड़वानी) गांगली, चिखल्दा, आवली, सेगावा, निसरपुर, अकोला, अवल्दा, खरिया बादल, कत्मेरा, मनावर, दतवाड़ा, मोहीपुरा, गांगली, सेमल्दा आदि गांवों के निवासी पिछले एक सप्ताह में सत्याग्रह स्थल पर पहुँचे थे। इसके अलावा 24 व 25 अगस्त को हुए सम्मेलनों एवं मछुआरा सम्मेलन में सैकड़ों गांवों के तमाम निवासी भी सत्याग्रह में शिरकत करने पहुंचे। 

इस बीच नर्मदा घाटी में ही खरगोन जिले में बन रहे अपरवेदा बांध में अवैध रूप से 14 गांवों को डुबाने का विरोध करने पर नबआ की वरिष्ठ कार्यकर्ता चित्तरूपा पालित (सिल्वीबहन) को गिरफ्तार किए जाने के खिलाफ भी निंदा प्रस्ताव पारित किया गया। ओडिशा के वरिष्ठ पर्यावरणविद् एवं सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता प्रफुल्ल सामंतरा ने कहा नर्मदा बचाओ आंदोलन ने विकास की अवधारणा पर जो प्रश्न 30 वर्ष पहले उठाए थे वह आज देश के राजनीतिक एजेंडे पर आ चुके हैं। भूमि अधिग्रहण से हो रहा अन्याय, किसानों और आदिवासियों की लूट के खिलाफ अब देशवासी लामबंद होने लगे हैं। मोदी सरकार की तानाशाही का सबूत है सरदार सरोवर बांध की ऊँचाई को 17 मीटर बढ़ाना। इस बीच कुक्षी व धार के विधायकों ने भी जीवन अधिकार सत्याग्रह का समर्थन कर शासन को चेतावनी दी है।

सत्याग्रह के दौरान ''मछली अधिकार सम्मेलन''का आयोजन भी किया गया। इसमें महाराष्ट्र व मध्यप्रदेश के मछुआरों ने बड़ी संख्या में भाग लिया। बरगी बांध में 54 मछुआरा सहकारिता समितियों के महासंघ के अध्यक्ष रहे मुन्ना बर्मन इसमें विशेष अतिथि थे। सम्मेलन में म.प्र. में जलाशयों को ठेके पर दिये जाने का विरोध किया। सुश्री मेधा पाटकर का  कहना था कि नर्मदा नदी के दोनों किनारों पर बसे मछुआरों के पुर्नवास के बिना विस्थापन गैरकानूनी है। उनका कहना था कि जिस 40000 हेक्टेयर सरदार सरोवर जलाशय पर मछुआरों का अधिकार है उन्हें महज 40 हजार रु. का नगद अनुदान देकर बेदखल किया जा रहा है। चर्चा में मीरा और कैलाश अवास्या ने भी भागीदारी की। 

24 अगस्त को सत्याग्रह स्थल पर भूमि आवास आजीविका महासम्मेलन का आयोजन किया गया। इसमें देशभर से जनआंदोलनों के कार्यकर्ताओं ने शिरकत की। सभी का मानना था कि सरदार सरोवर राजनीतिक षड़यंत्र एवं कारपोरेट लूट का एक प्रतीक है। जनआंदोलनों के प्रतिनिधियों के साथ ही साथ राजनैतिक कार्यकर्ताओं, सामाजिक संस्थाओं के प्रतिनिधियों, बुद्धिजीवियों, कलाकारों व सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं ने हजारों प्रभावितों के साथ संकल्प लिया कि 30 वर्षाें से चल रहे नर्मदा के संघर्ष को वह और भी तीव्र करेंगे ताकि घाटी के लोगों को न्याय मिल सके। सबका कहना था कि यह सत्याग्रह अनिश्चितकाल तक चलेगा, जब तक कि न्याय नहीं हो जाता।

सम्मेलन में स्वराज अभियान के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक योगेंद्र यादव ने कहा कि गैरकानूनी सरदार सरोवर और उसकी अमानवीयता अब न्यायालय में, सरकार के सामने व जमीन पर भी जाहिर हो चुकी है, अब सरकार को गेट लगाने से रोकना ही होगा। उनका कहना था कि यह विकास नहीं राजनीतिक घमंड है। गुजरात व महाराष्ट्र के विस्थापितों ने अपनी दुर्दशा व व्यथा को सबके साथ साझा किया। वरिष्ठ गांधीवादी अनिल त्रिवेदी का कहना था कि ''नर्मदा बचाओ आंदोलन अपने आप में एक जीता जागता विश्वविद्यालय है व गांधी और अम्बेड़कर के विचारों का दुबारा आविष्कार है।''

किसान संघर्ष समिति की अधिवक्ता आराधना भार्गव ने सरकारों की किसान विरोधी नीतियों का खुलासा किया। उन्होंने कहा कारपोरेट व कलेक्टर के बिना देश चल सकता है पर किसान व फसल के बिना नहीं। बिहार से आए महेंद्र यादव व कामायनी स्वामी एवं केरल से पधारे सी. के जानू ने भी नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार की नीतियों की आलोचना की। सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता एवं सोशलिस्ट पार्टी के नेता संदीप पांडे जो कि अपरवेदा बांध प्रभावितों के संघर्ष को समर्थन देकर लौटे थे, का कहना था कि अस्वस्थ राजनीति के खिलाफ संयुक्त संघर्ष छेड़ना होगा। उन्हांेेने बांध को गैरकानूनी घोषित करने एवं परियोजना पर पुनर्विचार की मांग की। प्रभवित क्षेत्र के आदिवासियों की ओर से तीनों राज्यों म.प्र. महाराष्ट्र एवं गुजरात से आए गोखरु, नूरजी व जीकूभाई ने भी संबोधित किया था। नबआ की ओर से सुश्री मेधा पाटकर ने सरकार द्वारा बड़े बांधो पर पुनर्विचार न करने पर सवाल उठाया। उन्होंने विगत 60 सालों में बांधों से हुए नुकसान का लेखा जोखा भी प्रस्तुत किया। उनका कहना था कि 90 हजार करोड़ के निवेश के बावजूद सरदार सरोवर बांध से विस्थापित होने वाले 2.5 लाख लोगांें का पुनर्वास नहीं हुआ। 

सम्मेलन के दूसरे दिन 15 राज्यों  से आए नागरिकों एवं जनसंगठनों ने पिछले दो हफ्ते की सरकार की चुप्पी पर भी सवाल उठाया। जनसंगठनों के राष्ट्रीय समन्वय ने तय किया कि आने वाले दिनों मे प्रधानमंत्री, मुख्यमंत्री, मानवाधिकार आयोग आदि को पत्र लिखेंगे। साथ ही प्रभावित गांवों द्वारा पोस्टकार्ड अभियान चलाया जाएगा। हरसूद दिवस (28 सितंबर) को नर्मदा घाटी में एक संयुक्त सम्मेलन का आयोजन भी किया जाए। तमिलनाडु से आई ग्रेब्रियल ने नर्मदा बचाओ आंदोलन को देशभर के आंदोलन का प्रेरणा स्त्रोत बताया। इस मौके पर जनआंदोलनों के राष्ट्रीय समन्वय ने बताया कि भू-अर्जन एवं विकास की झूठी अवधारणा के खिलाफ नवंबर माह में एक देशव्यापी ''भू-अधिकार जन विकास यात्रा''निकाली जाएगी। इस अवसर पर रामकृष्ण राज, कैलाश मीणा, अमिताभ मित्रा, संजीव कुमार, शबनम, जो अथियाली, कुसुम जोसफ, डा. सुनीलम, सुनीती सु.र., सुभाष लोमाते, मारूती भापकर, सतीश लोमते, प्रसाद बागवे, सुहास कोल्हेकर, परवीन जहांगीर, साधना दाधीच, पूनम कनौजिया, उमेश तिवारी, डा. रूपेश वर्मा, मानव काम्बले आदि भी मौजूद थे।

अपरवेदा बांध में गैरकानूनी तौर पर पानी भरा

इन्दौर (सप्रेस)। नर्मदा बचाओ आंदोलन के वरिष्ठ कार्यकर्ता आलोक अग्रवाल ने विज्ञप्ति में बताया कि मध्यप्रदेश के खरगोन जिले में बन रहे अपरवेदा बांध पुनर्वास संबंधी अधिकारों से वंचित किए जाने के विरोध स्वरूप प्रभावित जनसमुदाय डूब क्षेत्र के उदयपुर गांव में अनिश्चितकालीन जल सत्याग्रह पर बैठ गया है। प्रभावित लोग विगत 7 दिनांे से पानी में ही है और उनके अंगों को जबरदस्त नुकसान पहुंच रहा है। इस बीच वरिष्ठ सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता एवं मेग्सेसे पुरस्कार विजेता संदीप पांडे ने जल सत्याग्रह स्थल पर पहुंच कर संघर्षशील आदिवासी महिला और पुरुषों को अपना समर्थन दिया। श्री पाण्डे ने कहा कि यह दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है कि देश के विकास के लिए अपना सबकुछ कुर्बान करने वाले आदिवासियों को बिना पुनर्वास डुबोया जाना सरकार की असंवेदनशीलता और उसके दमनकारी चरित्र को ही उजागर करता है। इस बीच छः दिन तक गिरफ्तार रहने के बाद न.ब.आ. की प्रमुख कार्यकर्ता चित्तरूपा पालित को अंततः न्यायालय द्वारा जमानत पर रिहा कर दिया गया। गौरतलब है कि नवीनतम मामले में जमानत मिलने के बावजूद सरकार ने पुराने मामले खोलकर उन्हें जेल में डाल रखा था। आज ही एक अन्य कार्यकर्ता अजय गोस्वामी को भी निजी मुचलके पर रिहा कर दिया गया। अभी तक शिकायत निवारण प्राधिकरण (जी आर ए) की सुनवाई ही पूरी नहीं है और शासन ने बांध को अवैध रूप से भरना भी प्रारंभ कर दिया है। जबकि सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के 13 मई 2009 के निर्णय में स्पष्ट उल्लेख है कि शिकायत निवारण प्राधिकरण की प्रक्रिया पूरी होने के बाद एवं जब तक विस्थापितों को पुनर्वास हक प्राप्त नहीं होते तब तक बांध में पानी नहीं भरा जा सकता।  - See more at: http://www.sangharshsamvad.org/2015/09/blog-post.html#sthash.ZhXFIiPI.dpuf
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सेना प्रमुख का इशाराः 'संक्षिप्त युध्द'के लिए तैयार रहे सेना!


सेना प्रमुख का इशाराः 'संक्षिप्त युध्द' के लिए तैयार रहे सेना!

Reporter ArunKumarRTI NEWS

नई दिल्‍ली : थल सेनाध्यक्ष जनरल दलबीर सिंह सुहाग ने कहा है कि सीमा पर लगातार हो रहे संघर्ष विराम के उल्‍लंघन और पाकिस्‍तान की ओर से की जा रही घुसपैठ की कोशिशों के मद्देनजर सेना को संक्षिप्‍त युद्धों के लिए तैयार रहना चाहिए। गौर हो कि आर्मी चीफ 1965 युद्ध पर हो रहे सेमिनार के मौके पर मंगलवार को तीनों सेनाओं को संबोधित कर रहे थे।

उन्‍होंने कहा कि हम जानते हैं कि भविष्‍य में होने वाले छोटे युद्ध की चेतावनी के लिए सीमित समय होगा। ऐसे में ऑपरेशनल तैयारियों को हर समय उच्‍च स्‍तर पर रखना जरूरी है। यह हमारी रणनीति के लिए अहम हो गया है। सेना प्रमुख ने यह भी कहा कि पाकिस्‍तान की ओर से किए जा रहे संघर्ष विराम के उल्‍लंघन की संख्‍याओं में हो रहे इजाफे को देखते हुए सेना पहले से अधिक सतर्क हो गई है। हमारे खतरे और चुनौतियां पहले से अधिक जटिल हो गई हैं। 

पश्चिम में हमारे पड़ोसी देश की ओर से हो रहे लगातार हो रही घुसपैठ के कारण सीमा पर सतर्कता काफी बढ़ गई है। जम्‍मू-कश्‍मीर में अशांति फैलाने के लिए लगातार नए तरीके अपनाए जा रहे हैं। उन्‍होंने कहा कि 1965 का युद्ध भारतीय सेना के अदम्‍य साहस, असाधारण महानता और दृढ़ संकल्‍प की गाथा है। उन्‍होंने युद्ध के दौरान नागरिक आबादी के योगदान की भी प्रसंशा की और बताया कि सेना के लिए लोगों का सहयोग कितना अहम होता है।

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CPDR Condemns Killing of Dr Malleshappa Kalburgi


CPDR Condemns Killing of Dr Malleshappa Kalburgi


We are yet to come out from the shock of the assassinations of Dr. Narendra Dabholkar and Com. Govind Pansare in 2013 and 2014 respectively, the Hindutva zealots have gunned down one more rationalist and renowned scholar in Dr Malleshappa Kalburgi, this time in neighboring Karnataka.

In Maharashtra, both the previous Congress and present BJP-Shivsena governments have amply demonstrated by their inaction in apprehending the murderers of Dabholkar and Pansare on whose side they stood and exposed their clandestine relations with the majority communalists. In Karnataka the Congress government is now on test to prove its secular mettle and erase the steins of communalism to some extent from the face of the Congress.

Dr Kalburgi was a Lingayat, the follower of the 12thcentury reformer Basavanna, who preached against castes and idolatry of Hinduism. It is irony of history that the Lingayats who are not supposed to be Hindus, today flaunt their mantle of Hindutva. They detested Kalburgi's rationalist projection of Basava vachanas. Sadly they will find themselves on the side of the wickedest enemy of Basavanna, who have killed one of the best of his contemporary disciples.  

Last year, the very zealots had attacked another illustrious son of Karnataka U R Ananthamurthy who was a co-traveller of Kalburgi in the same campaign for rational thought. Emboldened by the ascent of Narendra Modi, who had dubious distinction of demonstrating his law of 'action and reaction' with the carnage of over 2000 Muslims in Gujarat, to the throne of Delhi, these zealots have gone berserk killing people who speak against their venomous creed.  

The modus operandi in all the three cases being exactly the same, associated with similar jubilation in the right wing camp, it should not be difficult for the Karnataka government to apprehend the culprits. It has already handed over the case to CBI, may be to assuage resentment of people. CBI or no CBI, however, it should not forget that people are interested in seeing the murderers of Kalburgi convicted for their crime in a reasonable time frame.

CPDR urges people of the country to stand up and speak out against this heinous trend of murderous intimidation of democratic polity. 


Dr Anand Teltumbde

Anand Teltumbde's profile photo

General Secretary,

Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights (CPDR), Mumbai.


31 August 2015

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Posted by The Himalayan Voice:
[Cadres of Samyukta Loktantrik Madhesi Morcah demonstrated in various parts in Birgunj defying the indefinite curfew enforced by the local administration since 4 pm on Monday. Police opened fire at the protestors when they reached the District Development Committee office.]

A Post Report, Kathmandu
Sep 1, 2015- Four protesters died during violent protests in Birgunj of Parsa district on Tuesday. The death toll from the protests in Birgunj over the proposed seven-state federal set-up has climbed to five.

Three protesters injured in clashes with police at Laxmanuwa Chok in Birgunj died in course of treatment. Dinanath Sah and Bhola Prasad Sah, who sustained bullet during the clash, succumbed during treatment, National Medical College In-charge Dililp Sah informed.

Likewise, one Sohan Kalwar died on the spot during the clash in Naguwa Chok. A protester had died in Birgunj on Monday.

Around a dozen people including Madhesi Janadhikar Forum –Loktantrik (MJF-L) central member Ameri Lal Pal Raut were injured. Ameri Lal and Chaturi are said to be critical.

Meanwhile, the local administration has declared Birgunj a riot-hit area.

Police opened fire during a clash with protesters at around 1:30 this afternoon in Birgunj Sub-Metropolitan City-16. One of the injured is said to be critical. The injured are undergoing treatment at Narayani Sub-regionalHospital.

The number of people injured in Tuesday's protests has reached eight.

Earlier in the day, six people were injured in police firing during the protests against the proposed seven-state federal set-up.

Three people including a policeman and two staffers ofNarayani Sub-regional Hospital were injured when police opened shots into the air after the protesters mobbed the hospital.

It has been learnt that police opened fire at Gandak Chok of Birgunj at around 7:30 this morning after the agitators defied the curfew order.

The protesters torched two parked government vehicles at Inland Revenue Department.

Two children—identified as Dipesh Patel, 10, and Sandeep Patel—have been injured in police firing. They have been receiving medical attention at Narayani Sub-regionalHospital.

Cadres of Samyukta Loktantrik Madhesi Morcah demonstrated in various parts in Birgunj defying the indefinite curfew enforced by the local administration since 4 pm on Monday. Police opened fire at the protestors when they reached the District Development Committee office.

Nepal Sadhbhavana Party Chairman Rajendra Mahato reached the hospital to meet the two injured minors. Mahato, along with his cadres, defied the curfew order to reach the hospital this morning.

A large number of security personnel have been deployed in the area after early morning tension.

A protester succumbed to injuries from police firing more than 30 others were injured in Birgunj on Monday as the clashes between security personnel and protesters turned violent.

[He tried to clarify India's position on Nepal's political and constitutional matters at a time when the neighbour's interests in Nepal's affairs vacillate between being controversial and cooperative.]

By Devendra Bhattarai, NEW DELHI

Sep 1, 2015- In the midst of political and social sensitivities in Nepal, "India refrains from commenting onNepal's internal matters knowingly or unknowingly", a senior South Block official said on Monday.

Indian officials were aware of what is happening in Nepal, said the official. "India is also informed about the efforts being made at consensus while Nepal reaches the last leg of bringing out a new constitution and completing the peace process."

He tried to clarify India's position on Nepal's political and constitutional matters at a time when the neighbour's interests in Nepal's affairs vacillate between being controversial and cooperative.

The official, who is in charge of Nepal affairs at South Block in the Indian capital but is not authorised to speak to the media, told the Post that India wants to see a constitution resulting from maximum and broader consensus. "We hope there will be a new constitution by mid-September as per the present understanding."

He clarified that India does not prescribe any form of federalism and religion. The recent visits of two former prime ministers Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Sher Bahadur Deuba had sent positive messages across to Nepal, the official said.

"We have heard that CPN-UML Chairman KP Oli has barred party leaders from visiting India. No UML leader has expressed interest to visit New Delhi," said the official. He added that leaders of Madhesi parties had never sought to visit India as reported in some Nepali media.

The official, however, refused to comment on Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh's statement concerning Nepal on Monday.

Blaming local media for "unnecessary hype", he said they were trying to render Nepal-India relations "abstract and meaningless". The official said concerned entities from both the sides should step up vigil against such reports.

'No relations with Amresh'

Meanwhile, the official said that the Ministry of External Affairs of India has no concerns over the activities of Nepali Congress lawmaker Amresh Kumar Singh, who claims to have good rapport with Indian leaders and cordial relations with the Indian establishment.

Some days ago, when there was opposition against him in the Madhes, he was trying to sneak into the Consular General's Office of India in Birgunj but he was denied entry, said the official.

The official, who keeps tabs on the developments in Nepal, said there was no need for India to extend relations with Singh. He also denied New Delhi's role in Sadbhawana Party's quitting the Constituent Assembly.

The official said some major agreements reached with Nepalparticularly in hydropower development should be considered as achievements in bilateral ties.

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Kangaroo court backtracks on rape diktat, family still in hiding, moves Supreme Court.Dalits Media watch - News Updates 01.09.15


Dalits Media Watch

News Updates 01.09.15



Locals irked over use of photo in toilet ad - The Times Of India


Kangaroo court backtracks on rape diktat, family still in hiding, moves Supreme Court - DNA


Dalit, Caste Hindu Clash over Devotee's Bid to Click Deity - The New India express


Yadav Singh among 83 babus facing demotion from today - The Times Of India


Karat meets convicts of Swami Laxmananda - The Statesman


3 labourers die of asphyxiation in sewer line - The Times Of India





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Chatterjee: Ambedkar never asked Dalits to opt for Pakistan part 2-4



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The Times Of India


Locals irked over use of photo in toilet ad



Pratiksha Ramkumar | Sep 1, 2015, 09.13 AM IST


COIMBATORE: Imagine seeing a picture of yourself in an advertisement to promote the use of public toilets and curb open defecation. This is exactly what happened to a group of people living in the slums of Kamarajapuram. 

Their picture had been pasted next to the Namma Toilets in VOC Park and Kavundampalayam. The slum dwellers, who were seen removing the poster on Monday, have accused the Coimbatore Corporation of using their picture surreptitiously, without seeking their permission. 

Thirty-eight-year-old Santhi Dinesh's daughter, Revathi, has not attended college for the past week, because she is being teased by her classmates and friends. "They have been making fun of her because her mother's picture has been stuck in front of all the public toilets in the city. They have been asking her how we relieved ourselves before 'Namma Toilets' came up. And they ask if the government has finally taught us to be clean,"

aid Santhi. 

The picture features a group of people, including women and children, from various families residing in the slums of Kamarajapuram. "Many of these children who attend the SRB Ammani Ammal School in R S Puram have not been going to school for the past one week too, because of all the teasing and bullying," said T Ranganthan, a member of a Dravidian group fighting for Dalit rights. 

The residents have submitted a petition to the district collector requesting removal of these posters. "Corporation officials came to our slum one year ago claiming that they were taking a census, to give us alternate housing, and made us pose for a picture. We were never told that it would be used for advertising 'Namma Toilets'. They lied to us," said Santhi. 

"How can you expect the public to treat us dalits well, if the government insults us in this way," said Ranganathan.




Kangaroo court backtracks on rape diktat, family still in hiding, moves Supreme Court



Tuesday, 1 September 2015 - 7:20am IST | Place: Lucknow | Agency: dna | From the print edition


In news: The incident is making headlines in the global media after human rights organisation Amnesty International made a petition demanding action


Almost a month after it had decreed the rape of two sisters, a 'khap panchayat' (kangaroo court) in west UP has backtracked under mounting pressure from authorities and said that the Dalit girls aged 23 and 15, who had fled the village after the diktat, were free to return and would not be harmed.


The girls have approached the Supreme Court praying for their safety and a CBI inquiry into the incident. They have been hounded out of their native Sankrod village in Baghpat district of west UP and have been hiding in Delhi for the past three months for no fault of theirs. They have been under constant threat ever since their brother eloped with a married woman from the upper caste.


Furious over the Dalit youth's indiscretion, the native panchayat, called 'khap' and dominated by the upper caste Jats in west UP, decreed that his two sisters should be raped and paraded naked through the village with their faces blackened to avenge the dishonor.


The shocking incident has gained international attention with Nadhim Zahawi, a Conservative MP in the UK taking up the issue, asking the British foreign office "to make immediate representations to Indian authorities for action to be taken to protect the two sisters."

With the Supreme Court and the Centre virtually breathing down its neck, the state government has been jolted into action. Baghpat superintendent of police Sharad Sachan told reporters that the two Dalit girls and their family had been provided adequate security.


The authorities' pressure has also compelled the panchayat to withdraw its outlandish order. In fact, the "chaudhrys" (leaders) of the panchayat are saying that no such order had been passed. "This is an attempt by elements bent upon creating tension and disrupting law and order to garner votes in the coming panchayat election," said Rameshwar Chaudhry, one of the 'panchayat' representatives.


Several prominent Jat 'Chaudhrys' interviewed in the area by 'Zee Sangam' channel said the girls and the family were "welcome" to return, and that they would not be harmed.


"They are like our own daughters," one of them said, adding that there was no casteist tension among Jats and Jatavs (Dalits) in the area. However, the tension and uneasy calm prevailing in the village might prevent the harassed family's return indefinitely.


Meanwhile, the incident is making headlines in the global media after human rights organization Amnesty International made a petition demanding action, which has already garnered about 20,000 signatures.


The New India express


Dalit, Caste Hindu Clash over Devotee's Bid to Click Deity



By Express News Service Published: 01st September 2015 04:08 AM Last Updated: 01st September 2015 04:08 AM


VILLUPURAM: Weeks after the caste clash in Sethusamudram village near Villupuram left many injured and several huts gutted, another clash broke out between the Caste Hindus and Dalits at Alathur village near Marakkanam during a temple festival on Sunday night.


Sources said the 15-day long festival was being held at the Draupadi Amman temple in Alathur village. Villagers,  belonging to different castes and communities, were taking part in the festival.  On Sunday night, the fire-walking ceremony was conducted and next to the fire pit, an Amman idol was placed. At that time, a few local Dalit youth started taking photographs of the idol. On seeing this, a section of the Caste Hindus objected to this and tried to clear them from the spot. Soon, an argument broke out and it degenerated into a clash with the members of Dalits and Caste Hindus attacking one another with wooden logs. Twenty villagers, 10 from both sides, sustained minor injuries.


As the situation turned tense, police resorted to a lathicharge and dispersed the mob.  More than 100 policemen, headed by ASP Nisha Sekar, rushed and held peace talks. Security has been tightened in the area to prevent any further untoward incident.


The Times Of India


Yadav Singh among 83 babus facing demotion from today



TNN | Sep 1, 2015, 02.22 AM IST


NOIDA/GREATER NOIDA: Yadav Singh, the suspended former engineer-in-chief of the three Authorities in Gautam Budh Nagar, is among 83 Noida officials facing demotion with effect from Tuesday.

With the Noida and Greater Noida Authorities drawing up a final list of officials to be demoted on Monday, details of action taken in the matter are required to be submitted to the Uttar Pradesh government on September 3. According to officials, while 83 officials are likely to be reverted to designations they held before November 15, 1997, in Noida, in the Greater Noida Authority the figure is seven. The Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority does not have a single official facing demotion.

The move follows a Supreme Court verdict in April 2012 when it had upheld the Allahabad high court's decision to scrap the policy of reservations in promotions introduced by the Mayawati government. The Allahabad high court on January 4, 2011, had dubbed it "unconstitutional" and struck it down following at least 50 petitions by employees' associations from across the state.

In cognizance of the directions of the apex court, the Uttar Pradesh government had earlier this month approved a proposal to withdraw the promotion of all government employees who had been elevated under the 'controversial' reservation in promotion policy.

Thereafter, the state government had issued a government order (GO) on August 24 to draw up a list of gazetted officers as well as B and C-class employees who were promoted through the reservation provisions after November 15, 1997, and before April 28, 2012.

A committee had then been put into place in Noida and Greater Noida to scrutinize the files of all SC/ST employees who had taken advantage of reservation in promotion during the said period. The promotions that they received in the last 18 years were studied and the notches they are to be brought down from their current posts verified and designations notified.

Though demoted officials will not face a reduction in salary, no salary hike will be due to them until the salary of officials they had superseded do not get higher salaries, officials said.


The Statesman


Karat meets convicts of Swami Laxmananda




Left party leader Brinda Karat along with Suresh Panigrahi and Adhikant Singh social activist visited the district jail here to meet four tribals and three dalits who have been convicted in the case relating to murder of Swami Laxmananda Saraswati in 2008.


Talking to reporters Karat said " this is a case where the law has taken a totally wrong course. Innocent adivasis and dalits have been punished to assuage the threats that were made at the time for arrests.


The administration had failed to arrest the real killers and when the anger of his followers grew, the seven were arrested wrongfully. "Everyone in the district knows they are innocent, I was told by the innocent people who have been in jail for the last seven years that even the " babas" sent them messages that they know they are innocent.


"Their appeal is pending in the High Court, she added while referring to the worst ever communal riots that had rocked Kandhamal district in 2008 as a backlash to the murder of Laxmananda Saraswati who was a VHP leader.

Karat was here to address a rally organized at Raikia by the Justice and Peace for the Kandhamal Survivors Platform. Mani Shankar Aiyar, Kavitha Krishnan and the local MLA Jacob Pradhan participated and along with Brinda Karat addressed the public meeting.


The speakers strongly criticised the biased approach of the union and state governments towards the survivors.

Out of 38 recognized murder cases most have either been acquitted or given sentences for minor crimes. Only two have been sentenced to life imprisonment. Survivors of Kandhamal riots await justice, they said.


The Times Of India


3 labourers die of asphyxiation in sewer line



Rajendra Sharma,TNN | Sep 1, 2015, 11.38 AM IST


ALWAR: Three labourers died of asphyxiation after they entered into a sewer line in Alwar on Monday

The incident brought to light the apathy of authorities as the rescue operation could not be started for an hour, leading to resentment among the victims' family members.

The labourer admitted to the hospital risked his life to pull the bodies out. Officials said that one man had climbed into the sewer line, while the other two victims had gone into it to rescue the first one, but didn't come out.

According to the police, the deceased were identified as Sahrun (27), Ishaq (35) and Daulat (25). One Alifan is struggling for life at hospital.

The work for laying a sewer line is being undertaken by RUIDP. The mishap occurred near Kali Mori railway crossing in the afternoon.

The eyewitness said that when one labourer didn't come out or responded to calls for him, another labourer climbed got inside the sewer line.

When he too didn't come out, the third labourer also entered into the sewer line. Once inside, all the three died of asphyxiation.

Alifan then risked his life and pulled out the trio.

Meanwhile, people kept calling police and district officials but no one arrived. The local SDM reached the spot almost an hour after the incident.

People started shouting slogans and when police tried to intervene and save the officials from their ire, they manhandled policemen. The police handed over the bodies to family members after post-mortem examination.

Officials said that an investigation has been launched against the contractor who had employed these labourers. If negligence was found on his part, action will be taken against him.


Ahmedabad Mirror





Ahmedabad Mirror | Sep 1, 2015, 02.00 AM IST


University Grants Commission may have asked varsities to have an Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) long ago but it is now that Gujarat University has woken up and decided to have one such centre on its campus. On Thursday, the university will launch a nodal cell for creative interaction and promotion of equality across all sections of the society and to frame a policy for the deprived sections.

The initiative is aimed at spreading awareness across these sections. GU Vice-Chancellor M N Patel said, "The university is all set to initiate an awareness programme this month. Under the programme, we will also launch an EOC website." The cell's target groups are individuals belonging to SC, ST and OBC category, religious and linguistic minorities, the differently abled, women and poor, underprivileged children, and the youths living in the varsity's surroundings, said officials at GU.

As per the plan, the cell will have an advisory council that will include academicians and experts from fields like law, social work, gender studies, medicine, disability, equality, and human rights. Coordinator of the cell Sujatha Sony Onattu said, "We have tried to incorporate three types of programmes keeping in mind the cell's objective and our target groups' requirements. Our focus is on the programmes that will help the groups to develop into more competent individuals and better citizens. We will provide them coaching, training and counselling to help them grow in their career and handle their personal problems."

"We also aim to make them industry- ready and groom them to enter the job market by enhancing their skills," she added. The cell also plans to focus on orientation in community development and well-being through 'Joy of Giving' programmes. "The responsibility of providing coaching to the underprivileged children and youths in the localities near GU campus will be undertaken by our student volunteers," Onattu further said.


News monitored by AMRESH & AJEET

.Arun Khote
On behalf of
Dalits Media Watch Team
(An initiative of "Peoples Media Advocacy & Resource Centre-PMARC")

Dalits Media Watch

News Updates 01.09.15


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